Feathers: Monday Morning

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#7 of Feathers

The next installment of lewd fun between pairs of dragons and gryphons. Here Ala seems to have woken up at least somewhat sated, but the same can't be said of Kalinth!

In the confusion of the day before no one had closed the bedroom curtains against the morning sun. That actually worked out quite well as no one had remembered to set an alarm either and the weekend was over. Chantey was the first to wake. Perhaps it was the sun warming the gryphon's black feathers or just that his head happened to have the clearest line to the sun from the tangle of limbs formed by the four friends. Awareness came slowly at first. Then with a bit of a jolt when the events of the day before washed over him. It was just a little jerk though. Not enough to wake those he was sleeping with. Those friends were now more than just friends.

The day before had given them the chance to bond far more closely than friends. Even more closely than the friends with benefits, they had been. The gryphon's eyes fell first on his mate. The gryphoness was snuggled up to his chest. Then to the drake that pressed up against her back. The drake that had spent much of the previous day breeding his mate. There was a sharp feeling in Chantey's chest for a moment before he felt the drake's wing wrapping over him. Holding him close as the dragon's reach also held the dragoness at his back. He held all of them together in a gentle embrace. Even the gryphon that had been breeding the dragoness the day before. The sharp feeling faded as the remembered feeling of Kalinth's fertile passage around his bare cock returned. The memory brought a warm flush with it and his shaft was starting to poke free of his sheath before the thought had even finished.

As the gryphon became more aware of the room the heavy scent of heat that still hung around him helped his hint of shaft become a full erection. It was poking in against Ala's belly and soft feathers. Enough to make her mumble something, but not to truly wake. His beak opened slightly in a grin and his ears gave a little wiggle as the gryphon shifted slightly. The shifting was enough to wake Attis behind her though. He woke somewhat more quickly than the gryphon had and soon had a smile for all. A gentle rub of Attis' wing started both 'nesses stirred awake as well. Then Ala's eyes popped open and she drew in a quick breath. The drake's forepaw had slipped back under her tail. One digit carefully ran over the gryphoness' sex and she gave a soft coo. Her hind leg lifted to give him more room to finger her and it also gave Chantey quite a lovely view of his mate's pussy. It held his eyes for a few moments before he thought through what he was looking at. It looked a bit wet still from the play that had gone into the night before, but the puffiness was gone from her lips.

Attis gave voice to Chantey's thoughts before the gryphon had quite had time to finish them. "It seems your heat has already broken, my dear, " The dragon said, sounding rather pleased. A tone none of them would have expected two days before but a great deal had changed. The drake's paw continued to play with the gryphoness' pussy. Rubbing gently, spreading her lips, one careful digit rubbing over her clit. All the while Chantey stared down. It was wonderful to see, but that sharp feeling in his chest was back. It was one thing to see his mate had been bred by another or at least that another was trying, it was something else to know it had taken. Taken so quickly. To know that another male's eggs were already starting to form in Ala's belly.

The red dragon gave the little shake and pulled his paw up from her sex slowly. "Gods, I want to fuck you again anyway," he said and gave a couple short thrusts of his hips. Even though he was still in his sheath.

Ala giggled and was now rather awake, "Good morning to you too."

Chantey's ears had stilled, but he pushed them forward in a friendly greeting. Ala's ears flicked forward and she eagerly nuzzled up against him. Attis leaned in and kissed both gryphons. Then he started to rise as he caught sight of the clock. "I am going to need to run here though, as it is I am already going to be late for work," he said as he quickly made his way to the bathroom.

All that had been enough to wake Kalinth and the dragoness snuggled up against Chantey's back leaving him sandwiched between two 'nesses. Her tail also rose and trailed over Attis' side as he went to get cleaned up. "Good morning, loves," Kalinth said as she wrapped a foreleg over both of the gryphon and pulled them closer.

Chantey's mind was still rather stuck on his mate's state and it did not help that he was still smelling Kalinth's heat. Self-doubt boiled just under the surface as he wondered how it had been his luck that Ala was pregnant and Kalinth was still in season. Of course, he didn't know that Ala had enjoyed nearly a day's head start. It wasn't something he was likely to ever know either. The strongest relationships might not be built on lies, but some truths would be no better. Especially now.

A moment later Ala was reaching her neck over her mate to nuzzle Kalinth as well. Their morning greeting quickly became a kiss. Then after it came to a slow end above him Chantey found Ala lifting his beak to the dragoness' muzzle and she kissed him as well. This kiss lasted a bit longer and the gryphoness quite enjoyed watching. As she did her paws wandered down the gryphon's belly and found his hard shaft. A moment later she was stroking him as his beak was locked with the dragoness' muzzle. A pleased rumble from his chest was all he could manage.

By then Attis had made quick work of getting ready and came out of the bathroom in a hurry. He stopped long enough to give them all quite a lewd parting kiss though. First, he lifted Kali's leg and kissed her slit. Then, Chantey's cock which Ala's helped hold up for him to reach. Lastly, he kissed Ala's well-bred sex. She had her leg lifted for him. After that, he was gone. Out the door and into the air. If he was showing a bit of a chub hopefully none of the neighbors were looking too closely.

