Draconic Blessings - Dragon TFs

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A duo of dragon TFs that me and a friend wrote a few months back and I forgot to upload here, sorry X'D

Wyraach (C) Myself

Posted using PostyBirb

"I thought I was never gonna get here tonight..." Peter muttered to himself, tossing his jacket aside once he had made his way inside of a cave that was all too familiar with him by this point. Bad weather alongside various problems beyond his control had slowed him down, but he managed to make it to the cave, even if he was a little late that evening.

The cave was one he'd discovered years back and was a home away from home at this point. Full of various books, games, and magical artefacts. The latter of which wasn't something he advertised to just anyone, nor the fact that he wasn't exactly human. Very few of his friends knew, and fewer still had seen him in his other form. He'd almost say his true form - the powerful dragon Wyraach. And the urge to become him once more had been getting hard to ignore with constant stresses from the human world.

He had brought a bag along with him as well, full of new stuff to either adorn the cave with, or just solely for entertainment purposes. The area itself was well lit up, as well as extra spacious, in case he ever felt the need to take on his monstrously-sized feral form - it was large enough for at least two, maybe three dragons, in that event.

"And hopefully, that won't be too far off..." He chuckled to himself as he set the bag aside in a safe place outside of what one could consider the splash zone. No sense in getting the new cards and other merch ruined by his change. Off towards the back of the cave was a pendant - curiously small for one supposed to adorn a full-sized dragon, but it grew and shrank with him as needed. And it was what he needed to let the beast out, and Peter wasted little time in heading towards it.

The pendant was one of the few things that was in the cave when it was originally discovered, alongside some treasure and other relics. It was pretty much a part of Wyraach, down to the point that only he could remove it from his own person - many people in history had tried and failed to disarm him, and they had all paid dearly for it, a smirk crossing his face as he stood before the pedestal it rested on.

"Now then, who shall I bless with a draconic rebirth first...?" His smirk grew wider as he thought of it, turning a small and fragile human into a massive, roaring beast that was borderline invulnerable, a god onto themselves almost. Peter knew that was at least partially the dragon's ego talking, but he'd never been bested, and knew damn well how good it felt to become a dragon. So it was ultimately true. He reached out for the pendant eagerly, his pants already feeling just that much tighter.

"So many possible options..." He mused more, running his hand along the pendant, feeling that familiar pulse of energy as it was virtually begging to be put on. "Hrm... I think I might know just who to visit, come to think of it!" He thought back to earlier on, when he was talking to one of his closest friends whilst waiting for the weather to calm down.

"He'll do nicely. Can't wait to see what kind of dragon he'll become..." Even he didn't know what sort of beast he'd bring out of humans when he blessed them with the mind, soul and body of a dragon. But first, he'd need to regain his own true form before he could do any of that. It would also cut down on explanations - and property damage, but he didn't care as much about that, and neither would Alex, once he was through!

There had been a good many times where he was tempted to bring the pendant back to his house, to change there and then, but he still needed to keep his human dwelling, at least for now. Eventually, he'd no longer have any need for it, and the thought of it only served to turn him on even more. At least for now, the only damage he'd be causing was to his own clothes. He picked the pendant up from the pedestal, looking at it one more time before slipping it around his neck.

As he brought it down and it settled, he smiled wickedly from the warm feeling of the metal against him. Anyone else, and this would be incredibly fatal, but he, and he alone, could withstand it. It wasn't long before he felt his cock go rock hard in his pants, body starting to pulse and tremble with anticipation as the powerful magics within started to flow into his body, sparking the change from weak human to the godly dragon. The skin around his chest began to harden into beastly black and red scales as his pecs began to swell with power humans could only dream of.


He huffed, bringing his hand to his chest - he could feel the scales and scutes against the fabric of his shirt, he could feel just how strong and solid they felt against the flimsy fabric of his garments, and he knew just how empowering it would be to eventually burst through them.

