My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 29

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#30 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation

Chapter 29 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~

August 28th: The Closed Village

Feeling that everything's okay. But you can't just ignore those around you, and you aren't allowed to be close with. I waked up in the morning, breakfast was served, but was Mrs Ooshima who served me. I was going to ask her where's Toshi, but my voice was so slow and tired to speak up. Leaving me with the breakfast tray. After that, I went to the lobby so maybe I can talk to him, but he wasn't there but Torahiko is. I finally asked but Torahiko said that his uncle gave him a day-off, he's at home with his parents. Torahiko told me not go to his house and it's just for the best. I don't like to be a burden, but, I'll deal with it sooner or later.

Meanwhile later, doing nothing by myself until Kounosuke gathers everyone at the candy store. He said he had some great discovery news to announce. Whatever it is? I just don't know.

"Are we all here today?" Kounosuke said.

"Yeah, pretty much, Kounosuke. So what it is?" Torahiko said.

Kouya whispers me, "Get ready for whatever he's gonna said."

"It can't be that bad." I whispered back.

Kounosuke continues, "Alright, now that we're all here. I have an amazing announcement to make that will knock your pants out!" The tanuki said. And I'm just being patient and tighten my belt. "For those who went flight sightseeing with me, I took some pictures of the landscapes and I saw something incredible."

"You caught an UFO?" Saki interrupts.

"You caught the Dragon God!" Shun cried.

"Nope." He said. "I saw something on the ground, deep in the forest and I got a good shot at it. Here! Look at it!" He shows to us some photographs of the mountains and lakes. There was a lot of green and blue in it. The pictures were really impressive but I caught my eyes on something strange. One picture shows the right wing of Tatsuki's aircraft but looking between the trees there's was what looks like an old house. Another picture got more intriguing; there's like old traditional walls of a sacred place. Another picture shows old buildings nearly covered by the large growing trees. And the last one shows what seems to be a shrine.

"That's definitely not Minasato from what I'd seen above." I said.

"An abandoned village. Cool!" Hiroyuki cried.

"Hey, wait a moment!" Tatsuki cried, "I've been flying lots of times the same route. And there was nothing in there!"

"I saw by chance and I kept it in secret." Kounosuke said.

"So, what's it to you, Kuri?" Juuichi asked.

"I was hoping we could search for it and find it as our 'test of courage'." He replied.

"What! No, no, no!" Torahiko freaks. "I'm out."

"Test of courage?" I asked.

"It just only a challenge to see how brave you are, Kelly." Hiroyuki explained. I think I may had done one when I was searching for my missing journal book which Kouya and I found it at the crash site. I'm a little nyctophobic. Hiroyuki continues, "But one more thing, Kounosuke. Where and how do you know is located?"

"I asked Shigure-san and showed the pictures too. He showed me an old map and there were old roads that aren't shown here." He brought a modern map and the old map and we compared it both. The old map shows the road to Kazenari. In the middle of it, there's another road connected and it leads to a small town that's way further than Minasato. While the modern map doesn't show nothing: the road and the village, is not present.

That's when Tatsuki's voice erupts. "So, that's the blocked road that I'd been passing by without knowing."

"You've seen it before?" Kounosuke said, intrigued.

"Yeah, every time I do some business with my truck for some supplies from Kazenari. I always passed by this second road which it's blocked. It's completely covered in rusted wood and nature taken its course. Do you think that's where the old village is?"

"It has to be!" Kounosuke cried.

"But that's far away from Minasato!" Kyouji cried.

"We aren't going to do this, are we?" Shin said.

"This could be an adventure before our summer ends." Shun said.

"So, what do you guys think? Would you guys want to and explore that village?" Kounosuke continues.

All of us started to think about it. Is he serious? "At what date, Kounosuke?" I asked.



"Yeah, Tatsu-nii is free today. So, why not this afternoon?"

So we got a one-shot at this for this so-called 'test of courage' this afternoon before we won't get a good chance? What the hell should I do? An abandoned village; a virtual ghost town. Sounds cool, but I'm not sure about it. Let's see what the others think before I say anything.

"I wanna go! It's really exciting!" Shun joined in.

"Sorry, I can't go." Juuichi announced.

"I can't either. Too spooky." Saki said.

"Count me out." Shin said.

