Hangover: Hybrid

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A woman wakes up with no memories on a bathroom floor in a mall- indications of a bad time. When she examines herself she finds she is not entirely human, and holding off other changes to boot- so maybe it wasn't all bad.

(F demi-hybrid TF hybrid caprine/insect, lactation)

I started to get up before I realized I went down. Where am I? Who... am I? No one is around, and I am a bit chilly, lying on the floor in a tiled room. I glance back and forth as I get myself up into a sitting position and quickly note I am in a bathroom- but too many sinks to be a private one. On the floor in a public bathroom... yikes, what the hell happened to me? The tile floor is slightly cool to the touch where my body wasn't laying on it, but I think the fact I am chilly comes more from the fact that my clothes are kind of an absolute wreck. I use the edge of a sink to get myself up onto my feet, still trying to remember literally anything about myself. I almost remember my name for a moment but it escapes again.

Okay, a woman... looks like I am in my mid-twenties? Golden eyeliner and royal purple eyeshadow, and royal purple lipstick too, makes my already big lips look even more plump and juicy. So I was going somewhere fancy? Some sort of event... did I just get fucking plastered and pass out in the bathroom at a party? This isn't the sort of makeup anyone would wear on your average day. My eyes are baby blue and my hair natural blond, and I have very pale rosen hued flesh- between that and my slight accent as I mutter to myself in confusion I can determine that I am Scandinavian... that narrows it down to like, four countries I could be from. Oh! Astrid! Thinking about my home language reminded me what my name is, I am Astrid Kynkvisl. I am wearing a pale grey shirt- it looks like it was already an older shirt because the image and text on the front of cracked and faded away, but also the shirt is stretched to the point of tearing. There are rips around the arms and a few in the back, and the material is stretched so large that it is kind of just sort of draping off me- it can only hang on one shoulder or the other. If I tried to fit both shoulders in at once, the excess collar space would expose my tits. My pants are in a similar state- there is a massive split in the back and the pants are stretched to the point where they cannot fit normally- at some point I tied the edges on either side of the rift together at the back which tightened the pants enough again to at least cling to me.

I am confused a moment while looking down at myself. Do I have a gut? It is oddly shaped. I place my hand on it to try and look at myself beyond and it shifts easier than expected... wait that is no gut, those are tits! There are... boobs below my boobs. But the lower two are at least twice the size of the top! I grab up the wrecked top and pull it up. There isn't anyone else around me and it is a bathroom at least so semi-private. I look in the mirror so I can see the fronts of the four titties. The top set look like plump Cs or regular Ds- I am not wearing a bra so I can't know the exact measurements. The areola are a deep brown, so a very steep contrast from the rest of my skin, and they are goose-bumpy from the coolness, and the nipples standing in attention as fat stumps. The curvature of the lower breasts start immediately at the bottom of the top breasts- which means my top tits actually sit on a shelf of fat provided by the lower ones, preventing them from flopping into a resting position. It also lessens the need of a bra in the first place, because they are always being held up by default. The bottom two wedge themselves between the top and my midriff- the breasts themselves grow from my lower rib cage but the body of the breast sits entirely on my upper midriff.

I push my fingers into my sides, feeling where the skin suddenly becomes a lot softer, and then pushing forward while still pressed into the skin, tracing the outer sides of the breast tissue leading onto the lower set of sweater puppies. My fingers stop just before the outward curve of their roundness... the body of the breast is suddenly stiffer than the skin trailing into it... they aren't empty. My upper breasts are dormant, but the lower pair are full of milk! I trace my hands around the steep curved sides and realize with a bit of a blush that the bottom two breasts are large enough that you would be able to see them around my sides, from behind me! Unlike the top two, the areola on these is a red-pink, which better matches my normal skin tone. The areola are pulled almost completely smooth, and project off the front of my boobs as half-spheres of their own. The nipples on them are far more like teats; as thick as the base of my thumb and about the same length too! I hook my index fingers on the ends of the teats and am able to fold them in half for a split second before they automatically flick back upright, spraying the mirror with dots of white! They are too large to be rigid even when erect... they are being held upright by liquid pressure! The areola and teats themselves are engorged with hot milk- a milk cistern... something human breasts do not have in the first place. That is a trait of animal udders- human breasts lack any sort of storage space for premade milk. So... is this a transformation? Am I some sort of freak, or half-breed, or am I currently under a transformation spell?

