Starlight Part 8

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#21 of Magnum's Storyline

The sun rises as Vanessa smiles at the mystic in her embrace, those purple eyes giving a shine as she touches the wolf's nose with hers, the past few days have been wonderful as the two have been intimate and enjoying the new found love. Magnum is sleeping sound with those closed eyes giving off new found life even in their slumbering state and his smile showing joy as he calmly breathes. The skunk wants to wake him up as the day is starting but she decides to just let him sleep as he's actually been sleeping well now and besides it just made it so much better when he wakes up on his own. The sun soon finds it's way to the mystics face, he shrugs a little as he gives a light yawn, those blue eyes slowly opening as he licks his his dry lips, those eyes gaining a spark of life upon seeing the skunk.

Vanessa giggles for a moment, she gives him a kiss "Morning looove, did my baby have sweet dreams?"

Magnum gives a tired grin, he lays a little into her as he kisses her "Uh huh.." with his words happy and groggy.

The skunk gives a feminine giggle as her tail moves to loosely wrap around him, the mystic looking like he was drunk from exhaustion as he buries the side of his face against her neck and his hand finding her lower torso as he tries to pull her into an embrace. Vanessa helps him by bringing herself a little closer as she begins to pet the back of his head, those purple eyes glancing to him as he rubs his cheek against her, eventually his hand finds her rear... she's tempted but with how tired he is she isn't sure if it's the best option, he's tried it every morning but it's mostly reflexes from the night before.

Vanessa gives a happy sigh "I want to have some fun too, but let's save it for later hon.", she kisses the top of his head "What do you say?"

Magnum gives a happy coo which causes another giggle to escape the skunk. Eventually the two finally get up and put on their robes, get their morning coffee and begin to watch some tv, the wolf finishes his coffee before her and lays his head on the skunks shoulder, beginning to cuddle her as wraps an arm around her, the skunk smiles at him as she brings an arm around him. The mature skunk takes a breath and gives him a quick kiss, she looks to see his tail giving a light wag, Vanessa finding it adorable and sweet as he shows his affection and love. She looks at the time and sees that the two have to get ready as they are meeting up with Sabrina to hang out for a while, the two go to get ready but Vanessa decides to invite him into the shower with her much to his delight. The skunk gets in first and begins to wash up, the wolf finding his way and gets behind her, gently cupping her breasts from behind as he lays against her rear, he begins to rub his lower region against her which causes her to coo, she eventually feels his coming out from behind, she glances down to see him fully erect, he begins to grind against her taint and lips which is turning her on, yeah she'll admit she set herself up for it but she wants it too.

Vanessa looks him "Aww, my baby is hard... we only have time for a quickie, so I'll give you a good sucking, but tonight I want a little extra bucking." those eyes turning seductive which causes the mystic to give a reaction, which is to give an excited thrust.

Vanessa has the wolf back up, she turns around, she kneels and begins stroke him with her right hand while she plants her left on his ass, she can feel her pussy getting aroused, she looks up as the mystic places his hand on the side of her head.

Magnum gives a sigh in bliss "Ahhh... hon...."

Vanessa smirks a little in amusement, she knows the wolf can't help it to a degree as she knows that men can wake up already turned on because of fabric rubbing their glands all night or the rubbing against anything really as the pre-cum marking their bed can easily prove. If he wants a blowjob when he wakes up she'll do it as she enjoys the taste of him and plus watching him in bliss is always something.

Vanessa sees some pre-cum "Here it comes", she quickly brings her right hand to her opening and begins masturbate, she licks his manhood on it's glands for a little bit before kissing it and slowly engulfs it till she can feel her chin hit his balls. She begins to go back and forth as she sucks and licks his length, earning gasps from Magnum, she smirks and spanks his butt which earns an orgasmic 'eep' from him.

The mature skunk tastes his pre-cum as she can feel him pulsing against her tongue, those purple eyes looking up at the male as he grips on the holding bar on the wall while petting her head. She moves her hand from his rear to his balls and gently massages them, using her pointer to rub his taint, the younger wolf gives a happy gasp as the sensation hits him while smelling her scent. Vanessa can feel his glandes flaring so she gets his penis out, she gently takes it with her right and begins to just suck the pink bulb, her tongue flicking the very tip, Magnum gasps as his hips near instantly seize up as he gives a moan, he can feel his balls really going to work as his sperm gets ready to be released. Vanessa gets on her knees, she has his dick pop out of her mouth and begins to really stroke him as her mouth opens, eager for his seed as the corners of her mouth grin while she gives him a few licks.

Magnum groans "Ah! I'm gonna cum!"

Vanessa flutters her eyes "Give it to me baby, I want your spunk on my face! Mark me!"

The wolf gives a grunt and even does a few thrusts as he can feel the urge coming, finally he cries out and cum starts to shoot out some landing in the skunks mouth with a large spray landing on her face to where she closes her right eye, the seed after a quite a few pumps dies down, the right side of Vanessa's face and her mouth are covered in the wolf's thick cum along with a few drops having found their way onto her breasts. The skunk quickly uses her right hand to gather the semen that is remaining on his member and stands back up, taking the wolf in an embrace, showing her mouth full of semen and swallowing it with a seductive smirk. Magnum gets a washcloth, wets it and begins to clean the skunk off which earns a giggle from her, the two help each other get cleaned up and dressed,

The two are now making their way to Sabrina, the wolf wearing a blue dress shirt with short sleeves and black pants that have this sheen, Vanessa is wearing a purple dress with her black high heels, the two having a spring in their step as they hold hands. The number of eyes watching them in jealousy is playing out like before, but this time many are taken aback, that some of the rumors of the two were now confirmed, that these two are now seeing each other. Vanessa simply smirks at them, watching them get all riled up because of their gossip, saying their theories and yet still be surprised was always something that amused her, she glances to see Magnum not even paying attention, rather then the stiff motion he did like he was out patrol he now looks to be in bliss as his movement is far more natural which is also something those gossiping are pointing out with the older women in the crowd being the most stunned.

