(C) The 23rd Iron Soul

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#49 of Commissions

Let's keep this train rolling~! First-time raffle winner Sedyna gave me a fun story for y'all. Their fighter monk bunny, Lyra Lightfoot, has entered an illegal fighting tournament to prove herself as a fighter. Unfortunately, it seems most of those in the tourney aren't exactly what she would call worthy opponents. That is until she gets to the final fight against the previous year's champion, the dragon Vin Emberproud. A strong fighter... just not very honorable. Good thing there's no rules in this sort of fight... good for him.

Lyra Lightfoot is owned by Sedyna.

You know the drill. If you would like a chance to win a raffle story each month, SubStar stuff is here!

The 23rd Iron Soul

By XP Author

Her foot connected with the side of the tiger's head. The blow was so hard, it not only snapped his head to the side, but sent him careening away. He crashed to the mat hard, tumbling over himself until he ended up in an undignified heap against the edge of the cage. There he lay, knocked out cold. The crowd erupted into uproarious cheers at the decisive victory. Not her first of the tournament, either. This was supposed to be a semi-finals bout, but the man had barely manage to land a single blow upon her. How he had managed to get this far was beyond her.

The announcer's voice rang out from the speakers. "Another incredible victory for our newcomer! With a name like hers, you'd think her kicks wouldn't be so heavy! Let's hear it for the snowy fighter: Lightfoot!" The cheering picked up again. The white rabbit rose a fist up, but it was more of a ceremonial gesture than any salute of victory or the like. She would hardly have called this a fight. She moved to the edge of the ring, hopping down the stairs and making her way to the back room. For being an illegal, underground fighting tournament, they went all out on this place. Each fighter had their own little locker room, with all the basic essentials. Locker, of course, and a shower, toilet, plenty of water, and a TV with a view of the ring so they could watch any matches while waiting for their own.

"Lyra! That was awesome!" Dellen came bounding over to her, smiling wide. "You sent that guy flying!"

She scoffed to her lover. "I've had tougher fights against training dummies. At least they're hard enough to make my feet ache." Still, she smiled when the cat's arm slid across her shoulders in a hug. She leaned into him as they walked to her private locker.

He didn't lose his energetic spunk, despite her sullen attitude. "Well, you're in the finals now! And if you keep fighting like that, you're a shoe-in for champ!"

She let out a sigh as she dropped herself onto the flat, very uncomfortable bench in the middle of the place. "Yeah... but what's the point of I'm just kicking the crap out of a bunch of amateurs?" She slumped a little forward. "I had hoped that a tournament like this would have actual fighters. Be a challenge, you know?" The Iron Soul tournament was somewhat well known, despite being highly illegal. The tourney supposedly was where real fighters could test themselves in actual fights with next to no rules. The only real restriction being that they were not allowed to bring any weapons not a part of their body. Unlike more official fights, it was not uncommon for competitors to have bones broken and blood drawn. It was also not unheard of for one or more to end up dead. In fact, two competitors had already died at this year's. Some goat had his throat slashed open, and a rat had her neck snapped when she refused to tap out.

Dellen move around behind her, putting his hands gently on her shoulders. "Hey, c'mon. If you get champion, then maybe next year some actual fighters will show up to try and challenge you!" He started to squeeze her shoulders, feeling the tension in them.

She let out another sigh. "Yeah... maybe." She winced as he started to work on the knots in her shoulders. "Ooof... that feels nice." She leaned back a little, her back resting against his belly.

The cat let out a low purr as he continued to massage her. He glanced over at the TV. "Next fight's gonna start." The sound was muted, so neither heard whatever the announcer was saying. Some very basic overlay popped up to show a picture of the two fighters. One was the brown bear, Hector Yorovitch, apparently the champion from a few years ago. The other was last year's champion, a tall black dragon named Vin Emberproud. "Oh, two champs going at it. Who do you think's gonna win?"

Lyra didn't even look at the screen. "The dragon's got it. Bear's getting slow and leaves his left side open when he swings." She closed her eyes as his thumb worked at another knot. "Mph... Dragon will probably wear him down a little, then go in for a choke hold or just knock him senseless for a while." She smirked. "If the bear's smart, he'll tap out in a choke. Unless he wants the dragon snapping his neck, too."

The fight went almost exactly like she said. The bear came out with powerful swings that the dragon easily avoided or blocked. After a few minutes, Vin started to lay into him the moment he saw an opening. A series of hard punches to the bear's chest had him reeling back. After some more back-and-forth that was obviously in the dragon's favor, he had Hector in a headlock. After nearly a minute of struggling, he did tap out. He was left on the mat panting heavily, bleeding from his nose, while the dragon looked no worse for wear.

