The Mythical Incursion 9 - Only the Best

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#9 of The Mythical Incursion

Janet had been chained to the urinal for hours. More than a few mammals used her already, not caring for her protests. A few dared to force her mouth open so they could fuck her or urinate inside it. They weren't above prying it open themselves or hurting her until she screamed. A few already claimed her pussy but strangely enough, no rabbits shot their load inside her.

Snarlov decided to visit her many hours later. "Having fun?"

She shook her head weakly. "Just let me go, please."


"Thank you."

"After I fuck you." He thrust his massive cock into her pussy as far as he could. The bear slammed her into the urinal over and over during his repeated thrusts.

She resisted the urge to scream during this and did her best to put up a fake smile.

"Pathetic. You need to do better than that."

It wasn't good enough for the bear so he walked away.

A blue doe walked in. It was the first female that she saw. The doe was wearing revealing clothing. Her panties had the word slut on them. "You don't like it here do you?"

Janet shook her head.

"I've been watching you; I apologize for not coming sooner. I didn't want to interfere with your fantasy."

"Fantasy? That bear forced me into this."

"Let me set you free. Everything's going to be all right." She licked Janet's cheek. "Sorry, I wanted a taste."

The rabbit freed her in short order. She led Janet to the sink where Janet saw that her formally white fur turned yellow. Her black fur looked normal but didn't feel clean. The doe helped her wash her face.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

Janet gave the address to the family farm.

"Name's Linda."

They slowly walked out of the mall. The night sky gave Janet a sense of how much time she spent there. A glance at the clock inside Linda's car told her that it was three in the morning. Linda didn't seem to mind that Janet's urine-stained fur made a mass of her car. After an extremely cautious drive, they arrived at the farm.

"You can leave me here," Janet said.

"Not a chance. I don't want you to end up there again, like that," Linda said.

Everyone was asleep at this hour. Janet walked inside, looking for Nick. "Not this one, not that one."

"Who are you looking for?" Linda whispered.

"I'm looking for a fox."

Linda sniffed the air. "This way."

They found Nick inside a room for one of her siblings.

"Nick!" Janet yelled. "Wake up." She pulled the over, revealing that one of her siblings had Nick's dick inside her mouth, seemingly sleeping soundly while sucking on it. "Nick!" she yelled louder this time.

"I'm up. I'm up," Nick said.

"Morning already?" Melody said. "Janet? What are you doing here?"

"Snarlov raped me," Janet said. "He..." She recounted her tale while everyone listened. "I still want to be on the team, to save her. I want to be your partner, Nick."

"No," Melody said. "I'm not going to let your pride get in the way of saving her. I'm younger than you, and I'm already capable."

"I don't think this is a good idea," Nick said. "You couldn't cut it with Snarlov."

"He went overboard!" Janet yelled.

"Umm, excuse me, what team?" Linda asked.

They filled Linda in on the situation.

"I wouldn't be opposed to helping. It sounds like fun."

"Fun?" Melody and Janet both yelled at once.

"What?" Linda looked at the others with surprise. "Sex is fun."

"This is swallowing piss," Janet said. "How can you possibly like that?"

"It started with a prank in college. I thought that I was drinking orange juice, one thing led to another."

"Eww." Janet didn't like what she was picturing in her mind.

"Are you sure you're fine with this?" Nick turned his gaze towards Linda. "You'll need to be my partner's slave."

"Absolutely," Linda said. "It's one way I can help others, and enjoy myself. What species will my owner be?"

"I don't know. I want you to see if you're capable first before entertaining this idea." Nick ordered Linda to start pleasuring Melody. He wanted Janet to take a bath and clean herself up.

It shouldn't be a surprise that Nick followed Janet when Janet went to the bathroom.

"If you're serious about joining the team, I'm going to test you."

"I understand," Janet said. "You won't be like that bear who wouldn't even stop when I wanted him to."

Nick nodded.

Janet had some time to herself in a bathtub. It was nice washing her urine-stained fur. Before she finished washing her fur, Nick joined her. He was naked and didn't make any moves on her.

"Well?" Nick looked at her expectantly.

She sniffed his cock. It didn't smell pleasant just like she expected. Regretfully, she took her into her mouth and started to suck.

"I'm uncomfortable. You look miserable," Nick said.

"Look, I can do what we need. I must be on the team because I don't trust anyone else to do it."

"Can you? If you spill a drop, this is over."

"Bring it." Janet looked at him.

He moved his cock away from her mouth.

"You're moving away?"

"You're going to catch it with your tongue."

Janet held her mouth open, waiting for Nick to piss. As soon as he did, she instinctively closed her mouth and tried moving away, as it splashed on her face. The fox kept aiming his stream toward her lips.

"I believe we are finished."

"No," Janet said. "That's not the only thing we have to do. I can work on this, and win dueling rabbits."

"Melody is better."

"You're not even going to give me a chance? What the hell? I have to save my littermate."

"We'll save her. Don't worry," Nick said. "I already gave you a chance."

Janet rushed out of the bathtub. She ran to Melody's room. "I challenge you to a duel."

The Mythical Incursion 10 - Diplomatic Pressure

The two bunnies in the room stared at Janet, pausing their activities. She challenged Melody to a duel moments before. "Seriously?" Melody looked at her as if she was crazy. "Got a problem with that?" Janet said. "I will be on the team to save...

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The Mythical Incursion 8 - Concessions

"You're too soft," Karim mocked. "She's mine, not yours. You're helping me, but I make the final call. I'm not going to break her arm, and we're going to see Jack Savage today," Valen said. "You can't travel to the capital alone." "That's why you're...

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The Mythical Incursion 7 - Duels

Judy had a good night's sleep all things considered. The gryphon gave her a choice once again on how he would use her. She went with the golden shower instead of him pissing in one of her holes. Once again, she smelled like a gryphon's toilet. "What...

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