Blood & Chrome: Recollections

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#1 of Blood & Chrome

After his 21st birthday, Rico awakens to a not-very-pleasant feeling before going about his day in the Spectrum Halls Zone of CyberGrid city.

Missing his boyfriend dearly, but at least he has some friends who can help him get over the loneliness, and he and his boyfriend also have their own ways of passing it as well.

*BEEP-BEEP... BEEP-BEEP... BEEP-BEEP... BEEP-BE-SMASH* "Ah, crap..." The just awoken grey wolf groaned to himself as he noticed his alarm clock smashed into metallic mush, his own metallic fist resting on it before he got up. Last night was a blur of partying with some friends, celebrating his 21st birthday, he remembers it all starting pretty hard and wild, but after the first club things became a fast blur of action before everything turned black. He sat up on the bed with a groan, rolling his neck and shoulders before raising his right hand. "Cross my heart and swear to god I am never touching another booze, ever again." Just as he said that he felt this unpleasant gurgling in his stomach, so he raced to the bathroom...

And unloaded all of last night's contents right into the toilet.

Once he was done, he relieved himself real quick before flushing, brushing his teeth, and mouthwashing to get rid of the unpleasant after-taste, afterward, he took off his sweat-soaked clothes, tossed them haphazardly on the bathroom floor before stepping into the shower, a second later, warm, soothing water cascaded all over him, but even with that he still felt like total crap. "Never... again..."

Once he finished with his shower, he walked out naked with nothing but a towel over his head, the rest of his body dripping all over the carpet, he passed by the body mirror, admiring himself real quick, posing and flexing his athletic body, but his eyes would always drift over to his arms. Both are cybernetic with synthetic muscles with very little plating to allow freedom of movement, mostly black and red colors, with silver details.

He sat on the bed, still dripping wet with the towel now around his neck, his eyes still looking down at one of his arms, flexing and relaxing the hand. His eyes then drifted over to the pictures he had on his nightstand, one was of him and his boyfriend of four years, a white-furred fox, both of them at his uncle's beach house for their high school graduation party, the other one beside it was of him and his uncle, a coyote and the previous owner of those cybernetics he had, both flexing and posing for the camera with wide, proud grins on their faces.

As he saw the picture, his mind drifted way back into his memories to that day that he and his uncle made their promises.

8 Years ago. At the Titan Hype gym.

"Wow, uncle Sam! Did you upgrade your cybers again?" Asked the young wolf pup. Cybers is short for cybernetics.

"A little bit, yeah." The coyote replied as he punched the sandbag with a flurry of strikes. But then stopped and tapped it as he looked down at the pup. "Alright Rico, your turn." As the young Ricardo, or Rico to friends and family, took his uncle's place, the coyote started coaching him along as he tried to match his uncle's pace. "Come on, boy! Faster! Put some force into it!"

"Awww! This is hard!" Rico whined as he shook his hands a bit. "Bet my punches will be stronger if I had cybers like yours."

"Sorry to disappoint ya kid, but you're too young to have these babies." The coyote smugly flexed on of his arms, the synthetic muscles bulging out with raw power. "Besides, you'll still have to work hard to put on some muscle, even with a pair of synths like these."

"Then I want yours, uncle!"

"Oh yeah?" That caught Sam a bit off guard, but was amused at the idea.

"Yeah! Yours are the strongest I have ever seen! You can beat anyone with them!" As Ricardo spoke he was having a hero worship moment, eyes sparkling excitedly.

"That so?" Sam flexed one arm and patted his bicep with the other hand. "Alright then, how about this? You grow up into a powerhouse worthy of these and they're all yours?"

"REALLY!?" Rico practically squealed in excitement.

"Yep! Work up the muscles for these and you can have them, no strings attached." He then patted the large sandbag. "And that starts with you punching this thing like you mean it!"

With that promise the fire under Rico was lit, big time, he started putting genuine effort into each punch and kick, a much greater change from just a few minutes ago.

Back in the present.

He looked at his cybernetics once again, then over to the picture of him and his uncle. "I miss you, uncle Sam." Ricardo then stood up and started looking for some clothes to put on, he was just gonna call in sick from university today, he was pretty confident in his knowledge in his current subject and all of the big-time projects he already finished and handed in, much to his teachers' surprise and delight. He was a good student, one of the best even, that's why he is pretty confident with his academic skills, but he doesn't let it go to his head.

