United Through Two Worlds Chapter 21

Story by DuskRunner on SoFurry

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#21 of United Through Two Worlds

The camp became chaotic. Both Aqua and Magma members ran mindlessly, all trying to focus on the huge great behemoth bearing down on them. The bullets proved useless, simply impacting on the tough armour of the lumbering Pokémon, but that would not stay the same forever. Mattias grabbed random pokeballs and released the Pokémon within, most of them being the kind they needed in this situation. The first one that came out was a great purple being with stubbed arms and legs, its mouth seeming to take up the majority of its body and its head adorned with what looked like bony vents. It didn't take long for it to turn on the men with the guns, recognising them from the attack and as the ones that had taken him away from his trainer. Disregarding the armed opponents, it ran out into the open and let out an earth shaking yell of its name. The noise was overshadowed by a large explosion, the men in front of the Pokémon be blown backwards and skidding all the way across the camp, impacting on the chain link fence on the perimeter. Cracking its jaw, the Pokémon gave a satisfied mutter

"Exploud..." it repeated, turning and screaming again at another pair of men who were too busy fending off the stray Ryhorn. Another boom erupted and the men were sent flying, the Exploud continuing with its yells which commanded the air itself into a sonic boom.

Other Pokémon joined the fray, their names echoing as a battle cry into the night. Aggron, Camerupt, Cacturne and Dusclops being only a few of the Pokémon running into the fray as more and more were released to take their revenge. All the while, Tom stayed behind the door, only watching for any man that might have a shot at injuring one of these newfound comrades. One man had raised his gun to the back of a Mightyeena, readying to fire, soon being cut off as his hand was reduced to a bloody pulp, followed by the rest of his body as the powerful wolf mauled him. He would need to keep defending these Pokémon, if he wanted to fulfil that promise to Layla that none would be hurt or killed, but at the same time there were people needing to be rescued from inside the temple. Taking only a moment to turn away from the action, called to Michael

"Take Melody and go find the rest" He called over the din of chaos in the clearing.

"What about you?" Michael called back, wondering if he even had a plan, to which Tom just gave a smug smile

"I've got to protect these ones-" He paused and let of another shot, hitting a man who had cornered a diminutive Vigoroth, letting the Pokémon's talons soon have their way with his stomach. "Go on, we can handle ourselves!" His words were confidant and stern, not unlike a father.

Michael nodded, knowing there would be little argument and doing so would only take up time in this situation. Helping melody out the back entrance of the shack, he edged his way along the side until he could make out the entrance of the temple. There wasn't much action around the back of the shack, letting them go unnoticed. He turned to Melody, who although having only just been freed from her own prison, showed a look as if she would follow him to the grave, something neither hoped would happen. With a swift motion, Michael threw himself out into the open, sprinting around the great blocks of stone which adorned the entrance and into the dark temple, Melody moving quickly behind him. As he ran, the gun he carried made his arms ache with its weight, being unbalanced and heavy. But soon he came to a stop as he the short tunnel from the entrance widened into a great and arching stone hall. The beauty of it was evident, even with only torchlight to illuminate the room in a dull and warm glow, giving it the look of a very well furnished dungeon. A glass dome over the roof was the only modern building material in the hall, the walls being adorned with paintings of Pokémon, humans and landscapes painted right onto the stone. The floor was made of hard but smooth dark rock, a single strip of a rough flax carpet leading to the end of the hall where a small stage sat, empty save for two stone benches. Looking left and right they saw that two exits branched out from the great hall, leading down into darkened hallways, only dim torchlight to illuminate them. The left hallway was the one that the monk had hold them of, being the living quarters, Tom mentioning that it would be the most likely place to hold any prisoners. Michael hoped he was right as they moved down the hallway, slowly and quietly. Michael felt an almost prescience fear strike into his heart as they walked, seeming to come from nowhere. But he realised it was the link, the link which had been dormant for so long and only now had reminded him of its presence, although the feeling of the reminder was less than welcome. It didn't take long before they heard voices, one much louder and clearer than the other, coming from down the hall.

The hall opened up abruptly into a small room, bunks pushed up against the wall with a small flax carpet laid out over the stone floor. Where the bunks had obviously been lined up, a chain link fence now stood, dug into the stone wall and floor, one gate with a padlock adorning it in the centre of the steel length, and behind it laid the prisoners. They looked gaunt and grim, most of them asleep, something preferable to whatever suffering they might have been through. One by in the front had a thick cotton bandage over his side, his breathing painful and slow, an occasional painful gap escaping his lips. Others looked as if they had similar injuries, mostly on their hands or arms and consisting on cuts, burns or bruises from whatever they had been doing. The voices that came from the chamber were that of a single man and a large radio sitting on a bench he was hunched over with his back to the entrance, seeming very uneasy about the situation as he explained it. The man was dress differently from the rest of the guards, this one wearing no bandana to cover his flaming auburn hair that looked bedraggled and unkempt, his pants baggy and his shirt a tight fitting black.

"They came out of nowhere, just running out of the goddamn shack we kept them in-" The man paused as he listened to the voice on the other end, being inaudible to Michael and Melody from where they stood behind the corner, watching the scene. "I don't know how, they-they must've snuck into the camp...o-or maybe one of them men-"He stopped again and gave a pathetic whimper as the inaudible voice continued talking, seeming to be threatening something.