My hooves clicking on the tile floor tell me I am not a normal human in other ways as well. Finally shoving my tits to the side to look past them I am able to get a look at my hooves. Cloven hooves with long shaggy fetlocks of the same blond my hair is. The fur seems to fade up my thighs, but when I quickly slip my hand down the front of my pants I feel a plume of wild fur over my pussy too. Hmm, the opening is also unusually small for a human of my size. Caprine species have very tiny vulva too since the male's phallus isn't anything more than a pink tapered rod. Being part caprine would also explain the extra set of breasts; they have a two-segment udder, mix that with a human configuration and you get a spare set of milky mams. I am... unusually knowledgeable about animal anatomy. That makes me lean toward myself being transformed... but also my hoof segments are glossy gold- they are painted with nail polish, which means having them was at least somewhat normal for me, because I had enough time to doll them up before going out. Having a cannon bone though adds a good foot of height to me overall though- causing my regular human pants to be unable to cover the lower parts of my legs. They cover to the ankles, but that is a good foot off the ground, away from my hooves. I do remember some spells or... parts of spells. I know transformative magic, but I cannot cast a reversal on myself without knowing what parts of me are supposed to be there and which are not. I cannot currently remember what human feet look like... I remember this is not it, but not what they actually are. I glance at my hands too... they look normal for a human. But is that just because I don't remember what human hands look like, or because they actually ARE normal?

When I let my shirt flop back down I also notice a bulge in the back, holding the shirt material up a bit. I actually have no idea what it is- even when I lift the material and turn in the mirror to look directly at it I still don't know what it is! It is over my tail bone but it's almost perfectly round, so it cannot be a tail. It also has zero mobility; it does not move at all, but I can feel it, and it's made of stiff skin. It is firm to the touch. The final alteration I notice is I have... sort-of horns. They are extremely underdeveloped, basically just lumps of bone exposed on either side of my forehead, protecting the temples which would otherwise have been a weak-point of the skull. But going by how shallow the bone lumps are- they must have regressed. They are too underdeveloped to have broken the skin over them, so the fact they are exposed means they had been larger, and shrank back to this size. There is also a strange sensation inhabiting me. The urge to pose my body a certain way, muscle trying to stretch itself out further than its surroundings allow... my body is struggling with its shape the same way I am struggling with my memory. I definitely am transformed in some way- and my body is struggling with still more transformations it has regressed, but is now second-guessing itself on. I must have been transformed for so long that my actual body forgot its own shape! It is then I see the scrap of paper on floor next to where I had been laying.

*'For your next transformation; how about you get help?' Okay, so, someone seen me break down in some form or another...*

My heart tightens on reading that though. Guilt? Worry? Both, I think. The note is written on the back of a crumpled up advertisement for a book signing. Wait... damnit, I almost remember something. A roundabout of shops at the end of a hall... line up... a book signing like the one advertised. I was there? What happened though? Obviously not something good if I ended up like this. I stand up straight as if that would matter, the moment the door to the bathrooms opens. I try to just focus on my reflection to act as normal as possible, but my heart really jumps into my throat when I see the person from the corner of the reflection.

*A MAN?!* I glance at the far wall toward the door and spot a row of three urinals. *Oh my fucking God, I am in the MEN'S BATHROOM?!*

The guy walks slowly, glaring at me with a raised brow, clearly wondering what the hell I am doing here.

