The Princess' Heat - Part 6

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#11 of The Princess Heat

After putting Princess Malatheia and Lu-Temba before herself for so long, Sister Auliabe cannot take any more performative abstinence. She has needs too, after all - her own heat is burning her up and Lu-Temba, as a Horned One, presents an opportunity for her to quench the fire without breaching the Arahanic Holy Orders.

But Auliabe isn't the only Sister in the convent to have a strong desire for Lu-Temba.

Part 5 contains Chapter 16 of The Princess' Heat, an erotic novella written in 2021 for Irving (

The Princess' Heat

_©2023 Bruno Hirschkoff


_The following is a work of fiction intended for adult audiences. If you are not an adult, this isn't for you. All characters, situations, settings, locations, names and concepts are the intellectual property of their respective creators (@ IrvingWrites [Twitter] and @ BrunoHirschkoff [Twitter]). Do not repost, distribute, alter or copy any element of this work without the express written permission of the author. _

_All characters, settings, religions, histories and geopolitical structures are fictional and resemblance to real-world characters, settings, religions, histories and geopolitical structures is purely coincidental. _


Chapter 16


Sister Cadille could scarcely contain the excitement she felt. The Urssa woman was not quite as prone to the extreme fertility and heat cycles of her Lupa sisters, but the arousal she felt at Lu-Temba's presence was something she was unable to ignore. Several of the other Sisters - Gelvandia and Justia in particular - engaged Cadille regularly in their various sexual adventures. But where the two Lupa Sisters were obviously very much more attracted to other women than to any man, Cadille felt a desire that neither they nor the ludicrous sex toys given by the monks could satisfy.

As the raucous evening of festivity came to a close in the Great Hall, and more and more Sisters retired to the cloister, Cadille found herself wondering what was happening with Lu-Temba and Auliabe. She dearly wished to be present, even only to observe. She'd caught a tantalising glimpse of his erect manhood as he'd fled the Hall - evidently Sister Superior had been pleasuring him under the table, as Cadille had suspected. The thought caused a tingle to bloom in her nethers, even hours later upon remembrance. She wondered if Lu-Temba had found his way to Princess Malatheia. That was a nice thought. Malla had always been very supportive of Cadille - in a way, they were the same. Neither truly 'fit in' at the convent, as much as it was their home and they felt welcome there. They were both different from most of the Sisters.

The Urssa woman reclined into the steaming bath until the water lapped at her chin. There were a couple of the other Sisters present, but mostly they were performing their late-evening duties, and were soon to retire for the night.

Cadille allowed her legs to fall open. Her dark brown fur was a contrast to any of the Lupa Sisters and her softer, more heavyset frame set her apart even more. Her fingers were busy, rubbing furtively at her womanhood beneath the steaming bathwater and sending ripples across its surface. She sent a prayer to Ysion, father of Arahan, that Lu-Temba would find her attractive enough to want to satisfy her curiosity.


Sister Auliabe pulled on her habit over her head, and assisted Lu-Temba in doing the same with his tunic. For a fleeting moment she was tempted not to bother, to take Lu-Temba for food and drink without a stitch of clothing between them. But she was still Sister Superior. The Sisters of the convent looked to her for leadership, even as raucous as they themselves could be.

Lu-Temba seemed dazed, and more than a little confused. In all likelihood he was exhausted; he'd only arrived at the convent that very day, and there he was bedding the Princess already. But it could not have waited any longer, and Auliabe felt that her haste in introducing them would be rewarded. She spoke in low tones to the gazelle while she led him back to the Great Hall. It was well after midnight, and only a couple of Sisters remained awake. Both scurried from the Hall back to the cloister when Auliabe entered.

She picked at some of the leftover food, while Lu-Temba helped himself to a rich hoppy beer brewed by the monks at the adjacent monastery, a thick wedge of bread and several of those honeyed figs to which he'd taken such a liking.

"Our dear Princess has taken quite a liking to you, Lu-Temba," Auliabe said, moving to join the gazelle on a comfortable pile of cushions.

He nodded, a little numbly, and then cracked a smile. "If you'd asked me what to expect here even the first day I arrived, down on the coast, this would never have even crossed my mind in my wildest dreams."