It wasn't until after the drake had left that Kali left their kiss end. When she did, both the gryphon and dragoness were panting softly. She smiled at him. At both of them. "I told the day off, on account of being in heat," she said softly.

Ala was still stroking her mate's shaft gently as she spoke, "I think I am going to call out too. It's fair enough to use the same reason... Even if..." She didn't finish the thought but giggled almost a bit giddy with a mix of excitement and worry.

There wasn't that same worry in the dragoness' voice as she asked, "Would you like to help me with that little problem?" Her smile grew just a touch and her paw stroked the back of his head where she had held it as she kissed him.

The tangle of emotion in Chantey didn't go away, but they did fade into the background. Without a doubt, there was plenty to worry about even with the assurances of the dragons, but somehow the worries were hard to focus on when a 'ness in heat was asking for the help that a male was wired to give before all else. He nodded and started to roll onto his back.

Kali chuckled and said, "Not this time, goodness knows we have spent enough time in bed." The dragoness rose and took a pose beyond the foot of the bed. It was a display that both gryphons took time to stare at. Even if it was one they had both seen from her plenty of times before. Her chest was low to the floor and her hips were held high. The dragoness' tail flagged up and to the side. If her position offered to let him mount the sight of her puffy-lipped heat begged for it.

A feeling of tension spiked through Chantey. Despite what he had done that day before there was part of him that screamed to stop this. Even if Ala was going to have a clutch now another clutch wouldn't make that better that part of his mind said. It would just make things that much harder. That voice clashed with the instinct to use that dragoness, as her body, as she was begging him to. A third voice of corrupted reason also weighed in, he'd done it yesterday, it was likely already too late to stop even if her heat hadn't broken yet. Maybe it was that third voice that won over or maybe it was just the instinct that kicked in as she gave a little wiggle of her hips. He wasn't quite sure.

Either way, his paws were quickly on the floor and his head came up under her tail. He drew in a deep breath of her scent. Then he drew his tongue across her slick slit. As he did, a forepaw reached up between her hind legs and rubbed the dragoness' belly. "You are going to be even more beautiful when your belly is swelling with gryphon eggs." His voice had more confidence than he felt. It seemed the devil on his shoulder had taken control.

"Oh?" The dragoness asked, "Why don't you prove it?"

That was all it took. The last thoughts of being careful slipped from the gryphon's mind. The box of condoms that sat in the bedside drawer that he had been thinking of all of the previous day suddenly seemed like a terrible idea. The sound he made was something between a huff and growl as he mounted the dragoness. His wings flared for balance and pushed against the tall ceiling of the bedroom. His forepaws climbed over her back and took hold of her shoulders. Then his cock pressed up against her rear. It wasn't quite a thrust yet and before he could try to line up for one there was a gentle paw on his shaft.

They hadn't noticed Ala get out of bed behind him, but now she guided her mate's cock to the dragoness' heat slick sex. The gryphon didn't waste any time in sinking his member into her this time and both let out breaths they'd been holding as her passage welcomed his cock.

"Good," Ala said softly as her paw came back to rub Chantey's balls.

"Gods, yes, it is good," the gryphon said as wet warmth wrapped around his bare shaft once more. He sank all the way into her with that first stroke. Until Ala's paw could rub Kali's clit just as well as his balls. Which she took advantage of as he paused there to shift his hind legs into a more solid position.

"Mmmmph..." Was all the dragoness added as she let her passage become accustomed to the gryphon once more. Even after the day before's bare play she was not quite used to the feeling of the gryphon's barbs against her bare flesh. It was painful, but it was a strong feeling. One that had before always been muted by a condom. This was far better. She didn't think that was just due to her heat and the desire to be bred. Then he started to thrust. Controlled, long and deep strokes, but not slowly.

"Not too quick now..." Ala's said softly.

"Mmmm... Not worried about that this time," he said. "This is about eggs, not pleasure."

Despite what he said there was clearly a great deal of pleasure in it. If anything his words excited Kalinth more. The thought that the day before she had been afraid of such a thing seemed far away. Now that she had allowed herself to admit how much her body wanted it, even if she might not have really let her mind catch up, there was joy in being taken this way. The dragoness had always enjoyed her times with Chantey, but this surpassed even their prior attempts at breeding. The gryphon had been reserved, still worried even if he had become clearly willing. That worry was gone now and he need not have said anything for her to know. The way his cock sank purposely into her was proof enough.

"Gods..." Kalinth moaned softly as her foreclaws unsheathed and dug into the carpet under them. Paw clenched and the rug bunched up in her grasp. "Fuck me... Breed me," she said.

The gryphoness let go of her mate's balls as he started to thrust in earnest into the dragon's pussy. Even as caught up as she was in the clear pleasure of her mate and of her friend her mind had a chance to start wandering to just how this would affect their lives. She was careful to keep away from thoughts of whether or not it was a good thing. It was far too late for that. It had really been too late the first time Attis' had left his seed dripping from her cunt. Every time after that they just accepted that risk. It hardly mattered that Ala thought the dice wouldn't come up for them.

