Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 15

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#15 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Quite the shock last episode, wasn't it, my lovely reader? Well, I hope so anyway! Our sheep has her work cut out for her, but she's not alone and now she knows there is hope in restoring the memories of that which was once lost.

Of course, her new brother has a lot to learn and you may have noticed we're getting closer to where the other tales left off. That's right my lovely reader, just like with Silverpaw, we'll be pushing out of the past soon enough, but... not quite yet!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Quite the shock last episode, wasn't it, my lovely reader? Well, I hope so anyway! Our sheep has her work cut out for her, but she's not alone and now she knows there is hope in restoring the memories of that which was once lost.

Of course, her new brother has a lot to learn and you may have noticed we're getting closer to where the other tales left off. That's right my lovely reader, just like with Silverpaw, we'll be pushing out of the past soon enough, but... not quite yet!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 15:

We will right this wrong

"Ngh... what... happened?" Ezekiel pushed a hand to his head as he sat up, then immediately clasped said hand to his mouth as the world spun.

"Close your eyes, it's going to take time for them to adjust," I spoke out while sitting before him in the chamber, my mother perched on her throne looking amused.

"I- do not feel the thrum of life in my veins... so I have fallen and turned eh?" He snarled the words, cracking his fingers and peeking out, his eyes narrowed to adjust to the light of the room and his new vision. The room was actually brighter and more appointed these days, but it was still minimalistic given what frequently happened. No sense putting carpet in just to be covered in blood.

"Half correct, my son," My mother showed her canines in a grin as Ezekiel slowly looked back, seeing his wings were still white. His eyes widened as he gasped, then I heard him gag before he shut his mouth and put his hand over it again.

"For fuck sakes, mother... let him get his vision and head cleared first!" I snarled out as I glared up at her, then shifted my focus back to him. "Look, you've got a lot to learn and process, but you're now my brother. I mean... I suppose by our court standards, I could refer to you as my child since I sired you, but that feels awkward and disrespectful to you." I shrugged a shoulder, I knew he was a prideful creature and I didn't want to shame him.

"I am grateful for that sentiment, Lorelai..." Ezekiel huffed the words as he rocked back to sit up, keeping his eyes closed as he focused himself.

"I shall refer to you as my child, as I would any in my family, your ego be damned." My mother hummed the words as she rolled a wineglass with some of my blood in it.

"Why did you have Lorelai do it, and not yourself?" Ezekiel spoke out, slowly cracking one eye open, then the other.

"Simply put, I wouldn't have stopped. Divine blood is a delicacy and I'd have taken it all. Also, despite my age and power, your sire has things going on in her that made it possible, I do not."

"Things going on?" His gaze ever so slowly shifted over towards me.

"I suppose it won't hurt to tell you now. The rabbit that was with Gloria... that's my lover, Alice. She's what we call a Chimera. She siphons powers off as a succubus or incubus would, but it's permanent, and as she takes on some of her donor's energy she can give her own in turn."

"That sounds absurd, yet what I saw before my eyes that day... She brought forth divine flames as well as hellfire. I could even feel her siphon off my own life when I had my hands on her before Elias showed up."

"Correct. In truth, had you prolonged the engagement much longer, she probably would have started pulling enough to weaken you and turn the tides. I've seen her do so many times to beings stronger than you," I spoke the words proudly. I was exaggerating a little, but I had seen it done with Sarnai, and I had no doubt she would be a match for Ezekiel presently.

"I would normally balk at that statement, but I've been humbled sufficiently as of late. Even before you requested to speak with me, I was berated for my decisions and stripped of my rank." He sighed and shifted his gaze to my mother. "So what happens now?"

She offered an amused grin. "Well, you've already had your frenzy, so now you learn to control that hunger, my brother. You also have a lot of catching up to do with your sister, so... I hope you're ready for a lot of pain."

Ezekiel gave her a resolute nod. "Whatever it takes to save him. I'll not leave my brother to rot in the nine hells."

"That fox, he really has stirred something in all of you. Why, I think were I in their position, I'd have done the same thing your Seraph did." She rubbed her chin before gracefully standing to give a lazy stretch. "Well... you have a lot of catching up to do, my son, so expect to see a lot of this place."

"As you wish... mother?" He spoke the title questioningly, and she gave him a beaming grin at it.

"Yes! You learn quickly... Ah but before that! Lorelai, I have orders for you, my daughter."

"What is your desire, mother?" I stood and dusted myself off.

"Reach out to the magi circle and take your new brother to... visit, that person." She gave me a wink.

I hadn't told Ezekiel Ryder could be spoken to, only what his fate currently was. I blinked a few times before quirking my ears up. "You wish him to speak to-" My jaws snapped closed as if they weren't my own as she gave me a look.

"Say no more, just take him to meet that person, it is something he needs to do on his own, do not explain." She hissed the words out and I felt the compulsion end, snapping my teeth a few times to make sure they were free before giving a nod.

"May I ask what is going on?" Ezekiel prodded at the two of us, but she just shook her head in response to his question.

"You will know soon enough, now both of you get going. Oh! And my Avenger, do not speak of this to any of your family yet, this needs to stay between us and the magi, tell Kazemde as such too."

"Speaking of that, what am I to tell the celestials when they come to me wondering where their brother went?" I cocked a brow curiously.

