To Use a Thief

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A thief seeks the perfect disguise during a heist only to end up having his shapeshifted physical form (ab)used in many different ways.


Styx flexed his wings triumphantly. "(Yes! I fucking knew it!)" His claws almost let go of the abstract painting he had just removed from the wall. He forced himself to calm down and gently placed the weird piece of artwork on the floor. After doing so he couldn't help rubbing his white gloves in anticipation for what came next.

Right in front of him was a safe. An UltraBox 5000 Deluxe, to be exact. Any sane person wouldn't get this expensive model just to keep cheap junk inside, no, whatever was inside had to be extremely valuable.

These safes were the biggest temptation for an experienced thief like Styx. Hell, a big-breasted bimbo in a swimsuit wouldn't make him bat an eye but *this* beauty? He really needed to expose this hot babe!

The house he had burgled in was just an old shack near the swamp. Judging by the poor state of the walls, the flies flying around leftover snacks and the terrible smell, this place must belong to a messy slob of a bachelor. Usually Styx wouldn't have bothered to intrude in such an easy target of a place but the moment he saw this address in the leaked list of UltraBox customers the crow knew whoever lived here had something valuable to hide.

Styx ran a single claw along the surface of the safe, a grin forming in his beak. "(Kehehe, you're mine now!)" The humanoid crow thought lustfully to himself. He teased the safe's knob and entered the dumbest combination he could think of on the number pad: 1111.

The stubborn safe beeped with a red light.

"(Keehee, don't try to resist.)" Styx's claws pressed on this slutty tease of a number pad again, this time entering 2222.

Now two red lights were turned on. This particular model allowed three tries to enter the correct combination. If Styx were to enter an incorrect number combination again, the safe would stay locked until the owner contacted the security company... and also the cops would be alerted of the naughty crow's intrusion.

But of course, Styx already knew all this. He just enjoyed the thrill of only having one chance, so he purposefully wasted his two free attempts just to make things harder. Now that he only had one last try before he was arrested, the fun could truly begin!

Styx opened his bag of tools. He was about to take out his stethoscope when suddenly a rattling sound was heard from the front door of the shack downstairs.

"(Shit!)" Styx internally cursed. "(I was sure nobody entered or left this place at this hour, how could I have messed up the schedule?!)" Nevertheless the owner of the house he was casually intruding had made their appearance. The crow's wings retracted a little with the possibility of being discovered now becoming a tangible reality.

Styx hurriedly placed the abstract painting back on the wall and took a panicked look at the only way out: a locked, small window bent out of the frame with the broken blinds shut. It was unrealistic to expect the big crow to fly away with an useless escape route like that. No... He needed to hide!

He could hear the front door opening and closing and slow but steady steps venturing deeper into the shack.

"(Crap, crap, crap...)" Styx panicked. "(Damn, I didn't want to risk it using this but it's an emergency!)" He took out a scroll from his bag. He remembered the words of the guy from the black market...

"This is a scroll of shapeshifting. You don't even need to open your beak, this bad boy will transform into the exact shape you're thinking in your head, very practical if you need to blend in with your surroundings. Keep in mind that it is consumed after one single use. You use it and... Puff! Gone."

Styx's feathers had shuddered back then. "I don't exactly enjoy the idea of magic messing up my body like it was putty." The crow had replied. He didn't admit it openly, but he was proud of his crow bod. He had a tall athletic frame, healthy black feathers and was well-endowed where it really counted. He didn't want a lousy spell changing any of that.

"C'mon, you have to admit that as a last resort it isn't that bad of a deal. You don't have to worry about anything, it has enough magic to change you back afterwards and as long as you don't remain transformed in the same form for an absurd amount of time like a whole night or so there isn't any risk of it causing permanent changes. " He had practically placed the scroll in Styx' claws. "I'll give you a nice discount."

Styx didn't even remember accepting the deal but right now the scroll was his only hope.

The crow could hear the steps of the owner pacing around downstairs. He brushed off the sweat off his forehead. "(Dammit. I hope this thing works.")

He couldn't leave any evidence in plain sight so he removed his white gloves, his brown jacket, his undershirt, his shoes and socks, his jeans and, after giving a deep breath, he swiftly removed his boxers in one fell swoop. He stuffed everything into the bag and hid it under the single comfy seat in the center of the room. With a bit of luck, the shack's slobby owner wouldn't randomly decide to clean under the couch today.

