Down for the Count - Chpt 4

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#5 of Down for the Count

A night of drinks, regrets, and mischief leaves Roger and Bucky closer than ever.

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My phone bit into my eyes with white light. My eyes peering into it too stuck on rereading to turn down my brightness even just a little bit.

"I'm sorry, Jess. It's just been everything screwing me over lately and it's just not going well for me and it's all just is a lot.

But you knew this and still didn't stay away. You KNOW how I get and you came out anyway. Now, look at this!!! This SHIT we're in!!!

Now, I'm stuck drinking alone because YOU ditched me. YOU fucking left me with even more shit to deal with than before. Real great friend Jess. Really fantastic of you.

Next time just block my number."

"Damn... I shouldn't have come. You're right."

"Exactly! Happy we're on the same page for once. BITCH!"

Read 1:02 AM, Oct. 18th

My legs shook in the passenger seat of his truck, a nervous rhythm up and down whilst pointing my knees far from him. He didn't talk much, but he said too much when he did. The asshole spouted garbage questions and I regretfully would answer, because... well it's the least I could do. Velvet Vixen ain't cheap. He put a price tag on our whole night and I resented that fact.

"Do you drive?"

I crinkled my snout. "Yeah. I know how to drive?"

"I mean do you own a car? Do I need to drop you off after?"

"You get me an Uber. I don't want your faggot ass knowing where I live."

"Fine." He puffed out. "But just... ease up a little alright?"

"Oh, am I too much? Wait till you get me drunk then. This is your funeral. I just took the invitation."

He clenched his white muzzle as if to stop himself. The tiger deflated, hunching at the wheel and I wiggled my teeth against my bottom lip.

We fell back to silence and, within that silence, I was once again staring at my phone frozen within the keyboard. I kept fiddling typing a text only to burn it down to the ground and start again. A repeating cycle.

It'll be easier when I'm tipsy, right? Just a bit of a buzz and I'll get these nerves down enough for her. Just at least enough to send something her way.

But, shit, why do I care? Jess isn't any sort of saint. Hell, she was even more of a bitch after her last breakup.

She's jealous of me. I know it. She's just a dropout without much of a career path and I'm... I'm... I'm....

I clicked my phone to black. "Hey, so what is your business like?"

He shot me a sharp glance before easing into an answer. "It's been great actually. Really great. Was a leap of faith, but it's been really paying me back for all I've put in. There's good money to coaching. A lot more than I thought."

"And what about the clients?" I straightened up.

"I got a good bunch. More than enough to keep me going."

I chuckled. "Really? Enough to keep you from begging for just some dumbass like me?"

"Oh, just you? Just the Roger Carlson?" He got a wide grin. "You'd double my profits in a couple of months, easily. We get clients all the time, but you, well, your type is in short supply."

My nose curled up into my face. "I'm nothing like Sam if that's what you're after. I only got into this because he made me and now I'm just a permanently decent nobody. Bloods all I got from him." I grew quiet looking slightly in his direction.

"Good. Your last name is just advertising to me," he said.

I felt my ears perking up.

"I've been keeping tabs on you for quite some time now. That fight wasn't just some spur-of-the-moment passing fun for me. I didn't even want that title. I needed to see you with my own eyes in the ring. See if you had it in you still and, well, you still do."

With how shit I felt, his crocodile compliments actually worked. I actually found myself holding a smile in the dark of his car. "I just want it more than them. They don't need the win, but I do. That title I had was my personal gem."

"Have. The title you have. I gave it back. It's all yours to defend because I sure as hell am not defending it. The people at your gym are all schmucks."

"Schmucks?" I jolted up in my seat with a chuckle. "You serious? Compared to the pixies at Terry's? I fight better drunk than they do sober. They're all just graceless little meat-heads."

Red light flashed down upon us and he turned to me for the first time this whole car ride. My laughing started to die out as he stared me dead in the eyes.

Without another second, he popped open the center console and shoved a paper against my chest.

"What is this?"

He loudly clicked a pen next to me and tossed it into my lap. "We're almost there. I know you want to sign a contract with me, so just do it." He creased his eyes. "I'm not letting you do this drunk."

I picked up the pen into my paw. Anger red hot around my neck. Bucky clicked on a light for me and I shook my head. "As if I'd sign this. I don't even know who you are."