"The bigger your head gets, the better of a target you become." He repeated one of his uncles' many words of wisdom to himself as he finally put his hoodie on, leaving it unzipped, put on some jeans, grabbed his apartment keys, and wallet, and headed out. He was living in one of the apartment complexes in a very comfortable zone of CyberGrid city called Spectrum Halls, a bit separated and independent from the city itself with its own rules, it was a pretty big place too, almost a whole city of its own but not as big as CyberGrid, the quickest way to get there is by monorail or car/bus, the car or bus can take you certain addresses or stations, but the monorail is more preferred as it takes you directly into the heart of the city.

But this time around, Rico didn't have to go into the city, his destination was much closer. The moment he got out of his apartment and locked the door, he was met with a very familiar face of one of the first friends he made here. "Heya Eddie. Taking the day off too?"

Edward or Eddie as he preferred was a twunk-looking kangaroo with greyish fur and white front, his hair was dyed in the colors of the rainbow, even his pit and crotch hairs, a few facial piercings, couple of nipple rings, and even a PA. Of course, all of that was visible because Eddie was walking around totally naked, not a single care in the world. "Hey, hun. Yeah, last night's client was... pretty rough~"

"Hah! Bullshit! I know what a masochist you are, you probably loved it!" Rico laughed a bit as he walked past the kangaroo, Eddie following close behind him.

Hearing the wolf's taunting words, Eddie replied with a small nudge of his shoulder against Rico's. "What about you, Mr. Student-of-the-Century? You never skipped your classes before." Then stepped in front of the canine and then up to him, their bodies firmly pressed against one another in a somewhat sensual manner.

"W-What- *gulp* What makes you think I skipped?" Rico could feel Eddie grinding against him, his cock hardening to full mast in seconds and pressing back against Eddie's own.

"Oh, please hun. Everyone who knows you knows that you're on the monorail to the city by this time." Eddie slowly wrapped his arms around Rico's neck and pulled him close, their noses about an inch from touching.

"I, um... ahem, I was out last night... with some friends. We, uh... ended up having a bit too much fun, hehe." He replied as he bashfully scratched the back of his head.

"Ooooohhh, right~ It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it?" Eddie's expression perked up a bit, then drooped down in a mock hurt expression. "Awww, hun~ Why did you bring them over to our place? We could've accommodated to your every need~"

"I d-don't think that they'd be, um... interested in what Spectrum Halls off- Hmmumph!" He couldn't finish his sentence as he felt Eddie's mouth pressed against his, followed by the kangaroo's tongue slipping into his mouth. 'Oh god... he tastes so good...' Rico thought to himself as his breathing became a bit labored and shaky pretty quickly, his entire body trembling, his face practically burning at this point.

"Mmm~!" Eddie moaned into the kiss, pulling the wolf closer to himself as he ground their bodies together, he could feel Rico's hard body rubbing against his own. *SMACK* "Mhmmm~!" A louder moan escaped him as he felt Rico's hands clapping onto his ass, gripping and squeezing his cheeks pretty hard, the claws inches from digging into the skin.

But suddenly, Rico pushed the kangaroo away and took a step back, turning away from him. "Okay, uh... I think that's enough..." He said before wiping his mouth with the sleeve, but let out a small choked gasp as he felt the kangaroo's hand reaching around him and groping his tented crotch. "Hoo-fuck!" He groaned as his eyes briefly rolled back.

"Someone's very pent up... you know it's not healthy hun~" He whispered hotly in Rico's ear, giving his neck a small peck as he stroked the wolf's dick through his pants, feeling it grow further and slither down the pants' leg.

"Okay, okay, stop!" Rico finally pulled himself away from the kangaroo's hands, stepping away again and taking deep breaths to compose himself.

Eddie stood there for a few seconds in disbelief... then it clicked in his head as he gave the wolf a stern frown, crossing his arms. "Rico... tell me you're not on that whole abstinence bullshit phase?"

"What? Something wrong with that?" Rico had a small growl in his throat as he finally composed himself.

"You told me your boy gave you the go-ahead to have fun! And you did the same!" Eddie reprimanded as he poked an accusatory finger against Rico's chest.