"I don't think it's something for me." Kyouji said.

"You're not coming, Kyouji?" Soutarou said.

"You're going too, Sou?"

"Uh, yeah. I though it'll be fun to explore an old, left out village." Soutarou replied. "Come on, Kyouji. Come with us!" Soutarou pleaded, but Kyouji seems resisting.

"Don't let your hopes up, Soutarou-kun." Saki interrupts. "He's afraid of ghosts."

"Is that true, Kyouji?" Soutarou turns to him as he nods nervously. How long they've been dating? I guess Kyouji didn't shared this with Soutarou.

"I'm kinda afraid of the dark, but ghosts? That's bullshit." I said.

"Are you going, Kelly?" I heard Kouya asking me.

"Uh... I don't know..." I turned the other way nervously, Kouya then chuckled, but face back at them. "But my point is... We're talking about an empty village here, there's nothing threatening about it."

"So, are you going?" Like he's not satisfied!

"F-Fine, I'll go. Happy? Satisfied?" I said.

"Yes." Kouya grinned.

"So, you're also coming?"

"Sure." Kouya replied me.

"Torahiko-san, you're coming?" Shun asked.

"You know what? I'll go. Let's see something we don't see every day." Torahiko replied. "Hey, Hiroyuki, you're coming, right?"

"Sure!" He replies.

"So, it's settle then. This afternoon we're going to meet right here at the district." Kounosuke instructed. I guess this could be something I need to keep my mind off from earlier. I better get 'Flashy the Flashlight'.


-Somewhere on the route between Tokyo to Minasato-

I'm not gonna say 'are we there, yet?' Because we aren't really that there, yet! Such an annoying thing to say. We're not kids anymore and somehow my parents are expecting to hear this at any moment. Ashley is listening her music player. Ashton the same. And me? Just waiting for our destination. I'm not that mad than I used to be, I'm now a little relaxed. It's been 3 days since we left Tokyo. We stopped by a few motels, local restaurants and bathroom breaks.

Is a good thing that Samantha had an 8-passenger minivan since we're seven of us and one seat is for my brother Kelly. That's right, my whole family is coming to the rescue, well, not literally. As far I can tell, we're like heading to nowhere. A simple road and nothing but green mountains everywhere.

"Sylvia, are you still upset?" Mom asked. She's sitting next to me.

"No, Mom, I'm fine." I said. "I'm just finally glad we're coming for him." My cousins are siting far behind the car. They're just tired of hearing my Dad's bitching out conversation on his brother. But that was like yesterday and they're at it again but with another of his lessons for Henry. It was Dad's turn to drive, depending on the GPS navigator.

"Didn't our father ever taught you a thing? Because it was up to me to taught you many things. You were so careless back there, and now, you really passed the line."

"Ronald, please, I said I'm sorry." Henry's never been so sorry in his life.

"Sorry? Says the one who convinced me to carry an empty trailer for the statue." Dad pointed out. The minivan is hauling an empty trailer behind us.

"Alright, alright, you got me there!" Henry sighed and leaned against the window.

I couldn't exactly put my mind into things, but this 'statue' I find it odd and what it exactly has to do with Kelly to stay. It can't be a coincidence. I couldn't take it and asked Henry. "Uncle Henry? Why do you want this statue so bad?"

"To get the job done." He grumpily said.

"I know you been on that village before, but why did you exactly decided to put Kelly in there in the first place? For the statue, right?"

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm gonna admit something new." Henry announced. "When I got to that village to pick up Samantha, Ashley and Ashton a year ago. I met a dragon-man in a bar during the Bon Festival, he was kind of drunk. We talked casually until he passed out, he dropped a flyer and I pick it up. He's a carpenter of an local company in the village. I kept it for a while for as long as I can remember. And let's skip the rest after Kelly disappears from the thin air. The moment Kelly said he's in Minasato on the phone my mind waked up by surprises, because earlier before my VP asked me to hire some professionals to build a statue for the anniversary. I soon realized that I have that old flyer with an address. So I decided to leave Kelly in that village so he can keep an eye on the project. There, I said it!" He let it out...

"WHAT!" I cried. So as Dad and pushed the brakes, screeching all the way to a complete stop. The force of the brakes startles Ashley and Ashton. For one second of silence, I screamed again. "So there was more to that, huh, Henry!?"

