Joining a New Unit

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A disturbance causes several officers to investigate a set of abandoned buildings, only for them to disappear. This causes a prompt response in the form of a SWAT unit that is dispatched to find out what is going on in the building, and as one officer in particular investigates she finds herself stumbling upon the truth of the place. The creatures that are about though have also been doing some searching and find that she is exactly what they have been looking for.

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Sirens broke the normally serene quiet of the neighborhood that made up the old warehouse distract, which had become little more than a few old buildings that would eventually be condemned and demolished to make way for new city infrastructure. Up until that point it had been a relatively harmless area with the occasional report of vandalism or loitering with the occasional trespasser from someone who claimed to be an urban explorer. As of a few days ago though there had been reports of animals acting strangely and when a few officers that had finally gotten called onto the scene disappeared it prompted a far more serious response. That was the reason for the SWAT van barreling down the old cracked asphalt with those that were inside bouncing up while dressed in their tactical riot gear.

One of those people was Alicia; she was one of the newer team members that had been promoted up from the officer pool after several members retired, and as she held onto her weapon nervously she tried not to show it. Strange animals and disappearing officers was a strange mission to cut her teeth on but at least they weren't dealing with bank robbers or terrorists, but she wasn't looking forward to helping search the huge abandoned building in the dead of night. As she adjusted the mask on her face the car screeched to a dead stop and the doors opened to allow the team out. Alicia quickly got up and followed her fellow squad mates out into the open where they began to file into the building where the cops had been reported missing.

The initial area was a large open space that was likely used as the holding bay for most of the deliveries, but with most of the cargo already taken out it was easy for the group to fan out and look through. There was nothing there that they could find but as Alicia found herself migrating towards the back with her gun raised another on the radio mentioned something about finding torn clothing that looked like an officer's uniform. When asked if there was blood they said there wasn't, but it was clear the information put everyone on high alert. The squad commander ordered everyone to spready out to do a quick search of the entire building to see if they could flush out anyone hiding and once more told people to be careful just in case.

Alicia had been walking alongside another officer but as they reached a stairwell that went both up and down she motioned that she would go up while the other went down. The stairs were somewhat rickety with age but held as she got to the second floor, which appeared to be an area sectioned off for offices. It had a vantage point over the warehouse and she could see the lights of the rest of the squad steadily disappearing as they went into the separate rooms that this huge space had. So far they had met no resistance but if there was anyone hiding it would be like finding a needle in a haystack and they could only hope that their spread tactic would keep anyone from being able to shift their position out of sight.

As the SWAT officer started to check each office they were unaware that there was something else that had come up the stairs after her. Their paws walked silently up the metal steps and anyone that would have looked at it might have seen just a normal german shepherd that had gone up to the second floor, but as it hid around the corner there was a gleam in its eye and its body glowed slightly as it eyed up the one that they had followed. This one will do, the creature thought to itself before it ducked into the office to remain out of sight, just like the others did for his brethren. The canine began to pant in excitement as the officer once more moved out of the office she had cleared and went on to the final one that was in the corner of the building.

As Alicia took a step in and shined her flashlight she once more found it empty, but as she began to move inside she found something that was in the middle of the floor that glinted in the beam that moved over it. She went over and knelt down to pick it up and when she did she found that it was a police officer's badge, likely from one that had disappeared. If they had been there before though it was clear that they had either dropped it in mistake or it was knocked off of them before they were moved somewhere else. Either way she needed to call this in, but as she went for her radio a heavy weight suddenly landed on her from behind and caused it to get knocked out of her hand!

As she landed on the ground with a loud thud she grabbed for her weapon and tried to spin around to fire it on her assailant, only to be surprised when she found herself looking at the face of a dog that chomped down on the metal and tossed it aside. The creature had an unnatural glow to it and though it snarled on her face it didn't make a move until she reached for her pistol, which it quickly darted down and once more pulled it away from her and tossed it aside. It was disarming her... in the back of her mind she realized that this was probably one of those animals acting strangely, but as it lowered itself and ripped the knife and holster off of her leg she couldn't comprehend how. For the moment though she had more pressing matters as it managed to remove most of her weapons, but had also gotten off the top half of her body and if she was quick enough she could reach the radio that was just above her head.