"The gods, through the blessed prophet, work in strange and unexpected ways. Your arrival was undoubtedly at their hand. I mean it when I say that," Auliabe returned his smile. "It is divine providence that in our hour of greatest desire, Ysion saw fit to drop such a willing and virile man as yourself in our midst."

Lu-Temba flattened his ears and buried his muzzle in his tankard.

"What of yourself, Auliabe? It's clear that you uhm... have desires. Am I going to be able to satisfy your needs as well?"

Auliabe looked momentarily surprised. "I... only if you wish to, _tahlab! _I would not foist such a thing upon you if you uhm... I mean, if you..."

"Esteemed Sister, you were the merest blink of an eye from bringing me to completion under the feast table only hours ago. If I were unwilling, I am certain that would not have occurred. I...I apologise for my hasty retreat from that encounter. I became overwhelmed by the whole situation."

Lu-Temba felt confidence blooming in his chest. It was the most unexpected sensation. But the way Auliabe's eyes roamed hungrily over him at any given opportunity was difficult to ignore. To his delight, Auliabe puffed out her cheeks and squirmed, and Lu-Temba could see her ears were flushed pink.

He finished his midnight meal quickly, and then stood. He couldn't help but notice the way Auliabe's gaze remained level, fixed on his crotch. He was momentarily tempted to flash her, the way Caleia had flashed him on the road to Basa-Talriq, but she stood before he could summon the courage.

"You should rest, Lu-Temba. It has been a long and tiring day for you, more than any of us. I am certain Malla will understand that you do not rush back immediately to her."

"Do you think so? She won't eat me?" Lu-Temba was only half-joking.

Auliabe snorted. "Of course she won't. I shall be there to protect you."

She smirked, and pressed close to him. He trembled and breathed in her scent deeply. In spite of the amount of use it had seen, his manhood rose to bump along Auliabe's inner thigh. She exhaled shakily over his ear, the heat rising between them. Her hand moved towards it, but just as her fingertips slipped beneath his tunic, she pulled back.

"No. Not now. Malla needs you more than I. Save your seed for her, Lu-Temba. Go, rest. Quickly, before I change my mind!"

Awkwardly, his erection abraded uncomfortably by the rough-spun tunic he wore, Lu-Temba retreated to his quarters, with a grin on his muzzle that he could not hope to suppress.


Kesh and Aror rose as one the following morning behind a veil of cold mist flowing down out of the mountains. All around Asantrea, astronomers and physicists studied the Great Alignment in great detail; recording transits, measuring eclipses, and taking readings that would guarantee the accuracy of their navigational instruments for generations to come.

Meanwhile in Forlasea, the Lupa people awoke with sore heads and full bellies, awash with their shared passions.

Auliabe could not resist the urges of her body at such a time. Her ovaries ached, but she, like all of the Sisters, had sworn to uphold the Holy Orders whatever the cost. Auliabe's faith was still stronger than her desire. Just.

The cloister was awash with Lupa pheromones. Throughout the night, the sounds of the Sisters' pleasure had echoed in those hallowed halls. And as Auliabe rose to consciousness, she indulged herself. She had slept naked atop her blankets, and in the nebulous fog of semi-wakefulness, she pleasured herself with the slow, delicate caress of a single fingertip. Such was her sensitivity, heightened by the Alignment, that the merest touch of a digit to the soft hood that cocooned her button sent her into gentle convulsions. Her thighs, the base of her tail and her blanket beneath were damp with her nocturnal emissions. Her mind drifted with the same inevitability as the Alignment itself to the Horned One she had welcomed into the convent the day prior. His scent. The way he squirmed and tried to hide his arousal. The way he seemed not to know the _gift _he had. The way it pulsed in her grip. The warm slickness of his precum drooling over her fingers.

Auliabe moaned and arched her spine. Arahan forgive me, I must contain my urges around him, lest I lose control of myself as poor Malla has...

With her hand held flat, Auliabe swung her wrist from side to side loosely, that single fingertip working her clitoris with little more than a tickle. It was more than enough. The soft friction burned through her aching desire as Kesh and Aror burnt through the morning fog outside. She brought herself to orgasm without pause and basked in the flood of relief that pulsed forth from her core directly to her brain.

She lay for several moments, gathering her breath and ordering her thoughts, before rising to make her way to the bathhouse.


