My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 22

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#22 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation

Chapter 22 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~

August 21st: At Raimon

I'm so excited! One day to go! I could not stop thinking about him and our... uh, well, he wants to hang out with me at the Bon Festival as he said. All of this, is swimming around my head, feeling a lot of lust in my heart and stomach, and feeling more alive than before. I lay down on the bed and feel my heart pounding and pounding and pounding, and knocking and knocking and knocking and... who's knocking the door?

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opens and see the husky steward.

"Good afternoon, Kelly."

"Good afternoon, Toshi-san. What is it?"

"Well, I'm off duty and I thought we could go out for tea with Saki-chan and few others." He said. He's showing a strange face that I have not seen before.

"Sure, I have nothing better else to do." I replied.

"Haah... good grief..." he sighed. "Ah, and also while there. Tatsu-nii and Tappei-san are coming to meet you there, later. They want to talk to you." He announced.

Toshi and I meet Saki-chan, also along is Juuichi and Kyouji at the restaurant.

"Juuichi-senpai and Kyouji-senpai are joining with us." She said.

"What about Shin-kun and Hiroyuki-kun?" Toshi asked.

"Shin-kun's parents came to visit him at his house and... Hiroyuki-kun is busy with his grandparents." She explained.

Before we could seat I whispered to Saki-chan. "You better ask what his problem, because he doesn't look good." I said.

"That's why I invited him over." She whispers back.

We sit and chat awhile, but Toshi hardly spoke. Juuichi, Kyouji, Saki and me can see that. What his issue?

Since the first day I came here. Toshi-san has been working as a steward and a key keeper of the Ooshima Inn. He's been helping me and serving me with a smile. Having the same flashbacks when I found out that the steward that was serving my family was actually my long-lost brother, who left home after witnessing a crime scene and the protection program escorts him to San Francisco. Comparing with Toshi, he's been a good steward to me like my brother did. Finally, Saki asks.

"Toshi-kun, are you feeling alright?"

"...I'm fine..." he sighed.

"You don't look like yourself, Miyazaki." Juuichi said. "Is something wrong?"

"Something must be bothering you, Miyazaki-san. Is it a good time to talk about it?" Kyouji said.

Toshi sighed again, "It's nothing... It's Kimiko-chan."

"What about her?" Saki asked.

"She's changing and growing up and I have noticed it in the past few days and... oohh...." He groaned and rest his head over his crossed arms on the table.

"Oh, Toshi-kun, you knew this was going to come, she's now eleven and she's starting middle school soon. She'll always be your little sister, no matter what." She said.

He raised his head to face us. "Haah... I'll never forget that day when my parents told me that I'm going to become a brother. I was so excited. When she was born, I promised that I will be a good brother to her." He slightly smiled. "I was there for her when Mom and Dad weren't around. She really enjoys spending time together on any activities with me, she used to enjoy when I read her a bed time story, and when she's sad, I always comforted her, she always needed me...," his face dropped, "but now... those things are now gone."

"I know how you feel, Toshi-kun," she holds his hand, "I have that feeling when Masashi-chan was so distant to me, but one day, he came here to see me and he showed me his soft side." She smiles.

"Miyazaki, Okamoto is right. She will never forget you of what you have done for her." Juuichi-san said.

"Yeah, I see that now." Toshi again slightly smiled. "It... it'll give me time to get over with, it just that I couldn't stop watching the memory books from my childhood and Kimi-chan's, and realizing that she's growing up and one day she will find someone that will lookout for her, and care for her, and love her!" Okay, he's going too far.

"I've never though you could be so overprotective to her." She said.

"I'm not overprotective to her, well a little, but..." he looks at me. "Kelly, do you know what is like to have a younger sister?" Aw man, now he's asking me?

"My sister is 17-years-old." I replied to him.

"But, have you ever protected her from harm?" He said.

"Sylvia is very reserved, she won't even date a douchebag and also we grew up together. But I understand your point. A lot of guys in school asked me first before they could ask her on a date. Some of them were really careful. I did asked her if she's having plans with somebody." I said.

"You're like one police officer." Kyouji said.

"Well, that's because I'm obeying my father's orders and this is what older brothers do, protect, escort and care their siblings. But because I'm doing this, is because I care for her. And Sylvia also cares for me."

"Sullivan, have a point, you know." Juuichi-san said. "Kenji maybe teasing me for fun, but he's always been good to me and caring. There are times... that I have difficulties expressing how much I care for Kenji." He blushes and looks away from us.

Well... I did say good bye to Konnor after learning he was hiding for the sake of my family's protections. For me, it was the longest good bye, between older brother and younger brother. The two of us cried together where he is living. I'm still miss him a lot.