*Look at the bright side, Astrid. You now know it has been a while since whatever disaster landed you here, otherwise he would not be confused about you being here.*

"Do you... know this is the men's room, right?"

I blush. "Of course! Are you assuming my gender?!" My blush only deepened at the shitty attempt to now seem out of place. "I... I just really needed to go, so I dipped into the first door I got to without looking."

He nodded, looking about to say something else but just ending it there. He was about to use a sink to wash his hands off, apparently that is all he came here to do. My heart sped up though, I wanted to do something else... needed to do... something?

"H-hey, before you wash your hands, could you give me a hand, with these?"

*Good lord, girl, what are you doing?! Did I deliberately choose the men's bathroom?*

This feels wrong and right at the same time. This is something I need to do, but I am doing it the wrong way? Uuuugh, I wish my brain wasn't so fucking scrambled! I thrust my chest out at him, causing all four of my breasts to slosh around- or... more just the bottom set, the top can only really roll back and forth on top of the lower ones.

*Milk me? I can milk myself just fine, especially since they are lower down. But... it would feel a lot better to let someone else do it. And I am cold, I could use a little human touch...*

I feel conflicted, but because my memory is like scrambled eggs at the moment, I cannot really even tell what aspect of this is making me uneasy. At least the emotion reads just fine on my expression, so he picks up on the fact that I am not trying to seduce him. It is a rather desperate look, so it reads as authentic need of expression. My outfit is an absolute wreck, so he can likely tell I am having a bad day. He knows about as much as I do at this point. I do notice, glancing at his watch- it is 8am. Most public places would just be opening up right about now... oh shit. Was I passed out on the bathroom floor all night?! They closed the mall with me still in it? Only then do I notice the outfit he is wearing- reflective neon stripes... I don't think this guy is even a mall customer, he is probably maintenance, he just finished opening the mall to the public only to find me already in the bathroom!

Because my hooves raise me so high off the floor, I am able to sit on the edge of the sink as a seat, which seems to confuse him momentarily. Oh right- he probably assumed I wanted him to milk me into the sink. I probably should have assumed that too- but my body reacted before my brain is able to catch up- apparently I wanted him to drink from the tap. Well, it did seem like a shame to waste good milk.

"I just... just the bottom pair. I just need to get enough out that they don't start to ache. My body is determined to keep making more, but they are already full. And I don't... don't want to leak all over the floor." Gosh my face and ears feel like they are glowing- at least my body temperature was rising thanks to the increased heart rate.

I lifted the material of my shirt and just pulled it toward my body- tucking the fabric between the two sets of breasts, so my top pair is still covered. The lower set are actually starting to blush a bit on their own from internal pressure. It almost felt like a super subtle itch in the teats- the pressure built up faster toward the front of the breasts and inside of the teats where the most milk built up first. His movements are awkward, I can tell he is very unsure. But, what man wouldn't want an opportunity like this? Just finishes opening things up for a day at work, and gets offered hot milk straight from the fat, bloated teats of some transformed woman waiting in the bathroom. He very gently kneels down and sucks on the left teat. It does not take much suction at all to cause it to erupt a stream of milk, and three tiny additional streams at different angles into his mouth- coating the inside. He pulls away a moment, clearing his mouth with his tongue and swallowing a second time with a bit of a furrowed brow.

"It isn't milk..." A little too creamy, and thick.

"Heavy cream. It is good for you." He cautiously went back to sucking. "Good for growing boys..."

*Ooh, why did I have to make it sound naughty? This is really hot, but also confusing still, did I really need to complicate things?*

Straight from the tap, and most importantly not 100% human, of course my boobs would be full of cream, not milk. I felt eager for him to keep drinking.

*C'mon, drink up. Fill up. Feel the warm, heavy liquid gently stretching your stomach.*

I noticed his ears were looking pointed suddenly, and quickly started to scan over his body. Oh no, he is changing? But why doesn't this feel surprising? Did I know this would happen? Why would I do this to a random guy? Wait, the urge to change is settling... that is why I did this! I am dumping runoff transformative mana into him, to prevent myself from changing! Should I do this? Well, I guess I already am.