More than half of the convent's Sisters were awake already, and Auliabe found that many of them had already bathed. There was a thrum of excitement in their giggling discourse that morning, and more than a few sultry glances were aimed at Auliabe herself.

Of course, _she thought, _the show they got from Lu-Temba and I last night was hardly subtle.

Auliabe exited through the Great Hall into the courtyard and crossed it to the colonnade surrounding the bathhouse. It was there that she found Lu-Temba. The gazelle was wandering aimlessly, staggering slightly and seemed extremely confused. Auliabe hurried up to him and gripped his shoulder. He was, at the very least, dressed.

"Lu-Temba! Are you alright?"

The gazelle mumbled something incoherent. His muzzle was matted with stickiness, and he reeked of Malatheia. Auliabe frowned.

"Did you go back to the Princess last night, after I told you to rest in your own chambers?"

Lu-Temba nodded. "Didn't... want to leave her," he intoned carefully, as though his tongue were numb. Which, Auliabe supposed, it probably was. Malla did so enjoy a thorough licking.

"And you were there all night?"

Another nod from the gazelle. He took a step and winced. Auliabe broke into laughter. "Arahan's robes, it hasn't dropped off, has it?"

He cleared his throat. "N-not quite. She's... vigorous. But I think she's starting to feel more like herself again."

"I should imagine so. Come, let us get you fed and watered, shall we?"

Like a prize stud.

Auliabe looped her arm beneath Lu-Temba's shoulders, and propelled him into the Great Hall for breakfast. Sister Cadille looked up from her meal, and Auliabe beckoned the Urssa girl over.

"Sister Cadille, dearest; please take our guest and see to it that he has enough to eat, yes? I shall return presently - there is something I must fetch for him."

Auliabe strode off, leaving Lu-Temba and Cadille together. The Urssa woman was quiet and shy, and Lu-Temba was unsure what to talk to her about. She led him to one of the banquet tables, upon which the younger Sisters of the convent had laid out fresh bread, steaming pots of oatmeal and the like. Lu-Temba helped himself and grit his teeth at the stiffness of his muscles when he sat down alongside Cadille. She shuffled closer to him instantly.

"I dreamed about you last night," she said, abruptly.

Lu-Temba's head snapped around to stare at her, and a smile played across his lips. "Did you? I... did not know I was of such interest to you," he lied.

Cadille nodded. "It was not one of _those _dreams... do men even have those? Dreams that cause you to awaken... um... heated?"

Lu-Temba chuckled. "Oh yes, we certainly do. You know, I've heard that almost all men, in a deep sleep, become erect and stay that way until they awaken."

Cadille's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth to giggle. "Truly? An appealing thought. Ahh, Arahan forgive me - hmm. Tell me something about Venium. It is talked about extensively in scripture, but it does not sound real. Are the streets truly paved with Heladian gold?"

Lu-Temba laughed. He was grateful that Cadille seemed comfortable enough to at the very least ask him questions about the outside world.

"Of course not! I've read that passage too; it seems as though the ancient Heladian word for 'treasure' was written as 'gold' when the book was translated - and the Heladians used to regard the stone Venium is built from as being particularly valuable. So no, the streets of Venium are paved with stone. It just happens to be a stone that was highly prized. But it is a beautiful and ancient city, well worth the journey if ever you get a chance to travel. Not to mention the spiritual significance of the Apos to Venium sea route, to your faith."

Cadille looked just a tiny bit crestfallen, and Lu-Temba felt guilty for his pragmastism. "Don't worry, Sister. I'm an archaeologist. It's my job to make exciting things boring."

She giggled at that, and Lu-Temba felt a little frisson of excitement run up his spine. She was adorable, in her way.

"Have you met Princess Malatheia?" she ventured.

Lu-Temba considered how to reply. Eventually, he just shrugged. "Yes. Uhm. Sister Auliabe was very keen for me to..." he paused, and cleared his throat, "...assist her with her current difficulties. She is a friend to you, I gather?"

Cadille nodded, and stood to fetch a steaming kettle, from which she refilled her own and Lu-Temba's cups with tea. "Yes. She and I are... similar, I suppose. Neither of us are truly where we belong. But it is home, and we are welcome. But we are different."