Michael thought to make his move right there, moving out quickly and aiming his rifle, one man was simple enough to deal with. But as he moved out, his foot caught on the uneven stone floor and he fell, unable to stop himself as his rifle clattered to the ground under him. A loud bang erupted and echoed throughout the chamber as the man turned and drew a pistol, firing towards Michael as he fell. The sound woke some of the prisoners and startled the others into cries of panic, but one cry of pain echoed above the rest as he felt pain jolt through his own body. It happened in an instant, the realisation as Melody fell backwards and the feeling of his own blood boiling, his finger gripping the trigger of the gun and firing at the man who still stood with surprise on his face. Not just once did Michael pull the trigger, but again and again and again, each shot impacting another part of the man's body and making it dance like a horrific puppet. His shoulder, then his chest, then his arm, all earning a cry of pain until the man fell and Michaels rifle clicked through an empty magazine. His anger faded and turned to fear as he felt a dull and distant pain flow through his shoulder, looking behind him to Melody, who lay on the ground in pain. The shot from the man's pistol had ripped into her shoulder which was now slowly bleeding, staining her skin with a thick red tint. He crawled over to her, wanting to do something to help but unable. She could no longer levitate her body, the pain too much for her to focus her self-kinesis, forcing her to try and stand shakily on her own legs. Michael had to help her, hot pain searing through her shoulder and her legs being too weak to hold her up with the strain on her body.

"Help them..." She said through the pain, voice wavering more than usual "Get them out...Valerie might be in there..." Michaels mind was struck with the thought of Valerie and her experience with medical salves and mixes, something which could help Melody before anything worse happened. He gently laid her against a wall, heart begging not to leave her there as he frisked the dead man's body and found the keys to the gate padlock. As he did so, a voice blasted over the radio, now close enough to hear.

"Respond, commander, what is happening?" The voice said, deep and almost bored in its calmness. It gave a chuckle when it heard no response and spoke again in a smoothly clam tone. "I'll take it by your silence that you're dead...but if you aren't then it won't be pretty if I see you again..." The radio clicked and nothing but static was left, Michael breathing a short sigh and moving to the gate of the prison.

The people had calmed down now, and watched in hope as he opened the padlock, letting the gates swing open with a rusty creak. Now they cheered, footsteps thundering as they surged from the cell and out into the hallway, running for their freedom. It didn't take long for Michael to hear a familiar voice.


A voice called from the crowd, a young brown haired girl in a dirty loose blue shirt wiggled free from the flow of people and ran to them both. Valerie had found them. She dropped to the ground beside Melody, eye's holding the same fear Michaels did and all of the tiredness as well. "Melody...can you walk?"

"I...I don't think I can..." Melody said, voice laced with pain that only Michael could feel. He moved to help her up, pulling her close and supporting her body as she stood shakily on her own legs for one of the few times in her life, looking pleadingly at Valerie

"Is she going to be okay, please, can you do anything?" he asked desperately. Valerie gave a pained look as she answered

"All we can do is try and get her back to Fortree..." She said, unable to mix anything right now, and aware that the wound would not heal instantly anyway if she did. "But we can bandage the wound up and it'll help a bit..." She had no cloth for bandages, but made do when Michael removed his shirt and allowed her to tie the fabric around Melody's shoulder. It hurt when the cloth brushed the open wound, but stalled the bleeding and offered some relief through pressure, especially when Michael held up next to him as they walked down the silent stone hallway, the noises from outside soon becoming clear.

As they moved into the hallway, Michael heard a yell from the opposite passage. He now noticed the crowd they had freed now standing shock still, huddled in the hallway with their hands holding their heads as two men with guns watched them. They had walked right into the trap the enemy had set. A pain shot through Michael's body as a rifle butt caught the back of his head, crying out in pain as he dropped to the floor, Valerie catching Melody before she could fall. Soon enough a gun was shoved into her face, as well as Michaels as the guards surrounded them. They must have not been outside when the fighting started.

"You...you little stupid shit!" the man looming over Michael shouted, rapping the butt of the gun over Michaels face, leaving a stinging pain. Melody called out for him, but was silenced by the gun to both her and Valerie's face. "You thought you could just break this up huh? Did you?"

Each blow brought new waves of pain over Michael's body, the menacing guard above him showing no signs of remorse and he beat him into the ground. It was punishment due and punishment given for what he had done to their plans, and as he lay on the floor with the world slowly darkening around him, he wondered where they could go now. Before the soothing darkness could steal him away from the pain, a loud bang echoed through the chamber, close enough to know it wasn't from the fire fight outside. The man stopped with his beating when he heard it, and soon it was followed by another. Michael's consciousness returned and he looked up, seeing the guard with a puzzled look on his face, now illuminated by a light emanating from the main doorway of the temple. Without a word, he moved towards it, gun at the ready, reaching his head out into the darkness. With a sudden crack, his body fell back, minus his head which was now non-existent. Michael pulled himself up as the other guards yelled and ran to the door, trying to fire upon the enemy who had done this. As Michael stood on shaky feet with the world spinning around him, he was not sure if it was a trick of the light or if he three great bolts of lightning strike the men, sending them backwards with their flesh fried. Panic erupted and people hurried backwards, trying to escape the now constant noise in the air, the sound of buzzing energy and cackling lightning. Valerie moved to him along with Melody, taking his hand and pulling him back, but something told him of what this was. The familiar energy in the air and the din of noise around him, it was the same as before, all the other times. With a realisation that snapped the haze from his mind, he reversed Valerie's grip and dragged her, along with Melody, to the doorway. Valerie cried in protest but he told her to calm down, knowing what would greet them ahead, but he did not know what he would do once he saw it.