The naked crow held the scroll of shapeshifting in one claw and hid his avian privates with the other. He felt ridiculous just standing there silent and nude. ("If this doesn't work, I'm not getting framed as a thief, but as a pervert...") He thought.

But what should he turn into? Where could he blend in as to be practically invisible?

Styx looked around the room he was in. Apart from the painting and the comfy seat, there was an array of plus-sized discarded clothing smelling of dried sweat, a table with a video game console connected to a big TV and right there, sitting almost imperceptibly small and forgotten in the darkest corner of the room, was a little bin.

Styx mistook it for a trashcan at first sight because it sure did seem that rusty and insignificant. But upon closer inspection the tiny metal bin seemed to be holding a bunch of long metal rods. Umbrellas? Walking sticks? Batons? It was too dark to see what they were exactly but they were all tube-shaped. Some had simple decorations on one of their ends while most looked even cheaper and less eye-catching than the last.

In other words, it was a bunch of forgotten junk stuffed away in a dark corner. If Styx were to take one of those rods the owner would probably never notice there was one missing.

...And he wouldn't notice one extra rod tucked away in it, either...

The crow was weighing his options when suddenly he heard it. The sound of the owner of the shack heading up the stairs with heavy steps.

Step. Step. STEP.

"(Fuck! Here goes nothing!)" Styx tightly grasped the scroll and kept the mental image of what he wanted to become ingrained in his mind.

"(A long, narrow tubular shape, an inconspicuous tube made of my own flesh that barely sticks out from the rest of identical sticks sitting in this metal bin!)" Styx closed his eyes as he imagined himself safely hidden away between all those bars, his very self looking like another of the cheap trinkets.

"(C'mon, transform me! Please work...!)" Styx internally pleaded. Immediately the piece of ancient paper shone brightly for about a second until a green flame devoured the scroll from the inside out, indicating that the crow was about to have his peculiar wish granted whether he wanted it or not.

Styx opened his eyes with surprise. "(Did... Did it work?)" He looked down at his body. His bare, athletic crow body still blessed his sight. His muscular arms were also intact, together with his wing-

"Gahhh!" Styx couldn't repress a sharp gasp of surprise. He quickly shut his beak up but the way his wings had just folded into his back until they were practically gone was taken straight out of any avian's worst nightmare. "(My wings! My beautiful wings!)"

And the bizarre experience had just begun. Styx's talons suddenly stuck to his waist, his hands moving out of their own volition. "(Wha-....?!)" His arms fused together with his own torso and his feet clasped together. He struggled but he was helpless to unglue his limbs away from his body. As if he was being mummified by invisible bandages, he felt helpless and unable to move.

"What the hell is- Mmmph, mmmph?!" He found out that moving his beak was also rapidly becoming a task impossibly herculean to accomplish. Styx felt the room getting bigger as his body shrunk more and more.

Fascinatingly enough, Styx felt a pulling sensation on his crow dick. To his horror the shapeshifting spell was also affecting his more private areas. He felt an immense hardon growing on his groin that was unceremoniously pushed down so his manbits were pointing straight at the floor.

"(No, no, no, no, this wasn't supposed to... Uuuuff!)" Styx moaned as his veiny red shaft grew into a ginormous size that it had never reached before.

The rest of his body hadn't ceased shrinking and becoming narrower, his muscular manly bod now a black feathery tube. Styx's feet and legs had receded into his torso but fortunately his rock-hard cock was still there to provide him enough balance for him to keep the rest of his shrunken body standing up.

"(Uuuuff...!)" Styx moaned again. He couldn't believe he was standing on only one leg. That "leg" of course being his cock! By this point his red crow dick was almost longer than the rest of his whole body, his now-permanent erection being the only part of him that hadn't shrunk.

"(I can't believe it... Whoever created this spell definitely had a warped sense of humor...)" Sweat was falling down Styx's forehead, no doubt caused by the constant stimulation with no way of release.

Styx was about the size of the other bars now but he was out of the bin. He had no choice but to muster all his remaining animate strength to bend his whole body and jump towards the metal can by springing off his hard cock.

"(I feel like a fucking pogo stick...!)"

Boinging and boinging away he managed to get his tubular body inside the little can. But soon enough his ability to move around faded away as his black, feathery tube of a body settled down on its new shape and Styx became as inanimate as a "crow bar" can be.

