
Story by kaeil on SoFurry

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(I still need to edit this, but I had to finish this before I could get any sleep. I hope you enjoy part 1. There is another part I couldn't get to because of the length of the story. My apologies to you all, but I think it's a good ending for now. )

I had lost my job recently, well recently is relative considering it has been a year. Still others have been unemployed for longer, so, relatively recently. It was a matter of not enough work and too many capable people around to take care of things. It didn't help that I was of wolf birth and the foreman was a mutt. I guess some people have preferences that just can't be gotten over. Still, I had a little savings to live off of from my foresight, and there is always something when it comes to fate. "Something will come along," I promised myself now, and every day as a matter of fact.

Sitting at my chair before the computer screen; searching online for anything work related I clicked the next page. There is so much you can do online, and I have nothing but free time, but there are rules you have to enforce or you end up in an inescapable mire. "Contractor! This looks promising." I scratched at my eartip and then straightened out my long gray fur to focus completely. Reading further disappointment struck. "I need experience. I have experience. They just want more than I have... And for less than I made before!"

I sighed aloud and pulled away from the chair to attend to lunch. After looking for 4 hours, I have had enough. "So many sites to search, and so little out there." I padded my way barefoot with nails clicking on the linoleum to the kitchen of my little town home and started putting together a sandwich. It wasn't much of a place, but it was mine, and I could call it my own and decorate it any way I like. Sadly, I had neglected that and spartan was the motif.

My ears perked up and my tail swished in notable interest as I hear the steps of someone walking up the steps to the front door, "oh nice? Maybe it's a response from Billings." I was halfway towards the door when I realized I was nearly naked as the doorbell rang. I almost strarted for the bedroom upstairs when I spotted a shirt draped over the back of the couch. I didn't bother to check for noticeable wear or else I keep the man, yes definitely a man I determined after scenting the air deeply. The buttons were quickly burrowed through their appropriate holes as I made the last few steps to the front door, mumbling, "I really have to clean this place better. This afternoon," I promised myself.

After kicking aside a shoe that had never made it onto the side-mat where it belonged, I opened up the door. On the other side a mutt of a dog appraised my appearance that had rather little to do with indecency, but saying more of a man who was still wet from a shower an hour ago and had dressed by way of whatever was handy. "Good morning," I said, the delivery man almost laughed.

"Yes, good afternoon," The brown and white stomached dog in a delivery shirt and matching slacks softened his introduction with a smile on his lazy amiable face framed by long hanging ears. His eyes wandered downward, then up to my face once more as he tipped his hat up a small bit, "Um... I have a package for you. You are Vince right?"

"Yeah, that's me," I responded a little off guard at his interest, then noticed I was only wearing boxers and let my displeasure leave just as quickly. Quickly putting a hand out to take the package, I hoped to keep my disrespectful attire from dominating the man's day with distraction.

The mutt pushed forward a box that was far larger than a certified letter, but light in weight. The company listed on the addressing label stated proudly Gentics Unlimited, someone I have never heard of, though not surprisingly considering I worked construction and not labs. I peered from the box to the man curiously. "I didn't order anything though. Are you sure it's for me? Vincent Hon?"

The mutt's smile continued and he only nodded certain, "Yes, 102 Harvest, Vincent Hon."

I noted the name on his shirt, "well... Thanks, Jer."

Jer held a tablet before me, "Sign if you would, though it is a nice day out. You should take a walk and enjoy the sun, I can easily say it's a good day to get out."

I merely nodded noncommittally, as I scribbled out my name, "Maybe later, I need to do a couple chores mind you."

"Oh course, of course," the mutt had my signature into the scanner, and soon I was the proud owner of a unexpected gift. I waved him goodbye then focused on the package, closing the door behind me as I headed in. My curiosity had the better of me and moving quickly into the kitchen, slipped a butcher's knife through the tape and soon had the large cardboard box opened up before me.

"Never heard of these guys, but hey, maybe it's a mistake in my favor," I pushed aside some of the Styrofoam peanuts and found 7 smaller boxes buried within. I grabbed the top most and pulled it out, carefully and curious. A faint scent made it to my nose and it smelled sweet and heavy like the perfume for women, but not like any of the bitches I'd had a date with. "Damn it," I griped disappointed and opened the pink colored cardboard box expecting it to be some female products I would just have no use for. I wasn't far off.

