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#4 of Solarblaze



Solarblaze Glazer.



H1 Island

Location: Classified.

Status: Classified.

A lone taur approached the human compound, hir mission was one of complete revenge, to kill all humans on the island, regardless if they do or don't follow the religious fanatical movement known as Humans First.

They took hir mother away from hir when shi was just a cub, and then killed hir unborn and injured hir new found mate on Chakona just a few hours ago. Now, all hir anger and rage is fuelling hir powers. Over the years, shi had suppressed and controlled hir mothers consciousness, that had some how merged with hir own. Another entity within hir body, speaking to hir, filling hir heart with rage, making hir have bad thoughts. Now, shi and hir mother have merged, consciously in control, but with the bond that a parent and cub share, the instinct to protect family and friends and to destroy those that threaten them. Using hir now unlimited powers to its full, Solarblaze Glazer had flown to the island; the scent of the human who attacked hir mate Snowdrift on Chakona had led hir here.

Using the FCT Intel(Federation Counter Terrorist), shi had located the island where Human Firsts were gathered and grown in strength. The fact that the Federation hadn't intervened was largely due to the fact that the island was in another countries zone and didn't fall under the political and military might of the Federation.

But that didn't matter to one who was on a path of vengeance and retribution. Now, Solarblaze with the spirit of hir mother Sunrise guiding hir, has taken on an all new persona; Sunblaze.

Reaching the front gates, the human guards aimed their weapons at the chakamil, only to have them melt in their hands, imbedding their flesh in scalding hot liquid metal. Screaming in agony, they watched in horror as the taur fur in front of them ignited in green flames before they exploded, limbs and body parts flying everywhere.

Suddenly, sirens started blaring as the guards in the watch towers raised the alarm.

Sirens blared and figures ran back and forth, weapons were handed out; humans armed themselves against the intruder. Pistols, flamethrowers, 12 gauge automatic plasma rifles and a few phosphorous grenades. The reports said that the intruder was a fur, a filthy herm chakat, no less. The leader barked orders to his men, telling some to take cover behind the pile of boxes of bottled alcohol.

"Ok men, the intruder is one chakat freak, I don't know how it got past our perimeter guards, but we're going to send it back to hell, where these abominations belong. Humans First." He chanted, one fist in the air.

"Humans First." The rest of the humans replied, also raising their fists in the air.

A sound from the other side of the door leading out of the compound caught his attention, a crackling whooshing sound, then he saw the door start to glow, red then white, and steam started to drift from the 5 inche steel plated door, followed by heat.

Then, before his panicked stricken face, the leader watched as the door melted into a bubbling pile of melted liquid, and the apparition emerged through the hole.

The adult chakat was glowing green, or more accurately, the flames that surrounded hir body, and hir eyes glowed with the burning fury of a storm, a wildfire. The leader responded first, firing his weapon at the freak entering the compound, but watched in horror as the bullet just vaporized before hitting it's target, his blood suddenly started to boil, and he screamed in agony and pain as his eyeballs popped then his flesh and organs melted off his skeletal structure into a puddle of liquid slag, then his skeleton exploded from the intense heat, some bone shrapnel striking some of the humans near by him.

All at once, weapons opened fire at the chakat, flamethrowers were impervious, like adding fuel to flames, bullets vaporized from the heat, before striking the intended target, and the grenades just fizzled. The deaths of the humans varied, some were boiled, and others were burnt to ash, while the ones hiding behind the boxes of alcohol caught on fire and suffocated from the smoke and fumes.

Cages holding fur prisoners were spared from the flames and destruction, but anything else was obliterated, vehicles were turned into burnt out smoking shells, glass and doors exploded, walls crumbled, anything remotely related to the humans were destroyed. As shi passed the cages, locks and padlocks melted, allowing the prisoners much needed freedom from their captures. As some ran out of the compound, avoiding the devastation, a few followed the saviour, and found that the flames didn't burn them, or that there was no heat. Some of the injured were helped by the freed furs, but one small crying cub caught the adult chakats attention. Bending down and picking hir up, shi started cooing and nursing the infant, who started to nuzzle the adult's breast.

"There there child, you are safe from harm, I shall protect you." The chakat said, smiling.

