VIP Treatment

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#4 of A Pleasure To Serve

This sort of length was NOT the intention with these stories, but argh, it just sometimes happens! Always seems to be an issue when the characters get philosophical. Also, building up the setting a bit with some more figures and concepts usually pads things out a bit. But there's still a good bit of smut, don't worry! And a somewhat niche fetish, at that.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between three males, size difference, rough sex, and cutting-edge sexual stimulation.

By the way, if you would please go to and provide some input on a few basic questions I've asked, I would quite appreciate it! It's a bit of feedback that'll help me in making plans for the future!

Being called into the boss's office was something that always inspired mixed feelings in Lyos. One of these days, he'd have to be informed that he'd completed his service to Mystic Aura Springs, and that was almost certainly going to come from the head honcho. On the other hand, any time he was brought in and that WASN'T the case, it was a huge disappointment. On the other other hand, occasionally he was commended for his work, which had to be a point in his favor. On the other other other hand, sometimes he was chastised, which might have put him farther away.

And then there was being called in for an assignment...which was unprecedented, so Lyos didn't know WHAT to think.

He stood apprehensively in the main office, a semi-spacious and only partly-enclosed area of the main building. Much of the resort was outdoors, but there were a few indoor services, certain types of pampering and dining that were specialized and separate from the general relaxation and lounging of the vast outdoors. The only other 'inside' areas were the lodging, the dens and caves that were here and there for guests to stay in. It didn't look like there were that many from the outside, but there were rather large networks within the hills and pools - human hotels would have loved to match the kind of exotic structure.

Sitting at the desk in front of Lyos was a rather titanic Nidoking, who seemed to be going over some last bits of information on his screen. Eldrick was the grand manager of Mystic Aura Springs, the one who was in charge of absolutely everything and made sure it all ran right. The resort was owned by a human, but really that was a matter of convenience - Eldrick was all but owner for the amount of power and influence he had, and the human never showed his face around and by all accounts had little to do with it beyond the official status. In fact, Mystic Aura Springs was exclusively for Pokémon, there was no human presence anywhere, not even on the staff. Trained Pokémon were certainly welcome, but their trainers were not...which, Lyos could tell, served as part of the appeal - even loyal Pokémon needed a break from their trainers from time to time. So it made sense that the one in charge would be a Pokémon as well...and Lyos had to envy that, for all the work he clearly did, Eldrick still found time to enjoy himself at the resort as well.

It doesn't really surprise me that a Nidoking can get all the tail he could ever want, but doing that at the same time as running a massive operation like this...I'd say he'd have to be on drugs, but given his type, he basically already IS drugs, so that can't help.

Finally Eldrick broke the silence, sitting upright and looking from his screen over to the Charmeleon. "Thanks for coming. Did Trakan tell you anything?"

"Just that it was going to be some kind of assignment, sir."

"Right. We have a couple of special guests coming tomorrow. They're...well, we try to treat everyone as best we can here as Mystic Aura Springs, but these two are VIPs. They're patrons of the resort, they invest in certain things when necessary...such as, perhaps, rebuilding torched sections." Lyos's face darkened; he was never going to hear the end of that one, and he knew that, but it still made him burn a bit. "They're restauranteurs, which isn't a common thing to see with Pokémon, and they're known for putting on incredibly impressive shows with blades that are really a sight to behold. I've been, and it's as good as the reputation says...I'm hoping to take everyone on a staff outing sometime."

"That...sounds dangerous. What if they drop the knives, or they slip from their grips?"

Eldrick grinned. "That'd be kinda hard to do, considering they're a Scyther and Kabutops."

Oh...that makes more sense. They ARE the blades. "So they're sort of partners here...that's why they get special treatment?"

"You could say that. They have their own thing going, but they make returns on their investments into the resort, and they of course have permanent esteem here. And that means you're going to have to do a very good job with them. I want them to be fully satisfied." Lyos's uncertain expression must have been obvious, because the Nidoking snickered cheekily. "Don't look so nervous. They don't have any really weird kinks, you shouldn't have any problem with that side of things."

"That's hardly reassuring coming from someone who speaks casually about thinking having a drugged-up harem would be fun."

"It would be. Anyway, they requested you specifically, so I want to make sure they get what they were looking for."


The Nidoking laughed a bit at Lyos's stricken face. "It's a compliment! Word's gotten around about've got a lot of positive reviews, you know! You're apparently pretty darn good at a lot of things, and I swear, I never thought I'd hear the phrase 'magical blowjob Charmeleon' in my life. So I expect you to hold yourself up to that standard with them - I let you be grouchy with some people, but you're not going to have that leeway with them."

"Yes, sir." Lyos's voice sounded tight, but it wasn't from that admonishment. No, he was mortified to hear that his 'reputation' was spreading OUTSIDE the resort! What a disaster, he was going to be marked for life as a servile bitch just for his having to pay off his debt to this place! That was going to be a nightmare to try to get past...but the only way he was going to get past it was to do what he had to do to get out of this place. He couldn't rebuild his reputation until he was away from what was giving him that reputation. "They'll be here tomorrow?"

"Yes, arriving in the evening, and they have a fairly private spot. You'll be off-duty early to be rested for them. Trakan will see to it that you're not dragged into anything that might hold you back. Any other questions?"

"No, sir. I'll figure it out."

Eldrick cocked his head, looking at him quizzically. "Really? No other questions?"

"I...uh...should I, sir?"

The Nidoking was quiet for a moment. "I suppose not. Very well, then, I'll let you get back to work. Do us proud, Lyos."

"Yes, sir." Lyos turned and left the office, feeling mildly perplexed. For the life of him, he had no idea what he should have been asking seemed straightforward enough, service the two VIPs and be on his best behavior. And if he did a good enough job, maybe that would earn him points towards his release...though, he worried about what might happen if he did TOO good a job...if he was already getting a reputation, rave reviews would probably only spread that further. But surely getting out would we worth it, right?

The next day was a fairly rare reprieve for Lyos, a day where he didn't have to do very much. Normally he was kept busy all during the day, and was occasionally on call for evenings for the guests staying in the overnight areas, something that was sort of a mixed blessing - it was far less chaotic than the bustle during the day, but sometimes it involved one of those overbearing mons that would grate endlessly on his nerves, and he didn't have the easy excuses to get away from them. It was a lot of time dedicated to fixing his mistakes, but, well, there HAD been a lot of fire damage...and to the resort's credit, they fed him, gave him plenty of energy boosts, and made sure he had all the supplies he needed to do the job. Disgruntled as he was, he had to admit that, for someone who wanted to be there, it was a pretty good organization to work for.