Vanessa and Magnum find Sabrina at a restaurant, Magnum finds himself between the two as they both want him to, they put their orders in and begin to have some idle chatter.

Sabrina looks the both of them over "My, look how much the both of you have changed in a few days." with a grin.

The skunk giggles "Yeah, my young stud and I have been... getting to know each other better."

The doe looks to the wolf "And that's quite a new spark in those blue eyes of yours young man." looking a little amused.

The wolf gives a happy sigh "I haven't felt this good in a long time." as he gives a light stretch.

Vanessa gives a giggle while Sabrina gives a snicker, the former chiming "It's good to see you in such high spirits." followed by the doe "I can only imagine why?" with a wink and playful tone.

It's not just the two who have really noticed a change in the mystics personality, when he contacted Elvo she instantly pointed it out... then again given she monitors his vital signs she can easily guess why. Magnum had finally gotten past what was really holding him back and he was finding himself a home life... but the best part is that he was finally finding the joy in having intercourse which tied to a lot of his emotional and mental issues, nothing will ever erase the memory and pain of what he went through, but now he can be happy and take pleasure in the activity. The food arrives and they begin to enjoy their meal, the two women taking some subtle glances at the happy wolf, he looks like he could break out into a song and dance but he's still as introverted as ever.

Sabrina glances around and sees how empty the restaurant is, she looks to her friend and gives a subtle nod.

The skunk gives a snicker, she takes a few glances herself to make sure the area really is clear, she looks to the wolf "Hon, we are curious about your opinion on something."

Magnum looks to her "Sure, what is it?" his gaze being curious with happy energy lacing his voice.

Vanessa gently takes his hand "We know it's a little crazy to ask you this so soon, but we are wondering what your opinion is on a threesome?"

The wolf raises an eyebrow at the question as his brain begins to process the skunks words "As in... Sabrina would be joining in?" trying to understand.

Sabrina nods "If you don't want to we'll respect that, but we think you would enjoy it." trying to make it clear it is the mystics choice.

Vanessa thinks and decides to tease him a little, she leans forward "You can cum in both of uuussss." fluttering her eyes while giveing a musical tone to her words as she whispers it.

Sabrina blushes in an embarrassed giggle but the mystics face is absolutely priceless as his mind quickly becomes flooded with images... then he feels himself down there while his cheeks blush...

The wolf does his best to keep his composer and more importantly try to not show how aroused he was "Uh, eh..." stammering all over his words 'Why can't I talk?! AHHHHHH!!!!'

Sabrina looks to her friend "Vanessa don't tease the poor guy, especially not in public." trying not to just burst out laughing, the doe takes the mystics hand "It's up to you and we're just wondering if you would be interested or not."

The skunk gives a sigh with a sly smirk mixed in "Sabrina and I are curious about it ourselves as it's something we have never done. So we would all be on the same page about it and you and Sabrina have been getting along very well which is wonderful. Would you like to try it?", she puts a hand on his shoulder "Sabrina just wants to join in on the fun and the three of us would have something special together, no matter what hon you are mine, we just want to be there for you."

Magnum is taking the situation in with a few blinks, he was new to what was going on between him and Vanessa still, let alone having Sabrina in the mix... he has a few concerns of his own as he doesn't want there to be any strain on him and the skunk, nor the friendship between the two ladies plus getting to know the doe. He does voice his concerns and they reply that they acknowledge that the wolf and skunk are the key couple with the doe wishing to merely partake... plus if Vanessa is too busy and Sabrina isn't then Magnum can have some 'personal time' with her. The two can tell the wolf is trying to fully understand the circumstances and they know this whole thing is just new to him, for Magnum it was something entirely different as sex for him was more of a ghost topic which is something the two have taken into consideration.

Magnum does few more blinks after thinking about it "Let me... get this straight?" earning nods and curious gazes "So Sabrina would be joining us and I am allowed to... 'play' with her without getting punished? And we're still going to be together in this three-way social contact?"

The doe gives a nod "That is correct."

Magnum puts on a thinking look as his blue eyes go from left to right and repeat, he finally gives a shrug as he doesn't see the harm in it "Yeah... I'll give it a shot."

Sabrina gives him a half hug "I'll be gentle... dear." giving a giggle at the end.

The skunk looks to them "Is there anything we want to try with it?"

The doe looks to the wolf "Your call."

He gives another shrug "I'll leave that up to you, as long as we're having a good time I don't see the harm of it."

The skunk smirks as she pets the side of his face "I've learned what you like sweetie, I think I know how to build on it a little without going too far."

The two eventually finish their lunch with the group deciding to go Vanessa's though the skunk tells them to head to the house while she goes to get something, even saying if they want to have a little fun while she is out they can. The doe and wolf find their way back and enter thanks to Magnum showing off his air powers to pick the lock instead of using the spare key, the wolf and doe get to the couch and turn the tv on to pass the time, the doe glances and the wolf looks a little nervous, she gives a soft smile and gently pulls him into a half hug which he returns. The wolf slowly melts in her embrace, Sabrina pets the side of his head and gives him a light kiss to his forehead, Sabrina gets her high heels off, she carefully moves her body to where she lazily laying on the couch as she keeps a hold on the mystic, the wolf giving her a full embrace.

Sabrina goes back to petting him 'How could anyone have hurt him? He's a real sweetheart once you get to know him a little.', she gives him another kiss "Is there anything you would like to do?"