Her lover chuckled as he watched. "How the hell do you do that?" He was always so impressed with her ability to read people at a glance.

"Years of practice." She reached up to pat his hand gently. "And the help of someone who taught me the value of staying calm." She stood up and adjusted her outfit. She kept it simple and light. A tight athletic top that left her belly and shoulders exposed, a leather skirt with tight running shorts under, and a pair of tight leggings running up to mid-thigh. She left her feet bare, and had only fingerless leather gloves on her hands. Dellen insisted she looked just like some brawler character from a fantasy video game in the getup, but she didn't see it. It was just comfortable, flexible, and allowed her to move freely. That was all she cared about.

While she made sure everything on her was in order, the cat worked to pull her long, silver hair back and retie the tight ponytail. "There you go."

The speaker overhead pinged, an automatic voice coming through. "2 minutes until the match. Lyra Lightfoot. Please proceed to the arena for your fight. Failure will result in a forfeit and disqualification."

She took a breath, feeling refreshed from his little shoulder rub earlier. "Well. This is it, then." She smiled at him. "Wish me luck."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Break a leg. Preferably not your own." She smirked, nudging his shoulder gently before making her way out and to the arena.

As she got close, the announcer was just starting his whole spiel. "Ladies, Gentleman, and all else! Welcome to the final fight of the 23rd Iron Soul Tournament! There have been a lot of upsets, twists, and more than a few surprises all leading up to this moment. One such surprises is the newcomer! The snowy warrior whose kicks have proven brutally effective! She has a real shot at being this year's champion. Give it up for_ LIGHTFOOT! _" That was her cue. Raising a hand up as she stepped into the ring, the crowd grew louder. A mix of cheers, boos, and probably a quite a few lewd comments. They all blended into each other in a cacophony of noise.

As the announcer continued, the noise died down a little "She's going to have some tough competition, though. Returning to the arena is the currently reigning champion. Tall, black, and not afraid to leave his opponent in a pool of their own blood. You know him, you love him. Welcome: _ EMBERPROUD! _" The black dragon stepped into the ring on his cue, both hands raised and a huge grin on his face. He turned slowly, playing to the crowd. As with every other match, he wore nothing more than a pair of shiny red boxing shorts. It left his well muscled form visible for all, showing off the scars crisscrossing over his body like badges of honor.

When he turned back to face her, he gave her a wink. "Look'n forward to this." His voice was taunting. She ignored it and just gave him a bow before shifting herself into a fighting stance. "Oh. Right proper one, ain'tcha?" He pantomimed doing a curtsy, much to the crowd's amusement.

The announcer finished going through everything. "Looks like our fighters are ready. With that, let the final bout of the 23rd Iron Soul _ BEGIN! _" A gong went off as the doors to the cage around the arena slammed shut, signaling the start.

Lyra had watched him during his fights. He liked to start his fights taunting and keeping his distance while trying to get under his opponent's skin somehow. She did not plan to give him that chance. Just as he was taking a breath to start some verbal barb, she launched herself forward. His eyes snapped open as he was caught off guard, only managing to get a half-step back before her leg lashed out, catching him in the side. He grunted as he staggered to the side. She did not even let her foot down, instead she used his body as a step and rotated her own. It brought her up into the air, where she crashed her other leg down upon the top of his skull hard.

Vin was sent slamming down onto the mats, bouncing a little from the blow. His wings spread wide far too late to try and slow his momentum. Her momentum was continued. The moment she was on the ground, she flipped forward to drive both heels into his back. The sound he made would probably have been a scream had she not just knocked all the air from his lungs. She was just getting ready for another blow when something solid cracked the side of her head, sending her tumbling forward off of him. Even as she was rolling forward to keep from ending up flat, she realized what hit her was his tail. She should have expected that.

Quickly getting herself back to her feet and pivoting on her heel to face him, she saw the man getting back up, a wild grin on his face, showing rows of sharp teeth. "Ah... well, you wanna play like that, luv?" He shifted his torso a little, a few cracks audible from his spine. "Mmmph, been some time since anyone got a hit on me like that." She narrowed her eyes. She had underestimated just how tough those scales were if he could tank those sorts of kicks and joke about it. He could just be playing, though. He had hit the mat pretty hard. He had to be feeling some of it.