In a small plastic mold of white, a pale pinkish colored form set. "What is this," I questioned a little disturbed at the strange thing while a waft of the strong perfume snuck into my breath. I coughed a moment while I lifted it out from its seat and realized very quickly what this was; a fake breast.

"Seriously," I laughed then set it back in the container, but something felt off. I looked at the pads of my hand and noticed a slight oilly substance had rubbed off on me. Placing it near my nose, confirmed that it carried the scent now. "Ugh," I let slip disgusted and walked to the sink to wash the chemical away in warm water.

Completed I grabbed the box and collected the stray peanuts and resealed it and tossed it into the trash can, "Well that was interestingly disappointing."

The rest of the afternoon was spent collecting a backlog of misplaced pillows and a few articles of clothes. Finally, the place looking respectable, and I turned the TV on to watch some old movie long since forgotten, falling asleep to its well remembered plot.

I had strange dreams, I don't recall what they were, or what they entailed, but when I opened my eyes an hour later, I had a painful erection trying to force its way through my boxers. "I hate being a guy, I swear women never have this problem," I remarked to no one, then slipped from the couch to head to my den and the computer still on with a screen-saver marching through images of various artwork.

My hand moved my cock aside to stop the pressure of the bunched clothing and a feeling of pleasure brimmed in my shaft, "Fine you win." I put aside checking email to instead open up a browser to bring up my favorite porn site. A few clicks, and soon I was filling the screen with naked bitches posed in contorted positions to show me their better parts.

I moaned softly as my hand ran the length of the shaft of my hard red cock. I could feel the pre starting to pool on the tip and I pushed aside my shorts to expose it to the air and slide the sensitive skin between my quickly wetted pads and white underside fur.

My eyes drank the images of the women and their wet pussy's presented before me; one hand stroking my dick, the other clicking away to the next image in the series with greater eagerness. I could feel my seed ready to surge and I leaned back my mouth open and panting as the semen finally broke from my sacks. I howled softly as the pleasure tore through my stomach and body, the white substance shot out and upwards onto my chest like a warm rain, and I continued to stroke until the contents were completely empty.

It was so great and wonderful to feel that, so much better than I recall ever. My heart was pounding like a drum and only now starting to fade to calm. I opened up a drawer and pulled out a couple tissues to gather up the evidence of my indulgence from my white underside fur. The scent of my seed hung in the air but I felt spent enough for the moment to not question if I was truly satiated, or even why it smelled different. "Perhaps it was the nap that has me a little off", I reasoned away and stood to go get some supper ready and finish the night with mindless entertainment.

The next morning was one of curious strangeness, I woke early in the morning, and began my daily ritual of job hunting, some house work, then the afternoon of whatever takes my interest. I decided to take a walk that day, and headed down the street. The sun shown brightly and the soft breeze on my fur felt wonderful. Just a very strange feeling. Perhaps it was too much sleep, or maybe it was just a perfect day. I am not sure, but I was in a really wonderful mood, and when I got 2 letters of decline in interviews, I didn't even mind, "there will always be something for me."

I went to bed early for some reason, my eyes would not stay awake, and the weather had hit just the right chord in me. I should have been repulsed by the thoughts that came that night. I remember one, only one. It was a large shepherd who was in my bed. He slept soundly while I lay next to him enjoying the warmth of his fur entwined with mine. We were both naked and I had my head on his chest. I don't recall much, just that feeling of comfort, it shouldn't have been enjoyable at all. But dreams are such strange things some times.

Waking fully with the sun piercing the bedroom, I set the dreams purpose aside to run some errands. There was little effort to grocery shopping, or stopping at the butcher, but while I was out carefully measuring the money I handed out verses the coming bills, I saw through a window of a woman's store this yellow dress. I am not sure why it caught my eye, but the patterns of leaves embroidered in the seams and the subtle shimmer in the fabric entranced me in admiration.

I'm not sure what was going through my mind, maybe it was the lack of coheerent thought that had filled me, but the next moment, I pull open the door, heading into the quiet boutique that smelled of lavender. I looked around and there was a young cat behind the register. She smiled as I entered and remarked warmly, "Good afternoon, sir."

I looked at her only by happenstance, my eyes were still trapped by the yellow dress placed over the mannequin in the window and returned to them quickly, "hi. Um... I would like to know if I can buy that." The words came out from someone else, I swear. I have no need for a dress, what am I doing buying one.