This day, though, all he had to do was be on call all day, only when all the other staff were unable to help, and not for anything sexual. They really did want him fresh for the two VIPs, it seemed...which meant the pressure was on to be on his best behavior and most dutiful service. Lyos didn't know what to think of that. Sure, it was one thing to swallow his pride and accept what was thrown at him, but it was another to act like he really wanted to be there and to do what they wanted of him, especially when it meant subbing. And it was GOING to mean subbing, he was certain of wasn't like his 'reputation' had anything to do with his natural dominance, since he almost never got a chance to express that. It had been long enough that he'd grudgingly gotten used to that state of affairs, trying to hold out hope that customers would change their tunes was only frustrating him, so he resigned himself to the fact that while he was here, he was as good as a buttslut. How much of that would they want to see? Did they expect him to behave a certain way beyond that? He didn't want to ACT like a subby slut, at least...maybe they'd be satisfied with courteous and prompt. He wouldn't really know until they got there, so he had to try to brace himself for everything. Which, in practice, meant he really couldn't brace himself for anything.

Still, there were ways to ready himself beyond just making sure he was fresh as fresh could late afternoon started to sink into evening, he went to the staff residence's 'medicine closet.' Despite the implication of the name, it wasn't for healing - that was handled in the on-site infirmary, at least for injuries that weren't too serious. But there was plenty of 'medicine' in there, or rather, stuff that could spice up a good time. Usually it was stuff that could be accomplished at the bar as well, but the bar was a lot busier during the evenings as the restaurant portion got much more heavily utilized, and the staff working the evening shifts usually stuck to the medicine closet to keep things efficient. And it was here that Lyos found what he was looking for, a special bottle of tablets that he knew would make things better for one of his customers in particular. He tilted one of the tablets out into his hand and gulped it down quickly, not wanting the rather acrid taste to linger on his tongue. A little shiver ran through him...not completely foreign but not super familiar either.

Then again, he wouldn't feel it as much until he got either a dick or an attack.

It was common knowledge among anyone who was anyone: a type advantage was the best to dominate, in battle or sex. That was just the nature of things, types you were weak to you were more sensitive to, and that went doubly so for the sensitive spots involved in carnal acts. Paradoxically, though, the domming partner also got more out of it - even though by all rights they should have been less sensitive when a tight passage was wrapped around them, they were actually more so. It was why guys like Kitall had such a preference for Fire-types like him, it was all too easy to get Lyos moaning from that thick cock thrusting under his tail simply from the fact that his body was that sensitive to the touch of a Water-type, and the Feraligatr got way more out of it. More time, too - an advantaged dom could go for longer, and last longer each round, though the sub would get drained far faster.

The flip side of that, though, was that a DISadvantage had the opposite effect - if Lyos tried to top Kitall, as if that would ever be allowed to happen, he just wouldn't get the same level of pleasure out of it and neither would the Feraligatr. Even if in other ways his dick would be sensitive to water, it just didn't work that way when taking the top spot. And the same was true for any other disadvantage. In a sense, the type advantage was working against them there, making them TOO sensitive, to the point where it caused them to go off too quickly and have a significantly less satisfying orgasm. And it hardly escaped Lyos's attention that one of his VIPs for the night was a Scyther - a Bug-type, obviously not the type you'd want to use against a Fire-type like him. And if he was to treat his VIPs equally, that natural disparity was a hurdle, especially since a Kabutops would be doubly potent against him - he doubted they'd be happy if one got the best he had to offer and the other didn't.

The tablet fixed that, at least for a little while. There were plenty of compounds out there that played fast and loose with the typical type chart; some of them changed one's type, some of them added another type, some of them inverted the strengths and weaknesses, and some of them could induce particular advantages and/or weaknesses. Some were enduring, but most were transient, and Lyos had taken one of those - a variant that, rather than try to specialize, just made him take on a weakness to every type. That was the simplest and most straightforward way to deal with it - now the Scyther would get just as much out of him as the Kabutops, and probably would until sunrise. While the Charmeleon didn't entirely like that it could make just about anyone make him mewl like a bitch, he couldn't deny the pleasure that came from that vulnerability, nor that it was interesting feeling sensitive to things he didn't normally feel sensitive to. And at least he could say it wasn't his nature, just something imposed on him, even if voluntarily...his pride would have to be mollified with that.

A few minutes before the appointed time, he was in position, standing in front of one of the smaller luxury springs in a more secluded section of the resort. The moon was high overhead, the stars flooding the sky, and the nearby torches were the only source of light around...well, that and Lyos's tail, but that was hardly adding too much. It was a quiet, warm night, perfect for being outdoors, and there was a whole lot of dancing and revelry going on on the veranda near the bar; he could hear some of it, but it was sort of distant, in the background, unlikely to be disruptive to the guests. The others were probably busy working that...he didn't envy them, that kind of chaos tended to be hard to keep up with. He didn't often have to work those, usually tasked more with being on-call for the rest of the resort, but it had always been rough when he did. Even knowing what was expected of him, he couldn't help but feel like this was a pretty cushy assignment; maybe that was a sign that they were thinking better of him? It sure couldn't hurt.

Especially if he got in the water. All of the springs around there were quite nice, but the luxury springs were the best, the water specially infused with herbal compounds and essences to soothe and invigorate, providing even more relaxation and rejuvenation. Lyos could attest to their desirability - there was one that was available for employees to use on occasion, usually with a special credit that they got after working for a specific number of days but open to everyone during an occasional special event a few times a year. Despite his status, this was a benefit granted to him as well, and after his allotted one-hour soak the first time he got one he felt better than he could remember since starting working there, and his freshness carried him through the next two days in a better mood than usual. He'd been saving his credits since then, waiting for a day where he knew he'd need the help after what he went through, one of those days where he knew that if he was pushed much further he'd snap...he wondered if he'd be lucky enough to get a bit of time in there tonight, maybe they'd want to play with him while in the water.

His head perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. Not as heavy as he expected given Eldrick's size...but it turned out that it wasn't Eldrick escorting their guests, as he heard the much quieter, higher, and smoother voice, almost songlike, wafting through the air. "And here we are, your reserved spring, sirs. You'll find we've provided you with only our best offerings, and that includes the attendant." Lyos knew that voice...sure enough, as the esteemed VIPs stepped into view, so did their escort, a bow-tied Abra named Vinati. Vinati was their head of Employee Support, the one in charge of making sure they behaved well enough with each other and that the resort behaved well enough towards them, looking into complaints and arranging for their pay and all that sort of thing that Lyos never would have had the brain for - but a Psychic easily would. He tended to be brought before Vinati if someone griped about him and they decided it was a fair gripe, or to check on his temper control training, or for other more standard employment matters. He was pretty much Eldrick's de facto second-in-command, as well, and was the boss when the Nidoking wasn't was possible he had something come up and that was why Vinati had taken over this duty. Or maybe he decided the Abra was less didn't really matter much, Lyos's job was the same either way.