Lu-Temba turned to face her and nodded slowly. "I can understand that sentiment. Lupa culture is... very formidable, to the uninitiated."

"I wish I could see what happens when you return to the Princess' chambers," Cadille said, abruptly. Instantly, she clapped her hand over her muzzle and turned away.

Lu-Temba coughed, choking briefly on his tea, and set his cup down.

"I am sorry! I meant nothing!"

"No no, do not apologise, Sister. I am not offended; I merely did not expect to hear that! For what it may be worth, you have _my _permission. You'll just need to ask Malatheia, of course."

"And Sister Superior, too."

"I think we both know already what her answer will be."

Cadille opened her mouth to reply, but in that moment Auliabe returned, bearing a small, corked flask. Lu-Temba looked at it with curiosity, and Auliabe uncorked the flask with a subtle pop. She swung her legs over the bench on which Lu-Temba and Cadille sat and tipped a few drops of the flask's contents into the gazelle's tea.

"What is that?" he asked with a frown.

"Strictly forbidden, is what it is. Promise me that neither of you will breathe a word about this to anyone. It is a breach of the Holy Orders to use it." Auliabe paused and took a deep breath. "Sometimes the monks, when they visit us at the nadir of our fertility, need a little... _help, _to perform. This is the aphrodisiac they use."

"Aphrodisiac?" Lu-Temba interjected.

"Yes, dear _tahlab. _It is nothing dangerous - merely a cocktail of pheromones and herbs which might assist you in your..." she coughed, "...continued performance for Princess Malatheia."

Lu-Temba felt warmth blooming in his ears. He could feel Sister Cadille squirming in her seat beside him. He reached for his cup and sniffed its contents experimentally. The fluid Auliabe had deposited therein lent the tea a mildly musty aroma, but nothing like the medicinal vileness he'd been half-expecting.

Lu-Temba drank slowly. He did not feel any immediate effect of the potion. He turned to Auliabe, and she patted his thigh.

"Patience, _tahlab. _It may take several doses before the physical effects are... apparent. But once it takes hold, it is likely that your erection will last a full day and night. So with that in mind, we should get you bathed before that occurs!"

Cadille squeezed her thighs together at the thought of that, and focused exceedingly hard on her breakfast. Auliabe squeezed her shoulder in thanks once Lu-Temba had eaten his fill and led the gazelle back out of the Great Hall to the bathhouse. He stripped off his tunic without a second thought and clambered into one of the raised baths. The look on Auliabe's face was priceless.

"Do not look so surprised, Auliabe. There is no longer any part of me you have not seen or touched, so I feel no need to keep myself from you. Come, join me."

"Well, I... Arahan's robes, the aphrodisiac is working already!" Auliabe chuckled.

She glanced around the bathhouse, struggling with a moment's indecision. She needed to bathe, herself, and it would perhaps be odd to use a different bath now. So she lifted off her habit and wimple, and climbed over to sink into the hot water beside Lu-Temba. The dense, inky-dark fur of her pubic mound continued in a thin trail up her abdomen, to finish between her breasts. It was an incredibly erotic sight, just as it was on Malatheia. In Lu-Temba's mind it put Sister Superior and the Princess on the same level of authority; both of them were Alphas in their own way.

Auliabe's loins ached with arousal from the hunger in Lu-Temba's gaze, and she was thankful for water covering her scent. She ducked her head beneath the water to scrub at her hair, and took the opportunity to look. There it was. The aphrodisiac had worked its magic and, even as she watched, Lu-Temba's manhood pulsed to erection in the warm water, as rigid as if he hadn't spent the entire night with Malatheia. Auliabe's heat blossomed.

_Ysion help me, _she thought.

Lu-Temba was smirking at her when she rose from the water once again. He knew. So, when he in turn washed his hair and ears beneath the surface of the water, Auliabe felt his gaze on her submerged body and subtly turned towards him. Her hormones were winning.

It was not until they had emerged from the bath and were drying off beside it that Auliabe succumbed.

Lu-Temba scrubbed at his pelt with a towel. He could feel Auliabe's eyes on his slender frame, and with the arousal coursing through his veins fed by the aphrodisiac, he subtly jutted his hips out to present his throbbing manhood to her. The sound she made was somewhere between a moan and a whimper. She could not look away. She _needed _him.