"Of course," she nodded and headed to a small rack on a wall and started pushing aside hangers with various long skirt casual wear, "What size is she?"

Her words caught me and I had no response to offer. I could only stare at the dress of shimmering yellow and copper leaves and shrug uncertain, "I... I don't know. Can you guess?"

The feline girl with her white stripes on black and gray fur grinned to herself then added kindly, "I think that I can get the right one for you." She stared at me a long time appraising my body without a word. Normally I would feel a little bit enamored and interested in the girl even if she was a cat, but today, I was in a daze and couldn't comprehend the attention.

A minute later she had the dress boxed and in my hands, and I didn't mind the frivolity of buying something that wasn't for me. As the dress held closed by a red ribbon made it to my hands, I could feel the anticipation well in my stomach. I didn't understand what was going on in my mind, but my cock certainly was less subtle about it. I could feel the heat building in my loins and the firm meat starting to stir and push against my underwear.

"I should get home," I said to myself almost as a reminder that I couldn't stay here all day, and wished the sales girl a good bye as I headed out. From behind, she said something perhaps. Or maybe it was a laugh? I couldn't tell, didn't care; my thoughts were completely jumbled.

I made it home that night and hung the soft yellow dress in my bedroom and went to start making dinner. My mind was slowly coming to as I was making preparations, but as the meal was finally coming together I thought on the dress I bought. I tried to understand why I purchased it, but nothing would come just that I wanted it. I put the food onto the dinner table then went up to my room and looked at it. Dinner was getting cold and all I could think about was how beautiful this garment was. How wonderful it felt against my pads and how it slid against my gray fur.

Another moment later, I am tearing off my shirt and throwing my jeans aside. I have the dress in my paws entranced, then I pull it off the hanger and slide it over my head to let its cool fabric fall around me. It was a little tight at the stomach, but the fit strangely felt wonderful and comforting.

Sliding my long pinned tail from inside the folds of material, it now darts freely back and forth slowly, matching my own subconscious joy. I had to smile at the sight of my body being happy in this situation for the sheer irony.

I held the satin against me and looked into the mirror by the closet and saw myself, the view of the dress looked so wonderful and gorgeous. My eyes were bright and golden fitting the outfit's color perfectly. Turning left and right to see how the material pronounced my bottom more I can feel my cock beginning to standing fully aroused at the sensation of the effeminate clothing.

It pressed against the frail fabric growing in weight. "Oh no, I'm going to ruin..." I hike up the long hem hurriedly over the growing length. As the smooth satin caresses my red member accidentally, a shiver of pleasure fills me and I look in the mirror to see my bright red cock standing straight out, even more pronounced by the contrasting yellow dress that encompasses me.

I place my paw on the tip and gather up a small bit of pre already starting to seep out, "no, don't let me be excited like this." But I was, and the blood surging to my cock only throbbed engorged. I pull my hand back along the slick length and pleasure strike across me like lightning. I gasp with the sensation leaning forward to brace myself from slipping to the floor.

My eyes stare at the mirror questioningly, "what is wrong with you?" I ask, but no one will answer, I can only look at myself in this stunning dress and instinctively let my paw run the length of my member once more. The pleasure is even more intense, and I exhale in a moan.

Pulling against the skin delicately, over and over, I feel my semen pressing to escape. I can't help this desire and so I let it do as it pleases. "This isn't me, this is someone else," I whisper inbetween gasps of the coming climax. "I just need to let it have its way, and I'll be back to normal," I press harder and harder as I stroke my dick faster and faster.

I cry out-loud as the build up of this orgasm finally breaks free of my cock and strikes out against the mirror, my image on the other side. Staring, taking in the scene with my labored breath of me in this delicate female's dress and the scent of sex in the air, I continue stroking my sex harder and hard. Even though it has finished, I continue, unable to stop.

Quickly my member grows in eagerness to match the desire in my body. I look forward, engrossed in the sight. My red slick cock once more surges with need, and I will satiate this no matter what.

My hand pulls roughly at the taunt sensitive skin, back and forth, faster and faster, trying to spend my excitement completely. Leaning against the mirror to see myself fully, I notice the seed running down the image of my body and in response, cum surges from my cock once more.