As he continued to let the energies wash over him, with every breath his chest would expand, his spine lengthening as he willingly got down on all fours, the act feeling a bit awkward at first, but the change would put him down there eventually. His muscles continued to harden with draconic strength as the scutes and scales spread like a welcome flame, burning away his humanity. His ribcage barreled outwards as his spine stretched, far beyond the relatively normal human he had to dwell as. "Yyyyyeeeeessss...! Mmmorrreeee...!" He hissed as he felt his hips starting to rearrange themselves to support a more quadrupedal state, the changing dragon at least fifty feet in size at this point.

He grinned - the sudden change in size was always drastic. Sometimes he'd grow slowly, sometimes he'd become giant in a matter of seconds. Despite this, his clothes grew with him in most cases, that or simply be discarded as he grew, and for now, they were sticking tight to him, obscuring his reforming body and bulging erection.

He continued to grow larger still, his shoulders soon snapping into a similar state, letting him relax a bit more as his fingers splayed out on the cool cave floor. Peter smirked as he felt the clothing he was on starting to tear as his ass swelled with powerful muscle, his balls swelling larger inside a now scaly sack. "Ffuuucccckkkkkk...! Hrrhhhh... so good..." He huffed as he felt himself cum out his human seed, the orbs already churning with powerful dragon cum as his cock rapidly began to gain in size and girth as it turned a dark red. The shaft also gained draconic ridges on the underside of it becoming to a point. As a knot puffed out at the base, he felt it splitting into two equally impressive, virile shafts.

"GrrrararaAAARARRHHHHHHHHHHH!!" His jaws opened impossibly wide as he sat back on what would soon be his hind legs, his still-human hands twitching, reaching for his dual cocks. He admired the size of his spears, licking his lips at the thought of putting them to use, hands wrapping around them, starting to stroke up and down.

Draconic pre flowed like a river from the two spears as his changes continued, now having nearly doubled in size from before, his human garb tearing more and more as his spine stretched out into a trio of long, powerful tails, rapidly growing to full length, tipped with a flame, an axe-like blade and a mace head all lashing about behind him. "RRrrrhhhhhhh! Why have I kept this to myself for so long...?" He mused as he could feel his hind legs likewise packing on monstrously strong muscles under thick scales that no human weapon could ever hope to pierce.Some toes on his feet merged together as his heels stretched into proud draconic hind feet, nails splitting apart to reveal cruelly curved claws that would easily sink into the rock.

It had been quite some time since he had been with a partner, going back to long before the pendant was rediscovered. He was rarely seen without a dragoness by his side, always well-equipped and beautiful, as if gifted by the draconic god. He knew that he'd seek out some more female company before too long, a growling moan rumbling in his throat as he stroked himself further, talons clicking against the ground.

A quartet of bulges appeared on his back, his wings starting to take form, but Peter wasn't paying them much mind as he felt the shirt and pants he'd had on finally give way in time for his arms - now forelegs - bulged with the steel-hard muscles he prided himself on, a few spikes jutting out of his elbows whilst his fingers grew longer and thicker, though his hands retained their thumbs and dexterity. "Yesss... sooooo much clooooosssserrrhhhhh!" He huffed as he kept pumping, enjoying the slick feeling against the scales on his palms.

He growled and panted, the rough, pad-like growths adorning his changing paws only fueling his pleasure even further, steam slowly rising from his mouth and nose. He wanted to get in closer towards his shaft, but his still-human head and neck were holding him back, causing him to hiss in annoyance.

As if responding to his annoyance, his neck began to stretch and widen as the scales enveloped it, a sail of sorts running down the back of it as his hair began to grow long, wild and red, horns stretching out from the rear of his skull, eliciting a pleased hiss from the titanic dragon. He was easily 400 feet now, and his size was slowing down. As he craned his neck down, his face pushed out into a handsome, and powerful, draconic muzzle as he closed his eyes. Peter the human was checking out, Wyraach was checking in.

"Almosssst..." He rumbled, feeling his orgasm building closer and closer. His longer neck and maw granted him the extra reach to latch onto one of his leaking members, his tongue wrapping around it, guiding it into his jaws. His fangs ran along it, sending shudders of pleasure along his spine.