She darted forward again, feinting left, only to end up feinting again when he seemed to predict it. Her foot shot out, catching him in a solid kick to his gut. Stars suddenly exploded in her vision as the back of his hand connected with her face, sending her flying. She hit the mat and rolled, though managed to get to a crouch from it. She shook her head quickly to clear it. He was a lot faster than she gave him credit. Still, he held his belly where she had hit him. If his skull was too thick for an easy KO, she would have to aim for the softer spots like that.

It was his turn to go on the offensive. He bounded at her, covering the distance in two strides. She narrowly rolled out of the way as his fist slammed down at her, hitting the mat hard enough to shake it. She had to dive over his tail as it swung low at her, only to end up being bashed full on by his wing. She was again sent flying, this time right into the cage at the edge of the arena. She bounced off, stumbling to keep her balance. He was right on her again, his knee smashing into her gut and pinning her to the cage. She yelped, only for the breath to be stolen by the blow. She tasted blood in her mouth, too.

He didn't even let her flop onto the mat, but caught her by the arm as she fell. He spun, swinging her around by the arm like a ball on a chain. Instead of throwing her, he swung her back into the cage, her chest colliding with it this time. Even as she bounced off again, he still had her arm in his grip. He twisted, and she felt as much as heard the horrible crunching as bones were twisted far beyond their limit. She screamed as fiery pain lanced through her broken forearm. Only then did he let her go. "Gonna give up, bunny?"

There was no way she was giving up so easy, even with a broken arm. She had broken bones before, so she could deal with it. Gritting her teeth, she hopped up, planting her feet solidly on the cage and using it to launch herself at him. The unorthodox attack caught him off guard, her head striking his gut like a torpedo. One foot went down, only to push off of the mat to flip herself up. Wrapping both legs around his head. She lurched herself forward as hard as she could, not quite able to flip-throw him, but it was enough to drag him off of his feet and send him crashing back to the mat again. She heard him grunt in pain as his back struck. Her opening blows had hurt him after all.

Her eyes snapped open when his tongue suddenly flashed out, lapping at her crotch. The move had put it right at his mouth. She flinched away, quickly getting back to her feet. She really should have just followed up with something like a knee to his throat, but she had not expected him to literally lick her. "Mmm... bunny pussy is always so sweet." He pushed himself back up slowly. "Just couldn't help but push your cunt right into my face, huh? You practice doing it with that kitty boy-toy on the sidelines?"

Her anger rose at his constant taunting, even though she had told herself not to let it get to her. She glared at him, still holding her broken arm close. "You're disgusting. What kind of warrior stoops so low?"

He shrugged. "No rules against it. So c'mon. Gimme another taste." He let his tongue hang out at her. That was all she could take. She growled and moved forward, even while a voice in the back of her head was calling her an idiot for it. She was only halfway there when what felt like a tree log smashed into her middle. Her kicks were powerful, but his were something else. It launched her into the air, tumbling end over end... or it would have, if he had not followed it up with a fist. It hammered into her back, sending her crashing to the floor, bouncing several inches off of it. She coughed, blood splattering from her mouth. Just as she was pushing herself up to her knees, his foot caught her in the chest and she was sent tumbling through the air after all.

When she came back down, her body rolled several times, flopping over itself until she finally came to a halt on her belly. Every breath hurt, more fiery pain scorching inside of her chest. Several ribs had shattered from all of that, her back ached horribly, and the landing had not done anything to help with the already broken arm. She lay there, wheezing and straining to catch her breath. "Are you done now, bunny?" He called out, his voice just as taunting as ever.

Gritting her teeth through the pain, she forced herself to push up. "Not... happening..." She struggled to get a knee under herself, pushing up more. With clear effort, she managed to get to her feet. Everything hurt, but she could ignore that for now. She had not come this far just to end up. She got herself into a fighting stance again, taking deep breaths, no matter how painful they were. She took a slow, painful step towards him.

The dragon scoffed. "Oh come on." She took another step forward. Then another. Then faster, until she was running... right past him. He blinked, spinning around in shock and confusion. "Wha-!?" She aimed not for him, but for the cage. Leaping up, she kicked off to keep her speed increasing. She had one last trick she had not shown off this whole tournament. Ignoring the pain in her chest, the aching in her back, the strain on her legs, she kept running. Faster and faster. She darted past him again, and he turned to keep up, only for her to bounce off another wall and dash past him again. "What the hell are you doing!?"

On the sidelines, she heard Dellen crying out. "Lyra! No! Don't!" He knew what she was attempting. He also knew she had never successfully pulled it off. If ever there was a time to, it was now.