"Yes, so I can get my job promotion. Can we please keep going?"

"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed, removed my seatbelt and exited out of the car, I opened the door where he's seating and slap him out of his soul. Henry screamed of agony. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" I yelled between slaps. I should have done this a long time ago. And now I'm doing it! Henry screamed for apology as I keep slapping him until his cheeks are burned.


After they stopped me from going further, Henry had two hot-red marks on his cheeks, burning like the kisses of the sun. We continued our road trip. Dad didn't say anything after the beat up, he just stood there, dumbstruck. But he did told me about not to do something like that to an adult again. Ashton stills thinks about how dysfunctional is the family. Yes, we kind of are.

We arrived at this town called Kazenari. Because this town is the closest to the village by car or bus. We parked and checked in a hotel. Good thing the rooms were western, I wasn't used to Japanese-styled houses nor hotels, honestly. Henry and Ashton have their room, Samantha and Ashley the same and finally, I sleep with Mom and Dad on a sofa bed. We settled in our rooms, we're done for today, and tomorrow, we'll go for Kelly. Mom and Dad continued their conversation that I'm no longer can avoid now.

"Ronald, don't you think you're being hard on Henry?" Mom said.

"He had it coming. He let it happen."

Mom sighed, "Who can blame him? Now, all I want is to see my little Kelly. I hope he's alright."

"Kelly's a strong kid, he'll be fine, Julie." Dad embraces Mom behind her.

"Sometimes, he can't..." I muttered.

"Oh, Konnor, when we will need you?" I heard Mom whimpering.

As we settled, I better call Kelly to tell him we're here.


-Mid-late afternoon in Minasato-

We gathered up the meeting point where Tatsuki's truck is waiting. Torahiko, Shun, Kouya, Hiroyuki and myself were standing here and waiting for our host, Kounosuke.

"Do you think he'll be coming?" I asked.

"That slowpoke better not be leaving us hanging." Torahiko said.

"He'll be here, and also, Soutarou-kun is coming along too." Shun said.

"Did Kyouji already decided to come?" Tora said.

"I'm not sure." Shun replied.

Just finally Kounosuke came, Soutarou and Kyouji too. I guess he made up his mind after all. "Guess whose coming?" Soutarou started.

"Kyouji-senpai, you're gonna get over your fears?" Tora smiled.

"Well, maybe, but let's not get too serious about it." The labrador said as he rubs the back of his head. A little nervous.

"I'm gonna be sure he'll face his fears in no time!" Soutarou cried.

"Don't worry, Kyouji. Kelly here is also going to face his fear of the darkness." Kouya grinned.

"I'm not that afraid, Kouya. I just hate what lurks in the dark." I excused. "And I'm confident enough to know what we're going to do there."

"Have it your way."

"Everyone hop in!" Tatsuki shouts. We hopped in behind Tatsuki's truck. Kounosuke reads the old map, but Tatsuki knows where it is, because he, unknowingly saw it several times.

Good thing we're only doing this before sunset, but still, is going to be deserted, cold, and lifeless. Thinking nothing about the darkness, there's nothing to be worrisome or anxious. I must keep my cool as possible. However, I kind of feel excited about exploring an old abandoned place. Like those documented videos I had seen on the Internet. But just in case if something happens, I brought my satellite phone. Is very likely and kind of obvious by the fact that no one has a cellphone with them, depending on old fashioned telephones. I brought my own flashlight, so as others. We weren't planning to spend one full-night in there. Whatever how this Test of Courage will do, it takes a lot of balls to achieve.


After a ride from Minasato to our intentional destination. Tatsuki's truck started to go slower, "We're here!" He announced. The vehicle stops, we curiously peek out of the truck. As mentioned, the entrance is blocked by a wooden structure and it doesn't have a sign that says 'DO NOT CROSS' in front of it. Tatsuki jumps out of the truck and examines it. All of us followed and face it. Looking at it, it is covered in vines and plants, the wood is rusting away as nature takes over. I couldn't tell if it's a door or some kind of fence. Whatever it was, no one wants to go there. Let it be forgotten. Good thing we arrived here sooner, is still daylight. I'm not sure if we're going this far and call it a day.