"None of your business." The wolf growled again as he speed-walked past the kangaroo. He really didn't want to have this conversation with anyone again. After getting away from the apartment building he lives in, he finally slowed down his pace, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

His boyfriend, Louis Markams, was attending a different, very prestigious university than the one he does, only problem is, it was in another city, so they can't spend as much time as they wanted together, not like before. So, they gave each other permission to fool around with other people if they became too pent up, but they both try not to make a habit of it and ruin the good thing they had between them, even though they reprimand each other for doing so as it is 'not healthy' as Eddie said earlier.

They do slip up here and there, but they always tell each other all about it... which at times ends up with them having some hot phone or webcam sex, each wishing the other was there with them, but that's how they make do and they are both comfortable with this arrangement.

As he walked, he would see the sights he saw plenty of times in this zone. Even during the day, Spectrum Halls is filled with bright, cheerful, or dark and alluring colors, also nothing but males, as far as the eyes can see, in various forms of dress and/or undress, a few wearing absolutely nothing at all, save for some pouches or fanny packs strapped around their bodies or carrying a backpack or bag of sorts.

The Honeypot soon became his favorite place to visit before heading out to his classes, if he could afford the time. The cafe had this soft, soothing, homely vibe to it, helps a lot that the owner and barista of the place is just a bundle of joy himself. "Rico! My man! You look like shit!" The barista, a middle-aged calico greeted him cheerfully with a small laugh, wearing the shop's apron with the big logo stamped on the front.

"Thanks, Bruce. I feel like shit." Rico greeted back before taking a seat at one of the stools in front of the bar counter. "The morning usual, please."

"Coming right up!" The calico turned to work on the wolf's order... revealing that he wore absolutely nothing but the apron, his cute ass swaying happily as he hummed a cheerful tune to himself. "No classes today?"

"Nah, don't feel like going today. Guess I partied too hard last night." Rico waved his hand lazily in reply, his eyes drifting down to the feline's ass waving and swaying, gently biting his lip as he felt his cock stirring again.

"Oh yeah! Happy Birthday, bud!" Bruce finished the coffee and placed the cup in front of the tired wolf. "Finally hit the big two-one, eh?" Then turned back to put the final touches on the egg sandwich before serving it as well.

"Yep! But don't worry, I'm not gonna turn into some alcoholic, that's for sure." Rico assured before taking a tiny sip from his still-hot coffee, wincing briefly from the sting of heat before putting it back down. "My uncle would haunt me to for the rest of my life."

"Oh yeah, you're uncle was quite the advocate against drinking." Bruce looked up at the pictures hanging on the wall facing the bar, quite a few of them were of Sam posing for the camera holding a medal or a cup after winning a fighting tournament. He let out a small sigh, shaking his head. "I miss that man."

"We all do, Bruce. We all do." Rico turned back to see the pictures as well, letting out a small chuckle. "Too bad my picture won't hang up there as well." Aside from Sam's pictures, there were other ones, mostly of former regulars, either ones who moved out long ago or no longer alive, each showcasing a great accomplishment of theirs.

"Don't say that, sweetie. I'm pretty sure you'll do something big. I mean, you're only the second person I know who attends Meridium Peaks university, on a scholarship at that." He straightened himself and crossed his arms before continuing. "Far as I know, that place requires an arm and both legs for admission fees. So you, hun, dodged a bullet there."

"Tell me about it." Rico shook his head before taking another test sip of his coffee... good, it cooled off a bit, and took a slightly bigger drink this time. "My parents were prepared to bust their asses to get me into that place, so we all dodged a bullet there." He grabbed one sliced half of his sandwich and took a bite... humming in absolute delight as the texture of the soft-boiled egg in between the layers of cheese was absolute perfection. "Mmm~ Shoo gooood~"

"Hey now, don't go eating with your mouth full." Bruce chuckled with some pride in his tone, turning to the small TV hanging from the upper corner, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume. It was the morning news covering the currently-running elections.

[And I promise you all to make this city right again and give it back to its rightful people!] The individual speaking was a middle-aged human woman who looked years above her age, even her golden-blonde hair was showing signs of greying. [We must clean our beautiful city of crime and the scum that stains it, so that it could heal and regain it's shining stature of days past!]

"Tch. Hate that vile woman." Bruce scowled before turning the channel to something more uplifting.

"That old hag is still running?" Rico asked before taking another sip from his coffee. "I thought her odds are very low."

"That's the issue. No one likes that woman, especially the non-humans who make up a good majority of the city and the people who she's speaking against every chance she gets. And yet she's still racking in votes."