"(...I... I made it...!)" Styx was now just another tube hanging out with his kind. "(I'm in the best possible hiding spot now!)"

The owner of the shack had already gone upstairs. Luckily, the call of nature had forced them to take a quick detour to the bathroom before heading into the room Styx was hiding in. If it weren't for that, they'd caught sight of the peculiar "pogo stick" jumping around on its own and that would've been the end of Styx.

A chubby, greasy green finger flicked the light switch and the feeble light of a naked lightbulb provided Styx with his first clear look at the person he had been about to steal from.

They were a frog. A *male* frog, despite the generous size of his pudgy breasts. He had a face composed of big jumpy yellow eyes with a black horizontal bars instead of regular pupils and a big mouth with a long red tongue that freely hung around. He had a black cowlick on the top of his head but other than that he was practically bald. He wore an exaggeratedly goofy facial expression as if he had been drinking very recently.

The frog belched loudly in his stupor. "Damn, that caffeine-free diet cola really made a number on my belly." The slob said in his deep baritone voice. He grabbed his huge amphibian belly and shook it a little, which only made him burp even more. He wore an ill-fitting shirt that did a pretty poor job at concealing the entirety of his hairy belly, the huge black hole that was his bellybutton half-exposed to the elements.

The fatso scratched his butt through his shorts. "Fuck, why is my butt so itchy, did any of my mosquitoes bite me while I was sleeping? Those crawly bastards..." As the huge frog paced around the room, Styx tried his best not to shake in fear.

"(He looks like a giant!)" The former crow thought as the loud, slow steps crept dangerously close to him. Not only was the frog way too huge for his own good, but Styx was just a tiny insignificant object in comparison. "(...Shit, he's looking right at me!)"

The frog's big sweaty hand reached into the metal can. Styx prayed and prayed that the humongous green fingers would take out any other one of the other similar-looking batons but the former crow's worst fears came true as his vision was engulfed in black.

"This one will do." The frog said to himself nonchalantly as he took the thief out of his hiding place. The frog manipulated Styx's whole body and Styx didn't have any appendages to his disposal to resist. "Weird, I don't remember having this one in my collection..." The frog traced a finger over the surface of Styx's torso, evaluating the 'design' of the crow head on one of its ends.

Styx tried his best to remain still as the frog's slippery fingers touched him. He couldn't even afford to blink, which meant he was forced to stare directly into his captor's eyes. Styx didn't remember the last time he had felt this scared. "...Oh well, not like I keep track of these, they break so easily."

"(B-b-b-break?!)" Styx was deeply shocked. He almost got a nervous tic on his wide-open eyelids, yet he had to endure and do his best to suppress his emotions if he wanted to get out of this unscathed.

The morbidly obese frog tightened his grip on Styx's transmutated form and grinned. "You have a lot of work ahead of you... Scratcher."

It was at that exact moment that Styx realized he had screwed up the whole operation big time. "(I'm this fat dude's scratcher?! Oh shit, I'M FUCKED!)"


The obese body of Ranito, the gargantuan frog, had been very itchy lately. And being so large there were certain spots of his body that were, to put it bluntly, hard to reach. That's why he had salvaged some old sticks that had been laying around the house and placed them in an old metal can for convenience.

Being none the wiser, Styx the crow, self-proclaimed cunning thief extraordinaire, had disguised himself as one of these ill-fated backscratchers.

Ranito walked to a comfy couch with his scared rod in hand. He was holding it very tightly so it wouldn't slide down his greasy green fingers and to add insult to injury he was using the fleshy red part of it as the handle.

Styx's beak was clattering, he fought the urge to protest and blow his cover. He really needed to act like a freaking inanimate rod now. And so, while his manhood was used as a handle to carry his whole body, Styx remained silent.

Lots of hot girls had accused Styx of not being very talkative as they worked on his large crow cock but this level of irony was going too far.

"(I can't believe a guy, a fucking fatso of a frog of all guys, is manhandling my dick without a care!)" Styx's inexpressive face was blushing red in shame. He really hoped Ranito wouldn't notice his rod changing color without warning. Styx was a master of stealth, he could pretend to be part of the scenery no problem. The problem was that people usually don't grab the scenery by the cock and balls.

