My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 19

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#19 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation

Chapter 19 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~

August 18th: The Painful Secret

Talking about "thunder and rain". It literally began to thunder and rain. This is the first time since I've arrived here in Japan to see some rain. Everything is wet and temperatures have dropped. Toshi-san let me borrow his umbrella, colored black, so I can get to the Midoriya Group's workshop. Tatsuki told me yesterday to come over and meet the Mayor and see the work in progress statue.

Looking the river, flowing rapidly by the continuous rain, the lighting picking up a spot to drop their charge. I know that some people don't like the rain because is kind of sad to see a washed up place. Even children hate the rain when they want to go out outside and play. Personally, I hate the rain, back home in Seattle, the city is sometimes known as "Rain City", due to continuous rain every six out of seven days. But, however, I'm already used to it.

The Midoriya workshop building appears in my view. I walked to the front main door and knocked. Please, someone answer the door is getting cold out here. The door opens, is the elderly Fox-man, if I remember, his name is Tetsuya Inoue.

"Ah, Kelly-kun, is been a while since you last came here. You came to see the statue, right?" He said.

"Yeah, can I come in?"

"Sure, come, come."

I entered in and place the wetted umbrella and take off my black coat jacket and hanged it on the coat hanger. I follow Inoue-san to where the statue is.

"To be honest with you. We have a little incident during on the work." Inoue-san said.

"Really? What happened?" This really hits my ears and heart.

"Ahh, let's say two of our workers where fighting and ended up breaking the statue's head." He said.

"But is now fixed, right?"

"Yes, that's why Tatsuki-kun came to you yesterday."

"No wonder Tatsu-nii was stammering and hesitating yesterday." I muttered.

"But nothing to worry about, is now fixed."

"Very well then."

We entered another room, rather large, and there's other people that I'm or not familiar with.

"Kelly-kun, right on time!" Tatsuki cheerfully said.

"Good afternoon, Tatsu-nii. So, where's the statue?" I said.

"Right here!" Tatsuki points at the tall object covered in sheet.

"Can I sneak-a-peek?"

"Sure! Chuukichi, Akira! Pull!" Tatsu-nii cried.

The mouse-man and the horse-man, pulled out the sheet and revealing a half-finished dragon statue.

"I'm impressed, this is amazing!" I cried.

"It wasn't easy, it took a lot of strength to get that into perfection." Tappei-san said.

"Wonderful and... who's the owner of this masterpiece?" a boar-man said, he was beside me.

"Uh, right here, sir." I said.

"You must be, Kelly Sullivan, right? Tatsuki-kun had talked about you." An elder dog-man said. Wearing a traditional clothing.

"And you must be the Mayor, right?" I said.

"Yes I am, I'm Shigure Tachibana, the town's Mayor."

"Oh! Uh, I'm Botan Akagane, is a pleasure to meet you." The boar-man said.

"Nice to meet you both." I said.

"When I heard what's going on, Tappei told me that you're having some important plans for an anniversary of a company, is that right?" Shigure said.

"Well, I'm not the one who organized this. It was my uncle, he sent the letter to them." I explained.

"I see then." He replied. Then a thought came to my mind.

"Oh, Tachibana-san, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, young man, what is it?"

"As the Mayor; have you ever done anything about that destroyed bus near the bus stop?" I asked.

Hearing what I said, he thinks and said. "You know, that bus had caused nothing but trouble since the day it crashed." He said.

"That bus had become an eye-sore to everyone who comes here." Botan-san added.

"Have you tried anything?" I said.

"Yes, I've called the company who operates the bus, and they said that they're more concerned inspecting other buses. I tried to call several towing companies, but they all say that is very far away to reach." Shigure said. "I'm hoping to get rid of that bus before the festival."

"I really wish that bus was gone. So I can rest in peace." I said.

"Oh, that's right. You're one of the passengers that everyone's talking about."

"Everyone? Everyone knows who I am?"

"Yes, this is a small village you know." Yukino-san said. "When something happens, someone blows the whistle."