"Suspect some under-the-table shenanigans?" The wolf asked before practically tossing the last of his sandwich into his mouth.

Bruce visibly cringed. "Dude, the way you said can be taken way out of context. Especially considering who we're talking about." Rico just chuckled with an apologetic shrug since his mouth was full. Bruce looked away from the wolf and his eyes spotted some action in the corner of the shop, putting his fingers in his mouth and *FWEET* "Boys! What the hell did I say before?"

He was addressing a couple in the corner, a horse and rabbit, with the equine having his cock out and the rabbit so close to taking it in. "Aw, come on, Bruce! Just this once!" The horse mock whined, a small smile still on his face.

"Put some damn rubber on! Cleaning after you is always a pain in the back." The feline shot back with a smile of his own.

"Fiiiine~!" Both horse and rabbit replied with mock groans, electing a chuckle out of the other patrons of the cafe, but the horse still pulled out a condom he had on him and put it on.

"Don't know why I came to live here." Rico said more to himself as he watched the rabbit riding his horse friend. "No offense to you or anyone here, but..."

"Temptations all around, not helping your 'phase' any bit, eh?" Bruce said with an airquote. "You know that's not healthy, right?"

"Goooood, not you too!"

"I'm just saying hun. If it was anything else, I would have tried to keep you away from the temptation here." He said as he pointed at the fornicating duo. "But you said it yourself, you and your boy gave each other the go-ahead to have sex with anyone. And trust me, simply relying on your hand won't cut it in the long run."

Rico just crossed his arms on the bar and buried his face in them, letting out frustrated groan. "I know! But I always get this nagging feeling that I'm cheating in a way."

"Rico, hun. You love your boy, right?" He got a nod from the wolf. "And he loves you?" Another nod. "Then why hold back? I've seen you two when you were together. Nothing can come between your relationship, certainly not some side flings."

Rico looked down in thought, he knew that Bruce and Eddie were right, but every time he thinks of giving in, there was always this little sting in the back of his mind that puts a stop to it. Just then, *beep-beep beep-beep* he pulled out his holopod, a small ear device that is the equivalent of mobile phones of years ago, it was much smaller, but had many more functions. He placed it into his ear and pressed a small button which produced a holographic visor that covered his eyes. "Huh... Louis sent a message." He tapped a button on a holographic display in front of him, which looked like he was tapping on air to anyone else, and came the message of 'Happy Birthday' in colorful letters with balloons and confetti floating around. This brought a small smile to his face

Then came another attachment sent his way... and it was a picture... of the fox's bare ass, with him looking back with a bashful and nervous smile, with the caption 'I miss you <3' underneath it. That made Rico jump a bit and shut down the display entirely. "That little..." He growled to himself as covered his blushing face with one hand, his cock stirring harder in his pants. "Can I get the receipt, please?"

"Don't worry about it, hun. On the house." Bruce gave him a small wink. "Happy Birthday." With that, Rico practically raced out of the cafe and took off jogging back to his apartment. "Cute." Bruce shook his head with a small smile on his face as he took the empty cup and plate, putting them in the sink with other dirty plates for later cleaning.

Back at his apartment, Rico quickly slammed the door shut and locked it, huffing and panting from the sudden jog he went through to get back, his cock now painfully hard in his pants, creating quite the lump on the side and demanding to be let out. He quickly obliged, not even getting out of the doorway, and almost tore his pants off before kicking off his underwear, releasing his big dick and heavy, low-hanging balls before taking hold of his manhood and began jerking off hard.

"Fucking little... tease..." He growled deeply through his teeth, remembering the many nights he had his way with that plump peach of an ass, those soft, delicious buns rolling and bouncing in his hands, hotdogging his mansausage between them before slipping into that velvety hole. "Fuck... goddammit..." The way Louis would moan and whine, begging for him to go faster, harder, cumming too early and too quickly just from Rico pounding that sweet ass!

"Fuck, fuck... FUCK!" He couldn't hold back anymore as he sprayed rope after thick rope a nice distance away, leaving pretty long streaks of his cum all over the floor of the doorway. Once he was done, he stood there panting for breath, leaning back on the door, naked from the waist down, cock spent, limp, and dripping, with his hand covered in cum. He looked down at his cum-covered hand for a few seconds... then closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the door.

"I really want you with me babe... I'm going really crazy over here..."

