the Dalmatian under the tree part seven

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#7 of the Dalmation under the tree (First attempt at writing)

-Eli stood over Tyler holding his lifeless paw crying, the tears fell from his eyes, as they ran down his cheeks he looked over the Dalmatian he used to call his own. Eli bent down and gave Tylers forehead a kiss

"Goodbye Tyler, I love you so much and I will never forget you" Eli cried wrapping his arms around his neck and holding him tightly, with no breath escaping his maw, no heart beat to listen to, Tyler just lay there. Eli let him go of him and Khareem embraced him

"Eli I am so sorry" Khareem whispered giving Eli a soft kiss to his fore head, Eli nodded and Kelly came running in

"TYLER" She cried running over and hugging her lifeless son "PLEASE TYLER DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE COME BACK" Kelly cried, Eli walked over to her and hugged her crying, Kelly and Eli hugged each other, comforting each other as they cried


A month later


The rain came pouring down in the cemetery the afternoon of the funeral, people stood under umbrellas some wore rain coats but Eli stood in the rain, no matter how many times Khareem asked Eli wouldn't get under an umbrella, he just stood, shook his head and stood letting the rain drench him. Eli stood in a plain white long sleeved shirt with a black tie covered by a black blazer, his bottom half covered by long black pants, his face drenched in salty tears and rain as they lowered Tylers' coffin into the ground, Eli threw in his white rose and as it fell Eli shed another tear. Tylers' grave was soon filled and soon everybody had left, only Eli and Khareem where left, Eli kneeled down, kissed his paw and rubbed Tylers grave

"I'll visit as often as possible Hun I promise" Eli cried, Eli stood up and walked over to Khareem who embraced his crying lover tightly underneath an umbrella, Khareem held Eli close to him as they walked back to the car, Eli looked back into the cemetery

"I love you" Eli whispered to himself letting another tear slid down his face. Eli got into the car and rested against the window, Khareem got Elis arm, pulled him over and embraced his weeping lover tightly "Do you mind if I stay at Tylers and mines house tonight" Eli asked

"Don't you want me their pup" Khareem asked

"I don't want to bother you and I kinda just want to be alone" Eli whimpered, Khareem shook his head

"You're not going to bother me but if that's what you want, but you know I'm only a 12 minute drive away" Khareem said kissing Eli softly on the cheek, Eli nodded

"H-have I done something wrong" Khareem asked worried

"NO, no Khareem I just feel like being alone is all" Eli explained wiping his tears giving Khareems neck a huge hug. Khareem nodded then started the car, The drive was long and quiet nobody spoke till they came to now Elis house where a car was in the drive way, it looked familiar to Eli but he didn't know who it's was.

"Okay here we are, whose car is that" Khareem asked

"I-I don't know" Eli said, Khareem got out followed by Eli, Eli walked up to the door, Khareem a couple of paw steps behind him and found it unlocked, Eli opened the door looking around seeing nobody, the two dogs walked through to the kitchen where a white husky stood facing the wall

"Excuse me can I help you" Eli sniffed with Khareem standing behind him, The husky turned around with a wicked smile "M-MUM" Eli asked backing into Khareem who put his paw against his back for reassurance

"Yes that's right fag I'm out" she said "And where is your ass-hole Dalmatian" She asked, Eli looked down at the reminder of how he could never see the Dalmatians smile again, never hear his voice again, never be able to feel his soft paw stroke his face, never able to feel Tylers' lips against his own

"Dead" Eli said with a tear falling from his eye

"Aww that to bad my condolences" She said sarcastically "Stupid mutt serves him right". When Eli heard this it rung in his ears, his fists balled his teeth clenched together and before Eli knew what he was doing it all just came out

"OH FUCK YOU MUM" Eli yelled at her, the first look on her maw was shock then it grew to anger

"What was that fag" she said walking towards Eli but stoped when Khareem stood in front of him and growled loudly " I see you have another dumb mutt, whose this one"

"Khareem Wilson" Khareem growled

"Well mannered I see, I'm Joann Davis the fag's mother" Joann said with a bit of a growl behind her voice

"No I don't use my manners to stuck up whores who treat their amazing sons like shit so if you don't mind, please leave" Khareem instructed "Or do I have to make you" Khareem growled

"OH wow tough aren't we" Joann said walking out of the kitchen, Khareem made sure Eli was behind him as she walked by, Khareem followed her to make sure she left then the wolf came back and gave his now scared lover a hug

"You okay" Khareem asked, Eli buried his face in Khareems neck and began crying

"Do you mind staying" Eli asked

"No puppy not at all just let me go lock up and get my phone I'll be right back I promise" Khareem said kissing him softly

"O-okay but please hurry" Eli pleaded, Khareem nodded, gave Eli a soft kiss and left, Eli locked all the doors and went into Tylers and his old room, locked the door then Eli lay on his side and rubbed Tylers side crying. Eli lay looking at the side Tyler used to lay, the side he used to share with Eli, The side Tyler used to call his own, Eli lay till he heard a loud knock on the door

"FAG OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW" Joann yelled, Eli shook and whimpered thinking about what would happen if she broke through the door, the bashing he would receive for not doing what he was told. Eli cowered at the top of the bed wishing Tyler was there to protect him, to hold him and tell him he was safe with him. "ELI IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO GOD I AM GOING TO RIP YOU TO PEICES"

Eli was up against the wall holding his knees trying to pretended that Tyler was there and that he was holding him now, Joann consistently thrashed at the door trying to break it down screaming threat after threat at Eli, calling him a fag, a no hope, a pathetic piece of shit each insult hurt him more than any blade could, as if Joann had his heart in her paws and every time she insulted him she struck it with a needle.