"Ah, Lyos. Good to see you're ready here." Lyos kept his expression even and his mind clear; Vinati was a psychic, and could very well pick up on thoughts and emotions that he'd rather have kept to himself. The Abra didn't linger on him, instead sweeping an arm towards the Scyther and Kabutops; immediately Lyos could tell they weren't your average Pokémon, they had an air about them that spoke of honed skills and dedicated craft, clearly they were no slouch in their line of work. Funny how he'd gotten to reading some people pretty quickly through this whole ordeal. "Please bid welcome to our honored guests, Yosamu and Yawara. I'm sure you will show them a fine evening, will you not?"

Of course, that was more a directive than a real question. Not that it meant much, he knew his duty, and bowed to the two of them. "Of course. I'll be happy to provide for you however you wish." Later on he would worry a bit about how easy it was to slip into dutiful service mode...that would have to wait until after the psychic was gone, though.

"This is the guy, huh?" The Scyther was examining him, a slight smirk on his face. "You seem pretty even-keeled...would never know that you shut a whole wing of this place down for months." Lyos's eyes widened and he had to fight hard to maintain his composure; he hadn't been ready for that to be so casually flung into his face. "Guess they've gotten you into much better shape, if you're our special attendant."

The Charmeleon swallowed. "I've been...working on self-control quite a bit, sir..."

"Yeah, you can tell. Well, that answers that, then..." The Scyther straightened up, seeming satisfied. "I was curious about how they managed to turn an arsonist around into someone who was supposed to be a high-class attendant in such short time...but you don't seem like a bad guy. Just someone that needed to learn to keep those flames of yours in proper check."

"Well said, Yosamu," agreed the Kabutops - well, that at least cleared up which one was which, this could only be Yawara then. "When a dangerous element is part of your very being, control is an obligation, not a decision. It is our pride to say that we have never had a serious injury as a result of our work at our establishment - despite the keenness of our blades and the vivaciousness of our shows, we are in complete control and can keep unpleasantness from happening. Too many Pokémon fail to understand the responsibility that comes with having the power we do...ah, if there is one thing the trainers are good at, it's imparting lessons of control. But they shouldn't be necessary, we have the tools to learn control all our own. You seem like you understand...but we'll be checking to make sure that isn't an act, of course."

Lyos swallowed again; this was more of a test than he'd been anticipating. Now it was starting to make sense...these two took the idea of self-control personally, and it wasn't just a practice to them but a cause. Their assessment of him would surely be going back to Eldrick, and if it was poor, that would be a certain setback...if it was good, though...he straightened up, trying to shake off the sudden spate of nerves. "I hope my performance will speak for itself, sirs. You may, ah, correct me as you feel you need to."

"I'm sure he'll do quite a fantastic job for you." Of course Vinati had to layer it on a bit more, but the Abra was floating back towards the door - whether he walked or floated seemed to be on a random whim, Lyos had given up trying to figure out a pattern. "I'll leave you in his very capable hands. Please, enjoy your stay." And with that he was gone, and Lyos was alone with his charges. Nervous, but keeping it in check; he didn't want to give them any reason to think he was less than genuine.

The water was the first target for the two Pokémon, both of them slipping into the spring and relaxing rather quickly. And of course, next up was a drink order - thankfully, ordinary drinks, no Springtime Passions, though Lyos wouldn't have expected it, they seemed here to relax and that one riled people up. But that didn't mean it was easy, because Lyos had to face the question of how to serve them. They didn't have any hands, how were they supposed to hold a drink? He was fairly certain they wouldn't be wanting Lyos to hold it for them, most people liked to have control over how they drank and it was hard to signal someone else to stop. Maybe the special straws they used for creatures with four legs? But then they'd have to get down like that to drink, that didn't seem dignified.

Of course, Lyos had to brace the raucous crowd in order to get to the bar. There was definitely an entertaining show going on, with a troupe of Alolan Marowak doing some of their special firedances, something Lyos wouldn't have minded watching but even if he was around there he wouldn't have time to pay attention to them. As it was, he didn't break stride until he reached the bar, where a Chesnaught sans the heavy armor was taking care of business, and hopped up on the special stand for servers. "Kaiden! I need a couple Moonlight Margaritas, one spicy and one sweet, and some idea how to serve the damn things!"

Kaiden looked over at Lyos with a grin. "Freshers for our VIPs, eh? What, you don't want to see them try to hold glasses with those scythes of theirs?"

"Not a matter to joke about tonight, Kai. I don't want them to think I'm putting one over on them. What can we do?"

"Relax, bud. I got just the thing." The Chesnaught reached under the bar and pulled up a couple of deep margarita glasses, except it looked like they had no bottoms - the glass trailed off into a point rather than a platform. Lyos was about to ask how the hell that was supposed to help anything when Kaiden let go of them - and, to his shock, they remained fixed in their point in space, hovering over the bar like they'd been frozen in time. The Charmeleon just caped as he watched Kaiden prepare the drinks and pop straws into them, and then swing them over his way. "Here you go!"

"...What in the blazing blue hell?"

"Heh, that never gets old. Grav Glasses! They defy gravity like it never existed! Or maybe they're specially imbued with psychic energy so that they can stay in place until someone needs them to move, but that's less exciting. These are the perfect ones for those who don't have hands to hold them and can't just place them on the ground. Now ya know!"

"I, uh...I do, I guess. Thanks." The wonderment still had Lyos a bit stricken, but he didn't forget what he was supposed to be doing. He took the glasses and made his way back towards his two guests, rather impressed with how stable they were - they didn't seem to risk spilling at all, staying far steadier than his hands should have been. The temptation to see how far he could push that was there, but that would have to wait for another time - no way he was going to take chances here and now.

He promptly returned to the spring where Yosamu and Yawara were sitting down in the water, looking like they were getting quite relaxed already. He lowered the glasses next to each of them. "Here you are, sirs. These special glasses should make it easy for you to drink."

"Ah, very nice." Yawara swept one of his blade arms underneath the glass, and it moved with him as if he was holding it tight. It was surreal watching it, almost like it was bound to him by some invisible force...and by the way Yawara manipulated it, it was pretty clear that this wasn't the first time he'd used one. Yosamu was likewise using his rather adeptly...these clearly weren't that unfamiliar to these Pokémon, how had Lyos never come across them before? Granted, he never really had reason to use one himself, he could hold a glass just fine, maybe that had something to do with it.

