My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 3

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#3 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation

Chapter 3 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~

August 2nd: Sharing and Missing Items

"Yawn!" I waked up and look around and I almost forgot what I did yesterday. I got invited by some nice villagers to a restaurant and I appreciated that. That was nice of them, and nice to meet them. I got up from bed, take a shower, and get dressed and leave the room. I was in a mood to go out and have some breakfast at the urban area, there was a café, which is the same restaurant from yesterday. They have placed tables outside the building. I take a seat and read the menu. I like being in solitude, despite my ordeal, I need my personal space. I just want a peaceful morning.

The waiter brought me some tea, while waiting my food, I grab the todays newspapers, and read the most talked-about-story; "Bus Accident Strikes Village", of course it is. It was revealed that the bus suffered a heavy flat tire and affected the other wheels to be stuck or popped out from its base, losing total control and crashed near the bus stop. This also caused a heavy inspection on other buses of the same kind, the same kind of bus that I rode on, and it would take months to put them back in service. The food arrived, it look good and it taste better as I take a bite.

Later, I see two figures coming by, it was Torahiko and Hiroyuki, they're waving. "Good morning Kelly, how's your head feeling?" Torahiko said.

"I'm taking some medications that Saki-chan gave me, and I'm now feeling better." I said. So much for a quiet morning. The pair sit in front of me across the table, while I was eating. I wonder what they came for? They were smiling.

"So, Kelly, what was that name of yours that your parents gave you?" Torahiko asked.

"You two came for that? Oh, come on."

"Well, names don't come out of nowhere like that." Hiroyuki said.

"Well, there is a fun-fact about it. I was named after my two great-grandfathers, my father's side is 'Kendrick Elijah', while my mother's side is 'Lincoln Lloyd Yestin', in a coincidence, my parents found out that there's an acronym on my name, so, my parents stopped calling me 'Kendrick', and began calling me 'Kelly' for short." I said everything I know.

"That's pretty cool."

"And my sister, I don't want to talk about it." I said the two.

"Oh crap, Hiroyuki, I left the to-do list, I'll be back!" Torahiko said and he ran off, leaving him with me and I look at him and say something random. After finishing eating I asked, since these two asked me something random, I'll do the same.

"So..." I continued, "how you two have met?"

"Huh? How did you know? Did Tora mentioned it to you?"

"No, he didn't, I just simply found out. I was walking behind you two, 'best friends don't holds hands together'." I said to Hiro.

"Oh..." he remembered yesterday, "sometimes, Tora, prefers us as 'partners'."

"I see, so how you two met?" I asked again. Hiroyuki doesn't seem bother by it and he continued.

"Torahiko and I were best friends from childhood, I used to live here in this village, but my family moved to the big city, that's where I currently live. One day, a year ago, I came to spend the summer here with my friends, one day, Torahiko confessed me how he feels, and I felt that he was more than a friend, and now we're together since then." Hiroyuki said, good thing he said it simple, I was about to fall asleep!

"And how about you?"

"Uhh..." I was blank, I didn't know he was going to ask me back. Well, I did ask him... but to be honest. "I'm currently single." I said to Hiro and continued. "My last relationship did not went well..."

"What happened?"

"He cheated on me..." I simply said.

"Oh... sorry to hear that, I'm so sorry."

"Is okay, this is why I'm on this trip, to recover myself."

"Hey, what I missed!? I got the list, Hiroyuki!" Torahiko came back really quickly. "Hey, Kelly, you free today?"

"Well, I was about to check out the old shrine, but what are guys up to?" I said.

"I'm gonna buy some ingredients for my next recipe. You wanna come? We could use another 'taste tester'." Tora said.

"Uh... I already ate." I wasn't hungry anymore.

"Maybe later, when your stomach is empty again, I'm making lasagna."

"That sounds good, I'll see you at lunch time." I said, the pair left.

I changed my mind and decided to take a look at the park. It was green everywhere and cobble stones giving directions everywhere. I sat on a bench, fetch my phone, I know that there's no signal, but I feel like I really want to take a look back at those photos that we took last month. I swipe each photo one by one, our happy faces, our innocence, and our adventures. I really had a lot of fun. Those emotions began to swim my mind, I couldn't help but let a tear trail down my check. I'm so happy to have people that care about me! And I'm glad that I did not died!

"Are you okay, Kelly?" Who said that? I look to my left, and I startled, where did he come from!?

"Where did you come from? You startled me!" I said. Kouya has that strange intimidating appearance that somehow startles me.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you. I thought you saw me." He said, well it least he has a soft, sincere personality. I think.

"Is all right, I just had an emotional moment alone, I miss my family already." I sighed.

"Doesn't seem right that your uncle told you to stay put."

"Yeah, and he is 'very busy', I just actually found out that he's the VP's assistant." I said. My uncle lied to my father. Kouya chuckles, yeah I know that's really lame about my uncle. Good thing Samantha is working as Chief flight attendant of the same airline I took to fly here.

"Hey, Kelly I think you drop this yesterday at the restaurant."

"Oh thanks, I thought I've lost it in the crash!" I happily said, it was a photo that I printed out from my phone, it was the first photo taken when we arrive there. It was a picture of my cousins, me and my sister on top of the observation room of the Tokyo Skytree. I remembered well, Ashley got 'high sickness' and I was still dealing with 'jet lag'.

"Why you looked bored in the pic?" Kouya asked chuckling.

"Because of the jet lag." I replied, "it's been 2 days since I got here, I was fighting to dominate it. I even drank 3 cups of coffee to keep up." I said. Kouya laughed, yeah I know it was very funny for me too.