"You'll figure something out, you're a smart ewe." The Elder brushed my concern off with a flip of her hand, making me snarl at her casual response to my concern.

"I'd still like reasons as to why not to involve my own family, but I'll deal with this first." I nodded as I reached for my cellphone, calling to request to visit the circle.

"Yes, I'd like to come visit, it's not really business but I have someone for you to meet, yes, yes... yes. Look, Kazemde, I'll explain when I get there okay?! Okay, bye!" I snarled and shoved the phone back in my pocket, glaring at my mother as a gate snapped open before me. "We're talking later about this cloak and dagger nonsense."

"Oh, I can't wait!" She gave me a cocky grin as she waved me along and I nodded to Ezekiel before walking through the gate with him.


Kazemde was at his desk, gloved hands folded looking stoic and proper since he had a new visitor, but that all shattered the moment he saw Ezekiel.

"What... in the name of the divine and dark gods?!" The mage hissed the words, his hood puffing out as he moved right over to us.

Ezekiel reeled back a little in shock as the cobra circled, looking him over in fascination. "Mage, what are you doing?!"

"Relax brother, he's just obnoxiously curious, he means you no harm" I sighed and stepped back to let the mage gawk at the turned-angel.

"Your words are sharp, Lorelai." Kazemde gave me a fussy look but kept looking the angel over before reaching a gloved hand out but hesitating. "May I touch these wings?"

Ezekiel showed his sharp teeth in a snarl, but gave a nod as he unfurled a wing, letting the bulk of it simply push into the mage. Kazemde gave a small shocked hiss, having to stagger back a few paces while I laughed at the display.

"Well, you did ask." I showed the lion an approving grin as he gave me a smirk. Kazemde seemed to be more worried about feeling the feathers.

"I can-... I can still sense divine power coursing through him. You realize this means he still has communion with his kind, yes? They can locate him if they will it." Kazemde gave me a curious look as he finally pulled away to start back towards his desk.

I responded with a simple shrug. "So? This place is shielded from them, as is where my mother resides. Let them come if they wish to debate things with me, it'll not go well for them if they attempt hostilities."

Kazemde offered a frown at that. "Lorelai, do you truly feel you would compare to-"

"I've not a shred of doubt in my mind. The trio of them could stand before me united, I'd break their wings and put them on their knees," I spat out as I clenched my fist, eyes red.

Ezekiel flinched at my words before speaking out, "Sister... I do not know how much I am allowed to talk back to you, but please try not to speak of maiming my former brothers and sisters. Regardless of my zeal, they are still like family to me and I love them."

I gave the lion an appraising glance and nodded. "I'll not force you to hold your tongue, Ezekiel, and I respect that level of care for your family. I'll keep that in consideration in the future, but know you are always free to speak with me as my brother. It was not my choice to turn you, I was forced to do so after all, I'll not hold you to any contracts as your sire."

"Well, that answers my next question." Kazemde rubbed at his chin as he settled down at his desk and laid the egg-sized ruby upon it. "Are you here for this, Lorelai?"

"Yeah, but I'm not supposed to explain the situation. I guess mother wants him to experience this for himself." I gave a shrug.

"I'm getting a little worried about all this, do you two plan to put me through some terrible magical ritual or something?" Ezekiel frowned and put a hand on his hip, cocking a brow. "She did go on about pain and agony earlier."

Kazemde gave a chuckle and motioned to one of the chairs before the desk. "It may be painful in some ways for you, but not in a physical sense. Sit and let us give you some privacy, then collect the gem and focus your thoughts. I'll put a ward upon the room so no sound will travel outward, you'll have complete privacy, just please do not touch anything else."

"Well, alright, I'll come find you when I'm... done, I guess?" The lion huffed the words as he took a seat, staring at the large gem on the desk before him as Kazemde ushered himself and me from the room.

"Do you think he'll be alright, Lorelai?" Kazemde asked me as we left the room and started walking through the chambers of the circle.

I frowned and pushed my hands into the jacket I had on. "I suspect there will be lots of crying and remorseful words between the two of them, but I think it'll do him some good. I get why mother didn't want to explain things right out."

"So, what happened?" The mage asked as we made our way out to one of the balconies of the tower.

With a sigh I leaned up against the railing, resting my elbows there as I stared out over the empty desert under the pale moonlight. "I... I offered him a place within our family, similar to what was given to Gloria, but I hadn't wanted to turn him, just let him experience what we were, but then mother..."

"So the elder intervened and forced it upon him?" Kazemde tilted his head at me as he leaned against the railing next to me.

"Well... it was his decision, even if it was under duress. The only thing she forced was me to do it." I gave a sigh and shook my head. "I've not sired another in... easily a millennium Kazemde, and the last time it was a sorrowful end... I was still very young and wasn't prepared for what came with it..."

"So it has jostled some bitter memories free, has it?"

"In a sense... it was so very long ago, I can't remember much of them, just glimmers of the whole thing. Still, it was a sad end for them, they couldn't handle the change and eventually gave up, just walking out into the sunlight."

"I can only imagine... my father used to tell me, after a century or so, you just kind of cling to important high points and move forward. You only have so much capacity to remember all the events you will experience in your time."

