Phase 1 - Crimson Flamestar Nova

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#1 of The Silver Thread

This story takes place in a quasi-earth setting graciously to the future where technology is embraced but cautiously to keep in balance with nature.

Crimson Nova, which some of you may know, gave me permission to use his character to write out this dream story. Its not a commission, but the dragon in my dream was a young red male with earfrills and he was my first and obvious choice :)

If you lengthy descriptive stories that aren't completely centered around sex then this one's for you; if your just simply looking for something to help your paw along then you should begin somewhere closer to the center.

  • With a sigh, the red dragon pushed open the door to the WPF and cringed as the unaluring odor wafted past his snout, gone as quickly as it came. Waste Processing Facility- yah right, they didn't process anything; public restrooms situated at every other corner and none of them were in good order. He grimaced, glancing around the dirty surroundings. Most of the stalls were broken or clogged, doors hanging off their hinges, piles of wet paperwhipe molding in the corner, flickering glow lights in need of repair. The damage wasn't from vandalism but from years of use with little to no maintenance. For a half moment, Crimson nearly turned around to go but the prospect of relief within his groin, however small, reminded him that he'd been holding it for a few hours already and there was little chance of finding better accommodations in time.

  • With a sigh, he stepped in and let the door slap shut behind him turning to the left of the large square tiled room toward the stalls. The electronic buzz of the AIPA sensor whined quietly in his left ear, a common sound now-a days, placed in any location the Belogrs might appear which... was just about everywhere. Wrinkling his snout up in distaste at the first restroom stall, he swiftly moved to the next and the next, passing five of them with barely a glance. Suppressing a sigh as the last one proved to be not only dirty and clogged but also quite broken with part of the ceramic bowl lying on the ground beside. Glancing to his right at the urinals, he caught his reflection in the large fractured mirror at the far wall.

  • He stood with a slight slump accustomed from his dreary mood, brilliant young ruby red scales abroad most of his body, colored with a more golden hue down his chin and neck, belly and down to his tailtip. Horn-less but with a pair of fluffy well grown ear frills that currently drooped as well, his soft blue eyes weary. He wore a thick white button-up shirt around his wings and a pair of sandy-brown khakis at his waist, no shoes- he found them strikingly uncomfortable. With a sudden surge, he straitened himself up before the reflection, the change quite dramatic. The young red dragon held the pose for a moment but the effort made him cringe an instant later, his need to relieve himself making itself prominent once more.

  • The urinals were in slightly better condition, those that flushed at least. They each had a sensor ward that would tell when someone was standing before it and when they left, then recycle the collection fluid. Of course, those in a rush would use one even if the sensor was broken and a stagnate pool of piss would continued to accumulate until it reached the alternate drainage port. There was a vast difference between one that worked and one that did not so Crimson took a moment to wave a paw before the sensor of his chosen station, smiling a little as the clean water rushed down the length of the porcelain receptacle like a small waterfall. Satisfied, the young male stepped before the body-length urinal and began fumbling with his crotch zipper.

  • Just as he thought he might get this whole ordeal over with in peace, the heavy door swung wide open, knocking against the back wall lightly to the sound of an oversized draco-rex. Towering three-heads taller then Crimson, the little male instantly lost all his former bravado and slumped submissively. The large brown-scaled Waveway constructor paid almost no heed to the current patron and strode over to the stall beside him, already toying with his own pants.

" I know that Sarlie, three-weeks ago..." Crimson glanced up as the well-built bulky male began talking out loud to no one in particular. Eyeing the overhead telemic on his head, he quickly averted his glance before he draw attention to himself. " So get his lazy ass out there to fix it, I'm at Quazie working on a holographic emitter."