Hir voice seem to have an echo, as if two voices spoke as one, one old and one young. The cub meeped and shivered and clutched more tightly to the chakat's body, then a noise drew the adults attention.

5 Heavy armoured APCs rolled into the compound, armed with rocket launchers and 125 calibre chain cannons, drove and stopped 100 yards from the chakat intruder and the cub, 25 humans, wearing flak armour gear and armed with plasma rail guns exited the vehicles and fanned in front. The humans opened fire, killing some of the furs who were unlucky to be apart from their saviour, flesh, bone, blood and innards exploded from the heavy weapons destructive power.

When they stopped to recharge, they saw the chakat and the cub and 2 other furs were still alive, enveloped by the green flames.

Letting out a primal scream of rage, the chakat, with sun shaped patterns on hir fur, and the blue paw print pattern on a green circle on hir right breast, spoke.


And with that, the green flames grew larger and brighter, until it enveloped the compound, and then the rest of the island. Any structures or humans were destroyed instantly, any animals or furs were spared the destructive powers of Sunblaze.

At his home on Chakona, the white wolf opens his eyes, feeling his paws wrapped around his herm fox morph mate and their child. Pricking his ears up, it was as if he was listening to something far off in the distance, before his eyes went wide. Reaching to his chest, he pull his medallion out from his night shirt and watched it as it glowed red. He knew what had happened.

"Solar........Sun.........oh no!" He moans out softly as he gently removes himself from the snuggle ball and retreats to the den. Reaching up to the back wall he moved the picture of his mate and child to the side revealing an old world security key pad.

Punching in the 7 digit code he swore he would never use again, he activated the voice command of the security system.

"Passcode accepted .....Please use code phrase to unlock." Clearing his voice he speaks.

"Locked in the deepest Ice The Eternal Flame still burns Brightly."

As he finishes the Code Phrase, the voice chimes again .

"Pass phrase accepted security System standing down."

As the panel slides open, he looked upon the two weapons he thought he would never have to use again. Picking up the twin Dragon Katana's, they both started to glow, recognizing their owner as he spoke their names aloud.

"Firamatsume ........Miratatsume .Its time........" He says and sighs, then two soft furry arms wrapped around his waist, as Crysteen snuggled hir mate Nordic.

"What's the matter love?" shi asked him softly, so as not to wake the little one.

"It's Solarblaze... shi's lost control of hir mother... and I'm afraid something terrible as happened." He replied, then put the katana's back as his mate nuzzled his cheek.

"Well, if shi is... there's nothing you could do sweety. Besides, you Promised me, on the life of our child, that you would never use those horrid things again... R.E.M.E.M.B.E.R.?" shi replied, kisslicking his muzzle after each letter, which ended with them both tongue lashing furiously, then slowly crawling back into bed.

They continued the smooching, until a small set of paws began clutching at Crysteen's right breast, as Frostpaw began suckling on hir mothers' teat. Nordic removed his shirt and covered his mates' breastfeeding their child, as a sign of modesty, but shi just giggled and discarded the clothing.

The waves crashed on the peer, as four taurs and a ebony skinned human was looking out towards the horizon, at the large lime green light emanating in the distance. The human turned to his mate.

"Sweety, try again, see if you can teleport us to were Solarblaze is."

A leopard furred coloured chakat walked up to the human and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Please... I have to go to hir Stephan... Shi's my... love." Sundawn whimpered, tears starting to form as shi held hir cub protectively.

The arctic furred foxtaur, with a single black streak from hir neck to the tip of hir tail, and black hair, closed hir duel coloured eyes and concentrated. After 15 seconds, shi let out a sigh of frustration and shook hir head.

<I'm sorry hun, but for some reason, I can't get a lock onto hir, the output of psychic energy is preventing me from teleporting. We just have to wait.> shi said, hugging the distressed chakamil, who started crying on hir chest, ears flat on hir head and tail curled tightly around hir body.

"Shi's doing terrible things.... I can feel the anger and misery coming from that Island...."

Stephillum hugged hir human father, whimpering and trembling in fear, as shi witness first hand hir sisters rage when shi teleported hir from the Chakona FCT building to Terra.

Damn it, why? I shouldn't have taken hir here, I should have been stronger and refused.

Shi thought, as guilt and anger set in.