Anyways, looking at the still-to-be-finished statue. I can see why it fits well for the BlueCloud Pharmaceutical's anniversary event. I better give something in return for their work. They're such professional carpenters. I better call my uncle about this, I think he'll be thrilled. Then I realize that I'm empty handed. I didn't brought the satellite phone with me.

"Oh, shoot..."

"What's wrong, Kelly-san?" Chuukichi-kun said.

"I left my phone at the inn." I said. "I better go, I want to tell my uncle about this."

"You better be careful. The rain is getting worse." Yukino warned me.

"I'll risk it." I picked up my jacket and umbrella. "See you guys, nice meeting you all." Everyone waves and said good bye.

As warned, the wind is getting severe. Is raining like crazy. I buttoned up my jacket, the breeze is really intense. It maybe summer but the weather really changed it. I opened the umbrella, is really big, five people can fit in. Why Toshi uses this big umbrella? Is he an umbrella taxi? Back in Seattle, they did that as an April's fool joke, and it was a laugh that I paid for.

Walking the path to the inn. The wind is changing directions, picking the umbrella away, I'm trying to hold it tight, but because I have a strained wrist, I'm only holding with one hand. The wind changes direction abruptly, the umbrella pulls me hard. "Whooa!" Good thing the base has a wrist strap, it did not blew me away. I only slid a few inches by the wind. "That was close..." I continued on carefully, but the wind is playing jokes on me. Maybe I should have stayed at the Midoriya workshop, for safety.

I turned around and... I made a huge mistake... "HAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The wind caught me hard, picking the umbrella up. My left hand is caught on the umbrella's wrist strap. My fingers can't unhook it and my right hand is not available for now!


I'm being dragged by an umbrella, dragging me backwards. I don't know where I'm going! Somebody help me!


The wind picked up more force, levitating me from the ground three inches from my feet! I tried to stand on my own but no avail. My feet are trying to find a solid grip. Then, the wind stops, dropping me like nothing.

"Haah... Phew..." I relaxed and take some breath, and now I'm getting wet by the rain.

"I better get-BAAAAAAAHHHH!" Another blow of wind blew me to another direction.


What the hell is this!? This isn't just an ordinary storm! This is a SUPERNOVA STORM! I didn't know this was going to happen!


When is going to stop!? When is going to stop!? When!? Unexpectedly, I hit something on my back and sounded very trashy, literally.

"OW!" The trash can broke my ride to a stop and spilled all the garbage everywhere. Gross.... I laid down on the ground and groaned.

"Kelly!? Are you okay!?" A familiar voice I hear, then a face of a husky appears on my view, blocking the darkened gray sky.

"Huh...? K-Kouya...? Ohh... why me...?" I moaned.

"Are you hurt?" Kouya asked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine." I'm still lying on the ground.

"Come on, I got you." He picks me up gently.

"Thank you..." I softly said.

Kouya helps me to stand up and see an old rundown building, but still in use. Once inside, Kouya escorts me and he leads to the stairs and then a hallway and finally a door is in front of us.

"Where am I?" I asked confusedly.

"My home." Kouya simply replied. He opens the door and revealing a small studio apartment, we went inside. The window have an unpleasant view of the storm.

"You look tired, have a seat." Kouya said.

"Thanks..." I take a seat on the small couch.

"So, what happen? There was a storm today. Didn't Toshi-san told you?"

"Yes, and I risked it. I left the Midoriya workshop, heading back to the inn, then the storm caught me, the umbrella tangled me, dragging me to death, and somehow, I ended up in here. I feel like I've dropped 100 stories horizontally." I explained.

"Well, good thing I was here. I heard your screams and your crash. I thought you were coming over." Kouya said.

"Well... I wasn't." I said and Kouya showed a disappointed face somehow.

"So... this is your apartment." I changed the subject. "I see you have troubles while living here." His home is a mess. There's some newspapers, some... uh... other things that might be trash and should've been thrown away. I hope he's not having a hoarding disorder.

"Sorry, I'm very busy at work and I haven't got a good time." He said.