I gave him a nod. "Your father was correct. Even if I were to fall deeply in love with a mundane for example, how much time is that for me? No matter how pure and wonderful the sensations are, time will chip that away. I think this is why most of my kind seeks to keep relationships within our clan."

"Several relationships form within the circle as well. We are not as long-lived as your kind, but you're familiar that as magi, we have extended lifespans. We can see multiple generations come and go in our time, so on a small scale, I can relate to you on that, Lorelai."

"Kazemde..." I looked down upon the desert floor beneath us then back up at the moon. "The angels and hell aside, what am I to do about my sister? Alice has grown so strong, she may even be a match for Sarnai depending upon the situation, but is that how it has to be? Am I destined to watch two of my most cherished loved ones kill one another?"

"I don't have those answers for you, Lorelai. Our scholars have been searching for centuries and we cannot find anything on this affliction of Sarnai's. She has even come to call a few times over the decades on business, and I personally asked to look her over. She has no obvious curse or hex upon her soul. Whatever is in her, it's in her soul, and who can get into one's soul other than an incubi or succubi? Even then those changes are tempo-"

"Wait!" My ears perked at that. "Get in one's soul... Like, Alice does?"

Kazemde puffed his hood out and gave me a startled look as if he had also just come to that realization. "W-Well... yes!"

I quirked a brow and tilted my head, hands shifting my hips as I faced him. "Wait, has she been in your head, Kazemde? Are you and Alice...?"

Even in the darkness of the moonlight, I could see the faint heat come to his cheeks and hear his heart rate pick up. "Well, it's complicated. I allow her to feed upon me, but we do not engage in sexual activities, does that make sense?"

"So it's a sort of... plutonic relationship?"

"That would be accurate. I have been intimate with Alice in ways of holding one another, even sharing time together in the dreamscape, but it has never been of a sexual nature."

I showed him a grin and rolled my eyes. "So you get cuddling without having to put the sex forth first, that's what you're telling me?"

"That is one way to put it, yes." Kazemde gave me an awkward nod.

My arms folded as I gave him a direct look. "Back to the point. Alice... I mean, if we could get her to root around in Sarnai's dreams, I wonder if she could find something."

"I think we would need to do some tests first, let her practice delving deep into willing partners' psyches, and preferably ones that weren't wishing to murder her in cold blood." Kazemde gave me a flat look as he put a hand to his hip.

"Yeah... I'll need to find a way to sort all this out with them..." I sighed and rubbed at my head. "It was easier when I was the brooding loner, now I've so many to worry about."

"An oddly complicated life you live, Lorelai, but perhaps, count yourself lucky for having so many that love you."

"Hmph... I can't even save a single one of my loves, let alone the others ready to kill each other or the one that has completely forgotten most of our relationship." I gave another frustrated snarl as I pushed a hand up through my hair, tucking some of it behind one of my curled horns.

Kazemde pursed his lips at the words before giving a sigh, "Lorelai, you know my circle has very strict laws about how we handle information and confidentiality, yes?"

I gazed over at him and cocked a brow. "Of course, what of it?"

"I'm simply going to air my frustration on something, so please do not ask me questions, I'm just... complaining about work, understand?" He looked off in the distance with a frown.

"I get it, what's been so rough about... work, Kazemde?"

"One of our clients who we owe some favors asked to cash it all in a few years ago for some information, but like many things, it doesn't just appear out of thin air for us." He even completed the act by rubbing his hairless head with a gloved hand.

I gave him a nod. "Yeah, I can see how that would be annoying."

His gaze shifted to mine as he spoke, "They were seeking ancient knowledge for their people, knowledge on how to declare an internal right to have a house duel for satisfaction."

"I see..." I didn't bother hiding the frown on my face as I looked away from him.

"We've already found the knowledge, but I'm struggling on when to present it. I have so many threads tied up in the whole thing, and they're both very valuable clients, it would be a shame to lose either of them..."

"Ah, I can see your dilemma in that. On an interesting unrelated conversational note... You know Alice is actually going to try to meet with those dumb angels to discuss a peace treaty with us all."

"That is a terribly interesting idea, do you think she has the diplomatic suave to pull such a thing off?" Kazemde looked upon me curiously.

"If she approaches matters earnestly, I think they'll at least listen, they kind of owe her one after the whole situation that happened recently." I gave a shrug. "Rachel has been in contact with Sarnai off and on throughout the centuries."

"You mean the new High Bishop?" He smiled at me, knowing he had just given me new information.

"Why yes, the new High Bishop." I nodded and clicked my tongue before continuing, "Perhaps... one could ask Rachel to deliver the message to your client. Perhaps I'll speak with Toroah after the meeting and lay a few contingency plans into place, then if some information leaked to start an incident, I'd have all my ducks in a row. That is if I have time... perhaps another... five years or so?" I looked over at the mage and lifted a brow.

"Well, Alice is a dear friend of mine, I do hope she does well with the negotiations. I think in regards to that client I spoke of, I may just bide my time for a few more years before giving her the information. Perhaps in hopes, something will stabilize between their groups."

I gave him another nod before speaking, "I think that would be wise, Kazemde... Thank you... for letting me ramble I mean."

"What are friends for?" He showed me a sharp-toothed grin before turning to walk back towards the entry to the tower.

