Yoshi Tails: Pixels My Ass!

Story by Teller of tails on SoFurry

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#1 of Yoshi Tails

I have always loved Yoshi, but I could never find a good pic or story about yoshis on SF, so i decided to make my own, and i love the way it turned out. Yoshis... They are not anthro, they are non-anthro. They are not muscle bound, they are soft and squishy. (You can tell by the way they flatten when they ground pound. =P) And they are not male or female, they are herms. How else can Yoshi be called a "He" yet lay eggs. I rest my case and hope you enjoy the awesome adroableness of Yoshi Tails.

Your Bard, The Teller of Tail


The Green reptile stood on the field of battle. A platform that floated in the middle of what seemed like space. It grey surface had marks of the past battles fought embedded in it, but it wasn't about where the lone reptile was, it was who it was facing. On the other side of the field stood what looked to be a giant blue penguin in a red bath robe, with a hammer, and a wolf man of some sort, wielding space age technology.

The reptile stared at the two as the countdown started. [3... 2... 1... FIGHT!] And with that the wolf and penguin charged. The wolf reached the lizard first swinging his leg in a sweeping kick, but the lizard expected this and rolled past him, dodging the blow and almost running into the other foe. The lizard kicked at him rapidly, then jumped in the air only to be hit by the wolf who was surrounded by fire like a comet.

The reptile was thrown back, but recovered in the air, landing on safely. The wolf charged again, the penguin still lumbering behind slowly, and rocketed towards the lizard with the same fiery aura, only to be grabbed by the lizard's tongue, and swallowed whole, then immediately shot out within a green spotted egg. The Yoshi now focused on the penguin, head butting him into the air, then jumping after him and kicking him hard on the head sending him flying back to the ground.

The yoshi then flipped and rocketed towards the ground, hitting it with great force and stars at its side right onto the penguin sending him flying again. The yoshi quickly laid a egg and threw it at the penguin, hitting him as he struggled to regain control of his fall as the wolf broke out of the egg and ran towards them both. Then surrounding himself in a egg, the yoshi rolled to just underneath King Dedede and power-smashed him out of the ring like team rocket would in Pokemon. Wolf caught up and rocketed into the yoshi, knocking him off the edge of the stage

The yoshi span around and double-jumped kicking wildly as it floated back to the stage and ground-pounded and hit Wolf into the air where he recovered and pulled out a blaster and shot a few blast at the yoshi only for it to hide up in its egg. The yoshi then used Egg Roll towards Wolf, missing him by a hair as he jumped into the air. Yoshi broke out, laying another egg simultaneously, and throwing it at the air-bound Wolf.

Wolf brought up a reflector shield, blocking the attack and landing back safely on the ground. The yoshi knew it needed to end this, and its big break just came as a glowing sphere started floating above the platform. Wolf Rocketed up to it, hitting it on the way, then threw a few quick kicks and jabs, but the power-ball broke as a egg from below came by surprise.

The yoshi's eyes flamed, and its body glowed as white bird wings formed on its back. It took to the skys, shooting fireball after fireball at the wolf, hitting each time until he too few off into the night sky in a flash of light the cheer of a crowd.

Nomi cheered as she won another two against one online match. "That's Three In A Row!" she yelled as she danced about the room in a stupid manner. She bounced around her apartment happily, heading to her kitchen to get a drink. She pulled out a drinking glass that had yoshi on it, off of the self a poured a glass of melon juice. She headed back towards her yoshi beanbag, passing the selves that were filled with yoshi figures and memorabilia.

Some of her friends thought she was obsessed with yoshi to an unhealthy degree, but the truth was that she just loved Yoshi, and because of that, one friend got her a Yoshi T-shirt, then another friend seeing the shirt got her a pushy, and so on and so forth, until she had a large collection of Yoshis. She then started trying to add more to her collection until she had the seventh largest privately owned yoshi collection in the world. That meant there were "at least" six people more in love with yoshi than Nomi was.

Nomi herself was five foot two, and he had short, black hair with streaks of purple in her, and wore a green T-shirt that had Princess Peach and Yoshi pointing fingers at each other and looking guilty, with the words [Yo-shi, did it!] above, and a pair of sneakers that had Yoshi on them as well as basic blue jeans and a Yoshi watch. It was pretty safe to say she was a fan of Yoshi just by looking at her.