Magnum looks to her with those blue eyes, he shifts a little as he gently cups her cheeks while looking into her green eyes, he thinks about it for a moment... but then again Vanessa said it was okay, he lightly parts his lips and kisses Sabrina on her's, the doe pushes a little and she begins to french kiss him as his hands go past her head, her hands slowly move to his waist. Magnum lightly breaks the the kiss, he brings his hands to her breasts, feeling them and he gives a coo at how soft they are which earns a giggle from the doe.

Sabrina takes a seductive breath "Aww, you like boobs. How about we strip and you can take a closer look?" with seductive gaze and raising a brow.

Magnum gives a nod as an idea comes to mind "Can we... undress each other?"

The doe snickers "I love the idea."

The doe helps the wolf take his shirt off and becomes amazed by the natural pattern on his back, Magnum helps the doe get her shirt off, the view of breasts being cradled by the doe's bra in full view as she jiggles them, Magnum unhooks the bra and she take it off, revealing her breasts and she pushes them together as she licks her lips. Magnum feels his penis erect in his pants as he gets his shoes and socks off, the doe gets up and sits the wolf back on the couch, she slips his pants and underwear off at once, his member flaring out as it twitches a little.

The doe turns around so that her rear is towards him, she swings her hips a little as she slowly removes her skirt and panties, revealing her butt with her cheeks having nice round planes of white, she turns around and spreads the lips of her pussy with a grin as she slaps her rear. Magnum wants to take the doe but he decides to wait for Vanessa, so the doe lays on the couch and the wolf lays on top of her, the wolf begins to suck on her left breast as she holds him, the wolf embracing her as he can feel some pre-cum leak a little. Sabrina can feel her opening becoming wet as she takes the sight of it in, he looks so happy sucking on the nipple and not in an erotic way, the action looks like it's comforting him and helping the male relax.

Sabrina gently begins to pet him with her left "Aww, you look so peaceful.", she brings her right and gently puts it on his back "I wish I had some milk to give you." with a wink and giggle.

Magnum looks to her with those blue eyes again, he looks so comfortable as he melts into her again, his penis twitching as it slinks against the doe's thigh but he doesn't pay attention to the arousal as he keeps sucking the deers nipple.

The doe brings herself to deliver a kiss to him "There you go hon, relax."

The more she watches him and seeing him in bliss is touching her heart, he just feels loving as he keeps sucking, she wants him inside her as she is turned on, but she's enjoying this, the mystic just looks very vulnerable as he cuddles the doe as his tail gives gentle wags here and there. The doe hears the door and sees the skunk come in with a black bag, Vanessa looks and sees them on the couch, the skunks gives a smile as she approaches them.

Vanessa kneels and begins to pet the males back "Hmm, it's nice to see the both of you getting along.", she looks to her friend "As you can see he's actually a pretty timid and intimate partner."

Sabrina gives a light nod "He's so affectionate, looking at those blue eyes of his and seeing him like this with his emotions on display, I think it's lovely." those green eyes not leaving the mystic.

The skunk gives a sigh "When he gets going he can change quick." she gives the mystic a kiss on his cheek which really earns his gaze, he stops sucking and gives the skunk a kiss "I've got a little something for us. I'll go unpack it and bring it in."

The doe and mystic sit up as the skunk skips into the kitchen, the wolf is still leaning a little on the doe so she holds him and gives him a kiss as she rubs his shoulder. Vanessa comes back in the room and the sight catches their attention instantly, in the skunks left hand is a black harness and in her right looks like a double-headed dildo with the skunk having removed her clothes.

Vanessa chimes as she moves towards them "Mommy was thinking we would try this." with a seductive smirk.

Magnum blinks in surprise while the doe gives a squee "A pegging?", she nuzzles the wolf "Your going to really have fun with this."

The three head upstairs so that they can be more comfortable, they decide to put the strap on aside as they want to do some foreplay and have some fun before using it. Magnum is in-between the two mature females, Vanessa is stroking him while Sabrina is rubbing his chest and kissing his lips, the wolf guiding his fingers to the openings of their love tunnels and begins to rub them, the skunk beginning to lick his cheek a little.

Vanessa takes a breath "Do you have a nickname for Sabrina, I'm mommy so what is Sabrina's?"

Magnum gently breaks the kissing as he looks the doe in the eyes while he thinks "Can I... call you auntie?"

The doe nods, she kisses his cheek "Of course you can, I think that's a good bedroom name."

The skunk can feel the pre-cum and she let's Sabrina take over, the doe gently takes the cock and begins to stroke him from base to tip, the male begins to gasp lightly, he pulls his hands away from the two love tunnels, he brings them to where he puts them on their rears, rubbing them as he gasps, the two women can feel their wet pussies eager for his seed, the two ladies get a little closer and share some tongue action as they begin to rub each others wet opening. Magnum's cock flares at the sight as he gets excited, the two ladies form grins as they keep invading each others mouths and glancing to the younger male, the wolf lightly spanks their rears, having learned from Vanessa about how it can stimulate as he has learned, earning excited giggles from the ladies.

Sabrina coos "Aww, someone is eager."

Vanessa flutters her eyes "Indeed.", she looks to the wolf "Who would you like to mount first?"

Magnum's cock is really eager as he gives some gasps with the words popping into his head and blurts "S-Sabrina?!" with some squeak to his voice.

The skunk looks to the doe "Lucky girl." with a flirty flick of the tail.

The doe stops jerking him off, the wolf sits up, he caresses her cheek, he gives her a kiss, the doe gets on all fours to crawl past him, swinging her rear from side to side, the wolf gently puts his hands on her rear, rubbing her cheeks, seeing her taint, anus and pussy as her cheeks separate here and there, the wolf begins to lick her taint first, the doe gives a few gasps as the pleasure hits her while her pussy releases it's arousing scent and her anus begins to quiver.

