What Ewe Wanted
The Irish Regional Hybrid!
John runs into a Fae on his hike and thinks he has found a bit of luck- but almost unintentionally killing her has left her with little reason to be nice.
The regional hybrid stories take place in a random real world location- basically spin the map and point to a place. All regional hybrids are 2 species from the area, or representing the area (which means mythical creatures are viable options).
(M tf Hybrid Red Deer / Sheep)
John wandered the Dog's Cave area of Galway, Ireland, trying to clear his head and cheer himself up. He hadn't found a girlfriend in some time and it was starting to get depressing- so he wandered out here to empty the thoughts from his head, just listening to the river as he walked the old paths of the woods.
He stopped as he heard a yelp of surprise and felt something under his foot- quickly backing up to see a five inch tall woman! She quickly bats some of the dirt out of her hair that rubbed off from the bottom of his shoe when he nearly stepped on her! She was wearing an elegant emerald green dress, though her feet were bare. She would be flying but her wings got tired, so she decided to walk for a bit, then nearly got crushed to death!
"Well I'll be! A tiny fae wanderin' about in broad daylight! Say- I found ya fair n square, what do you say to grantin' me a wish?"
"You nearly killed me, you clod! If you wish you had a foot up your ass, I will gladly do ya a favor!"
"Well I was hopin' you had a cure for my lady troubles, you see. All I wish is to have someone to hold, ya know?"
Is he seriously trying to press her for a favor? After almost killing her? What the fuck is wrong with this guy.
"All you lookin' for is a lass to lay? Then let it be!"
She flew into the air for a moment and flicked both hands toward him and John felt a powerful tingling appear on his chest and move through his entire body out from that point in a wave- though lingering for a few moments in certain areas. Was he going to have irresistible charm now? Was she going to make him more handsome? No, definitely not that.
He felt the tingle turn to a prickling on his chest, and felt hairs bending against the inside of his shirt. Oh! More body hair- some women are into that. He felt the same on his forearms a moment later. His forehead suddenly felt hot though, and he could hear a rush of blood pressure in his head behind his ears, focusing toward his temples! The bone started to swell out and he groaned and touched his head with both hands- feeling the swelling below the skin.
"W-what is...?"
"A crown silly! Women like men with authority, no?"
The bone swelling was a dull ache- not really painful but not particularly pleasant, either. When it progressed out enough there was a sharp pain in his skin, as it stretched to the breaking point. The swelling bone got shorter as it grew, so with a sudden dull pop the skin broke and the bone pushed out! John started to breathe heavier in a panic as he felt the thick, hot blood building between his hands and face as the horns grew faster now that the skin prison was broken! Luckily this also stopped the blood- when the horns were large enough they stretched the opening in the skin to the point that blood could not escape the gap, giving the changes enough time to simply re-route the veins away from it entirely. The horns are heavily ribbed, so not at all smooth- a dark brown in color. It is not the crown of a man but a beast.
John went to snatch the Fae woman out of the air to demand her to reverse this, but she darted back away from him easily now that she was airborne. He is a hell of a lot bigger than her though- and a little bit of movement for him is a lot for her. He rushed forward several steps but then passed her taking several more, rapid steps! His balance immediately went out the window and he kept moving forward to prevent himself from falling face-first into the ground! John grabbed a tree to stop himself and as soon as he did he straightened his legs, using the tree entirely to hold himself up. The muscles in his feet especially felt like they were fighting against him, trying to stretch out regardless of what he was telling them to do. And stretch they did. His feet narrowed as they stretched tremendously, causing his ankles to pop out of his shoes right away and rise higher and higher into the air, forcing him to spread his legs further to the sides and back since he was still clinging to the side of a tree. His middle toe regressed into literally nothing- its mass stolen by the two beside it which became huge as the nail turned black and massive, dominating the entire front of it. His biggest and smallest toes were pulled back, folding toward each other in the back as the foot narrowed and all the bones inside fused together, becoming a single large cannon bone! It even stole some mass from his shins, making them shorter, but keeping his overall height the same- if not slightly taller. Now his socks only covered half of what had been the soles of his feet. He could tell through the fabric as he stepped out of his non-fitting shoes now that he had a pair of cloven hooves where his toes had been!