"Are we friends now, Kazemde?" I showed him my own grin as I followed beside him.

"We've talked a lot these last years and you've even cried upon my chest while I held you. Is that something you'd do with a total stranger or mere acquaintance, Lorelai?" He hissed the words with a chuckle as I frowned at them.

"Tch... all these stupid damn loved ones making me cry. I've done it far too often these days, more than I have in centuries." I snarled the words and poked my nose up, putting my hands on my hips. "All the same, I suppose I do appreciate you being there for me, as a friend."

He led us back to his office right as Ezekiel stepped out of it. Kazemde must have felt the connection end, or perhaps it was just good timing. The lion looked upon us both as we approached and it was clear he had been crying, his blue eyes were bloodshot but not red as if he were channeling power.

"How was it?" I asked him conversationally as I strode over and clapped a hand hard on his arm in a bid of comfort.

"Trying... difficult, but... it was good to hear his voice, to have a conversation with him. He seems to be in reasonable spirits, given his situation." Ezekiel sighed and nodded at me, placing a hand over mine as it rested on his arm.

"We do what we can, but it is weighing upon him. Even I can see the cracks forming, though they are hairline in nature, they are there." Kazemde frowned as he nodded at the two of us.

"Then we need to work faster and harder." I gave my own frown as I put my hands on my hips.

"I believe you regularly speaking to him will be a boon, Ezekiel." Kazemde gave the angel a small smile.

"Heh... I can't say for certain on that. He's rather livid over everything that's transpired. He gave me quite a lecture on how if I had listened to him years ago, it wouldn't have come to this."

"He's not wrong," I fired back dryly, then lifted a finger. "But hey, now you're on the winning team, so chin up." I showed him a toothy grin, showcasing my large canines.

Ezekiel gave me a flat look and frowned. "Do you honestly believe that, sister?"

I showed him a smirk and glanced over at the archmage. "Kazemde... do you think the lycanthrope clans would ally with us if we sought war with the celestials?"

"I do," He responded without hesitation.

"And... your lot has lost mages periodically through various circles from celestial's sticking their noses where they don't belong. Do you think the majority of the magi circles would ally with us?"

Kazemde met the lion's eyes as he once again responded, "I do, and my circle most certainly."

"Ezekiel, I could single-handedly bring down all three of your greatest commanders, and that's to say nothing of a unified front. So to so eloquently answer your question, I think your former family would be fucked."

"So you've brought me in the fold just to have me watch you wipe all my loved ones away?" He snarled and clenched a fist, his eyes shifting to red.

"Don't be stupid." I reached up and jabbed a finger into his chest. "I said it before, it's always been your former family starting issues, not us. We're just in a position to defend ourselves now to a point that a counter offense would be the end of them. They play nice with us when Alice goes to talk peace, we'll play nice back."

He looked shocked at that. "Alice? Do you mean that rabbit from a few weeks ago? She plans to negotiate peace?"

"She does, and I'll go with her when she makes the attempt. For what it's worth, this little incident you stirred up, may leave our family's better for it." I shrugged and looked to Kazemde. "I'm going to take a few minutes to say hi to my lover, would you like to show Ezekiel around the circle, or shall I take the gem to my temporary quarters?"

"You may use my office, I'll be happy to give your brother a tour, and perhaps we could talk about those changes you're experiencing Ezekiel, I'm terribly interested in learning all about what's happened with you!" The cobra turned his full attention to him with an excited grin.

"Ha... have fun being a test subject, brother!" I threw my hand up as I sauntered into the room to speak with Ryder, leaving the boys to their tour.


Never bargain with a mage or fairy:

Magi and the fae have a reputation for being shrewd negotiators when it comes to business dealings. They also have a reputation of offering contrived contracts that one must very carefully consider before agreeing to.

This reputation with magi is largely debatable, but as mages have to frequently summon demons and bargain with them, it stands to reason they are versed in manipulation tactics.

Fae on the other hand have earned this reputation. You should only deal with a fairy if you know they can be trusted, or you carefully consider their proposal, and perhaps have a mage look the contract over as well, just to be safe.


I knew it was bound to happen and sure enough, a week later after receiving a message to see him, I found myself meeting with Toroah. I didn't opt for a cafe or anything and simply met with him outside of the city I happened to be traveling in.

The angel frowned upon seeing me and put a hand to his hip. "Lorelai, where is my brother?"

Folding my arms I gave him a bored look. "I'll level with you out of respect, Tor. I offered him asylum since I knew you lot would just kill or imprison him."

"Lorelai, that... was not your choice to make." He furrowed his brow and I could see I had struck a nerve. He probably wouldn't enjoy my follow-up response either.

I gave him a shrug and looked away with a bored huff. "I didn't ask. He was willing so I turned him and he is now part of my family. He's already being trained and educated so he may be of use to me when I go retrieve what is lost."

"Turned?! Lorelai that isn't even possible!" His composure was gone now, his fists clenched as he glared upon me, some of the first real anger I'd ever seen him show towards me directly.

"Well, it is now, and watch your attitude towards me, rabbit. Just because we used to date doesn't mean I'll suffer through your bullshit." I showed my canines, eyes turning red.