Later that afternoon, he decided to go out and do something to clear his head. And to him, nothing like pumping some iron and punching a sandbag at the gym can do the trick.

So there he was, wearing a tank top with a slim front and back that exposed his chest and a good portion of his back, tight gym shorts that left little to the imagination, and some fingerless gloves, even though he didn't need them since he had cybernetic arms, but those were a gift he got from his uncle before he passed away, so they were his second treasure from him, besides his cybernetics.

"Look at that." Rico's ears perked as he heard someone talking, with a quick, discrete look around, he noticed a human and an elf a small distance away on the opposite lockers, both glaring at him. "Look at all that iron. Shouldn't be here with those things on."

"Heard he was related to some big shot fighter, forgot his name though." The elf tapped his cheek in thought, trying to remember.

"Oh yeah, some tough guy who got a big head because of those metal beams for arms. He doesn't deserve all those trophies and titles, not when he was competing against a normal majority. Champion *scoff* a big fucking cheat is what he was." The human growled in clear disgust. *BANG* Both of them jumped as Rico punched the locker door in, but aside from that, he didn't say anything and walked out of the locker room silently.

A few seconds later, he had his callpod in his ear, shoes fastened and made his way first to the treadmills for some warmup jogging. He started at a slow walking pace for about a minute or so before pumping up the speed to a leisure jogging one, taking steady breaths as he did so, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

Herculean was the name of this gym, a very different one than Titan Hype that he used to go to with his uncle, certainly fancier with much more equipment, no ring in the center though, but he couldn't go back there, that gym just had too many good memories that meant a lot to him, because it was during those times he felt the closest to his uncle, his idol, his hero. "God... can't I catch a break today?" He asked no on in particular as he slowed his treadmill to a full stop before quickly wiping a tear away before it fell down.

"Don't let them get to ya, kid." Rico's head whipped to the side as he saw this HUGE bison taking the treadmill beside his own. The man was tall, wide shoulders, big and buff pectorals, and massive muscles with veins popping out everywhere, a mostly smooth, chocolate-brown body save for the bushes of fur covering his head, shoulders, and the upper portion of his back, a bit of it even covering his eyes. "Some people are just haters for the sake of it. Besides, your cybers require a good workout like any normal limb." He stated as he started his treadmill at a slow, walking speed. "Those look pretty old, though. Had them for long?"

"Something like that." Was Rico's simple reply before he started his treadmill again. They fell silent for a few seconds... until Rico began feeling some hot air against his neck, turning his head only to see the bison's face being literally inches from his. That made him jump a bit, but he had enough reflexes to stop the treadmill before he was blasted off. "What's the big idea!?"

"I know those cybers..." The bovine crossed his arms and craned his head from side to side in thought... until his expression perked in realization. "Hang on a second, do you, by any chance, know of a Samuel Rooks?"

"Uh... yeah..." Rico replied as he straightened himself up. "He was my uncle."

"Oooohhh-hoho-hooo! You're him aren't ya!?" The bovine grabbed the wolf in a firm, playful headlock, pulling him close, pressing his face against one firm pec. "You're the kid he always brought along on his matches. Lucky Charm?" He tapped his chin a couple of times. "'This little man here is mah lucky charm'!" He repeated Sam's words back in the day.

"Wait! How do you know these are my uncle's cybers?" Rico asked, still with his cheek pressed against that pec. He knew

"Look at the insides, kid. Under the wrist parts." Hearing quickly pulled away from the bison and pulling his arms to his chest, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "For my family and for my fans. That was always his quote when he was asked why he puts all that effort into each match." Rico looked down at his right hand, craning it to expose the underside just under the metal binding. "But he had an extra quote right under there, for a special someone in his life."

Right there, barely seen even from this distance, was a small carving that read 'For my Lucky Charm'.

"No one was supposed to know about that one." Rico said as a tear actually escaped from his eye, trailing down his face before he wiped it away. "How do you know my uncle?"

"He and I had this side gig together, plus a few others. But he eventually decided to stop and focus on his career, we still hung out every now and then." Just then, the bison's own holopod began beeping, indicating an incoming call that he accepted. "Hello... Right now?... Fine, alright... I'll see you there." Then disconnected before stepping off the treadmill. "Be seeing you around, kiddo." The bison said as he gave Rico a small nod before walking away.