Eli was trembling in pure fear, he dare not move, he dare not call somebody, he just sat and trembled until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, Eli tried to get it but he was still frozen, his mother only had 3 inches of wood to get through till she had to go through a 2 inch thick door then she had him, Elis forced himself to move, his paw slowly crept into his pocket and pulled his phone out slowly and answered it.


Hay Eli its Fin h-how are you

Fin please help me, my mother is right outside Tylers and my house and she's threatening to kill me

WHAT? We are on our way

The phone went silent

"No wait Fin" Eli shouted but then Eli heard a loud slam

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Joann yelled, she had just kicked the door in and was now out for Eli, searching everywhere, Joann smiled as she walked into the kitchen and checked in the cupboard, she cursed under her breath "Eli, oh Eli where the FUCK ARE YOU" Joann said spotting a butcher knife, Joann grabbed the knife and laughed "Oh Eli when I find you your gonna beg for mercy, beg for me to stop but I won't" Joann called out 'I'M NOT STOPPING TILL YOU BLEED TO DEATH".

Eli whimpered tears rolling down his cheeks just hoping somebody would find him before Joann murdered him, Joann walked around till she found the door that lead into Eli and Tylers room, she tried the handle but Eli had locked it so she couldn't open the door

"Eli open the door now" Joann commanded, Eli just whimpered on the bed holding his knees trembling "ELI I MENT NOW" Joann yelled

"NO JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE" Eli yelled in fear, Joann then let out a hard chuckle and was about to kick the door down when another voice was heard from the door

"Eli" a girl's voice came from the front door "Eli its Rachel" Rachel called out

"RACHEL RUN" Eli yelled out but Rachel didn't hear him, Joann hid when she heard her getting closer to their direction, Rachel came into the hallway where Eli and Tylers room was and the door opposite it was the bathroom.

"Eli where are you" Rachel asked about to knock on the door when Eli spoke up again

"RACHEL RUN MY MUMS HERE" Eli shouted, Rachel's eyes widened when she heard Eli so she turned and ran but Joann caught her by her hair.

"ARRRRRGGGGG NO LET ME GO ARRRRRRRRRG" Rachel screamed in pain, Eli was about to run out their but froze at the door

"OH well now, Rachel was it, well you can help me get Eli from his room" Joann said tightening her grip on Rachel's hair.

"FUCK YOU ARRRRRGGGGG" Rachel screamed in pain, Joann brought her other paw down and made the knife touch Rachel's throat

"Eli if you don't come out of that room right now I'm going to spill her blood all over the floor" Joann threatened, Elis face was drenched with tears as he slowly opened the door

"NO ELI STAY IN THE ROOM" Rachel yelled Joann pulled at her hair and gave the otters' neck a nick "ARRRRGGG"

"SHUT YOUR SUCK HOLE SLUT" Joann spat, when Eli heard this he steamed, his fist balled, insulting him was one thing but insulting his best friend, threatening their life caused his fear to go and to refill him with anger. Eli swung the door open, ran down the hall way and threw his fist into Joann's face.

Joann fell to the floor with a loud thump whilst dropping the knife; Eli stood there as reality came back to him, He looked as he saw his mother holding her now bleeding maw and squirming , Eli then went to Rachel who hugged him

"Thank-you Eli Thank-you" Rachel cried on his shoulder

"It's okay; I would give my life for you Ra..." Eli was interrupted by a firm kick to the side of his maw,

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU LITTLE FAG" Joann yelled, Eli yowled as he fell to the floor, Eli covered his cheek and clenched his eyes shut in pain, Rachel stood and ran "OH NO YOU DON'T" Joann yelled grabbing her tail the swinging her into wall, Joann then grabbed Rachel's head and slammed it into the wall knocking her out. Rachel collapsed to the floor hard and Eli crawled back cowering while his mother walked towards knife in her paw. "I have been dreaming about this for a long, long time" Joann said raising the knife up past her head

Eli was now up against the wall his mother right above him

"See you in hell you lousy piece off shit" Joann said, Eli closed his eyes whimpering with his paws up in front of him, Joann swung the knife down heading straight for Elis head. Eli waited for the knife to slice through him, he waited for all his pain and suffering to end, but it didn't, he was still breathing he was still trembling, he opened his eyes slowly at first but when he saw a black dragon standing in front of him his eyes shot open.

"F-Fin" Eli asked, Eli saw Joanns' paws and the knife was in fins claws. Eli eyes were glued up till he heard Leon

"Eli, Eli come on" Leon said pulling at Elis arm, Eli looked over saw Leon his eyes were filled with worry and fear, Eli could tell Leon was pushing himself to try and help, Leon would have never done this if Fin wasn't their but still he was pushing himself far beyond his comfort zone to try and help Eli. Eli stood still trembling in fear while he started to walk out of the narrow hallway with Leon leading, They were about to pass Joann when her knee shot out of now where heading straight for Leons stomach, Elis body moved without him thinking, Eli grabbed Leon then stood in front of him taking Joann's full blow to his back.

"ARGGGG" Eli yelped as her hard knee struck him hard, Eli fell to his knees as Leon stood frozen in fear and shock, Fin flung Joann to the end of the hallway where she was trapped, Eli was kneeling with his paw on his back then Leon picked his arm up and they ran outside. Eli and Fin reached the lawn where Eli hugged Leon crying heavily, Leon held Eli petting him for comfort telling him fin will make sure she will never hurt him again and that every things going to be alright. Soon Fin came out holding Joann who now had duct duck around her paws, Eli hugged Leon tightly in fear as she walked by, Fin then undid her paws then tied her to a large tree in the front yard

"Your friends can't protect you forever Eli, sometime your gonna get what's coming to ya" Joann growled, Eli cried then he remembered Rachel was still in the house

"RACHEL" Eli yelled getting up and running into the house, Eli kneeled next to the unconscious otter, Eli picked her up and hugged her, He cried as he held her, her head had a red patch of blood from where Joann slammed her head into the wall from trying to run, from tying to get help, for trying to help Eli. Eli picked her up and brought her outside then sat down with her head on his leg, Eli looked at her crying silently while Fin called the police and Leon patted his back for comfort. Soon Khareems black Jeep came down the street, Eli didn't notice, he was looking down at Rachel holding her paw.