  • Pressing himself further into the stall, he let go with a soft grunt, brilliant sapphire eyes watching the stream of fluid jump from the tip of his soft, arching slightly. Cradling himself in his paws, the young male watched in silent fascination. Being very careful, he slid one paw further down his length and dipped the talon into the stream of urine, watching it spit off in a different direction and drip lazily off the curved claw. A quick spasm in his stiffening shaft caused the pungent stream to jump up his paw, soaking it. His entire body tensed, one eye glancing up at the wingless draco-rex.

" I don't care. What is he doing? Nothing damn it... He can't fix the holo-emitter either..." The little dragon boy felt his cheeks flush brighter red- if that were possible, his heartbeat hammering in his ears.

  • Finished all too soon for his liking Crimson gently began stroking his cock-tip, attempting to wipe off some of the musky fluid that had splashed along his length. After a moment he found himself doing more then just whipping, his paw stroking gently under the sensitive skin just below the head of his member. For a time he seemed to have dual vision, one eye looking at the brown lizard beside him, the other watching his wet glittering shaft with an alien lust. By the Gods, if he just turned his head to the side a little he'd see; oh how embarrassing would that be...

  • The excited dragon youth went slow, making not a noise, barely rocking his body but the excitement filled his hard erection with hot blood- the thought of getting caught in this dirty dark place with another male while pawing off... In but a moments time all his perception of the outside world swirled and blurred, the draco-rex lost as his consciousness centered on that mind-numbing instant of pleasure. His body tensed again, a splatter of dragon seed hitting the back of the urinal followed by another and another leaving several thick juicy globs to drip slowly downward. The world returned to him in a flurry, almost certain the persistent throbbing heat of his afterglow would alert his neighbor.

" Shi't... Fine, have it your way. If someone gets into an accident because the emitter shows the wrong sequence, don't come crying to me." Zipping himself up, the draco-rex turned and strode out of the WPF without so much as a backwards glance.

  • Finally able to, the red drake let out a long soft sigh, finally regaining his composure. Taking a half-step back, he eyed the slimy residue of his semen with a bit of self-satisfaction wondering how that urge had come up so suddenly. Fumbling with his pants once more, he zipped them and backed away, waiting for the water to cycle and wash away his entertaining activities. For a moment nothing happened, then a moment more. Stepping to the side, Crimson waved his paw in front of the sensor, the buzzing of the sensor quiet in the back of his ear. A little frustrated, he whipped the sensor with his dry paw, scrunching his snout in displeasure as it continued to do nothing. He'd chosen this stall because it had worked; why didn't it now...?

  • A sudden loud shrieking alarm nearly caused him jump out of his hide entirely. Whipping around, he saw the AIPA sensor focusing on a dark corner of the room and the dark blue rotating light had begun flashing. A sudden panic arose in his body- the AIPA system was designed primarily to detect and alert nearby citizens to the presence of a Belogrs, a large aggressive poisonous rat-like creature. The constant chiming ra-ta-ta-ta, ra-ta-ta-ta of the alarm made it difficult to concentrate, especially after his previous engagement but Crimson did as was expected and made a quick dash for the door, bolting the old unused lock behind him.

  • Leaning against the side of the building, he took a moment to calm his adrenaline-stimulated heart with long slow breaths. His blue eyes caught the sight of the Enforcer hovercraft even before realizing his paw was still covered in urine.

  • Tressil sipped his glass of kalith, standing at the edge of the central Core watching the hundreds of small monitors flash with different reports. Another day. He thought, looking at the thick dark liquid in his cup with uncertainty. It wasn't often he visited the Core and wasn't entirely sure why he was here today, perhaps something interesting would happen? More Belogrs reports, that was for sure... Eighteen of the screens were highlighted with a flashing red rim to indicate sensor detections and six others with solid red boarders which indicated actual sightings. Damn things were persistent. With a wide yawn, the old violet shaded dragon stretched, his amethyst eyes squeezed shut as limb, wing and even large broad tail shuddered with the effort revealing some of his streaky patches of royal blue painted here and there.