The light turned green and his face turned off mine. "Tell me you won't sign it when you've had a couple of drinks then."

I stared him down, but he kept his eyes forward.

Already, I began to read the contract. The hunger before every match in the ring returned to me in full force. So desperately, I didn't want to even consider this. Let alone, give him the satisfaction of saying he got me pinned down perfectly. But, I couldn't bring myself to click the pen back. "I can't even register for the tournament. They know me."

"Under your name maybe. Tons of boxers slip by under personas." He smirked. "20% of your winnings, 6 months of no-bullshit with me, and I get to shamelessly advertise you for my business. You sign and I'll give you everything you need to pull this off."

My head was reeling. I felt my paw sweating as I read over it.

I'm no lawyer so the jargon didn't make a whole lot of sense. I couldn't think straight very well either now. Every time, I just kept going back to that fight for the title of middleweight champion.

I clicked my phone to life for some sort of advice I could search for that would stop me. Instead, I saw those Jess texts and I shut it back off at once.

I looked over at him, sizing him up, but I could see he was dead serious as we pulled into the parking lot of the Violet Vixen. His confidence in me, in this, it was everything. My mind rattled. Heart thumped. If there was one bad decision left in me, this would be it.

"Fuck it," I pressed it against the dash and gave my best John Hancock.

His lips curled nicely. "That's it. Now we really got something to celebrate."

I got out of the side door and grinned from ear to ear at him. The enticement of liquor soon to touch my lips and professional coaching for practically free got me going. Fuck everyone else, this was where it was at. That'll show Jess. I had this all under control this whole time. I'm great. I'm Roger fucking Carlson. Without thinking, I nearly jumped next to Bucky's side. "When do you think I'll start? Do you already know who my coach will be?"

He stopped to give me a proud and sly grin. The tiger leaned down towards me. "Yours truly. Tomorrow. Gonna be hell if you get a hangover, but I'm more than happy to help get you one."

I laughed at him. "Oh come on. You fuck with me too much."

His smile deepened.

I stepped away. Breath stopped.

That only made him smile deeper. "We have a lot of work to do together."

"You're the one who fucked themselves here. I know you have me under contract, but this shit works both ways. I'll throw every fight and you don't get a dime. My name on your business will be a joke. We're cuffed together."

He sat back from across the white-clothed table, crossing his arms, and grinning.

"You probably aren't even a licensed boxing coach. I don't believe it for a second. Contract clearly states you have to be," I snapped.

His paw pressed down upon the table. This tiger loved his papers. What he seemed to love more was proving me wrong though. Oh, he made that special face when he did. His eyebrows would lower, maw teasing a dopey smile forming slowly, and his bright blue eyes looked ready to strike.

"Been licensed for a while, Roger. Look you're welcome to continue these antics, but they don't suit you well. You can throw and lose as many fights as your heart desires, but I know you know you won't."

I frowned. "Try me, scumbag. I bet you've already scammed me, haven't you? Oh, you did. It's somewhere in this dumb writing."

"If I was a scammer, you'd be the easiest victim yet," he chuckled as a lioness in a crisp, white button-up and tie came up to us.

"Hello, I'm Nina and I'll be your server for tonight. Could I start you two off with any drinks?"

I locked eyes with Bucky and then narrowed them to her. "What's top shelf here?"

Glasses emptied. At first, it was just a game, something that felt strategic. I wanted to see Bucky get nervous desperately. The cocktails were ripe with imported and rare liquors hurdling down my tongue. I went down their drink list while chewing upon a thick hunk of Wagyu beef.

Though I had no idea what I was ever drinking, the bartender did an incredible job. The flavors were complex and unique, yet meshed rather well together.

My lips absent-mindedly sucked and lapped alongside the side of my glass while Bucky spoke. He was so passionate, but I hardly was paying attention to a word and it was too late to tune in now. Instead, I was just looking at his mouth moving and throwing in a nod when it felt right.

Realizing where I was and what I was doing, I felt warmth over me. The liquor dulled it all and the flavors of the entire meal sent me into ecstasy. That was about the point he seemed to finish his thought or just realize I wasn't even paying attention. "So what got you into boxing," he asked.

My head perked up from my glass. "It's just something to do, I guess."

"So you just randomly decided you wanted to do this?" He began to chuckle.

