Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 17

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#4 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

Okay, so instead of two chapters of fighting, I felt like making this chapter. It's important though :D.

"Daniel...are you awake?"

Daniel slowly opened his eyes, feeling like he had been awake for a while, but his eyes weren't adjusted to the bright lights at all. He was laying in a dungeon-like cell lit well with torches. Uraku, Aveyi, and Jalhamut were standing by Daniel's side, Uraku holding Daniel's hand.

"Did...did I lose?" Daniel asked. Aveyi nodded, holding out her paw to stroke his head. Those icey cold paws felt so wonderful...

"I'm sorry...I let my passion take over and lost control...I was worried I had ended your life." She was trembling a bit, Daniel reaching up to hold he paw to comfort her. "It's okay..." Jalhamut looked on with jealousy at the friendship and the mateship displayed in the room. "Twenty minutes before the final round begins." Jalhamut said quickly as he walked out of the cell.

Daniel looked over at Uraku, smiling sweetly up to him, Uraku returning the gesture. "So...Daniel...I've heard you aren't from around here..." Daniel nodded. "You could say that."

Uraku stroked one of his digits in Daniel's palm. "Think...I could come over sometime?" The tiger was acting so bashful right was adorable! Daniel looked over at Aveyi for a second, wondering if she told him...

"Yes, Daniel, he knows." she nodded and ensured that Uraku knew about the book. Aveyi looked between the two of them. "Do you know what to say to get Uraku to Earth?" Daniel shook his head, looking at Aveyi for guidance. "Okay, well Nick told me that after he said, "I choose Aveyi to visit Earth." I had three days before I would be transported to Earth, and vanish from here." Daniel nodded up to her in thanks before turning his head to the curious gaze of Uraku. The tiger was looking at Aveyi, asking her, "What's it like? A creature filled with humans must be...mmmf" Uraku didn't hide his lust for Daniel's looks, the boy blushing as Aveyi giggled.

She regained her compsoure, sighing as she answered. "'s a nightmare. I couldn't have come back here quick enough...and that was when Drayak had enslaved half the world and the ground was covered in ash and debris. The moment I arrived on Earth...the horrible smell of a rancid creature's musk made me want to vomit...but Nick was so excited to see me there that I hid my disgust. The outside world was similar to ours at first, trees and grass abundant. The buildings of the humans were much more advanced than ours. I walked into what I assume was Nick's home...a small room with a luxurious bed and a metal box that showed moving pictures...a T.V.? He showed me a noisy container latched onto a wall that did something controlled the season in that room. I remember feeling the touch of Winter at first, and when he turned it off, the Summer of the outside as allowed to take over. It showed me just how ingenious humans are."

"But after Nick fell asleep, I went exploring. I had to strip naked and run around on all was humiliating, but it was something the humans would accept. None of the feral animals of that world would get close to the humans except for the birds...and...animals the humans kept on leashes. My journey lead me to a small forest that was neighbor to a gravel pathway. I heard a noise and watched as a moderately sized metal device zoomed along the path. I saw a human inside, seeming to be the operator of the device. As it passed my location...that smell defiled my nose with such raw power. I retched over and over, vommiting everything I had as I tried to hide from the bluish, fading haze. I ran to what I thought was a stream or a river. I could hear a waterfall...but it wasn't a waterfall..."

"When I found the river, I jumped into it happily, drinking what I wanted...but spitted it right back out. It was tasted like a poison. The river was green and cursed, hinting at some great evil at work in this world. I surveyed the surroundings for the waterfall only to find a circular tube that spilled out pure contamination into the river. I followed the pipes all the way to a large building that smoke spewed out of. The place smelled like the retched stench I had first accounted upon arrival to this world, but the intensity was far greater. I knew this was the source, and I headed straight back to Nick's home to rest for now, and the next day I hoped we could set things right for this world."

"When we woke up the next morning, I told him of my travels, knowing he'd be more than happy to be with me as we take down this evil. That's when Nick revealed the truth about humans...most humans. He told me that inside the building I saw, there were hundreds of humans running the machines and technology that polluted the waters. The air's foul stench was the doing of humans who got tired of walking all the time. I chopped that up to ignorance on behalf of the humans, and that if they were told what they were doing, they'd stop. Apparently, every human knew what they were doing to the planet...but they didn't care."

"He further proved how...evil...utterly evil humans are." Aveyi started to weep as she recalled the nightmares that were revealed to her. "Nick and I swore to be truthful about everything..but I wish I hadn't seen what I saw that day."

"Nick asked me to watch something on a taplop that would show just how evil they were. Uraku...I can't describe how unbelievably gruesome war was like in their world. Their destructive power far outreaches any magic in our world...and they used this power against their own kind! I couldn''t believe how anything could attack it's own species! The wars in our world only happened between good and evil...on Earth it is between evil and evil that disagree..."