Today Nomi was off work and was just hanging at home playing some games with, You guessed it! Yoshi in them, on her wii, and she was just about to sit down again when a knock came at her door. She sighed, putting down her juice and opened the door, finding no one there, but a package left on the step. Nomi blink when she saw it. It was rather large. Its width and length was roughly five feet and it was two feet tall. She brought it inside and looked at who it was from, but it had no return address. In fact, it was only addressed to [Nomi] and not even her address!

It had to have been hand delivered, but from who? Its true that most of Nomi's Yoshi stuff was given to her over the years by friends, but this year one of her friends accused her of sleeping with her boyfriend, leading to a chain reaction that left Nomi friendless. So this couldn't be one of her friends, so who gave her it?

There was only one way to find out. She grabbed a pair of, yes, Yoshi scissors, and cut through the tape. She opened the box and gasped, holding her hands to her mouth. Inside the box was a full, life-sized replica of a warp pipe. The green pipe was made out of green plastic, but looked perfect. She was amazed by the detail. There was even something inside it to make a optical illusion to make it seem like it went somewhere. She jumped up with the pipe, knowing just where to put it. Nomi placed it right between two shelves full of Yoshi stuff. It looked so real. Nomi just didn't know who would have given her such a wonderful gift. It had to be someone that knew her. How else would they know that she liked stuff from the Mushroom Kingdom?

Nomi stared into the fake depths of the plastic pipe. She just could not resist. What Yoshi fan could? She kneeled down and stuck her head into the pipe, pretending it was the real thing, yet to her surprise, she found that some sort of suction was pulling her down into it more. She tried to stay out, but the pull was to strong, and she fell into the pipe...

For a few moments, Nomi screaming as she fell through the darkness of the pipe, but soon there was a blur of colors, and she hit the ground with a light thud. "Oof!" She said, and she sat up with her eyes still closed, rubbing her head. "What just happened?" she thought to herself before her hand hit a twig that had somehow gotten stuck in her hair. Nomi stopped. "A twig? There can't be a twig in my apartment. That means... No... It cant be..."

Nomi opened her eyes slowly, started to see more and more of the lush jungle that surrounded her. Vines hung from the trees, some of which had banana growing from them. The sounds of animals filled the jungle and little Nomi sat there, dumbstruck by where she was. She had to find a way to confirm her suspicions, so she looked around her, finding no sign of where she came from, until she looked up. There, above her was a warp pipe, upside down on a floating line yellow blocks.

She couldn't believe it, but she was right! "No... way... I'm... I'm in the Mushroom Kingdom!" she looked around, realizing that she knew she had seen this all before, but for some reason, couldn't put her finger on where she was, but how would she get back? She looked up at the pipe, realizing there wasn't any way for her to reach it. So she smiled knowing that she would have to explore a little to find a way up. To Nomi, this was not that bad a prospect. Exploring a land that you could only see on a screen before is not bad at all...

Nomi made note of where she was, and what it looked like so that she could find it later, then headed south. The brush was thick, and she wasn't really wearing jungle hiking gear, but Nomi didn't care. She was walking through "The" Mushroom Kingdom! This was where Yoshi came from! Although... She still didn't know where in the kingdom she was. All she knew was that she was in one of its many jungles.

Nomi stopped suddenly as she almost walked into a pipe, but Nomi knew this wasn't a normal warp pipe, and her guess was confirmed when a large plant, resembling a giant man-eating fly trap popped out of it. The piranha plant snapped at Nomi who was just out of reach. She then carefully walked around it and continued on, only stopping when she reached a dirt path. Nomi looked down both ways, trying to figure out where to go.

There was no signs or anything to tell her where the path went, and she couldn't afford to get lost. Nomi sighed as she started to head back, but a noise caught her ear... Foot steps... Nomi turned back around to see a real shy guy running down the road at a full sprint. She tried to say hi, but he just ignored her and kept running. "What could he have been running from?" she thought as she watched him disappeared. That and, "I cant believe I just saw a REAL Shy Guy!"

*Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud* Nomi looked back and gasped as she found the reason. A huge chain chomp was crashing down the road towards her! She did what any sane person would do when a giant black metal ball with teeth was charging at you... She took of running!

Nomi was always a good runner, but the chain chomp was gaining on her. *Chomp Chomp!* It barked as it pounded towards her, slowly getting closer. Nomi tried to pick up the pace, but she couldn't seem to go any faster. The extra effort just caused her to trip, hitting the ground and scraping up her knee. She turned to see the giant ball bounce towards her. "This is it... Im going to die... I... I just wish I could have met Yoshi..."

Nomi closed her eyes as she felt her body thrown into the air, but she didn't hit the ground, or get eaten by the chomp. She landed on some sort of... saddle...

Nomi opened her eyes, and trembled with emotion at what she saw. She felt relief that she wasn't dead. Fear that she still could end up that way, surprise from the amazing occurrence, and utter joy and excitement at her rescuer. She was on the back of a yoshi...

The geen Yoshi bolted, staying just faster than the chomp. It didn't know where this human came from, but humans normally were friends. The Yoshi had heard legends of the great Mario and how he had helped the yoshis more than once, so he couldn't let this human be crushed. The Yoshi bounded down the path and great speed, the chomp still close on its tail. It had to do something...

It looked down the path and found a melon on the side of the road. The yoshi's tongue shot out of its mouth, grabbing hold of the fruit as it past, swallowing it whole. The yoshi jumped with a "Hup!", and in one swift motion laid a spotted egg, spun around towards the chomp and threw it strait at it and landing back on the ground without losing speed, all to the amazement of its rider.

The egg shattered on the chomp with no effect besides making it angrier. The yoshi looked again for a way to lose the chomp, and got an idea. It turned into the brush, the trees and bushes not slowing the chomp in the slightest, but that wasn't the plan. The jungle suddenly ended at a cliff with a single yellow slide as a way down.

The yoshi bucked, sending the girl into the air so it could grab her with its arms as it curled up and a shell formed around the two. The egg hit the slide and rolled down it at a increasing speed as it twisted and turned. When it hit the ground, the egg broke and the yoshi sped off again, digging his orange shoes into the dirt for traction and throwing the girl onto its back again, still dizzy from the spinning. It looked back for a second, only to see the chomp skip the slide entirely and just land on the ground in a tremendous thud.

Making a sound that sounded like a growl, he kept running. The yoshi had one more trick in its sleeve, but it was risky. It ran off the left, towards a cliff and didn't stop. The chasm was roughly forty feet across, with a stream far below and was quickly approaching. Nomi leaned next to the yoshi's head, still slightly disoriented. "Uh... Yoshi? There is a cliff up ahead..."

The yoshi didn't slow down. "If you keep going we are going to die!" The yoshi made another "Hup" noise, but otherwise made no response. The cliff neared, with the chain comp still behind, leaving Nomi with nothing to do but hold on tight as the yoshi jumped of the edge. The yoshi kicked wildly in the air as Nomi screaming with her eyes closed. The chain chomp stopped just short of the cliff, and watched the two as the somehow landed on the other side.

The yoshi stopped and looked back towards the chain chomp to make sure he didn't attempt to follow. The comp just barked, irritated that it had lost its snack, then turned and stormed away.

Nomi finally opened her eyes, to find that they had made it. Once again this yoshi had saved her from what seemed to be the end. Yet, on the inside she was also beating herself up for not remembering about the yoshi flutter kick.

The yoshi sighed and laid down on the ground to allow the girl to get off. It took a second for Nomi to understand what the yoshi wanted her to do, but then got it, and slowly stepped off. She finally could get a look at it in full for the first time as it stood up.

It was a green yoshi, similar to the one in the games she played, but she doubted it was Mario's yoshi. The green yoshis almost all look the same so it was hard to tell. Still, it was amazing at how big it was in person. It was about six feet tall at the top of its head, and just as adorable as she always knew it would be.

"Thank you... For saving me yoshi... "She said, causing the yoshi to smile and nod in return as it said "Yoshi!" in its cute voice. "You know... I have always wanted to meet a yoshi. I'm sort of a fan. Look, I'm even wearing you on my shirt!" Nomi pointed at the shirt, and the yoshi examined it. It was indeed on the shirt. The yoshi laughed. It was a pleasant sound to hear too.