Bodily, she grabbed his towel and tossed it aside. Lust burned in her eyes, and she pressed close to him. Lu-Temba stumbled back against the stucco-rendered rim of the bath, and Auliabe closed in on her prey. Without her wimple and habit and with that look in her golden eyes, Lu-Temba knew what was coming. And he relished it. With a snarl, Auliabe backed up against him. Her wide hips and soft posterior ground heavily onto his stiffened flesh, and automatically the gazelle gripped her waist.

Auliabe glanced fierily back over her shoulder at him and gyrated her hips. "Take me, Horned One. I cannot resist it any longer. I need to feel your hammer strike my glowing iron. Quench me in the trough of your seed."

Lu-Temba's eyelids fluttered. Even when she was demanding to be fucked, she was a compelling orator. Her fur was thick and luxuriant against his manhood, fresh and damp from the bath. He bent his knees a little, sliding downward to align himself with her gateway. Her swollen, engorged petals parted around the belly of his shaft, and left a thick streak of nectar from his midsection to his frenulum. The friction brought a shudder forth from Auliabe. She braced herself against her own knees and lifted up onto the tips of her toes to angle herself onto Lu-Temba's aching rod.

"Your wish is my command, Esteemed Sister," he murmured.

"Oh, Malla's taught you well alr...Oh!"

Auliabe was cut off mid-sentence by Lu-Temba pressing inward. He angled himself perfectly with a thumb, pushing downward on top of his throbbing pole to lodge it at her gateway. Her flesh yielded to him with a shared groan of pleasure and a curtain of heat descending over him. He was never going to grow tired of that sensation. She shivered, and ground heavily back onto him, impaling herself on his flesh. Murmured prayers to Arahan and Ysion sounded from her lips as he fulfilled her desire. She was so, so wet. And so hot. Her effortless sensuality was concentrated into a burning lust that surrounded and clenched around him in those moments, and he was powerless to resist her wiles even if he had been so inclined. He drove himself into her molten core with slow, fluid thrusts, taking the lead in a way he never had before. Auliabe's soft buttocks made rhythmic _plap, plap, plap _noises as they bounced off of his. Lu-Temba's hands slid upward along her hourglass waist towards her breasts; those heavy, alabaster-furred mounds rolled with the force of his thrusts, and he pressed his palms against them. Her nipples were erect against his palms, and his touch elicited a horny growl from the Lupa woman. Her hips rammed back onto him, and he felt her flutter and pulse around his rod. She hadn't orgasmed, but it has been close. Keeping his left hand on her breast, Lu-Temba slowly dragged the fingertips of his right down the dense trail of fur that led to her crotch. Her ears flicked backward when she realised where he was going, and he felt her shift, parting her thighs to grant him access. Lu-Temba flexed his cock and was rewarded by Auliabe clenching in return. That she could feel him so finely was incredibly arousing for Lu-Temba.

"Would you hurry up and cum in me already?" she demanded, lip curled in a snarl. "I need to f... oh!"

For the second time, Lu-Temba interrupted her with a movement. His fingers found their mark. Her clitoris was swollen and erect, a little protrusion within the dense nest of fur at her groin. It dripped with overflowed nectar from their union, and Lu-Temba coated his fingers in the slickness. Auliabe gasped and trembled in arousal. She grabbed his wrist, and guided his touch. A single finger. The lightest of contact. Rapid, side-to-side movement. Just barely flicking the peak of her hood. He learned quickly, and subtly rolled her nipple between thumb and fingertip throughout. She slammed her hips heavily back onto him, over and over again, and he knew that from there on, he was little more than a warm toy for her to get off on.

"Come on, come _on! _Breed me, you stud! Give me your pups!"