His stomach started to push out between his pants and shirt, the skin blushing pink. Oh... a little piggy. All that high-fat cream going straight to your belly. His other urges causing the crotch of his pants to bulge out as his balls grow rounder and larger with their own weight. His nose started to change shape and his increased heart rate and breathing speed caused him to unintentionally let out quiet grunts as he drank now! My milk-engorged teat must feel good in his mouth, so good to suck. The rubbery, spongy skin squishing between his lips, exploding waves of hot cream across his tongue, painting the inside of his mouth with fatty goodness! I try to suppress my moans- glad he is getting noisier himself to cover the sounds I am trying not to make. I lean forward from the pleasure, unintentionally shoving more tit into his face! My soft, elastic breast flesh squishes out around his nose as it bends upward into more of a snout and then started to grow forward! The longer and larger his nostrils grew, the louder his grunts and oinks became! His ears were now large, pointed leaf shapes! His hands are trembling! They had been cupping the bottoms of my breasts gently, but now they shook and drew back. I could hear clicks and clacks of bone in them as they compacted- devolving into hooves. His feet must be doing the same- but I cannot see them past his growing belly and they are also still in his boots. His arms and legs were starting to become shorter, but their mass did not change- so by getting shorter, they are also getting much wider. His gut is absolutely huge- it is almost the same mass as the rest of his body! It is neon pink and pulled so taught that it looks like it would pop like a balloon if you poked it!

His spine suddenly started to let out loud, hollow pops as it stretched longer, causing his stomach to stretch taller and project less from the rest of him! His torso was becoming barrel shaped! His clothes were very ill-fit at this point. He is getting taller than he was, and much thicker, but his limbs were only half their length now, and twice as thick. So the legs and arms of his clothing still hugged his limbs tightly- but were two times too long, and draped off the ends. He let go of her teat and immediately scrambled to the next, almost falling over from how frantically he took the second! His transformation was driving him now- his common sense muffled by a growing need to gorge on the precious fluid. His neck became so thick you could barely tell the difference from the rest of his torso. His snout stretched longer, pulling the rest of his skull outward with it, losing its human shape. He pressed his trotters against my leg to help hold himself upright- his hips and body shape no longer allowed him to stand on his own. I could feel the shape of his snout pressed firmly into my tit above the teat as he sucked- as his face finished stretching out, his human hair fell from his head, leaving him with the peach-fuzz of a domestic pig. His enormous balls filled his pants completely, exposing his transforming cock as the base and what had formerly been his foreskin turned into a sheath to draw it into. When his balls pulled his pants down to make more room, a corkscrew tail sprung up behind him like someone flicking a door-stop.

He paused his milking for a moment, letting out several stuttered oinks and grunts. His body flinched several times and his iris widened, making his eyes look darker as he stumbled between my legs and clacked onto all fours, then looked around making snuffling sounds in confusion.

*Oh, I really changed him, huh? His mind turned full pig too. I guess that is better for me, if he can't point fingers at me. By the time he reverts I will be long gone from the crime scene...*

I should feel bad for him, but I don't. The urge to change slowly fades back too... man, I must have been REALLY transformed. Then the tinge of guilt sweeps back over me, but it's not for what I did to this little plump piggy. A transformation addict. That is why my body can't remember what its proper shape is- I have been transforming myself so consistently for so long that even on a normal day, my memory of my actual body is a distant one. Oh no... that is what happened to Monty. I went to his book signing in a fully transformed state, which already caused people to start muttering to themselves and upset Monty. Transformation magic is expensive, but technically anyone can buy a kit, so having anthros or ferals who are really transformed people here and there is not that uncommon. A fully feral custom form, bigger than most of the people around me however is still a bit weird- especially at a public gathering. I wouldn't miss his book signing for the world but... I also couldn't bring myself to use my normal body. It was so much more comfortable to be in a different shape. I never wanted to admit it was a problem. Glancing down at the crumpled note he left me though... it seems everyone else knew it was a problem. If I look closely at my eyes in my reflection, I can see flecks of purple starting to appear. Signs of mana poisoning- using too many spells on myself too frequently. And my makeup matches the corrupted color. I feel a bit of disgust at that. I looked at the corruption and decided to accessorize around it, instead of acknowledge the fact that it was a problem, and I needed to fix it, not doll it up!