Khareem got out of the car and ran over to Eli

"ELI are you alright, are you hurt, what happened" Khareem asked looking all over Elis body checking everything was in place, Eli didn't answer he was looking down at somebody who he considered family, somebody who actually care about him, somebody who loved him. He looked up at Joann who was just standing their

"Why Mum, why do you hate me so much" Eli asked, Joann looked over

"Because you're a pathetic excuse for a fur who made your father leave, we had a puppy to save a marriage the worst mistake I have ever made" Joann sighed, Eli lifted Rachel off his leg and put her gently on the ground then walked over to his mother

"Because of me eh, well Joann maybe you should rethink that, maybe he left because he saw how much a fucking psycho you are, or maybe it had something to do with your lousiness in bed, when you raped me it was the most pathetic excuse for sex I have ever experienced. There are many reasons he could have left and none of them have anything to do with me, so Joann next time you go around blaming people have a good look at yourself and maybe you'll see that your a huge, crazy mother fucking whore" Eli growled walking away

"OH FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKER" Joann yelled to her son

"Yes Joann I am a fucking cock sucker, I am a fag but you know what; at least I have somebody who loves me" Eli said, Khareem walked over "and would protect me from pitiful ass wipes like you" Khareem put his lips against Elis, Khareem then put his paws around Eli as their lips and tongues danced with each other.

"You okay" Khareem asked when they broke the kiss, Eli nodded and gave Khareem a nuzzle smiling. Eli was smiling as he just did something he had wanted to do for years, stand up to his mother, after all the years of bashing, insults and isolation he finally was able to stand up for himself.

Khareem smiled then shot Joann a look as if to say 'that's right bitch he's not scared anymore', Khareem gave Eli one last hug then the police arrived. The police took Joann away then they all went inside, Eli sat with Rachels' head on his leg

"So Eli is this the famous wolf" Fin said after a while checking Leon was alright

"Yes this is Khareem, my wolfie" Eli said getting Khareems arm and putting it over his shoulders, Khareem smiled and brought his head over and gave Eli a soft kiss

"Well well, I have been waiting to meet you" Fin said walking over and sticking his claw out, Khareem took it with a smile

"Khareem" Khareem said smiling

"Fin, and this is Leon" Fin said beckoning Leon over, Leon walked over shyly, Fin stood behind him and put his arm around Leons waist who put his arms on Fins.

"Well that answers the question if you two are together" Khareem asked

"Yer, seven months next Tuesday" Fin said giving his cub a soft kiss to his neck

"So how did you two meet Eli" Khareem asked, then the room went silent, Eli felt his eyes starting to water, he tried to fight them but the thought of Tyler just made it to hard so the tears began to fall, Khareem gave him a hug "Sorry I-I didn't know" Khareem said

"No it's okay pup" Eli said while Khareem wiped away his tears "We met the day I spent with Tyler" Eli explained the entire day ((leaving out the unneeded details of the certain under water fun)) and then clasped his necklace holding it the giving it a kiss. Khareem smiled softly as he saw Eli kiss the necklace still seeing that he was wearing it. Eli had put the necklace down when Rachel started to open her eyes

"Hay" Eli said softly

"Hi" Rachel said rubbing her sore head then wincing when she brushed over her bruise

"How do you feel" Eli asked

"Sore, what happened" Rachel asked, Eli told her the police had taken her away and that she's gone, Rachel sat up rubbing her head when she noticed Fin and Leon "um Eli who are these two" Rachel asked "or am I hallucinating"

"No, the huge dragon is Fin and the cute lion is Leon" Eli introduced, Rachel smiled whilst introducing herself while Eli stood up and called lily, Telling her what happened and to take Rachel to go for a check up, Eli and joined the group, Eli sat down next to Rachel and Khareem and continued to talk with everybody, Soon their came a knock at the door, Eli answered

"ELI" the lioness yelled throwing her arms around him; Eli hugged her back "are you okay" Lily whispered

"I'm fine, its Rachel I'm worried about" Eli said back, Lily came in met Fin and Leon and left with Rachel, the four continued talking till the time struck six

"Oh crud, I'm sorry but me and the cub need to go" Fin said "We are meeting up with my parents tonight for dinner" Eli and Khareem nodded then stood up. Eli gave the two hug and a kiss on the cheek to say thanks for all the help while Khareem went with a paw shake. The two left with their paws around each other and when they left Khareem got a drill and some nails then started to fix the door, while Eli started dinner, Khareem had finished the door when Eli announced dinner was ready.

"You have amazing timing" Khareem said pulling the chair out for Eli who just smiled for a second and sat down, Khareem pulled it back out slowly, picked him up and held him "I really wish I could fix all your problems pup, you don't deserve any of the shit you have received in your life" Khareem whispered in his ear "I love you so much and I hate to see you like this, Joann needs to realise what she has and stop looking at what she lost which wasn't your fault. Eli I know you feel like nothing ever good is ever going to come your way but I promise you this" Khareem said looking into Elis blood cherry red eyes "I am going to always be here and I'm going to make everything better and that my puppy is a promise" Khareem said running he paw against Elis maw,

Eli closed his eyes and pressed his maw into Khareem big strong paw then he felt his maw against his, Eli opened his eyes to see Khareems eyes looking back into his, Eli closed his eyes again and kissed his big lover back, Eli needed it, he needed to be comforted to be shown that he is loved and that nothing will happen to him if Khareem could help it. A tear fell from Elis eye, it ran down Elis cheek and fell, Eli and Khareem broke the kiss and Khareem just held him.