"Delicious. Dang, we should see if we can get the recipe for these." Yosamu sighed contentedly as he returned the glass to the edge of the spring. He then looked up over his shoulder at Lyos. "You get to enjoy the drinks often?"

"I get opportunities here and there, sir," replied Lyos. Free drinks were an employee perk, though he couldn't drink the alcoholic ones while on the clock. "However, I think my tastes may differ from yours, so I'm not sure I'd be the appropriate one to make recommendations."

"Ha, good answer! Yeah, I'm not much for what Fire-types typically enjoy. But we do have to know what appeals to a broad range of customers...after all, we don't just serve Pokémon with tastes like ours. Nor do we serve just Pokémon, and it's a lot harder to know what the human palate is like, considering how physically different they are. Not that it's particularly relevant here, of course, but in general, I wouldn't be against hearing what others liked and why."

"I suppose that makes sense for someone running a restaurant. Would you like anything else at the moment, sirs?"

"Certainly, we would," remarked Yawara, in that subtle yet unsubtle tone that hinted to Lyos that what he expected to come was certainly imminent. "Would you be so kind as to join us for the moment, Lyos?"

"As you wish, sir." He certainly didn't need any extra incentive, this water was inviting enough on its own. Still, he tried not to look too overeager, minding both his manners and his image, and dutifully but carefully lowered himself into the spring between the two VIPs. Immediately the soothing feeling warmed his body, settling his lingering nerves and relieving the anxiety that had been bubbling deep within. Even the closing in presences of Yosamu and Yawara weren't offsetting that.

"Heh, feels good, doesn't it?" remarked Yosamu, slowly crooking an arm around Lyos, that blade getting a bit uncomfortably close. "Another thing that feels good, I think, is a nice warm hand around soft flesh...well, semi-soft, at least. You would be willing to provide that, wouldn't you, Lyos?"

The Charmeleon glanced down to his right, and sure enough, the Scyther's erection was rather overtly swaying out of his slit; the surface had some thin streaks of flesh along the length of the shaft, looking almost like the whole thing had arcing blades of its own. They felt like they could cut, but they were harmless - Lyos had done enough reading up on that in preparation, he didn't want any unpleasant surprises. Looking over to his left, he found the Kabutops in a similar state; his tool would be harder, and had a diamond-like head with firm points that would provide a fierce rubbing inside him, but wouldn't be much of an issue for his hands. Dutifully, he extended one hand out to each, taking a hold and stroking slowly, not trying to rush them - it was clear that a slow build-up was more what he was after here.

"Very nice..." Yawara thrummed, pushing just a little into Lyos's claws as they worked his pole. "Ah, this is such a, use the claws a little, change it up here and there, that's the special part of this." Lyos did as instructed, his claws teasing along the base of those ridges here and there, scratching lightly across the surface and making the two of them shiver and shake in visible ecstasy. It wasn't quite what he expected, such a response from just using his wasn't often that others had as much interest in that. Not that he was complaining, a good job was a good job, and he'd take it.

"'re good with those," purred Yosamu. "Though I guess that would make've probably had a lot of practice, haven't you?"

"Ah...well, you could say that,'s a bit different using them on someone else, though."

"Naturally, but not so different you can't translate. And I'm guessing it's a pretty small thing for you...but to us, this might be the most enjoyable thing that someone can do."

"Really?" Now that was unexpected. They liked handjobs that much? Perhaps why they started with them, but it was something novel to him.

"Certainly," agreed Yawara with a snicker. "Is that that surprising? After all, it's something we can't indulge in so easily...stroking myself against my blade just isn't even remotely comparable. And we can indulge each other with our mouths or rears, but we haven't a hand between us...and since others can use them easily, they tend to have more interest in other things that they can't get any time. So for us, it's like a rare delicacy that we have only scant opportunity to enjoy...makes it all the more delightful when we get the chance."

That made sense enough to Lyos...he'd never really thought about it that way. It spurred him to put in even more effort, trying to make it as enjoyable for them as he could, so that they felt like they truly got the service they had come here for. Changing up the pressure, the positioning of his fingers and location of his claws, adding a bit of extra heat to supplement the was probably the most effort he'd ever put into a hand job, even factoring in his self-indulgences. Trying to keep both of them equally pleasured at the same time was quite the challenge, though; at least they both stayed close to him, though those blades resting against him were making him a touch nervous. Not enough that he wasn't also erect, though.

Soon enough, he felt both of them start to throb...they were getting close, and he wanted to make sure they finished with a bang. Wracking his mind for something extra special, he came up with an idea, though a bit of a touchy one, but he figured if he was careful it would be worth it. He listened for their breathing to change, that point where they were definitely on the verge and needed just that last little push to get them there...when he heard it, he brought his hands upwards towards the tips, and probed the tip of his claw into the slits at the top, pushing it in just slightly. His claw was definitely too thick to go deep in, but just that little bit hit sensitive spots that had probably never felt proper contact before. And the effect was quite robust, both Yosamo and Yawara letting out gasps and then rapturous moans as they began to shoot into the spring water. Their loads were decidedly different - Yosamu's was sticky and tingled quite a bit on contact, and the strings sort of cling together as the jetted out into the water, while Yawara's seed gushed out in spurts, runny and gritty, rapidly dissipating into the water with the grainy sediment drifting down to settle at the spring bed. Lyos treated them the same, though, continuing to stroke both shafts until the spurts tapered off, maintaining a solid grip and trying to milk them like he would himself.

"Mm, yeah...we're gonna have to do that again before we're done tonight," murred Yosamu, sighing a bit as he came down from his orgasmic high. "You've got fantastic hands, Lyos...their warmth is such a treat, and you've got an expert touch, it feels amazing. It's a shame they probably don't get as much appreciation as they deserve."

"I, uh...thank you, sir." Lyos felt himself flushing again as he pulled his hands away from the two. Another compliment on his hands...just like Burdock had done last time he'd been around. Were they really that special? In a way he hadn't really been trying to cultivate, at that...but, he wasn't about to make any protests here. Accept the compliments as they came, and don't dwell on them too much, distractions were not welcome here, he just kept telling himself that. "I'm, uh, happy to serve."

"Are you?" Yawara's question make Lyos flinch a bit. Had he let something slip that they didn't like?

"Heh, you can only mask it so much, you know," said Yosamu. "You're not bad at putting up the front, but it still doesn't come so easily to you. We get it. It wasn't your decision, so naturally it's going to be a bit of a frustration. But there's nothing wrong with service. It fact, to me, it's an be able to do something for someone else, to be able to use a natural talent and a cultivated skill to make someone's life better, I couldn't consider that anything but a point of pride in my life. And I can safely speak the same for Yawara. We wouldn't do what we do otherwise...why cook for others if you don't have to? It could only be because you want to, and you want to make people happy."