I can't remember what actually happened at that event. I transformed beyond what I meant to. I had so much extra mana in me that that one spell itself required, that walking into a public area where the ambient mana levels would be high, caused me to overdose. It transformed my mind too- because even now, having recalled all that- I still cannot remember properly the actual event. I lost my mind, my body... I unintentionally smothered myself out of existence entirely for a short window of time. I remember what I am supposed to look like now. Unfortunately I look great even by default, but insist on distorting those looks regardless. This is the transformed state I used at the gathering, but, a regressed form of it... it is still trying to return to full. The extra I bloated the piggy with was what overdosed me only, so I cannot blank out entirely this time, but also he is stuck as a pig for around half a day. Even my lack of remorse is wrong. I should feel bad about turning him into a pig without his permission. But then I think about how that must have felt, and suddenly feel more like I have done him a favor. The feeling of being filled, stretched... the satisfying pop as your joints and bones re-set into their new location, the feeling of your muscle flexing and stretching into new shapes. The loss of control as you turn feral and just let instinct guide you- letting you shut off your noisy thoughts and worries for once. Falling to the floor on all fours like a beast, discarding your human pride, knowing only as a beast does how worthless it is to have in the first place.

I am taking deep breaths now, and my body is fully warmed up again. Why am I so turned on?

*Maybe just one more...*

No, not one more! I need to turn completely normal and stop this!

*It feels sooo good...*

But... I mean, I could still transform myself, just, in moderation. Like normal people.

*Too full of mana, can't fight it anyway.*

If I try to leave while I am unstable like this, I will start to transform by accident while I am trying to get home... I will change for now, I guess. Then I can get home, and then just... not change again for a while. How much is a while? Haven't I said this to myself before? How do I stop? I flick through my phone only half-paying attention to anything on the screen while I try to ponder my situation. The urge to change is coming back strong- it is not a mental urge... that never goes away- this is a physical urge, against the actual energy in my body. A thin sheet of will power keeping its current shape- any slight fold that appears in it will cause it all to come crashing down. Once I feel it, my body changing, stretching, becoming something new... I know I will not be able to stop it. Luckily my mind should not blank out- because the excess is already removed into the unwitting piggy. I continue to look at my phone trying to distract my brain with the nothings of the internet to calm myself a bit as I quietly slip from the men's to the women's bathroom in case more people come before I am done. If I am going to turn into some beast, I might as well do it in a place that is at least correct for my gender. I pause my hasty browsing of my phone's unread messages and updates and find an ad I kept in an open tab from the other day. Like so many other things, I had forgotten about it completely. It is an ad for some shady organization I never heard of before called RHE. They are looking for human test subjects for a new type of transformation. Transform, and get paid for it? Fuck yea. Gosh... I am so far gone I am lining up future transformations before I even get out of my current one. I was about to close the ad out of disgust at myself but... maybe this is the out? Maybe this is the cure. If their test is on transformation, I obviously cannot have my own transformations up, or apply any new ones while they are running their tests. It would force me to be clean and stay clean for at least the duration of testing.