"Don't worry, Miyazaki, you'll get over this phase and you will get used to Kimi-chan's new personality." Kyouji said.

"Yeah... I guess so, it would take me time for me to settle." Toshi-said.

"Okay... let's change the subject, then." I said. "So, do you guys have plans for the Bon Festival?" I smiled.

"Toshi and I, will have our first Bon Festival together." Saki smiles.

"Oh, Saki...." Toshi blushes and smiles.

"How long you guys been dating?" I asked.

"Almost a year, we began dating in November from last year. I just recently moved here from Osaka last September and then one month later she came to my school and I could not stop thinking about her." Toshi said. Saki giggles. "True short story." Toshi smiles.

"Sullivan, are you also coming to the festival?" Kyouji asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Most of us have plans for the festival, you know, are you going all by yourself, Sullivan?" Kyouji said.

"Oh-no, I'm not alone, Kouya will accompany with me."

"Hm... if I were Nishimura, he would say, that's something unlike him." Juuichi said.

"Well, we were getting along so well. So, he thought we could hang out at the festival and showing me around there." I said and a sense of excitement rises in my stomach. I chuckled a little.

"You seem really excited." Kyouji said.

Juuichi then looks at the couple. "Why are you two snickering?"

"Oh, nothing Juuichi-senpai." Toshi said.

"Miyazaki, you whispered to her first. It's there a problem with Sullivan's plans?"

"Oh-no, nothing at all. It's kind of nice that Kouya-kun is being a good friend to Kelly." Toshi nervously said.

"Hmph... well."

"Hello, guys, how's it going?" Tatsuki enters the restaurant with his father, Tappei. Looks like is time for me to hang out with the Midoriya Group crew.

"Good afternoon, Tatsu-nii and Tappei-san." The five of us greeted.

The elder dragon-man glances at me. "Kelly, I'm glad you made it. We would like to talk about you." He said.

"Is it about the statue?" I asked, Tappei nods. "Alright."

Juuichi, Kyouji, Toshi and Saki finished their tea time and I'm now sitting with Tatsuki and Tappei. They just ordered some drinks.

"Kelly, we just finished the statue much quicker than expected, you could take a final look." Tatsuki said.

"It's done? That's great!" I said. "So, you guy came here to celebrate?"

"Yeah, now that you're here, why not you join us and have a drink?" Tappei offered.

"Sorry, I can't, I'm underage." I protested. "I'll have some ramune."

The three of us toasted for their work and success, and the Midoriya Group. They were proud of their work. Soon, Tappei-san already took 4 bottles and I was starting to feel a little in alert. We have a nice pleasure chatting and then it changes into...

"Kelly... why not... we go to... my p-place... and have... fun?" Tappei's breath reeks from his drinks, I'm gonna puke.

"Tatsuki-san, are you hearing this?" I said to the young dragon-man.

"He's just... playing Kelly." He already took 3 bottles of sake. Oh, come on!

"So... are you in?" Tappei drunkenly said.

"Do you even know what you're saying, Tappei-san?" I said with a serious annoyed face.

"Of course I know what I'm saying!" Tappei yelled.

"No you don't, you both are drunk!" I yelled.

The two dragon-men laughed out loud, and I just sighed in annoyance.

"Come on, Kelly-kun laugh with us!" Tatsuki's breath reeks!

"Maybe I should go until you guys are sober." I said and as I stand up from the chair, Tatsuki grasp my left arm.

"Don't leave yet, we haven't put you to sleep with a lullaby." He said.

"Huh? WHOA!" I cried when Tatsuki picks me up, holding me like a little child. "Ah... Tatsu-nii, what are you doing?" I cried nervously.

Then, Tatsuki began to rock his arms trying to put me to sleep with a lullaby song. I'm not feeling sleepy, I'm panicking! I'm getting dizzier every time Tatsuki swings arms while holding me.

"Aw, look at him, he looks so cute." Tappei sweetly said while drunk. "Here, have some milk." That's not milk! "Come on, open up." Tappei with his bottle, pours the liquid on my face and mostly to my mouth. I gargled and spit out the awful taste.

"Help!" I cried. "Somebody help me!"

"Tatsu-nii! What are you doing?" Hiroyuki, Torahiko, and my surprise, Kouya, are in front of the two dragons and my view. Tatsuki startles and thrust his arms and catapults me into the air.

"AAAHHH!" I screamed and closed my eyes when gravity did its ugly work.