Stephan hugs and comforts his daughter, stroking hir head softly, thinking that hir misery was for hir sister's welfare.

"It'll be alright, I'm sure shi'll come back to us when shi's ready." He replied in a soothing voice.

He didn't blame his daughter for hir actions. Solarblaze was a volatile personality, he was surprised shi lasted this long without some kind of catalyst setting hir off. The attack on Snowdrift was apparently the final straw that broke the chakamil back.

Sundawn hugged and soothed hir mates' newborn cub, who was meowling and struggling, seeking hir mother and the nutrients of hir milk from hir ample bosom. Shi shivered from another assault of negative feelings from the Island, as shi hugged hir kitten tightly.

Just then, Illumanati looked away from hir mate and towards the slowly fading light, hir eyes narrowing.

"What hun?" Stephan asked, looking in the same direction as shi was.

<I sense something... Wait... Yes... It's hir, Solarblaze is coming back... and whoa... shi's moving fast.> the foxtaur exclaimed, hir tail wagging excitedly.

All eyes looked out to the horizon, and sure enough, they saw a bright green glowing object heading there way. Dawnlight the chakat cub meeped and struggled, sensing hir mothers return.

As Solarblaze grew closer, they could see that green flames enveloped hir body, as shi is carrying two forms, a foxtaur and a chakat cub. Shi was flying, through the air, leaving a green trail behind, ocean waters steaming from the heat, cooked fish floating to the surface.

Sundawn calls out with hir limited empathic ability, wishing shi had hir father's talents.

<Solar... please... come back to me.>

The only response was a psychic wall, blocking hir cry.

Solarblaze flies in and lands, heat emanating from hir body from the pyrokenetic powers, scorching the ground, yet shi and hir passengers are untouched from the heat. Shi calmly exhales, and the flames diminished some what.

Dawnlight whimpers and holds out hir arms for hir mother, eager to be embraced in the loving arms of the one who gave birth and nursed hir.

As the flames vanish, the foxtaur and the cub was released from the chakamils' embrace, the cub was picked up by the young vixen, and they moved away, looking around.

Then Solarblaze looked at both Stephan and Nati, as a private telepathic message was relayed to them, and the message must have been emotional, as they both broke down and cried, then Solarblaze looked at Stephillum, and shi too started crying.

Then Solarblaze looked at Sundawn and the Dawnlight, and an older female voice spoke inside hir mind.

<Sundawn my dear sweet daughter in-law, you and my daughter have blessed this universe with a special gift of life, when Solarblaze wakes up, shi will be confused and puzzled and be needing your support and love. Protect hir, cherish hir and love hir. Shi'll need every ounce of family strength to recover, farewell & live well.>

<Sunrise?> Sundawn whispered, as tears started to flow, as grief and happiness merged together and erupted.

Solarblaze smiled and nodded.

<Yes my child, I have not much time. Please be strong and supportive to your mate. As shi will act differently to what you remember, but shi'll recover soon. Tail High till we meet in the Afterlife.>

And with those final words of love, the entity and spirit that was the presence of Solarblaze's mom slowly vanished, then a calm peaceful look came over Solarblaze as shi spoke 2 words.

"At Rest."

Then shi collapsed in hir fathers embrace, as shi fell into deep sleep, purring loudly.

Sundawn walked over to stand beside hir mate and hugged hir, as the Dawnlight gripped and held onto hir mother's top, purring a meowling.

"Stephan... we should take hir home..." Sundawn replied, afraid that hir lifemate and denmate would suddenly take flight again, leaving hir alone.

But before Stephan could reply, sirens could be heard, as the police, army and Federation forces converged on the group.

"Nati, please teleport us back home, now." Sundawn pleaded to the foxtaur, but shi just shook hir head.

<I'm sorry hun, but as much as I like to, running now would make us wanted fugitives. We have nothing to be afraid of. And besides, Solarblaze needs medical attention right now, and the Federation hospitals are the best.>

Sundawn looked like shi was going to argue further, but realized that Nati was correct. Besides, they were protected by the FCT

As the first police vehicles arrived, and human and fur officers exited with weapons drawn, those without their hands full raised them high. Stephan kept his hold on Solarblaze while Sundawn held hir daughter protectively, giving the most intense looks at the armed officers, as if daring them to take hir cub from hir hands, hir tail swishing back and forth.