His tongue lengthened and came to a fork as he sucked himself off, eyes pulling into draconic slits as they changed colour as well. He had fully emerged and was lost in his own self-pleasures, feeling his cocks pulse and throb with need and desire, fell magics building up from within. He was a powerful dragon and he was tired of being the only one tending to his needs. His four wings opened up, quickly growing to full length and wingspan.

"Close... sooo... clooooossssseee..." Steam billowed from his nostrils, his eyes gleaming with cunning and lust. This night, he'd start to rebuild his kin, beginning with the friends closest to him, a thought that helped push him over the edge, his cocks throbbing within his hand and snout.

"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He bellowed as he finally could hold back no longer, his twin spears quaking in his grasp as the massive dragon came hard, guzzling down his seed as the other spear splattered its rich, potent load over his hand and underbelly, lasting for a few minutes at least before the massive dragon was satisfied that his rebirth had been completed.

"Mmmrrrraarrrhhhh...!" He huffed and panted, pulling away from his cock, allowing a plume of flame to escape his scaly maw. He lowered himself back down to all fours, talons clicking against the stone surface, a smirk crossing his lips. "I almost hate it when the transsssformation ends..." He chuckled.

"Ah well... that jusst means I'll have to change some others~" He smirked as he shook himself off and began treading back towards the entrance of the cave, the pendant clanking against his scales. He knew exactly who to start with, and from there, they could split up, change more into dragons. Cause havoc on an untold scale if they wanted. Nobody would stop them.

He stepped up to the caven's opening, his wings spreading wide, flapping gently as he prepared to take flight. "Rest assured, you won't have to wait too long, my friendsss~" His tongue flickered through his lips, the great beast looking up at the moon, then back towards the city. "And I know just who to sssstart with!" He cackled, letting loose a low roar as he kicked away from the ground, taking flight.

Some distance away, Alex was lounging in his bed, having taken an early night after most of his friends were either offline for the day or having signed out. Peter had been the first to go, and had been enigmatic about his reasons as he often was. But Alex trusted his friend and didn't think much of it - he was unaware of his friend being a draconic god. But that wasn't going to be the case much longer.

"Let's see, where are you.." His eyes scanned the area as he glided above the town under cover of moonlight. Despite the darkness, he could see things as if it were still light out, his gaze soon zeroing in on Alex's abode, the mighty beast flying down lower towards it.

It hadn't taken Wyraach long to locate Alex's house, his scent obvious even from a distance, and while his arrival had not gone unnoticed as he landed, he wasn't paying the human onlookers much mind. It wasn't as though they could do anything to him. Alex himself had heard the landing and his jaw hung open - both from the fact that there was a real, live dragon there, but that it was heading for his house.

"Mmmm..." Wyraach stretched himself, wings folding neatly against his back. He turned towards Alex's house, leaning in closer to peer through his bedroom window, staring directly at the human. "Hello there, friend~"

"H-how do you..." In that moment, Alex realised that he recognized the dragon's voice, as deep and intimidating as it was. He swallowed hard upon realising that he knew who this was. "Peter?"

"It's hard to keep anything passsst you, although I am surprised it took you thissss long to figure it out!" He said with a teasing chuckle. "I do hope that I didn't disturb you, I know how cranky you can get when you don't sssssleep!"

"Er... well, I can make time for you. Though... I think you left out the fact where you're actually a dragon!" The stunned tone in his voice quickly gave way to awe - both he and Peter liked dragons and did quite a lot related to them, but this was on a whole other level. "Wyraach, right? That's what I should call you like this?"

"I had to keep some secretssss until I was ready to spill them, didn't I?" He said proudly. "And yes, that is the preferred name... you know, let's make it easier to talk." He casually lifted the roof off from Alex's house, placing it neatly aside for the time being.

"Yeah... something tells me you weren't going to be squeezing through the front door. But either I'm dreaming and this is the most badass dream imaginable, or you're here for more than just a social call!" A shaky grin made its way onto his face as he gazed into Wyraach's eyes, thankful that he could see that the titanic dragon viewed him as a friend. He was well aware, at least in fictional terms, how the dragon felt about humans.