Vanessa lightly spanks his ass which causes him to grunt with some pre-cum squirting out from his really twitchy member with the head having turned from pink to pinkish-red, he goes to lap the doe's love tunnel, the sweet necture he had become accustomed to hitting his tongue as he moves his hands from her rear to around her legs, thrusting his tongue into the wet tunnel to sweep the source.

Sabrina groans in bliss "Ah baby, your making auntie feel so good!", she takes her left hand and begins to stimulate herself by messing with her left breast "Ah, your doing great!"

Vanessa lays down where the two can see her with the skunk spreading her legs and begins to masturbate, the scent hitting the mystics nose which makes him even more aroused. He wants to keep tasting the doe and her love juice, but he really wants to release his seed, he stops licking and gets it to where the doe is on her back with her legs spread, her nice rear adding to the view as she keeps her legs spread far apart with her arms by bracing them. The wolf crawls over to her, he gives the feminine opening a long lick to get another taste of her womanhood, he keeps crawling until he and the doe are face to face, the two share a kiss as he guides the tip of his length to the opening, Magnum breaks the kiss as he decides to tease the doe, gently rubbing his hot round tip against the inviting opening as both womanhood and manhood release a little fluid, the doe giving groans as she looks at him with a flirty grin as she narrows her eyes.

The wolf smirks "How bad do you want it auntie?" earning a grin from Vanessa as she keeps playing with herself.

Sabrina groans "I want you so bad baby, I need your cum inside me."

The wolf slowly pushes himself into her, Sabrina's tunnel wraps itself around his shaft, earning an orgasmic gasp as her mouth hangs wide open in joy, the feeling of the young cock in her mature pussy sending pleasure throughout her body as he goes balls deep. Magnum groans as he feels the pleasure center in his brain go off, he can feel his balls pulsing with his dick pulsing inside the doe, Vanessa moves to where she's by the mystics side, she gives him a kiss on his cheek as she rubs his back.

Sabrina let's her legs go, she wraps them loosely around him as she pulls him in an embrace "How do I feel young man?"

Magnum's eyes open as he blushes "Ah... ah... so good... ah.."

The doe gives him a kiss "Your a great fit yourself." with a seductive giggle "Enjoy this deer." trying to through some humor in the mix.

The wolf looks her in the eyes as he begins to move his hips, the vaginal fluid sending his brain in a frenzy as he gets a feel for the doe as Vanessa watches the scene before her, The wolf glances to the skunk and lightly pats the space next to the doe, Vanessa gives a nod and gets next to her friend, the wolf begins to play with the vaginal opening and rubbing her clitoris, the skunk giving a pleasured moan as she wraps an arm around the doe.

Vanessa eyes him as she licks her lips "Look at you, pleasing two women at the same time." she kisses Sabrina's cheek "Enjoy." with an eye flutter.

Sabrina takes in the wolf looking into her eyes and it's actually romantic as he really wants to look at his partner while he's making love, those blue eyes offering comfort as he tries his best. The doe has never really seen such a thing in a sexual partner at all, she can tell he's trying to bond with and love her, she brings her right hand to caress the left side of his face and gives him a long kiss, she can feel the passion behind his effort as she feels his penis being caked in her fluids.

Vanessa notices the doe's reaction and she thinks back to when she and the wolf made love for the first time and his emotions playing a key role. The two have been learning just how strongly his emotions effect him and it's lead to just adoring him more as he engages with them.

Magnum begins to pick up the pace as he starts to go a little harder, the love tunnel contracting around him as his balls begin to hit the doe's taint, he gently breaks the kiss between himself and Sabrina, he brings his hand from the Skunks opening as it's laced with her fluid and laps it up, Sabrina leans a little forward and begins to lick it herself. Vanessa smirks as she gets on all fours and gets behind the wolf, she moves his waging tail and positions herself to where his balls and taint constantly hits her tongue as she twirls her tongue in the air, the wolf feels the stimulation hit him to where his hand almost instantly goes to the bed, he groans he feels his balls going into overdrive, the doe blinks but forms a new grin as she feels him pick up the pace even more, she raises her legs a little more to give the skunk some more room as she embraces the wolf again as she can feel the glands flaring and he can feel his cocking making her feel more full. The wolf makes a sound that the mature skunk is now all too familiar with, he gives a gruntish moan and begins to really go at it, so hard actually that the skunk backs away so that she can get a good view of the mystics cock being laid more and more in the deers pussy as vaginal fluid completely coats it while the mature doe's ass is in good view, Magnum stops for a moment to take a breath, he embraces Sabrina to where his head is on her right shoulder and goes back to pounding her opening while Vanessa helps keep the doe's neathers in their position.

The wolf cries "AH! I'm gonna... gonna..."

Sabrina moans "Go ahead baby, auntie wants your seed inside her!"

Magnum's balls really start to slap against the does taint and now even hitting near her ass as he picks up, the wet sounds and aroma effecting them as his balls begin to twitch, the skunk begins to masturbate, using two fingers to rub her insides and her thumb to rub her clit as she enjoys the view. Finally, the wolf gives one big thrust as he cries out, flooding the doe's uterus with his cum, the doe gives a satisfied "AHHHHH!" as she feels the semen shooting into her while his balls twitch as her legs keep him in place. The doe gasps as her orgasm takes hold with a huge grin as her tongue hangs out, she looks at the wolf and sees him taking some breaths of his own, he slowly slides his penis out and Vanessa begins to lick his member and her friends cum-laced hole, the tongue catching the wolf off guard a little as he gives a surprised "Eeep!" but quickly changes to a moan as the skunk milks a few extra drops from his member.