"So... " Nomi was thinking. She couldn't leave yet. One, she was way away from where she started and doubted she could even find her way back, and two, she just met a yoshi! It was a dream come true! "Do you think... I could come with you?" She asked nervously. The yoshi looked Nomi up and down, and then smiled. "Yoshiiiii!" "Is that a yes?" Yoshi nodded and said "Pum".

Nomi shook with excitement, and jumped up and hugged the yoshi. It was surprised by the hug, but enjoyed it. It hadn't seen anyone in months, and it would be nice to have this girl around for a while. "So... uh... do you live around here?" It tilted its head at her, then sat down, swinging its head in a way that told her that it wanted her to hop on. "You want to take me there?" "Yoshi!" it said as it nodded. Nomi smiled and got back onto its saddle. The yoshi stood up and started running into the jungle again, though not as fast as it was going earlier.

Several minutes went with nothing but the sounds of the jungle, and the rustling of the leaves as the yoshi ran, before Nomi spoke. "My name is Nomi by the way. What's yours?" "Yoshi!" it replied, causing Nomi to giggle. "Well that should have been obvious, but do you have any other name?" The yoshi shook its head. "Well then Yoshi it is." Nomi then realized something. She now recognized the area. "We are on Yoshi Island aren't we?" Yoshi nodded and said "Hup!" Nomi trembled with excitement again and couldn't help but hug Yoshi again.

It wasn't long before Nomi started to hear the sound of water. She looked around as the sound got louder, but couldn't see where it was from until Yoshi jumped through a veil of vines and they ended up in a clearing. A small pond sat at the center of the clearing, fed by a small stream that came from the north west. It had to have been what she heard, but that wasn't all of it.

The whole clearing had eggshells scattered around, and fruit was growing everywhere. Berries, melons, apples, even bananas, and right next to the pond was a little straw hut. "This is where you live?" "Hup." "Its beautiful!" Yoshi smiled and headed down towards his hut, only stopping to let Nomi off when they reached it. She got off, her eyes constantly moving around at the wonders of her new friends home. "I can see why you live here." she giggled as she got off of Yoshi. Yoshi stood up and beckoned with his short arms to follow.

She walked behind Yoshi, as it lead her to a little hammock between to trees right next to the water. Yoshi motioned her to sit on the hammock and it excitedly hopped up and grabbed two melons with its tongue, giving one to Nomi. Nomi thanked Yoshi for the fruit and broke it open, as Yoshi ate its own in little bites.

She broke the melon in half and took a bite. It tasted like a cross between a cantaloupe and a honeydew, but it was sweeter. "Mmmmmmm... No wonder yoshis love these things!" she thought as she ate the fruit. She couldn't see how this could get much better. She met a yoshi friend, and is in the most beautiful place she had ever seen, eating a fruit that didn't even exist in her world. She was so happy right now, she didn't think she ever wanted to leave.

Nomi smiled and leaned back to relaxed, forgetting she was on a hammock. It flipped, sending her sprawling into a mud puddle. Yoshi rushed to her aid, but she wasn't hurt. Her clothes on the other hand, were a mess. Nomi stood and moaned, "Great... Now I need a bath!" Yoshi looked her over, making sure that she wasn't hurt at all. "I'm ok Yoshi. Don't worry. The only harm is all of my clothes are dirty except for my shoes." She looked around, trying to think of a way to clean up. The water was near crystal-clear so Nomi knew it could not be too dirty. It could work. "Yoshi? Could I possibly clean up in your pond?" She asked. Yoshi thought for a second then nodded. "Are you sure?" "Yoshi" it said as it nodded again. "Ok then."

Nomi started to get undressed, when she realized... She hadn't wore underwear today. She didn't know she was going to be pulled into a magical land where she would get to meet her favorite character in the world. She just thought she would play games all day, alone.

She didn't seem to have much of a choice though. She couldn't walk around in mud coated clothes, so she took a deep breath and pulled off her shirt, blushing as she started to pull off her shoes and pants as well. Yoshi seeing her naked, turned around and blushed as well. It had never seen a human naked before, but it didn't want to make its new friend upset by watching. When Nomi got all of her clothes off, she set the shoes and socks by the hammock, and brought the rest with her as she waded into the pond.