"Huh... strange old man." Rico said to himself as he stepped off his treadmill as well, his ears suddenly perking up as he quickly whipped around to look for the bison. "Wai- Aaaand he's gone." But the man was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to ask more about this man's relationship with his uncle, especially about that 'side gig' he mentioned. "Guess all of that has to wait for another time." After a bit more warmup cardio he started working out in earnest for a while.

That night, Rico didn't feel like going out anywhere, so he just opted to stay at home and watch some superhero shows. Same old rules, multimillionaire playboy who is secretly a superhero with a secret mega-base running around and fighting crime, somehow always saving one of his many love interests in the show.

"Hmm... wonder how it feels like to be that rich. Must be fun." He mused to himself as he lazily nibbled on his popcorn. *Knock Knock Knock* "Huh... don't remember inviting someone... sure didn't order any take out..."

When he opened the door, though... "Surprise~!" He was met with Eddie, flanked by a couple of young men, a slim-fit doberman with a few facial piercings, and a buff ram with fluffy head wool and a cap worn backwards, the rest of his body was shaved to reveal the many tattoos covering his body from the chest down, both of them just as naked as the kangaroo. "Hey, hun~ Ready to party?"

"Let me guess... you were gonna sneak in anyways if I wasn't home, right?" He only got wide grins for an answer... as well as them revealing the bags of takeout and drinks they were carrying. Letting out a small chuckle he stepped aside to let them in. "Make yourself at home, I guess." The trio stepped into the apartment and did just that, gathering around the TV in the living room and practically dumping everything they had on the large, glass table in front of the couch.

Just then Rico's holopod began beeping as he was getting a call from someone, although he had a good guess of who it was... yep sure enough. He put the pod in his ear and accepted the call. "Hey, Lee. Wassup?"

[Hey, birthday boy! You hurt me big time ya know.] The man on the other side said in a mock whining voice. [Eddie told me you and your friends had quite the party last night. Should've come to my place, man! Could've given ya the royal treatment.]

"I'm afraid that my friends aren't interested in your place's services. But we both know this isn't why you called."

[You don't happen to have a triplet of stragglers at your place, do ya? Those shmuks skipped on their shifts tonight and poofed somewhere.]

"Did they now?" He turned to look at the giggling trio, they obviously knew who he was talking to, yet they didn't seem apologetic about it, one bit. "Perhaps, I do. Will that be a problem?" As he asked that, he pressed another button on his pod which turned on the speaker function.

[Well, if they are, do let them know that they'll be doing double-shifts tomorrow to make up for tonight.] That earned him nothing but mock scared sounds, followed by more giggling. [Oh, you're gonna get when you come back, ya bunch of gremlins.]

Rico then turned off the speaker function before speaking to the man. "Well, don't worry, I'll keep them occupied for the night. Gods know I need some company these days."

[A stud like you? Alone on a Friday night?]

"Oh, shut up, you old goat."

[Hey now, this old goat still got plenty of tricks up his sleeves~] Then Lee's voice took a more serious tone. [Seriously though, you could've called, ya know, if you were feeling that lonely.]

"Nah, I just... had a few things on my mind today." Rico took a deep breath before letting out. "I'll be fine, Lee. No need to worry."

[Well that makes me even more worried. But I'll take your word for it.] There was a brief pause on Lee's end before he spoke again. [Welp, better make sure the rest of the bous are doing their job, so I'll catch ya later. And you better come to our place next time you decide to party, ya hear.]

"Hehe, no promises there, dude. But I'll think about it." After they exchanged some quick goodbyes the call was finally disconnected. Lee was one of the first people he truly bonded with when he first came to Spectrum Halls, besides Bruce, of course, mainly because the goat first approached him to scout him for a job at his nightclub. But, despite how they first met, Rico can easily say that Lee was a man that he can trust with his life, the same now could be said for a number of Lee's employees, Eddie included, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for one of Lee's boys to drop by for a surprise visit every now and then, or even let themselves in if they wished when Rico wasn't around, but only those he truly trusts know where he keeps his spare apartment key hidden.

After he sat with them enjoying the take out and drinks they brought, and putting on some very saucy drama show, the rest of the night was pretty much a blur of laughter and plenty of homoerotic shenanigans, with some cuddling near the end until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day, Rico woke up refreshed and ready to start his day, thank god the drinks they brought weren't alcoholic, and it seems those guys have left already, they at least had the decency to clean up a bit after themselves so he didn't have to do it. Still, he was glad that it was the weekend, otherwise he would've been stuck in classes for a few hours.

