The Masked Party Mix-UP

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#10 of Story commissions

The Masked Party Mix-Up

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Duncan

Halloween estate party: Oct. 31, 1936

Beth smiled, the grey wolf in the arms of her lover, her Hans. He was lightly built, but the leathery flaps of his wings begged the soft caress of his fingers, the wolfess knowing exactly how to please him, how to tease him, that he liked. He was more of a wolf in some ways, however, as he had a canine-like muzzle, a little longer and more shapely then that of a full bat, but it was the knot of his cock that gave it away.

Of course, the wolfess knew him inside out, though his shaft ploughing into her made her head spin, her heat aching, lust rising. She was in her dress for the party already, though she still craved it, needing more, panting heavily, clinging to him as he pounded her in just the way she liked. He couldn't quite remember just how they had gotten there on the bed, but it was right, the tangling of their tongues in a lustful kiss, lips pressed together, though they still had to break for frantic pants of air, breath much-needed at the point of lust.

"Mmm..." She moaned. "More, Hans...Take me...Knot me..."

The bat hybrid groaned, trembling above her on his paws and knees, her legs splayed and wrapped demandingly around his hips. The position, however, tucked away her dominance a little bit more, the wolfess the one in charge, the one who had taken the lead all through their relationship. That, however, should never have been a surprise to anyone that knew Beth. She was dominant and she knew how to take charge, so casually taking all that she needed into her paw that it was never something that ever should have been up for debate.

She rolled up against him, using the leverage of her legs around his hips and buttocks, heels digging in to get him deeper. The swelling knot pressed up against the folds of her pussy lips and she panted even more heavily for him, lips stretched into a smile.

Oh to have her sweet bat there, so feral, her dress pushed up to her hips, the fine of it spilling around her body as if she was being adorned even in the throes of passion... Surely there would be someone to ease out the creases from her fine garment before she made her way down to the dance. The autumnal ball one of her favourite events, but that was the least of her worries as her pussy twitched around him.

The bat's cries were some of her favourite that night, the little grunts and groans that he made, all when he was trying to hold back. That time, she wasn't all that sure whether Hans was trying to hold back for her or his own pleasure, but, frankly, the wolfess did not care. As long as she got what she needed, she could rest assured that the bat would get his too, cock throbbing deliciously within the wet hold of her pussy.

"I...Unff...Beth..." Hans moaned above her, pressing his muzzle down close to hers. The wolf's tongue flickering out, lashing against his muzzle and slipping into his mouth. "I didn't...The knot..."

He could not knot her and he knew it, not if they were to get to the masked ball in time, what was being held in the grand hall of their estate. To think that he had married into such a family!

And there was a lot more to it too, even though he didn't often consider the implications of how close the family was, preferring to keep all of that, to the best of his ability, behind closed doors. He didn't know what to make of it, her mother and their relationship, but he still wanted to please his wife, to hear her howl and know that every decibel of it, every cry that she made, that everything she gave was for him.

Just perhaps not for him alone...

Hans grunted, slamming in harder, though the bat hybrid would never have been that rough with her if he had not been guided, again and again in the art of pleasing them. The family, after all, had more secrets held in store, the sharpness of Beth's teeth hiding secrets too. Secrets that not everyone knew in their penchant for drinking blood.

Blood rushed through him, a flare of heat and Hans gasped as he climaxed. His wolfess' pussy clenching and pulling around him, though he knew that her muscles were twitching vary deliberately around him. There was nothing that Beth did that was not deliberate, the vampire wolf so much more experienced then he was, even though he had lost his virginity to her.

Oh, how times had changed, but, as it was, Hans relished in the moment, letting the warmth of her body sweep him away. Her climax pulling around him as she shared his moans and he spent his load into her pussy bareback. To stop himself from knotting her, he squeezed the fat knot of flesh at the base of his cock to help himself there, though Beth grumbled and shot him a look that promised trouble.

He would pay for not knotting her and, well...he wasn't so sure that he minded that.

They readied themselves for the party, though there was already a thrum of music from the grand hall and Beth was sure that her mother was spinning around in her father's arms, dancing with the eyes of all those nobles and important person upon her. Her mother knew how to command a room and as the years passed, she aimed to encompass that regal air of grace and power for herself too. Though it was her mother's charm that drew others to her. Such was the way of a vampiress...

On Hans' arm, she made her way down the sweeping staircase, a smile on her muzzle, the bat, as always, the gentlefur. He knew what part he was to play and she thought that he had grown to enjoy the more formal events too, even if they had not quite been his "thing" to start off with. He was a more studious bat, always deep in research, though it was a luxury of being born into a family with old money that he got all the free reign that he could ever have wanted to pursue his passions.