She was as fast as she was going to get, almost a blur of white streaking around him. With one final bounce off the walls, she leapt. Putting a spin on her momentum, she sailed into him feet-first like a drill. With the spin, she kicked out several times, each one hitting him along his chest, belly, face, chest again. No less than eight solid kicks in less than a second, each one sinking into his flesh. As the final rotation ended, she let one leg swing out, bringing her heel up to smack into his jaw with the last of her built up momentum. He was sent tumbling away, bouncing and rolling over himself until he struck the far edge of the arena and bounced off, rolling a little more away to end up on his back. He clutched at his chest, which was now bleeding, and groaned in pain. THAT one he felt!

As for Lyra, she somehow managed to not end up face-first on the mat, but stumbling several steps to keep herself on her feet. She panted hard, each breath rasping and ragged. "That!" She spat at him. The effort nearly had her fall over. She limped her way closer to the still groaning dragon. "Do YOU give up, ya big stupid lizard!?"

Vin grunted, pulling his hand away from his chest to look at the blood on it. His own blood. The wound was not particularly life threatening, but damn did it hurt. "Fuck..." He groaned as he pushed himself up, wincing a little. "I haven't bled in a long time..." He took several deep breaths, wincing again. "But no. I'm not done yet." He grinned at her. "You look you are, though."

She panted and slid herself back into a fighting stance. "Not yet..." She knew she was running close to empty, but she was not ready to throw in the towel just yet. For all his bluster, he wasn't looking so hot, either.

He grunted at her. "Alright then. C'mon." He put his hands up in a boxing pose. "Gimme more!" Despite his words, he was the one to move first. He darted forward... as much as he could, and swung out at her. She ducked under the hook, and shifted to avoid the cross that followed. Neither fighter was moving with their previous speed. She continued to dodge several more punches, letting him wear himself down while she got some energy back of her own.

When he stumbled at one miss, she took the opening. Stepping in, she spun and lashed out with a basic but powerful kick. It struck him in the middle, only for him to suddenly wrap an arm around it. "Gotcha!" Her eyes went wide, but before she could tug away, his arm came down on her knee. She screamed as more bones shattered. She nearly fell to her knee, her good leg trembling. He was not done with the one in his grip, though. He slashed down with an open hand. His talons ripped through her thigh, carving deep gashes in the meat and splattering blood onto the mats.

He reached out to grip at her shirt, yanking her close. "Shoulda given up while you had the chance, luv." He gave her another big, toothy grin. "Maybe you'd have been able to limp away then. Now..." He suddenly spun around, his talons again ripping into her thigh. With a sudden ripping sound, he tore her leg free, cracking her femur in half to pull the whole thing off at her thigh. She went flying backwards, rolling and screaming in agony. He looked at the leg in his hand. "Well, you won't be doing much walking ever again." He dropped the thing, which hit the floor with a meaty thump.

Lyra lay on her back, grasping at the severed, jagged stump of her thigh, blood pouring out at an alarming rate. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at where her leg had been moments earlier. Broken bones could mend, cuts could scar over and heal, but this... this was the end of her as a fighter forever. There was no coming back from this. She squeezed her eyes shut, only for them to snap open when he grabbed her other leg. "W-what are you doing!? I'm done! I forfeit! You won!"

Vin nodded, crouching down. "Oh, I know." He ran his hand along her undamaged leg. "Here's the thing though. This is the finals. It doesn't end until one of us is unconscious or dead."

She scowled. "Then... then fucking... choke me out or something!" She was liable to pass out any moment as it was. "Before I bleed to death!"

He chuckled. "No. Though you dying is definitely what's going to happen." Her eyes went wide again. "But I'm taking my reward from you first." He reached out, grabbing at the crotch of her shorts. Before she could protest, he ripped them open, exposing her pussy to him. "Yeah... just as pretty as I thought."

She tried to crawl away. "N-no!" She was barely able to drag herself a few inches away before her strength gave out entirely. She fell back, panting heavily, her vision blurry, both from the blood loss and the tears. "Not like this..." she begged, sobbing at him. "Please... let me die with some dignity!"

He shook his head as he reached down to his own shorts. "Not happening, little cunt." He pushed his shorts down to fully expose himself. His cock sprang free, rock hard already. It was massive, almost as long as her forearm, with ridges along the length that tapered to a point that looked lethal. "You ready to take a real man's cock?" She shook her head, still sobbing and begging him not to. "Too bad." He grabbed her hips and dragged her close again, the tip poking at her lower lips. "I haven't fucked one of you bunnies in years. Let's see how much you can take!"