Lu-Temba trembled. Why was that so hot to hear? She _wanted _his seed to pulse forth into her burning core - it wasn't just incidental to the activity. His blood fired anew, Lu-Temba gladly obliged. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, ramming forward into her each time she pushed back onto him. He was seconds from orgasm. His balls ached, and he could feel precum spritzing forth within her. Auliabe melted. The attention he gave to her body, the sheer heat and size of his cock within her, drove her ever closer to her peak. He pulled back just half an inch, hoisted himself up on his hooves and ground firmly into her. And again. And once more. Sister Superior trembled, and the floodgates opened. A flurry of orgasmic contractions rippled around Lu-Temba's shaft, and her claws dug into her knees. She tilted back her head and gave a guttural howl that echoed through the bathhouse, pleasure erupting through her body and spilling forth to drip thickly from Lu-Temba's swaying balls. He felt a surge of arousal pulse through him, and pounded into her through her orgasm, bringing himself to his own peak moments later. With the aphrodisiac coursing through him, his orgasm was just as intense as his first had been, with Malatheia. He convulsed fitfully and pressed himself deep into Auliabe while he emptied himself into her fasciculating core, pulse after sticky pulse of seed gushing forth deep inside her.

He remained inside her, grinding rhythmically to prolong her climax, until she began to twitch and gasp in post-orgasmic sensitivity. To his surprise, his own arousal did not diminish in the slightest in the wake of his eruption.

"Ysion save me," she murmured, eventually. "I did not realise how badly I needed that."

Gently, Auliabe straightened, and staggered forward. Lu-Temba exited her with a wet slurp, and Auliabe turned on him to embrace him. Her chest heaved from the exertion of their shared endeavour, and Lu-Temba pressed himself into her fur, his arms sliding around her waist.

"I am glad to have been of service, Esteemed Sister," he murmured.

"By the feel of you," Auliabe said drily, "your desire to be of service is far from sated."

Lu-Temba cleared his throat, and subtly flexed his stubbornly erect rod against her thigh. Auliabe's hand fell to cup it to her leg.

"I am sorely tempted," she murmured, "to have you again."

"I am yours to command, Auliabe."

"I know. Your eagerness is highly regarded. But..." Auliabe's gaze, unbeknownst to Lu-Temba, had fallen upon their audience. "I believe there is somebody else who is eager to broaden their knowledge of you."

From behind Lu-Temba, a soft whimper sounded. Auliabe released her embrace to allow him to twist around. _Sister Cadille! _He and Auliabe had been so consumed by their lust that they had all but forgotten they were in the convent's bathhouse, a space with very little by way of privacy. It was unclear for how long Cadille had been observing, but when their notice fell upon her the Urssa woman ceased masturbating, and flattened her small, round ears submissively. She looked as though she would beat a hasty retreat, but Auliabe beckoned her forward.

Hesitantly, she advanced, moving around the bath to within a few feet of Auliabe and Lu-Temba. Her habit was hiked up and crooked, and her gaze fell upon his slick, glistening penis. It showed absolutely no signs of defeat. Lu-Temba found himself aroused by Cadille's obvious interest, now on such open display to him, and offered the Urssa woman a small bow of welcome. She took another step forward.

"I did promise, did I not, that I would facilitate a meeting of this kind between the two of you?" Auliabe asked, offering Cadille a sly half-smile.

Cadille's face turned to Auliabe, and then back to Lu-Temba. She nodded silently, and Lu-Temba knew that she would be an entirely different partner to any he'd had so far. Cadille was shy and submissive, and while she was clearly plenty old enough, she was completely inexperienced. Up close, she looked at his manhood with trepidation. It was so much bigger than it had looked from a distance! Lu-Temba felt a need to reassure her - the aphrodisiac pounded through his veins, but he had no desire to push Cadille to do anything with which she was uncomfortable.

Lu-Temba's breath left him in a rush as she pulled her habit off over her head to stand naked with the two of them, and the impasse was broken. His eye travelled over her body slowly, taking her in. She was more heavyset than most of the Lupa, a characteristic of her people. Soft, heavy breasts bounced slightly as she moved, encased in fur the colour of mahogany. With a demure smile on her face, Cadille stepped in close to Lu-Temba, and he trembled in anticipation at the feeling of the soft fur of her tummy tickling his tip.

"How would you like me, Sister?" Lu-Temba asked, cupping her cheek with one hand and lowering the other to her hip.

Cadille bit her lip. "It's so big, and hard like stone," she murmured, brushing her fingertips along his manhood and giving it a tiny squeeze. "I don't think I could fit it inside me the way Sister Superior did."

"There are many other ways to please a man, Sister Cadille," Auliabe said, with a knowing twinkle in her eye. "Treat him as I treated him in the Great Hall last night. Lu-Temba, perhaps you might raise yourself up, by sitting on the edge of the bath?"