"Perhaps you're one of those types that thinks of service as necessarily meaning servility," added Yawara, and the subtle wince in Lyos's expression gave the answer away. "Hmhm, thought so. You wouldn't be the first, of course, to make that mistake...but look at us. Do we look servile to you?"

"...No, sir, neither of you do. Not at all."

"It's perfectly easy to serve and yet still be fully in control of yourself," Yosamu snickered. "In fact that might be the best way to be, sure is in my book. Everyone wants to be highly thought of, after all...what better way than to have others enjoy what you do for them? We wouldn't be VIPs here if we didn't like to serve others or weren't good at it. And we're certainly not the only examples...after all, who among your colleagues is unhappy with what they do, even as they do most of the same things you do?"

Lyos had to admit, they had a point...though, some of his co-workers were pretty servile, certainly not all of them were, yet they still served all the same. And they didn't really seem to be the worse off for it...not to mention, Eldrick and Vinati, his bosses, their work all oriented around pleasing others too, even if their roles were different, and they were plenty confident and certainly not deferential in their personal lives. Maybe he had been too wrapped up in the thought that serving meant submission.

"It's more obvious in the way you respond to a compliment," remarked Yawara, in a way that was chiding but only gently. "You felt shy, awkward about being told your hands were enjoyable...that's a sign of a lack of comfort with serving. But you shouldn't feel shy about that. You have a talent, a skill, and you should take pride in it. Do you not enjoy the thought of bringing joy and happiness to another? To make others happy is a blessed thing, it's not something everyone is willing to do. And even if you have some reticence, you should's good qualities are good qualities, no matter whether they feel natural to them or not. To be appreciated for one's talents, when they do good things...that can only ever be a good thing it itself."

Lyos found himself lost in thought at that. It was true, he hadn't really seen it as a point of personal pride...rather the opposite really...but, well, he WAS doing something they liked. Was that really such a bad thing? Even if he wasn't sure how it fit with the image he wanted to present...well, then again, wouldn't even a strong, powerful alpha be more desirable with hands that did appealing things? Surely there were ways of using that...and as long as he was here not able to do that...well, wasn't making people happy an asset to completing his penance? Maybe he should have been thinking more highly of it...

As he rested in the water, he noticed a shifting between the two of them. Yawara seemed to be leaning forward more, while Yosamu was settling back a bit, both of them taking a moment to take some sips from their drinks, but with this air that they had a perfect idea what was coming...there was something going on between the two of them that wasn't being spoken, they just seemed to know what they were doing by some kind of connection they had. It left him feeling a bit nervous, but he tried not to show it...he didn't really like not knowing what was coming, even if he could be a bit grumbly if he did it at least allowed him to prepare. But, again, his place was to treat them, and if they wanted to keep him in the dark, he needed to accept that.

"All right...I think I'm ready for the next course." Yosamu beckoned with his blade arm to Lyos. "Why don't you come sit on me? Don't be shy, now..."

"Of course, sir." This was only the tip of the iceberg, Lyos just knew, but he wasn't going to see more of it until he dived in. Carefully he clambered over Yosamu, lining himself up with that bladed dick, bracing himself for what he knew would be quite the sensation...he had to keep reminding himself that the texture was harmless, it just wouldn't necessarily feel like it was. With a breath, down he went, pushing himself down onto it with the vigor of tearing off a bandage...a tense moan escaped through clenched jaw and a lick of flame spat out his nostrils, it was WAY harsher than he expected, feeling like his entire ass had just been sliced and diced. He'd forgotten about the added sensitivity from the type-shifting, it made everything stand out so much more starkly! Still, he persisted, settling himself down on the Scyther's groin, breathing a bit heavy bit still in decent shape. His ass was buzzing like hell, though...that was just what Bug-types could do to you, especially if you were sensitive, he'd manage.

"Not bad...but what did I say? Don't be shy, now." Lyos only barely registered what Yosamu said before he felt two bladed arms wrap around his midsection, sharp-edge first...and then he was PULLED by the blades back against Yosamu's body. A yelp of panic escaped him as he felt that line of sharpness across his scales, feeling like it could shove into him at any moment, and when he was steadied the first thing he did was look down in dread for blood. There was none, thankfully, but that wasn't quelling his heartbeat.

"Come, now, we're here to relax...I wouldn't want you not to be relaxed, as well, so settle down." Yosamu raised his blade up towards the Charmeleon's muzzle. "You know what I enjoy? I enjoy when this wonderful part of me is treated with as much worship as what other people consider the more interesting parts. Why don't you worship my blade with your tongue?"

Lyos gulped. That wickedly sharp blade was right in front of him...surely he didn't mean...but he was really, really worried that that was exactly what he meant. Still, he tried to sidestep it...his tongue darted out, licking along the side of the blade, lapping over the broad flat surface. A snicker in his ear made him wince. "Cute, but that's not what I was going for. The edge, your tongue along it. Top to bottom. Slowly, but without pausing, and with pressure."

Fuck. I didn't need a tongue that was even more forked than it is. Customer is always right...please let me get away with this without destroying my whole tongue... Lyos was visibly trembling as he did as instructed, pressing his tongue along the bottom of the blade and forcing it slowly upwards. A tortured moan escaped him as he felt that vicious cutting sensation along his organ, his body screaming at him to stop under threat of extreme damage, his urgent need to perform his duties keeping him melded to that blade until he'd reached as high as he could from the position he was in. He pulled back, expecting the worst...but the blade was clean. No sign of anything but a bit of his steamy saliva. And his tongue...the pain had rapidly faded, and a glance at what he could see showed no sign of damage.

"Do you perhaps understand, a little bit?" Yawara was in front of him - he hadn't even noticed the Kabutops moving, but he'd been a mite preoccupied. "Our desires are not to hurt you, Lyos...we aren't that kind of Pokémon. But our blades, they are part of us...we would never leave them completely out of our activities. This is why control is of such extreme importance to us...because without control, we would have to deny part of ourselves to live our lives."