"Damn, so itchy..." The frog grunted and to Styx's dismay proceeded to remove his shirt. It was an ill-fitting shirt that barely covered his body but that was one layer of ickiness protection completely gone. Styx observed the frog's torso in a mix of awe and fear. His belly was yellowish in color compared to the rest of his body, hairy as a forest and large as a skyscraper. Of course this was due to Styx's new size. As he stared at the huge manboobs sitting on the top of the mountain of fat the crow truly realized he was really just a little thing now. A little insignificant thing that belonged to this monstrous giant.

And now that sweaty and hairy skin was getting closer and closer! The crow's face was heading directly towards the underside of the frog's left tit. "(NOOO!)" Styx mentally screamed. He closed his eyes, held his breath, and awaited his undignifying fate.

The frog was completely unaware of the thief's suffering. After all, he was just relaxing after a long day. He just wanted to scratch and stretch his body without a care in the world.

"Ahhh, much better." The frog smiled with joy.

Styx definitely wasn't feeling overwhelmed by joy. His head was currently underneath a gigantic frog's moob! The sheer size and weight of it was squishing Styx's terrified face. It was becoming purple from holding his breath for so long. The frog moved the rod in rhythmic motion, feeling relief thanks to Styx's sharp tip of a beak being so useful to scratch deep underneath his sea of fatness.

Each motion was a result of Styx's cock being used as a handle, so to the crow it felt like he was being jerked off as his face was pressed against the fat.

"(I... need to breathe...)" The crow couldn't hold his breath for much longer.

The frog squeezed the rod's handle very hard and that's when Styx gasped for air. His beak was forced open and his tongue could taste the frog's sweat coming down his throat.

The crow expected the frog to realize that the rod he had wasn't a regular inanimate object, alas...

"Oh, what a neat function!" The frog said. He squeezed Styx's penis once again expecting the same reaction to happen.

"(Are you for real?!)" Styx still needed to act like an inanimate rod and thus he forced himself to perform the action again just like the frog expected his inanimate rod to work.

"Hehehe, that gives me an idea." The frog giggled to himself. He placed Styx's face right in front of his gargantuan left nipple.

Then he squeezed Styx's cock...

...And Styx opened his beak like an obedient little bitch.

The frog's huge nipple was forced inside the crow's little mouth. Breastfeeding this inanimate object was just something silly that the frog had randomly decided to do for fun, but to Styx it was traumatizing how low he had fallen.

A mosquito bite was acting up on the frog's back so the next thing Styx was forced to do was to scratch this hard to reach place. The frog pressed on the handle so Styx's beak was forced to lick Ranito's back all over.

First he licked the upper part of Ranito's back...

...Then he was forced to taste the middle part of it...

...The frog took a little detour and pushed Styx down the sweaty hair of his armpit...

...Until the tour continued and finally the crow's tongue got dangerously close to the frog's bottom.

"Dang it, so itchy..." The frog said as he forced the rod down his underwear.

"(Seriously?! Don't tell me it's itchy between your buttcheeks too!)"

And damn straight it was. Styx took a dive right into the giant green butt.

If breathing the sweat from under the frog's boob had been bad enough, breathing the inside of his buttcheeks was much worse. Styx could not believe he was getting so intimately acquainted with this giant frog!

"(Please, stop!)"

It was dark, but Styx could feel his face standing right in front of something fleshy that winked with a strong odor at him.


That was it. He was practically touching the frog's asshole. But the worst was when Styx felt his cock being pressed, the frog clearly expecting the rod to perform its built-in function.

This time, Styx didn't dare open his mouth. No way he was kissing this dude's hole!

His cock was squeezed once again, and again. The frog began to grow frustrated and squeezed it much harder.

Styx didn't know if it was because his muscle memory acted up or because the spell somehow wanted the crow to act like the object its owner willed to be, but to his terrified surprise his beak was pried open and his tongue lashed out to passionately kiss that pucker.

"Ohhh! Hehehe! Amazing!" The frog said, finding this property he didn't even remember acquiring was very fun to play with. He humped on Styx and kept pressing the crow's cock the whole time, not letting Styx close his mouth for even a second. The straight lady killer's tongue lubricated the fleshy dark walls of this fat dude's asshole.

The crow was stuffed deeper and deeper up the frog's hole repeatedly as the avian cursed his lack of foresight. The frog was riding his form like a freaking dildo! This had been a terrible idea! He should've never turned his beautiful crow bod into such a phallic-looking shape!

