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#2 of Sories

WARNING: This story mentioned themes such as abuse, blood, light depression, murder and violence.

Baby let out a manacle laugh, the kind you'd hear from a hyena. Under the cover of darkness, she was perched on the roof of a building. She never wore a mask to hide her face, she wasn't scared of anything. She did wear various costumes though, some dark some sparkly, some tight and some flowy. She was still experimenting with them. Tonight she wore a skin tight suit covering from her neck to her ankles, and she had gloves. She was dressed in all black. She liked being up at night, being a feline her night vision was supreme, and she was more on the nocturnal side. She slyly climbed around the roof tops, her movements graceful and delicate. Being in the environment where she grew up after being kidnapped gave her interesting side effects. It enhanced her speed, making her the fastest thing alive, but it came with a price, it enhanced her insanity too. She smelled the air and listened, trying to pinpoint who exactly was nearby. She knew, however, she was going to act fast. There were other furs around trying to steal the same thing she was, and she didn't want to let them get to it first. Although, she didn't mind if they did and there were a few....casualties. With another high pitched laugh that echoed in the night she leaped down to another roof top and climbed a small ways.

She scaled down through a window, she never had any fancy equipment. She was trained to produce good outcomes with little supplies. She knew how to kill a fur with her bare paws, and she was prepared to. The only thing she ever really took with her was her giant hammer, it was her favorite weapon. She could smash anyone who got in her way... She ran past the security, they seemed to be in slow motion to her and she made it to a room full of lazes. She was, after all, stealing a diamond. But no ordinary diamond ha! no, that's much to basic for our little unstoppable force. She was stealing a diamond, that was from a space meteor. It was said to have magical properties, and scientists were running tests on the little jewel. Fortunately, it was the time where they were on their break, Baby had been watching them closely for a short while. She knew the other group of thieves would be breaking in any minute now and she tried to hurry. On a white table surrounded by machines and equipment she found it. She knew it was the ruby, but it was locked in some sort of box. She looked around for a key but couldn't find it, those scientists must still have it with them she thought to herself. But there was no time to go back and pickpocket the key, she grabbed the entire box and ran. She ran outside of the little lab and paused on the street, just long enough to be visible to normal time moving furs. The other group of bandits saw her with their case and ran after her. She knew they would be good, this was a very precious rock of course, one of a kind, not any thief could handle this. Only the best of the best, and someone who was seeking one thing from it: power.

The cheetah dashed down the road, bullets being fired at her, but she dodged them effortlessly. She was fast enough and had cat instincts. Did you not believe me before when i said she was unstoppable? Do you believe me now? She sped around corners trying to loose them, her tail flailing in the wind behind her, but she was too tired to run at full speed and their car was fast! She knew they would be good. But no one was as good as her! She make a sharp turn around a corner and scaled a building with her sharp claws. She watched from the roof as they drove by. She snickered to herself. Now to get this thing somewhere safe. Baby ran across roof tops until she made it to a thick forest. She climbed into an underground bunker and sealed it. It was very well hidden, and completely abandoned. Baby had found it and redesigned some bits of it, adding in a bean bag chair of course. She took the scarlet colored rock into a safe in the back of the bunker. It was a large walk in safe, inside was a table, and a few scientific pieces of equipment Baby had previously stolen. She had a plan, a dangerous one at that, and she only had to steal a few more things to bring her plan together. Although, she was a teensy bit lonely. She was looking for a partner to help her out, but no one matched her skill level, no one could help her bring her vision to life. She hadn't given up looking though.

As she was committing more crimes, she appeared in the news more. No one could identify her, being an orphan and being kidnapped at a young age and all. Plus this government sucks ass she thought to herself. But as she was appearing more, so were super heroes. Now, super heroes weren't a new thing at all, its just that no one had really given them a run for their money, until Baby came along. Sometimes one of the shiny dressed do-good-ers would catch Baby in the act, but she'd always outsmart or outperform them, leaving them baffled and empty handed. Although with their numbers being higher she really should start acting more cautious, but she didn't of course. She was Baby, and unstoppable chaotic little cheetah who could get away with anything. At least, she had gotten away with everything she had tried so far, only making her vision closer and closer to becoming a reality.