"You see, Lyos..." Yosaru had brought his blade back to the Charmeleon's chest, and was now stroking the edge gently side to side against his scales. Lyos was squirming a bit - that feeling was bizarre, it felt like it should be splitting his hide, but it wasn't - and it was, in a very strange way, kind of stimulating. "Arceus graced all of us Pokémon with a very special ability, one that too many of us take for granted: the ability to make even our most potent weapons as gentle and harmless as a soft cloth. Arceus didn't want us to slay each other mindlessly...this is why he made our moves naturally less damaging, mainly depleting our stamina rather than ruining our flesh, and also why he gifted us the power to channel our powers without doing harm, while still having the raw sensation that they would in their natural state. My blades, properly whetted, could cut through sheer steel...but as long as I will it, they won't even make a mark on your much more vulnerable scales. The same is true of your claws, you could bare them against your foes to ravaging effect, yet to pleasure us, they could be rendered harmless...and your flames are no different."

"But when you lose lose the ability to rein in that damaging potential," continued Yawara, his own blade coming down to stroke against Lyos's cock, making him gasp out as that sharpness was channeled against a far more sensitive spot - and that DID feel bizarrely good, even with a spike of pain at the same time. "And those flames become damaging, destructive, ruinous, to everyone around you and to yourself in equal measure. And you find yourself having to make up for the harm you did, and question whether you can truly use them safely, or if you might have to deny them in case you destroy everything once again. It is an uncomfortable position to be in, to fear your own power...only those with true control of themselves can operate without fear, because they trust themselves to always hold back enough."

Lyos couldn't really respond, a bit overwhelmed with all that was going on. But there was truth in what they were saying...he knew, of course, that he could keep his fire from being damaging. It was something natural, the reason his tail flame wasn't lighting up everything it touched. But...they had been a tool of destruction, when he'd gotten angry and fired them off wantonly. He'd lost control, he'd let them become a real threat. the time, he hadn't thought much of it. No wonder they had wanted to force him to learn restraint, he could very well have continued down that path, never controlling the damage, destroying things around him more and more in his impetuousness...that had never been something he wanted, he wanted to be strong and powerful but not a menace, to inspire and attract with charisma, not drive away as a mortal threat.

"We could see it in you when we got here, Lyos," hummed Yosaru, one of his own blades dragging down to join Yawara's on the Charmeleon's cock, while Yawara's other arm snuck around between the Scyther and Charmeleon to press against the reptile's back. Lyos felt the mix of sensations get ever stronger...and also felt the tip of the Kabutops's shaft pressing against his tailhole, while still occupied with Yawara's. That answered the question of what they had been planning. "You're not a bad person...but you need to cultivate that control. Otherwise, more of what happened here will happen to you, and you'll find yourself either regretting it and feeling awful, or...well, some Pokémon stop caring, and those ones, Arceus doesn't like it, but he knows they need to be stopped, in a much more deadly way than we were meant to do. Neither of those are good results, they leave no one feeling happy. Control allows us to do great things with our powers, to use them to bring happiness to others, to relieve our stress without hurting each other, be that in battle or sex or anything else. You have the potential to be everything you want to be, Lyos, but only if you can control yourself...until you can, you can't be what you want, because others will have to control you, lest you destroy yourself."

"And we don't have to ask you what you'd rather have," added Yawara. "No one would ever answer that they didn't want to be able to be the best them they could be. But no one can make you have control, it can only come from yourself...however, we can help you understand it, just a little bit better than you did before, and maybe that will help you. I'd say you've been doing a good job already, if they haven't had any issues with you since then, but you still have more to learn...otherwise, you wouldn't be confused, questioning, having to process all this. But that's not a bad thing...we can all learn to be better. Even the two of us, who have honed ourselves to an art, still try to get better every day, to ensure that we don't slip, that even when the pressure gets to us, we can let it out safely. Now, Lyos...feel what our efforts at control have yielded."

Lyos gasped loud as suddenly his ass was stretched much more, that Kabutops cock slicing neatly into him to join the Scyther shaft already residing within. At the same time, that blade stroked along his own dick slightly, sending a jolt through him and getting him geysering a spurt of precum up onto himself. So much within him, and he was so sensitive to it all...the Charmeleon's head was in a whirl, he was fighting to keep his wits about him under the unexpected mix of sensations being flung at him one after another. His arms had found purchase on Yosamu's body, surrendering to what the two wanted to do to him...he was putting his trust in their control, believing them when they said they could do what they wished to without causing injury to him. It had been true so far, hadn't it? His brain wasn't sure it was in such agreement, still feeling a rush of adrenaline from the perception of danger...which might have just been amping up the pleasure as well.

Now that Yosamu and Yawara were in sync, they didn't hold anything back. The two blade Pokémon started working in and out of Lyos, their cutting cocks faux-flaying his insides and leaving wild pleasure in their wake. Yosamu's precum buzzed and tingled against his walls, and Yawara's slick watery fluids carried the Scyther's deeper into him, spreading the sensations more evenly and broadly. On the outside, Lyos's chest and his cock were each sandwiched between a pair of blade edges, which were stroking back and forth, the pressure on him fairly tense as they each used his body as leverage to hump into him. The sensations were so strange to Lyos, feeling like they should have hurt but there was no pain to be found after the first few seconds, once his body and brain got in sync and realized he wasn't actually being damaged. His body rubbed against the blades a bit in his squirming, amplifying the feeling of sharpness but in a way that was actually kind of soothing and relaxing, like scratching a good itch. And his dick was lighting up as those blades worked it over ruthlessly, the much softer and more sensitive flesh throbbing and squirting as it was run along those blade edges over and over.

"Does it feel good, Lyos?"

"Y-yes! Ah!"

"Good, feel good to us, too. You're close, aren't you?"


Both Pokémon cackled a bit, clearly enjoying the effect they were having on him. And Lyos was pretty well enjoying it as well - this was so bizarrely exciting, maybe the rush of mild panic that never quite fully left was what was making this so much more exciting than most encounters, his body so keyed up that everything was a hundred times more distinct, and his sensitivity, whether induced or natural, was stacking on that exponentially. His heart was pounding so hard, steam and smoke rushing from his mouth and nose, his loins tightening more and more as the urge to release got ever closer...he held back only to keep the focus on the pleasure of the two client Pokémon, this wasn't about his own enjoyment, he had to make sure he did a good job for was tricky to keep his focus on that, but he did his best, trying to squeeze down on those intruding shafts despite how stretched out he already felt, pumping up the heat a bit to help provide his own little help to their arousal. The water was slapping around them, the thrusting and writhing agitating the spring quite nicely.

His best efforts only bought him a little time, and before he could do anything more to try to stop it, Lyos was cumming, crying out as he unleashed his blazing hot load. The vigorous spurts shot out forcefully, mostly against Yawara, who thankfully was well-suited to endure it without much fuss; a fair bit of it splattered back down onto Lyos himself, who more or less acted as a shield for Yosamu. The additional twisting and squirming from his blissful throes only added to the slicing sensations inside and out, helping to fuel the ongoing rush and prolong his orgasm longer than he could remember it being pushed before. Such an incredible experience, he knew it'd be hard to top for a good long while...