The light shone down upon them as they stepped out into the courtyard, the floodlights having blown and some becoming utterly destroyed, yet from the sky came the familiar aura. The din of noise reached its peak, silencing for but a second before a deep, resounding boom echoed around them and through the earth itself. Above them, hovering over the temple was the great sphere of white light that had become etched in his mind. A portal to another world, one where Michael's home remained and men still sought to control panic in the world... It ceased its constant spewing of debris and of lightning, the noise becoming a rushing din as the air around it distorted with the great vacuum caused by the anomaly. It seemed serene now, almost...beautiful. Melody tapped his shoulder, directing his view upon the courtyard. Although bodies of guards littered the area, the remaining guards, the Pokémon, Tom, Layla and Mattias stood staring at the sky, transfixed by the sight. Everything seemed harmonised, at peace with a wondrous rushing of wind, as if God himself had made himself known in a great unveiling.

The peace, so full and tranquil, was shattered by a keening from all around. As if the air, the earth, the entirety of the world spoke. Every particle reverberated with the screech until Michael covered his ears and fell to the ground along with Melody and Valerie who also could not stand it. Forcing his eyes up Michael saw a being, who had not been there a second ago, now sitting below the portal with its jaw wide in a great cry. The air around it seemed to warp and twist at its command, shining with a flowing pink aura of power. As it wailed, the portal shuddered and twisted, seeming to the will of this creature. With the vibration of the air itself Michael could not make out its form, but the portal above it soon gave way. Its light stretched and morphed as if it were nothing but a rubber ball in the palm of an invisible hand, growing smaller and smaller until it remained but a pinprick of intense, burning light. With a final shout, the light exploded into a dazzling array of fireworks, streams of light falling around the being before fading into the cool night sky. The silence that was left was more deafening than the roar of the creature itself, and still everyone turned their heads to the new contender, entranced. The creature now looked down upon them all, turning its smooth head with two red eyes to look over its audience. Its body was like a dragon with a long tail and thick legs to contrast with its smaller but armoured arms branching from two wide shoulders, natural round pauldrons with two shining gems of brilliant orange to adorn the centre. Behind it were spread two fractured wings of solid white bone, unmoving and seemingly useless. As its eyes ran over the people below, its gaze hovered over Tom and Michael, looking almost confused and undecided.

A voice then echoed though Michaels mind. It said nothing that made sense, a cacophony of sound, but the message behind it seemed clearly planted in his mind, the speech incomprehensible but its meaning becoming clear.

"Not of...us...." the message was. The creatures seemed to grow impatient while looking down, but unwilling to move while its gaze hovered between Tom and Michael. Michael stepped forward, glancing around him. Tom looked at him with a confused frown, mouth slightly open in a questioning look. He had heard the voice too, yet he did not step forward from his place in the shack doorway. Michael looked back up and spoke, knowing it would hear them.

"W-who are you?" He asked, unsure of what it wanted with him out of all the people. The creature spoke again, in the same way as before with an unintelligible string of sounds, but carrying into Michael their meaning.

"Palkia...name of mortals..." it spoke. It said nothing more, but it was waiting for something. Michael meant to ask only one thing next, but his questions flowed from him. This creature had closed a portal all on its own; something Will had said would be impossible with the state of the two worlds and their proximity. It was powerful, it was hope to him.

"How...how did you do that, what are you, w-why is this happening, how do we stop it?" He said, beginning with questions and growing to an almost interrogating yell. The creature looked down with a sudden curiosity, and perhaps a fragment of hope in its tone as it started to speak.

"My domain...keeper of-" the sounds soon drowned as another cry echoed through the night, this one far louder, vibrating through the being of everyone and everything in the camp with a low roaring rush of wind. The creature cried back, almost in pain as it twisted its body in anger, fighting the voice with droned on. It threw itself at the ground, hurtling downwards towards the entranced onlookers. It shouted down to them as it struggled against the roaring voice, addressing both Michael and Tom with one fractured sentence.

"Where he...cannot go, sent where...earth holds blades...bullets and pain...waiting to forge" was the final message, and then, it was gone. No one saw it disappear, or even a sign that it had. It was gone.

Everyone stood dumbly at what they had seen, although one was first to react. With three quick shots, the remaining guards went down, a bullet for each of them. The sound awoke everyone to reality. The Pokémon reared up before they realised it was over, and the ones who had been imprisoned by the now dead guards all walked out from the temple. A few had watched the scene, others had not, too scared to look outside during the cosmic events. Now everyone stood in the courtyard, silence first broken by a young boy no older than twelve with burns on his hands breaking free of the crowd, running to embrace a Zangoose who laughed happily as it lifted the boy off the ground in a tight hug. Others soon followed, those who had been separated from their Pokémon running to them and being reunited, just as Michael had been. Some Pokémon instead stood away from the crowd, those whose masters were not among the prisoners, not knowing what to do now. Mattias patted his Ryhorn on one of its armoured plates

"Knew you'd tough it out, buddy" He said, the Ryhorn giving a call of agreement, willingly returning to its pokeball with a short flash.