Baby changed out of her skin tight black outfit, the only one of her suits she hadn't colored yet. It hung next to four or five others that had been painted, one had multiple colors splattered across it mostly blue and pink and green. The other ones were colored solidly in various bright colors. She changed into leggings and a loose fitting tan sweater. She dashed out of the secret bunker that stored her various treasures and went somewhere else. She went all the way to the opposite side of town, the terrain changing from a forest to a warm savanna. Certain artificial machines cause terrain to change more suddenly so different species could live closer together. The cheetah preferred the savanna side of the city, and if she ever got caught then they'd never find any evidence. She kept a television and computer in her home in the savanna. The house she was in was still fairly far compared to others, and in a secluded place. She entered the door and relaxed on her couch watching some television. She couldn't have these luxuries in the bunker though, it needed to be completely untraceable. However, she did have an emergency radio, although she hardly used it.

A few days had passed and Baby was preparing for her next heist. It would have many more casualties, publicity, and super heroes. It had to. There was no other way of stealing what she needed. She couldn't sneak into the place, she'd have to fight her way in. And she was prepared to. She left the little house in a brightly colored outfit. She had painted her cheeks, two big pink circles on them. She wore her black choker, and her hair was in two pony tails, a little lower than her ears. Her outfit was blue and black, her right arm and left leg were blue and the opposites were black. There were two big blue squares that made her sleeve and leg blue, and two black squares. Baby left the house and dashed through the city, shadows hiding her. She kept a low profile until she made it to where she needed to be.

She was at another laboratory, and she was going to steal a laser. There were plenty of guards and she knew she couldn't sneak past them, plus, where was the fun in that? This time instead of just a suit, she also wore a utility belt, with six small shining metal cans. Baby's grip on her brightly colored hammer tightened, She waited for the best time to make it inside. She had to be in and our before reinforcements arrived, and she hadn't many gadgets to out trick them, just her strength and her wits. Baby dashed inside of the building, running past multiple guards, mostly canines dobermans to be exact. They saw a blur before their eyes and then the ran after the cheetah. Good. They were right where she wanted them. She ran to the entrance of the room where there were multiple large pieces of equipment, two more guards standing by. She couldn't open the large doors in time to escape the guards, but that wasn't her plan. She waited until they were all in a room together. 8, no 9, and 6 of them were canines with huge teeth. Well they all had sharp teeth and claws. She pulled out one of the metal cans, pushed a button and dropped it on the floor. It instantly spurted some sort of red gas. Baby put on the gas mask clipped to her belt, it was black with neon yellow highlights. She watched the dogs squirm and gasp and fight until the gas slowly overpowered them. One by one they fell to the floor, unconscious. Baby also had a can of gas that would kill them, and she was more than prepared to use it, but decided against it unless she needed too. Not that she wanted to show mercy or anything, just that too many casualties and the government really would start looking for her. She knew her way around gases, so many different effects and colors, but she was most familiar with the pink gas of the area where she grew up. After all, she lived in it for years, breathing it in everyday, slowly letting it take effect on her mind, and she was helpless to it.

She broke open the glass door, kicking one footpaw through it and it shattered, the glass reflecting like a diamond. She walked inside calmly. The object was big no doubt, but she was confident she could escape while carrying it. Security would start getting suspicious by now, and one thing Baby was not, is slow. She hoisted the laser up in her arms, her hammer strapped to her back instead, and she tried to dash out of the building. She ran back pass the gassed room and outside of the lab, but she wasn't as fast as she had hopped she'd be. The laser wobbling in her arms and throwing her off balance made her need to slow down at times and almost trip. But she was escaping nonetheless. It was a huge white cylinder with the laser inside. Just as Baby was surprised she hadn't seen any superheros around, one tried to stop her. A rusty colored maned wolf with black markings was chasing her. He wore a black banana around his neck, a black mask on his face, and a white costume.

He appeared out of nowhere and was trying to follow Baby. She ran at abut half speed, so she didn't drop the laser, and so she could recover enough to dash full speed back to her bunker, too fast for anyone to follow. The maned wolf was fast. He had wolf-like stamina, and he was on the cheetah's tail. He came closer and closer. Baby took sharp turns to throw him off her trail, wobbling with the bulky laser. The hero wolf disappeared from her view, she assumed she had finally thrown him off her trail. She ran right into him though, when she took a turn into an alleyway he was right n front of her! There was no one else around, just the two. Slowly they stared at each other, he knew if he approached her she would run. Baby panted through her gas mask. He spoke to her,

"You know, I don't think this belongs to you"

She growled at him, "Get out of my way" in her high pitched voice.