For now though, I can see my hands starting to stretch and compact in. My skin is becoming more dense- keratin bleeding into the surface to make it harder and smoother- pulling the pours smooth, making my skin more akin to a fingernail. I am slipping. And I want it. I fight it because I know I should, but it still starts to slip because I don't want to fight it. I don't even care what I turn into! Anything, just keep changing! I wish my life was a roulette wheel of transformations that never stop! As soon as one finishes, apply the next and keep going! But every change puts me further from who and what I really am. I don't dislike me! I don't want to lose me! I want to be in two states at the same time and it just isn't possible. One or the other- I have to pick a side! As my skin changes on my hands, I can no longer operate my phone- the screen no longer recognizes my fingers.

My thumb, pinky, and ring finger all regress as my middle and index grow large, stealing their mass. My hands compress into a single bone as my skin hardens to become like an exoskeleton... that is right, my current transformed state is half insect. I cry out and scoot forward a bit in surprise from a sudden bolt of pleasure from above my butt that vibrates through my entire hip area! Oh- that is what the bulb is! The bulb started to grow in slow throbs- holding tight for two seconds with a single second break between! It is an insect abdomen, but because I am hybridized with a mammal as well, the position and shape of my genitals does not change to be on the abdomen. Which is good, because this particular type has a secondary purpose anyway. It was wedged under the tied rift in the back of my pants... that is what caused the rip in the first place. Now that it started to grow back in, it forced the tie to undo and my pants fell off on their own. It felt like it was being blown up like a balloon! Bigger and bigger with every throb, the skin is becoming like hard rubber, like on my arms and legs, so I can HEAR it stretching too! When it stretches, all the nerves pull tight in it, causing a pulse of pleasure too, but as it gets bigger the nerves keep branching to spread across the added mass, so every pulse of pleasure gets stronger too! My thoughts white out with every pulse, and come back only long enough to think about how much I want it to keep going! Bigger and bigger- it becomes a bit more oblong, like a giant egg of hard rubber. The fur on my thighs advances up to swallow my butt cheeks and connects to the large plume of fur over my pussy- but still does not advance up my torso further than that. On my back it ends with a slight stripe following my spine up slightly, and down onto the top of the abdomen slightly.

My entire body is filled with change, triggering all my nerves everywhere, making it impossible to think straight to control the advances of change even if I wanted to! My arms and legs both start to stretch a lot longer. At first I grip the sink to brace myself but my legs keep getting longer, forcing me to hunch further and further over! My boobs attempt to fill in the growing gap between themselves and the sink's edge! The pleasure is not strong, nor sharp. It is a slight, subtle tingle, but it happens everywhere the change it, all at once. It happens without me doing anything myself, and it does not pause till the change is complete. So that little pleasurable tickle ends up being overwhelming. Like with my abdomen- my breasts increasing mass only increased the nerve count and amplified the growing pleasure. My whole chest alight with a more familiar, sexual sort of pleasure, and my lower breasts filled with heat as their fluid production overcharged as well. They replenished their supply of cream so fast I could hear a squelching sort of gurgle as the fluid rapidly stretched out its confines and surged through the maze of veins to collect at the front. My areola pulled so tight, so fast it almost felt like a hand pressing on the inside of them, trying to get out. My teats fattened as they filled again and their surface immediately became wet- starting to automatically sweat milk from being overfull! My back is already steeply arched from the sensations from my growing bug butt so I shake my chest back and forth heavily, reveling in the feeling of their weight bouncing around and off one another! The teats are large and heavy enough to swing with their own rhythm separate of the breast itself, flicking drops of milk everywhere! My top breasts swelled up firm and big to the size the bottom pair had formerly been! At twice the size of a D cup... somewhere around the size of a full basketball each. Meanwhile the lower pair remained at the very least still twice as big as those. They rest on the edge of the sink and then started to roll into the sink itself. If I stood up straight, their bottoms would still be in my lap! Each teat was the full length of a permanent marker, and a bit thicker than one too.