When Styx was finally removed from the frog's intimate area, the scratcher-turned sex toy closed his eyes and repeated a mantra inside his head.

"(That didn't happen. I didn't just get used like a dildo. I thereby banish this memory from my mind!)"

But he wouldn't ever forget the memory of being so closely acquainted with this frog's butthole.

"Damn, fooling around with my toy made me horny. I'm gonna go fetch my porn." The naked frog said as he stood up leaving the rod still stinking of frog ass on top of the couch.

"(Fooling around?!)" Styx felt disrespected. "(You inserted my whole fucking head up your butt, and that was just 'fooling around' as if I were a fun novelty for the warmup and not the main course?!)" Ironically, that resembled pretty much the way Styx tended to use women.

Styx could see from the side how the frog approached the abstract painting hanging on the wall. The painting was titled "Tasty flies flying around me" and had been painted by Ranito himself. Also, according to him, it wasn't abstract. But the true thing of significance was that after he removed the painting from the wall the UltraBox 5000 Deluxe safe was exposed.

This was truly humiliating to Styx. He wanted to strip that safe of its contents himself and now the frog whose asshole he had just been forced to give a rimjob to was about to reveal all of its secrets willingly.

The frog pressed a number on the keypad. "3333." The frog said the passcode aloud as he entered it, annoying Styx even more.

The door of the safe was opened and treasured inside were...

Some old books.

Not even important papers like a will or a bank account but a completely random assortment of novels, mixing classics and newer ones.

"Oh, yeah, my porn stash!" The frog said as he took a copy of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, put on his nerdy-looking glasses and began to skim through the pages.

"(But that's not supposed to be pornographic...)" Styx's eyes twitched. He couldn't believe he had suffered this much just to see what random books this frog considered porn. "(Gaaaah! All of this was for nothing!")

The heist had been a complete failure. But as the inanimate rod remained completely stiff on the sofa still feeling thoroughly disgusted at the taste of fat frog ass in his tongue, the frog turned his flabby body around and Styx realized his torment wasn't going to end anytime soon.

"Damn, I love how helpless the main character feels in this book. It's such a pornographic masterpiece." The frog kept reading as he sat on top of the sofa again, not even noticing he had sat right on top of Styx.

"(Nooo! Not his scrotum!)" The frog's ballsack was squishing its contents against Styx's face. Each testicle was pressed against one of the crow's cheeks. The helpless stick had to struggle to breathe and whenever he did he just smelled the stink of the frog's sweaty balls.

"Hehe, I love this part." The frog said to himself as he read, one his hands reaching down to his throbbing cock.

This was too much. Styx couldn't stay silent anymore. He had to scream for help!

"MMMMMMMPHPHPH!!!!" He struggled and struggled, but the frog's giant testicles were crushing his tiny beak shut. The frog wouldn't ever notice the faint little call for help that Styx tried to scream from the top of its lungs.

As Ranito masturbated vividly, his hefty balls pushed against Styx's face over and over. In turn, the other end of the rod, the red colored shaft that used to be Styx's proud avian cock, was similarly being assaulted by the frog's giant sweaty buttcheeks.

To Styx it felt quite similar to sex, but he had never been with another man, or not been the one positioned on top, and never as roughly as this! Yet the frog was completely unaware of Styx's suffering. He was too engrossed reading his book and jerking his dick to notice some stick he had inadvertently sat on.

The frog's movements got rougher and the smell got way, way worse. Until finally the frog froze solid for a few seconds and came on top of his own belly.

"Damn, that was good..." The frog let the book fall down into the floor. "I should clean up my mess..." He scratched the side of his belly and yawned. "So sleepy..."

Styx patiently waited for the frog to stand up but unfortunately it didn't pass a long time until he heard the frog snoring.

"MMMPPPHHH!" The rod tried to call out. "(Dammit! Don't just fall asleep! You're still on top of me! You weight a fucking ton!)"

But it was quite late and the frog had gone through a long day. Most probably he wouldn't wake up until morning and not exactly early at that.

"MMMMMPHHHHH, MMMMMPPHH, MMMMMMMMMPHHHH!!!" Styx tried to contort his cylindrical body but it was no use. Even though there was no longer any danger of being detected with the frog asleep, he was completely rigid. "(Strange, I've been a rod for so long that my body kind of has used to it...)"

