The Mythical Incursion 7 - Duels

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#7 of The Mythical Incursion

Judy had a good night's sleep all things considered. The gryphon gave her a choice once again on how he would use her. She went with the golden shower instead of him pissing in one of her holes. Once again, she smelled like a gryphon's toilet.

"What are you going to do today?" Thalia asked.

"What is your decision?" Valen asked Judy.

"You're asking her?"

"She's mine to train."

"Decision?" Judy said. She didn't know what he was talking about.

As Valen started explaining, it all came back to her. They had this conversion last night.

"I will duel other rabbits," Judy said.

Everyone else got to eat except her - the food Thalia prepared for her was going to go to waste given her unexpected choice. Thalia wanted Judy to be hungry during the day. As if to prove his superiority, Herbert had no issues guzzling down Thalia's piss after his meal. That rabbit accepted his place far too easily.

It was another round of flying with their unique traveling methods. Herbert hung on for dear life by sucking on Thalia's toe. Judy meanwhile got to rid Valen with her soiled body. Eventually, he wanted her to travel by sucking his cock in the air. If she were to bite his off, her life was forfeit for sure.

This time, they arrived atop a building of sorts. There were tables and chairs on the rooftop. They were playing a board game with other gryphons. Well, the gryphons were playing, and the bunnies were just watching.

"You rolled a four," the gryphon said when a ten landed on the board.

Duopoly was apparently, serious business.

"Liar," Valen said.

"Fine, Lara will duel Judy."

They were the first two rabbits settling a dispute so the entire room watched them as they stepped up to the front. Judy was naked, but the other rabbit was not.

"This will be easy," the brown doe said.

Valen gave a countdown for the rabbits to start. "Three, two, one."

Lara charged at Judy.

Judy easily dodged out of the way.

"If she doesn't know what to do, then we're taking her to the lions," Thalia said.

"Attack already," Valen said.

Judy knew what she had to do. She easily pinned the rabbit down. Next, she had to rip off the doe's skirt to give her easier access to her tailhole. The doe was complaining every step of the way.

"Get off me, you brute."

Her resolve waved, and the doe dislodged her. That didn't mean it would be easy for Lara to pin Judy down, but Lara started trying again. She didn't want to rape another, so she eventually permitted Lara to catch her. The doe started licking her tailhole.

"See? You rolled a four," the gryphon said triumphantly.

Judy didn't even get to orgasm, but there was a puddle of fluids on the floor. Lara must have been playing with herself. The alternative was too horrible to contemplate.

"Fine, I'll pay 200 dollars in income tax," Valen grumbled.

The gryphons continued playing the game.

Some other pair started settling a dispute. Two rabbits walked up to the front once again. As the rabbits started their battle, fur started flying. They were ripping each other's patches of fur off. Eventually, one of the rabbits stuck her nose into the other's tailhole. Another duel ended, and another trivial dispute was settled.

"You're kidding me, right? Petty board games are what you use us for?" Judy said.

"Excuse us." Valen guided her out of the room, leaving an unfinished duopoly game. "This is just for practice before you do your real duties."

"I don't do practice. Not like this. Raping someone for practice is wrong. It's wrong to rape at all."

"Judy, it's just the way things are. A majority of them would rather lose except their masters would discipline them if they lost intentionally. You won't be raping anyone because they want it."

"Unlikely. I don't have the option to not be here, do I?"

"But did you enjoy losing?"

"I didn't even get to cum! How could I enjoy that?"

"So, you would have if you did? It's how we settle everything now because they decided it was better than relying on magic."

"When are you going to take me home?" Judy decided on switching topics. The gryphon was going to take her home but they ran into the dragons.

"When I can, but you must perform your role. We're bound together."

"Fine, I'll prove that I can, and in return, you don't make me do anything frivolous again."


They walked back into the room. Judy had a sense of purpose now - she would prove that she could overcome this, and Valen would use her talents properly in return. She stood face to face against the brown doe once more.

Lara charged at her, but Judy easily pinned the rabbit down.

"Let me do this, so I don't have to break anything to win," Judy said. She couldn't bear the thought of actually following through on her threat. It would be easy to snap the bunny's bones if she wanted to. Lara didn't say anything but presented her tailhole filled with cum.

Judy drew her nose close for a sniff. It smelled absolutely foul. When she extended her tongue for a lick, she realized that it wasn't just cum. It had to be scat. Herbert did eat an entire white log yesterday. "Lara's tailhole is too dirty. She has scat within it."

"Look fine to me," a gryphon said.