Pausing in the dance hall, an orchestra on stage. Masked raised into place and the music swelling, Beth smiled, kissing Hans on the cheek.

"Don't have too much fun tonight," she breathed, tickling his ear with her breath. "I know your friends are in attendance too, please - take your time with them."

Hans shook his head, smiling faintly.

"Beth, you always keep me guessing what your intention is," he chuckled, releasing her paw as he stroked his thumb tenderly over the back of it. "I shall return to you soon."

The wolfess, however, did not need Hans by her side, not all the time. He was her partner in life, yes, but he was not transformed, was not a vampire. He had not yet been bitten and they would wait for that, until the time was right. The wolfess moved through the party like silk flowing in a breeze, her long, purple ballgown spilling to the floor, adorned with, gothic markings, embroidered into the cloth. She didn't see her mother, but that was already. She was wondering if her father had a little time for her apart from Ruth, for her pussy did still ache for a good, hard knot after Hans had rushed her down to the party.

If she had seen her mother, Ruth, however, she would have realized that they were wearing an incredidly similar dress. And neither of their partners had much of an eye for fabrics...

Her father, however, was there - alone. And he was more then willing to dance with her, a tall, elegant grey wolf who was on the slimmer side, though he had an easy smile. He was still in his forties, physically, trapped in the age that he had been bitten by Ruth in, forever immortal, as was the way of vampires.

"My darling," he murmured, spinning her across the dance floor as the orchestra picked up the pace. "You look positively wonderful tonight. That color looks splendid against fur such as yours."

Beth smiled and spun out from him, poised as she posed for him.

"Dose it really, father?" She said, a twinkle in her eye. "I was hoping rather that some dashing gentelfur would rip it from my body tonight."

She did not need to be crass in how she portrayed herself, enjoying his eyes on her. She might have spent more time with her mother, but her father had a touch and a hold that struck fire into her veins that night. She knew that her father could take her and make her scream, but she wanted to be fucked and pinned, to be held in his arms that had a strength in them that his slender body did not entirely encompass. There was more to being a vampire, of course, then long life and an affinity for blood.

No one would know that it was her that her father was sweeping off, of course, the masks giving them anonymity to mingle and mix through the dance hall. Some swapped partners and others took it a shade further. Finding new groups to talk with, to dance with, something about the masks taking them to a place that they had never been before. Even though she had spent time with her father prior, Beth was not about to miss out on that thrilling spark shooting through her either.

It felt like the dance had only just begun, though time was funny to them, never making sense. It might have been hours in there or merely minutes. Either way, the vampires were going to make the most of it.

And they knew all the dark corners and nooks of their home, the expansive estate, though Will did not need to take his daughter far. Already, his cock throbbed within the confines of his black pants for her, the fine cloth smartly cut and pressed in a line down his legs, his pawsteps swift in his freshly shined black leather shoes. Everything about him screamed sophistication, but the wolf swept his daughter into the darkness of an alcove, set with a large pedestal and statue.

They would have to be enough to shield the two of them from prying eyes, though Beth had not been introduced to anyone at the party as his daughter either. To anyone else, she might have been an anonymous wolfess, even if Will's presence rose tall through the party. The males, after all, seemed to have it a little harder then the females when it came to concealing who they were with the masks.

The purple mask, embroidered like her dress, slipped around Beth's eyes and the wolfess moaned, adjusting it lightly. Even as her father's lips and teeth nipped at her neck. It was like two predators coming together and meeting one another in the middle. Finding one another exactly where they anticipated it, their lust pounding, blood up, aching with need.

And they would have one another too, Beth fumbling, her fingers hasty in her lust, undoing his pants. The belt slipped free and she tugged them down enough to reach into his underwear and free his erection. She hissed passionately through her teeth as his cock pushed into her paw, gripping it firmly, though her father needed no such preparation.

He was as ready for her as he would ever be. Though Beth could not resist a little luxury, dropping to her knees with the dress spilling around her, making her feel like the finest creature in all the lands. That honour most likely want to her mother, though it was something that Beth could embody. Pleasing her father even as he curled over her, fingers twisting through her hair.

"Oh, Beth...You are so much like your mother."