He looked furious at my words, but then his eyes softened as he showed me a frown. "Lorelai... I love you, I'd never want to anger you, I just-"

"What's done is done, Toroah. For what it's worth, I didn't want to turn him, but..." I bit down on the words, I wasn't about to tell any of them I was in communion with an elder of my race. "Look it just happened, okay?! Consider him dead if you like, ask your precious Seraph to mask your memories as they did with Ryder if it bothers you!"

"That name again..." He frowned and ran his fingertips through his hair, looking to the side. "Do you really expect to gain something by bringing it up over and over again?"

"You, are being played for a fool, Toroah, all of you are. I somehow got through to Ezekiel and I wouldn't let him lose that again. You and the High Bishop would do well to sit down together and talk about your past, talk about a certain fox."

I saw him flinch at my words and I knew I could probably drag the memories out with enough pushing, but to what ends? It's not as if I wanted war with them even if I knew we would prevail. Alice had her talks coming up and none of them would give me the time of day if I pulled this stunt. No, he had gone over a century and a half, he'd go a little longer.

"Forget it... I'll deal with you and Rachel when the time comes. What of my lovers meeting with your kind?"

"What do you mean, deal with me and Rachel?" He fired back, his eyes growing hard again.

"Answer my question, the former topic is past!" I retorted, showing my teeth in a snarl.

He glared at me for a moment before sighing. "Ichiro and Samantha will take time to convince, but I've got them listening."

"Must everything trudge along with your kind? I'm an old being and even I find it tiresome." I sighed out and turned my back to him. "Listen, we should avoid talking until this is sorted, I don't need your companions thinking I'm corrupting you or something, my lover has enough going against her going into this."

"So, we're just not going to see one another until then?" He cocked a brow.

I showed him a hard look over my shoulder. "Toroah, the small tokens of affection we have shared do not mean we are dating anymore. I like you, love you even, but you don't even remember what brought us together in the first place!"

"How can you say that?! I've not forgotten anything about you!"

"Like hell you haven't! We've done much more than just hold hands and-" I bit back the words, clenching my fists, feeling my eyes start to burn. Of course, what could I even do at this point? Our most intimate times together were with Ryder, they pretty much had to be. I knew it wasn't his fault, but to know he didn't recall when we made love or the affectionate words we shared together, it was heart-wrenching.

"Toroah, we will sort out us when this is sorted with negotiations if it goes well. You tell your people that Ezekiel sought asylum with us and he has it. He desperately needed to be educated on what we were and now he will be more in line with your own desires of peace with our kind."

"I understand..." He sighed and put a hand to his chest. "Well, some of it... Some of it I am left confused and my heart aches over it."

"As well it should. Means to an end aside, a great crime has been committed against you and Rachel, I'll see comeuppance for it one day," I grumbled the words then gave him a nod over my shoulder. "Go and know I love you, I will see you again when our people meet for peace talks."

"I love you too, Lorelai, may the gods watch over you."

"They start watching me now, they'll just get spit in their eyes for it. I'll take care of myself just fine, Toroah." With a snarl of the words, I threw open a gate back to where my mother and Ezekiel waited, stepping through and leaving him alone in the field.


Chimeric Influence:

The Chimera has the unique talent of being able to draw forth the very energy of individuals and actually harness natural abilities from the donor, permanently. This is a two-way street and the Chimera may accidentally or purposefully cycle their own powers forth as well.

The Chimera must be within physical contact with the intended target for the ability to work, and though they can forcefully draw or cycle power, it is at its most potent when willingly accepted. The limits of cycling such various energies are still unknown at this point in time as very little research exists upon Chimera, but the reality simply is, the more time one spends with a Chimera, the stronger they and the Chimera will become.

Essentially, a Chimera is as strong as their social bonds. Like with a Paladin, the Chimera's personal power pales in comparison with their ability to bolster those around them, making their companions the real force to be reckoned with.


About a year later, Alice got her time before the celestial court. She handled things well and with my support, she seemed fearless in the face of the challenge. I didn't quite believe it would happen, but somehow we had secured a truce, not a tentative peace treaty, but a full-on halt to hostilities while we tried to come to common ground.

One thing led to another after the talks had concluded and we found ourselves back at Toroah's home. Over the years I had felt the touch of blessed silver had weakened thanks to Alice's influence on me. She coaxed things and though I was hesitant, I let things play out with Toroah.

To my shock, it was not painful, we were able to touch without pain for the first time in nearly two centuries and my body was happy to push it forward. He made love to both of us for the 'first time' and the whole thing was wonderful, it made my heart sing to feel his embrace again after so long.

We had collapsed into his bed after the lovemaking was finished, I and Alice flanking him as he held us possessively. I wasn't sure how long I had been out, it was hard to tell in the citadel, what with the perpetual light, but I gently disengaged from the two rabbits.

I sighed as I looked down at my ripped-up dress, Alice having encouraged him to get eager. With a roll of my eyes, I moved to the small bag I had brought along, pulling on some snug jeans and a simple t-shirt. I was learning to pack extra clothes when I traveled with Alice.

Collecting the enchanted parasol he had given me, I decided I'd go for a walk to mull things over. I pushed out into the light and began walking along through the citadel, taking in the views like I had done with Alice before the negotiations. This was his home, the place he longed to return to, and yet I saw it before he did.