"Stupid bunny can't recognize cum," another gryphon piped up. "What more can we expect from the failure prince?"

"Liar. I can too," Judy said. She hadn't actually tasted gryphon cum or scat yet but there was no way that she was wrong. "They just both look white. How would you know the difference?"

"Let me check." Herbert walked up to the brown doe. He sniffed the brown doe's rear. "This is cum. She has never tasted a gryphon's cum nor tasted any scat."

"Perhaps, another round with the lions is in order," Thalia said.

Valen said, "Judy is just confused. She won't make the same mistake twice."

Judy hated this. She knew she was right, but it seemed like there was no way out. The only move left was to admit that she was wrong even though she wasn't. "Sorry, this is still new to me." Without any other options, she moved her face back there and started licking.

She was having difficulties rimming given the horrid taste. All Judy did was lick, and hope that someone would tell her to stop. It was agonizing, licking the dirty tailhole over and over again. Before she could claim victory by getting the brown doe off, the brown doe decided to make her move.

With lightning speed, Lara dashed around Judy and stuck her nose into Judy's tailhole, and climaxed.

Judy lost again. She rimmed the bunny only to lose.

Valen lost the board game shortly after. "You lost me the game."

"Not my fault," Judy said. "They cheated."

"Having problems?" Another gryphon laughed.

"Enough out of you," Valen said. "Suck, and make yourself useful."

Judy decided not to cause a scene and did her best to suck the barbed feline cock. Of course, when Valen cummed, she pulled away instinctively. The entire room laughed.

"She's a much better toilet. Something that you others can only hope to have."

Judy shook her head profusely. "No, no, I'm not."

"She's just shy."

"As if," a gryphon said.

"Prove it," another gryphon challenged.

"We need a funnel then. She'll survive," Valen said. "Free for all to use."

"Foolish brother," Thalia said.

"She's mine. Not yours, sister."

Running was futile. The gryphons quickly restrained her. They restrained her to a board on the floor. A funnel covered both her mouth and nose. Not only gryphons, but rabbits were taking advantage of her too. A buck aimed a stream at her funnel. It had nowhere to go but flow towards her mouth and nose. All she could do was gulp if she wanted to breathe.

A gryphon decided to use her next. Judy thought it was weird because the gryphon didn't have a cock but had a doe with him. He let loose a stream of piss from his tailhole. This didn't make sense but Judy didn't have time to worry about that, she had to swallow to keep on breathing.

It was foul so she couldn't keep up and piss entered her nose. Somehow the funnel cleared, and Judy started feeling light-headed.

"No!" Judy shouted in vain. No one could hear her through the funnel anyway. Valen was going to use the funnel to take a dump. She could only watch in horror as the white log descended from his tailhole and polluted her air. This quickly reaffirmed that the doe had scat up her tailhole.

The scat quickly blocked the funnel. If Judy didn't try swallowing, she was going to run out of air. Not to mention that scat was going to block her nose, preventing her from breathing if she wasn't fast enough. As the log entered her mouth, she gagged and couldn't swallow fast enough. It was piling up from the funnel, well on the way to completely blocking her nose.

As if to make matters worse, she saw a doe step up and unleash a stream of piss within the already clogged funnel. She was still able to breathe barely since there was still some oxygen left within the funnel. All she could smell Valen's scat. As she decided to try swallowing again, a red gryphon unleashed a stream into the funnel. This had an immediate effect of causing scat to liquify into a burning yellow-white fluid.

She couldn't keep up despite her efforts to save herself from drowning. As the air was running out, she slowly lost consciousness while desperately trying to swallow, to be able to breathe.

Judy woke up to see Valen watching over her. She was on her bed in her room or rather their room.

"You're alive." Valen sounded relieved.

She blinked. As she sniffed the air, she could still smell Valen's scat. Valen dressed her while she was unconscious.

"I thought you could handle it since you were able to give the doe a rimjob."

"What happened?" Judy asked.

"Look, Judy, I didn't want the lions touching you again, so I had to come up with something. You ended up passing out. And well, I - you will be trained by a gryphon this time. They don't trust me to train you. It's my fault, I'm sorry. Look, to make it up to you, why don't I take you to Jack Savage once you pass?"

"Deal," Judy said. It was his fault that she was trapped here.

A red gryphon walked in along with a white doe.

"You can call me Karim. I will be instructing you. From my past experiences, breaking limbs is the best way to get someone to try their best. After that, they quickly become obedient."

"That - that won't be necessary, sir," Judy said. She had flashbacks to the ZPD academy.

"And this is Angelica. She will be your partner."