Within 25 minutes, the Federation took control of the situation, and both the police and the army left. Official FCT personnel arrived, took the rescued furs away, then proceeded to politely escort the taurs and human away, making sure as to not antagonize Sundawn any more than shi is.



The machines beeped steadily as the taur form slept, then they began to go erratically as the heartbeat rose and the felinetaur tried to sit up, but groaned in pain, slumping back again.

Snowdrift opened her eyes, confused and scared, and memories of her younger years resurfaced. She thought that she was once again at the humans' scientific lab. Reaching up to her neck, she was surprised to find no shock collar.

Then her memory of what happened came back, the crazed driver in the PTV Vehicle, pushing Suira Sandpaws out of the way, being struck and hurtling through the glass window of a store, and piercing pain in her breast and stomach. Alarmed, she looked down at her chest, and saw an ugly scar on her white beautiful right breast, running almost the circumference of her bosom. Then she quickly looked down at her abdomen, where her unborn was growing, and shuddered in shock, as she saw a flat scared belly, instead of a semi-bloated one.

Her Cub! What has Happened to her cub! She thought.

Fear and rage surfaced, and she let out an almighty roar, that could be heard throughout the hospital building. The nurses and orderlies tried to calm her down, some suffered concussions and broken limbs from the tigertaurs' outrage, but soon she was overcome and heavily sedated.

The moment she was awake, she started struggling against her bindings, but it was to no avail, the sedatives made her to weak to move. Weak and sore, Snowdrift looked out of the window, to see that it was raining. One visitor made her smile, as the sandy brown furred female fennectaur entered, carrying flowers and a box of turkey strips.

"Suria..." Snowdrift whispered, smiling.

"Hello my Mighty Hero... how are you... forget it." she said, seeing the state of her new friend, the two scars that were caused by large shards of window glass.

As Suria placed the gifts on the table, she stepped over and hugged the white tigertaur tightly, nuzzling her neck and cheeks, kisslicking every now and then, which Snowdrift returned in kind.

On Terra, in another kind of Hospital, one owned by the Federation, Stephan, Stephillum, Illumanati and Sundawn were interrogated for 3 hours in separated rooms. Dawnlight was taken into hir grandfathers custody while hir father was asked questions about the events leading up to the destruction on the Island.

Elsewhere, Solarblaze was asleep, being guarded and monitored by FCT doctors and Shock Troopers.

When shi finally awoke, shi was very confused and very frightened. Shi cowered away from the doctors who approached hir.

"Take it easy Shir Solarblaze, I am not going to hurt you." Replied a skunktaur, who's name is Moonshine, as hy loves a good drink of said liquid.

"Where am I?" shi cried, looking around.

"You're in a hospital sweety..." hy said, trying to inch closer, but shi backed away again, pushing a table between them both, and stopped as shi saw that shi had long arms.

"What happened to me?" shi cried, now very distressed.

"You don't know?" the doctor asked, stopping from getting any closer.

"No... I want momma and daddy." Shi wailed, clutching hir tail, hir very looong tail.

"They're busy now, but they will be with you shortly, Stephan and Illumanati are being asked questions..."

"Aunty Nati? Shi's not my momma... I want my mommy Sunrise." Shi wailed again, shivering and curling up into a ball.

"Sunrise!?" hy said, now very confused.

"MOMMA SUNRISE! I WANT MOMMA SUNRISE! MOMMA SUNRISE!!!!" Solarblaze screeched and cried and wailed, hurting Moonshine's ears.

"Shhhh shhhh quiet please... you're hurting my ears." Hy said, covering them.

Solarblaze stopped yelling but continued crying, tears going down hir face.

"Solar sweety... can I ask you a question?" hy said, sitting down on his hunches in front of the adult chakat.

Solarblaze sniffled and looked at hym, then nodded.

"How old are you hun?"

Solarblaze counted on hir right handpaw, using hir digits, then held them up.

"I'm 4... turning 5 soon." Shi replied, wiggling hir fingers...

To Be Continued.... Again?


**UNBEARABLE LOSS** Part 1 By Snowdrift. 2347 Chakona Hospital Amistad The white female tigertaur was resting comfortably in her bed, looking out of the window at the rain, which...

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Preview of REBIRTH

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