Cadille brightened, and squealed in delight when the gazelle complied. The new position brought his pulsing rod to Cadille's chest height, and she gazed upon it in something akin to wonder.

"I've never seen one up so close before," she murmured.

"Take your time, Sister - I don't believe it's going to retreat any time soon!"

Cadille giggled, and Lu-Temba noticed that one of her hands had found its way back into her groin. The sight of the Urssa girl touching herself with her eyes on his rod sent a frisson of arousal through Lu-Temba, and he flexed his penis hard, causing the glans to engorge and drool a string of fresh fluid down between them. Cadille moaned quietly, and moved in closer to cup Lu-Temba's penis to her cheek. Her fur was warm and soft, and he let out a soft bleat of pleasured surprise at the gentle treatment.

"Here, Cadille - allow me, so that you may touch him with both your hands," Auliabe said.

Sister Superior moved up behind Cadille, and the Urssa girl squealed in delight as the older Lupa woman's arms slid around her. She gasped as Auliabe's skilled hands went to work, one between her thighs and the other caressing her soft tummy. With both hands free, Cadille begsn to properly explore Lu-Temba. She squeezed his shaft, cupped his balls, pushed his penis down and released it to flick rigidly up, and mouthed heatedly at his swollen glans - it was aimless exploration, a form of body worship, and it was arousing to Lu-Temba on an entirely unexpected level. Tenderly, he raised a hand to softly fondle and play with Cadille's ear, and she tilted her head into his touch.

Auliabe whispered something into Cadille's ear which caused her mouth to fall open. Lu-Temba tilted his head in curiosity. His answer came when Cadille straightened her back, bringing her face to his chest height and her heavy, buxom chest to his crotch. Auliabe nudged her forward from behind, and Cadille's hands hefted her own breasts, surrounding Lu-Temba in their warmth.

He groaned in delight, and rolled his hips into her soft fur. The tip of his manhood prodded Cadille's chin. Her eyes widened, and she bent her head down to tease her lips and tongue over it.

"Is this nice?" Cadille asked him, after a moment.

Lu-Temba was lost for words. He nodded dumbly, and she gave a grin whose dirtiness belied her inexperience.

"Good! I wish to have your seed on my fur."

Lu-Temba shuddered in arousal. "Nnh... And you shall have it... May I?"

She nodded, and Lu-Temba took her wrist, guiding her touch as Auliabe had guided his own only minutes before. Cadille squirmed. He could feel her lower body gyrating on Auliabe's fingers, and hear the soft, gentle wetness of Cadille's pleasure. He guided her hand around his iron-hard member, and instructed her in how to bring him to climax.

She stared heatedly at his arousal throughout, and before long was working his flesh with both hands.

_I'll never be able to launder the linens again without thinking of this! _She thought. The motion was so similar to the one she used to stir the convent's dirty laundry in vats of lye - a motion she was well used to!

Lu-Temba's head tilted back in pleasure. She was a natural. Her grip was strong and sure, her rhythm consistent, and the feeling of her shaky breath over his tip only added to the excitement. The fuse was lit within moments, and Lu-Temba shakily warned her. Cadille simply growled in response, and picked up her pace a little.

"Cadille...!" he bleated.

At the last moment, the Urssa girl pointed him down at her breasts. His eyes flew open, and Lu-Temba bucked his hips as the familiar rhythmic pulse of orgasm rippled through his body, sending a sticky splatter into Cadille's fur, rivulets trickling between her breasts. Auliabe had not relented even for a moment, but it was the sight and the feeling of Lu-Temba ejaculating that sent Cadille spiralling over the edge. The Urssa woman was quiet and demure when she arrived, cupping Lu-Temba's throbbing, drooling spire to her cheek heatedly and shuddering her way through an orgasm that left her knees weak.

As she regained her faculties, she closed her lips around Lu-Temba's glans, and sucked the last drops firmly out of him. He bleated in shock and flailed his arms, but it was too late. He overbalanced, and tumbled with an almighty splash backward into the bath.

Even then, as he surfaced with a splutter to the sound of Auliabe's and Cadille's laughter, his erection remained. It simply _would not go down, _it seemed.

Auliabe's expression, when next he saw it, was smug.