Tom looked on with a smug look on his face, turning to Layla, who had not fought despite her willingness to, knowing that she would have been torn up the minute she stepped in. But even after the chaos had started when she knew she could easily take them on, Tom kept her back, ensuring her it would all be okay. And now he turned to her with that smug grin, boasting to her.

"Kept my promise, didn't I? Not a single one hurt" he said with satisfaction. At any other time Layla would have been annoyed for his smugness and furious that he kept her from helping, but he was right, and she could not hold anger when he had protected her kind so readily. She smiled and nodded begrudgingly.

Everyone soon began to leave, filing away quickly through the open gates, wanting to leave this place as quickly as possible. Their Pokémon followed, most remaining out of their pokeballs, most likely for the sake of company after such a time away. Some headed towards Fortree, but most headed the other way. It was a place they would rather not return to, nothing being left but ash and burnt forestry. Where they went was their own business, and into the night they disappeared, but leaving behind those Pokémon who had not found their trainers among those freed.

Michael supported Melody along with Valerie as they left, Tom and Layla followed, staying slightly behind the others as to talk about all that had just happened. Mattias followed them as well, having found his Pokémon again and needing any supplies he could get from Fortree. The forest was still dark as they walked, but light was just on the horizon, illuminating the sky but leaving the landscape as dark as ever. The wind was warm and humid, but not unpleasant as it rolled over them all. Melody was hurting, the wound on her shoulder not bleeding too badly despite how serious it seemed, and she could deal with the pain for the short time it would take to get back to Fortree. Michael felt the wound as well, as a dull ache over his shoulder, the pain echoing into him. The link used to be something which bound them, but now it annoyed him. It made everything too easy between them, too perfect. It cast illusions and swayed his own decisions when he was forced to share a mind with Melody. The pain in his shoulder was an illusion, just like when he had doubted if he had loved her. Even though he no longer doubted that he loved her, but now the feeling on his link, this bond which tied them together, felt selfish. He could not describe the feeling, it was something intangible. There was something...missing. He would talk to Melody about it as soon as he could.

"Have they been there this whole time?" Mattias spoke up, the others turning to see him looking behind himself and followed his gaze. A large group of Pokémon followed them, all wordlessly and without fear, looking ahead as they were led to what they all hoped was a better place. The group spread itself along the path, following like a flock of sheep. They carried on with the Pokémon following behind them, no point in shooing them away when they had nowhere to go. Fortree was their destination and where they hoped to find their friends and trainers waiting for them.

As they approached the charred opening of trees and grass, the citizens of Fortree looked up, their eyes meeting an amazing sight. As they stepped into the clearing, the sun broke upon the horizon and showering soft pink light across the group, silence in the dawn air. They had returned to their land, and now stood on the edge, a great crowd, a great exodus. One of the Pokémon, a small and slender Furret, ran to a man who watched the scene from beside the Pokémon centre, arms muscled and beard full. The Furret quickly ran up his body and onto his shoulder, chittering happily as it took its place, the man giving a laugh of joy as he tickled the it's chin. Other followed and cheers rang through the crowd as many of the Pokémon finally got their delayed reunion with their trainers and friends. It was a time of happiness for the Pokémon who had been reunited, but a time of sadness for those who had lost their trainers to the gunfire that had assaulted the town. Emotions ran high and low as the Pokémon were shown to the burial site and allowed to see their friends, now cold and departed, for the final time. Some cried over the bodies, looking like a person who had just lost a brother, while others cried with the other Pokémon of their deceased master's team. But no matter the emotion, high and jubilant or low and broken, in the end they all were together in life and in death.

Melody was taken to the Pokémon centre with Michael and Valerie in tow, where she was attended to. It was a great relief that no trace of the bullet was found, and the pressure of the tight bandage having stalled the bleeding. Tom didn't help when he told them that even a shot to the shoulder was deadly, the shoulder holding numerous large blood vessels and an irreparable joint, despite Hollywood saying otherwise. It was Tom's place to be blunt and it did nothing but deepen Michael and Valerie's relief that she was not killed. The wound though, was not crippling or life threatening once the bleeding was stopped and gauze packed into the wound. Although she was given an anaesthetic, it did not stop her from gripping Michaels hand in a fear that pain would soon come, squeezing tightly whenever the nurse so much as touched the wound... Will watched as they treated her, having used his time to read up on various article detailing anatomy, biology and psychology of Pokémon, fascinating him with their exoticness.

"If she was human" He had told them "She wouldn't have survived it, but her shoulder was small enough to avoid major damage, and Pokémon have much stronger bones than humans." Valerie shooed him away, fussing over Melody as they treated her wound. She had taken a liking to Melody over the time they had travelled together, making their way from town to town, searching for Michael and the others what had seemed like a hopeless dream. The two had almost become like sisters during the journey, with nothing in the world but themselves and the old backpack Valerie had carried. But a look of sadness crossed her face whenever she saw Michael and Melody together. She was afraid of losing her, afraid Melody would go and she would be left without a friend on this journey.