"Kounosuke, did Shigure-san forbidden you to come here?" Hiroyuki asked.

"He didn't say anything like that, Hiroyuki." Kounosuke replied. "I was curious about how the village was abandoned. When I asked Shigure-san, he wasn't sure, but he remembers a terrible incident that had caused everyone to forcedly leave forever." He added.

"Terrible incident?"

"I don't know, yet. Shigure-san was too busy yesterday. I didn't heard his full story." He excused. "I'm sure when we get there we'll find out soon enough. That's why I want to do this Test of Courage: to find out what happened there."

"If we don't?" Kouya raised an eyebrow at Kounosuke.

"Consider it as a loss." He shrugged.

"So, how are we gonna get in?" Soutarou asked Kounosuke.

"I have no idea." He replied.

Just when the crashing sound of wood gave away, Hiroyuki was the closest. It didn't harm him, but half of the door or gate thingy fell apart backwards. I guess that's how you open whatever it was this barrier thingy.

"Hiroyuki! Are you alright!?" Torahiko shouted.

"I'm... I-I... I'm fine, Tora." Hiroyuki said as he shakes.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"It just broke away before I could touch it." Hiroyuki claims.

"Well, thanks to you, now we can get in." Kounosuke said with a big grin on his face.

We all got in to the truck and follow the worn out road. The old map shows that it's very close. Then, I noticed that it shows a bridge across a river. For a little while, we soon noticed that we already stopped. "There's a bridge, but I'm not risking losing the truck. We're gonna stop here!" Tatsuki informed.

"But why, Tatsu-nii?" Shun said. He's sitting in the passenger seat with Soutarou.

"Good point." Kyouji said behind the truck window. "We don't know if that bridge can handle the weight of the truck. It's best to just walk through it."

Everyone agreed, plus me. Tatsuki turns off the engine and we have finally arrived. Looking around my surroundings, we're really like deep in the forest. Trees had grown immensely, almost covering the sun and sky. There's a strange feel to it about being under the trees, like being inside of a cave. We look at the bridge, and under it, there's a river peacefully flowing. The light sound of lapping water calms me.

"Where all this water comes from?" Hiroyuki asked.

"I guess this village has its own river for water necessaries." Kyouji replied. "It is possible that this river maybe connected to our river."

We crossed the old bridge with no harm done. The man-made cobblestones leads to our first expectations. Our first sight was the tall shrine gate (the one I saw in one of the pictures), still standing majestically, but it show signs of deterioration. Kounosuke started to take pictures. And I'm actually enjoying this more than the whole thing about the test of courage.

"This is amazing." It was Hiroyuki who first commented.

"No kidding." I said. "And to think this place used to be habited."

"Wouldn't it be crazy if we found this place as a purgatory?" Torahiko said.

"I-I don't like that idea, Ooshima." Kyouji nervously said. Still daylight and now he's nervous?

Passing under the shrine gate, the nine of us stared at the scene. The ambience is dead silence, save for the wind that rustles the trees and other natural sounds. The buildings are impressively intact, but no signs of life here. Not even a candle is lighted. The light wind picks up the fallen leaves and lifts it in the air to wherever it lands. This is really spooky now that I see this at first hand. Before we know it, we're in the center of the town.

"Neat, isn't it?" Kouno said as he takes a picture.

"Kinda." Kouya replied.

"To revitalize this village will take a lot of years to be homey again." Tatsuki said.

"Do you think we're the first one to come here?" Shun said.

"I don't know, Shun. But we mightn't be the only ones." Soutarou responded.


"Maybe this place was cursed by an evil spirit and everyone were dead because of it." Soutarou started.

"Well, I don't see any dead bodies." Hiroyuki said.

"Now, now, let's not make up some theories of it." Kyouji said.

"You're right. Let's start this investigation." Kounosuke announced.

"How? There's pretty much nothing going on in here." Torahiko said.

"People don't abandon their homes for nothing." Kounosuke said. "There's gotta be something that made them leave."

"So, what exactly we're going to do?" Hiroyuki said.

"Let's split up."

"I'm sorry, but is that a good idea?" Kouya interrupts. "What if one of us gets lost."

"Well, let's split into three groups since we're nine of us." Kyouji proposed.