He took a step forwards, Baby's feline reflexes tensed. The masked maned wolf was a dull orange color, with black paws and a black mane. Baby could see him easier now that they were standing still and he was in front of her. Baby strapped the laser to her back, and took out her hammer. The laser was much heavier on her frame, but she needed a weapon and she couldn't risk damaging the laser. The wolf took two steps closer as she did this. Baby could see his glistening blue eyes. She held her hammer, ready to strike. He was almost the right distance to land a hit. She was prepared to harm the hero, and she would have no regrets about it. But she stopped, and relaxed. She stood tall and laughed to herself.

"You know, I could kill you right here, right now. But I won't, well, not yet at least." Her scrambled brain made her almost delusional, but not quite. "I'm going to have some fun with you." She said, reaching into her belt with one paw, and revealing another silver can. The maned wolf noticed Baby's gas mask and could put two and two together. He froze for a second, not sure if he should run. She smirked at him, loving the fear in his eyes. He waited, pondering his next move, but he knew he had only seconds before the manacle cheetah would make hers. He didn't want to loose her, turning her in would surely result in reward money he desperately needed, and it would feel good keeping the city safe.

Her fingers itched to drop that can, seconds felt like minutes. The maned wolf ran and tried to take cover, the cheetah throwing the can after him, and it exploding in a thick blue smoke. The alley comes to a dead end, he tries to hide in a lone trash can, praying the metal will protect him. Baby snickers through her gas mask. The maned wolf's eyes become teary, but don't burn. He gasps and coughs, the gas seeping into the can. He has no escape. He squirms and panics, as the maned wolf feels himself becoming more light headed with each second. He bursts out of the can and tries to scale a wall. He gets dangerously high up, as he starts to tremble, being loopy. Finally, as his climbing and movements become slower and more sluggish, his eyes roll back into his head and close as he faints, falling from the buildings wall, right into Baby's arms.

She holds him, him being much bigger than her, while she tries to balance the laser and the hammer. She hides the wolf in the alleyway, and runs the hammer and laser to her bunker and runs back, all in a matter of seconds. Then she grabs the sleeping maned wolf and decides what to do with him. A superhero, what most cubs and other furs would deem so mighty and strong and powerful, was resting in her paws. He seemed so dainty and fragile like this. She could break his limbs or kill him. She could hold him hostage. She could kill him slowly. She could remove his mask. She pondered her options. She giggled to herself at the sleeping boy. She decided not to kill him, she wasn't done having fun with him just yet. She jumped to the roof tops, and tied the wolf in white up on the building for all to see. A warning. She laughed once again, echoing into the night, and left just as fast as she had appeared.

Silly super heroes and their masks, Baby thought while drinking tea in her home. Her laser was secured safely, and she was taking a warm bath by candle light while drinking tea. She scrolled her phone but didn't find anything that interested her. Really she was just waiting to see if there would be a report on her acts tonight. Eventually her phone buzzed with the latest news article, as furs scrambled to piece together what had happened. Baby thought about what it would be like if she had done things differently, if she had killed him. But too many kills and furs would be scared of becoming heroes. Then who would she taunt? The news copters shined a flashlight on that silly maned wolf, him still unconscious, but Baby knew he would wake soon. The news crew were absolutely baffled at the scene. Baby laughed to herself excitedly. They reveled the maned wolf's hero name, The Defender. Baby snickered at this, nice job with your defense wolf boy. There he was, hanging up all knocked out. Baby was proud of her work. The news even talked abut her, one of the cameras at the lab picked her up. It featured her walking in there like a boss, she even smirked over at the camera. Then is showed her incredible speed as she ran down the halls, and then it cut to her gassing the guards in her black gas mask with neon markings. The news lady talked about how the laser was stolen and how it was highly powerful, so much so that with the right funnel or focus, it could hit the entire city with it's beam. Baby didn't plan on doing that to kill everyone though, where's the fun in that? No no, she was going to bring her vision to life. Her scrambled, insanity of a vision, as her flaws brain worked on planing the next move.

Baby had grown a liking to the wolf boy. She had hid in the shadows, watching him as he tried to track her. He was so frustrated with how quickly and easily she had overpowered him. _It was adorable, really. _Thought Baby. She watched the sunset colored wolf try and try to find a lead, investigate the crime scene, and research Baby. She held back her laughs at his rage in failing to find her. She liked his voice, it amused her. It seemed young for a hero. Although he was plenty tall and strong, his voice betrayed his age. Baby guessed he was under 25 at the most. Most younger furs were much too intimidated to do this kind of work, this made Baby curious. She was hiding in shadow as The Defender investigated the lab, colored in that familiar yellow tape stating "crime scene". Baby was wearing her black suit again, her black choker, but she didn't have her hammer. She did have gas, fatal and non fatal, and her gas mask just in case. The lil hero was struggling, and Baby thought she'd make things a bit easier. Cocky with her previous victory over the hero, she revealed herself.