She was laid in a bed and given time to rest, the anaesthetic wearing off in time and leaving her with a burning pain in her shoulder that came and went. Michael stayed by her, but his mind was elsewhere, mulling over incomplete thoughts and unformed arguments. He stayed with her for the rest of the day as she rested, sometimes falling asleep while talking, tired from her ordeal. She had explained what had happened in the camp, from the beginning when they were rounded up; up to the night they were rescued. The people were gathered and the ones who could not work were either shot or beaten for amusement of some of the crueller men. The work they were put into consisted of melting iron and metals in a furnace and then moulding them into parts, others using old tools to put these parts together, eventually coming together as a shoddily made gun. Some made the guns; others made the bullets, the ones who coughed up blood from breathing in the toxic gunpowder they handled. More often than not, they died not of gunpowder poisoning, that was far too slow, but of accidentally detonated shells. They would lose a few fingers when the shell fired from clumsy handling and even clumsier making, but at least the pain was sudden, unlike those who worked near the furnaces, whose flesh was seared with the heat of molten metal's and great fires. It was agony for them, blisters on their hands and cuts from the sharp metal pieces they handled. The Pokémon were kept confined in pokeballs, but some were let out and simply muzzled or tied up, beaten when they got too noisy. She was only out of a pokeball because she could serve as a translator, which the commander of the small group found useful for threatening the Pokémon into extra work when he could. Their work consisted of hauling supplies from one place to the other, crates of rough metal to be smelted and gunpowder to be filled into shells. One man who guarded her took an interest in her, one of the unhealthy type, even going as far as trying to assault her. The commander caught him in the act of forcing himself onto her, asking what he was doing and promptly shooting him when he told him plainly, thinking he could get away with it because the Pokémon were not being put to enough use. The commander told the man that "Magma nor Aqua will be not known for that sort of thing." before killing the man with another shot to the head, sparring only a glance at Melody before he left. Some guards seemed cruel and ruthless, beating people for fun or letting loose a small Pokémon to take a few shots at and watch it scurry about in fear, others just did their duty and didn't bother taunting the prisoners, while others, like the commander, seemed to have much bigger things on their mind. No one could figure out what they truly wanted. Guns were the obvious thing, but they were just a tool, no one knew what the bigger plan was, the men were too varied in personality and actions to figure that out. She was spared from a stay in a pokeball, only being called on when needed, and even then she was often bound and blinded so she was not a threat. One man asked if the binds were necessary and was told just how dangerous final forms of psychics could be, showing that they held a smaller bit of fear of what she could do if ever harmed and able to actively attack back. It would not be threatening to the operation, but it would be a small setback that was easily avoided. As she told the tale she sometimes drifted to sleep, an onset of fatigue caused by the drugs she had been given, and Michael would sit by her, sometimes falling asleep in the chair himself after such a long night, until she woke up.

Will had regained his strength more or less, walking shakily now and getting some fresh air outside whenever he could. He liked to watch the Pokémon, fascinated by them, and sometimes asked trainers or nurses questions about them, questions which seemed rudimentary but allowed him to piece together profiles of species and reasoning behind why a Pokémon was as it was. He would access the public computer terminal whenever he had time, searching the network of information and sitting for hours just reading on the world he was in. He had completely forgotten of the crisis the worlds faced, choosing now to study them before it was too late, and if they succeeded by some godly miracle, then perhaps preserve that knowledge for his own use.

Tom and Layla, who was now fully healed, once again took up positions and sparred as much as they liked. But this time they were not without an audience, as trainers and citizens of the town came to watch them, impressed not only by Tom's prowess in fighting a rare and powerful Pokémon in hand to hand combat, but by how the two seemed to know each other's moves almost instinctively. Their spars which now often ended in stalemates, from either exhaustion or double knock out, looked like a carefully choreographed waltz of kicks and strikes, more beautiful than it was threatening. Neither of them minded having an audience, and to be honest, neither noticed when focusing on each other and their next move. In between these fights they helped with odd jobs that were needed to be done around the town, from clearing destroyed wood to felling trees for temporary accommodation, ironic in the fact that the city had been built upon the same things they were felling. Not much was said between them during the days work, but in reality not much needed to be said, their mutual respect communicating enough.

The day came and went, sun falling from the sky quicker than usual, taking the heat of the day with it. By the end of the day one of the huts had been completed, being built with simple wooden walls and floor, looking like an oversized toy box rather than a place where one could sleep. But it would do for now, and it allowed more space for everyone who could not fit in the Pokémon centre, recovered for the sick first and the homeless second. That night, somehow someone managed to scrounge up a few crates of drinks, most likely from the ruined stores above the trees despite warnings of not to do up there due to the damages, and began to share them amongst everyone. It soon turned into a celebration, a fully fledged party as torches were lit to illuminate the clearing and music began to flow from those who could provide it. Everyone was happy, even those who had lost someone had cause to celebrate the freedom of the temple or the fact that tomorrow was a new day where they had nothing to fear and everything to gain.