The doe pets his head "Aww baby, that was beautiful."

Vanessa feels the air around her move, her tail being pointed to where she was next to the doe thanks to the air... she knows it's Magnum using his powers as the windows are closed, so she stops what she is doing and lays on her back next to her friend, the wolf takes a few more breaths of air while the doe lets him go from her hugging legs, the male slowly rises, she gives him a kiss and rubs her nose against his.

Sabrina gives a happy sigh "Mmm.." putting her finger in her filled pussy, she brings the cum to her mouth and tastes his seed "Nice and thick." which earns a tired smile from him.

Vanessa notices how sluggish he is at the moment "It's okay sweetie, take your time, if you need some time to recover we'll let you."

The wolf crawls over to the skunk, he begins to kiss her, the skunk using her cum covered tongue to wrestle with his, the mystic begins to stroke himself, the vaginal fluid and spent cum giving lubrication as he stimulates himself. Magnum breaks the kiss, he moves to the skunks legs, he puts the skunk to where she's on her right side facing Sabrina and raises her left leg in the air, brushing the head of his cock against her opening, pre-cum starting to arrive at the tip.

The skunk gives a "Mmm... yeah hon, stick it in mommy and ride her!"

Magnum pushes his shaft into the skunk about halfway, earning a happy gasp from the mature female and he begins to go back and forth.

Vanessa eyes him "Remember, I treated you earlier today, so I want some extra bucking." with a seductive grin which earns a curious look from Sabrina, the skunk looks to her "He needed some attention before we met up."

The doe giggles "He just wants to enjoy himself, he's found something new to experience that he likes.", she moves closer to the skunk "I remember when you and I use to experiment and we were younger and we had a lot of fun. I remember when we went to a party and we just started making out." giving the skunk a passionate kiss as their tongues wrestle for a bit.

The blush on Magnum's face just consumes his cheeks "Ah, that's hot!" as he feels even more turned on as his dick squirts some pre-cum.

The two ladies giggle at his reaction, Sabrina gets an idea, so moves to where her pussy is in front of Vanessa's face and she's face to face with Magnum's member screwing the skunks pink opening. Vanessa begins to eat the doe out, licking the love juice and Magnum's seed from deep in the opening, Sabrina begins to lick the skunks clit and Magnum's shaft as she embraces the skunks lower region with her arm going around and her hand landing in the middle of her rear. Magnum places a hand on the doe's head and begins to pet her, the combined musk starting to hit him in full force, he gives Vanessa a playful spank which causes the skunk to flick her tail on reflex, Sabrina gives the wolf a lewd spank as well, earning a shiver from him. The doe looks to his balls, she glides her fingers to them and begins to rub the back of them and his taint. Vanessa manages to get a huge wad of Magnum's cum, she pulls away from the deers love tunnel, she looks to the wolf and opens her mouth with a wide grin for a moment before swallowing it and going back to eating her friend out.

Magnum wasn't expecting how good this was going to be and he was skeptical about the whole thing, but so far he's happy he decided to try it. He takes a few gasps and begins to pump harder, his cock twitching as the skunks heat and fluid gets to him, he can feel his glands head up while the skunks love tunnel tightens and the mature female feels his cock throbbing.

Vanessa is in pure bliss as the wolf ruts her, she looks to him "Ah, good boy! I want you to fill me with your young spunk." Magnum gives a good thrust as his glands flare, going into faster thrusts "Ahhhhh yeeeeaaaaahhhh! Good boy! Mmm, I always love it when you explode in me and I have semen oozing out after you pump me full."

Sabrina chimes in "Has he given you a creampie yet?" with a raised eyebrow.

The mature skunk shakes her head "Nah, he shoves it all the way in and floods me." trying to speak through the pleasure.

The mature doe snickers and looks up to him "If you cum with only the tip or half way inside her and slowly pull out while pumping into her, your load will drip out of that beautiful milf pussy."

Magnum can feel his cock throbbing extra hard just at the thought, seeing his seed dripping free from her mature body is something he really wants to see now. Sabrina sees more fluid come out of the skunks and wolf union and it looks like a lot of pre-cum, she can see his balls really starting to twitch as they bounce. Magnum decides to reposition the skunk, he moves Vanessa to where she's on her stomach, she raises her rear a little, Sabrina embraces the skunks rear as she gives the wolf bedroom eyes while he re-inserts himself into the burning pussy while the doe spreads her friends cheeks so the wolf has a full view while the skunk looks back at them with a satisfied smirk. Magnum's balls slapping into her clit as his cock spasms, he can feel the bulb of member flaring, he's so close to cumming again already, he gives a light grunt but instead of stopping like he normally does he just goes faster which surprises Vanessa a little, but then again she did say she wanted him to buck more because of earlier.

Magnum lowers his head a little as he begins to gasp, he soon raises his head as he really starts to slap against the skunks mature ass, he's trying to hold back the semen but failing, he starts to feel it launching, he pulls it back until the edge of his pink tip is visible and splooges into the skunk, the skunk moans as she feels the semen being pumped into her, the wolf pulls his cock out, Sabrina quickly opens her mouth as a few spurts come out, one last gush comes and cum lands in the doe's mouth, spunk drips out of the skunks pussy as she twitches. The doe licks the tip of the penis and begins to suck on it to get the little cum remaining before turning to Vanessa's love tunnel and begins to lick the cum leaving her hole. Magnum catches his breath as he looks to the two older women and sighs in bliss as he closes his eyes.

Sabrina giggles "Are you ready to try the strap-on?"