Nomi expected the water to be warm, but it was fairly cool, so she had to pause for a second before continuing into the water. She then started cleaning her pants and shirt, getting all of the dirt out. She then realized that she couldn't just throw them onto shore, or they would get dirty again, but she also couldn't hold them while she cleaned herself, or let them sink to the bottom of the pond. "Um... Yoshi?" Yoshi turned his head back carefully towards her. "Do you think you could put these somewhere to dry?" She said while holding her clothes up.

Yoshi nodded, and caught the shirt and pants when she through them to it. Yoshi looked at the shirt again, spreading it out with its four fingered hand so it could see the picture of itself on the shirt. He then turned slowly, back to her, peaking just for a bit. She may not have been a yoshi, but she was the only person that had been nice to it in years. Yoshi couldn't help but be intrigued by the human now bathing in its pond. She differed from a yoshi in many ways. For one, her head was the wrong shape, and way too small, and she was tan, and not vary colorful except for the steaks of purple in her hair. She had no tail, but she seemed to still, have a strange beauty about her.

Nomi scrubbed herself down as quickly, and well as she could without and soap or anything, paying close attention to her hair, making sure all the dirt was washed out, but she thought she saw Yoshi looking at her. She turned to find him turned way, and talking off his saddle and shoes. She had only seen a yoshi without its shoes and saddle in fan art, never in any games, so it was interesting to see that they were accurate. His feet actually did have only the little toes on them. Nomi smiled and worked on finishing up her bath. There was still so much she wanted to know about yoshis. She didn't want to waste time bathing when she could be talking with her friend.

She slowly got out of the water, then said to Yoshi, "You don't happen to have a towel, do you?" Yoshi turned his head towards her with its eyes closed and shook its head no. With her clothes having to dry, and nothing else to cover up with she knew that she would be naked for a few hours, and there is no way they could talk if Yoshi had to keep turning away and closing its eyes. Nomi blushed, and took a deep breath before saying, "Its ok Yoshi. You don't have to keep turning and closing your eyes. I... I don't mind..."

Yoshi slowly turned, and looked at her and nodded, and saying, "Yoshi..." "So... What now?" Yoshi thought for a bit, trying not to stare at her body as he did so, then pointed at his hut. "Yoshi?" It said, knowing that she might be more comfortable in its home. Yoshi took a few steps out then turned around, gesturing her to come. Nomi nodded and started following, but she tripped a few feet away from Yoshi, on a tree root, and ran into Yoshi, knocking them both to the ground, with her on top of Yoshi.

Both Nomi and Yoshi blushed as her naked body pressed against the yoshi's. Yoshi tried to avoid eye contact, not wanting to lose its new friend because of this awkward situation. Nomi just looked at Yoshi, embarrassed by her clumsiness, but at the same time, she couldn't help but notice how soft its skin was. She expected a yoshi to be scaly, but its skin was soft and smooth.

When Nomi didn't get up, Yoshi chanced a look into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with wonder, not fear of anger, and her eyes were so... so pretty. Nomi's trance was finally broken when she felt something wet rub against her belly. She looked down and to her surprise found that the tip of Yoshi's penis was sticking out of his groin. "Could... Could Yoshi be in love with me?" She thought as her hand started to move down towards the member, but then stopped.

Nomi looked into Yoshi's eyes and asked him while blushing, "Do... Do you think I could... take a look? I'm... uh... a little curious..." Yoshi was shocked. She wanted to take a closer look at its parts? Could she be feeling the same thing it was? Yoshi slowly nodded, giving Nomi permission. She nodded, in return, and slid down Yoshi, running her hands down his soft belly and down to its crotch. There was only one slit, similar to a real lizard, and Yoshi's penis was poking slightly out of it. She put her fingers at the lips of the slit and pulled it open. To Nomi's amazement again, Yoshi, didn't just have a member. Just under it was a vagina. Yoshi was a hermaphrodite!

It made so much sense now that she thought of it. Mario's Yoshi was always called a "He," yet "He" could lay eggs. She was shocked that she hadn't figured that out before. "So... Your not a boy or a girl are you? You're both?" Yoshi blushed more, and nodded shyly. "That's amazing!" She laughed, to Yoshi's surprise.