After several minutes of walking, I felt a presence drawing to me and stopped, looking over my shoulder as I spun the parasol lazily. Toroah landed behind me, his large wings giving a snap as they folded across his broad back. He looked as if he had hastily donned his robes to come find me.

"Missed me and had to come seek me out as soon as you woke, huh?" I called out casually and started walking once more.

"Lorelai... about what we did..." His voice took on a solemn tone and after a few more paces, I stopped and faced him.

"What of it? Do you regret our... first time?" I cocked a brow, seeing the look of confliction in his gaze.

"Was it our first? My mind says yes, but my body and heart, it was as if I knew you already, knew your body..." He sighed and pushed a hand to his chest, offering me a deep frown.

"Interesting... would this be the catalyst for you?" I bit my lower lip and glanced away. Was now the time to do this? Should I push him? It would hurt him, hurt him like it did Ezekiel, and I never wanted to hurt him, my sweet angel-rabbit.

"Lore... Have we made love before?" He called out the question in a pointed tone, his eyes hardening and looking determined.

I tilted my head and lifted my chin, clicking my tongue as I answered concisely, "Yes, many times, but never alone, not just the two of us."

"Ryder? That fox you keep talking about. Why did I think about that name so much after we were done? And, why does my head ache as I try to recall?" He frowned as he looked to me for answers and I felt my heart wrench at the sight of him.

"Toroah... the reality of the situation is, you and the others have-"

"-been misled..." I spoke the words out to the sudden empty void of expanse before me, having simply been pulled to another location. The whole area was devoid of anything descriptive as if I just were in the sky with no clouds, light all around me but not focused at any point.

"You must not!"

"So, we meet at last..." I sighed and rolled my parasol behind me, not sounding surprised by this development.

"We are in no position to make demands, our kind only recently has begun to tread a path of unity, but we beg of you, do not do this."

"You listen to me, I've kept these feelings walled for nearly two centuries. I'm tired of pretending, I'm sick of lying to my loved ones, or hedging around topics. Give me one good reason I should not tell him of your manipulation!" I spat the words out, my voice dripping with contempt as my red eyes burned, wisps of white flames rolling off my form.

"Because a great tribulation comes, and we need Toroah. Were he to learn the truth, he would do as his sister did, he would throw everything away."

I snarled as I threw the parasol to my feet, standing in the divine light under my own power as I thrust a flaming finger at the direction of the power, despite how hard it tried to conceal its location I knew where it was. "So you chain his heart to use him, ha! Color me surprised, oh divine one."

"We do so for his own sake as well as our children! Would you see him meet a similar fate to Charlotte? Do you not love him?"

"Do not bring my love into this!" I folded my arms, feeling the faint drain upon my power from standing in the divine light. I gave a furious yell of challenge and pushed forward my will, the first time I had done so since I began my training. Divine blue-white flames rolled off my form and the power from the light seemed to shrink back from me as I felt the draining fade.

"Hmph... perhaps when I'm angry enough, I should indeed try to go for a walk in the sun." I clenched my fist then spat out towards the Seraph, "Tell me of this tribulation, now!"

"We will speak without hedging our words, out of respect."

"Respect I am overly due from your kind, now out with it!"

"Are you familiar with the Faemarch?"

I snorted as my hands moved to my hips. "The realm of the fae, yes, what of it?"

"In the coming days, we fear the fae will begin to stir. There is unrest settling across their land, and we fear it will come to our realms."

"Intriguing... You mean to tell me, conflict with the Faemarch could be on the horizon?"

"We believe so, and we need our strength at the ready. We love our son, truly we do. Please, you must understand it rends our heart we are so powerless to not only help Ryder, but to-"

"Enough of your excuses, Seraph! It has been nearly two centuries! He would have already been driven mad had it not been for Charlotte, the Magi, and myself! Should the fae come to our shores, I'll beat them back myself if I have to! Do something about Ryder, do something about my fox, now!" I screamed the words, tears coming to my eyes as I clenched my fist once more, white divine flames rolling off it. "I demand you do something!"

"We are powerless..."

"You are useless!" I spat out with a hiss, "Just like your worthless gods, you talk a big game, but you sit back and watch everyone suffer rather than help. Worthless, the lot of you!"

"Please, Lore-"

"Release me from this place or I'll tear open my own way out, we are done talking!" My words came out snarled, my heart full of fury as I prepared to let the ancient blood in me have full control.

"We beg of you, calm your heart, and hear our plea. If you wish to save Ryder, you must listen to us! If you reveal the knowledge to Toroah, he will lose himself, and we will lose any hope of saving either of them!"

There was earnest panic in the words, a sincere plea. I closed my eyes and took a deep controlled breath. "Very well... what do you propose then?"

"Let our people establish their peace if we can. Then we will face the coming threat together. We are certain once the fae arrive we can negotiate with the lords of the underworld for-"

"Negotiate?! You do not negotiate with those that have attacked you and taken what is yours! You put them to the sword!" My eyes narrowed as my rage started to return. "You have no plan, you have nothing to bring to this barter, Seraph. You can't help him, you can't help me, and you grasp at straws!"