Panting and lolling, beholding the illusion of my clothing dripping with semen by the mirror, I finally fell the sense I have expended my hunger. I try not to think on it. I don't want to think what is coming over me to act like this.

Leaving the mess in the bedroom for later, I leave the room with heated air soaked with my own sex to find a cold dinner sitting on the table below. My stomach growls and pulls my thoughts away from sex to eating.

Barely any of the food felt more satisfying than placing that dress on my body. The way the air would curl around my legs under the long hem as I walked. The way my chest felt comforted and embraced. I should be concerned for my sanity if I am spending my time dressing as a bitch, but tonight? "I'll just indulge myself tonight. It's been so long since I have felt truly happy with myself."

I watched a movie in my new outfit, despite it was not meant for lounging, I couldn't part with it, but night came, and I had to find sleep in bed without it or else I would ruin the clothing. That's the last time I would do this, I will take it back in the morning and forget this whole event.

Sleep was very uncomfortable. They weren't nightmares that burrowed into my dreams, they were more inexplicable worries and fears. Nothing substantial like a pack of hounds hunting me down because I don't have my own pack. Not like some great monster coming out of the closet and eating me alive. Just worries. Inadequacy. I was with people doing nonsensical things, but they looked at me askew. Like I was wrong and didn't fit in. If only I know what was off.

When I woke that morning, the constricting sense held on tight. I stared from my bed at the alarm clock that hadn't need buzz me awake in a year. It shined 9am, but I wasn't getting up. The sunlight broke through the vertical blinds in my bedroom from the clear sky, but I didn't want to get up.

I thought about returning the dress and let the idea churn in my head a long time before I finally built up enough determination to do something about it. Quickly getting dressed, I repackaged the yellow satin garment and headed for the car to drive it back and put this whole off series of events behind me and get back to normal.

As I arrived at the boutique, the dress tucked under my arm I computated a reasonable excuse to give it back, walking in sheepishly. The same sales girl from yesterday was in attendance today. She smiled at me in greeting, "Welcome back Vincent. Was something wrong with the size that you need to bring it back?"

I nodded trying to say as few words as possible or else I would reveal my bizarre actions lately, "um, yes. It was. Vin, if you would. Can I return this for money back please?" I snuck to the counter, my tail holding itelsef between my legs to present the box hurriedly, fearful if I don't act now I will loose my resolve and head home defeated by this strange mood.

The cat looked a little saddened, "I usually do a very good job with sizes."

"Oh, no, please don't feel it was your fault, I didn't know what I was doing buying that." 'Too much truth,' I scolded myself.

"Well let me take a look at it," the striped cat 5 years younger than me forced a smile and opened up the package to examine the clothing.

My ears splay as I suddenly worry I got some on it, and now will be horribly mortified and publicly humiliated. The fear started to form heat and I felt myself beginning to pant. Quickly I bit my tongue to stop this childish reaction.

The girl held it aloft and examined the front of the long skirted dress her tail swishing happily like she enjoyed this unspoken torment, adding, "I'm sorry, but there is a stain on the front."

I breathed in sharply with shock as she turned it around for me to see. My mind churning with ways to explain away a cum stain, then she let me out of this self induced hell, "You have a bit of tomato sauce on this, I can only give you store credit for it not being returned as it was purchased."

Breathing out relieved and forcing a smile to hide my anxiety, "Oh.... Oh! That's fine! Yep," I tried to laugh to sound relaxed, that only made it more obvious to her, surely.

"Very good then," The girl grinned and motioned to the store, "It was an expensive dress, so I am sure you can find several things that you would like instead. Please take your time. You have the store to yourself for now really. We don't really get busy until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Once people start getting off work of course."

Turning quickly to survey the shelves and mannequins and racks I sigh, 'I can't do this again. Just buy some things that you might wear and be done with this forever, Vin.' Set in motion I wander about aimlessly, trying to spy something that would be acceptable.

As I look around, the fear of returning the dress out of my mind, thoughts wander in and out, and again I feel this warm throb in my chest looking at the various patterns and fabrics before me. I let my paws wander to absorb the materials weight and sensations.

There is no telling how long I was in there. I am not even sure if there was another customer that came in or not. I was engrossed with looking over the materials and the clothing that I had to buy. I did justify it that I had to buy them, mumbling to myself in determination, "store credit is store credit, and I can't waste money. I'll give these to a girlfriend one day."