The two stood there just holding each other, soon Eli gave Khareem an affectionate nuzzle and Khareem put him back into his chair with a lick to his nose. Khareem sat next to him then put his fork into the Carbonara letting the creamy, sweet sauce with the mixture of soft pasta and nice crispy bacon Khareem murred as the flavours hit his tongue

"Oh puppy, this is amazing" Khareem murred

"Thanks, but it's just Carbonara" Eli said with his head leaning on his paw

"Puppy I have had a lot of Carbonara and this is the best so far" Khareem complimented then he got an idea, Khareem stood then disappeared into the next room. When Khareem returned he held two candles, both lit and glowing, Khareem put them down then went to the kitchen got two wine glasses filled them with the best wine he could find then brought them over to the table turning off the light on his way.

"What's all this about" Eli asked

"What can't give my mate a romantic night" Khareem asked and Eli giggled, his first giggle in months it made Khareem smile hugely as he heard the giggle he missed so, he then reached over and gave Elis cheek a smooth stroke "I missed that giggle" Khareem sighed then Eli looked down "Puppy" Khareem asked

"I'm sorry I haven't been the happiest dog in the world lately but I have just missed Tyler a lot and I have wanted to smile and tell you I was happy but I just couldn't talk, smile or enjoy my time but this" Eli said looking back up into Khareems neon red eyes "made me smile, made me feel the happiness I haven't felt since I was with Tyler that day so Khareem; thank you" Eli said, Khareem smiled and wiped a tear from his eye

"Eli I love you so much and to hear you say that is like telling me I have won the lottery" Khareem said leaning over and giving Eli a soft kiss "I would take a bullet for you puppy I would gladly give up my life to ensure your safety" Khareem said giving Elis leg a soft rub "so tonight is about you and me and how much I love you" Khareem said finally putting his paws on Elis cheek and stroking Elis cheeks with his thumbs.

Eli murred with his eyes closed pushing his face into Khareems right thumb, Khareem stoped, gave Eli a kiss then continued eating not ever taking his gaze off Eli, Eli blushed seeing Khareems lustful gaze

"What are you looking at Hun" Eli asked even though he already knew the answer he just wanted to hear Khareems sweet, calming voice say it

"At you" Khareem replied


"Because your incredible, beautiful and enchanting" Khareem said, Eli giggled and blushed, He wasn't expecting that, he was expecting 'at the one I love' or 'at my sexy beast' but not 'because your incredible, beautiful and enchanting' Khareem smiled and put his paw on Elis and gave it a tight squeeze

Eli smiled softly as Khareem rubbed his paw then he grabbed his glass

"To Tyler" Khareem toasted, Elis smiled dropped a bit but it raised again

"To Tyler, He will be missed by many but mostly by me and Kelly so Tyler if you can hear me I love you and I miss you" Eli said and the two lovers tapped their glasses together. Eli and Khareem took a sip then when the two finished their meal they snuggled up on the couch, Khareem lay behind Eli with his arms wrapped around his puppy tightly who lay silent except for his soft, calming murr. Khareem gave Elis neck a soft lick and kiss which caused Eli to moan happily, Khareem then ran his paw down Elis chest to his stomach then into his jeans

"Khareem" Eli asked then Khareem moaned to say he was listening "Do you mind if we don't have sex" Eli asked, Khareem took his paw out of Elis jeans and off his sheath

"No of Corse not" Khareem replied with a rub of Elis flat stomach "may I take my shirt off" Khareem asked

"Puppy" Eli said turning around "you can get naked if you want but I just don't feel like yiffing okay" Eli said putting his paws on Khareems cheeks who smiled and nodded

"Okay sorry" Khareem apologized

"For what, you were only asking puppy no need to be sorry" Eli said putting his maw against Khareems for a minute or two then lay back and watched Khareem take his shirt off to reveal his big strong chest that had his bulging eight pack and big strong shoulders "Still can't believe I had two of the most amazing looking people fall for me" Eli said running his soft paw pads up and down Khareems abs.

Khareem smiled then gave Eli a smooch

"Well like Tyler and I said you looked cute and when we got to know you better we couldn't resist" Khareem giggled, Eli sighed with both grief and happiness, Eli missed Tyler and wanted to be able to see him again but he couldn't help but feel happy and safe in the company of his big blue and black wolf. Eli snuggled up close to Khareem and closed his eyes

"You have had a huge day puppy go to sleep, I'm not moving from this spot" Khareem whispered into his ear, Eli nodded and yawned which made Khareem giggle softly, Eli put his head on the pillow with his paws against Khareems chest Eli soon drifted off to sleep. Khareem watched over his sleeping lover smiling at his cuteness

And you think you're the lucky one, I get to hold you while you sleep and puppy I wouldn't have anybody else here

Khareem thought to himself then gave Eli a supple kiss to his forehead and closed his eyes, Khareem soon drifted off to his dreamland where he knew he would find the German Sheppard; Khareem opened his eyes to the cherry red eyes of his lover and his warm smile

"Good morning" Eli whispered running his paw down his chest

"Hay pup, how did you sleep" Khareem asked, Eli moved in as close as possible without having their maws together

"I only just woke up a minute ago, so soundly and happily" Eli responded, Khareem giggled then filled the gap and their maws touched pleasantly causing both dogs to close their eyes and moan then making Eli giggle. Khareem opened his eyes when he heard the German Sheppard giggle