Yosamu and Yawara didn't stop their own thrusting at all during this, and even as Lyos came down from the high they were still going, still trying to get to their own finale. It wasn't going to be long, Lyos could feel their shafts starting to pulse and spurt a lot more, and though he was a bit weary he shook off the fatigue and started working them harder, adding even more heat and more tension, trying to get their cocks rubbing together better. His efforts paid off in rapid and rather spectacular fashion, both Pokémon soon letting out their own cries and gripping him tighter as they slammed into him and started to shoot. Lyos held tight to them as their dual loads flooded his ass, quite literally - the huge amount of fluid Yawara could put out alone was filling him up to capacity, and carrying that sticky Scyther seed all over to buzz relentlessly against his inner flesh. A lot of it was squirting out around the two shafts to cloud the spring water below, though with all the movement of the water from their earlier rutting it was quickly getting spread out; enough was still remaining stubbornly stuck inside that Lyos was getting a bit of a paunch from it, though, and he could certainly feel it.

Finally, though, the two were spent, at least for the moment. Slowly the two cocks pulled out of the Charmeleon, letting more of that spunk gush out of his asshole until the pressure was low enough he could hold the rest in. The bulge had diminished to more or less unnoticeable, but Lyos still felt quite a bit of seed inside, as well as the fricative heat of the gritty Kabutops load and the potent buzz of Scyther jizz working over his insides. He was still hard himself, having gotten plenty of bladework on his cock during that last part in addition to the inner stimulation, but he felt a lot more relaxed than he thought he would for being so turned felt like that orgasm he'd had had really been powerful, pumping out a lot of built-up tension.

The two blade Pokémon released Lyos finally from their grips, and Lyos was just able to roll himself off of Yosamo and settle back onto the seat in the spring, panting hard and trying to settle himself down a bit. Yosamu was laying back, head tilted upwards with a giddy smile and his tongue hanging out, while Yawara was swimming around a bit, washing Lyos's emissions off of himself. It was a welcome respite, allowing Lyos to get his bearings...and he had to admit, that had been REALLY good. Probably the best fuck he'd had on this end...or possibly ever, even when he'd been the one on top. And a lot of it had been those frightening, he was getting why they didn't want to leave them out of the action, they were absolute wizards with those.

"Heh, enjoyed yourself, did you?" Yawara swam back up to Lyos; his mouth was hard to see, but his eyes spoke of a slightly cheeky grin.

"Y-yeah...that was...wild..."

"Hmhm, I thought it might be. It's a shame that we don't get that kind of rush out of it...our own blades just don't have the same effect, I guess we're so used to the idea of them that they don't thrill or excite us like they do one of you. But it's satisfying to see a reaction like means we've been doing something right."

"That's the sort of thing you can do if you have control," added Yosamu with a chuckle. "Just like that heat of yours...definitely works a bit differently, but you can do some pretty enticing things with it, I'm sure others have already made note of that. You could get even better, I'll bet...and wouldn't that be more satisfying than turning it on the scenery?"

"Would be hard to argue against that," Lyos replied, flushing a bit as he was reminded once again of his transgression. But it was less intense a response this time...they weren't trying to rub it in, just help him understand, and he was definitely feeling like he understood better.

"As it should be. Well, I'm curious to see if that mouth of yours is equal to the rest of you. What say we climb out of the water for a bit and we put that to the test, then get one more round with your hands when that's all done? I think that's about the limit of what I'd have in the tank for tonight without doing something to rev me up, and I think I'd rather enjoy the afterglow."

"Sounds like a good plan to me," agreed Yawara. "I'm sure our attendant for the night would be quite capable, wouldn't he?"

Lyos nodded. "Of course, sirs, whatever you'd like." Thankfully, the spot of rest in the spring had limbered him back up, and he felt a lot more relaxed in every way...even enough that he didn't feel any weirdness about continuing to serve them. It wasn't often that happened, but these two definitely weren't so bad...and he wasn't going to be afraid of those blades anymore, either. Maybe they'd want to return the favor as he was satisfying them with his hands...he sort of hoped so.

The spring's magic had definitely worked its charms on Lyos, as he woke up the next day feeling fresher and in a better mood than he was nearly all the time. He had a bit of a spring in his step as he went about his duties, not even minding some of the snippy attitudes from the customers, most of which were defused by his relaxed response anyway. Brief as the period would be, he knew it would reflect well on him, and he was definitely intent on taking advantage.

It didn't hurt that the previous night's events had been rather informative to him. In fact it might have been his best night since he was shanghaied into working for this place. Yosamu and Yawara had treated him quite well, they had partaken of him but hadn't made it feel degrading or humiliating to him, it had felt very natural and even a little nice. They had certainly put him at ease and made him feel good about what he was doing, something that certainly not everyone had done with him, not even many of them...though, perhaps, not everyone had treated him so onerously, either. It had started to occur to him that perhaps it wasn't helpful at all to act as if they were all using him for the sake of making him feel beneath them...others had been pretty nice to him, as well. Burdock, for sure, was quite complimentary...he just hadn't really been willing to take it.

But why not? The two were was good to feel appreciated for one's talents. He'd only been willing to accept one flavor of appreciation, but what good did that do him? Certainly it had to be better than those types that did just see him as a tool for release or a bitch to lord over. It wouldn't kill him to lighten up a bit, accept the compliments as they came and not be obsessed over what they might mean.

Sure, he didn't WANT to have a reputation as a subby bottom bitch. The fact that he had it didn't quite sit right with his pride, for obvious reasons. But...there was only one good way to change it, and that was to be in control of himself. If he controlled himself, then he could have the freedom to make whatever reputation he wanted to have. So, really, the reputation he had now had to be part of that penance for his lack of control. And he'd been working on that already, had been making efforts to rein in his temper and he had more tools and more understanding, surely he'd have an easier time than ever. He just needed to be willing to face up to the challenges that tested it...and it would be easier to do so if he accepted what appreciation he got for what he did along the way.

It was around midday when he was summoned to Eldrick's office, and a rare case of him not feeling too nervous about it. He had done all he could do, after all, and Yosamu and Yawara had sounded quite happy with him...there was always the chance that the front that they gave him was not the same one they would give to the Nidoking, but they hadn't seemed the type.

"Well, now, Lyos, it seems you left quite an impression on our VIPs." Eldrick certainly sounded pleased, which could only be good news. "They gave you stellar marks for your service and said you seemed to certainly be on the right track. They especially liked your willingness to accommodate some of the things that tended to make people nervous."