Taking hold of a sharp colored soft black skirt then a few tops that seem to belong with it, I wander back towards the counter, my tail darts side to side anxiously. That is how it seemed when I picked up each piece; that they were talking to me, telling me who they should be seen and paired with. My eyes were still on the store's selection when I stopped at the counter and placed the half dozen items on the stone sales desk.

The cat girl raised an eyebrow as she looked up at me, speaking loudly to tear my attention away from the racks and mannequins, "you know, this is a good choice, but perhaps you might want a different size for this sheer blouse. If you don't mind me getting it?"

Turning to face her, a almost serene look on my face, I nod, "Of course, anything you think is best. You are the professional." I notice her own clothes for the first time and consider them strangely, "I like your shirt. It really pronounces your breasts, and matches your coat."

She laughed lightly in a kind way as someone who was entertained by a wolf shopping for something so far out of the realm of normal, "would you like it? I think we have one of the right size in the discount rack."

I nod, some of my sense of reason fighting back against the daze of femininity, stuttering out, "you don't have to. I shouldn't have said. I'm sorry."

"Oh no, it's no trouble, Vin," this only made her more friendly and laughing harder.

I waited at the counter and the sales girl returned with a few replacements for my selection. She took my card and made the trade for the old dress, for these new sets. "What's your name by the way? I hate how you know mine, but not the other way around," I asked trying to converse my way out of seeming like a complete nut case.

"Kim," she added unconcerned, "Oh dear. You picked up a little more in items than the gown. Do you want to put some of this back?"

I shook my head trying not to consider the whole topic I was trapped in, "no. I'm ok. Just ring it up, and I'll be on my way."

"You know? You should really get a few knee-highs and some undergarments to go with this. Since you have them here, she might not have the right color to match you know," the joy in her voice at being able to control me so easily is shameful, and her posture only tells this blatantly with ears pointed so proudly pronounced.

Better to get this out of the way now and forever. 'It's only once. I'll survive,' I tell myself over and over. "If you would," I agree and start doing math in my head to see how much I have to live off of till the next unemployment check. 'I will survive, just without a trip to the bar with my friends Saturday,' I promise myself.

Kim returns in a minute with several panties of silk and satin and a few sets of different colored stockings. When she sets them down next to my other purchases, I can see quite well she is very good at her job. The heat in my cock is starting to build and press against the heavy jeans. My tail taunts me as it moves back and forth quickly, showing my pleasure far to obviously with these outfits presented before me, for only me.

"By your reaction, I see I was right," Kim holds an 8 breast bra before me to examine, "Tell me you don't really find this to be just totally sexy?"

I hold the material in my pads lovingly feeling the smooth satin, "it is very nice." I don't want to let go, but she needs to scan it so we part, knowing I only need to wait for a few moments before I can try it on at home. 'I want to put it on now.'

'No! You'll do no such thing,' I yell in thought at this growing break in my mind. 'Leave now and let her keep the money. Don't do this. You are a man, a wolf at that, not a bitch.'

I try to reason it away, 'I can live without these thing. She'll charge me anyway. I'll give it all to the Salvation pack on the way home.' Thinking I found middle ground I pay for the purchases settled.

Kim wishes me a good day and offers me a discount card for my next visit. I take it only to make the escape less obvious to the two teenage coyotes in the shop browsing for a jacket. I smile to them, like I am supposed to be here, they only look back with entertained eyes and smiles. 'I don't care,' I tell myself.

The drop box was along the way home by the grocery store in the plaza, I didn't stop. I had no intention of stopping and my mind came a little bit quieter that moment. Things seemed more clear and brighter to my yellow eyes. I was home faster than every, and likely will have a speeding ticket in the mail from the street cameras in a week. I didn't care, I had to change into the beautiful wolf I see in the mirror.

Racing up the stairs, my hands were at one time stripping off the male trappings and finding their place once more in the soft perfumed scents of these new belongings of mine. I started with the skirt I had found and slipped it around my feet and pulled the stretchy material up along my fur and finally to just under my tail. Already it was wagging eagerly and excited just like my heart. Reaching behind, I pulled the zipper closed along my hips and clasped the strap to hold the tight skirt around my tail and ran my hands against my bottom to smooth out the fabric.