Michael and Melody were pulled into the fray, Melody managing to make it outside with him to watch the festivities. The painkillers were working nicely on her shoulder and the pain only grew when she moved too much, her levitation being possible now, although a little shaky. The music that rang through their ears was either from guitars, pipes, drums or other instruments that some were lucky enough to carry. Michael had only one drink, a wine which tasted very much like a rich fruit punch with a pungent tang, but it warmed his body in the cold air of the night, along with everyone else. Melody laughed suddenly, and Michael turned to see who she was laughing at, hearing it before he caught a glimpse of it. Tom was on a small raised platform, singing a slightly slurred rendition of "Banks of The Roses" to the tune of the guitar behind him, his Irish accent brought out with the drink and adding to the slight corniness of the song. But even so, the people clapped in time with him as he moved in a small dance on stage, even pulling Layla up with him, who had before been simply watching with an amused smile, and convincing her into a small dance with him. Despite her embarrassment, it was obvious she enjoyed it, smiling and laughing as she moved. Valerie was spotted in the crowd, watching and laughing, noticing Michael and Melody before she waved to them and smiled a knowing smile. Melody had told Michael about when she had told Valerie of their relationship. Valerie had said that she had heard of it, but thought most of it was caused by abuse or lust, a thing made disgusting by the people who took advantage of their Pokémon. She could only believe Melody because it was not coming as testimony from a trainer who's Pokémon could not defend their own feelings, but from a Pokémon who seemed more human than any she had ever met and one who had experienced more than she had ever known. After being told of all Melody felt for Michael and of all the things he had done for her, including the promise to make everything right, she found no more malice or despise in her heart for Michael. She had accepted the relationship as it was and done all she could to support Melody in her loss, the sounds of her cries during the night and tales of her dreams harrowing and heart breaking to her, the feelings seeming heavier than any person should bear. As he sang, Michael and Melody took a turn at a dance, not the energetic and lively one in which Tom had partook in which would cause too much pain for Melody, but a slow and simple one. They shifted on their feet, back and forth with the occasional turn or swap of the feet. It was enough for them until the party slowed and people tired from the work beforehand, or became a little too inebriated to continue with their merrymaking, and headed for their rooms. They were one of the last to move away, feeling content to bask in the soft glow of the torches and dwindling music that filled the clearing until it, along with the light, died off and silence returned.

Melody had been given one of the private rooms of the Pokémon centre, usually used for patients who needed constant care or rest, while the rest of the healthy or less ill trainers and Pokémon slept in either the lobby or newly built hut next to it. The room was dark when they entered, gentle silver moonlight streaming through the window and onto the bed, reminding Michael of the last vision he had received of Melody bathed in the light of the moon while waiting for him. Melody moved to the bed and laid down, inviting Michael to lie next to her, or more specifically for her to lie back against him, the bed being too small for two. She held him in peace for the first time since she had been torn away, lying in his arms and letting herself slowly lose her thoughts into the night. Michael happily held her, the effect not being lost on him either, and reached down to whisper into her ear.

"I missed you Melody" He said. It wasn't poetic or deep in any way, but it was all be could say for now as he felt her body against his.

"I missed you too" She said, turning her head to look him in the eyes, which she knew where there despite the darkness of the room. She leant forward and kissed him deeply, as if confirming this was even real. He didn't see it coming, but made no complaint as he kissed her back, holding her against him.

Their hands seemed to move without thought as they kissed, Michaels hand sliding down the back of her neck and over her back, rubbing gently. She let out quiet moans as he massaged her skin, Michael hearing this and stopping in slight embarrassment as they pulled away. She really looked beautiful right now, with the moonlight reflecting off her white gown, glowing with an arcane light.

"Sorry" he mumbled, his mind still a little buzzed from the wine he had drunk earlier. Melody sighed and placed a hand on his face reassuringly, leaning and touching her forehead to his, feeling the heat radiate off his brow.

"Don't be" she said, running her hand over his shoulders and laying her neck in the nape of his neck.

He responded in kind, massaging her body slowly as he lay with her face so close to his. She sighed as he did so, letting him gently relax her body, face heating as she blushed and mind becoming slightly clouded in the feeling. He pulled her close and ran a hand tenderly over her navel, where the dress parted slightly to reveal pale skin that flowed through its curves, feeling the muscles underneath quiver as she shivered from the feeling. She raised her head, breathing heavier than face flushed, bringing him into a passionate kiss again as she moved her hands over his body. Michael's shirt became undone as she massaged her hands against him, and Melody's dress was soon sliding away as their bodies heated up, the haze of lust and love filling their minds.

It certainly wasn't the place either had imagined they would be doing this, and often had doubts they ever would, but now the feelings of unison pushed them together in the gentle art that every creature knew of. The place was not what they had imagined, but the time felt right to both as they shared the mixed gasps and moans their bodies caused. Melody moaned aloud as Michaels hand brushed low along her body, gliding past her legs and making her shudder as she lay against him. Michaels mind was drugged with the completeness he felt, not even understanding his actions and movements as the two grinded against each other.

Her hands rasped against him as he gently ran his hands along her dress, removing the garment as he did so and pulling her close to him. She felt him lying hot against her, heat from her core mingling with his, hot breath playing over her supple skin. In the air of desire that filled the room, it took some energy for Melody to slowly pull herself upwards, sitting gently on Michaels legs. She gave one long sigh as she descended upon him, leaning forward to hold her face against his, hearing him give a small gasp as they joined. It wasn't the first time he had been with a woman, but it was the most meaningful, as he held her there, careful of her injury as they began to tenderly move.

The moonlight fell over their bodies as they moved against each other, Michael holding her close against his chest, smelling the faint scent of her hair and skin, one of sweetness, light like sugar. Every touch, shudder and breath was felt by both, a symphony of the senses, accompanied by the lowly whistling wind outside the window. His hand ran down her body and to the small of her back, faint moistness of sweat coating her skin, feeling cold in the air. The wetness that she held him in, warm and soft, combined with the cool sweat on his body electrified him, urging him forward faster.