"Find any clues as to where she went?" Baby teased.

"No, none yet. Other than the gas cans she didn't leave a trace- ahh-" The wolf said, turning around to see Baby standing right next to him. Instantly his body stiffened, preparing to attack the cheetah. She was still as calm and cocky as ever.

"Whats your name?" Baby asked.

"T-the Defender" He replied, puzzled by her relaxed posture.

"No i know that already, i mean what's your real name?" She tried again in her high pitched voice.

"Why would I tell you? So you can find where i live and abduct me? Kill me? Do go-knows-what to me???" He asked nervously.

She laughed, "Nah, i was just curious" She smiled almost innocently.

He scoffed at her, he took his hero work very seriously and there was no way he would tell her his name.

"I'm Baby" She said, introducing herself.

"That's your real name?"

"Well, it is now. Wasn't always, but that was another time, another life." Baby responded. The wolf wondered what this meant.

He turned to face the cheetah, carefully trying not to make her run of or react with violence. He was very stiff with anxiety, their last encounter flashed in his mind. He had seen the news and the media. He was scared of her. The cheetah's mangled mind causing her to be utterly unpredictable. Although she was acting rather calm still.

"Why are you here? Why are you talking to me?" The maned wolf asked searching for answers.

"So serious" Baby sighed, "I was seeing if you'd be able to find any traces to me."

"But why did you show yourself to me then? Why didn't you just stalk me? Why are you talking to me?" He stated again.

"You heroes.....intrigue me." She said with a strange tone. Baby took a step closer, they were only about a foot or two away from each other. The wolf started to sweat nervously.

"What are you going to do to me?" He asked her, terrified but trying not to show it.

"Hmmm I dunno yet." Baby said studying him. Then she got an idea.

"Say, I like you wolf boy, you're not half as annoying as those other super heroes." She said tauntingly. The wolf had no idea where she was going with this.

"I should help you see things my way" She giggled to herself, "help you understand. Help you see the truth."

"What are you talking about?" He said with a tone of slight annoyance.

"That all this mayor-ing and set of rules is all bullshit" She said with a more intense tone. "Look, people are dying everyday, being robbed, and nothing is done about any of it. People have no rights in this city, and limited freedom anyways. The only people who attempt to keep the order is lousy heroes like yourself, good-hearted people like you trying to make up for all the bad there is. But it's not enough. I was kidnapped and poisoned for years and not one person searched for me. My parents were murdered and no one cared. This whole city is depressing." She said with a sigh, "But if someone else, someone like me was in charge....I could fix it all, I really could! Or at least I'd try"

"You're crazy" the wolf said, "There's nothing wrong with this city, people are happy and we do have order. The only thing we lack is peace, and that's because of no good villains like you." He said, his rage noticeable.

"You're blind dog boy" She said glaring at him. "You can't even take off your stupid mask because you're afraid. Afraid of people like me hurting you and your precious government doing nothing to save you. They can't. People like you and me are evolved. We're more powerful, we can make a real difference. Good or bad, but a difference nonetheless. And people like us will, weather you're aware or not doggy boy." She stared at him, her anger starting to come out in her tone. Still the wolf denied it longer.

"You're absolutely insane, that's why you do this. That's why you kill without a care. You do not have a sense of morals! Who knows why, maybe you're drugged or hit your head or were just born this way, but you are all messed up. You're the one who is blind! You don't even know what you're talking about!" He panted, trying to save his interpretation of the city, and not let the twisted cheetah change it. There was no way any of what she had said could have nay truth to it, she was just another lunatic villain.

"Believe me or don't, but the evolved will conquer and reign supreme, you and I are different. You and all your little hero friends, the villains, me, and anyone else who is powerful is going to try to force their way on the world and take power. And all your precious little mayor and the cops aren't gonna do shit. They won't, and even if they wanted to they couldn't. There isn't any swat or army here, no one cares for this city. So once someone gains power here, which won't be hard, they are going to keep it. And influence other cities, possibly take over the state. Who knows what will happen, but the fire is spreading and change is coming." Then she ran off. The maned wolf called out after her into the night, "THIS IS INSANITY!"

