Project Apotheon cast

I am not sold on the name but I will make this a thing for a time now. Set in the year 2490 The main story of Starfield is that humanity has found a way to travel out into the stars and what they find out there is a wide open expanse of furries. A...

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Going West

The Grand Principal city of Niezz. Home to many of the cat people of the West and crown jewel of the settled people of the Red Desert. A warm and unforgiving place, the city was helped with a touch of magic to make it more bearable, crystals lining the...

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A Friend in Need

The Flower store was never a difficult place to watch over. The owner of the place was off doing some family stuff so it left Kevin alone to keep the place in order. Not like plants were gonna get up and walk away. He gave one a few spritzes of water...

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Sands and Songs

The desert winds were harsh today. Far worse than normal. But then again, Kethir never really knew what was normal here. Coming this far west was a big mistake. He had no guide, no ride to the city, no idea how to navigate such strange and shifting...

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Envoys and Diplomats

Morning took its sweet time coming up. The forest had grown colder over the night, Kori having snuggled closer to his furred wolven friend. She didn't mind at all, sleeping soundly before the rain started to come in. It slowly woke Kori up as the small...

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Hot Trip

"The Summer suuuuuucksssss!" Winter said as she and Corey walked out of the apartment. "Can we please just go back inside?" "Noooo we can't," Symdus responded. "We have to get groceries, remember? You said you were hungry." "But I'm...

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A Collection of Lowblows

A nice calm day for the Bears of the woods. Just barely enough of a chill that those unprepared would find themselves uncomfortable. Down by the riverbed was a sloth of Bears, each one looking for the best possible salmon. The stream seemed very...

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Finding Out A Little Something New

"No freaking way!" The white feline cheered as she rushed into the bathroom of the apartment, rummaging through her whole makeup bag as the Hyena in the room immediately regretted his decisions. "Uh, Mimi? I don't know if-" "Hush! I've been...

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The City of Dreams

Lorif and his men had gotten situated in the city, resting their gear and weapons in special rooms for them, most of them staying in the Prince's palace while others were spread out throughout the city in groups of 10, each holding accountability for...

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