She whimpered, a pathetic mewling noise as he speed up, raising her head and tilting backwards as her eyes fluttered, rays of moonlight flowing past her vision. The heat she felt from him, pulsing and constant, reminded her that he was there, filling her body with streams of pleasure that ran down her legs and through her arms. Her breasts were now exposed to the coolness of the air and her chest ran with exotic pleasure, feeling the heat pour from between her legs and seep into her chest. Gasping and writhing in her motions, shoulder only ever so slightly pained from the movement. But the pain mixed so strongly with the liquid pleasure they felt it was as it were a part of it, their movements becoming sloppy and untimed as the heat inside them grew and took over their bodies.

Michael pulled her down and brought her lips to his, trembling from the experience, kissing her deeply as they worked themselves further into ecstasy. Their moans became louder and louder as their thrusts became shorter and harder, Michael still being careful to restrain himself for Melody's injury. Without warning and with a great shudder through his body, Michael held her close to him, trembling as he thrust unevenly in his release. Melody shivered and pushed down, deep as she could, gasping when she felt the hot wetness blossom inside her. His erratic and untimed motions against her brought a wash of energy, body convulsing and twitching violently as her voice called out in broken cries of rapture. The rush of heat from her loins flooded over her thighs, pooling at their heated coupling, leaving them to bask in the afterglow and the slick feeling of sweat and sex on their bodies.

They lay panting on the thin sheets of linen, the heat around them soon cooling, the only source o warm now being each other. Neither meant for this to happen, but they could not have stopped themselves, the moment feeling far to right to think they were wrong. Resting his head on the pillow with Melody slowly breathing as they lay in the nape of his neck, his thoughts slipped back once again to what they shared. The bond was something that comforted him but at the same time worried him. It was something that forced the two into natural union, something that was not their own. He knew he loved her, the bond had started that by drawing him close to her and letting their minds mingle on the fringes, but beyond that he was sure of what moments the bond had caused and of what moments had been birthed of their own actions. He would ask her of something he had mulled over since the day he had been told of the bond between them, some rash and unnerving to even speak of.

"Melody" He whispered down to her, hearing her small groan as an acknowledgement. "I've thought about us, Melody...I think we need to do something"

"What would need to be done?" She asked, content as she lay with him. He swallowed lightly before continuing.

"That bond we share, the one which we worried was the source of our feelings?" He said, trying to think of a way to word the next sentence "I think we...we need to break it". It was quickly and plainly as he could manage. She moved her head up and looked at him in surprise, feeling the whirlwind of emotions that came from him at those words.

"B...break it?" She asked worriedly "...why?" Michael breathed a long sigh before he spoke

"Melody, I do love you" he said to reassure her it was true. "The bond was what started this love, and even if it keeps it going now I know that I truly love you...that's why I want to break it"

"I don't understand..." Melody said sadly "Why do we need to break it? Why can't we live with it?"

"Because I...I want to fall in love with you for you..." He said. What he felt was so complex even he did not know a perfect way to word it. "I want to learn about you...I want to love you for who you are and know that I deserve that, without help from something that will keep us that way."

"Aren't you happy with it?" She asked, still begging for him to change his mind.

"I am, Melody, I am...but I..." He trailed off, unable to think of how to word it before she whispered tearfully to him again.

"...don't you like it?" She asked "Don't you like the feelings we have?"

"Of course I do." He said, pulling her close again. "But I'm afraid I might fall more in love with those feelings than the love I have for you..." He kissed her gently on the lips to try to show he meant no harm. "I want to discover you and your wonders...and I want you to do the same with me, can you do that?" Melody didn't know what to do or what to feel. If she said no, then how could she say she loved him if she refused to show it, but if she said yes...all those tales of broken bonds and empty hearts from her younger days came back to her, filling her mind with fear.

"I don't want to lose you." She said quietly "Not again...oh please, not again." Michael gently shushed her, running his hand through her hair and listening to her panicked breathing.

"You won't...I promise you that you won't..." He whispered as she nearly cried at the thought of what he wanted to do. "I kept my promise to find you...can you let me promise to find you again?" Melody looked up at him in pain and in longing, staring into his grey rimmed eyes, whimpering as she asked him

"Promise me?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"With all my being." Michael said as sincerely as possible.

"...Please..." she whimpered as she lowered her head to his, touching their foreheads and closing her eyes, tears stifled behind closed eyes.

Michael wondered how it would happen, and how it would feel then it did. He had been told it would be like losing half of your heart, like feeling you were no longer whole. His heart pounded in his ears, the only other sound being Melody's breathing as he waited in fear of what would happen. A sudden click and a tearing in his chest like a string had just been snapped, lurching through his body and mind, making him feel sick as if had drank the essence of death itself. Melody recoiled and cried out, clutching her chest as she felt the same horrible sensation of minds being severed and her heart being torn in two. Both gasped at the newfound emptiness that echoed throughout their bodies, as if they had become nothing but shadows in a world full of whole people. Their minds begged for death rather than feel this sudden crushing loneliness and isolation, even as they were so close. As the shock ebbed away, the emptiness remained and did nothing but sit heavy in their hearts, like their chests had been torn open and a lead weight sewn in. They looked up at each other, and saw one another with the eyes of a stranger. There was no warmth in their gaze and no love in their minds as they looked over the other, it was as if they had never even met. Looking down at their naked forms, they both suddenly felt the urge to cover themselves in front of the stranger they saw each other as. Melody gathered her dress and slipped it on while Michael buttoned his shirt and pulled up his pants, sitting on the edge of the bed with a blank stare, wondering what he had done. He spoke for the first time without familiarity in his voice to the stranger who lay behind him

"...I'll find a bed outside..." He said, the thought of holding her in her sleep now being one that seemed distant and embarrassing. She only made a small murmur in response as he got up and made his way out.