John stood up off the tree but wobbled quite a bit. The surface area of the hooves is much smaller than his former feet, so he feels a bit like he is balancing on stilts. The muscle structure in his thighs tightened and put pressure on the socket- his pelvis. His spine suddenly locked up and forced him to bow forward slightly- his eyes wide with surprise. He tried to fight it and stand completely upright again but he couldn't. Dull but loud pops of bone muffled under his skin sounded off as his pelvis started to change shape! The joints of his legs were forced downward, adding more height to his legs specifically! His pelvis was getting much deeper, but also much more narrow- not actually changing its overall mass. This changed John's leg joints even further, forcing him to bow even more! He was hunched far over- standing now with the posture of a shrimp. His bones would not allow him to straighten any more than that without dislocating his legs.
"What 'a-a-a-a-ave you done, you malicious little pixie!? Wha-a-a-a-!" He closed his mouth suddenly at the bleating he unintentionally made.
Sounded like a bloody sheep! But... he can't be a ram- his legs are three times too long. He would be shrinking by now if it was a sheep.
His horns pinched the skin wider and wider, making John scrunch up his face from the unpleasant feeling. They grew longer and longer, curling in on themselves as they spiraled out to the sides and partially covered the sides of his head! They were also tremendously thick- the horns of a ram. But not quite right there, either. Once they were large enough little spikes formed on it, which also grew longer and started to curl... horns ON horns? The tines of a stag's antlers, mixed with the ram's horns. More and more grew, slowly turning them into an absolute jumble of bone spirals! They were also getting increasingly heavy- a weight trying to pull his head down, tempting him to put his face to the ground and taste the grass.
A bulge formed in the back of his pants and forced its way out, shoving his pants down a bit in the back since they no longer fit properly to his reshaped hips. It flicked upright immediately once it escaped- the bushy tail of a deer, though unusually large. The bone portion of the tail was still just a little nub- but thanks to sheep traits, the fur was much longer. He squirmed in place, feeling his foreskin suddenly become tight. The skin was increasing in mass, but also fusing to his crotch from the bottom up! It quickly turned into a sheath- forcing his penis to point straight up his torso! The change hugging his shaft however caused it to separate from it as it turned to a sheath, and start to slide out. He was already pent up after all- it would not take much for him to pop. His balls enlarged, pushing his underwear away from his groin and filling them, pulling the waist away enough that the sheath and cock was now fully out- released entirely on its own. John groaned and moaned from the feeling, closing his eyes for the time- his groans rather low pitched with a bit of hollow reverberance to them... like a stag's bellows.
John was quickly realizing there was too much hair for it to have been regular body hair he was feeling growing in before- because it is still growing now, it didn't stop. There was so much that his shirt was being pulled tight- literally stuffed with it! He felt like his hair was squirming on his head, like it had a life of its own suddenly but his eyes were still closed from the sensations emanating from his crotch. His blood red hair was growing longer, but also becoming more and more curly, more and more dense! Where hair had formerly been; now bright scarlet wool was forming! The same was going on on his forearms, and chest, and spreading even as it continued to thicken in those areas, filling his shirt like a pillow! It started to push his sleeves up a bit as some of it overgrew the ends! It also felt like someone put their finger against his nose and was pushing it up. What was actually happening is that the cleft of his upper lip was deepening, and the sternum of his nose was turning fully to bone, and growing out- putting the end of his nose perfectly level with his upper lips! The tip of his nose was starting to discolor toward grey.