"Well then."

"Here, dry yourself up." He gave me a towel and I thanked him again. "I'm gonna make some hot cocoa, it'll warm you up." Kouya said.

"That'll be nice..." I weakly said.

Kouya walked to the small kitchen to make some warm drinks. I'm telling you is getting cold in here. The storm haven't stopped, thunder sounds are happening from distance away. The rain continues, a lot of gallons are thrown to the ground. I could not stop thinking about that time... that tearful image I had, crying on the couch at home with a letter that changed our family's history... Looking at Kouya's messy apartment room, reminds me of someone else messy apartment room. He... lives far... far away from home. He's not sure when he's coming back home, to be reunited as a family.

I miss him so much...

This hurts me so much. Keeping this in silence from my family, hurts me more. I... don't wanna... hurt anyone anymore. I want this over, but when?

"Kelly, are you alright?" Kouya noticed my tears leaking from my eyes.

"Yes..." I sniffled and wipe my tears, "...I'm fine..." Kouya sits beside me.

"What's bothering you?" he asked, putting his hand on my left shoulder.

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I stammered, but paused. I couldn't hold it... I started to burst out more tears and sobs and my hands covering my face.

"Kelly, calm down..."

"How can I be calmed down, when this doesn't have nothing to do with you!?" I yelled in front of him, and I gasped and cover my mouth with my hand in shock. "I-I'm s-sorry... I didn't mean to yell." I softly said.

"It's all right, Kelly, but what do you mean?"

"Because I can't... I can't..." my voice is weakening, "...I can't..." then high-pitched.

"You'll feel better if you explain it."

Thinking hard on how to get out this, but there's no way out. I feel chained on the neck. He's not Dad or Mom nor my relatives of my family. If I say something... will he believe it? I can't lie to him, I don't wanna lie to anyone. I breathed in and out, my body's trembling of nervousness and sadness. I calmed down and speak.

"It's... m-my brother... Konnor... he left home... w-we didn't do anything wrong. I came back home after school and found his room half-empty. But he left a note..." I fetch out my small satchel and take out my journal and picked a piece of paper and handed it to Kouya.

It says simply: "I'm sorry family, I must go, take care. Its's for your own good. Sincerely, Konnor."

"My parents called the police, but no traces of him were found. The police considered him as missing rather than dead. It's been two years... he should've been 22 by now... My parents could not do nothing more but wait and we haven't lost hope..." I continued to sob, it hurts so much.

"I'm... sorry to hear this... So nobody knows why he left?"

"Nobody knows except... me...!" I weakly and wailed said.

"You...? What do you mean?"

I breathed in and out and prepare myself what hurts me more. "One year after he was gone. My family and I went on a trip to Mom's hometown, San Diego, but we stopped over at San Francisco and stayed at a hotel. We met our steward, "Will Robertson", he was treating us so... nicely. But one day... he wanted me to talk to me something in private. He takes off his eye contacts... then his wig... revealing his real face. I can't believe he was right in front of me. He showed me where he lives. I see that he's doing well. But when I asked him why he left home... was because... he's on a "Witness Protection Program", he was... on the wrong place... and the wrong time. The FBI and the Program told him to leave immediately... Konnor, he decided not to tell his family to avoid the risk. He cried all the way to safety. He knew that telling anyone would make matters worse... and now... that I know where he is, Konnor told me not to tell anyone, not even my love ones, especially Sylvia...!" I sobbed and wailed. My head facing the floor, not wanting to look at anyone.

"He left home... because he love us...!" I couldn't stop crying, it was hurting my heart.


"I miss him so much...!" I keep sobbing.

"Kelly." Kouya raises his voice and places both his hands on my shoulders, turning me to the left to face him. I was a mess, my face in red, tears trailing down my cheeks, and breathing heavily. I don't know what's happening right now, he's staring at me, his face is getting closer, but then he embraces me all the sudden. My body freezes, but I stopped crying and I relaxed and feeling confused.