"You looked so peaceful last night" Khareem sighed remembering Elis peace filled face that he got the pleasure to look at as he watched over him, Eli smiled

"You were smiling and talking" Eli said giggling a bit

"Oh god" Khareem said blushing "What did I say"

"I think I heard a 'no Eli not the chocolate tree' and an 'Eli why are you wearing a bagel' oh and let's not forget the 'it's under the fridge but be careful there isn't any dust'" Eli laughed, Khareem chuckled and Eli moved in closer smiling. Khareem pulled him in then the two just lay looking into the other ones eyes, Eli put his arms around Khareems neck not taking his eyes away from Khareems hypnotising gaze

The two didn't move, they stay silent just enjoying each other's company then there was a knock at the door, Eli got up, received a slap to his butt by Khareem, giggled and went to the door to be greeted by a big German Sheppard Police officer

The Sheppard had long shaggy fur with the usual colours, coffee and dark brown with some black, his eyes look a lot like Elis cherry red but he had a little green in around his black pupils

"Yes officer" Eli asked with a smile, The Police officer smiled sweetly

"Just like I remembered it" The officer smiled, Eli was confused how did this Sheppard know how he smiled?

"Umm excuse me" Eli asked, the officer held his paw out

"Hi Eli my name is Paul I'm your dad" Paul said, Elis eyes widened, he couldn't say anything

"WHAT" Khareem Shouted from the couch,

"Who was that" Paul asked, Eli was still shocked

"A... Bu... How... Did you just say dad" Eli asked

"Yes Eli I did and I actually have proof" Paul said pulling out his wallet, opened it to show a photo of Eli as a puppy and Paul holding him kissing his cheek. Eli took it slowly looking over just checking if it was photo shopped. It wasn't. Eli covered his maw then looked up, Eli smiled then jump hugged him

"DAD" Eli shouted excitedly, Paul laughed

"Hay buddy" Paul laughed happily, Eli felt his eyes watering from happiness

"Khareem come out here, dad there's somebody you need to meet" Eli said grabbing his father's paw pulling him inside. Paul and Khareem shook paws

"Dad this is Khareem my boyfriend and Khareem this is Paul my dad" Eli introduced, Pauls ears perked up when he heard the word 'boy friend'

"D-did you just say boy friend" Paul asked, Elis smile dropped

"Y-yer" Eli said looking down hoping that this wasn't going to be another hateful parent, Paul walked over and gave his son a hug then walked over to the door, Paul then waved and about twenty seconds later a big white stallion walked in, The stallion stood at '6' '4' and had black spots around his arms and hooves, The stallion was buff but not overly, he was HOT buff like Khareem then the stallion did something that made Elis maw drop the stallion gave Paul a deep kiss grabbing his paws and kissing deeper.

"Eli I'm gay as well and this hunky stallion is Sam" Paul said wrapping his arms round the stallions neck. Eli, Khareem, Paul and Sam sat down and had a cup of coffee till Eli finally asked the question he had been dying to ask

"Dad, how did you find me" Eli asked, Paul smiled

"Well after you mother was arrested I had to get her paw prints, she didn't recognise me at first but when I put her in her cell she whet 'Paul'" Paul explained "I turned around and said 'finally, I was wondering when you would finally remember me' she then ran to the bars trying to kill me saying how I walked over smiling and grabbed my paws, pulled me in and kissed me, she said she missed me and that after she got out we could have a life together without having a fu..." Paul stopped himself "you in the way" Paul continued "I got angry at her, I yelled that how what she did was wrong how if it was anybody's fault it was mine, she asked why I told her I was gay, she was shocked then she fell to the floor crying I went back into the cell and asked her what was wrong then she told me what she did to you and why and now she wants to see you" Paul explained

Elis eyes widened with both happiness and worry, he was happy that his mother may have finally forgiven him but worried that she may just have another psycho attack and slaughter him.

"And that's a good thing isn't it" Khareem asked

"Yer it is, I heard Joann when I met her she feels horrible we actually had to stop her from killing herself, words can't actually describe how bad she feels" Sam said, Eli then smiled as he saw his father grab Sams' hove and give it a squeeze, Eli then felt Khareems paw go around his waist, Eli looked over at the wolf who was now smiling at him, Eli moved in closer to his big wolf and gave him a soft peck on the lips. Eli heard two giggles on the other side of him, Eli looked over with a smile and a raised eye brow.

"You two are so cute together" Paul said happily, Khareem nodded

"We have been told, so I'm curious even though it's not my place to know why did you leave" Khareem asked, Paul looked away "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Khareem started

"No, its fine, when I found out it was a huge shock, I thought it was just a phase but a year isn't a phase so I told her we had to split she got so over worked that she went on a rage, she said it was because of the baby I said no just for reasons but I guess see always thought it was because we had a puppy it was too much for me" Paul said having to wipe a tear from his eye, Sam noticed and pulled him over for a hug, Sam was whispering things into his ear telling him everything was fine and that everything is going to be ok, Soon Paul was able to stop and Eli put his paw on Pauls

"Dad I'm not mad, upset, angry I'm overjoyed to know that you didn't leave because of me and to know that you're gay and the fact you actually love me" Eli said smiling "I'm happy that your here and I'm glad I finally got to meet you" Eli said smiling warmly, Paul stood, pulling Eli with him and gave his son a huge hug,

"You're going to see more of me" Paul said "you FUCKING FAG" Paul then shouted raising his knee into Elis stomach, Eli fell to his knee's then Paul delivered a blow to his maw, Khareem was about to pounce when Sam got him into a sleeper hold, Eli was squirming on the floor while Paul stood over him laughing "Thank god that act is over I never want to kiss another man again" Paul said wiping his tongue,