That's when Styx remembered about the shady shopkeeper's words... 'There's no danger of it becoming permanent, unless you stay in the same form for an absurd amount of time'.

"(...How much is 'an absurd amount of time'? The frog has just fallen asleep, how many hours does a lazy fat amphibian sleep?!)"

It was clear to Styx that the longer he remained in this form the harder it would be to restore himself later. "(Holy shit, what if it becomes permanent?! I don't want to be this fat slob's rod for the rest of my life!)"

On the bright side, the frog had mentioned that his sticks didn't have much of a life expectancy...

"(NOOOO! I have to change back! I just have to!)"

The frog loudly snored, unaware of the horror the thief was going through.

The spell had seemed to react to its caster's thoughts before, so maybe if Styx wished hard enough...

The former crow repeated to himself. "(I have to change back... I have to change... I have to change... I can't be in this shape... I want my original shape...!)" He wished and wished and the spell's reversion functionality seemed to react, the rod feeling tingly all over.

"(Yes! Change me back! Change me back!)"

Styx felt strength returning to him... His hard body was starting to move...! The reshaping spell was working!

"(I want to be a crow, a complex organism, a beautiful, handsome male crow! I want to be... me!)"

His form no longer felt hard and rigid but soft and malleable. His arms seemed to be coming back, getting unglued from his long black feathery shaft of a torso... The reversion had begun!

"(My arms, my legs, my beautiful form is going to come back!)" Styx was giddy with hope. He couldn't wait to get his attractive lady killer of a body back! "(I will recover my original form, everything will be alright!)"

...Then the frog shifted his giant fat ass in his sleep, his large green buttocks seemingly about to crush Styx to oblivion.

"(AAAAHH! I'm going to be crushed completely! I'm gonna become a flat and splattered mess!)"

The large buttcheeks stopped short of crushing him to pieces and Styx breathed an internal sigh of relief. Regrettably, the spell seemed to have heard Styx's command and so, it obediently granted its caster his wish.

"(WHAT?! NOOOOO!)" *SPLAT!* Styx suddenly felt a ton of magical energy smashing him against the gargantuan green butt completely. What crushed remains of Styx were left had been reduced to a flat and splattered mess.


The frog scratched his butt in his sleep, not noticing the black goo that used to be a handsome crow named Styx squirming below him.

If the fat naked frog snoring on the couch had been awake, maybe he would have felt the black gooey mass he was sitting on squirming, protesting with pain at the mistreatment caused by his very own heavy green buttocks.

The splattered black stain felt like a literal mess. A splooge of black covering the frog's buttocks. That was all that remained of Styx.

"(I'm... I'm even...alive?!)"

As far as he knew, the former crow was alive. At least as much as a sentient shapeless flat puddle of black goo being sat on by a giant fat frog could be.

"(Shit! This is not how I'm going to end! I'm not going to be black smudge forever!)"

The situation was dire, but Styx could still feel a little bit of magic inside him. He needed to get himself back into shape, so to speak.

"(I'm going to be a handsome crow again, just you wait!)"

What remained of Styx wished and wished to be himself again.

"(I'm going to change back...! Change me! Change me! Change me!)"

He kept repeating over and over.

An hour passed.

"(I'm going to change back to normal... Definitely... I can already feel the tingling... Everything will be normal...)"

Two more hours passed.

"(This is going to become normal... I feel thicker and more consistent now... Damn, I can't handle this frog's stink anymore...)"

Three more hours passed.

"(Damn, this guy is such a slob, sleeping naked like that, I wish he at least wore underwear to sleep, that way I wouldn't have to suffer his sweat... Gah, what am I thinking? Not only my body feels malleable, my brain does, too...)"

After seven hours had already passed, Ranito was still sound asleep.

"(So much time has passed and for all this time I'm just able to see this frog man's cock and crack staring back at me. It's starting to creep me out how I'm getting used to this sight. His green butt winking its hole as he breathes and the yellowish tint on his wrinkly foreskin. I wish something would cover it.)"

After eight hours had passed...

"(When is he gonna wake up...?! This damn frog... But as much as I like it or not, I won't be able to move until he wakes up. That's just how it is. It would be unnatural for me to move by myself.)"

After nine hours had passed...

"(What a rough night, but I'm glad to be back to normal. For some reason I had a nightmare where I became a backscratcher. That would be terrible, I wouldn't be able to keep seeing Ranito's cock and crack all day long if that were to happen.)"

