Project Apotheon cast

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#1 of Project Apotheon

I wrote this a bit ago. It is nothing more than the aggregation of the cast of characters in this sci fi story I am trying to write. I have the first chapter done so I'm working on future installments. Always takes time to write. The names were just kinda fun to make so I attached personalities to them. Hope ya like them!

I am not sold on the name but I will make this a thing for a time now. Set in the year 2490 The main story of Starfield is that humanity has found a way to travel out into the stars and what they find out there is a wide open expanse of furries. A bunch of anthropomorphic animals all doing their business with different cultures and environments. They all are just barely finding a way to blend together and do cool things. The convergence of many species and peoples leads to the construction of the EPA, the Extrasolar Planetary Alliance..... Ima work on that name I think. But during all this diplomacy and sharing of tech and stuff, they come into contact with two powerful enemies.

The Sakritins, often called "Tins" by their enemies, a race of lizard-like people who have since completely changed their bodies to be entirely robotic to better serve their grand Emperor. These people are a hive mind with some degree of free will, allowing them to form a formidable fighting force as they expand across the galaxy in search of resources and new homes to colonize. They are incredibly high tech and when a soldier is killed, they are completely deconstructed so the enemy cannot use them for study and gain any kind of hand.

Next are the Vaparoids, a race of fully hive minded bugs that want nothing more than to spread across the galaxy for the sake of survival. They attach themselves to living creatures and feast off of their life force, turning them into dead and lifeless husks that they can commandeer like a ship and have access to all their memories and emotions. The bugs themselves barely live longer than a day but can live for a minimum of a century in the body of another. They are creepy as can be and actively avoided in war as the death of the bodies they inhabit release a toxic breath that infect others. Fire is the best alternative to them. At the time of the story, they have found a way to infect technology, if only a tiny bit, due to infecting the Tins and are only getting stronger. This forces the living species of the galaxy to all band together and put their differences aside in order to kill off this infestation.


The characters in this story are all members of the Smithing and Resource farming branch of Project Apotheon. They are under the guidance of Sovereign Deity Almos Keverik, better known by the name codename "Hephaestus", and this team is often sent on dangerous missions to get powerful artifacts and resources for the cause. Comprised of both Humans and Beasts, they consist of:

Havik Storicum, Leader of the team, Commander of the ship "Lanlyrisi": Havik was born in the year 2464 and is one of the youngest leaders of a mining team at only 26. He was originally recruited under the thumb of Hephaestus at 15 and has been a knowledgeable asset ever since. Hephaestus trusts him implicitly and Havik has continually proven himself trustworthy. He never puts his team in unnecessary risk and anything bad that is going on, he takes command and will often go in alone on dangerous missions.

Havik's ship is named "Lanlyrisi" and is, by his own admission, alive. The ship often sends him messages on its own and can read his thoughts, acting on its own or doing as he thinks without having to usher a command. All of the ships in the Apotheon project are given some manner of self control and autopilot for the sake of the crew so actions can be performed should they be injured or otherwise unable to drive. But Lyr is different. She is a black and blue colored ship, stradling between being bulky enough to take a hit and lithe enough to slip through narrow areas.

As every ship has a special ability, Lyr's is the ability to heal damages done to it. So long as she is not missing a full part such as a wing, any scratches or damages to her hull can be completely healed over in a rather short amount of time. If she does miss something important like a wing, she is also capable of "donating" parts of her own hull to repair other ships and will morph to be able to accommodate losing something vital. Very on brand for someone like Havik who will gladly sacrifice himself for his friends. His scarred body is evidence of that.

Umit'lite anTriski "Tundra", Second in command of the team, Battle Coordinator, Commander of the ship "Wyvern": Born on the planet of Andenerria, Tundra and her brother Brutus were approached by their clan leaders to join the powerful Human Apotheon group to add a bit of their culture to the wider collective of human knowledge. Due to being well liked already by many Earthlings and colonists, they were accepted almost instantly. Her name being a bit of a challenge, she is okay with being called Tundra as it is indicative of her greatest triumph, surviving a massive blizzard on her own for a month. Havik takes to calling her "Umi" sometimes when alone which she adores. It's an attempt for him to learn her natural name.

The Wyvern is her trusted and gorgeous vessel, blue and white like the ocean. The ship is more geared towards weathering harsh conditions, a bit bigger than some of the others but still nimble enough to move around. It is famously impervious to cold temperatures, the metals of Andenerria incapable of freezing over. The ship is also used for capturing runaways and prey, capable of shooting ice beams to freeze opponents non lethally and nets to trap multiple ships at once. Wyvern is also capable of shooting out blue flames that, while looking like actual fire, burn with a cold fury that feels like ice. It is a skilled trap vessel, capable of detaining even the most evasive ships for interrogation. She hunts her opponents like prey and is damn good at finding whatever needs to be done. She's a great scout, often working with Fiera-Tell to find special targets for the EPA, though the two hate each other.