"I don't know if you will have fun, but I will," Angelica said. "Let's go over a few rules: For the next three days, you will not be eating or drinking anything that doesn't come from me. I will train you how to win dominance battles, and how to show submission. Are you hungry right now?"

Judy shook her head. "I feel awful."

"So, how did you end up here?"

"Valen kitnapped me from Zootopia, and took me here."

"You must be lucky to escape."

"Escape?" Judy echoed. "I want to go back! Now, dragons are blocking the portal."

"Stockholm syndrome, what a shame. We have a way longer life here than elsewhere. The best are nearly guaranteed to live till sixty."

"Sixty? Pop-pop is over a hundred."

Angelica sighed. "I should know better than to talk to a Zootopian. They always lie."

The gryphons just watched them without interrupting.

Thalia entered the room. "It's time to eat."

"I'm not hungry," Judy said. She was still full from swallowing scat.

"Suit yourself."

Judy had to follow nonetheless to the table where they were going to eat. And, of course, Valen had to pee so Judy received a golden shower while he hovered in the air. There were six plates prepared, one for each of them. For once, Herbert had real food to eat. As Judy sat in front of the table, she grabbed a carrot.

"Eat that and I will break your arm," Karim threatened.

Judy dropped the carrot in terror.

"Looks like you're hungry after all," Angelica said. "You're going to have to wait until I finish eating."

Judy just watched while everyone else ate. When everyone finished eating Angelica undressed and got down on all fours.

"That's your first carrot," Angelica said. "Eat up."

"I'm not hungry anymore."

Angelica pulled out the cum-stained carrot from her tailhole. "Eat." She waved the carrot in front of Judy. The very tip had suspicious brown flecks.

Judy shook her head. "No."

"Should I ask Karim to break your arm?"

Reluctantly, Judy opened her mouth for the stained carrot. It tasted foul just as she thought it would. The white wasn't cum once again. It was gryphon scat.

"Are you still hungry?"

Judy shook her head.

"Now, let's start training. Start dominating me."

"Your tailhole is dirty," Judy said. She very well remembered the reminder that tailholes had to be clean.

"They can have cum. And I do have cum, so it is fine."

"It's gryphon scat."

"But who's going to know the difference? It looks white just the same. You need to overcome this. Now, you need to dominate me."

Reluctantly, Judy started sniffing the doe's tailhole. It was better off that she inhaled the scent of the gryphon's scat and her musk.

"You'll need to do better than that."

Judy started licking Angelica's tailhole, trying to pleasure the doe as best as she could. The horrible taste doesn't help. "Your tailhole is filthy," she said after she licked up all the gryphon scat. The white gave way to brown.

"You're not wrong. Aside from the start, you can't get disqualified for anything other than taking a dump."

"How does that make sense?" Judy said.

"The filth could have come from your tongue or that you're too stupid to recognize scat or that you thought you could take advantage of someone new. It's just a bad idea to complain most of the time. Now, get back to it."

Judy resumed rimming the doe, licking up her scat in the process. At least, it tasted better than gryphon scat. However, Angelica made a sudden movement. She quickly turned around and shot her cum on Judy's face.

"You didn't win."


"Now, we continue. Get your head back there."

Judy continued rimming Angelica, licking that pink hole between those white furry cheeks. She suffered without complaining until Angelica started pushing to take a dump.

"What do you think you're doing?" Angelica said.

"But you said..."

"Yes, and if you don't get your head back there, I won't be taking a shit so, I won't be losing."

Judy had to keep rimming the tailhole while Angelica tried to take a dump. It slid out, landing right on her tongue.

"Now, you may get up. Present it to the gryphons."

As Valen walked over, Judy held her mouth open, presenting the turd on her tongue.

"If this were a normal battle, she would lose, and receive punishment for breaking the rules," Karim said. "I would also break one of her limbs for disgracing me in this manner."

Judy wanted to spit it out so much. The bitter turd just resting on her tongue. She waited for further instructions since she couldn't talk.

"Now, if you spit it out, the other one has to clean it up with her mouth."

Judy took that as permission and spat it out on the ground.

"If you swallowed, then the rabbit would lose the ability to engage in any more future dominance battles. The rabbit will also need to show submission to you. Sometimes it's just best to swallow, to prevent future problems."

Angelica fetched some gloves, a bag, and some paper towels to clean up the mess. Everyone followed her for such a small task. She threw it all out of the castle, and into the forest below. They moved back to the dining room. "Now, we can move on to submission. You will lick my pussy until I orgasm."