To be honest, I don't remember much off the top of my head right now. Felt like this sort of shit was shelved away and my mind scrambled trying to find it. I traced back to the edge of a memory I didn't want to touch.

Tonight was supposed to be fun. It's best not to dwell.

Gulping more of this raspberry-tasting cocktail, I suddenly began laughing. "I just like it. It's great. It's a good outlet and really forces me to use my brain. It gives my life focus. Like I just go up onto that ring and suddenly I feel like I'm just... like complete."

The tiger listened intently to my drunk speech and nodded. "Well, you're quite fine at it. So--"

"You're quite fine yourself," I blurted.

He looked up at me like I'd gone crazy for a moment. "Oh yes, well I know a thing or two. I've studied up on boxing quite a bit. It's all about training with purpose.... But, well, we'll talk about that when we're in the gym. I'd rather die than wear this coach cap all day."

My leg shook up and down under the table as I chuckled. This asshole really thought I was actually hitting on him for a moment. As if he didn't know the first thing about me. Sure, I still have the picture of his dick plastered in my brain. That girthy little--no, more like large--leg monster. Leg monster? Where were my thoughts going?

Finally, I remembered we were in an upscale restaurant and raised my voice. "How much pussy do you get?"

The man behind us practically broke his neck looking over at me. Bucky even looked dazed. I leaned forwards as I wondered if he would break under the question.

The asshole made a smirk at a new flavor. One that was a lot more... devious. I wonder if that's what he used on the girls. It only made the answer so much more enticing.

"Honestly," he leaned in as I nodded with glee, "I only fuck men, but damn that's easy. Being a businessman you learn a couple of tricks to really read people."

I felt my footpaws rush with blood and tingle. He spoke so casually, yet there was this boldness to the words.

"Like I did with you for example."

My breath got stuck in my throat. Time stopped for a second and suddenly I could feel the sweat perspiring upon my glass. What was he going on about? This asshole. "I'm not--"

"Oh no, not like that." He laughed lightly at first, but louder after he took a sip of wine. "I meant I could read when you wanted a contract. It was practically screaming upon your face. I could just tell how much you wanted it."

I shared in his laugh but controlled my laughter to end in line with his. Uppity furs were looking right at us and I wanted to give a show. "Oh, I wanted it alright. I wanted it really bad. Like so bad."

He looked off at the people talking and staring right at us and then back to me. "If you're trying to get us kicked out, then you need to try a little harder, darling."

My glass shook before I put it up to my lips too quickly and it splashed down the side of my maw onto my shirt.

Shit. I frantically dabbed with my cloth napkin, probably staining it alongside my shirt. My breathing was uneasy. I wiped down the length of my shirt. My paw froze at my crotch. Shit. Was I really hard?

"Hey, did you want me to take you home?"

My eyes shot up wide at him. "No! No, what the hell kind of question is that?"

That finally stumped him. He looked troubled for words before he said, "You have raspberry martini running down your shirt."

"Call me an Uber then," I stammered.

"I can get you an Uber just fine. I'd be more than happy to give you a ride myself though," he smiled giving me those eyes of his.

"I'll say this once and I'll never say it again. Read my lips, Bucky. I will never go home with you. Hell, I don't even like guys. I'd have to be drunk and desperate as hell. No offense to you, but--"

He waved his paws in the air. "Look, I'm not trying to do anything to you. You aren't even my type anyway. It's absolutely ridiculous you'd just assume that I'd be interested in you just because I'm some gay guy. You're just a such homophobic asshole who--"

I didn't know if it was a door or a wall he had me pressed up against.

More than anything in this world, I feared him kissing me because that felt gayer than anything else we were about to do.

But I didn't make it hard for him to do so.

He met my hanging slack jaw with his muzzle easily, naturally even. His fingers wrapped around the side of my head as he pushed me closer. His lips pressed deep against mine.

It tasted like breaking a law. Like drinking stolen whiskey when I was 17. It tasted dangerous. It tasted right.

He held my side with his other paw. His grip so perfectly firm. It held me in place and made me feel wanted as if his lips weren't already saying that.

I've never kissed a guy. I never thought to, but I realized now something was missing with every girl I've kissed. They were so limp, so gentle, and there was just so... middle of the road about the whole thing.