Magnum opens his eyes a little and nods, he's a little unsure, but he knows the two wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable, at least not on purpose. When asked which one he wants to wear the strap on first, he simply replies for them to leave it to chance,the two do rock, paper, scissors and Sabrina wins, she inserts the part of the double dildo going upward into her pussy, earning a groan from the doe, she then puts the black harness on, adjusting the straps so that they are a little loose, she moves towards the bed as she strokes the fake cock.

Sabrina gives a smirk "Wanna give it a blow dear?"

Vanessa gives him a grin "It does need to be lubed.", earning his attention "She is going to be putting it up your ass after all."

Magnum blinks for a second, he's confused but more intrigued then anything else, he gets closer to the fake member and begins to stroke it himself, the phallic object actually feeling much like his own if a little stiffer with it feeling close to actual skin, the doe gets her right leg on the bed as she brings her hand to the left side of his face. The doe can see he's trying figure it out in a way, she can see that curiosity in those blue eyes, he thinks about how Vanessa gives him oral sex and decides to see if he can mimic her, he starts by licking the dildo and slowly begins to suck the tip before slowly going back and forth. His movement translating to the dildo moving in the does love tunnel a little which causes her to give a sexual hum, Vanessa blinks as takes a closer look, she notices the movements are identical to how she's been pleasing him in that way, she's pretty impressed by the display he's giving. He goes from tip to base and repeat, picking up and slowing down randomly, Sabrina can feel herself really becoming wet again as she feels and watches him perform.

Sabrina gives a satisfied gasp "What position should we do?"

Vanessa gets an idea "I'll lay on my back, followed by Magnum plowing me and you're on top." with an excited smirk.

The doe gives a smirk "A bisexual sandwich? That's a good idea."

The wolf stops sucking the dildo, Vanessa lays on her back, she licks her lips as she has Magnum bring his penis over to her and she begins to just suck it, swirling her tongue around the tip to stiffen him back up, Magnum feels himself getting hard again as the mature skunk lets him go, he slowly slides into the skunks love tunnel as Sabrina comes in from behind him.

Sabrina rubs his rear "Just relax your muscles, you'll feel some discomfort until your muscles get use to it, but it won't hurt."

Magnum glances to her and gives a nod in response.

Vanessa gently holds onto him to get his attention "Focus on me love, just focus on mommy while auntie gets you ready."

Sabrina spits on Magnum's anus which is actually pulsing a little from the sexual activity and a little most from some sweat, the doe slowly uses her fingers to widen the rear entrance, Magnum gasps a little at the sensation as the doe keeps adding more spit to help ease the tight muscles as she keeps flexing them with her fingers, she eventually gets his tailhole ready and aligns the strap-on with it, the tip slowly making it's way into him. The wolf gives a gasp as he feels it go deeper and deeper, Vanessa gives him a kiss as she cuddles him, the doe gets the dildo all the way in and slowly goes back and fourth.

Sabrina gives a coo "It's alright baby, you're doing fine, we just have to get your ass use to it." as she lightly grips his hips.

Magnum's rear eventually evens out and rather then some strange pressure he starts to feel actual pleasure from it as he starts to gasp with a grin. Magnum begins to go back and forth himself, the pleasure from the skunks pussy and from his rear really lighting up his brain. The two ladies smile as they see him ease into it, Vanessa can feel the extra power from the doe which is adding to the mystics thrusts a little. The doe is closely watching him to make sure Magnum is comfortable, as one wrong move and he can be in a lot of pain, so every so often she adds more spit to the moving sex toy, the concentration of sweat and saliva starting to make wet suction sounds, for the wolf the sensation is strange but he's getting into it with various gasps and eeps.

Magnum sighs "Ahh, it feels weird but I like it.", he glances to the do "Can you please go a little harder? I want you to really get on top of me."

The doe blinks at him and glances to the skunk.

Vanessa gently pets the mystics head "He likes it when women take the lead and actually dominate him, I was surprised myself."

Sabrina nods, she has Magnum lower himself a little and she gets herself above him, moaning as she feels the dildo shift inside her, earning gasps and groans from the wolf in the process, the wolf embracing the skunk as Sabrina places her hands on the bed as she lays herself on top of Magnum.

Sabrina rubs his head with her chin "Ready love?"

The wolf gives a light nod "Y-Yes, please g-give it to me."

The doe begins to slowly go back and forth again while the mystic begins to please the skunk as he begins to pound her pussy, the doe feels her pussy tighten around the dildo inside her, she can feel some pussy juice leaving her opening and coating the harness, she wants to kick it up a notch but she's still worried about hurting him... she thinks on it for a few moments about what both the wolf and skunk have told her... she needs to ask...

The doe looks to the pleasure filled skunk "When he told you about his fetish... what did you do?"

Vanessa gives the wolf a kiss "I gave him a little tease in foreplay, some reverse cowgirl which I ending up digging him into the bed a little, straight after that I got into amazon position and I pounded him straight into the bed."

Magnum cries as he remembers it "That was so good, I didn't want to move after that I was so happy." his eyes giving off this really drunken gaze.

The doe raises an eyebrow before giving a giggle "I don't even think submissive is even the right word... this is something you don't see everyday.", she presses herself against him "Aunie is ready, she's gonna fuck your ass good!"

The doe goes all the way back and forth at first but she soon picks up speed, Magnum loudly gasps and moans as he picks up speed too, the skunk cheering as she feels them joining their movements together. The doe moaning and gasping as she pounds his ass, the males rear giving decent resistance as she feels her pussy getting really aroused. Magnum's member spurting pre-cum inside the skunks love tunnel, the semen from earlier and her vaginal fluid making him slide against her love tunnel easier as Sabrina enjoys his back door. The doe grunting as she thrusts hard while her pussy burns, she gives the wolf a quick kiss and licks his cheek.