"He's right," Hiroyuki lighted up, "three members per team. That way, things don't get complicated. How about it?" All of us nodded. For a short moment, Hiroyuki thinks as he starts to speak. "Torahiko, Tatsuki and me. Kouya, Shun and Kelly. And finally, Kyouji, Soutarou with Kounosuke. Any objections?"

We looked at each other and it doesn't seems like we have a problem. "We're good." We replied.

"Okay, now that's settle. Let's gather here before sunset." Kounosuke instructed. I guess I didn't have to worry about the night. But I still have my flashlight with me.


Hiroyuki, Torahiko and Tatsuki went to the north side where the temple shrine is. Kounosuke, Soutarou and Kyouji to the west side where commercial district market is. And me, Kouya and Shun to the south side where the residence once lived. The east side is where we came from. The three of us walk slowly as this place seem somewhat unwelcoming. So far, nothing to be afraid of... I'm kind of glad that I'm paired up with Kouya, obviously.

"Such a beautiful place, and this is how they treat it." I said.

"Do you think an evil spirit did this?" Shun said.

"No, that's more of a myth." I replied.

"Japan has full of urban legends," Kouya said, "and mostly of them are really dark."

"Like what?"

"Like the Snake Woman? The Split Mouth Woman?" Kouya said. "And..."

"AAHH!" Shun screamed. That jump scared me.

"What's wrong, Shun-kun!?" Kouya cried. He runs directly to Shun in front of him, but Kouya sighed.

"I can't see!" Shun kept screaming.

"Hold still, Shun-kun." Said Kouya as he removes it from his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A paper..." He states.

"A piece of paper?"

"It flew right in to my face." Shun explained.

"Please, Shun-kun, don't scare me like that." I said.

"Sorry, guys." He embarrassedly said. I turned back to Kouya, he's still holding that piece of paper on his hand.

"Kouya, what are you looking at?"

"Take a look at this, Kelly." He hands it to me. Holding it and looking at it, it's a ticket but not just any normal ticket. It's an airline boarding pass. The date is May 15, nineteen... something, I can't tell what year is dated, the ticket is worn out and pen markings are near faded. But judging the looks of the ticket, I'll say from the post-World War II era of the late forties or maybe the fifties. It says 'Hinode Airlines' in capital letters. I've never heard of this airline before, must be one of the earliest generation of the aviation history of Japan. I guess it couldn't compete with Japan Airlines and ANA Airlines.

"What do you think?" Kouya asked.

"I guess a fellow villager was on a holiday." I replied.

"From Kobe to Sapporo? I don't think so." He said. I look at it again, it shows a routine flight from Kobe, Hy?go to Sapporo, Hokkaido. Where we are, we're not even near of any of these two prefectures. Good thing I learned the geography of Japan while on vacation.

"Hmm, you're right. It's impossible. But the question is: what's this doing here?"

"Keep it in your pocket, it might be our first clue." Kouya said.

"Alright," I obeyed, but then I chuckled, "funny, isn't it?"

"Why is that?"

"The date of the boarding pass says May 15, that's my birthdate." I smiled.

"Really?" He grinned.

"I turned eighteen last May before coming here."

"I guess I should say 'happy birthday', then."

"Oh, stop it." I blushed. "So, when's your birthday?"

"April the second." Whoa, really?

"You got lucky." I chuckled. "Hey, Shun-kun, what's your birthdate?" I turned to Shun.

"July the fourth." Shun responded.

"Really? That's the Independence Day of my home country."

"Huh, I didn't know that." He said.

"Whoa! What happened here?" Kouya exclaimed.

We stopped when we thought it was a large closed door for a short distance. It was actually a pile of debris of a structural building. It must have collapse for years of deterioration.

"That can't be good, there's no other way around." Kouya said.

"We might as well go back, then." I said, I'm kind of hoping to end this exploration before sunset.

"Don't be too hasty, Kelly." Kouya said. "We'll find another way."

"Are we really going that extreme, Kouya?"

"One way or another."

"Hey guys! I found a way." Shun shouted. He's standing on some steps of stones (technically stairs), it leads upwards to another level. But it kind of looks dark where it leads to. I fetched my flash light and we went on. Oh, false alarm, as we climbed, there was another path with more buildings and natural lights. I turned it off. When we look around, there's unusual debris everywhere in this area. Like there was some ruckus disturbance. Or a protest riot. But it clearly shows signs of burns.