"Well I could pinch you, but I'd risk ripping your arm off in the processsss!" He chuckled in a dark tone. "I'm here to give you an offer that I don't think you'll be refusing, so why not take a guessss what it is?"

"There's only one kinda offer you'd be here for. And if you want to ask me if I want to be a dragon, the answer is yes please and thank you!" He grinned, trying to chuckle back, but easily aware that Wyraach could easily take his arm off and worse if he tried to be a smartass about his visit. Plus, he didn't want to beat around the bush if he was right.

"Right in one!" Wyraach said. "Should we do thisss away from your house so you've got somewhere to come back to if you ever feel the need to don your human guisssse,, or would you rather we do it here and now?"

"Might be worth keeping this intact juuuust in case." He looked around, not too concerned about seeing people witness Wyraach fly off with him. It'd be hard for them to know he had gone with the titanic beast willingly. And he did like his house - plus a dragon needed to have more than one lair, right?

"Good call." Wyraach nodded, carefully picking him up in his claws before putting the roof back onto his house, taking off with Alex in tow. He was tempted to fly him back to his lair, but there'd be time for that later, there was a quiet enough spot just outside of town that'd be perfect for his conversion.

Flying in the claws of an enormous dragon was a thrill that Alex wasn't sure he'd ever forget - it would likely be the last time since once Wyraach was done with him, he could fly on his own quite easily. It wouldn't be long before they arrived at the destination that his draconic friend had been thinking of.

"How'd you find this place?"

"You'd be surprised what you can find when you're flying several hundred feet in the air!" Wyraach chuckled.

"Just never expected to find ruins like this out here..." He chuckled, looking at the structures - they looked entirely too large to have been built by, or for, humans, given their apparent age. And the more he tried to focus on the finer details, the more his eyes swam. A protective enchantment so humans wouldn't notice?

"They'll make sense to you soon enough, Alex." Wyraach growled softly, walking around the human. "I would try to take a break from trying to give yoursssself a migraine, though!" He laughed. "I'd rather not have you fully disorientated before you transsssform!"

"Right, right... so, uh, how are you going to change me? Magic or something?" He chuckled, since even though he hadn't seen what the dragon was packing, he knew it would be far too large for him - at least for the time being. He assumed that he'd be at least around Wyraach's size once all was said and done.

"Magic would be the best way to do so, at least for starters. I'll throw in something more fun once you've developed far enough!" He grinned, holding his claws out, dark energy forming around them.

"Sounds good!" Alex had begun to smile and give a thumbs-up when he saw the dark energy flowing around the massive draconic hands, the blackish-purple-red energy pulsing with the malevolent energies that Wyraach wielded as easily as he breathed. He could do some good things with his powers - he just usually preferred not to.

"Now then, thisss may feel weird at first..." the energy converged into a large sphere in his palm. "But once you get past the initial feeling, I'm ssssure you'll grow to love it!" He grinned, throwing the orb at Alex, the energy crashing into his body.

"I'm sure I - hhrraahhhhhhhhh!" He all but hissed as the sphere collided with his body, though he remained standing despite what looked to be a powerful blow. But the effects did not go unnoticed as he doubled over as immense power began to well up from deep within his body, a powerful lust washing over him as well.

"Well you're still standing, that's got to be a good sign!" He laughed, seeing Alex's muscles tense and swell, his clothing starting to feel tighter against him. The front of his pants tented more or less instantly, showing off a more-than-noticeable bulge. "I'll leave it up to you if you wissssh to undress yourself before you go any further!"

"Mhhhrrrhhhh... n-nah... I'll be fine... gotta get the full experience...!" Alex huffed, the tightness not altogether unpleasant, and he was confident that he'd destroy his clothing long before anything important got harmed by having circulation cut off. Dragons weren't that easy to harm, after all.