After ten hours had passed...

"(What a sleepyhead this frog is being today. He's always so lazy and forgetful. Seriously, if he didn't have me to support him, he'd go out into the streets completely naked.)"

And after eleven hours had passed, Ranito started to wake up.

"Aww, my head, I shouldn't sleep on the couch." The frog said groggily.

"(Finally! I was starting to think his cock and balls were going to remain still all day. I'm ready to stretch for a bit!)"

Ranito scratched his cock and balls through his underwear. The black boxers with a yellowish beak-like triangular decoration hovering right on top of his groin looked flashy and brand-new which was quite strange, he swore that most of his underwear was old and tattered (thanks no doubt to his large thighs) and that he was in urgent need of buying new ones. He didn't recognize the logo engraved on its side, either.

"'S-T-Y-X'...? Never heard of this brand. Not that I'm gonna complain, though! You're so damn soft and comfy, 'Styx'. Hehe." He yanked at the veiny-red waistband and let it go, the tight red fabric slapping against his fat waist with a loud snapping sound, his belly vibrating with shockwaves.

The fat frog wasn't the only one enjoying this. The piece of underwear felt great whenever its owner touched its red waistband with his chubby greasy fingers, for some reason that area of its felt very sensitive.

"Dang, I have a very awful case of morning wood." The frog said, squeezing his cock through the black feathery fabric. A wet cumstain had already formed right on the center of the yellow beak-like triangle.

Styx's tastebuds savored its owner's salty cum. It tasted terrible but that was life as a piece of underwear for you. Part of Styx's mind wondered why it had taste buds in the first place. Or even a mind. Why would a piece of fabric you put on top of your cock and balls need a mind?

Still, the black boxers were glad everything was normal. It couldn't wait to provide his owner ample scrotal support all day long. Being a lowly undergarment may not be the most dignifying of existences but Styx was just grateful to be able to spend yet another beautiful day covering a fat slob's rod in order to provide his wearer protection, comfort and dignity.

Styx was expecting to be stuffed into the darkness of some ill-fitting pants but for some reason Ranito hadn't begun dressing up. He left the room just in his underwear.

"(Hehe, my owner is so lazy. He forgot to dress up again. He'd be a goner without me.)" Styx thought with pride. Being an inanimate object with no free will nor any way to achieve its own dreams, its pride as black boxers was the most important thing it had.

Ranito turned on his PC and began searching for porn. As he absent-mindedly fondled his balls, he slid down his underwear and sniffed it.

Funnily enough, there was an unusual scent on this piece of underwear... It was someone else's scent... The scent of a proud muscular crow named Styx whose spell had horribly backfired.

The frog shrugged his shoulders. "It reeks. Meh, after using it as a cumrag for a few weeks I'm sure this stinky foreign essence will disappear completely..."

The black boxers he was holding looked at him with inappreciable eyes of pure terror. "(C-c-c-cumrag?!)" It couldn't believe it! It was underwear. It was made to be worn, protect and support its wearer. It would be a very cruel humiliation to be demoted to a mere cumrag!

But alas, the fat slob of a frog had no qualms about using his own underwear as a masturbatory aid. Styx was disgusted at the way its entire body was rubbed against its owner's morning wood. As its entire body was a folded surface, Styx's facial features could taste the precum at the same time its tight anus and rectum were painfully manhandled by the frog's cock. To make things worse the frog always tended to edge for an unbearable long time.

"Uff!" Ranito finally came directly into Styx's imprinted beak and without giving the black boxers time to recover he cleaned his sweaty cum-covered penis with it, then he rolled the humid underwear up into a ball and threw it under the desk.

Styx was left there, next to a pile of similarly smelly used up underwear, its body rolled up squished against itself in a humiliatingly painful position as Ranito's cum dried up in its mouth and butthole.

"That reminds me." Ranito mumbled to himself. "I need to do the laundry... Nah... Tomorrow, for sure..."

Ranito left the room and continued on his day, completely forgetting about the discarded rolled up ball of feathery black fabric.

It would take an eternity until Ranito decided to do the laundry so for the foreseeable future Styx had no choice but to slowly drift its consciousness away into the dream world, the smelly scent of the fat slob enveloping its curled up fabric and what remained of its mind slowly but surely.

The Local Cumdump

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Obscene Street Art

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Shower with Bowser

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