There were no words and we stood there for several moments before I clicked my tongue. "Your words have reached my heart though. You and your gods are worthless, but I am one sheep and even I would succumb to an army of fae. I will explain things to Tor, but I will keep him on the path of being a leader, you will not lose your High Commander."

"Lorelai, we do not think-"

"I care not what you think! Be grateful I do not go rip the memories lose from Samanth and Rachel as well! Toroah is my love and I will not continue to lie to him! It will be painful, but I will help him, and together we will sort this out as I did with his brother."

"Is Ezekiel well?"

"Why do you care? He was a product of your own negligence! My family has done more in this year to open his mind than yours did in a millennium! Again, worthless!" I snarled the words and clenched my fist. "See me out or I'll tear my own way out!"

A gate opened to where I was previously, I snorted and started through it as the voice called out. "We have discovered one thing that may be of use in the coming days."

"I'm listening."

"One that is touched by divinity that has already been to the underworld and returned, they could potentially reconnect as it were to provide an entry with the right conditions."

"You mean like the Paladin's soul that Charlotte returned? Why didn't you do it then?"

"We did not have the knowledge at the time and now the soul has been returned to the cycle."

"So find it! That's what your lot specializes in, yes? The shepherding of souls?" I sighed and turned to put my hand on my hip, seeing Toroah looking shocked from the other side of the gate, realizing what had happened.

"Once a soul enters the cycle anew we cannot. Only if they are truly pious can we turn our gaze towards them."

"Then it's of little help, still at least it's an option I suppose. We'll get your peace sorted and deal with the fae. Then I expect your kind to scour the land looking for that Paladin's soul."

"We can see to that, yes."

"About time you did something useful." I flipped my hair back with my hand and simply took a few steps backward, moving through the gate and bumping into Toroah's chest.

"L-Lore! Were you just with the Seraph? You vanished and I was terrified, but then-"

"Shut up and hold me, we've got to have a talk... and it's going to be a rough one, but we'll get you sorted out," I spoke the words with a frown, pushing a hand up to rub against his cheek as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Of course, Lorelai... no matter what is to come, if you are with me, I know I can withstand it." He buried his face into my wooly hair, huffing against my ears as he held me close.

I pushed closer, enjoying the embrace without the pain that had always been there with it. "Let's hope so..."


I saw Alice back home before I and Toroah sat down to have that talk. The Seraph must have eased the compulsion because once we started, it was rather easy to unearth the long-suppressed memories.

It was still a painful ordeal and I spent over an hour just holding him as he wept into my chest while clinging to me. Similar sentiments to Ezekiel's, everything from being too weak to saying it should have been him instead. I just let the rabbit get it out of his system, keeping him close to me the whole while.

"I just... even now, I can remember brushing his hand as I reached for him, he was so close and..." Toroah stared down upon his own hand, then clenched it into a fist. Tears rolled down his cheeks once more as he sat up fully before me.

"You couldn't have known and you can't beat yourself up over this. Trust me, I've been doing it alone for the last century and a half." I curled my fingers around his fist as it shook.

He blinked upon me with bloodshot eyes. "Lorelai... I'm so sorry you've endured this alone..."

I gave a shrug. "I've not... well, look, Tor... Ryder is... well he's going to be pissed at me, but at least you didn't get turned like Ezekiel did." I sighed and folded my arms.

"What do you mean he's going to be pissed?" He lifted both his drooped ears.

"I mean, look it's complicated, but I can talk to him, you can too, we just need to go to the magi circle."

"Wait- You mean... I could... talk to him again? Like, right now?" His eyes cleared and I heard the deep pounding of his heart in my ears.

"Y-Yeah... Charlotte, well she- ... look, I'll explain all of it in due time, for now, would you like to go to the magi circle and I'll get things sorted?" He was already clutching my hands as he nodded several times.

"Gods, yes..." He frowned and looked down at our hands, seeing us holding them with no pain. I felt his thumb rubbing against my grip. "I can't believe, we're touching without it hurting you..."

"It's nice... and it's thanks to Alice. Come here." I pushed my palm to his face as he drew closer and I moved in to kiss him, pushing my tongue forward to meet his, our first passionate kiss alone together.

His tongue moved along my own as I felt his arms pull me closer, our lips pushing together harder as we deepened the kiss. His tongue moved into my own mouth then I gave a little gasp as he purposefully pushed it against one of my canines, his divine blood mingling into things.

My eyes shifted to red and I gave a hungry snarl as I kissed him more fervently, tongue lashing against his own cut one, lapping at that blood as quickly as it would come forth. I felt him pull from me, practically growling at the gesture, but I let him move free.

He gave me a knowing smile as he simply tilted his head, bearing his throat to me. I didn't even think as I pushed forward, piercing his flesh and feeling his divine blood fill my maw. He sighed blissfully as he held me, shuddering as I fed upon him, my hips grinding in his lap while drinking straight from the source.

I pulled free after several moments, dragging my tongue up his throat to close the wound. I could feel what I had done to his body, that bulge in his robes evident as I kept my hips moving. I leaned back with a huff, bracing on his knees, still grinding as he looked over my body, the t-shirt leaving little to the imagination now that I was worked up, clearly showing the hard peaks of my breasts through the material.