Alicia made her move and flipped herself over onto her stomach while making a dive for the radio, but as she did she felt the german shepherd on top of her move forward and suddenly a heavy paw pinned her hand just inches away from reaching it. This creature was surprisingly strong and as when she tried to pull away she could almost hear it laughing before she felt the pressure even deeper. At first she thought that it was going to break her hand but as the tingling sensation increased she found that something was happening between her hand and the paw on top of it. As the dog's digits wiggled on top of hers it felt like her own fingers were moving and in the illumination of the flashlight that had been knocked next to them she saw her nails turning black and stretching outwards.

As the fur began to creep over her own hand and it looked even more like the canine was sinking into it she tried to pull it back, but it felt like her hand had gone completely numb. No... not numb, it was like there was something else moving it as the unnaturally sharp claws of the canine pressed against her own mutated nails where they knit together. Alicia couldn't believe it, but as the last of the pressure eased off of her hand the two bodies were conjoined right at the wrist and it wasn't her that was in control of the fingers that wiggled about. Her mind began to hit panic mode and she knew she had to warn someone even if it meant dragging this strange dog on her back, but the german shepherd wasn't about to let her go anywhere as she felt something press against the heel of the boot she wore.

It was quickly made apparent that clothing would not stop this creature as she looked back in time to see the large hind paws of the dog begin to push down into the boot, causing her own foot to start to feel cramped inside of it. Even as fur started to trail up her affected arm and the canine was sinking down further into her forearm all she could think about was the pressure that was growing inside the boot that the dog was pressing on. A loud, almost pleased sounding growl came from the creature on top of her as the toes sank completely into her own heel and as they did the leather of the boot beagn to push out at the toes, finally ripping at the sole as a pair of heavy claws began to emerge from them. Fur could also be seen as she felt her pinky merging with the one next to it while the fur started to sprout out from the laces that had begun to break.

With her foot taken over and more of the dog's forelimb sinking into her hand she began to feel changes starting to take place in other areas of her body, the balaclava that covered the lower half of her face stretching out slightly as she could feel her teeth beginning to sharpen. 'S-stop..." Alicia gasped, though the SWAT officer could feel the strength starting to drain from her as her mutated foot wiggled the toes that were outside of the boot. "You can't... this is... my body..."

The canine seemed to respond to this by nosing underneath the riot helmet she wore and licking the exposed ear, causing her body to tremble slightly as it started to stretch into a fur-covered tip. She could hear the pants of the leg that was being possessed start to tear as the entire hind leg pressed against the back of it and she at least knew what happened to the other officers, though at this point it wouldn't help her at all. She could still hear the other members of the SWAT team reporting back their findings and all she could do at this point was hope that they would realize what was happening to her before it was too late, even though she wasn't sure what too late even was. Already she could start to feel more fur sprouting in other places as her left leg and arm were transformed all the way up to shin and forearm, with the canine seeming to prefer her humanoid configuration of fingers while her feet swelled with even more growth that pushed those big fur-covered toes out of the front.

But the magical german shepherd didn't seem to be content with just taking her body, and as the SWAT officer continued to pant she could feel something start to press between her legs. It was one of the things that didn't have armor covering it, but considering the spectral nature of the creature it was unlikely that it would have bothered him anyway. She felt the dog lean back and take her body with it though, allowing her possessed hand to slide down between her legs and use those new claws to tear away the clothing of her groin. Once her pussy was exposed she found herself falling back down and catching herself with that same hand that had grown twice as big as the other one as she felt something start to push against her folds.