But when he burrowed into my lips with his he was so hungry. He was rough, tasting me with passion without caring if I'd match it.

Just as I began to embrace this, he was rubbing his paw against my hard cock through my shorts. I gasped. The bastard must have known how much I was enjoying this because he suddenly stopped giving it to me.

He removed his lips from mine and cracked a smile. "And you called me a faggot."

He stroked my cheek with his paw. His thin, black lips brushed close enough to barely touch, teasing mine enough for me to want to beg.

"Why don't I fuck that word right off your lips?"

He clutched my cock. The apology on my lips escaped into a breath to the ceiling as I was straining against his paw.

I saw his face, followed his eyes down, and then saw his pink cock plump and out in the open. Immediately, I thought to dart my eyes away, but this time it was fine to stare. I was memorized. It was so much bigger with blood swelling inside of it.

His paw guided mine over to it. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft. My heart pulsated. I wasn't horny out of some fluke. I wanted this. I wanted it bad.

I took a deep breath looking up at him for an answer. I didn't know how to start. He smirked. His paw grasped around my shoulder and lightly began to push me down.

I gulped. Down on my knees, I saw all his stripes pointing to a bed of cream fur and a hard, pink cock now rubbing my cheek. I smelled his manly crotch up close. The aroma sent shocks throughout my body.

"That's it. Yeah, I'm the faggot aren't I?"

The words carried a weight to them. Made me pause and look up to meet his still eyes. His grip tightened and shoved my face deep into his pubic fur. I breathed in his crotch deeply. His scent intoxicated me.

I shifted my face and his shaft was warm near my lips. "I've never done..."

"Just open up that whore mouth of yours and don't bite," he said before pushing the side of his cock right up against my lips.

That was it. I pushed away his crotch. "Don't call me a whore! What the fuck is that shit?"

His lustful persona fell apart at once. His ears drooped as he took three quick steps backward. "I'm sorry. I just thought you'd be into it. A lot of guys like it when I play up that shit and it's just dumb. I should have asked."

My heart was still pumping. Face was hot. But, I felt a sickness up my throat. "No, it's not a mistake. Let's just... just..."

His fly zipped up after he shifted around his cock. "Do you want me to take you home?"

"No," I said before I could think. "I..." The words didn't come easily as I eyed up the rest of his rather large penthouse. My mind wandered to places I wanted to be, but not a single one was away from here.

He helped me up to my feet still pursing his lips. Suddenly, I was a problem and the sourness grew along my throat. Fuck I hated the way he looked at me.

But before I could bring myself to my anger, he curled his chin down. "How about we watch a show? We can pretend this never happen--"

I grasped at him and shoved his chin in my direction. I was hardly meeting his height on the tips of my footpaws, but I couldn't have cared less. His lips were shocked, stiff, and hesitant before melting against mine. I half didn't want them there. I half-wanted him dead for this shit. But he was... good. Real good.

At this point, I was confusing him. Playing hot and cold without either of us knowing what I really wanted. It sucked how right this felt. It sucked how he moved his paw down my back until grasping at the one spot I didn't know I wanted him to grab.

He so desperately restrained himself. The space between us closing by centimeters as he slowly slipped into his desires. His jaw tightened up as my paw not-so-accidentally bounced against his crotch before firmly grabbing at his jeans.

He pulled away. "Please... just tell me what you want."

I tensed up. "Just teach me how to do it."

"How to do what?"

I crinkled my mouth up. "Give you..." I veered my eyes away. "...head."

"Oh. Right." His breath strained as thought set in. "I won't call you anything you don't want me to."

"Right," I wiggled my lips together.

"You don't have to do this either. We don't have to do anything you don't want to."

I took a breath and looked at him. "I want this."

He didn't fight the warm smile that came on his face as my words set in. "Well, that's... that's great. I can coach you through it." His ears perked up. "It'll be like a first lesson."

"Oh my god, just shut the fuck up before I change my mind."

"Fine then," he smirked. He plopped down onto his couch and began to shuffle his jeans off once more.

I saw him struggling and grabbed at the ends of his pants to help him. As he pulled his briefs down with his jeans, my eyes stuck onto his rather semi-erect pink cock swelling and growing for me. New, fresh thoughts of tasting it forming that were forbidden as they were hot.