  • With a sudden start, he retracted, cradling the glass with both paws for a moment with a sheepish grin before licking his paw clean having spilt some of it in his vigor. Once finished, he licked his muzzle with the long pink forked appendage, eyes shifting from screen to screen, trying to identify what it was that had brought him to the Core.

" Good morning councilor." A slightly mechanical feminine voice played over the loudspeaker. Smiling, he inclined his head toward the advanced compound sensory eye upon the wall.

" Good morning to you as well Aipa." Tressil had always addressed the system informally with her name AIPA which stood for "Artificial Intelligence Progenitor Algorithm" as an actual name rather then an acronym. " Anything unusual to report my dear?"

" Define unusual." He grinned; just over 18 years since the system's conception and it had taken her at least 17 of it to form the crude personality. Two years ago she would have said "Input parameters for search 'unusual'." -now he knew it as more of a joke.

" Oh something of interest that dose not include those oversized rats?"

" Searching..." The councildragon watched with mild interest as the screens began flashing, raising his cup to his lips again. " Anomaly detected." Tressil raised an eye ridge eyeing the screens over the cup. An anomaly not of the Belogrs was most defiantly something of interest.

" Magnify." He commanded, watching as the multitude of screens all went blank and faded into one large black projection.

  • Upon this singular gigantic screen displayed the backside of a handsome young male dragon beside a brutish looking brown draco-rex. It wasn't until the screen faded with a cascade of fizzled green pixels that the councilor realized what the anomaly was. Now, in stark contrast to the rest of the scene, Aipa had outlined a drizzling splurge of dragon sperm plastered inside the stall. Nearly choking on his last sip, the purple-scaled male set his mug haphazardly on the nearest surface and took two steps forward, eyes glued on the scene.

" Can you identify?" After a few moments, the program responded;

" Negative, sensor level negligible, class-C." Cursing quietly, he made an instant list of things that needed done and gave them out orally for the Progenitor program to carry out.

" Get a few Enforcers there pronto."

" Submission and detainment protocol?" Tressil paused in thought, then shook his head almost immediately.

" No, I don't want to risk alerting the public if its not what we think it is... Make it an Alert, priority 3 with possible contamination."

" No Belogrs detected in facility." He nodded this time.

" I know, faux it. I need an excuse to have the sample collected." His heart jumped as the young dragon moved slightly, that sudden fear that your forgetting something extremely important stabbed him. " Try and get an ID on him as well, find a Shadow to follow him just incase."

" Affirmative." Rang AIPA's voice. As the brown-scaled half-breed moved away, his stall flushing, Tressil realized what he'd forgotten.

" And shut off the water system- NOW!" He yelped.

  • The screen shrunk and shifted to the side, three additional screens showing up in the provided space, one of the Enforcer's trajectory with instructions, the adjacent with a digital display of all Shadow locations within proximity to their target and the remaining screen of a rendered satellite view of their world. The satellite blurred and shifted, showing their continent, then blurred again, shifting to their country and again to their state. The violet-scaled councildragon gripped the wooden beam beside him hard enough to dig gashes in it as his target took a half-step back, not far enough to trip the sensors.

  • The AIPA system shifted from state to city, from city to block and finally block to building, priority access numbers flashing past the screen and, just as the ruby winged male stepped away from his facility, the rendered water pipes turned red. Feeling all the tension in his body evaporate, Tressil slumped forward a little, watching with a little amusement as the young male waved his paw in front of the proximity reader; the detection alarms blaring silently a moment later.

" Task complete." The concildragon grinned up at the compound sensor array.

" You'll be the death of me yet Aipa."

" Shall I send for a medical survey?" Tressil laughed heartily, weather the comment was in jest or serious query, it tickled the old dragon. Waving his paw in dismissal to gain the moment to recompose himself, he simply stated;

" No, that wont be necessary my dear. Have the collected sample sent directly to me in Vertigo Station 1." Without waiting for a response, he collected his near-empty mug and started for the silo door, there were things he needed to prepare for now.

Dracasis - Black Dragon of Wyvern