"Yer that was disgusting" Sam said while tightening his grip around Khareems throat, Khareem was losing conciseness, he had to do something so he drove his elbow into Sams stomach who let go of him to clench his stomach, Khareem then moved his leg in a circular motion stopping half way then drove his heel into the back of Sams head, Sam fell being knocked unconscious to the floor, Khareem went to face Paul but felt a sharp pain in his neck, when he turned he saw a syringe sticking out of his neck, Khareem ripped it off then threw a punch in Pauls direction, Khareem missed then fell of balanced, he felt so tiered his eye lids were dropping

"What did you do to me" Khareem asked shaking his head

"my own little work, it makes the taker fall asleep in a minute so enjoy it you will be knocked out for about an hour, goodnight wolfie" Paul mocked, Khareem fell and Paul poked him checking he was out then looking back over to Eli who was trying to get up, Paul spun and sent his heal into Elis face, Eli fell to the tiles and smashed his head into the ground and was knocked out. Paul laughed then walked over to the knocked out horse and shook him

"OI PUSSY WAKE UP" Paul yelled

"Oh fuck you" Sam groaned back, Sam sat up slowly and rubbed his head "Fucking hell that wolf can kick" Sam said pissed off

"Well come on let's put him outside the we can do what Joann told us to do" Paul said, Sam nodded then stood, The two picked Khareem up then walked to the door, They threw him onto the pavement then closed and locked the door. The two then walked back into the kitchen and smiled evilly at the unconscious German Sheppard and thought about the horrible plan they were given.

When Eli woke his face was on a mattress, his butt was in the air, his arms going underneath him and his legs were wide apart. Eli tried to move but he couldn't so he turned around and saw he was bounded. His paws were tied together and that rope was connected to his knees which had a huge pole form keeping him from moving his legs. Eli then realised he was naked, his tail hole was completely exposed, El tried to push it down but it was held up by a short rope that was connected to a collar around his neck. Eli panicked moving around trying to break away from its hold, but when he felt something press against his tail hole he growled

"OH SHUT IT FAG" Paul yelled slapping the back of his head, Eli yelped which made Paul laugh "He-he-he now you were to easy to play and to take down I'm surprised you haven't been raped already" Elis eyes widened

"OH PLEASE DON'T" Eli pleaded

"Oh so you have been raped before eh? Ever been raped by two people" Paul asked, Sam walked in with an evil grin on his face, Eli saw the lust to shove his huge equine cock in his tail hole in his eyes, Eli began to treble out of pure fear

"Please don't do this Dad" Eli begged tears forming in his eyes, Paul laughed hard, he nearly fell over but soon he wiped his eyes

"You don't get it do you" Paul said then lent down "I'm not your dad, You dad hasn't been heard from for 17 years and probably won't be any time soon" Paul laughed, Sam walked over to Elis rump and started to rub the entrance with his finger, Eli tried to hold back the moan but it escaped his lips

"Yer you love this don't ya whore, Well don't get used to it soon it's going to me my cock in their soon" Sam said with dominancy, Eli squirmed as he felt his member grow

"He really is enjoying it Sam" Paul said laughing "How about we start"

"Go for it" Sam said with a wicked smile, Paul then took his jeans and underwear off and sat in front of Eli, Eli looked away from the sheath that was in front of him, Paul grabbed him by his hair

"ARGGGG LET GO, PLEASE" Eli begged crying, Paul laughed then shoved Elis head into his crotch

"SUCK IT SLUT" Paul commanded, Elis cheeks were drenched as he looked at the 3 inch sheath in front of him, Eli was confused and helpless, Eli shook his head

"No" Eli whimpered quietly, Paul grabbed Elis head and forced Eli to look at him

"NOW" Paul said through his fangs then he pushed Eli down. Eli looked at the Sheppard's sheath through the tears in his eyes, he shook his head again but was stopped when a elbow was smashed into his back, Eli yelled in agony as his pain receptors went crazy, it felt like the bricks back in England, when the kids threw brick after bottle after stone at him

"Listen you little cock whore this is what's gonna happen, you're going to start by licking me till my cock is hard then I'm going to push it into that cum hungry maw of yours now LICK" Paul commanded, Eli whimpered in defeat as he leaned forward and ran his tongue up Pauls sheath, Paul moaned "That's it slut just like that"

"May I start" Sam asked rubbing his crotch, Paul nodded and Sam then got up onto the bed, Eli whimpered as he hear the zipper then the ruffle of pants, Eli closed his eyes as he licked Pauls member off, when Paul was hard at his 10 inched he grabbed Elis hair and jerked it back

"Okay slut that enough licking time to envelop that maw of yours" Paul growled as he grabbed his dick and started to rub it against Elis maw and nose. Eli smelled Pauls heat it was like a fog, Eli couldn't help himself as he felt his member grow, Eli whimpered in defeat as he opened his maw and Paul pushed into him, Paul let out a moan and Eli a scream of pain. Eli felt as if his tail hole had just been torn into a million pieces, Eli felt Sam's huge equine cock being shoved deeper and deeper into him with no remorse.