Judy shoved her face into the bunny's snatch. It was an improvement compared to rimming her tailhole just minutes ago. As she eagerly licked the bunny, she didn't seem to be making any progress.

"If you can control your own pleasure, you can prevent bunnies from successfully showing submission. They need to keep servicing you."

Tiny nibbles did the trick, enough to draw a reaction. A combination of pleasurable nibbles and warm breaths eventually sent Angelica over the edge.

"Pull away so others can witness me squirting."

Judy moved away slightly, so others can see.

"I'm also well within my rights to urinate into your mouth. If you do not swallow, you fail."

"Why is this okay?"

"You're supposed to be used to your master's piss already. Now, let's try this."

Angelica didn't allow Judy to keep her mouth close to her pussy. Judy had to stand a good distance away as Angelica aimed her stream. She closed her mouth as soon as the urine hit her tongue.

"Failure. Now, we have a final test today."

Unexpectedly, the next thing Angelica did was go to the bathroom to brush her teeth. The entire group followed just like before. "Do you like being dirty?"

Judy took the hint and started doing the same. She gladly rinsed her mouth of everything, trying to get that minty-fresh taste into her mouth. At least, Angelica didn't rush her as Judy took extreme care in brushing her teeth.

"I think you're clean enough," Angelica said.

Even though she rinsed her mouth over ten times, the bitter aftertaste still remained. Reluctantly, she stopped brushing her teeth.

The next event didn't involve her - Karim was going to fuck Angelica. Angelica was such a slut. It didn't take her long to cum, she even finished first while Karim was still pounding her ass.

"Harder," Angelica cried. The rabbit cummed twice from a single round of fucking.

Judy couldn't believe her eyes. Karim finally shot his seed into the doe's ass. As he pulled out, a trail of cum leaked from her tailhole.

"Now, you need to clean me with your tongue. This is because not every rabbit enjoys their tailhole being dirty. The only thing they can't do is take a dump into your mouth."

Once again, Judy found herself in front of a tailhole. Gryphon cum was easier to handle than scat. She tried her best in slurping up the cum. Angelica cummed from her efforts before she finished. That bunny was such a slut.

As Angelica farted in her face, Judy withdrew.

"Get back there," Angelica commanded. "Do that again, and Karim will break something."

Fearfully, Judy started licking and sniffing Angelica's tailhole again. As she licked, eventually the tailhole looked spotless.

"I'm finished," Judy said.

Karim inspected Angelica's tailhole from afar.

"I don't feel clean," Angelica said.

"You-you must have missed something," Valen stuttered as he forced himself to speak the words. Her master didn't even bother to take even a casual glance.

Since it was getting late - they were going to prepare for bed. Everyone except Judy and Angelica got a chance to shower.

Thalia and Herbert went into their own room. The four of them went into Judy's room.

Angelica said, "Now, you need to either lick my tailhole or have your nose inside it for the entire night. If you dare remove your face from my tailhole, your arms will be broken."

"What if you try to take a dump?" Judy asked.

"Then you better have evidence."

Judy hated the doe's musk, but she had an entire night to get used to it.

"I don't hear you sniffing or feel you licking."

Keeping her nose just inside the doe's tailhole was not enough. Judy had to actually sniff and lick. As everyone else drifted off to sleep, she continued her task.

Angelica suddenly moved so Judy's nose was no longer inside her tailhole. "If you dare slack off, this is what will happen," she said sinisterly. "It would be so easy for you to fail."

Judy resumed her task with as much enthusiasm as she could. If she didn't keep Angelica happy, she would end up with two broken arms. She sniffed and licked the tailhole in front of her. The musk was clouding her mind and making it hard to breathe. As if Angelica sensed her sluggish pace, she farted into Judy's face. Once again, Judy instinctively pulled away.

"Valen's going to break your arms in the morning."

The Mythical Incursion 8 - Concessions

"You're too soft," Karim mocked. "She's mine, not yours. You're helping me, but I make the final call. I'm not going to break her arm, and we're going to see Jack Savage today," Valen said. "You can't travel to the capital alone." "That's why you're...

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The Mythical Incursion 6 - A Beary Bad Day

The very next day, Nick was back at the farm with another ZPD officer. Chief Bogo at first wanted Officer McHorn to participate but upon learning more of his disposition and his bladder capacity quickly nixed that idea. He was at the farm with Officer...

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The Mythical Incursion 5 - Socialization

The last place Judy expected to be was in the shower with Valen. Thalia ordered Valen to clean her body of the lions' stench. He was surprisingly gentle with how he washed her body - Thalia didn't trust Judy to wash herself. When she complained about...

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