Beth would have had a snarky answer to that one, but, well, she was rather busy with his dick at that time. Her lips pressed around the head, teasing him without taking him all the way into her muzzle, her long, flexible tongue playing around him. Swirling and lapping with long, languid strokes. He could take anytime she liked and she would willingly spread her legs for him, adoring his rough, claiming thrusts. Though Beth was under no illusion either that he had been shown just how to be like that by Ruth over the years. Many, many years ago, for the wolves had been together for such a span of time that it would take Beth living it all herself to understand too.

But that was never a worry as she took his cock deep into her muzzle, swallowing him down to the base, for his knot was not yet swollen and inflated. She could take him in that way, though she wished, sometimes, that she could take the knot into her mouth too. At least it felt better then right when it was sinking into her pussy...

He groaned, lust trembling through him, though him, though Beth led the way and, sometimes, Will was happy to do that too, though he often met his wife stroke for stroke in the current days of their marriage. Beth deepthroated his cock as if that was all that she had come there to do, gulping around him, massaging the head of his drooling member as she swallowed.

"So much like your mother," He groaned, threading his fingers through her hair, though one thing Will had to be careful with was her hair, the style she had lovingly layered into it, the curls. "But you...unff...have your own way about it too."

Beth smirked up at him, licking the side of her muzzle just so he could see the long lap of her tongue.

"Then, why don't you take me, father?" She suggested, though it was more of a demand. "Before mother finds us and insists on joining in on the fun..."

He needed no further encouragement to sweep her up in his arms, pinning the wolfess to the wall as his back stiffened, the dress flowing down around them as if to hide their lust. Yet the wolfess and the wolf craved the moment and were forced to stifle their moans as the hard rod of his cock drove up into her pussy, sinking home as if it belonged there. Between Beth and her father, it belonged there as much as it did with her mother, her pussy still wet with Hans' cum and her own arousal. Frankly, Beth didn't think that there was any time that she wasn't wet, but she was that kind of wolfess through and through.

As he took her crudely, roughly, Will made it hard for them both to keep quiet, though that was the wolves' favourite challenge. Stifling groans as a hot length of meat ached inside her, throbbing deliciously, was not something that Beth would ever turn down. Not as she tried to grind down on his cock, shoulders warming the stone wall where she pressed up against it. It was funny how ever the estate itself could sometimes take on the warmth of their bodies, even though they were a part of the supernatural world and never aged. Yet, they were still warm, perhaps from the blood they took in, from time to time...

He ploughed into her passionately, slamming in hard and fast, desire coursing through, the tip of his cock driving up against her innermost barrier. His cock was another flavour that she adored, though the wolfess could not help but push down against him. The knot pressing her pussy open just a little bit more, swelling quickly, though Beth was more then happy with that. They could not stay away from the party for long, however, knowing that there would be guests to greet and a toast to give to the autumnal event, all vary soon.

But she could take her liberties with her father right then and there, though the longest time would be spent waiting for his knot to deflate. He growled and pumped into her. Too aroused from her teasing and Beth buired muzzle in the crook of his neck as orgasm took her - right at the point of his knot swelling to lock them together. There was no going back from that time as she panted and groaned. Muffling her cries as much as she could, the mask askew and her mascara surely smeared. But it was not as if anyone there would care about that kind of thing.

Will broke into a snarl, through he submitted, in a way, to Beth and her desires. He knew he should have been at the party, that his wife would have been looking for him, but it was not as if Ruth would have minded anyway. He kissed his daughter furiously as he spent himself inside her, letting the throb and rise of orgasm take him, even as his seed flowed deep. It was the best place to be, though he was not exactly against marking his wife and daughter either, when the time was right for it. Their scents were all over one another, though could have been mistaken for more innocent purposes if one did not understand the true nature of their intertwined relationships.

Out of the corner of her eye, however, Beth watched with a chuckle on her lips as her father filled her with his cream, another wolfess slip away with a bat who looked too familiar. If the wolf had not been wearing a purple dress - the shade not quite the same as hers - and a mask to hide her features, she might been annoyed. But, as it was, she smiled into her father's kiss, tongues tangling, letting him take her harder as he ground in a little deeper, forcing her up against the stone wall.

Hans, however...Well, the bat was having a rather interesting night indeed. He hadn't thought anything of it when a wolfess in a in a purple dress had swept to dance and the drinks had been flowing freely enough that the edges of his vision had blurred. The bat didn't notice that the wolfess' dress was a different shade of purple and not even that the mask had wings on it too. Not the standard, embroidered one that Beth had worn that night.

It wasn't a bad thing...but Hans still missed the finer details.