"What happened here?" Shun said.

"Look at that." I pointed. A strange trail line dug out from the ground and it got thicker and curved passed through a building. The building seemed like if a knife sliced it. I guess whatever it was it must have struck that other building that block our way. "Do you think we're close, guys?"

"We must be." Kouya replied.

We followed the left out trail and walked between the sliced building. Inside was a mess, nothing was spared. Everything was in shreds. A strange massacre could be the blame. But that's not the case we're looking for. Going through it we stumble across the indoor patio of a house, the garden isn't well maintained. Just the nasty trail. The tree in the center is burned. We pay no attention and continue our search, even if there isn't one. Kouya tried to open one of the wooden doors but I won't budge.

"Is this a dead end?" I asked.

"Yeah, despite where that trail lead to. It must have gone right above it." Kouya said.

"Like a meteorite?"

"I wouldn't say it was a meteorite. But it definitely rained down here."

"Rained down here?"

"Maybe a fire rocket for fireworks went bad their last New Year's Eve ceremony." Shun said.

"It is plausible, Shun, but if something like that happened it could've taken down the village in complete flames." Kouya explained.

"Well, fire had something to do about it." I said. "I mean, look at the buildings." I gestured, "The rooftops are badly burned and... some of them are collapsed because of it."

"Well, let's keep that in mind. I'm going to open this door." Kouya said, he removes the wooden bar that kept the door closed. Like that, the door creaks as it opens. It revealed our exit. "Come on guys, let's go." We nodded.

We exited out from that building, but things got messier. Kouya, Shun and me stared in disbelief as we stood there. This area got more damaged than where we came. Houses are completely destroyed, chunk of trees on the ground either burned or nearly burned. But, all in between, there was something that we can't deny at first sight.

"Is this..." I tried to ask. Shun didn't say a word.

"Yeah, that's what rained down from the sky." Kouya confirmed me.

Worse than my accident from a month ago. A huge metallic object stood there clearly in front of us. The shape of that object is none other than a tail section of an airplane. Surrounded with debris of its own system along with the destroyed houses and trees.

"A passenger plane." Kouya said.

"A passenger plane?" I cried. "So... That means..." I fetch the plane ticket from earlier. I compared the airline's logo with the tail. We got a perfect match. "That's the plane that flew from Kobe to Sapporo! I mean, it didn't made it to Sapporo."

"When did this plane crashed here?" Shun said.

"I'm not sure, but in the ticket it says May 15, nineteen something." I tried to complete the last two digits but it's every vague to find. The flight's number is visible: 905. The ticket didn't gave out details, which it's supposed to. "I couldn't tell, but judging the shape of the tail. I'll say from the fifties. One of those early commercial planes. But where's the rest of the plane?"

"It must have crashed into pieces all over the village upon impact." Kouya said. "The others will soon find the rest of it."

"So, the cause of the disappearance of everyone in this village was of an airplane crash?" Shun said.

"People got so scared and traumatized after what happened that they decided to leave forever. Leaving the investigators to not recover the remains of the plane, except the bodies of course. After the case closed. The village was completely forgotten afterwards. All the habitants went on with their lives and start anew." He finished.

"That's every likely, Kouya." I said. "So that explains the barrier we broke in."

"They must have closed it so no one could break in."

"I think we have seen enough," I said, "let's go back. I think we shouldn't be here anyways."

"Yeah, let's go Shun-kun."

We found another way that seem like it leads back to the center of the village. But instead, it was a nursery aid area with a worn out tent. There's no one around of course, but it left the remains of the beds and other used up materials for the injured. No dried blood is seen. We ignored the tent and we go on ahead.

We have finally rendezvous at the plaza-like area. The sun is nowhere to be seen under the giant trees. The sky has started to change into orange. I hope everyone is present. So we can leave now. Kouya, Shun, and me sat on the bench, we were the first ones to come back. Torahiko, Hiroyuki and Tatsuki came second. They have confirmed they found a large chunk of an airplane at the temple, completely destroyed upon impact. Thanks to Tatsuki's aviation knowledge, the plane happens to be a DC-7. A classic commercial passenger plane. When there was a time that flying was less scary than it is now today. We told them we found a boarding ticket and the tail section at the resident area. When I show Tatsuki the ticket and the flight number, apparently, Tatsuki heard about this old plane crash. It happened on May 15, 1957. Hinode flight 905 took off from Kobe to Sapporo. During her flight, the plane suffers an engine failure and loses altitude and crashed into Natsu Village (that's name of the village). All 58 passenger and crew were killed, including 28 on the ground. It was one of the worst plane crashes in Japanese history before flight 123, according to Tatsuki. Now let's wait till Kounosuke, Kyouji and Soutarou comes. They must have found the same thing.