She and Havik are... kind of a thing. Very clearly flirting and interested in one another and slowly inching into a couple. Wolves are naturally communal and respect the chain of command and as such she is completely loyal and devoted to the orders of Havik. With... one exception. Regardless, she is interested in taking things a bit further and in time, the two may be a thing. While it is frowned upon for superiors to be in relationships with their subordinates and teammates to be a couple, as long as no one knows... who am I kidding. It's pretty obvious.

Fiera-Tell, Assassin for the team, Commander of the ship "Essence": A eurasian lynx woman with grey and purple fur as well as purple hair, she is the most... outwardly arrogant of the team. Fiercely independent and not liked by some she was added to the team mostly to satisfy the Queen from her home. Believing the girl has promise if given discipline in a military setting, she was sent to the Apotheon Project and given to the Miners when she displayed anger towards them. She originally wanted to be a part of the Amazon Branch, mostly women warriors led by Athena and Artemis, but they found her beyond difficult to work with and sent her to annoy Hephaestus. He took her in and gave her to Havik to teach her some humility and she's been bitter ever since.

She is a bully, casually antagonistic towards many of her colleagues and especially young Tie. He is a small little rabbit and she loves to tease him and make fun of him, though he's too nice to really say much to her beyond giving a pity laugh. He considers her like an older sister, toughening him up so he's ready for combat, which is true. This is just a sign of respect among her people. You push buttons to learn about each other and fight to get closer. It just so happens humans and their compatriots don't really feel the same. Don't mistake her as misunderstood however. She is very mean and doesn't like to listen to higher orders from Havik.

Her ship in her native tongue is called "Quriel" meaning "Beautiful". She likes the name Essence though. It's pretty. It is a lithe and slim purple ship, capable of fitting into tight places and flying at insane speeds. She is a hunter through and through, chasing down enemies and shooting them down with precision. She does not stock too much on firepower, preferring to save them for precise shots and has a distaste for explosions and bombs. For this reason, she is often not a main player in the fight but more of a distraction for her crew to take people out. She can outrace just about anyone.

Her ship's special ability is cloaking, allowing her to turn practically invisible in the field of battle, hidden from all eyes minus her teams. She often goes on solo missions without express permission and uses this ability to spy on enemies and hostile planets or teams. She's since been working on finding a way for her ship to have a mirage function, allowing her to appear as an ally to enemies and learn more from them. She does not allow anyone to work on her ship outside of a very specific mechanic and they are not to remove anything. The last one who did got kicked in the ba- er... he got kicked. She is the only one allowed to make any real changes to her own vessel.

Tieniriakasatlinimik amekrivasnoralliti Viernasasillilit "Tie Viernas", Mechanic and overall techie of the group, Commander of the ship "Mechanika": The cute little brother of the team, he is a pearl white rabbit who does his best to keep up with everyone but is not really a fighter. He is mostly there for tech support, telling the crew info on the enemies as they arrive. He is in the battlefield however as they already have an operator on the main ship so they need one with battle experience and Tie is the one selected. He is the main mechanic for the group, fixing up their ships after missions and adding new tech when requested. He is always coming up with something really cool and actually had the initial designs for the ships except for Essence and knows them all implicitly. He has a secret camera and tracker in every one so he can find whoever he needs at whatever time.

Tie's ship, Mechanika, is a big boy, though it has the ability to transform into something else, usually a slimmer vessel. He's been working on making it able to fall apart into multiple mini ships, something he has been trying to make work for other ships for a long time but Havik gave him an order he could only do that if it worked on his own first. It has yet to work.

Coming from a strange culture of lagomorphic people, Tie was an oddball from the beginning. He was no one, disliked by many of his people due to his affection towards technology and he found a massive interest in the ever expanding Human empires. The kindness of the soldiers visiting his home made him want to go. His people let him leave since they didn't care about him anyway, but he seeks to prove himself to them and prove the goods of technology and adaptation.

Umit'lite edBorsu "Brutus", Demolition expert and Pyrotechnic of the team, Commander of the ship "Caesarion III": Older brother to Tundra and lover of all explosives and bombs, Brutus is a bit of a simple boy. He's loyal beyond words, willing to dive head first into the heart of a Lizard swarm to save his friends. I'm not being hyperbolic either. He's literally done that to save Havik. Havik, Tie and Brutus are a trio of best friends, going out and partying together on days off and always covering everyones back in a firefight on the job. He's also mad strong, usually carrying all of the minerals and overall gains from an expedition with his bare hands. He also recognizes them by scent, capable of noticing poisoned minerals or weapons or otherwise unhealthy environments. His ship also is the biggest of all of them, and definitely can throw its weight around.

His ship carries all manner of firepower, some he's snuck in without telling Havik. They are valuable and expensive and he has a gun or a bomb or some type of equipment for any situation. His ship is actually the third version because a failsafe he has is if the ship is ever captured or corrupted or overall out of his reach, he can trigger a self destruct that blows up all of the bombs on his ship, creating a chain reaction that can seriously end any nearby threat. He once set a record for triggering an explosion that was so strong that it was visible from space. It helped his friends find him and bring him safely home.