The entire time Alicia had been too concerned about the fact she was being possessed and turned into some sort of dog creature to realize that the creature behind her was completely erect, but as it began to slide into her depths she let out a gasp as her eyes widened at the penetration. With her arm and leg out of her control and the tan fur of the creature spreading up her bicep and thigh that were both thickening with new muscles all she could do was groan and pant as she felt his cock sliding deep into her. She hadn't realized it until that point that she had been staring to let out slight growls herself, the fabric of the mask on her face pushing out into a bump that covered her increasingly canine nose. It began to dawn on Alicia that it was doing even more than just taking her body, tendrils of the canine corruption weaving into her mind as the german shepherd thrusted hard into her pussy.

As pleasure clouded her mind she started to lose more of a grip on her body, feeling her bodysuit starting to tear from her growing frame as the creature behind her began to flow more into it. Her arm had became swollen with muscle and as it moved up to her chest she could see the thick claws on it and that just like with her toes her two fingers had merged together while the rest had grown slightly longer. This was the hand of a beast and as it tugged against her flack vest her other arm tried to go up and stop it only to see that fur had already started to sprout there as well despite not being merged. Even though she still had control over it she found it hard to try and defy what this creature wanted as her will weakened.

A growl from above her almost seemed to confirm this, the german shepherd saying that this was his body and that she no longer owned it. Faded images began to flash into her mind and even though she couldn't understand most of them the ones she could focus on seemed to be them watching as the city came in and condemned all the buildings. This meant a playground for them... until plans had been made to tear the whole site down and turn it into something else. These magical creatures would soon be without their homes and they resolved to do the only thing sensible about it; if they were going to take their homes, then they would just find new ones.

Feeling the thighs of the canine slapping against her own Alicia could feel that something was happening to her back there, more than just the knot of the creature being shoved up against her pussy. She hadn't realized it up until that point but the creature had managed to get the top of her vest torn off and with her heavy breathing she could see her chest had already started to grow underneath it. While she wasn't exactly small in the breasts category she could tell that she had grown at least a cup size from the tension in her bra, but it was hard to even focus with the pleasure coursing through her system. She found herself panting and growling louder as she felt that cock sliding in and out of her deeper and deeper... until suddenly, she couldn't.

As soon as the knot popped inside of her the furry hips of the dog that had started to transform pressed into hers and her head thrashed about from the intense sensations that were coming between her legs. The wet squishing sounds that came from her vagina could no longer be heard and seven as the black fur began to spread over her she could feel the humping hips of the canine were sinking down into her. She once more felt herself getting pulled back and when she did the added height that had been slowly pushing her upper body up had revealed her midriff, and as her free hand went down to it she could feel the muscles of her flat stomach starting to grow and swell. Since she was relatively new she hadn't had a chance to start a gym regimen to help her get into top form but that appeared not to be necessary as the black and tan fur spreading over her hips and sides covered mutating muscle as the german shepherd's form merged with her own.

But as the already mutated hand on her body went down further she felt one of her legs get spread open and that something was emerging from her groin where her clit used to be. The thick fingers began to play against it as something new was forming, the cock that had been sealed into her vagina reforming on her own groin as the flesh began to stretch and morph. Had she not lost so much control of her body already she would have been practically writhing on the ground as her new cock was being created, though a small voice in the back of her mind told her that it wasn't hers. This was his cock, and as it continued to grow the somewhat humanoid shape began to alter to that of a canine as the testicles that had been pressing against her merged up against the underside of it.

Even though she knew that she should be terrified at the moment of what was happening to her the fact that she could feel the cock growing on her body was something that was incredibly distracting. The german shepherd had stopped humping into her with their hips almost completely merged together on the left side and as the black and tan fur began to creep over with the muscle growth following behind it the pleasure that was coming from her groin was growing more intense by the second. She also could feel another new limb that she hadn't had before, the tail merging completely with her spine that was still stretching in order to give her even more height on her increasingly muscular frame. Even with the dog no longer thrusting into her body she found her hips were still pushing up a bit, likely from the pleasure of her lengthening shaft as the balls beneath it grew and sheath began to form around the whole thing.