Bigger and bigger the insect abdomen became, starting to take on a yellowish hue to the dense skin as it grew ever larger. It is the size of my entire torso now and still growing! Now that it is taking its proper shape I can actually move it around- the muscles at its base allow me to move it up and down, though not side to side at all. My hands have now stretched so long that the fused segment that used to be my hand is the same length as my forearm- and both my upper and forearm are longer than they had been! Even with my legs having gotten longer and more spindly looking- my arms are still long enough in comparison that I could walk on four limbs while still having my body half-upright. The fused segment that had been my last two fingers suddenly pulled away as the muscle yanked tight on its own, and with a splintering sound the surface tissue stretched and snapped! My arms split at the 70% mark, creating a second pair of arms! My shoulder blades popped and branched as well, drifting down to put the second pair of arms below my first. The second pair remained considerably smaller than the top though- they did not stretch longer when the top did. My palms and the underside of my remaining two fingers remained immune to the keratin coating, so they stay regular human flesh, but the changing of the skin on the backs causes my fingernails to vanish and just form pointed ends on my digits of the same material the skin itself has become. I drop to all fours now since my limbs are so damn long and my tits knock against one another, bouncing around wildly under me as I stand on the backs of my two massive fingers- the hard casing on the back allows me to stand on them without hurting them.

My nose scrunches up without meaning to and my upper lip feels like someone has hooked it and is tugging it up. The cleft in my upper lip advances up as the top of my nose squishes down to meet it. The bridge of my nose pops loudly with a dull *thunk* and becomes wider, but does not stick nearly as far out- this gives the end of my nose a triangular shape... like a goat. This is usually a transformation I induce last- to savor the last bit of humanity as it slips away, sort of poetic. Intense to the point where it feels sort of desperate, forcing your mind to rapidly flick between wanting more of the change and being in a panic over losing the last identifiable traces of itself. I had no control at this point though- so it was not happening last, it was happening with everything else that is still changing and I couldn't do anything about it. My butt is still getting bigger and bigger. Even with the tight-strung muscles in its base, it was getting almost impossible to lift it off the floor even in short bursts, it is bigger than my entire body! The yellow hue is turning a vibrant orange-yellow amber now! I pushed my lower arms into my lower tits, letting the milk leak out over them since I was holding myself up with my primary arms and my extraordinarily long goat-legs. The caprine fur and insect traits seemed to blend together, causing a very fluffy ring of blond fur to sprout around my primary arms at the shoulder- going from my arm pits up around to form a perfect ring. Another sprouted around my neck, forming a large fluffy mane, which got a bit longer in the front than the back, overhanging my top breasts slightly- to insulate the already overheated cleavage, causing beads of sweat to form around my boobs. Sweat trailed out from between my four breasts, where the heat built up the most where they touch one another.

My face stretched out, turning to a goat-like muzzle as the horns once again started to grow in- heavily ribbed. As my face stretched, new muscles twitched in my jaw, pulling on the bone. In a sudden burst of growth I moaned way too loudly, and my bottom jaw cracked in half! The two mandibles folded out of my mouth with two added segments on each, ending in large fang-like points. When not in use, the extra segment folds over the old one so it folds closed looking like a normal goat jaw when not in use. There is a bone ridge on the backs of the second segment that vaguely resembles the grinding teeth of a human jaw- so when they are folded away, their backs can be used like regular teeth. The horns growing rapidly made no sound anyone else could hear- but because it resonated in my skull itself I could hear it loudly. So loud. A soft rumbling with a dull pop in rapid succession as more and more bone branched from my skull, and grew the horns bigger and heavier. I loved the feeling of the weight. It told me how large they must be, how prominent the change must be. It tickles my loins and my emotions. Gods, I am way too into this. Too deep... drowning in my own perversions. This isn't a hobby or attraction, no... it became a desire, then a love... then an all-consuming obsession.