"Gotcha!" Someone catches me with both arms. The landing felt smooth and absorbed the gravity of my fall. I open my eyes to see the husky face close to me. Wow, he's really strong. I weight like 130 lbs., and he's like 170 plus, of course he can carry someone like me. "Are you okay, Kelly?" Kouya asked.

"*hic!*... I'm okay-*hic!*"

"Uh-oh..." He said as he puts me down.

Torahiko, Kouya and Hiroyuki controlled the two drunken dragons while I'm hiding in the restaurant's restroom. I open a little the door and peer my head out.

"Is it *hic* safe *hic*?" I said.

"It's now safe, Kelly. You can come out now." Tora said.

"*hic*, I'm glad you guys came *Hic*, thank you." I said.

"Are you okay, Kelly? Did you take a sip?" Hiroyuki said.

"No, *hic* Tappei-san poured me alcohol on my face-*hic*." I explained.

"My apologies, Kelly, I'm sorry." Tappei-san apologized soberly.

"Did I really carried you like a baby?" Tatsuki shamefully said.

"I'll accept the apology *Hic*." I said while sitting on a chair. I feel dizzy. I could not stop the hiccups. "Oohh... I don't feel well *hic*." I groaned.

"Come on, I'll take you back." Kouya said. I replied a hic.

"Tatsu-nii, you know Kelly is in a poor condition, you could have hurt him." Hiro said.

"I know, I know..." Tatsuki said. "I'm sorry, Kelly-kun."

"Apology *hic*... accepted... *hic* again." I said and Kouya escorts me back... again... walking... on... carry on... I think... wait... back...?

I'm trying to focus, but I keep losing my balance. Kouya holds me tight so I don't fall. I think the sun is going to sleep. Does that mean that I have to sleep?

"Kelly, hold on you're gonna fall." Kouya said.

"I'm *hic* I'm trying *hic* sorry, I'm still awake." I said dizzily. Still conscious though.

"We're almost there." He said. I replied a hic.

We entered the inn, Kouya helped me to climb the stairs. We went to the door of my room. I tried to find my keys, but I actually and almost forgot that I always put it in my right pocket in my pants. It falls down from my hands 3 times to the floor. Kouya sighed and open the door for me. I entered my room and finally rested on the comfy bed.

"Thank you, Kouya *hic*."

"No problem." Kouya said. "Are you still conscious?"

I look at my hands and shake them in front of me, they don't look like twisting or any weird shape, or changing reflections. I think I'm fine. "No... *hic* still me *hic*." I said.

"Your face is red and...," he places his right palm on my forehead, "'re warm."

"It's that *hic* bad?"

"No, you're just a little drunk, that's all." He reassures.

"*hic* okay." I gave Kouya a drunk smile. I stand up, sitting crossed-leg on the bed.

"You're gonna be fine, just take some rest." Kouya said.

"*hic* okay..." I replied. "Before you go, can I *hic*... uh, say something *hic*?"

", alright..." he sits next to me.

"...*hic* when you *hic* caught me with your bare hands *hic*..."


"...*hic* it felt *hic*... kind of romantic...*hic*..." I giggled. My face just got redder than ever than what could an alcohol can do.

"...Romantic? Are you sure what you're saying?" Kouya said.

"I think so *hic*... and... one more thing."

"What is..." Not so slow, but slightly quickly, I approached Kouya's face and gave him a kiss on his right furry cheek, it tickled my lips when I did this. He stands back after realizing it and surprised he was and blushed. I giggled. "Uh... uh..." he puts his right hand on his cheek with a confused and blushed face, he looks kinda cute like that.

I chuckled and smiled, "*hic*... I'll see you at the festival tomorrow *hic*."

"Y-Yeah... I... I'll see you at the festival." He slightly smiles. "Take some rest, Kelly, alright? Take care."

"*hic* okay, bye *hic*..." I replied as Kouya leaves the room and close the door for me.

Not sure if it was the alcohol or was me. Because I was still conscious. I... can't believe I did that. But *hic* that felt good though *hic*.

My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 23

August 22nd: The Bon Festival The afternoon is reaching the evening. I spent all afternoon in the inn preparing myself to be ready for one great event. Saki-chan was nice enough to help me to adjust my new yukata. She's a really good...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 21

August 20th: Towed Away Yesterday was like the best day I've ever had. I went to see Kouya's band playing and then later to Torahiko's birthday. Two events in one day, and I did it without being stressed out. But also yesterday, Kouya just asked me to...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 20

August 19th: The Music's Feelings The morning red sun shines my widow, waking me up and yawed. I feel dry and tired. I don't feel happy or motivated. My long-lost brother lives so far away from home, and I found him. And I can't do nothing more. I...

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