Between my legs, my dick excitedly stood firm and hard. Throbbing with hot blood to show just below the hem of the skirt in bright red. I looked into the mirror and placed one paw against my ass caressing it, while the other slipped under the black striped skirt to find my member waiting.

I grasp it lightly and stroke it gently. I feel the strength in my body escaping my and my knees buckle and bend from the pleasure. I caress my ass and pull on my long tail, watching myself kneeling before the mirror on all fours. My maw opens lax, with my tongue hanging aside engrossed in the sensations.

Running my paw along my length and pressing my pads into my backside, The feeling of climax grows stronger and stronger. I am panting and moaning loudly now as I watch myself masturbate in front of the mirror like a bitch in heat. There has never been anything so enrapturing than this site, this moment, this day. Stroking harder and harder I find my paw has pulled my skirt up over my backside and found its way into my ass; prodding shallowly, while my other paw at the edge of bringing a well of cum from my sack.

I cry out in a howl with climax with the penetration and harvesting to release the white sex onto the floor under me. I stare at the mirror thinking of only how much better this could be, 'could it be' I wonder considering. Staring at my spent naked form with a skirt hiked up to my waist, I can only feel incomplete. "I have more clothes to put on, I have to be complete."

The scent of semen fills my nose, and my heart continues racing harder as if I was still fucking myself. Grabbing hold of the bra, I slip it from the tissue wrapping and take a deep draw of the perfume on the fabric, "Kim put that on them." I smile in ecstasy, then unhook the back to wrap it around my chest, positioning the padded seats to fall where they should on a true female.

My brain feels light and ecstatic as the 3 clasps on the undergarment seal me into its graceful embrace. I stand from kneeling and take hold of one of the blouses I purchased. Removing the string tag, my hands slip into the tight silver material over my head through the small arm holes. I am careful and contort my body to fit into the trapping gleefully.

My head pokes through the V neck, then soon my arms manage the top down over my chest. I have to adjust my bra slightly because of the contortions, but completed I look into the mirror and see what could be a beautiful bitch. I could be perfect.

The stockings are next, I sit on my bed and stretch out my legs horizontally one at a time, letting the silky material roll over my legs as if I was graceful and stunningly feminine. 'I am truly beautiful, elegant, gorgeous,' I encourage in thought.

Standing before the mirror, admiring myself in a tight top and skirt that ends at my thighs, with long stockings of matching silver that meet at the hem, I can only fall in love with this feeling. This sense of sexuality and beauty I have never known. Swishing back and forth, my tail eagerly wants my feelings known to the world, then I recall my delivery. "I haven't thrown out the trash yet, have I" I worry aloud in a shout of fear and excitement.

My stockinged feet bound from the top of the stairs to the bottom not hitting a single step between. I raced to the kitchen and found the garbage can and tore off the lid to look in the container. I tossed aside the old vegetables and a crushed box of pasta and a empty tray from the steak last night to find the bland cardboard box I needed.

No, need is not a strong enough word to explain how I felt to have these breast forms this moment. As if everything this day and all the others was for this moment only, that would possibly come close to the desirous feeling.

I lifted up my stretchy top to expose my bra, then grabbed the first of the smaller boxes to pull the form out. It felt so soft and warm as if they were as close to real as possible. My greedy hand carefully and trembling drew it to the seat where the largest of the two would sit.

Even though they seemed a little smaller in width than a real woman's, They were quite large and generous, "This will be perfect for me." Resting the breast against my own, I let the bra keep it in place though the size of the largest forms threatened to spill out of the cup, it did hold. Digging for the second breast, I single-mindedly attended the completion of my desire.

With each of the molds holding each breast form in place, I felt more and more fulfilled. The scent of the forms in the air was all there was to my house now. The scent of strong musky perfume and myself accentuated by the feminine garments. I am going to be a beautiful bitch, I must see myself completely.

My heart was racing and barely kept within my ribs. The weight of the breasts I had now were keeping me from walking normally and so I slowed down from my recent running and leaping to arch my back in balance and step carefully on my toes, not wanting to loose balance. Not till now have I known what it was like to have such a proportioned body, and I would never want to be without it again.

Reaching my bedroom I stared at my reflection with shock and adoration gasping with joy. My chest stood out perfectly, 6 sets of breast incrementally smaller and 2 more subtle nipples barely poking from under my top. As I turned, they shook and bounced properly as if they were real.