His penis continued to feel like it was getting an erection well beyond already having one. The end felt a bit of uncomfortable pressure like wearing a shoe that doesn't quite fit. The solid shaft felt like it was pushing against the looser outer skin, forcing it longer than it is supposed to go. The outward effect of this is obviously that his penis is growing, but it isn't getting any thicker- just longer. It also continually becomes more tapered at the end; the glans becoming increasingly less defined against the rest of the shaft- like watching a popsicle lose its shape as it melts. The growth is causing it to twitch faster and faster, frozen at its hardest state already and trickling precum steadily, dripping to the ground. His balls growing opened his underwear, and the sheath was long enough to wedge under the waist of his pants, so there was nothing containing his actual penis. It grew to the size of a full stag before the rest of him changed size- making it huge compared to the rest of his body- but it also syphoned mass from a ram's rod; though in comparison to the size of a cervine phallus; the size added was rather negligible.
John opened his eyes and froze a moment in shock at the sight of his cock, teetering in place because of his hunched posture. He grabbed the sheath with one hand and the shaft with the other- flinching at how sensitive it is. Since the entire phallus lives in a sheath- it isn't really meant to grip like a human penis, but because of how much pre he was sputtering his hand became slick quickly, allowing him to still piston it without hurting himself. He staggered a bit- his hips thrusting a bit automatically from the pleasure. His horns surged in size again and his vision turned blue a moment from blood pressure behind his eyes! He groaned loudly like a stag in rut as his entire face made quiet snapping sounds muffled under his skin as it started to push out! His nostrils now long and narrow, but the end of his nose turning now from a textured grey to black. His face was structured like a stag, and his nose colored like one, but the nose and mouth shape is sheep.
"F-fuuuuhck‾ ne-e-e-e-ed releasssse! Gotta-a-a-a-a-a, ba-a-a-ah!"
He felt a sudden surge of tingling in his nuts and they jumped in his scrotum in reaction.
The Fae wagged her index at him to chastise him. "Ah-ah. If you got yourself off I wouldn't really be granting yer wish, would I?"
The pleasure continued, and John continued desperate to get off, but his pleasure spiked to orgasmic without actually ejaculating! The pleasure hit orgasm, he slowed in confusion then sped up again, bringing himself back to orgasm, but still nothing. He could go up to and stay at orgasmic levels or pleasure all he liked- but the Fae was preventing him from ever going over.
John went cross-eyed from the pleasure and desperation and his pupils started to stretch into horizontal rectangles. His hands started to stretch and compress now too! He shook his head and bleated in distress as the changes forced him to have a worse and worse grip on his cock! It was spitting a drop of pre with every bob, so his cock was painting a thousand strands of glistening fluid across the ground under him, flicking it all over. His clothing groaned as his body started to grow in size overall! His bones made a deep, slow groaning of their own, sounding like the old floorboards of a house, or a tree bending in a strong wind.
"N-naa-a-a-a-a-o. No, s-sto-haahop. Na-a-a-a-a-t an-ne-e-e-e-emal!"
John's head was pointed down now simply because his neck was no longer strong enough to lift it. His horns upon horns were so massive and heavy he could not lift his head for more than a second. John bleated in surprise as his hands sudden slipped past his dick! His shoulders rotated forward as well as where his arms socket to them- making them seem much longer without actually getting longer... it also prevented him from moving his arms out to the sides or inward too far. His middle finger looked like it belonged to a child, as the two beside it became giant, stealing its mass. His thumb and pinky were forced closer together as his hand stretched longer, till finally they locked in that position, regressing into dew claws! His folded hands fused like that, becoming cannon bones like his feet had! John held his hooved arms to his cock the best he could and thrust between them, still trying to desperately get off.
He looked to the Fae in desperation and she simply motioned over to the side and John noticed a sheep in the brush? Had it escaped its master's fields? The caprine are not really forest dwellers. It then turned around and the Fae landed on its butt, lifting its tail up and flexing her brows at John. The sheep is a ewe- a female.
"See? Lots of females around here that would want to breed with you now- now that you are half red deer and half sheep! All your troubles are finding human women- so the solution is simple- don't pick human women. Although in that form I don't think you'll find the option."