Wyraach simply smirked, Alex's body growing steadily bigger. His skin hardened into powerful, armoured scales, dark blue in coloration, spreading like wildfire along his arms and shoulders. His hands twitched, the fingers elongating and thickening, sharp, curving claws breaking free from his fingertips, the palms of his hands gaining rough pads.

Alex cackled at the appearance of his hands, the spread of the scales feeling more than just good to the changing man. The draconic energies infusing his very being made him look upon them with more than a small amount of pride. "Ffffuck... those look LETHAL!"

"I'm ssssure you'll get the chance to try them out on something very soon as well~" Wyraach growled, spikes jutting out from Alex's elbows and shoulders, a vibrant shade of crimson red to stand out against the blue scales. The same hues were soon visible on his chest, the developing scutes flooding with reddish tones, the growing armour putting further strain on his clothing, especially now as his muscles developed underneath them, growing larger, stronger.

"Heheheh... I sure hope so!" The soon to be dragon's laugh sounded a lot darker than Wyraach would have originally associated with a human, but he just knew that meant that his friend was truly taking to his changes. The spikes were shredding his clothing, but he merely smirked. "Was... ffffuckkkk... it like this your first time?"

"Oh, it wasssssn't too far off!" He stepped closer, Alex currently just around a quarter of the draconic deity's size, but the gap would close the more he changed. His chest barrelled forwards with each breath, ribcage expanding wider, making his body slightly more top-heavy, causing Alex to stumble forwards, the scales moving downwards, a bump appearing at the base of his spine.

Alex caught himself with his hands, keeping himself on his hands and knees as his changes progressed. He looked at Wyraach with a smile that helped his friendship with the dragon shine through. Humans or dragons, they were good friends. And soon to be a bit closer, he imagined. He took in powerful breaths and relished in the feeling of utter strength that was flowing through him. "Damn... becoming a dragon fucking rocks!"

"No need to tell me!" He laughed, moving in closer still, looking over his friend. The seat of Alex's pants split open, a thick, muscular tail growing out from his spine, lashing against the ground as it did so, tipped with a venomous stinger. His body filled out with more muscle, his thighs rippling as the pressure in his groin built up further, his dick pulsing.

"Never thought having a tail would feel this good... can't wait to see what this baby can do! Hnnnhhhffff... especially once I change a little more..." He snickered as he flicked his tail about, trying to avoid doing anything that might hit Wyraach. Not that his friend couldn't handle it, but he wanted to avoid causing any problems during his first transformation. The throbbing of his dick was more than a little distracting, and the lust roiling through him was growing more and more intense.

"This next part might just drive you wild~" The dragon teased, watching expectantly as Alex's pants split open fully, revealing his aching shaft, his human seed spurting out of it. Once it was emptied, his dick stretched longer, broader, the head reshaping itself into a barbed point, thick ridges growing in along the underside, the base swelling out into a fleshy knot. A slit formed around his maleness, his balls plumping up to what would be the size of melons if he were still human-sized, his nuts hanging freely between his legs. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, it split down the middle, a pitch-black colour spreading along them as it happened.

"GRRRAAAHHHHHHH~!" He hissed as his cocks spurted out the last of his human seed, looking greedily at them as they gained their draconic improvements. The knot looked so damned sensitive, he could hardly wait to try it out on someone. They were so thick and pleasing in their colouring, the proper equipment that a dragon to have. He also wanted to have Wyraach's in him. Smirking, he looked at his friend. "You know what they say about two heads and all~!"

"All too well!" Wyraach circled around him, standing behind Alex. He was waiting patiently for his friend to grow just a little bit bigger, his feet stretching and popping, bursting through his socks. The toes merged together into three digits, a fourth sprouting from his elongating heels, all of them now sporting deadly talons.

By now, Alex was resting on all fours quite comfortably as he flexed his draconic toes, feeling them sink deep into the earth, though his attention was more on his needy, leaking cocks, potent pre leaking into the soil beneath them both. He was definitely getting closer to Wyraach's size, and his still-human face was flush with eager want and desire.

"Hrrhh... you look damned sexy..."

