A Thing for Star - Chapter 2

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#2 of A Thing For Star

Chapter II: A New Way

Star kept "milking" me for months. It still sent a shiver up my spine every time the milk oozes out, but now that I've gotten used to it I could feel more pain, as he still went too fast. It looked like Star noticed, and he tried to slow down, but then it wouldn't come out at all. Then one day Star seemed more excited than usual. When he saw me come in, he yelled "HEY I FOUND A NEW WAY TO MAKE MILK!" so loud it scared me for a good ten seconds. When I snapped out of it, I realized what he had said.

"What is it?" I asked. By now I had become accustomed to this feeling and was not at all ashamed like I was before. Star looked me in my eyes, then at my mouth, and then my penis. I understood what he meant, and I slowly nodded in agreement. He leaned in, unbuckled my jeans, but there was something different this time. It did not stick up as it usually did; instead it was stubby and floppy. "What's wrong with it?!?!" I yelled in distress.

There was an obviously look of malcontent on Star's face, and he re-buckled my jeans without saying a word or even looking me in the eye. He turned to the wall and said "Get out."

"Star," I started, "If there's somethi-"

"GET OUT!" He yelled. After the echo died out, I quietly left. I had not seen this side of him before. He usually never lost his temper, no matter what happened. I was clueless, and I couldn't get any sleep. The night felt like forever, I had the agonizing curse of just plain not knowing. I couldn't get it off my back, so I decided to go talk to him, hoping he was in a better mood.

As I walked outside, I was surprised to see the sun had risen and it was already mid-day. But I didn't care about that. I just was going to Star's home as normal. But then I stopped. I saw my two dads were at the river. I knew I shouldn't be outside the meadows right now, and I would be grounded if they saw me.

"Do I go back?" I asked myself. "Do I go around them?" I knew I couldn't just stay, but then something caught my eye. I saw that they were doing as I had done with star so many times before. One had grabbed the others' penis and was stroking it. But I could tell that he was not in any pain. Then I shut my eyes and realized that with them distracted I could easily go around them. Even though they were busy, I still knew I had to be careful. As I just finished crossing, I heard a scream and immediately turned to look. I was too far away to see what had happened, but from previous experience I knew he had made his milk. I knew they would see me any minute now, because I was too close to them, so I quickly ran into the woods until I couldn't see them.

I did not come here often, there were too many bushes to see. There were also many thorned plants and flying insects. I just flat out hated it. I stumbled my way out it, with Star's house nearby. I had intentionally done that in case something like this ever happened. I walked the rest of the way, and when I was at the entrance I waited. I don't know why, but I just stopped.

After a minute of silence, I said, "Star?" to confirm he was there. But there was no response. "Star?" I asked again. Frightened for him, I looked inside, but there was nothing but an empty room filled with sorrow, and a note on the floor. I could tell there was writing on it, but I could not read it. I was filled with dread, and know that Star had run away.