"Oh fuck slut you're tight" Sam moaned

Elis scream was muffled but still was loud, loud enough to wake Khareem from his forced slumber, Khareems head shot up as he heard the scream of his lover, Khareem stood up but fell back down as the drug still hadn't worn off yet, He was soon able to climb the wall and beat at the door

"OPEN THE FUCK UP YOU CUNTS" Khareem yelled as his fists hit the door

Elis tail hole had taken 5 out of the huge 15 inches that Sam had to offer, Sam kept burying his thick equine cock into Eli making him bleed, Sam didn't mind in fact he thought it made it easier to push into him, Paul on the other hand had just touched the back of Elis throat and with a moan he spoke

"Okay slut now start sucking" Paul instructed, Eli whimpered and cried as he moved his head up and down the big German Sheppard cock, Eli jumped when he heard the slams at the door but hearing Khareem voice made him smile, Eli knew that Khareem was okay and that's all he need to know. The two ignored the big wolf outside and continued raping the small helpless dog that was tied in front of them. Eli lay their having his maw enveloped and behind stretched; Eli winced as the huge equine shoved his member into his rump hard and fast moaning with every movement

"Oh fuck I'm close" Sam snorted getting faster

"ME TOO OHHHH" Paul yelled, Eli closed his eyes letting another tear fall as he felt the two huge cocks getting harder and harder till the two buried as deep as they could and Eli felt the hot rope after rope of cum splash into him, Sams came for two minutes shooting jet after jet filling Eli to the brim with his horse cum.

Pauls cum tasted salty and revolting Eli had a difficult time swallowing; Eli gagged and choked not wanting to swallow

"FUCKING SWALLOW YOU WHORE" Paul yelled, Eli swallowed all the disgusting cock liquid that shot from Pauls 10 inches, Eli lay as the two panted above him looking down

"You loved that didn't you slut" Sam mocked, Paul laughed hard

"I can smell his throbbing member from here" Paul chuckled and he wasn't lying either, Paul could smell the revolting smell of Elis pulsating member from where he sat. Paul pulled his member out of Elis maw who gasped for air, cough up some cum, Sam pulled out and his cum gushed out of Elis tail hole running down his leg onto the mattress underneath him.

Paul pulled a knife from his pocket and cut Elis bonds, Eli fell down with a loud thump crying

"Aww look the puppies crying, poor thing" Paul mocked

"Oh my god" Sam said "suck it up you worthless" Elis paws balled "Pathetic" Elis teeth clenched "Piece of Sh..." Sam was interrupted by Elis fist connecting with his maw, Eli then flung his leg in between Sam's legs making Sam to bend down, Eli raised his knee into Sams face and Sam flung back and Eli raise his hind paw and kicked Sam flying out of the room, Eli was about to send a punch in Pauls direction but stopped when he felt a sharp pain coming from his stomach, Eli looked at Paul and saw his arm was reached out, in his paw he held his knife and the knife was buried into Elis stomach.

Eli backed away clenching his stomach falling to his knees, Paul laughed

"Big mistake kid" Paul spat, Eli feel to the floor with his paw on the wound to stop the bleeding but it wasn't doing anything, the blood poured from his stomach and when he looked back up Paul and Sam were gone, Eli felt his eyes drooping they were so heavy then he saw the door smash open and Khareem ran over

"ELI" Khareem yelled then kneeled down "Are you okay" Khareem asked

"H-he stabbed m-my stomach" Eli said, Khareems eyes widened and began to tear up

"O-okay puppy just don't move" Khareem said pulling out his phone, Elis eye lids were so heavy "Eli don't you dare close those eyes" Khareem said but Eli could help himself his eye lids closed and he blacked out "Pup..." was the last thing he heard. Eli lost had lost a lot of blood when the Ambulance arrived, Eli was rushed to hospital,

Khareem sat outside Elis room texting everybody telling them what had happened, Lily, Rachel and Leo cam running in

"WHERE IS HE" Rachel yelled, Khareem explained what had happened starting at where Paul knocked at the door. Rachel buried her head into Leos neck and cried while Khareem gave Lily a hug, Khareem then texted Kelly and jess letting them know, Kelly was soon at the hospital and half an hour Later the purple and black wolf ran in and gave her brother a hug

"Is he okay" Jess asked, Khareem shrugged and let himself go crying on his sisters shoulder, Khareem fell to his knees while he hugged his sister who followed him to the floor

"He's going to be fine Khareem I promise" Jess whispered, Khareem nodded and wiped his tears. An hour later the panther came out

"Eli Davis's family" The doctor said and Khareem, jess, Lily, Rachel, Leo and Kelly stood up then walked over "Now Elis cut went very deep and when we brought him in he had lost nearly eight percent of his blood" Khareem buried his head into Jesses neck "But we were able to stitch his stomach up so Elis going to be fine" The doctor concluded and everybody laughed happily, everybody hugged Khareem shook Leos paw and gave lily and Rachel a kiss on the cheek.

"May we see him" Lily asked

"Yes you can" The panther happily said leading them into the room, Everybody rushed in

"Eli" Khareem said

"Does it hurt" Rachel asked

"Whoa man look at the stitches" Leo said pointing

"Nice place to see you again eh" Jess giggled

"Thank god your okay" Kelly and Lily huffed

Eli smiled as his paw reached put for Khareem who took his lovers paw, gave it a kiss then held it to him murring,

"Hi puppy, no Rachel it doesn't, Yer I know right, Yer sorry it couldn't have been over coffee or lunch and yes I'm fine you two" Eli responded laughing, Eli smiled as he saw the faces of the ones he loved standing at his bed, Eli looked at every bodies face

"You all came" Eli sniffed

"Yer of course we would you silly mutt" Leo said putting his paw on Elis leg and giving it a soft shake. Eli smiled but his smile dropped when he saw Khareems sad face

"Puppy what's wrong" Eli asked, everybody looked at each other

"Umm we are just gonna be outside" Kelly said, Eli nodded and when everybody left Eli moved over to give Khareem room, Eli padded the side beside him and Khareem lay down next to him stroking his cheek

"You had better not be blaming yourself" Eli said weakly as he looked into Khareems sad eyes, Khareem looked down

"I should have been stronger, I should have been able to get to you faster" Khareem cried, Eli put his paws around Khareems neck and held Khareem as he cried "I'm so sorry Eli please forgive me" Khareem whispered crying

"Why are you apologising, were you the one who tied me down, were you the one that raped me, were you the one who stabbed me, no you were the one who rung the ambulance you were the one who held my wound as it bleed" Eli said smiling softly "Khareem you were the one who saved me and I love you so much" Eli said nuzzling Khareem. Khareem stopped crying and put his paws around Eli and nodded

"I love you too" Khareem whispered, Eli smiled then coughed

"You okay" Khareem asked

"Yer fine just..." Eli brought his paws up to his maw and began coughing again, when Eli brought his paws away, blood was everywhere, it dripped down his paws onto the bed. Elis eyes widened then he got the bucket that lay next to the bed and threw up.

