Tribal Instinct: Beginnings

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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Wrote this part when bored. Didn't edit it yet, so sorry for any errors.

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Quaid didn't dare blink; he didn't want to miss out on a millisecond of gazing upon this god of sex. Simply put, Clentin was enormous. He towered over Quaid, approximately eight feet in height, his entire body littered with muscle. His arms bulged with quivering biceps and forearms wrapped in coils of muscle. His torso was adorned with two giant mounds of firm pectorals, followed by an eight pac stomach that looked as though they were bricks. His thighs seemed to be sculpted of marble, one of them quivering in anticipation, the massive mound of muscle lightly flexing and relaxing.

The avian was covered with dark grey feathers, his body like a shadow in the moonlight that shined on him. His face was grimly serious, but his eyes betrayed the façade, their depths swirling with wanton lust. His yellow beak hung open, his huge chest heaving as he breathed deeply.

He clenched his fists, his arms rippling his muscle, and grunted loudly as his cock throbbed in front of him. There it was, Quaid thought. The cock of legends. It jutted out from the avian, parallel to the ground, an unknown amount of inches (feet, even) throbbing lightly to Clentin's heartbeat, countless veins bulging and pulsating all over the massive length. A thick rope of clear precum dribbled out of the throbbing, purple head, falling slightly, the rope threatening to break, but instead hanging there like a tendril of drool. It rose and fell with Clentin's slightly bouncing cock, swaying to and fro. Quaid's eyes followed it until it finally grew too heavy and dripped onto the grass. Clentin broke the rope of pre bridged between his cock and the ground when he stepped closer to the equine.

Quaid couldn't help but to recoil, stepping back and stumbling onto his bottom. The warrior was intimidating, to say the least. Here in front of him stood a legend: a warrior of innumerable stories of greatness and valor, said to have slain as many enemies in a matter of hours as many soldiers have during a lifetime. Granted, Clentin's sword was inside the ruins of his hut, but now another weapon poised a serious threat.

"That was some damn good work you did," the avian said, his voice hoarse but his tone as friendly as it could get, with a hint of a threat underlying the complimentary message.

"Thank you," Quaid responded, trying his best to keep what was left of his dignity. He stood up, facing the warrior head on, his body several feet away from the monstrous pillar of meat attached to that hulking beast of a warrior. His heart was beating out of his chest, and his own sixteen inch horse cock was rising and falling violently, thumping against his body, begging for attention. Quaid was tempted to assuage his burning desire, but managed to restrain his shaking hands from grabbing his cock.

"You're not done yet, though. It's going to take a while for me to be completely satisfied," Clentin put his hands on his hips, making himself seem all the more gigantic.

Quaid's head was swimming. The guy had already shot the most massive load he thought possible on this planet. How could he possibly still have more?

The avian started to chuckle. "I know what you're thinking. It's written on your face. That load you just saw was one of many."

"" Quaid couldn't help but ask.

Clentin smiled. "Just how I was born. I was always big compared to others. Some of my fondest memories come from my earlier years, when I was first finding out about"

This sparked an interest in Quaid. "Could you tell me about it?"

Clentin seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a moment, a warm smile on his beak. "It all started when I was a teenager..."

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Clentin squinted in the morning light. He didn't want to get out of bed, but willed himself to do so. He swing his feet to the ground and stood up, stretching with a loud moan, his sheet falling off his body and catching onto his morning wood. The young avian laughed and snatched it off, pushing his cock down playfully and letting go, his hard meat slapping his chest with a loud thud.

He went though the drapery bearing his tribe's symbol and stepped onto the soft grass, wet with morning dew. This was the third day he spent in his new, private hut - a present he received the day he turned seventeen. He had been a man for three days, and loved every second of it. He was being treated with respect, no longer having to anticipate the day where he would be on his own, which had burdened him for so long. Now, he would be able to become the warrior he had dreamed of being since he was small.

He would have to report to Master Heng in the southern fields, but he had woken up too early to leave now. He went back into his hut, his erection dying down, and put on his loincloth, stuffing his cock in it with difficulty. He had been receiving stares from other members of the tribe since he was a child, but no one ever said a word about it. In fact, he hadn't discovered the endless pleasure his member would bring him, until today...

He greeted his family seated by the fire in the center of the camp, devouring a large breakfast before deciding to wander around the area. The sky was bright blue and covered with a variety of white clouds smeared across as though a hand had swiped through them, rays of sunlight shining through them. Clentin stood at the top of the plateau his tribe was based on, breathing the fresh air, his strong chest inflating and deflating.

He was young and strong. His body was growing at an alarming rate. He was already six and a half feet tall at his young age, his muscles large, hard, and fit. The avian put his hands behind his head, smiling at the beautiful horizon, the trees of the forest below him swaying gently in the breeze. Clentin felt the cold air brushing against his body, agitating his feathers, stirring his member.

After a few calming minutes, Clentin descended the slopes of the plateau, making his way into the forest at its base. The sound of leaves flowing in the wind filled his ears, rays of sunlight weakly shining through. He lay in a small, circular clearing, bright with sunlight.

The avian explored his body. He was getting stronger by the day. He could have sworn he was smaller the previous night than he was now. The boy cupped his hands over his pecs, giving them a firm squeeze. He ran his fingertips over his abdominals, his six pack flexed and impressive. He brought an arm next to his head and flexed it slowly, gasping as his massive bicep grew larger and larger, the huge ball of muscle throbbing his power. He ran his free hand over it, moaning softly at the feeling. He was so big, so strong, and still so young.