Nomi, slid back up onto Yoshi's belly and hugged "hir," then they looked into each others eyes. Their heads drew closer to each other, until Nomi had to turn her head sideways to get any closer because of Yoshi's nose. Then, they kissed.

The kiss was better than any boy Nomi had ever kissed. Yoshi's tongue was so long and flexible, it could go anywhere, and do anything inside her mouth. Nomi slid and hand down Yoshi's body again, then pressed her fingers into Yoshi's sex by mistake, causing yoshi to moan, then she pulled her fingers back out, now wet with Yoshi's juices. She grabbed hold of Yoshi's half-erect member, coating it in hir own juices. Yoshi bucked hir hips into her hands as her attentions caused it to slowly lengthen to its full length of a twelve inches. It was bright pink in color, with a pointed tip. On its side were little ridges that ran around its base.

Nomi broke their kiss and looked into Yoshi's eyes once more. "Yoshi... would you... take me as your mate?" Yoshi smiled and said, "Nomi", then licked her cheek and hugged her with hir short arms. Nomi smiled, and hugged hir back with her free arm, while her left hand guided hir member to her sex's opening.

Yoshi now did the rest. Shi moved hir hips, slowly pressing hir member into hir new mate's tight sex. Nomi shivered at the slow entrance. Yoshi was twice as big as her last boyfriend, and shi was warmer too. Nomi pressed back down, onto the member until shi hit the entrance to her womb. Nomi prepared herself, then pressed down, enduring the pain, as Yoshi's tip entered her womb, and hilted inside her.

The both rolled onto their side, so that Yoshi wasn't laying on hir tail, then shi started to withdraw hir penis from her body, only to push it back in a moment later. The ridges on Yoshi's member brought them both even more pleasure when they raked across her sex walls as shi pulled out again, to penetrate her again.

She was so tight. Her sex wasn't made to hold a penis the size as a Yoshi's, but she somehow did. It stretched her with each thrust shi made. Yoshi started to thrust faster, drawing moans from Nomi as the ridges started to flair out. They grew with each pleasurable thrust, stretching Nomi even more. The pain caused her to scream and hold onto her mate tighter, but not stopping her own movements. The pain only added to the pleasure her pleasure, so she kissed Yoshi again so that shi wouldn't stop. Understanding, shi continued. Thrusting faster, and faster, until the ridges ballooned out so much that shi could not pull out again.

They both pressed did as much as they could with their restricted movement as their peaks hit. Yoshi shivered and let out a "Wah!" sound as shi released hir load of yoshi cum directly into her womb. The steaming hot seed that filled her increased the feeling as she came as well. The warmth of her mate's cum, seeming to radiate to the rest of her body.

The two of them laid in the grass in each others embrace...

"Yoshi? This all feels so perfect... Like a dream. But if it is, I don't ever want to wake up." Yoshi stared into her eyes, and in return only said one word... "Nomi..." Nomi smiled and kissed Yoshi on the nose. "The only thing that could make this any better, is if I could have been a yoshi. Sadly, that isn't possible..."

Yoshi, nodded sadly, suddenly then opened hir eyes wide as a memory hit hir. He looked at Nomi and smiled excitedly. "Yoshi?" Nomi said with a confused look on her face. "It is impossible... Isn't it Yoshi?" Yoshi smiled, and said excitedly, "Nomi... Yoshi... Yahoooooo!"

To Be Continued...

The Game: Achievement Unlocked [Knight or Steed?]

Greetings everyone! And a special hello to those out there with cute tails. =D I'm sorry it took so long to get out, but here is the 3rd chapter. Same things apply. If you like it, tell me what you like, and if...

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The Game: *Ding* Level Up!

Ok, i'm making my intro short because i lost it once by hitting the back button, and don't want to retype it, so here it is, Back by popular demand, The Game. Took a while to get the plot up, but if you don't like this one as much, don't...

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The Game: Press Start To Begin

Greetings ones of the Feather Fur and Scale! I know it has been a while since i posted anything, so im hoping to make up with this story. Worked for 6 hours strait on it, and if you like it i will try to continue it. So...

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