He spread out his knees onto either side of me. His white furry balls fell down and rested upon the couch cushion. "Okay, buddy. You ready?"

"Mhm." I got down onto my knees and slowly brought my maw up close. My body felt stiff. My mouth salivated lubing up my lips and tongue for what was next.

"Just relax. Take this as slow as you want. Just watch your teeth. If it helps, give it a stroke or a lick. You won't hear me complaining."

I still looked into his eyes to see if he was genuine, if this was okay, before smirking. My maw leaned in towards his balls as my nose inhaled his cock and balls all at once. Then, I smirked almost giving it away before I ran my welcoming tongue right alongside his shaft. He tensed up. "Like that?"

"Yes. Just like that," he said paws grabbing the cushions. "You're doing great."

Now I didn't even care. I just lapped at it and attacked it from all sides. His warm, veiny, pink skin tasted fresh on my tongue and I could feel more blood rushing in causing it to throb already.

My eyes locked on his as I made it passionate. I licked slowly up the side making only the most innocent eyes I could make. He was struggling now as he exhaled and twitched his whole upper body.

My tongue continued before I gracefully had his tip resting on my lower lip. I kept my breath hot in spurts upon it as his precum lightly dripped on my lip. "What now, coach?" I feigned going down on him before coming back up causing him to clench his teeth together.

"You go down. Slowly taking it in--"

"Like this?" I pressed down my wet lips against the sides of his cock and let the shaft in.

"Y-yes. Okay," he took a deep exhale, "j-j-just cup your teeth with your lips and keep some suction on it." His thigh shifted. "Yes, just like that. Fuck. Just keep going like that. You're doing," he stopped to gasp, "so good. J-just so good."

He kept his paws off of me but grasped the couch for dear life. I didn't know what to expect. I was a little scared beneath the teasing, but I shuddered to taste a real man's cock rubbing against my tongue.

I stopped looking up at him and began to focus on a rhythm. Swallowing pre, I fell in love with his flavor and grew even more curious. I pulled down my waistband and rushed my paw against my cock. I tried different angles and techniques as I figured out Bucky's bells and whistles. Each time I heard Bucky edging me on and telling me when I was doing something good.

I chased those words. I played with his balls, rubbed down his chest with my paws, and brushed down his thighs. I could taste my victories as his cock leaked more and more.

"I'm getting close. You don't have to--"

I went down deep alongside his cock until I gagged a little. My nostrils breathed fire down his delicate shaft. I wanted him to come down my throat with a primal desire.

He couldn't help but guide my head as I worked his cock hungrily. I fondled his balls and played with them feeling their weight. I released a moan. My lips sucked hard tight around his needy shaft.

"Fuck, I'm fucking..."

I went as deep as I could down his length and strained my gag reflex this time to allow just one more inch of his cock in. He leaned his maw up into the air and lightly tensed his teeth against his lip. His cock strained and his balls tensed up. I sucked as hard as I could while grasping his thighs to keep them at bay.

His first shot hit the back of my throat and he was quick with the next ones following. My maw filled up. My eyes widened. I swallowed. Hot cum going down my once-virgin throat.

The tiger's seed was warm and oddly pleasant as it covered my mouth. I was so horny, so needy for it that it could have tasted like anything. Feeling his hard cock throb and pulsate with more of its load drove me wild.

I collected his load up in my mouth, letting it fill my cheeks with its metallic and inexplainable flavor. My paws ran to my pants and pulled them down and I didn't waste time jerking my cock furiously as he finished up in my mouth.

"F-fuck, you really are into this."

My eyes rolled back as I kept sucking his cock even after he was done coming. He shifted and squirmed as his cock was still really sensitive, but I didn't care. I felt my orgasm coming as I tasted him still fresh in my mouth. Without giving it another thought, I felt the world close up around me. I felt it all vanish far away like a dream.

And then I came. Cock pulsated wildly as I came right up against his carpet and couch. I was tonguing and feeling up his cum covered cock. My eyes rolled back and I felt his warm seed running down my throat as I swallowed.

I came over my plaid button-up and all over his carpet as I laid backward across his floor. My whole body tensed up and my breathing was strained. The release took me to a new place. One where I couldn't even feel my breath when I was panting. It took me to a place where I was so relaxed I thought I'd never move again. A place where I was warm and full.

It was a place I don't think I recognized until now.