He felt an odd stirring in his loins as he did all this, not yet knowing of his raving narcissism. He looked down, his loincloth stirring, the massive bulge it was already struggling to contain growing larger. He smiled, knowing he was getting an erection. He had had so many growing up, but didn't know what they were for, just that they were fun to mess around with.

In no time his loincloth had torn away to make way for his growing monster. His semi slapped across his hip, slowly traveling up, up, up, with every beat of his heart, the monster throbbing lightly. The avian boy sat up, hands on the ground behind him, legs outstretched, watching. The more he looked at it, the more it grew - the more turned on he was becoming. He had never felt this way before. It used to just be slightly annoying, but, it felt good. Very good.

He blinked and put his hand around his member, shuddering lightly. It was as big as it got now, resting perfectly in the middle of his muscled chest, as thick as his wrist. Instinct began to take over, and the boy slowly brought his hand up and down his meat. His body convulsed when he did so, his muscles quaking and tensing, his arm flexing as he continued to jerk his big, fat cock.

"Wow..." he moaned, falling onto his back again, jerking himself with both hands now. His head was turned, the avian moaning more loudly now, delighting in the amazing sensation of intense pleasure he was feeling for the first time. He didn't quite understand what was going on, but he knew that he was loving it. Soon he found that he was lightly thrusting into his own palms, his butt clenching as his hips rose and fell.

Clentin's eyes opened. He got up and walked over to a flat rock in the middle of the clearing, sitting on it. He looked down at his throbbing member, a strange, clear fluid oozing out of the tip, his cumslit throbbing and winking at him as it leaked out precum. It looked so delicious. The more he thought of it, the more his cock lurched until finally a wad of the fluid splattered onto the face. Clentin gasped and sputtered, but soon regained his composure, instead running his tongue over his cheek to taste the foreign substance. It tasted damn good.

He looked down at his cock again, his hands flat on the rock, his triceps flexing. It was only a few inches from his face. He could easily do it...

And that he did. Clentin opened his mouth and bent his head forward, shoving his cockhead into his mouth. His eyes shot open at the intense pleasure he suddenly felt, and in no time he was going to town on himself. His head bobbed up and down his length, sucking and slurping, precum and spit oozing down his fat shaft. His hands soon joined in, rubbing and jerking his meat, caressing his titanic balls, feeling up his own body.

Soon Clentin fell back onto the grass, his head raised and sucking his own member, lost in the intense pleasure. But then he felt a strange tingling sensation, deep in his groin. He didn't know what it was, but it felt amazing, and the feeling grew the more he pleased himself. And so Clentin continued to suck himself until finally the feeling grew so intense he had to stop.

He lay on his back, cock in his hands, his muscles tighter than ever, muscles exploding all over as the first orgasm of his life began. "Oh...Uhh....RRRRRRRRGH!" the avian roared so loudly that birds in the nearby trees took flight. Clentin's hands flew off his cock and grabbed at the grass as his body writhed and convulsed. His hips thrust into the air, humping the empty space above him, his cock even more massive than ever before, blood red in color, spurting large amounts of clear precum, which soon turned whiter and thicker.

Finally it came. "Ohhh, YESSSS!" the boy roared, his cock exploding in a shower of delicious white cum. It splattered right onto his face, the avian opening his mouth and loving the taste of his own spunk. Another shot landed in the grass countless feet behind him, the third shooting into the air only to come back down and splatter onto his body. The boy ran his hands down his flexing, strong body, kneading the cum into his feathers, loving the feeling of his hard muscles beneath his hands. He was so big, so strong, so hot...

"YES! YEAH! OOOOH!" he continued to scream managing to get onto his knees, jerking his cock with both hands now, cumming all over the grass in front of him. He then put his hands behind his head, thrusting into the air so hard his cock slapped against his body.

It had been an entire 90 seconds and he wasn't showing signs of letting up. The power of his orgasm was so intense, so amazing, he never wanted it to stop. But that it did, after two minutes.

"More...MORE!" he gasped, putting his hands on his cock again, jerking it furiously. His body was covered with his cum, cock slippery with it, acting as a lubricating agent that only made his jerking feel better. He slurped and sucked on himself again for a while before falling to the ground again, rolling onto his stomach. He humped the ground, the grass tickling him as he did so. The boy's butt clenched with every thrust, his massive, strong body becoming tense again.

"Yeah...yeah! Again!" he yelled when he felt his second orgasm come. He rolled onto his back again, pointing his cock straight into the air, letting the cum shoot up and then splatter onto him again. "UUUUGH!"

He got up and went over to the rock. He spread his legs and bent his knees awkwardly in order to lower himself so that the bottom of his cock touched the surface of the rock. He wrapped his cock in his hands, putting pressure on it, and thrust, shooting rope after rope of thick cum up to ten feet in front of him.

Finally that orgasm ended, but he was already working on his third, and it came in only half a minute, even more cum splattering the grass, his body, everywhere, never seeming to let up. He had an endless supply, his cock constantly begging for more after each one, the boy giving in to its demands. And he loved every moment of it.

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"I went to that clearing in the forest every chance I got. But that first time...that'll always be special to me."

"How many times did you cum that day?" Quaid asked, his cock so hard after hearing the story that it hurt. He didn't dare touch it, look at it, or even think about it, lest he explode all over Clentin.

"Fifteen times," Clentin said with a smile on his face. His cock lurched at the memory. "By the time I was done I fell asleep for fourteen hours. It was the greatest day of my life," he laughed.

"Is that the most orgasms you've had in one day?"

Clentin laughed even harder. "Oh, not by a long shot. You're about to have one hell of a time."

Quaid gulped.