What did she mean villains and heroes, evolved? He thought for a moment, then it clicked to the wolf. They had powers! And if they ganged up on regular citizens...surely this wasn't the other villains plans, was it? Did some heroes plan to do this as well? Thinking they could save people if they were in charge? It was true heroes and villains were sprouting all over the city, more and more furs coming into powers. It had happened to The Defender himself. He grew with weak powers, keeping them hidden and became a hero once he saw others with powers do the same. More and more followed. Yet regular citizens still remained, powerless. They were the ones struggling most with the villainy. The cheetah may have had a teensy point.

Baby ran and ran. How come she said all that to the maned wolf? Why? Maybe a tiny part of her that wasn't poisoned actually wanted to try to get someone to care. In a world where no one cared. A city where people have to steal and defend and kill to survive. Maybe she felt telling the young wolf of her struggles would be better than telling no one. Maybe she thought he could help. She didn't know. Al she knew was to run, run, run away. It was such an amazing freedom to be able to run away. Unlike when she was held hostage and could never escape, no matter how badly she was harmed. Now she could run away at her own free will whenever she wish, it was a freedom she treasured.

She went home, or at least to the little abandoned house she called a home. Probably a temporary one at that. But the water ran and the electricity sparked and she was more than thankful to be back at the place. Not a safe place, but a sheltering one. She laid back on the mattress she had found and stored in a bedroom. It was a luxury to her to not sleep on cold floors tied in ropes. She thought back to the horrible days she was a hostage. But she was tough and wasn't scared, the thing that hurt the most, was that not a single person ever looked for her. But feeling sorry for herself would get her nowhere she decided, denying the tears forming in her eyes.

She went to sleep.

A few days later, Baby was planning another heist. What she needed wouldn't be quite as hard to receive however. She ran down to the dock, late at night. She was wearing a different kind of costume this time, baggy pants with stripes going down them, and her black and blue square patterned shirt, and a bright green collar. She painter her cheeks a bright pink. When she was finished, she had a clownish aesthetic. The grabbed her oversized hammer and ran down to the dock. She hid, watching the large trucks move all sorts of cargo. She looked out over the water, in the night it reflected the same black as the night sky. She loved the water, as strange as this might be for a cat, Baby rather enjoyed swimming. She looked back over again towards the storage buildings and warehouses. She slipped inside, as silent as a shadow. She looked around the massive room, all sorts of different items piled about. Finally she found it, fuel cells. They were big and heavy, but she'd need at least four of them. One by one she ran them back to her bunker. Until she was on the final one, a fifth one in case something happened to one of the other four, when someone spotted her. Within minutes a hero had arrived, and Baby was too tired to dash. She realized it was The Defender. Great. Baby wasn't the tiniest bit intimidated.

She smirked, "Let the show begin!" and she grabbed her hammer from her back and set the fuel cell down. Her grip was tight, she was ready to kill. Something about her opening up to him earlier and trying to explain her vision to him angered her. She was mad he could so easily reveal how she felt inside. Her tail swished and she stared down at The Defender. His eyes started glowing, and his paw pads did too. Bright blue. Baby knew he was going to use his superpowers against her. Something about the whole situation was off however, Baby's mind couldn't comprehend it. She twitched, her brain trying to put the broken pieces together. The Defender knew something was off with Baby's unnatural twitching. He took a step forwards. _Almost in range, _The Defender thought to himself.

Baby was struggling, it was as if she was fighting herself from the inside out. But what was she fighting herself over? What?

The Defender took a cautious step forwards.

Baby's stance changed, she was bent over, holding the hammer loosely in her paws.

The Defender took another small step forwards.

Baby dropped her weapon, her paws going to her head.

The Defender took one more step.

Baby held her head in her arms and screamed.

The Defender took his final step forwards.

Baby dropped to her knees, wincing, she had no clue what was happening.

The Defender put his paws up, puzzled at the once so powerful cheetah's sudden helplessness. He made a blue force field around her, using his powers. Baby's body twitched and spasmed. She desperately searched herself, what was happening? Why was she fighting herself? What-


Of course. Baby realized. There was something wrong with her, her brain wanted to murder and destroy The Defender, but another part of her, maybe her heart if it was still there, wanted help The Defender and bring him to her side. A tiny part of her wanted to be next to him, and explain why she was so hurt. A small part of Baby, wanted this super save her.

Baby's head hurt, the poisonous parts of her head attacking her. She groaned in pain. She blacked out after a few moments of writhing on the floor, inside of bubble?