"So, these are your relatives that you've mentioned." He said, as I show the photo, I introduced them.

"Yes, this is my sister, Sylvia, she's 17, and my two cousins, Ashley and Ashton, they're not twins, she's 18 and he's 21." I said. These are the people that I rarely get to party with, since we live heavily apart from each other. But I still have families and friends in Seattle.

Kouya and I continued to chat around for a while, he seems to be a good guy, good thing I don't judge someone's cover book.

"Hey, I have to go, thanks for sharing your stuff and your family."

"You're welcome, is really kind of nice to talk to someone, see you later." I said as he walks away.


At noon, I visited Torahiko's house, he lives in the urban area of the village. Earlier, he invited me to come to his house to try some of his food, he was going to make lasagna, an Italian recipe, I knocked the door and someone answers.

"Kelly, just in time!" Hiroyuki greeted.

"Hello, Hiroyuki, is the food already done?"

"Yeah, you really got yourself busy before the food is done, Huh." Torahiko said.

"Must be good timing, I spent the whole morning wandering around the village." I said.

"We could've give you a tour around the village, if you ask us." Tatsuki stands up from the couch and I turned around from behind me.

"Oh, Tatsuki, I didn't know you where there." I said.

"Please, call me Tatsu-nii." He said.

"Alright, then."

He told me he's a craftsman apprentice, he works with his father at his house where the workshop is. The company is called the "Midoriya Group", they built houses and other carpentry related stuffs. I asked him yesterday, because he does look like a craftsman. Torahiko, he said that he's a swimming athlete at his school. When I was in high school, I turned it down, because I don't wanna wear that "man-kini bottom". They only offered it, because I was in good physical shape, and I decided to join the soccer team. And Kouya... uh, well... he plays the guitar... I haven't ask what he do for living, and yesterday we only talk for short moment. Torahiko took most of the show yesterday, which I have enjoyed so much fun, and Tatsu-nii got drunk and stripped naked in front of me that I panicked and hid myself into the restroom until he was sober.

"Hey, sorry about yesterday, sometimes, I can be careless." Tatsu-nii said.

"Is okay, you aren't the only dragon who got drunk and ended up on top of the Space Needle."

You see a fellow friend of mine, who is a dragon, got drunk in a house party and he disappeared and I called the police and his family, and the next day the police found him on top, naked, of the Space Needle, I'm glad he was okay, but he told me that dragons have a "higher alcohol tolerance", even if this is true, I still doubt it.

"Here you go everyone, bon appetite!" Torahiko handed me a dish of lasagna. It looks good! OMG! Is really good! I'm in a mood for Italian, baby!

"So, what you think?" Tora nervously asked.

"Is delicious! Is really good!" I comment.

"You really improved your cooking Tora." Hiroyuki comments.

"Same here, Torahiko!" Tatsu-nii said.

"Wow, thanks guys." Torahiko blushes.

"I'm so getting a second trip to Venice right now." I randomly said.

Suddenly, the door knocks, Hiroyuki reaches.

"Hi, Toshi-san." Hiro greeted.

"Hi, everyone...," he looks at me, "ah, Kelly, there you are, I got a call from your cousin and written everything what he told me to tell you everything in this message. He told me it was 'urgent'." Toshi-san hands me the paper.

"How urgent?" I asked.

"He told me that you have 'nine items' that are likely to be in your suitcase. He told me that they've been using it as an inventory without asking you." Toshi explained.

I read it aloud, and it said. "Ashley's make-up box, Sylvia's 'I love Tokyo' T-shirt, Ashley's graphic novel, Ashley's MP3, Ashton's DVD anime movie, Ashton's samurai sword, Sylvia's stuff animal, Ashton's satellite phone, and Ashley's laptop." Then one of the items gave me a freak out of attention.

"A samurai sword!? What the hell Ashton!?" I cried out loud.

"Cool, can I can see it? Why your cousin bought a sword? For what for?" Hiroyuki said.

"Well, I do know that he do judo, but a samurai, that's something new, and sometimes I don't know my own cousin." I said.

"Maybe he has a secret life, a super samurai at night and fighting crime." Hiroyuki exaggerates.

"That's the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard." Toshi and I said it simultaneously.

"Maybe he stole it?" Torahiko said.

"He wouldn't do that, he can't even steal a candy from a baby." I said. "I didn't know he was a collector, he never showed me his room."

"Do you remembered being in a black market?" Toshi asked.

"I remember being in a local market in Fuji, a few days before I crashed here."

"Well, there's nothing further, but you could always ask your cousin." Toshi said.

"Well, I'll deal with it later, those things can wait. What will soon come next? Being kidnapped by ninjas in the middle of the night!?" I randomly said as I crossed my arms and sigh.

"You really read my mind." Hiro said.

My cousin can be really weird when it comes collecting things, even the most exotic ones.

My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 4

August 3rd: When in Fuunari A beautiful day and my deep-blue eyes can tell it is. Today is a hot day. Is the middle of summer and I think the sun is playing jokes on me. Again, I was walking by the urban area, the center of the village, and in front...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 2

August 1st: Stranded and Welcomed I was having a great dream. I was with my family on a beach together. I was so happy, but it ended. I slowly open my eyes and see a small all-white-painted room. I take a look without moving my head, and see some...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 1

July 31st: Surprise Disaster I been staying on this bus for an hour, but it feels like I've been here forever, like a never ending destination. My name is Kelly Sullivan, I'm 18 years old. I've just graduated from high school. I live in Seattle,...

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