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a human and an alien symbiont join forces the ultimate way


He could see the human thinking heavily. Zewek eyed him, waiting. He hated chatting and not even his long period of isolation in this damn cell had been able to change that.

"I know you're living armor ..." the human began.

This was common knowledge about his species and did not attract any particular attention from Zewek. He knew what he was, there was no doubt about it. And he didn't need to hear that from this ...

"... and without a wearer you are incomplete, right? ..." the human finally added.

That interrupted the thoughts Zewek had been following up until that moment. 'Wearer' wasn't the right term for this, but the statement was correct - and far less known. How did the human get to know about this? Zewek remained silent.

"... I don't stand a chance alone and neither do you, it seems."

Zewek cocked his head. His counterpart had finished and the direction was obvious.

"Shut up!" he called back. Too quick, too rash, it sounded dishonest. Damn!

"You know I'm right! ..." the human continued. The cell cluster seemed pretty sure of itself. Too sure. That annoyed Zewek. But what annoyed him even more:

The cell cluster was right.

"Yes," Zewek finally admitted tonelessly.

Just now he realized, that his chance to get out of here was standing right in front of him. He could wrap around this human. Of course he could do that! Then the mortal's brain would complete him and allowed him to do what he was ment for. It would unlock full power. Actually that was surprisingly appealing thought. Tempting. But Zewek was all too clear that this decision would be final. Once he bond to a host, there was no way back - for neither of them.

He subjected his opponent to a secret pre-scan:


Fuck! So no easy excuses. Even worse: A pretty good match after the quick check. Too good.

"Let's join forces!... I would accept to wear you ..."

"Accept? YOU?" burst it out of him like a reflex. What a sacrilege!

Did the human get the irritation? That was even more outrageous. Zewek didn't have a lot of feelings to offer, but one was definitely present.

"uhm... yes, well, I mean if you want it, too. It would be ..."

Zewek tilted his head a little more. He could see how hard it was for the human to say those words. He forced them out of his mouth. Obviously he was embarrassed.

"No, it would not!" he replied and that brought the silence back, but not for long.

"... Hey, ahm... come on, please! You are the most amazing thing I've ever met ..."

The human paused, apparently not sure at all what to say - and how.

"... I think being your wearer must be something special." he finally added.

Indeed, the words did something to Zewek. It wasn't like he could have explained it. After all, this was completely wrong. One did not look for hosts in a hurry. And certainly not when there was no real choice. One didn't take the first idiot to come along. That felt so weired he could have laughed about it. But here, in this shitty dungeon, there was no choice or less than that. Because without full fighting powers he would be stuck here and there was only one way to gain those. How long before they got the human out of here? How long before they too understood what could happen, what was possible right here and right now? And would there be another chance? Suddenly it felt like he was running out of time, of which he had had so much in here. A decision. Now! And then - all of a sudden - it was totally clear to Zewek:

This man was willing to give himself up to him. Either he didn't know what he was getting himself into... or... Zewek stared into the deep blue eyes of his opponent and the human forced himself to stare back. It was a steady look. Unpleasant.

At least he might guess it and obviously it didn't frighten him, Zewek realized. And there was more. The thoughts sparked something in Zewek that he had only heard existed. It was the desire for fusion. Wild and new and untamed. Suddenly he wanted this individuum. This one and no other in the universe! He would be his armor, his protus, his protection. He alone! It could only ever have been him. Funny thing, but it strangely felt more right with every second he thought about it.

"I will remain in control and activate training mode. You have to agree to this," he explained.

"What is training mode?" the human inquired.

"I will be able to influence your behavior and directly support you in combat."

Secretly he was relieved that the human didn't ask about the control thing. His answer was already the most he could say without the coherence module inside his core getting in the way. It corresponded to an already very distorted form of truth. What did the human really know about his species?

"Uhm, guess that's fine. I agree."

The module gave green light. Good! The desire in Zewek shifted up a notch. It was already intoxicating. Did fusion really feel that good? Was that what he had tried to avoid for such a long time? Oh yeah, so fucking good!

"Come here!" Zewek ordered.

"What should I do?" the human asked.

"Just come, turn around!"

"Simple as that?"

"Yes!" Zewek declared harshly. He wanted the fusion. NOW!

The human took a few hesitant steps toward him, then he began to turn his back to Zewek. Yes, that was correct. The clothes wouldn't bother him, he would simply remove them during the process. His sensors picked up a scent of human sweat. Protein compounds that would allow him to locate this person among a billion others. It was the scent of its host. His smell from now on. It was great. Everything was great about this. He would never have to search for his host again.

Zewek deactivated his perimeter fields. He was defenseless now. For a brief moment it occurred to him that all of this could be a trap to attack him the only moment he was vulnerable. But then it was a good trap, well made. Then he really deserved the consequences. He couldn't stop it or didn't want to. It was too late.

But nothing happened.

So he started the process and his exoskeleton became posable. It was ready. Zewek's armored hands cautiously grasped those of his new host. The skin was hot and damp. The pulse raced. Endorphins. Zewek could clearly sense them. Damn it. He grabbed him. His hands closed around the hands of the human, holding tight. The exoskeleton there was already beginning to wrap itself around skin.

The human's heart was racing now, still not meeting even his own default frequency. He began to scream and Zewek could understand that all too well, but his hands to prevent that were busy. The process was probably not particularly pleasant and there was little he could do about that fact. Where his tissue was already connected to skin, he transmitted a small dose of pain killers. That had to be enough for the time being until he had taken over the central nervous system. His host had to stay conscious, everything else was incalculable. Because now it had to go fast. The human had been loud.

"Hold on, it gets better", he whispered in the calmest voice he was able to offer.

The screaming vanished and was replaced by some even stranger moaning. So far so good. Zewek bent his arms and used them to press his host against his just opening chest plate. It devoured the body, sprawled, grew around him. It felt so incredibly good. How could he have ever doubted?

Eventually, he opened his lower jaw, ripped apart its cranial plate, and swallowed its host's head. The skullplate snapped back together, as did the breastplate, the arms, the legs - everything. The armor closed and latched. Then the force fields stood again.


Now they were one. The nanofibers had already begun to seep into its host's mind, and they seemed to be welcome. There was no resistance and that made Zewek even more wild. He was COMPLETE now. This was a start.

He hadn't expected that the concept of luck existed for his species, but now he knew better. First strange thoughts flooded his mind. They were those of the human. He could almost taste the phenethylamine. A new sensation and not the only one. What a surprise, but the human was just made for something like that, no doubt! Connection phase one closed with a shift of not even 3%. A perfect fit!

"I'll get us out of here," he informed his new host silently and added, "I will take over for now. Relax, watch what I'm doing, try to learn... and enjoy the show!"

He would escape. He would bring his host out of here ...

... and he would never let him go again.

The Machine - PART IV

# The Machine ## PART IV: Loosing Ground The noise was deafening as the helicopters flew overhead. Shortly before the ship they left the formation: two flew an arc, the third one flew at low altitude directly over Jax's head. That was to be...

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The Machine - PART III

# The Machine ## PART III: You do what you can Waking up was a slow process. Jax felt safe until his dreams began to fell apart. First he felt the ground. Even though it had body temperature, it was still harder steel and that was a strange mix. Then...

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The Machine - PART II

# The Machine ## PART II: Storage "Remove your clothing, dog!" the robot commanded. Jax did as he was told. The tight shock collar around his neck was a good reason to comply. He didn't think about the situation nor what he did right now...

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