Unlike the others, Brutus actually speaks the languages of everyone around him. While everyone (minus Havik) uses a translator to understand what's being said, Brutus actually knows the languages and speaks them fluently. Intonation, attitude, accent, body language, he speaks so flawlessly you'd think he was a native speaker. This comes in handy for the times he's had to pretend to be Sakritin.

Tsotziki, Former member of the Sakritins military, Master Spy, commander of the ship "Secret Star": A defector from the Sakritin military, she is a pretty young woman for a Sakritin , only about 49 Earth years but many believe she may be older. She was found on the abandoned and scarred planet of Axatiri where Havik crash landed after a bad firefight. He was nursed back to health on the condition that he help them fight back against the Sakritin . He did so and she and her comrades helped get him saved, earning his respect though his team was a lot less happy to find out he helped out her kind. Havik is the only one she can trust and he knows this. With her homeworld freed and the Sakritin having no desire to really take it back, she and them have enjoyed a nice time of freedom and life and offered their services to the EPA, something that still is met with untrustworthy glares. It took a serious amount of convincing from Havik to get her and her friend onboard.

Her ship, called the "Secret Star", is an enigma. In her native tongue the ship is called "Quetzalcoatl" presumably after some God of the Sakritin people but she never explained why. She treats the ship like a living pet, calling it Quetzal for short and speaks about having to feed it often usually before going off on a trip. Havik is the only one who understands that these are jokes. When the ship "eats", it's eating her. As in she's taking the pilot seat. It's a silly joke.

The ship has the interesting ability to override the manual controls of all ships around it and completely take control of them, giving her a personal army of foreign vessels that do what she says without question. It only lasts for a few minutes but if she pushes it, it can last for half an hour. Any longer though and it will burn out her ship and leave her a sitting duck. The limit seems to be about 7 ships, which is an increase from the 3 it was before Tie's tinkering with it.

She doesn't speak often but loves to talk about her ship. On her home world, you can only join the military when you develop the weapons yourself. If they are crafted well enough, they will be adopted into the military proper and you will be paid for your expertise. It is considered a high rank of honor. She considers her ship to be the best thing she has ever made and while she loves to discuss it, she does her best to keep some things secret, much to the annoyance of characters like Tie. She finds amusement in lying about the things it can do tho, like only allowing her to fly it cause of fingerprint scans. She wants to do that but still hasn't yet. She often loves talking with Tie cause he is a fellow techie.

Tzolil, Former member of the Sakritins military, Master communications expert for the team, Commander of the ship "Silent Wave": Tzolil is mute. They do not speak at all. At least that's what he always says. It's complicated. First a bit of backstory. All of the Sakritins used to be organic lizard looking creatures, like Tzotziki still currently is. But after the current Dragon King came into power, he changed his entire body into a massive, hulking cybernetic organism that can do seriously terrifying things. His body is massive. It's said he could cover the entirety of a continent in his shadow when he flew overhead. And he made the whole planet follow suit. Many went willingly, while others refused. Some were unlucky and with war had to change to survive. Tzolil was an unlucky one.

Suffering from horrible burns, medics changed him into something he didn't want to be: a machine. Now a pawn for the Dragon King, he was placed into a firefight to put down a rebellious planet, Tzatziki's home. They failed and he was left behind by his team. All captured Tzolil's are to explode to avoid their technology falling into the hands of the enemy. He did not. Something must have been wrong with his wiring. But Tzotziki saw his injured state and could not let him suffer. So she helped bring him back to health but the entire time he was unable to speak. His voice box was either damaged or refused to work. He would scream and nothing would come out, he would cry and it would be silent. There was nothing and no one knew how to fix it.

He would have to undergo a great many changes to ensure he didn't send any vital info to the Dragon King. Many of them were violent changes that could not be fixed. His eyes were removed and he learned to walk without them. Permanent and pleasant changes came after joining the EPA which granted him his sight back. They tried to fix his voice but with their limited understanding of the tech lead to them being unable to. So mute he remained. In response, he fully pressed himself into study. He would prove himself vital to the team. He is the comms expert, telling them about all incoming threats or transmissions, keeping them informed on vital areas and defenses of the enemy.

His appearance can be a bit startling. His lizard-like look and glowing spines are very noticeable but the most visual aspect of him is his lack of a face. The "face" he has is instead a screen that he uses to show various emotions. Instead of speaking, he records his friends' voices and plays it back, on special occasions cutting out the words of multiple people and placing them in order of a sentence. Such communication is difficult but he has gotten better at it.

He does not fly out often, usually a reserved member when everyone else is out of commission. It's because of this he doesn't have much experience but Havik is helping him. His ship has an EMP power, allowing him to shut down all the ships around him, which actually makes him a wonderful companion to Tzotziki and Tundra since he can shut down other ships and allow for easy capture or control. Tzolil is young. Quite young actually. In human years he would be 19 but that hasn't stopped him from doing his best. He may not speak, but he is one of the most vocal and expressive members of the team. A kind thing he does is play soothing music during patrols and mining expeditions, something all of his team loves to listen to, even if they won't say it.

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