After a quick shower and freshening up, he received a call on his holopod... and his expression glowed brightly once he knew who it was, accepting the call almost instantly, even before he had the pod in his ear before he turned on the screen cam function, causing the visor to come on revealing Louis the white fox in all of his half-naked glory, sitting at his computer with the cam on. "Louis! It's so good to see you and hear your voice again!"

"Same to you baby! God, I wish I could hug you right now!" Louis' face was glowing just as brightly as Rico's was right now.

"How are things over at Merko? The 'golden hallways', so to speak?"

Louis rolled his eyes in frustration. "Ugh, you know I hate it here. They should've called Snobko, nothing but snobs and entitled brats here." He paused for a few seconds. "Well... there are a few exceptions, but so far I only know two people who I can call friends around here." As he said that last part, his eyes would drifted to the side swiftly.

Rico knew that swift movement as a wide smirk spread on his face. "Looooouis~ What are you hiding~?"

"Nothing!" Louis voice actually broke a bit, a fierce blush covering his face.

"You hooked up with someone, didn't you?"

"Nnnnooooo?" But seeing Rico's smirking face made his defences crumble pretty fast, he knew he can't hide it for long. With a sigh of defeat he began speaking. "I, uh... may have hooked up with my project partner." But then his expression sprang up again. "But it wasn't intentional, I swear!"

"Babe, babe, babe! It's fine! Remember, we had our little agreement. If either of us got too... pent up, they have automatic permission to seek out others for relief, yes?"

"I knooooow! But I got a bit too... excited and he was pretty good on the eyes and... I lost that battle..." Louis looked away from the screen, propping his head on one hand on the desk. "I know you said it was okay, but I still feel bad when I let it happen... not like I was hooking up with men here left and right, but... still feel bad." He closed his eyes a bit... and Rico could see a tear streaming down his boyfriend's face. "I really miss you babe... I hate it here... this was a mistake... I don't even belong here."

"Hey, hey! None of that talk okay! You worked for this, you busted your ass off to get in!" Rico was suddenly back up on his feet. "Those preppy shits that you have to be with? I bet half of them, if not all, just bought their way in. You EARNED it! I was there with you, our parents were there, and our friends were there! We all saw you working hard to EARN your place in that place and don't let anyone or anything make you think otherwise!"

After his little speech, Rico let out a sigh as he slumped back down on the bed. "I really miss you too, babe. What would do just to have you back in my arms again... but I can't do that, not to you. You deserve to be there. You earned your place through tears and sweat and I would never take that away from you. Merko was your dream university and you finally got there, so you go out there and show them what the men of CyberGrid city are made of, you hear?"

Louis was sobbing softly throughout the wolf's speech, but now he managed to calm and compose himself a bit, wiping the tears away. "Thanks babe. You always know what to say."

"Damn right. And I'll keep saying it until you finally accept it." They shared a small chuckle between themselves followed by a brief moment of silence. "So... you gonna tell me about project partner of yours?"

Louis broke out laughing for a few seconds. "Oh my god, you absolute horndog!" Rico just smiled, Louis' laughter was always music to his ears, even more so if he was the cause of said laughter.

"Come on, girlfriend! Spill the tea!" He urged further with a mock feminine tone.

"God, I hate you so much, stoooop!" All the while Louis was going back and forth between giggling and laughing out loud. He kept laughing for a few seconds longer before he finally calmed down. "It was a german shepard."

"Oooohh~ Still like 'em big, I see~" Rico teased with a knowing smirk.

"Interrupt me again and I'm stopping right here." Louis warned and watched Rico make a silent zipping motion across his lips. "He was... one of those people who went full-chrome."

"Wait, no shit?" Rico suddenly piped up, but saw the deadpan look on Louis' face. "Oh, sorry. Shutting up now."

"I could see the lines where his body has been altered, his fur felt synthetic and... fake, but it was still soft to the touch." Louis began slightly fidgeting in his seat. "He was an absolute sweetheart both during our project and when we were... doing it." A darkening blush appeared on his face, his eyes slowly glazing over a bit.

"Oh yeah? He made sure you're all naked and comfortable before worshipping that sweet, alluring bod of yours?" Most people would be a bit disturbed by this recollection of sexual events by their significant other, but here Rico was, groping and stroking his cock through his boxers.