The doe grans, she smirks at him "Nice ass!", she gives a hard grunt "Having fun young man?"

The wolf gasps "AHH... HARDER! I don't want to walk after this!" with his tongue hanging out.

The skunk is just fucked silly as she endures the pleasure hitting her as she feels an amazing orgasm building up. The three just keep going at it, keeping their orgasms at bay but it's starting to catch up with them after a few minutes...

Magnum shutters "AH FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!!!" from the pleasure wave as even Vanessa humps upward.

Sabrina cries "ME TOO! AHH!"


The trio gasp and moan for a little longer, Sabrina and Vanessa slam into Magnum and the three orgasmically shout, the two mature pussies spray their vaginal juices as the young throbbing cock floods the skunk as his glands flare. The three are locked in place for a few moments before collapsing on top of each other, the three gasping with happy expressions, the doe is the first to move, she gets the dildo out of the wolf and lazily takes the strap-on off, the wolf slowly leaves the skunk and rolls onto his back with the doe taking the empty portion next to him, the two women holding onto him and kissing his cheeks as he gasps happily.

Sabrina gently begins to rub his chest "I think he's satisfied." with a feminine hum.

Vanessa gives him a kiss "I know I am." with the doe nodding to her words.

The wolf pulls the two closer as tears leave his eyes while his tail wags a little, the two ladies cuddle with him as the doe gets a little worried if she went a little too hard.

The doe kisses him "Are you alright love? Auntie didn't hurt you did she?" nuzzling him through his hair.

Magnum can feel his rear and it is pulsing a little, he knows it'll feel a little sore in a few hours once his body calms down but other then that he feels fine, he lays his head against her "N-No, I feel okay.. I'm just... happy."

The two older women kiss him as they make sure he's comfortable, Vanessa begins to hum to him while Sabrina rubs her cheek against his, the skunk moving her tail across the three of them to bind them together as they cuddle. The women take in how happy he is, Vanessa feels joy at how this has worked out, given that Magnum and Sabrina have gotten along and that they supported each other, besides having Sabrina in the mix gives her a special guy too.

The mystic begins to think about how this whole arrangement has played out... the two ladies definitely talked about this before today even arrived which is understandable, Vanessa is the main girl with Sabrina being basically a wingman as far as he understood it, either way they both do matter to him and he cares for them. The musk from all the activity is making his brain scream to do more as their feminine pheromones having claimed the air he is breathing, to add more seed to the women but he's too exhausted and he just wants to cuddle with them. Vanessa and Sabrina begin to lick his cheeks as they place their hands on his chest, while somewhat cradling him, the two mature women showing him a lot of love as they find their bodies wanting to keep going as well, but they need to catch their breath and they want to cuddle with the younger male.

A happy sigh escapes the canine "Can we do more later?' tired and weakly

The two ladies look to each other with doe giving a nod as she goes back to rubbing her cheek against his, Vanessa stops her licking "After we rest up we'll go again.", she nuzzles him with her nose "What would you like to do?"

What the wolf tells them is a little interesting, nothing crazy but they can tell he was trying to think outside of the box a little. The three relax for a few hours with the wolf even falling asleep for a little while to help regain some of his strength, the ladies begin to help the wolf get ready for what he wants to do, Vanessa goes to clean off the sex toy while Sabrina begins to stroke his member, it isn't long before he becomes fully erect which causes the doe to lick her lips, the skunk returns wearing the strap on and some water, re-coating the dildo with spit, she hands the water to the do and wolf who take a refreshing sip. Magnum gets to where his legs and rear are hanging off the bed with his legs spread, Vanessa kneels and begins to re-prepare his tailhole for the strap-on, Magnum gives a few moans as the doe gets off the bed and begins to stroke him, the sensation from both sending wonderful signals to his brain.

Vanessa stands up, she gets the dildo aligned with his anus "Are you ready for mommy?" as the doe crawls onto the bed.

Magnum takes a breath as he nods "Y-Yes."

The skunk grins as she playfully touches his anus with the toy, teasing the opening with it, she pushes into him and repeats what Sabrina did earlier, wrapping her arms around his legs and stroking him with her left. The doe face the skunk as she gets herself over the skunk, she shakes her ass a little to tease the wolf, her pussy, taint and tail hole in full view from underneath, the wolf giving a gasp of pleasure and she lowers herself to where the mystic is licking her taint and eating her out, careful not to go too low so that she can hump him when he gets close. The two ladies feel the sensation as Vanessa feels the inserted fake cock being entangled by her vaginal walls and the doe feeling his young tongue reaching inside her as her love juice coats his lapping tongue. The two ladies turn their gazes to the males cock, pre-cum is starting to leak as the pink slowly turns a little red, the skunk picks her pace up as she strokes him a little harder, the male giving pleasured groans as he shoves his muzzle into the doe which causes Sabrina to loudly gasp as she feels Magnum's tongue shoots into her while the skunk gives moans of her own as her pussy lightly spasms.

Sabrina cries "Ahh baby, yeah! Use that tongue, eat that pussy.", she feels his tongue swirl around, she hangs her head back "OHH!" as her short tail wags like crazy.

Vanessa moans "Ah hon, pegging you feels so good!", she lowers her head a little "Going down on you like this so amazing." feeling more pre-cum arrive as it coats her hand and his shaft.

All the wolf can do is give muffled moans and cries, his eyes looking at the does taint and tailhole, he decides to turn it up a little, he focus as best he can and begins to use the air to mingle with the doe's sweat to stimulate her rear opening.

The doe cries out in this orgasmic scream "Oh baby! Yeah, whatever you are doing don't stop!" giving another loud moan.