"Michael...goodnight..." She said meekly as he left. Michael forced himself to respond to the new person who had spoken to him.

"Goodnight Melody..." He said as he exited and walked down the corridor of the cold and silent Pokémon centre, each step heavy, each needing more effort than the last. He collapsed in the middle of the hallway, clutching his chest with tears flowing from his eyes as he sobbed pitifully for the woman he had once loved. Now she sat in a room where they had consummated their love, with only the memory of lying with a strange man to carry with her into the night.

Tom awoke the next morning with a headache like no other. He had drunken more than he would have wished at the celebrations last night and now paid the price. Not since before he had become a priest had he had so much alcohol, his immunity to the substance from days spent in seedy countries and bars long gone. He reached up to try and rub away the pain from his pounding skull, but felt a weight pinning his arm. He also noticed just noticed how warm he felt despite somehow having discarded his shirt the night before and that he was not covered by any sheets. A bolt of surprise ran through his mind as he looked down to find himself holding on to a sleeping Layla, following by a rush of embarrassment, confusion, fear and maybe a bit of happiness. She felt warm in his arms as her furred form lay so close to him, head resting over one of his arms and nuzzled into his chest. Her ear twitched slightly as he shifted, struggling to even remember falling asleep the night before, looking around to see he was not in the Pokémon centre, or even in the newly constructed cabin. The ground was strewn with a blanket and they lay under a tree behind the cabin, the cool morning air about them with the scent of fresh dew. He wondered if anyone had seen them like this, he wondered how they had gotten here, but most of all he wondered if Layla had agreed to this while he had been drunk. He sighed and muttered to himself, choosing to wait with Layla in his arms until she woke up, the heat from her body being the one thing that kept him warm in the morning air.

"Christ....How did this happen?"

It was only a short while before she awoke as well, feeling the movement Tom made as he lay beside her. Her mind was hazed with sleep and it took her as long as Tom did to notice where she was, letting out a small yip of surprise as she looked up at him. He looked a bit haggard and a slightly sick to her, most likely because of what he had drunken, she thought. It took a second for her to speak, and it came out clumsily.

"You....are awake..." She said, thinking of how stupid it sounded to say it.

"Yes..." Tom replied, trying to find a way to ask her how this happened. "What...what did I do last night?" His memory failed him, but he did remember small snippets of singing and dancing, and of Layla dancing clumsily with him.

"...do you....did you forget?" She asked with an edge of hurt in her voice masked by her confusion.

"No, I...alcohol can make you forget things..." he explained, using a free hand to rub his tired eyes. "I think I drank too much last night...can you please explain?" Layla's mind flashed back to the previous night, remembering how Tom had sung and danced with her, then as the nights festivities ended she had escorted him back to the Pokémon centre where they had slept before.

But Tom had said he wanted to take a walk first, after all that had happened and to set his mind straight, despite how those words had come out a bit slurred and in a heavy accent. She had gone with him, knowing he seemed a bit off but not knowing exactly the reason why, not having seen the effects of alcohol before. He walked around the perimeter of the town, starring into the night sky above. He had told her of some of the stars, most of which she didn't remember, but somehow the conversation turned. They began to talk about their lives, or more specifically, Tom began to talk of his. She had told him snippets of hers, but he had told her of his previous life. He told her how lonely he had felt ever since this catastrophe had started and how he was forced to abandon the life he had made for himself and resume killing in the name of survival. But then he had told her of when they had met. They had sat down against the rear of the cabin as he told her, legs tired from walking. He had spoke of how she had become a friend to him and soon a close partner, forged in the experienced they shared. He recalled how he had carried her during their walk from the Burnt tower to Ecruteak, and then on to Olivine. He explained how confused he had been in Olivine and why he went to such length to protect her from the men who insisted they pay for what they did not want. Finally he told her something that made him frightened, having gone from seeing her as a Pokémon comrade to a person he could talk to and care for, nervous and confused. He had held her close, gazing upon her face as he told her

"I think I'm falling for you..."

Those words had stuck in her mind, and her heart with its own confused feelings responded in kind, telling him the same. Their faces had touched and soon their lips had met, holding each other as the heat coursed through them from the lustful kiss they shared. Their hands had roamed free and Tom's shirt had been discarded and as lay in feverish passion with each other's intoxicating scent on their bodies. Exhaustion had overtaken them before they went further, which both were ,in a way ,thankful for, soon holding each other as they slowly drifted to sleep.

She recounted this tale to Tom, blushing as she explained how they had fallen into that lustful kiss, Tom being no less embarrassed than she. She had the urge to kiss him again, rekindle the passion from the previous night, but was far too embarrassed and confused to do so. Both shifted out of each other's grasp as they heard the first of the cabin dweller awaken, feet pounding on the hard floor. Tom gathered his shirt and quickly tossed it back on, smoothing it out before helping Layla to her feet from where she sat. He let out a light laugh as her stomach growled, realising how hungry she was and resolving to have breakfast before anything else.

"We'll talk about this later" he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yes...we can eat first..." she agreed, still embarrassed by the whole situation.

"We have food back inside" he said, leaning down as planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, surprising her as more heat rose to her face. "Come on..."

It was all she could do not to stumble as she took his hand, letting him lead her back to the Pokémon centre where they would find breakfast, and maybe something deeper.