"From head to toe, can you believe it?" Louis himself was getting pretty hot all over, his hand slowly rubbing his own growing bulge in his colorful briefs. "His lips touching me all over, his hands caressing the very tips of my fur. I could feel the metal and synthetic muscles of his hard body, but he was so, so gentle."

"Yeah, you always had a thing for chromed up men." At this point, Rico had his cock out, slowly stroking himself, rubbing the tip of his helmet head with a finger. "What was he like down there?"

"Humanoid. That part of him was the most real thing on his body, smelled pretty musky when we got down to it, he kept apologizing for that, but I quickly assured him that it was fine, hehe."

"Mhm, like the little musk slut you are." Rico growled lustily, his other hand rolling his ballsac gently.

"I love the smell of a hard-working man. Which was a bit of a downside for me actually because his sweat and musk were also artificial, the real thing hits different for sure and all of his muscles were definitely artificial as well." Louis leaned forward to look closer at the screen. "Unlike yours, hun~"

"Really now?"

"Oh yeah~ I loved watching you at the gym, lifting all those weights, pounding that sandbag, your strong, glorious muscles flaring and flexing. Your body and hard work were real~" He bit his lips gently, trying to stifle a moan. "Gods, I just wanted you to crush me in your arms afterward."

"Oh yeah? Wanted me to grab you in a tight bearhug, smear your fur with my sweat and musk, huh? How about I take you to the locker room after that, huh? Have my way with you until I'm satisfied."

"Oh god, yes please~" Louis was losing control of himself, now fully stroking his cock as he lifted his feet up on the desk, it wasn't visible from his current position, but it was clear that his other hand was playing with his ass.

"Pound that tasty ass of yours like I do that sandbag? Huh?" Both of them were panting heavily at his point as they stroked themselves harder and faster, Rico even gnashing his fangs together as bits of saliva dripped down the sides of his mouth.

"Oh yes, baby... use me as you see fit... oh god!" Louis was the first one to lose it, shooting his biggest load yet all over himself, mostly on his face. Rico followed suit soon after, growling deeply as his entire body tensed and convulsed with each powerful shoot, rope after rope flying over head, a couple even hitting the wall behind him while the rest fell either on the bed or his body, one shot even his him right in the chin.

Both of them now lay spent and satisfied, covered in their own cum. Rico opened his eyes, stars and lights briefly flashing in his sight before he began seeing clearly. "Hehe... god you look so hot after a nice facial."

"Mmmm~" Louis hummed in satisfaction as he licked whatever he can catch with his tongue off of his face, the rest he scooped up with his fingers and lapped up. "I really miss you babe." He then had an impish expression on his face. "Maybe next time he and I hook up I take pictures? Maybe a video?"

"You fucking tease." Both of them chuckled tiredly. "Better go and clean up, made an absolute mess of myself."

"Yeah, I better do the same. Got a class in one hour." Louis stood up from his chair and grabbed some tissue, wiping what he could off of his face and front. "I really miss you babe~ I'll talk to you soon and... thank you, for your words earlier."

"Anytime babe. Whenever you feel down, just know that I'm one call away. I love you."

"I love you, too~" Louis ended the call with an air kiss into the cam, Rico pretending to catch it and place it against his heart, the gesture made the white fox chuckle, but after another brief farewell, the call finally ended.

Rico stayed laying on the bed for a few seconds, not really minding the cum drying on his fur... then finally sat up and tapped a button on his pod, producing a holoscreen with his contact list, sifting through it until he found the name he wanted. He waited for the call to connect... "Oh, hey, Eddie! How are ya doing?... Good, good. Say, uh, Eddie... are you free tonight?... Nothing much, just uh... need a small 'favor', if you catch my drift."

First Arrivals: Trouble in the Neighborhood

[We are arriving in Central City's airspace in 45 minutes. All passengers are advised to return to their seats, put on your seat belts and prepare for landing.] The shuttle's intercom blared with the pilot's voice making the announcement. Seijriou...

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World of Cyberon: Manual

Introduction:- Many centuries ago, a science lab tasked with creating bio-weapons exploded, releasing a virus into the world that killed off a great majority of the population, that being ALL of the female population, leaving only the males. The virus...

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World of Aurum: Manual

Introduction:- Many millennia ago an evil god tried to enslave all of the females in the world in order to create an army of monsters to conquer both the world of mortals and the land of the gods, but the other gods, catching wind of that plan, fought...

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