"The humans shown in these wars...some of them looked so excited to kill. The bloodlust in each of their eyes reminded me of Drayak. I can honestly say that if I had to choose between letting all those humans live here, or bringing Drayak back from the dead...I'd choose that dragon."

"The evil didn't stop there. How could it have gotten worse? Well, he found something that made me vommit...the factory farms. I can't describe what I saw again...I just can't. The horrors...the pain...I actually prayed those poor creatures would die. That's when I knew Earth had no hope...the corruption was too strong...and I wanted to come back here." Aveyi fell to her knees and cried her heart out. She wouldn't be able to go on much longer. "I thought...Nick would...stay with me in this world...and help me...return it to harmony...rather than waste time there in hell...but he..." She was done. Her sorrow drowned out her voice.

Uraku's jaw dropped with shock, turning to Daniel who was crying too. Daniel didn't deny how evil his race was. It was clear why she was so bitter about Nick not returning with her. He had always put himself in Aveyi's shoes, and thought that he would be upset if he lost Nick...but leaving the world he grew up in just for love seemed so difficult. After what she witnessed, it only made sense now to despise Nick so much. But...he had to tell her something important.

"'re right...there is great evil in our world...but it's not by our doing." Aveyi looked up at him, almost angry through her tears. She demanded an explanation.

"All the evil was the result of humans...but only a handful are truly evil." He reached over and took her paw in both of his hands, looking over to Uraku. The tiger nodded, letting him know he was not offended by the gesture. Daniel smiled and looked back at Aveyi, hoping to clear her sorrows. "I know of the destructive power you speak of. I can only assume you are referring to the nuclear or atomic bomb...the strongest power of mass destruction we can muster. man created the bomb...and believe me...he went to his grave regretting it. He told us that he didn't know what the third world war would be like...but the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones."

"The humans in the factories polluting the air know well what their work is doing to the world...but they have to work the machines, or let their families starve. These poor souls are forced to work in miserable conditions to make enough wages to buy necessities for their families. They are good people...but are forced to be evil. I won't say this is the same for factory farm workers...because if the only job I could get was torturing animals for later consumption...I would become a thief instead."

"The true evil lies in the top of the heirarchy...the kings of our kind, if you will. They wage wars, run the jobs we work, make the decisions that impact the world. I won't deny that human nature can be evil...but after the heat of the moment a true human thinks back on what they've done and will come to regret it. A true human who has caused pain...will accept responsibility, and atone for their sins. The majority of our race is like that. I am like that...and so is Nick."

Aveyi's tears were slowy subsiding as he listened to the words of Daniel. They were relieving to her...but she had one more problem. "Daniel...Nick promised me he'd come humans not care about promises?"

Daniel wished he knew where Nick was now. He wanted to make this the sweetest moment of her life...and there he was, right on cue. The white wolf that he hadn't seen before in the crowd walked closer to them, just outside the cell. Aveyi hadn't noticed yet, still concentrating on listening to Daniel. Daniel smiled, shifting his eyes to look at Nick in his new body...the perfect male version of the beauty Aveyi sported...and quite a sight for sore eyes in the buff too.

"Aveyi...he didn't break his promise..." Aveyi jerked her head to where Daniel was looking to see a white wolf standing there. She didn't recognize him at first, slowly standing up and whispering almost inaudibly, "N...Nick?" She looked into those eyes that were so familiar to him, her heart fluttering wildly. Nick looked at Daniel, speaking as if everything was normal at the moment, "Hey, dude, can I get some pants or something? This fur ain't hiding my new junk from nobody!"

Aveyi knew it was Nick. She jumped over Daniel's bed, kicking him in the shin on accident and making him groan from a slight pain. He didn't care though...

Uraku guided Daniel out of the cell as the two wolves basked in their reunion. They were showing such passion for each other...Daniel wanted to stay and watch the sweet moment...but knew he didn't have a place in what was sure to come. This was their moment...and Uraku and Daniel would one day have theirs. The tiger and human walked out of the cell, Uraku leading him back to the arena, leaving sounds of two wolves relieving their tension in the distance.


"So...your place sounds like a dump, Daniel...think we can fix it up later?" Uraku grinned. Daniel looked a little shocked. "You mean, after what she said, you still want to go?" Uraku nodded. "Daniel, I have to know for myself what humans are like. Maybe I can even help inspire change in them!" Uraku seemed too full himself at the moment, bringing out laughter in Daniel.

The two of them joked around, shoving each other playfully as they approached the hallway where Uraku would go left to prepare for his final fight in the tournament.

Note: "taplop" is not a typo. Aveyi didn't know what it was really called, just kind of what it sounded like.