My hand reached under my skirt and hiked it up a little to get at the warm cock that was still recovering from the recent release that still lay on the floor under me. I stroked it carefully and eagerly, wanting to encourage it to erect as soon as possible. My other ran along the side of my body and cupped the largest of my breasts.

I felt it. 'I feel it?!' I thought in shock, then pressed hard against the mass, a wrack of pain lunched through me, and I almost doubled over. Breathing heavy and worried I pulled up my top to expose my bra and what should be a fake collection of breasts. I stared at something far from.

My nails traced the auroral that was half exposed by the bra meant for someone less endowed and the pain I felt earlier was replaced with a shiver of elation. Breathing in long draws of air, I tried to hold back the waning consciousness this unfamiliar touch caused. Then I placed my paw against the weight and felt warmth and a surge of sexual hunger.

I howled softly and continued to gently cup and press my padded paws to my chest. Each caress, bringing more and more seemingly endless pleasure to my body. "Oh I don't care how this can be," I spoke heatedly and attended to my new erogenous endowment with both hands.

I pressed then pinched the nipples, nearly dropping me to the carpeted floor before I decided that trying to stand while pleasuring myself was too much of a distraction. I crossed the few steps to my bed tearing at my clothes to get them off and expose my chest completely. The latches of the bra were difficult with no practice, but eventually I had them unhooked and soon the material that denied me full access was tossed across the room. I wanted to pull off my top, but it was not coming easily so I rolled it up enough to expose my chest completely.

The cool air of the night slowly brushed against my skin and nipples, causing they to painfully stand out into the room, but it would only be for a moment as fur from my arms pressed inwards softly rushing against these small portions of bare skin. I felt against the sides of these mounds of pleasure to assure myself I wouldn't accidentally remove whatever modern marvel they were, but there was no sign where my fur ended and where they forms began, 'No, they aren't fake, they are real,' "they are mine!" I announced passionately determined to let no second thoughts undo this joy.

My fingers grasped and massaged each of my new 8 breasts in turn making sure none of them were without attentions. As as I did so, bringing grateful cloudy consciousness to my mind, I felt the hard press of my manhood ready to deliver another climax to my body.

I grasped the zipper to quickly slid the tight skirt down my stockinged legs, regardless of the brief painful tugging my tail needed to suffer because the strap was too difficult to undo now. Finally kicking the little covering off to someplace other than in the way of my hands and my body.

The red slippery cock slapped against my stomach freely now, and with only the distraction of a little sheer top I could feel how neglected the member felt and my hand reached to relieve the painful build up with vigorous thrusts. With each forceful running of my pads along its length, my hips found themselves thrusting to bring the pained buildup closer to release.

I cupped and caressed my breast, irregularly pinching my nipples while my other hand ran up and down the hot grasped cock finding a well of near limitless pleasure awaiting me with every movement. There seemed to be nothing but heart racing sexual buildup as I attended every part of my new chest in time with my old familiar sex, but that could not last.

As my body thrust harder and hard to fuck my hand, my back arched so that my eyes occasionally opened to see the headboard instead of the ceiling above me. Each moment brought louder and louder moans and eager yelps of celebration then finally the damn of semen broke from the sacks in a torrent of hot cum that launched across my exposed breasts and even my face in a splattering orgasm.

I howled at the arrival with all my breath, and surely some of my neighbors heard it.

Softly now encouraging the last of the seed to exit my sex, rubbing the droplets that coated my new body into my skin, feeling the sticky warmth seem into my body, I lapped at the sparse semen that made way to my face, and happily fell into sleep.

I didn't need to dream that night. I had experienced the best orgasm of my life, and my mind was resting for what tomorrow would bring.

The forgotten door

(This is another short story I thought of. I have one last part I would like to write to cover the ending of Daniel and Gregg. But I'm a little satiated right now to write that part. ;) ) "Dan," I shouted over the sound of wind bearing through the...

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The other bed

I was too tired. A long day flitting about the campus. Class here, and hour wait there, a boring talk about subjects that were mandated by inane educators who wanted to assure their friends had jobs. 'I mean why do I have to prove I can work a...

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Just a drink

Samuel made his way through the mud room after dropping off his leather jacket at the coat-check. _5 more dollars after paying 20 to get in, there go four shots_, he accounted. _But, he said this was the place to go when you need to get a girl out of...

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