Vanessa glances to her, but the doe manages to respond that he's stimulating her tailhole with his abilities from what she can tell... pretty creative indeed on his end. Vanessa stops stroking him, she gets the males legs around her as she gets her hands on the bed and begins to pound his ass a little harder, his cock bouncing around with a sprit of pre-cum here and here, the shaft twitch as he balls bounce and make proper sperm and his head flaring from the stimuli. Sabrina looks to the young dick flapping, she moans as she feels a yern to suck it, she lowers herself to where can suck his member, now with her holes occupied by the mystic she feels the bliss overtaking her body, Magnum puts his hands on her rear with his thumbs rubbing her taint. Vanessa moves her hands to her breasts and begins to fondle them, she moans as she feels her orgasm arriving, the mystics tailhole giving great feedback to her thrusts.

Sabrina feels Magnum's cock flaring and pulsing as she sucks and licks it, her head bobbing a little due to everything happening to the wolf and his rear being pegged which is starting to get him to thrust a little himself, she can taste the pre-seed landing on her tongue, she knows he was getting ready to burst, heck she's been feeling an orgasm for a few seconds now. Magnum moves his hands to on top of the doe and brings her lower half down a little more and now she's braced so she can't get off of him, the doe's love juice is being consumed by him, as soon as it reaches his tongue.

Sabrina stops sucking his cock, letting it gently leave her mouth "Fuck, I'm gonna cum... I can feel I'm gonna squirt!"

Vanessa gasps "I'm close too.", she picks up the pace and starts to harder "Ahh hon, I love your ass!"

Magnum can feel his length really harden as it burns, he was ready too, his focus becomes broken and the air stimulating Sabrina's tailhole goes away but she's so turned on it doesn't matter, he wraps his legs around the skunk which only motivates her more. The three can feel it coming, none of them want it to stop but their bodies are ready, Magnum can feel his cum about to shoot while Vanessa and Sabrina can feel their love tunnels ready to release their love juice.

Vanessa slams into his ass all the way "AHHHH!" vaginal fluid floods out of her pussy and out of the harness.

Sabrina lays her head next to the mystics cock as she cries out in ecstasy, her pussy squirts straight into the mystics maw, the fluid forcing him away and completely drenches his face. Magnum loudly gasps and from his cock, cum erupts, the first load coating Vanessa's face while another coats Sabrina's, a few more pumps and his nethers are covered in his seed. Vanessa stiffly removes the strap on and gets onto the bed, Magnum's hands fall away so that Sabrina can join her friend, leaving the middle spot open for Magnum, he eventually starts to come over, the ladies seeing him just drenched in Sabrina's love juice, he begins to clean up Vanessa's opening of her fluid first, the different sweetness of both fluids hitting his tastebuds.

Vanessa gently pets his head "Good boy, clean your plate." with an orgasmic giggle.

Sabrina watches him clean her friends opening clean, he moves to her and does the same thing, she gives him a pet as well "There you go love, drink up."

Vanessa grabs a few nearby tissues, she hands some to Sabrina and the two clean off the males seed, he soon finishes cleaning off the doe and lays on his back between them, trying to catch his breath as his legs twitch. Sabrina waves the skunk as she moves towards Magnum's crotch and begins to lick the spent semen from his member and fur, Vanessa follows the doe's lead, he cleaned them off so it's fitting they do the same for him. The flavor of his cum carrying a potent musk and of light sweetness in it's thick consistency, the two lapping cum from his cock at the same time causing him to give a light orgasmic gasp as he shoots a little trapped semen. The two finish cleaning him and join the wolf, the three sharing a three way kiss before they start to cuddle, the ladies giving him a kiss every so often, the two notice that his eyes look to be in a trance as a satisfied grin takes his features while he breathes and squeaks with each breath while his body twitches.

Sabrina looks to Vanessa "I guess he isn't going to be talking for a while." with a giggle.

The skunk replies with a giggle of her own "Nope, he is in paradise right now."

Magnum opens his mouth as he takes a deep breath of air, letting out a happy squeak as his tail wags, Sabrina's scent from her gush overwhelmed him instantly, let alone the combined musk with Vanessa. The two mature females take in just how fucked silly he is and how he is completely out of it, Sabrina gently pets the side of his face, those green eyes being soothing and loving and she gives him a nuzzle.

Vanessa moves her left breast closer to him "Here you go hon, I know what you want."

His blue eyes go to her breast and he begins to gently suck on her nipple, Vanessa gives a feminine hum as she wraps her tail around the wolf and doe like she did before.

The skunk kisses the top of his head "There you go hon, enjoy mommy's breast."

Sabrina gives him a kiss on his cheek "Aww, how lovely."

Vanessa looks to her friend "This was a great idea."

The doe nods "Yeah it was, your mate knows how to treat a lady." moving her brows up and down.

The skunk giggles "I think we treated him more then anything.", she gives him another kiss "When he gets going he can take the lead but like I said he's a more submissive partner." gently nuzzling him.

Sabrina gives a sigh "Yeah, he's so affectionate and loving.", she gives him a kiss on his cheek "I adore how we now have our own circle of love. Two older women and a young stud having a party all to themselves."

Magnum is the first to fall asleep, Vanessa and Sabrina look him over as they slowly succumb to slumber, they give him one more kiss and finally begin to rest.


The rainfall of the world really starts to come down as lightning and thunder claim the sky and atmosphere among the dark clouds, a red spark erupts that is enveloped by a purple shroud and soon it changes to a portal, Kathleen slowly emerges, wearing a charm similar to the one she wore before the Mystic race arrived to avoid being tracked, she raises her nose and smells the air.

The jackal gives a grin full of teeth 'He is here.', she has the portal close behind her, she begins to move through the terrain 'This ends here Magnum, I'm going to enjoy ripping your guts out as I gorge on your soul!'

To be continued...