As the SWAT officer knelt there watching her cock grow a small vestige of resistance came up in her mind and she knew that even if she was gone she had to tell someone of what was happening. Her thoughts were starting to grow more disconnected though as both her ears became pointed and had started to migrate to the top of her head. The possessed hand also had started to curl around the growing shaft and had started to stroke against it as she could start to feel a tail that had been wagging wave behind her. When she looked back she saw that most of the german shephard's body had sank into her own and as she mustered up the last of her resistance she made once more leap towards the radio to at least hit the alarm button.

But just as her arm stretched out she could feel a pressure on her shoulder suddenly sink in, causing her to groan loudly as the muscle around there suddenly swelled and bloated. Though she could still move her fingers the rest of her body didn't follow through with the lunge and as she looked at her arm her eyes widened as she saw something moving in her bicep. At first she thought it was just the transformation finally happening to her there but as the clothing she wore underneath the armored pads began to rip she saw the vague outline of something stretching out the skin there. It was a paw... and as it slowly moved down inside of her it became more pronounced while the growth of her body quickly followed suit. She let out a small cry that turned into another huff as she could feel those digits wiggling inside of her, taking the control from one of her last limbs while the foot that had been pressed against her right hip began to do the same. Unlike the merging that had happened on her left side the changes were much faster and she could hear the tearing of his clothes and popping of her boot laces as her right foot grew to match the left while bursting out of the seams.

Alicia found her thoughts frozen as she just watched the dog behind her slide into her arm like it was some sort of coat, and the worst part was that as it did she could feel herself losing it more and more the further it got. As it got to her forearm and shin she found herself grunting as the muscle grew on it so quickly it shredded the bodysuit underneath her body armor, allowing more fur to grow out while those canine digits moved down. Her foot practically burst out of her other boot completely but as she watched the paw push past her wrist and move into her hand was when she let out a gasp. Her fingernails had already been darkening up to that point but the furry patches that were on the back of her hands quickly spread and enveloped the flesh as the digits bloated around the paw inside it until it merged to become her hand, turning to see the blacking paw pads just like on her other fingers before she could no longer move them anymore.

With her footwear clinging onto her new feet and her clothes torn up to the point that her furry body was practically exposed Alicia could still feel one part of the canine that still separate from her. The head seemed to be the last to go and she could almost feel the anticipation coming from the rest of her possessed body. As her fingers popped and lengthened before the digits melded and morphed to match the one on her left side there was little she could do, especially since the canine inside of her had taken to stroking the new cock that had turned completely red and had grown the rest of the sheath around it. With her other arm possessed she found that it was palming against her breasts, which had started to inflate out past the hole in her armor and seemed to be the only thing that she was really keeping on her muscular body.

With her body trembling Alicia could start to feel the nose of the creature nosing up against the back of her partially transformed head, and with the rest of her form no longer in control there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her face had already become partially transformed and her balaclava had slipped down to reveal the patch of fur on her cheeks and her swollen lips that had sharp teeth poking out of it. But as the creature slowly pushed his muzzle against her skull and she could almost hear the squishing noise of it starting to push past the growing hair of her head she found much more coming into her mind. For a moment she swore she could feel the tongue sliding around inside her before her eyes widened as the alien presence that had been wiggling inside her psyche for so long began to completely envelop her.

The dog creature leaned back and as the green eyes of the SWAT officer stared up into space her mouth began to push out, gaining an inch of muzzle for every inch that the canine behind her head pushed into him. Both hands were stroking on the throbbing cock between their outstretched legs as the hue of the irises began to shift. As the mouth of the creature began to pant with its lengthening tongue pushing out past the thickening lips the green began to turn brown, slowly overtaking the entirety of the iris as the head of the dog merged into the transforming human. The ears of the woman continued to stretch upwards while the changes happened and as the muzzle of the german shepherd completely formed they were briefly pulled back as the ones of the dog grew into them and caused them to merge together.