Had Ala taken the time to think through the risks clearly and all the things that might go wrong or happen if they did she would never have considered the chance that their carelessness would lead to more than one clutch. Now it seemed like that was all but assured though. She didn't look away from it. Her eyes were stuck on the sight of her mate's cock plunging in and out of her best friend's cunt bare as nature intended. Though as she watched in her mind she was seeing, nearly feeling, a drake's bare morning wood sinking into her. She knew exactly how the dragoness felt.

It wasn't common for Chantey to really take a dominant role in the bedroom. He fell into it well now though. As Kalinth tried to shift under him his grip on her shoulders tightened. Paws moved down into her chest and claws unsheathed to scrap softly against scales. His belly pressed down against her back as he held her tight. His thrusts stayed steady though as did the dragoness' moans.

The gryphon continued thrusting longer than any of them expected, even him. The tension of his peak was building though. Despite his words, he found himself trying to hold it back. He didn't slow his thrusts, but his muscles strained and his ears twisted back as he tried to focus on letting the moment of impossible pleasure last. His slim, by dragon standards, knot was firm and slipping in and out of the dragoness' lips. Each time it pulled back her sex held on to him for a moment before it came back out with a wet pop. Only to be pushed back in with another wet noise.

The dragoness' passage milked his cock and she clenched around him each time his cock started to come back out. Normally that was something she had to think about, but now it just happened. She was too lost in their natural mating to be thinking about such things. To be thinking about much of anything. Her only thought was of the pleasure of the moment and the thought of what was about to happen. How the male was about to fill her with the chance of new life. The chance of relief from her heat. Just how right what they were doing felt.

Her mind wasn't thinking about what it would be like to explain how she was carrying a gryphon's clutch. His mind wasn't there either. The gryphoness that watched them might be starting to think about such things, but the reality of it hadn't truly hit yet. She was too caught up in watching how her mate's legs strained as he tried to hold back.

The dragoness was aware of how the male was straining as well even if she couldn't see it. Her eyes were closed as she started to pant out, "Cum in..."

Her timing had been close. As she started to speak Chantey's beak closed on the back of her neck and took a solid hold. She didn't cry out even though it was a firm bite. Rather she sighed in something close to relief. What her body so needed was about to happen and it knew it. The gryphon pushed his knot back into her and this time didn't pull out. His cock was twitching, but they both just stood braced for a moment before his cock started to fully throb and pump. His balls twitched with each throb of his shaft and it was easy for Ala to count them as her mate pumped seed deep into her best friend's fertile body.

The gryphoness watched and didn't even notice as her paw came to gently touch her own belly and rested over her womb. After she had lost count of the pumps the first hint of white dripped to the floor after dripping out of the dragoness' overfilled pussy. It joined the wet mess on the carpet that had formed as they mated. Still, his cock was throbbing even as he started to run out of seed to add to the mess he made within her. Ala leaned in and nuzzled the gryphon's twitching sack. Chantey didn't quite flinch and a moment later his beak released the dragoness' neck and he started to pant along with her. "Kalinth... Gods... Kali..." He said softly. Then a moment later his tail rested down on the gryphoness behind him. "Ala..." He added and his beak parted in a slight gryphon grin. He nuzzled the dragoness and started to say, "I love..." Then stopped.

Ala chuckled softly and just said, "It's ok, it is more than ok."

The gryphon relaxed slightly and nuzzled the dragoness. He didn't say anything right away as if he was thinking through what he was saying rather than just letting the words flow. By the time he spoke his cock was already starting to go soft and slip from the dragoness' folds. "I love you." He said softly. Then his shaft slipped free of her pussy and it hung down as white seed started to drip freely from her suddenly empty passage. Her bred hole winked a few times as she found her own reply.

"I love you too." She said and twisted her neck around to nuzzle him back. "You'll be a wonderful father too."

Ala had moved up next to them and joined in the nuzzling. They might need to talk about it in the future, but her love was felt without words. Love for both of them. Love for the father of her own clutch. Friendship and love had a great deal of overlap and flowed together wonderfully. The expressions could be so similar as well. They had expressed their friendship before like this or very closely. There had always been a thin layer of latex as friends. Though Chantey had always shown his love with that layer for latex with Ala. Even so, there had always been some risk of eggs. Part of his mind was trying to process that now, what was the difference between love and friendship. It wasn't just an act or even the results of the act. Was it the commitment? He wasn't sure. He let those thoughts slip away to lose himself in the moment.

Nuzzling became kissing and soon the three were just in a pile on the floor. It was a surprisingly short time before Chantey's cock was hard again and it wasn't long after that that he pushed it back into Kalinth's still cum dripping pussy. This time he lasted much longer and every moment was about drawing out the pleasure. After some time Ala rose with a gentle touch for both of them. She found Chantey's phone by the bedside and sent off a quick message asking a friend to cover for him at work. She signed the message Ala. A reply came back chiding her for wearing him out so badly, followed by a =p and agreement to take his shift. "You have no idea," She messaged back with a grin