My gargantuan abdomen is so fucking tight and so heavy it's like a boulder anchoring me down, and I love it. I want it to be as heavy and obscene as possible- I want to fight it. More weight for me to struggle against, more distorted pleasure for my internal monologue to squabble with. With a final surge of pressure I accidentally squirted out from the end of it, surprising me and then causing a fit of laughter that even I think sounds like a psychopath. The surface of it is so monstrously stretched and boated that it has turned a translucent golden hue, like a giant, smooth, round gemstone! It is the ass of a Honeypot Ant! It is full of sweet, delicious honey! As the transformation slows to a stop, my body goes from buzzing all over with pleasure, to a warm afterglow, to suddenly very exhausted. I rest my chin on the side of the sink and close my eyes, just enjoying the feeling of the final change- the continued growth of my horns. They curve as they grow so they fold around themselves and twist bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Gargantuan disks of rolled up horn, stopping when either horn is nearly twice the size of my actual head... making them extremely heavy, and hard to hold my own head up for periods of time.

My limbs click on the tile floor as I look around, finding where I put my phone and using my discarded pants to wrap it up so I can hold them both in one of my lower two arms- the arms that have no fingers on the ends. Well... time to go home I guess. I do still want to play with my body... especially now that there is so much built up sexual tension from the pleasure, but no release. I also need to be milked again. Now that the transformation settled though, I am thinking much more clearly, and know to leave all that for home. I need to sneak home as quickly as possible, so definitely use the back lane. Luckily it is so early in the morning that the mall is almost entirely empty. Most of the people in it right now are people who actually work here. I look sadly at the empty hall where the book signing was held. I must have ruined the meeting, with my body going berserk while I was there to cheer him on. It is fine to do what I like to do but... not when it ruins everything else to do it.

So, I took up that job offer from the weird ad I mentioned before. It worked! I mean... not right away. I had been going for a while without transformations on my own will power... ruining my friends book signing helped motivate me to get myself together, which helped me fight the urges to change. I looked fine again- regular, pretty woman. But inside I felt sort of... cold, or isolated I guess? You know how some people like colder temperatures because it means they can wrap themselves up in warm blankets? They like the feeling of the blanket- temperatures are just a side effect, what they really want is the comfy blanket out of the deal. Well, my transformation withdrawals were sort of like that... my transformed state was like my blanket. It wasn't that my body felt off, or wrong, it just felt... naked. Clothes did not help- it was not a normal kind of naked. When I felt myself thinking of what little transformations I could do that would be 'harmless' I signed up and shipped out to do the test with that company. Being with them, under their test prevented me from doing any transformations at all- so it did not matter if my willpower broke at that point; I was physically unable to do it. The place is pretty secretive so, I probably shouldn't divulge much on them, but, the point is- I eventually broke the habit. Being transformed permanently for an actual good cause, caused me to consider that form with more importance, more weight than any other form I could take. Being the engineered shape of so many hard working researchers really helped me appreciate the details of that new body. I technically have access to transformation magic still, even though I live on a private island now, but... I only use it on special occasions- very rarely. This body is the real me, I decided. No no, I can't tell you any more about the secret organization- it's secret! Oh. My current body? Well, sure, I could tell you about that part I suppose, but, that is another story, heh.

King Of RHEI

(M TF Anthro Hippogriff, genital mutation & hyper) Julius Wingael; a name recognized across all of the paradise island of RHEI. The island was created to house the test subjects of the Rebuilding Humanity Effort- RHE. When Julius first set foot...

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Rabbit Eggs

(M tf Lopunny, Oviposition, F tf Rabbit hybrid) Cyan groaned when he glanced at the calendar propped up by the clock, as he woke up on the 22nd of January. Most people he knows already celebrated New Years quite some time ago, but his wife...

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Bouncy Mouse

(M TF Kangaroo) Noah was already waiting at outside for his mate Oliver to catch up. They both just moved to Lordshire Britain from Australia, since Austalia is sort of known for its absolutely atrocious internet and disgustingly overpriced...

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