"Shh, no more crying, Kelly. I'm so sorry you've suffered. I understand how you must've felt, but there's nothing more I can do. This... is all I can do." Kouya whispers and comforts me.

I reply back, by wrapping my arms around his back. I felt a warm feeling in my heart. The negativity in my mind fades away. A huge feeling is growing inside of me... my heart is on full force. I sobbed a little more, breathing uncomfortably. Then I noticed the window shining, the storm clears away, the afternoon sunlight shines the room. I feel... I can relax in peace again.


The sun was at dusk, the sky is now orange, the cicadas sings from the trees and bushes. Everything is now wet after the storm. Kouya is escorting me back to the inn on foot... I'm so tired... I don't wanna look at anyone, just looking at my feet, walking.

An arm rest around my shoulders, slowly looking at my right, Kouya gives me a slight smile. I'm not on a mood to be cheered up. We arrived at my destination. We were in front of the building outside.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay, Kelly?" Kouya asked.

"Yes... I'm... I'm really tired now. I... I don't know what've gotten over me? Maybe I really needed to say this to somebody, and... it fell on the hands of someone outside of my family. Well... like you said... I kinda fell a little better after talking about it."

Kouya sighs and said, "I suppose you're not coming tomorrow, right?"

"No, no, of course I'll go, I'll promise, I'll come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll start fresh." I said.

"You really are trying your best to move on, huh Kelly?"

"Yeah..." I sighed. "It's been two years... but I'm still in hope that he'll come back home." I muttered.

A silence spread between us, there was nothing more for me to say. Only the sound of my heart pounding. My stomach is feeling funny.

"Well... I should return this to Toshi-san." I'm still holding the umbrella, is now shredded, twisted, and mangled.

"Toshi-san wouldn't mind, he can buy another one for 700 yen (5.79 USD)." He said.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Kouya. I'll be there." I said.

"Take care." He replies back. He's so caring.

I enter inside, Toshi-san is still on the desk, he noticed my presence. "There you are, how's the..." He looks at my current state, I'm half wetted and dirty, "Oh my, are you okay?" He surprisingly said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, here's your umbrella." I returned his broken umbrella. Toshi takes a look in shock and stares at me. "Don't look at me, it was the storm." I said and went back to my room.


Writing what's left on my journal. All I have been writing about for the past two years were about my brother. I also been keeping the letter he left at home. I bought this book two weeks after Konnor left. For two years, is almost full. Written about my feelings, and the encounter. Nobody in my family knows about this book, especially Sylvia.

But... there's something in my mind that is now surfing around.

I lie down on the bed and staring at the ceiling and thinking what is now on my mind. I feel like an idiot. I don't know how long I was ignoring it. There were a lot of hints and I've been keeping it aside. My heart is been telling me something a while ago and I been ignoring it.

Ugh... Toshi was right... but does he really... like me?

That hug he gave me was so warm and honest. He worries about me, and he cares about me. We're having a connection between us. Ugh, I can't fight this new feeling anymore...

I must tell him how I feel...

Will he understands? The two of us live in two different countries, keeping us separated from the Pacific Ocean. And I'm not sure what we have in our minds. I don't know what's he's thinking. My mind is now surrounded of mysteries that are coming soon in the future, and I don't know what'll come next? All I have in my mind now is... love.

My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 20

August 19th: The Music's Feelings The morning red sun shines my widow, waking me up and yawed. I feel dry and tired. I don't feel happy or motivated. My long-lost brother lives so far away from home, and I found him. And I can't do nothing more. I...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 18

August 17th: The Music Shop "So this is Kazenari, what a nice town at daylight." Why I'm in Kazenari? Yesterday, my camera disappears after the camping trip. I asked Toshi-san, Torahiko, Hiroyuki and others until Toshi-san got a call from Kouya that...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 17

August 16th: Meanwhile in Tokyo "Achoo!" Waking up in the morning back at the inn. Now I'm sick. Toshi-san called the doctor to take a look. I've told the doctor that the orchid I smelled, has powder in it, which I'm allergic to it. Giving me a high...

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