John shook his head, there is no way he was going to bang a sheep! The pleasure was so good, so, so strong. He was so close, he was sure he could get himself off, just a little more! His face stretched longer and longer, taking up the center of his vision, but then his eyes started to push outward! Sheep and deer both are prey species- their eyes are on the sides of their head, not pointing forward like a predator. The up side is that as his eyes were forced outward, he no longer had to look down his own lengthening face- on the down side; his brain was dizzy and disoriented as hell trying to adjust to the new viewpoint.
His pants pulled tight but also quickly started to pull down. His cock in the front and tail in the back had already shoved it down, so when he started to overgrow them, they just got forced down over his butt and then popped off and slid off his narrow legs easily. Red wool tore holes in his shirt and billowed out the increasingly large gaps.
"C'mon! Get down on the dirt to meet your new girlfriend boyo! On all fours like the beast y'are!"
John shook his head weakly- still barely able to move its weight. His shirt was pulled into increasingly narrow patches of fabric as his body and wool both overgrew it at the same time. His neck popped, and he let out a drawn-out bellow, making the pops of his vertebrae even louder thanks to his mouth being open. His neck got longer and the wool raced up from his back and down from his head to meet in the middle, billowing out with more and more curls. The scarlet wool curled in on itself creating an increasingly thick and heavy mat, forming an almost pseudo-mane on the now long, large neck. John was finally able to lift his head again, but at the cost of a human throat. Now his head and throat were both converted, there was no human sounds left he could make. Low pitched sounds came out like deer- high pitched were a mix of the hollow, nasally sounds of a deer or the bleating of a sheep. The fur on his back half was the pelt of a red deer- shaggier than a white tailed deer but still nothing compared to the dense ball of fluff a sheep hide is. The pelt of a red deer is red-brown, but because wool is normally cream color; when the two mixed on John, the brown was phased out and the wool is red only.
As he grew overall; his enormous cock remained the same size, becoming proportionally correct on his body again... which also meant he could not try to thrust into his wrists- he can't reach that far back. Allowing the pleasure to die down immediately put his dizzy, confused mind into panic mode again, frantically trying to bend himself in a way he could reach. His spine gave several hollow pops and he suddenly lurched forward and fell onto all fours! The moment he hit the ground his spine yanked longer, causing him to at first bend his torso down and then up from the feeling. He did a hop quickly with his front legs trying to toss himself back onto two legs but failed utterly. John is trapped on all fours now! He can't get up! His chest became more narrow, but deeper as it pushed forward into a barrel shape, finishing his changes and popping the last few straggling threads of his failing shirt. The wool obscured the shape of his neck and upper body- tapering off down his forelimbs, but not touching anything below his ribcage. His head was still bowed a bit from weight, crowned with an absolutely immense array of spiraled horns.
The Fae's smile widened as she watched him make staggered steps forward, like his body was trying to move on its own and his mind was trying to hold it back. His cock had turned from its normal candy pink to an almost violet from how hard it is, vibrating from desperate pleasure but incapable of getting off without proper penetration. The Fae laughed as he suddenly lunged forward and mounted the ewe!
Almost instantly he climaxed powerfully, so much cum that it erupted out of her from around his shaft. The ewe gave a disgruntled almost growling grunt in disappointment of how fast he exploded, but before the flow even completely stopped he started to hump again. He was so pent up his dick still did not soften after one load. As soon as the flow of his first orgasm ended, a jolt of tingling radiated through him starting this time from his penis- his orgasm might as well have been him signing across the dotted line; an agreement that he got what he wanted, and sealing him in this state.
The Fae plopped back down on the trail to resume her own walk. "Well there- ya got your wish. All the females you can find in the area- the forest or fields. Plenty of doe and ewe around here." She huffed as she started to walk away. "Maybe with yer head closer to the ground, you'll be less likely to step on anyone."