"I apologize... perhaps I'm just using our feelings as a bandage, but touching and tasting you eases my heart," I sighed the words, giving a soft groan as his hands move right up inside my shirt, grasping and kneading at my chest, feeling his grip gentle but still confident as he touched me.

"No, I agree... I love you so much, Lorelai... I have for centuries and I always will! I'm happy we can comfort one another." He hummed the words lovingly, even as he bucked his hips, pushing that bulge harder into my crotch as I clenched my teeth, feeling him give each of my peaks a small pinch.

"Ngh... you speak so lovingly but do such lewd things to me! Ha... my little deviant angel-bunny." My hands moved to peel the t-shirt away, leaving me topless before my lover, his hands drifting to the front of the snug blue jeans I wore.

I still smelled of sex from him and Alice, having not properly cleaned their scents from me, and that seemed to just make the rabbit more eager, his hands jerking my pants open as my breasts jiggled from the force of it. "Ngh... so eager, should I assume a more passive stance for you on our first time?"

"Be yourself my sheep, my love," He sighed the words as I raised my hips, letting him tug both panties and jeans alike down, my little fluff of tail lifting high as I moved to turn around, pushing my backside up, tail lifted as I braced on his knees.

"Hurry up, get those robes open and then place your hands upon my hips," I panted the orders out, looking over my shoulder and grinning as I watched the rabbit part his robes eagerly, that length of his springing forth, ever as eager as it always had been for me.

Once his hands rested on my hips, I pushed back feeling the head pressing and rubbing at my petals, my tongue showing slightly as I teased him, my curvy hips shifting in his grip as he kneaded them but let me move at my own pace. Finally, after a few more moments I lifted myself a little higher, getting the tip in me before I lowered myself with a throaty bleat of a moan, feeling him push deep into me once more.

With an approving huff, I settled into his lap, feeling him pressed deep to my core. My back pushed into his chest as both my hands moved to his wrists, bringing them forward to cup my exposed breasts. "Go on... you need not wait for my orders, my angel-rabbit... take me at your pace," I moaned the words, drifting my left hand up to brush his cheek as I felt him start to move beneath me.

"Lorelai... I love you..." He panted the words into my ears as they lifted to hear them. My smaller body jerked and rocked slowly in his lap, his hands never leaving my breasts, supporting them with each deep stroke he made inside me.

"Hgn... yes, and I you... you are foolish at times, huff... ngh... you make poor judgment calls... but you are a good rabbit. Also, you are mine, and never forget that." I hissed the possessive words as he pumped faster, feeling him stroke me with every inch as he impacted deep inside me repeatedly while kneading my jostling breasts.

"I thought we weren't dating, my ewe?" Toroah cooed the words into my lifted ear before giving it a playful nip, following with some deep labored pumps into my core.

I bleated at the bite and the sassy response, not to mention what he was doing inside me. "Ngh! S-Shut up and fuck me, you quarrelsome rabbit!"

"What happened to no orders?" Again his words came in a loving sing-song voice that made my heart pound, but I didn't really have the motivation to argue, given his hands were now anchored to my hips, his thrusts deep and focused.

My tongue lolled out as I leaned back fully, my breasts swaying as I pushed into his strong chest, panting out with each deep stroke he made into me. My nails dug into his jaw as he panted down upon me, my other dug into his right arm, feeling my body succumbing again and again for my lovely angel.

I could feel he was getting close, my body still remembering the movements he always would make and the sounds of his breath, then again we had just made love yesterday. I clenched my teeth and hissed through them as I rubbed his cheek. "Don't hold back, please... no sharing, I'm all yours and you're all- ngh!"

He didn't let me finish my speech before making a final deep impact to my core, my tongue lolling out as I felt his heat erupt in me like a fire. I bleated out a soft moan, feeling his love for me again and again with each thick rope he sent in.

"Haa.... L-Lore..." He whispered my name and weakly held me, panting into my hair as I felt the last of his heat milked into me, leaving me feeling warm. I chewed on my lower lip, feeling the other energies at play, faintly siphoning off his divine energy as if I were a succubus.

"Toroah... huff... I've longed to be with you again, longed to be with you alone and in private like this..." I panted while rubbing at his face, feeling both his arms wrap gently around me, hugging tightly.

"Lorelai... I-" He shuddered as I felt him hug me a little tighter and I could feel tears against my ear as he buried his face into my hair. "I'll never let you go, I'll... We'll right this wrong, we'll get our fox back, I swear it."

"I believe you, and I feel the same. However, now you can be assured, my love for you can stand alone as well. Do not be rash, my love. I promised the Seraph I would keep you focused upon your duty. We will get our fox back, but do not forget your obligations."

"Thank you... please, tell me what you know of Charlotte and how all that went down, while we get cleaned up to go to the circle."

With a nod, I leaned up to kiss his jaw. "Alright, let us start with Ryder's sword and the connection she made for the magi..."

And so it went. I explained everything I knew from all the angles, including mother, Ezekiel, and what the Seraph had forewarned me about. We agreed it best to keep most of the knowledge to ourselves, the rest of my family would just be left anxious over it all.

So just like that, my life had once again changed dramatically. I would of course adjust to the next phase of things, but I had a feeling for the first time in all this, I might actually be making headway towards my end goals.

I hope you've enjoyed this episode, my lovely reader!

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