The wolfess felt like Beth, however, especially in how she trailed her fingers down his wings, sending tingles through them in just the way that Beth did. And when she tugged him away from the dance floor to the outer hall and the staircase, he was just as keen to follow her.

"Beth..." He chuckled, stumbling over his own shoes as he tried to keep up with her. "Where are we going?"

But the wolfess took him upstairs and to a bedroom that he was familiar with. Even though Hans did not spend the night in there, not often. For it was Ruth's bedroom, not the one belonging to him and Beth. His brow furrowed, not understanding, though she pushed him onto the large bed and kissed him furiously.

He gave in to it then, for it was far easier to go along with it as he unbuttoned her dress and slipped it off, revealing her lace lingerie and letting her spread her legs for him. He would have dived between her legs and eaten her out. But the wolfess growled and Hans knew that Beth would not stand for not getting what she wanted. Still, there was a half-smile on his face as his hard, throbbing cock pushed against her, barely waiting long enough to get her underwear down her long, shapely legs.

He just needed her, though he did pause halfway inside her, Beth's mask slipping. Yet the muzzle behind it, as he lunged for it. Plunging his cock fully inside the wolfess at the same time, was not Beth!


He stammered, face to face with Beth's mother, his mother-in-law! Being balls deep in her didn't help matters either and he slammed inside, thrusting wildly, a hot rush of lust powering through him. It was as if he had been injected with liquid fire, Something that he wondered, from time to time, if a vampire's bite could feel like that. But despite his shock, he was not entirely against fucking Ruth. Even though it had shamed him to burning shock and embarrassment the vary first time they had all done that, with Beth and Ruth.

"Hello, handsome," Ruth growled, lips parted, showing the flash of her fangs. "And I thought I'd never get you up here!"

He could have stopped - yet that was out of the question for Hans. With his cock buried in a hot, wet and vary willing pussy, all he could do was power into her with a raw, throaty grunt. Ruth, however, could take things more then easily into her own paws too, rolling him forcibly over onto his back, though it was a bit of fumble just to keep his cock inside her.

The bat whimpered, looking up at her helplessly as the wolfess put a paw on his chest to keep him in place, that by no means stopped him from letting out his wolf side and growling in turn. He couldn't stay still, not then, bearing his hind paws down into the thick mattress and slamming up into Ruth's pussy.

"Oh!" The wolfess shuddered, a ripple going through her. "Yessss...That's more like the Hans I want!"

She snarled, though they had less of a need to be quiet as he used the force of his hips to up to her, knot aching, though he was slower to swell after getting off with his wife earlier. Her mother was a force of nature herself, rocking and grinding down onto his cock, though she had something about her that fuelled his lust even more, helpless to do anything else other then to go along with it.

Hans moaned, though Ruth's name fluttered on his lips as they broke into a grin. His mask may have been in place still, smart and black, but Ruth had seen right through him taken her prey. There was a luxury in that, even as he grunted and gave as good as he got, thrusting up into her slick pussy as she twitched and flexed around him, milking his cock with her cunt alone.

He could have stayed there for hours with his paws roaming her body, from her large, full breasts to her hips and back again, but his need was too high. It was in that moment that he fully accepted his place in the family. That their relations between one another would never be typical, would never be what the rest of society saw as normal - though it was not as if everything between them. Their incestuous, lustful relations, had to be on show to everyone. No, they could keep that private, all for themselves, his cock soaked in Ruth's arousal as the wolfess passionately rode him.

All he had to do was to watch the rise and fall of her breasts with the sway of her body, his knot popping into her and locking them together as it had not done earlier. Yet the wolfess was every bit the image of his wife, Beth, even if he loved them both in different ways. It did not have to be the same, not as he broke in a strangled cry and pumped her full of his cum, ropes of hot, slick seed splattering up against her innermost walls. Ruth rode him even through her orgasm, grinding down on his knot. Thought there was no way he was going anywhere in a hurry, even as she fixed him with a predatory gaze.

His orgasm tapered off, panting heavily, but there was nowhere for him to go, tugging futilely while he was tied with the wolfess. Her smirk dazzled him and Hans groaned, lying back across Ruth's bed. He was strangely more sober by that point, but did not mind all that much the trick she had pulled on him.

"I guess you shall just have to stay here, darling," Ruth breathed, lying on top of him, fingers dancing over the bat's chest. "Such a delight..."

For it would never be shame, not even from a mix-up at the masked party, Hans puffing out his cheeks with air to hide the smile on his lips.

In that family, everything was exactly the way, in lust and love, it was supposed to be.

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