(C) The 23rd Iron Soul

**The 23rd Iron Soul** By XP Author Her foot connected with the side of the tiger's head. The blow was so hard, it not only snapped his head to the side, but sent him careening away. He crashed to the mat hard, tumbling over himself until he ended...

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Voracious Joy

Orange belly, ripped for pleasure, a mane of silver, stripped down his back. a coiling, cooing, tail. drooling muzzle splits, natural hunger. nose to nose, soothing tongues slither. embrace pressed orbed furry gourds sparking rhythm.

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Chapter 10 An Echo

He was muscular and lean, his belly ripped, his face that of youth and etched in hatred. something was wrong with his eyes. they glowed. like twin candle flames. "spirit," azrian said darkly. she lifted her chin. "be gone." the warrior didn't move.

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Ice Soldier chapter 3

Then the emotions of turmoil and pain returned, stronger, like an after shock, then he was forced to deal with the sickness and gut ripping emotional pain he was coming to know, his life was shreds, and his mind was the target, his brain was the mixer of a

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 17-Syralth And Tesselth

Tesselth stared at me,and then huffed saying,"sadly no,it was all so quick,one minute,i'm with syralth on recon,the next,i'm on the ground with my chest and gut ripped open." "you didn't see anything at all?"

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BGL 2: Putting On The Pounds

As if passing some threshold in fullness to pleasure ratio, glam began moaning through the last slice as his big green belly ripped through his singlet and his dick shot thick strings of cum onto the stone floor beneath him.

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An Outing with Mattock

I just swallowed down mouthful after mouthful of pudding and shake and whatever else he fed me, feeling my belly rip through my shirt and grow to sizes entirely incommensurate with my intake.

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Dragon Heart: Greydor Story

Three bodies lay on their backs, two of which had their bellies ripped open with a large piece of the ship jagged deep inside them. but one was left untouched, only the clothing it wore was ripped, no blood or cuts.

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Grocery Dragons

As he watches the gryphon brings its beak down to his sister's belly, ripping into her and tearing off some flesh. he doesn't have any time to see any more though, as the grey gryphon decides now is a good time to tilt its head back.

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Kinira's Decision

Six gazelle lay dead, their throats and bellies ripped out and their entrails flung across the trampled clearing. bile rose in kovu's throat as the scent of lions hit his nostrils and the roof of his mouth, a pride he knew well. the outlanders.

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Hunting Skills

Growling with pleasure, he chomped its belly, ripping out its intestines, warm and steamy as he fed upon the dead rabbit. his teeth ravaged the innards, finding muscle and a few fat deposits here and there.

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ripped open and spilled his guts, then with a series of loud crunches and squelches the chest finally collapsed, crushing the heart and lungs in the process, the vulpines eyes rolled backwards and he let out a last huff, that was fox number one the second

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