A little longer, Kounosuke arrived... Where's Kyouji and Soutarou? All of us were puzzled, the tanuki was breathing hard of tiredness. As he recovers his breath. "I need help! Soutarou fell in a hole..." All of us gasped.

"Is Soutarou-kun okay!?" Hiroyuki cried.

"Yeah, he's fine. Kyouji-san is still at that big house we were in. He's keeping an eye on Soutarou. We need a rope immediately." Kounosuke continues.

"There's one in my truck! I'll go and get it!" Tatsuki in all his might, runs for the truck.

"Please hurry." Kounosuke begged.


Tatsuki brought the rope. We followed Kounosuke to where they went. The quite big traditional house was in sight. All of us entered in, it was dark, nearly running through the hallways until we reach were Kyouji was standing. Behind him, was a hole that cave in, either the house deteriorating or a forming sinkhole? We look down over the edge and see the lion-kid standing just fine and calmed.

"How you doing, Soutarou?" Hiroyuki asked as he look down.

"I'm fine! Just a scratch." He shouts back.

"We're gonna pull you up in no time, Soutarou-kun!" Torahiko said.

"Soutarou! Tie with this!" Tatsuki sends the rope down to Soutarou.

"Got it!" He grabs it and ties it around his waist well tighten. "I'm ready!" Tatsuki, being the strongest, he dominantly lifts Soutarou in seconds. We're glad he's okay. "Sorry about that." Soutarou said. "The whole floor gave out."

"It's alright, Soutarou. Let's go." Kyouji said.

"Whew, I'm glad that's over." I said and I look down... "AAAHHH! SPIDER!" I shake my right foot to get the spider out, but I lost balance and land on my bottom. The others looked at me with their startled reactions. Then I hear a creaking noise. All of the sudden, the wooden floor topples under me. I tried to hold on to something, but I started to slide down, I screamed. Kouya rushed in to grab me but he fell in with me instead. The floor throw us into the hole. Kouya embraces me before we landed on the ground. It felt smooth, but I'm not sure if Kouya hurt his back.

"Kelly, you're okay?" He spoke right after the landing.

"I'm okay." I said as we stand up.

"Kouya! Kelly! Are you guys, okay?" Hiroyuki shouted from above.

"We're okay!" We both replied.

"Hurry! Get the rope!" Kyouji shouted.

Another creak we heard from right above the ceiling, I screamed. "Kouya! The ceiling!"

"Get out! Get out!" Kouya yelled at the others above.

"We're not leaving you both!" Tatsuki yelled back.

"There's a door here!" Kouya explained. "This is a lower floor!" A chunk of wood then fell and the ceiling is giving up. Kouya breaks the door by just one kick. "Come on, Kelly!" He grabbed my hand and quickly enter in before the ceiling crushed us. I hope the others got out. It's so dark in here I can't see a thing. Only my hand being held by a husky.

"Do you have the flashlight?" Kouya said from the darkness.

"Is in my satchel." I replied, I found the torch and lit up. Our faces were clear. A little of dirt though. "Kouya, are you hurt? That landing was pretty harsh."

"I'm okay, Kelly. No harm done."

"You... you did that for me, didn't you?"

"Umm, yes... Kelly..." he replied to me. "You scared me there."

"Sorry that we're in this mess."

"Don't be, let's get outta here." He holds my hand again. I feel safe with him.

"That eight-legged freak scared the hell outta me." I sighed.

"You're afraid of spiders?"

"...uhh... Maybe..." I looked away.

The two of us walk the dark corridor with a little torchlight. My brain and stomach it's telling me is dinner time. We climb some stairs to the other level and find ourselves in a kitchen-like room. "When we get out of here. Can you take me on a dinner tonight?" That's was all I could think of.