Lyos bowed slightly, nodding his head. "I'm happy to hear that, sir. They were very nice to me...I honestly didn't know what to expect, people of stature can sometimes be...well..."

"That they can, don't I know it full well. But I was certain they wouldn't be. You cottoned on to why I assigned them to you, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. And I think they were very helpful...they said some things that I definitely will remember. And I, uh, I think they provide good inspiration, for how I should be. They have a lot of confidence."

"Yep, and they've done a lot to earn the right to it. Glad to hear you've taken away some good things. You definitely aced that assignment, well done."

Lyos let himself smile; for once, it actually felt pretty good to have performed well, even in sexual submission. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad I was able to give them a good time. Ah, was there anything else?"

"Well, I didn't have anything...but if you had anything you wanted to bring up, you know I'm all ears."

Lyos blinked. Anything HE wanted to bring up? Once again, Eldrick had said it almost like he was expecting something...but he couldn't think of anything. Was there something he was supposed to be asking about? Some kind of test or something? That didn't seem right, Eldrick was generally straightforward, not a conniver who liked to toy with far as folks to be indentured to, he wasn't the worst that Lyos could imagine, anyway. "I don't think so, sir."

"Nothing? Well, then, I won't keep you. I'm sure everyone's scrambling around on a lovely day like today, so go ahead and give them your best."

"All right. Thank you, sir." Lyos nodded and turned and headed back out. Something still seemed odd about the end of that, almost like there was some kind of expectation...but surely Eldrick would have said something if he wanted something out of Lyos. With a shrug to no one, he set it aside in his mind - if it was important, no doubt it would come to him, and his mood was too good to let that trouble him for the time being.

Eldrick watched Lyos leave the office, remaining silent until the Charmeleon was out of earshot. A quiet sigh escaped him, and he rubbed his head with one clawed hand. Something was definitely not going to expectation...

"Indeed, indeed, quite interesting." The Nidoking jumped a bit as Vinati popped in next to him, floating in a reclined position in the air.

"Gah! Don't do that, Vinati. You know I don't like being startled like that."

"Full well, sir, and that's why I do it. It keeps you vigilant."

Eldrick grumbled a bit, but didn't bother following up on that; Vinati wouldn't stop anyway, so it was futile. At least he didn't do it to prank him or anything, just to warp in unexpectedly. About the only thing that he couldn't hear, so he couldn't be prepared for it. " noticed it, right?"

"I did, sir. Very unexpected. Just like you said before, you gave him as open an opportunity as anyone could, and yet he didn't ask if he could be released from service. Quite a departure from the irascible lizard who we couldn't get to stop pestering about us how long it would take until we told him that if he focused on that instead of the job he wouldn't make any progress at all." The Abra stroked his chin. "It fits my observation, too...the last two employee meetings we had, he didn't mention anything at all about where his progress stood in our eyes."

"It doesn't make any sense. After he stopped asking multiple times a day, we didn't give him any trouble about occasionally checking in. Surely he knows that. He can't possibly have stopped thinking about it, can he?"

"I don't believe so. I reached as far as I could without actively going into his mind, trying to pick up leakage...he hasn't stopped thinking about the fact that he's in service and wanting to be done with it. But it's odd...these thoughts almost feel forced to me. Like they're not totally genuine. And I don't really feel an urgency to escape or anything. Definitely not what I would have seen coming, for sure."

"You get any sense that he's been...toyed with in any way?"

"Not that I can tell. No psychic residues or signs of damage or interference."

"Great." Eldrick gave a grunt as he folded his arms. "I don't like it when I don't know what's going on. That sort of fouls up my expectation, I wanted him to come to terms and then present to me what he's gained. Going to him might make it seem like we just want him gone, I'd worry that the lessons wouldn't stick as well. You got any ideas for how to approach this?"

"Well, I think you're overly concerned without reason, sir. Let me put it this way: as far as any fair assessment I could provide, Lyos has certainly fulfilled the basic conditions of release from his obligation. His period of service has substantially offset the damages, and he does appear to have a markedly improved degree of self-control. Indeed, we rarely hear customer complaints about him anymore, I'd put him on par with the other employees in that regard. But...there's no obligation that we be the ones to approach him about it. If he doesn't ask, I see no need to mention it."

Eldrick looked over at Vinati dubiously. "I'm not sure I like that idea. Having him work off a debt is one thing, but that sounds like straight up taking advantage of him."

"Perhaps...or perhaps it's giving him exactly what he needs. This sort of temperamental evolution is not a typical one, and Lyos may benefit from a safe and familiar place to explore it. I mean, the fact that he's not making an effort to leave itself suggests that he sees a reason to be here, and were we to bring this to his attention, he may feel internal pressure to ignore what he's discovering about himself, at a significant personal detriment. How does that saying go? If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"

Eldrick mulled that over for a bit. "Yeah, there's merit to think subconsciously he may not want to leave?"

"At the moment. Of course, that's not necessarily an enduring state, but if he comes to us, then we should have no reason not to release him. But I think if he consciously wanted to stay he would ask, and if he truly wanted to leave he would also there's a good chance there's something going on within. What it is, I couldn't tell you without prying-"

"Which you're not going to do."

Vinati chuckled. "Eldrick, you really need to not be so anxious about that. Have I once read an employee's mind here without permission?"

Never, as far as he knew, but Eldrick remained unswayed. "If you had, do you think I'd actually know about it? I trust you, Vinati, but I still have to ask questions - that's part of my responsibility."

"Acknowledged, sir. His mind shall remain untampered with, I vow it on my soul."

"Good. And while we're on the subject of not violating him, set up a secret registration in the system. If we're going to play this game, we might as well play it as right as possible. Earmark his work from here on out and make sure that funds are properly appropriated. If he does come to us, we're going to make sure he gets what he should from it at that time."

The Abra gave his boss a smirk. "How respectable of you, sir. Your heart's almost as big as your dick."

Eldrick's eyes narrowed at his cheeky subordinate. "Does someone need another personal demonstration of that?"

"Well, now, if you want me to run a volumetric analysis, you're going to have to give me a raise, that's not part of my original duties-yeep!" Vinati was cut off by Eldrick snatching him out of the air and pinning him on his back on the Nidoking's desk.

Now it was Eldrick's turn to smirk - that might have looked rough, but Vinati could teleport away without a second thought if he really wanted to escape, the fact that he was just squirming under his grip told Eldrick all he needed to know. "Let's REINFORCE a bit who's in charge here..."

The sounds of rutting and grunting and moaning were audible not too far away from the office area, but any staff members within earshot paid it no mind. It was a fairly routine occurrence when your boss was a Nidoking, after all.