She woke up, not in jail, which was a relief. She could not handle it is she was a hostage or prisoner or whatever anymore, she'd rather die. But she woke up, in a house. It had been a long long time since Baby was in a house, besides the old broken abandoned place she was staying at. Baby found herself in a bed, a real bed. The covers had pictures of waves on them. In fact the whole room had a sort of, ocean theme. The walls were a light sea green and the door was white. The shelves had seashells and pictures of the ocean. Relaxing music played, not too loud, but very calming. For the first time in years Baby was at peace....

And then she noticed the handcuffs. Immediately she panicked and squirmed, trying desperately to free herself. She wasn't scared until she knew she would probably go to prison. Then she was terrified. She couldn't go back to being locked up, she she couldn't be in a cage again she-

Baby started having a panic attack. Tears filled her eyes. Then the Defender came into the room, although he wasn't wearing his normal white outfit. He still had the white mask, but he was in an average hoodie and pants. Baby barely noticed and kept squirming desperately, crying. He sat next to her and tried to calm her down.

"Hey hey," He said in a calm, level voice "It is going to be ok, it's going to be alright."

Between gasps she cried, "I-i can't be locked up, n-not again"

The maned wolf put a paw on her shoulder, he was scared of the cheetah and he was shaking, but he still did it. He could see the terror in her eyes, an emotion he thought Baby was incapable of. He gently stroked her shoulder. She could've killed him last night. And the first time they met, but she didn't. And she had a good point as to her motive for the things she did. He finally got her to stop hyperventilating, and he sat next to her, with an arm around her until she stopped crying.

"I don't want to send you to jail, Baby" he stated.

"Y-you don't?" She said, shaking.

He uncuffed her from the bed, and tied only her wrists with a slightly more comfortable rope. She faught against him, but he knew if she ran he could put another force field around her. He held her in his arms and asked Baby, "Tell me whats wrong. Please. I heard you tell me how your view of the world is, and, i agree with you. But I can't help you if you don't tell me whats wrong." Baby was scared he would take this report to the police and lock her away in some sort of....insane asylum. But he didn't giver her over to the authorities yet. And something about this wolf made her almost trust him, but not quiet. Then he took off his mask, as if reading Baby's expression. He revealed his face and said, "My name is Ray, like like a Sun ray." He smiled at her, trying to show her he was harmless if she was willing to cooperate. Baby told him, she told him about her parents murder, she told him about her kidnapping. She told him how she was poisoned for years.

She finally said in a small voice, "the worst part of my life, is that when i was kidnapped, no one looked for me. not the police, not the orphanage caretakers, no one. it was as if i never existed."

Ray hugged her tight, and removed the ropes. He held her against her for a long time. Baby liked the way he smelled, she liked the way she fit into his big arms. She liked how he was tender to her trauma and willing to help her. She liked his face, without the mask on.

"But, what were you stealing all those things for anyways?" asked Ray.

Baby took him to her secret bunker and showed him her plans. He agreed to help her. He brought her food and a nice bed and decorations for both Baby's house and her bunker, and they started working together. Ray changed his name, he was no longer The Defender, he was The Tempest, a raging storm that could not be calmed until justice was brought. Real justice.

Baby let him stay in her places, not wanting him to be detected by anyone. One night, in Baby's newly furnished home, after going over the next stage of her plans, Baby and Ray were curled up on the couch together. They had a sort of closeness, a sort of understanding about who Baby was that no one else had, after she trusted him with her private information. And Ray, like Baby, had a burning fire, a passion, for things to be right. He wanted to fix the broken down city. He held Baby in his arms, something she had been longing for since she was a tiny cub. They were watching a movie. They were comfortable with each other, they trusted each other to the highest degree, and their relationship would only grow. Finally, Ray bent down and kissed Baby, and she was blushing brightly across her whole face...

The End.

Of the first story.

Many more to come <3

Insanity (origin story)

Insanity... There was a cheetah cub, in human years she was only about a preteen. She was an orphan and a bit of a rebel. She didn't obey anyone or anything. But she wasn't too different than any teen, except she had this burning...

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Victoria's Secret (Part 3)

Victoria woke up around noon, she had had a long night. Well, she thinks she had. She couldn't remember... She got out of her pink bed with a pink comforter and pink pillow, and put on her pink slippers. Her wallpaper was pink,...

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The Dream

I had finally had everything organized enough to open my little shop. I even managed to learn a few recipes, although some of them weren't easy to make, and i might've made a bit of a mess with them. But all the messes were taken care of,...

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