With no warning or build up, he shoved several inches into her in one thrust. She screamed in agony as he spread her wide, and it would only get wider from there. He groaned as he started to hump into her hard, caring little for her pleasure. "Yeah... nice and tight!" He grunted. "Oh, you bitches always squeeze so tight when it hurts!" He laughed, enjoying her squirms of pain. She tried to punch him with her good arm, but she was so weak now that he didn't even have to block it.

After several more thrusts, he felt himself prodding at her inner barrier. "Ah, already full, and I'm not even half-way?" He took hold of her hips harder. "Well, let's fix that." He pulled back, only to thrust forward hard while yanking her back against him. His tip speared right through her cervix, deep into her womb. It felt like he stabbed her inside of her belly. Because he had done just that. His initial thrust was so hard, not only did it pierce into the womb, but right through it. He let out a loud groan of pleasure.

"Ahhh... fucking hell! Your guts feel amazing!" She looked up at him with a horrified gaze. "Yeah, that's right. I'm fucking into your guts! You wanna see?" She shook her head, but he just ignored her by shoving hard again. She let out a weak scream, what little energy she had left fading rapidly. He pushed himself deeper, her pussy ripping wider with ever bump and ridge that forced its way past. He shifted the angle he fucked her, his tip poking at the inside of her belly, making it bulge out each time he thrust deeper.

Her screams died to whimpers, blood trickling from her mouth as he pushed her organs around. "Let's see what you got here." He reached up to rip her shirt open, letting her tits flop out for all to see. "Small, but nice." He grabbed one, giving it a hard squeeze. "Nice and soft." He grunted a little as he pushed deeper. "But I think it's time for the main show!" He slapped her tit, then grabbed her sides. Digging his talons into her flesh, he started to thrust much harder. Her belly bulged out more visibly each time his cock punched the inside.

With a horrible ripping sound and a spray of blood, he thrust so hard that his cock ripped through her belly, emerging out just under her chest. She looked down to see the thing sticking out of her. "Ah! That's the stuff!" he thrust deeper, ripping her belly open further every time. Her flesh just tore more and more, until it was wide enough that her intestines started to spill free, force out by his continued fucking. Loops of bloody viscera flopped out, spilling onto the ground in a heap of offal. He laughed a little. "Well, never doubted you had guts. Here's your proof!"

Her head fell back, hanging limp as he continued to jerk her body back to stuff every inch of his cock into her. She wished she could just fade right there, already feeling her life ending. She caught sight of Dellen, staring with wide-eyed horror at his lover being literally fucked to death in front of him. She wished she could tell him to look away, but she couldn't make sounds anymore. She could only stare with fading, tear-filled eyes.

Something splashed onto her face. Hot and sticky. She did not have the energy to look up to see what it was. She heard the dragon letting out a roar of pleasure. He was cumming, his cock poked out through her torn belly, spraying cum into and through her exposed guts, splashing down onto her chest and face. She had no energy to even be horrified by it anymore. She just wanted the end to come. She barely felt him jerking her body back and forth to pump his seed onto her.

A hand gripped her ears, lifting her head up. "Ya still there?" He looked into her eyes, seeing them moving but not really seeing. "Not really, eh? Well." He set her body down to grip her head with both hands. "Let's make this official, shall we?" He lifted her head, only to twist it hard. Her neck made a snapping sound, then crunching as he turned it the other way. He used his talons to slice through the flesh until he could finally rip her head free of her neck. He held it up, dangling by her ears. The darkness finally took her then. The last thing she heard was the crowd, cheering so loud for her brutal death.

Vin was hardly done with her, of course. He ripped his cock free of her body, only to shove himself into her mouth. "Here. Clean me off, would ya?" He chuckled as he pumped her head back and forth along his shaft. The tip emerged from the jagged, torn base of her neck every so often. "Yeah. Bunny heads make the best fleshlights." He kept pumping her head back and forth a little, not really trying to get himself off again. He had pretty much already emptied his balls in her spilled guts.

Then he got an idea. He pulled her head off of his shaft and held it up again for the crowd to see. He pulled his pants back up and confidently strode out of the arena while the announcer proclaimed his victory. He headed out of Lyra's door instead of his own, walking right over to Dellen. The cat was sitting on the floor, head in hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "Hey, boy toy." When the cat didn't move, he nudge him with a foot. "I mean you." Dellen turned his tear-filled, bloodshot eyes up, only to stare in horror as Lyra's bloody, abused head was held out before him. "I got you a souvenir." He dropped it into the man's lap, where it landed with a wet plop. He chuckled. "Enjoy it. I know I did."

The dragon walked off laughing, heading to get his prize money. He left the cat sitting there, staring at the bunny's head. He cradled it in his arms and just started to wail in anguish.

* * *