"Eli, Eli are you okay puppy" Khareem asked

"Get the doctor" Eli asked as he looked into the bucket, looking at blood, just blood. The doctor came in, he had a look and his face dropped

"Oh no" The panther said pushing a button and it made a high pitched beeping noise ring in the air, Nurses came running in one went to Khareem grabbed his arm and lead him to the door.

"I'm sorry but you need to stay out here" The squirrel said shutting the door. The group stayed outside as the doctors did their check up every few minutes they heard Eli throw up but soon it stopped as they saw them put Eli to sleep then they closed the curtains and nothing could be seen. The group sat down on the chairs waiting and every so often somebody would shout everybody coffee, after an hour the door opened, the nurses all walked out slowly, Khareem stood when the panther came out

"How is he" Khareem asked then the panther put his paw on Khareems shoulder

"Eli... Has eternal bleeding" The panther explained and Khareems heart stopped and his eyes widened "The stitches in his stomach aren't working, blood is still leaking through, Eli is drowning in his own blood" The words felt like sledge hammers to everybody, they were all in tears "Eli only has a few minutes left, I'm sorry" The panther said moving to the side. Khareem was frozen, His eyes were red and his cheeks drenched from tears, Khareem pushed himself to walk in, his legs soon responded and he slowly walked into see Eli laying down with a tube down his throat to help him breath. Elis eyes were wet and he lay their crying as he saw his big wolf walk in followed by everyone else

Nobody said a word, they all stood over Eli crying forcing a smile on their face, Eli raised his paw to his eye

"I" Khareem said, Eli then brought his paws down and put them on his heart

"Love" Eli then pointed to everybody, Khareem chocked on the last words

"You all" Khareem was just able to say, everybody put a paw on Eli

"And we love you too Eli" Lily replied then she bent down and wrapped her arms around Elis neck, Rachel hugged Eli next whispering an I love you into his ear followed by Leo, Kelly and then Jess. Khareem stood over Eli looking down at him, Eli held his paw out and Khareem took it crying, the doctors took the huge tube out of his throat and Eli coughed up some blood, Khareem wiped it away

"I love you puppy" Eli was just able to get out "And all of you I love you all so much" Eli crocked, Everybody just forced a smile, Khareem then bent down and put his lips against Elis and the two gave each other their final kiss, their tongues ran against each other dancing for the last time, Eli gave Khareems paw a hard squeeze as his eye lids dropped, Eli could hold on any longer and Eli then drew a heavy breath, His last breath and his eyes closed, his breathing stopped and his paw realised. Khareems smile dropped as the herd the long beep of the machine that sat next to Elis bed

"Goodbye Eli" Khareem cried he gave Eli a tight hug and cried as he held the lifeless body of the German Sheppard he loved. Everybody let go of what they were holding in, Lily and Rachel went behind Khareem and put their paw on his back looking t their best friend who lay on the bed dead, Jess knelt next to her brother and hugged him while Kelly and Leo looked at the Sheppard crying. Not one eye was dry as the group were in that hospital room, they all looked over Eli saying goodbye to the Sheppard they knew, to the Sheppard they all loved, to the Sheppard name Eli

When Eli opened his eyes again he saw a light blue sky with white fluffy clouds with the sun shining sown on him, Eli sat up and he saw he was in a field filled with flowers, ever colour you could think of was in the field where he sat, Eli stood and looked around. When Eli felt paws against his stomach he didn't move, He didn't know who was behind him so he stood nailed to the floor till he heard the persons voice

"I love and miss you too" The man said behind him, Eli spun around to be greeted to ocean blue eyes and a warm smile

"T-Tyler" Eli asked, Tyler pressed his lips against Elis and Eli kissed the Dalmatian back, the two kissed each other like they had missed then they held paws and walked off not caring were they were going, not caring about what they would face, just caring that they were with each other. Eli let a tear fall as he walked away to spend eternity with Tyler, with the one he loved. With the Dalmatian under the tree

The End


hay all to all my followers to my series yes im looking at you Wolfboi17, Sheppy Puppy, blizzardwolf, Samaki Roden, bear 596, lazzarus, nonespecial, chikchak, teenpup, Ephemeral_Dreams and to you lexy the vampire I wanna thank you all for following my series it has meant a lot to me so thank you to bottom of my heart and I hope you read my future stories

scales xoxox

the Dalmatian under the tree part six

Eli and Tyler went out into the perfect temperature, summer day to Tyler's red 4WD, they got in the car and Eli was waiting to head off by looking out the window. Eli then heard a sniff; he turned around to see the big Dalmatian his eyes red...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part five

Eli opened his eyes and smiled as he stretched under the nice big warm doona; Eli giggled as he felt a paw on his thigh that ran up to his hip then went down and around Elis waist and pulled him in to be greeted with a lick to the neck. "Good...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part four

Is going to be fine" The hyena said smiling and everybody sighed in relief. Eli hugged Khareem as he heard the good news "He is actually awake if someone wants to go in" The doctor said and everybody looked at Kelly who shook her head "No I can't...

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