As the black and tan hair cascaded down the head of the transforming creature it was thrashed about as several snarls came out of the new mouth. The body of the dog morph quivered and tensed before finally the cock that it had been stroking this entire time erupted with the first jet of male seed from its new body. The creature angled away from itself as the panting increased, the eyes opening once more to show they had completely turned brown as they looked about. It had been timed perfectly with his first release and as the jets turned to a dribble the canine head looked down to his cock and a smirk played on his muzzle as he massaged the sensitive flesh.

"I can see why they enjoy their hands so much," the german shepherd morph growled in satisfaction as he reached up and squeezed one of the large, firm boobs that were put on display. "These are new... but I can't say that I'm complaining. Plus they're just as sensitive..."

Another growl came out of his mouth as he played with the nipple for a while longer before pulling his new hands away from both of them, letting them hang out while the canine took stock of his situation. His ears twitched as he could hear the voices on the radio starting to call out more, but it wasn't just Alicia that they were trying to get to radio in as he went over and stomped the device with his heavy paws. No doubt his brethren had found more to possess and if they played their cards right this entire unit would be theirs, which as he accessed the memories that came with his merged mind he looked about at everything that was on the ground as he found himself licking his teeth.

The body armor that had been on his form had straps that stretched to his new physique and though he had to adjust them a bit to allow for his muscular form it was enough to keep them on. The bodysuit underneath was in tatters on his body but as he ran his hands down his washboard abs covered in the tan fur of his namesake he decided to not bother with it even if it was a reminder of the human that he had taken over. If anything it made him seem even more powerful as he stretched his thick legs, grinning more as the boots that he had burst through were nearly halfway up his new more bestial feet while he looked about.

Aside from the destroyed radio that he didn't need the german shepherd picked up the knife, pistol, and rifle that the SWAT officer had come in with and strapped them back onto his body along with the belt that had snapped off that contained a few flashbangs and other assorted pieces of equipment. There was no reason to leave it behind and his pack had ideas for what to do next that meant leaving as little behind as possible. That had originally meant the badge that was on the ground but as his clawed fingers picked it up and tossed it out the already broken window he was glad that it had been there to distract the one whom he had taken. Once he had cleaned up he grabbed the helmet and put it as carefully over his head to mind his ears before pulling the balaclava up over his snout and going out to see if he could perhaps help any more of these new humans...

About an hour later the activity that had been going on in the building became silent, even the occasional shout or gunshot that could be heard before went quiet as the lights that occasionally could be seen in the building went dark. As the moon continued to rise higher in the skies though there was movement that could be seen inside, those that were within quietly moving their way out back towards the armored van that was waiting for them. While all the creatures that were moving in may have looked like the SWAT officers from the way that they were dressed the fact that their balaclavas were all pushed out and they had tails as well of huge paws for feet showed just who won that skirmish. The creatures that came into the van all also had torn clothing particularly around their midsections and chests as they filed into the van before closing the doors behind them.

When everyone was inside the driver that was in front heard several slaps against the metal that told him they were ready to move, and as they did the radio that was in the cab crackled to life. "SWAT 2-3, this is dispatch," the voice on the other end of the line said. "We have reports of gunshots from the site but no one is reporting over the bandwidth anymore, can you please tell me what's going on?"

The driver looked down at the radio and reached down for the receiver, his clawed fingers poked through the gloves that the human who had previously owned them wore as he brought it up to his muzzle. "Dispatch, this is SWAT 2-3," the canine creature said as he tried to hide the growl from his voice. "We are moving to new mission location, going dark."

"SWAT 2-3, you know you can't do that without being debriefed on the previous mission," the voice on the other end replied, causing the blue and brown eyes of the one in the driver seat to roll. "You are required to come back to the station right now, everyone is losing their minds with you not responding and we-"

There was a loud crackling of sparks as the canine man pulled the radio out from the dash, taking the device and throwing it out the window. "Whoops, seems we got disconnected," the canine driver said as he took a side street. "Aw, should have asked for a change in designation... oh well, they'll find it out soon enough..."