"That sounds good." Kouya replied to me. He started to shout familiar names as we walk by the empty dining room in dusts. I sneezed all of the sudden. "Bless you." I thanked him. After the calling, a door slides by itself which the loud dragging sound startles me. In front of us, six beastmens and one human with faces of relief as we encountered them. Whew.

"You guys made it!" Shun gladly said.

"Good thing there was a door down there." Kouya said.

"There was a door down there? I didn't see anything in there!" Soutarou said.

"Well, it doesn't matter." I said. "Can we please get out of here?" I begged.

They all agreed, we went back to Tatsuki's truck. No hesitations, let's go. Kounosuke apologized for bringing us here. We accepted his apology anyways. Night has darken the day. We came back safe and sound to the village.

"That's was some exploring there, huh?" Torahiko said.

"Yeah, let's not go there again." Hiroyuki said.

"Same here." Soutarou said.

We all went to our separate ways and call it a night, officially. Tiredness was all we have. I asked Kouya to stay with him for the night. He, of course, teases me for being eager and lonely. I blushed, but, my excuse was that I'm stressed and scared after what happen. That's all. Anyway, he understood what I meant, so he takes me to his house.


At his house, Kouya ordered some bento for both of us. He kept that little promise about me and him on a dinner. But it doesn't bother me that he do things by his own way without being myself as modest. And so, we're eating together on the same table as normal couples do.

"How you feeling, Kelly? You're a little shaky." Kouya said.

"I'm okay." I sighed. "I can't believe you dared yourself to go after me." I said. "You're one crazy husky."

"Well, I did it. And in return, you asked to go on a dinner with me, is that it?" He grinned.

I blushed a little for what he said but no harm done. "Thank you, Kouya." I said to him. "I'm glad you're there for me when I need it."

"Don't mention it."

"Hey, I noticed you've been cleaning your house." I complimented. His house is kinda cleaned, just the floor. The kitchen still has some dirty dishes.

"Yeah, I started yesterday before you called me about Masashi and Kimiko's friend zone thing." He said.

"Oh... Yeah..." I replied. It felt kind of awkward.

After dinner, we take turns in the shower and I brought some clothes with me for bed. I usually wear a cotton white t-shirt and boxers. Comfortable for me to sleep. As I leave the shower with a new fresh of clothes and walk to where we're going to sleep in (Kouya liked the idea of sleeping together), I see him just only his underwear. Is he... "Are you ready?" He smirked.

I couldn't help but giggle or chuckle, "I don't think this is what I have in mind, Kouya."

"Relax, I'm too tired." He said.

"So, is that what you wear when you sleep?"

"Yeah, it's pretty comfortable." He replied. "Come on, get in." He gestures the available space. I slide in next to him. The sheets were cold, but nicely cool. I just lay my back, head resting on the pillow, and stare at the ceiling with my hands clasped together on my chest. This is how I do before falling to sleep every night. But this time is different, I'm sleeping with a partner. A thing I've never done with my ex-boyfriends. Kouya snuggles me closer on my left side and caress my cheek lovingly.

I turned to face him. "Kouya?"


"Before we left for the excursion to that village. I got a call from my sister Sylvia at the inn. My family are in Kazenari now. And tomorrow, they're coming to see me." I let out.

"Are you nervous?"

"I'm anxious to see them, it's been a while since the accident, Kouya."

"Remember the talk we have. You should tell them, especially your father."

"Yeah, I'll tell them."

We kissed goodnight and we soundly fell asleep. Tomorrow, is another day.

My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 30

August 29th: Family Reunion I was kind of forced to be awake so we could say goodbye to Hiroyuki, because he has some family urgencies. I guess I can't miss this. As far as I know, Hiroyuki lives in the big-city, he's been keeping in touch with...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 28

August 27th: Unrequited and Uninvolved Just as everything is getting better with hopes and many new routes, this is not what I expected for a second souvenir hunt for my uncles, parents, cousins and sister. I'm stuck here in the middle of the town...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 27

August 26th: The Concerned ..._Dad, why you're so worried about me...?_ ..._You know I can take take care of myself, Dad_... ..._I'm not a child anymore, Dad_... ..._Dad, please, let me be me_... ..._Is there something you don't want me to know?...

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