"You're not looking too bad yourself... well, minus some of the still-human parts, anyway." He was already getting himself into position atop of Alex, a sudden growth spurt having him reach over half Wyraach's size, big enough now for the dragon to work with, sliding one of his dicks hard into Alex's scaly rump. The changing man arched his back, letting loose a snarling moan as a pair of great, leathery wings broke free, spreading wide.

"Well, I'm sure you'll fix those ugly things shortly!" He snickered as he hissed in pleasure upon being penetrated, his cocks firing out a large spurt of seed from them. His wings felt beyond divine - aids to let him fly, to rule from the air if he wanted. But right then and there, all he wanted was to be ridden. "Ride me like the beast I'm becoming..."

"If that'ssss what you desire, I'm sure I can deliver on that~" He placed his taloned paws atop Alex's shoulders, gripping them harder as his other cock thrust against and between Alex's twin spears, the great beast thrusting hard. Each thrust served to elongate Alex's neck, his hair growing down the length of it, turning a bright red, a series of spikes running up and down the base of his spine.

"Hrrhhhh... don't mind if I test this new flexibility out..." He snickered as he bent his neck down to wrap his mouth around one of his spires. Self-indulgent, perhaps, but if he was truly going to renounce his humanity and live like a dragon, it seemed necessary and quite fun. He began to bob back and forth on it, growling loudly in contentment. Being taken and sucking himself off felt exquisitely wonderful.

"Hehe, good, good..." Wyraach giggled, Alex's ears stretching to points, moving to sit underneath a pair of curving horns. His jaws pushed forwards, allowing him even more reach with his current actions, his teeth elongating and sharpening into serrated fangs, tongue growing longer inside of his maw, becoming forked at the tip.

Alex had steadily been growing while Wyraach had been mounting him, the changing man about the same size as the draconic god. He was quick to put his freshly changed tongue to work, teasing his own shaft relentlessly and tasting his own pre with relish. He couldn't see what he looked like, but he knew he looked absolutely amazing and cut an intimidating figure.


"You're almosssst there!" Wyraach teased him further, steam rising from his nostrils, flames flickering from the corners of his snout. His eyes moved towards the sides of his head, the irises flooding with crimson red, the pupils pulling into thin slits, signalling the end of his transformation. Wyraach's thrusting grew faster, more intense, wanting to push the newly formed dragon over the edge.

And over the edge he went, his body quaking in pleasure until he could hold back no longer, letting out a loud, if slightly muffled, roar as he came hard, guzzling down his own seed while the other cock fired it out with great force, his body, mind and soul totally draconic now.


Wyraach's roar soon joined Alex's, a pillar of flame erupting from his scaly maw as he came with the force of a volcano, pumping thick amounts of seed into Alex's rump, the other dick cumming all over the ground beneath them.

Once his orgasm had fully finished, Alex slowly removed his maw from around his spire, licking his lips as he looked Wyraach in the eyes with a grin. "Ahhh... that wasss absssolutely deliciousss..." The hiss made him grin even wider as he felt part of his body with one of his forelegs with a satisfied hiss. "Much better now..."

"Tell me, how do you feel now, Alex?" Wyraach asked, although the name bothered him, no longer being a human. Sure, he'd be able to use it still as a name for his human guise, but elsewise, he'd need something that better suited him.

"Oh, I feel abssssolutely ssssexy and powerful... but while I'm in my true form, do call me Kisinth. Much more befitting of a dragon, wouldn't you sssay?" He blew some smoke from his nostrils and folded his wings behind him, the massive body he now possessed feeling as natural as if he'd been born a dragon. He could feel the power flowing through every cell of his body.

"Ssssounds like a deal, Kisinth." Wyraach chuckled, taking a look over his friend. "I wonder what it is you'd like to do now, I'm ssssure that you want to test out your new form and abilitiessss, am I right?"

"Oh, of courssse... though I'm alsssso quite tempted to jussst add some more to our numbersss..." Getting to test out his new body in a more intimate fashion had clearly caught his fancy, as did testing out how tough he was. After all, who could really stop them? The night was still young, and the dragons had a lot to do and to catch up on.

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