One Day We'll Tie the Knot - Chapter Three -

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#3 of One Day We'll Tie the Knot

Three years have passed since their paw-fasting ceremony, at last, Lara has finally grown into her adult size and beautiful colouration - with practice from some discretely purchased toys - she's been practing and testing her limits - as tonight - she'll finally consumate her love for her Wolf - and tie the knot...

One Day We'll Tie the Knot

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8thApril, 2023

All Rights Reserved..

Lara moaned, her hind legs splayed out at 45 degree angle, quivering and trembling, her tail frizzled to twice its normal size and front legs rigid and locked. Her newest toy, _almost_but not quite, the length and girth - especially the knot...

I can do this... Lara whispered to herself, as she eased down, feeling the silicone knot press against her labia - starting to stretch it out more and more. I'm a full grown doe now...

Carefully, she lowered her hind hips down, pressing the toy harder and harder, feeling it - really- feeling it, as it spread apart her labia then with a wet, sucking slurp - her rump slumped onto the bed and the toy was tied within her.

"Oh..." Lara squealed, eyes rolling back in her head, muzzle open and tongue dribbling saliva.

Carefully, Lara awkwardly lifted her hips up, feeling her vaginal walls clinging and straining, before with a convulsive flexion of muscles, she pushed the toy back out and immediately lowered her hips again - keeping the shaft part still inside.

" this...what it must..."

Again, she pushed herself down, feeling the strain and tension, before the toy slid inside her and her rump slapped down on the bed.

"Urgh - " Lara bleated, her tail snapping upright as her orgasm come down on her like a hammer.

Vaginal fluids squirted from her folds, soaking the coverlet, sheets and mattress, as she writhed helplessly - barely able to hold herself upright as her entire body shuddered and quivered with orgasmic pleasure.

"Honey? I'm..." Come the voice from the front of the house. "Lara... why does it smell like a...Lara?"

Her eyes snapped open and Lara gasped, instantly clenching her labia in fear, the toy being crushed down by incredibly powerful muscles.

"Nngh - " Lara bleated, her squeal reverberating off the walls.

"Lara!" Nicholas screamed, his voice filled with fear, as there was the crash of something being dropped, then his footsteps running towards the bedroom.

A second orgasm, even stronger than the first, squelched from between her straining folds, soaking the base of the toy and spreading across the already wet and sticky coverlet.

"Lara what are..." Nicholas's eyes went wide like twin moons, as he stared at her, then her scent struck him between the nostrils like a sledgehammer.

Lara, lost in the grip of the toys orgasm, could only shamefully hang her head, looking sideways as Nicholas blinked, bracing himself against the wall, before he shuddered and walked towards her. His trousers showed a obvious tenting, even before he'd gone three steps.

"What...are you..."

Lara's tail flagged, then he gripped it and lifted it up, tilting his head to the side as he crouched down, seeing the flesh-like base of the toy - and her straining labial muscles.


Lara gurgled helplessly, guilt, shame and sexual arousal clouding her mind as she seemed to swallow what felt like an apple, that had been shoved down her throat.

Nicholas's eyes widened, as he smelt the scent of his sexually pleasured lover, then reached beneath her and slipped his fingers around the base of the toy.

"Naughty girl!" He playfully chastised her. "Alright, steady...steady..."

With barely enough strength, Lara gasped and forced her quivering muscles to make her stand - the toy at first stuck - before it popped out of her and a backwash flood of her orgasm splashed over his paw and onto the bed. He looked at the toy, then did a double-take, seeing the knot and long, vein-covered shaft, before he looked at Lara, who crumpled to the bed, her ears flat and body soaked with sweat and exhaustion.

"Woah..." Nicholas gasped, looking down at the slick, wet toy. "When...where - did you get_that?_"

Lara couldn't answer him - she just couldn't...


Laying in post-coital bliss, Lara cuddled close by her lover, slick with sweat, her eyes closed, muzzle open and panting softly. Nicholas's own pants puffing the fine hairs of her right ear as a paw idly stroked her flank.

"It's been three years already," Nicholas murmured, then moved slightly, Lara moaning as the length inside her twitched.

"No moving...too tired - " Lara gurgled.

Nicholas snickered and lipped gently at her ear, sucking ever so lightly on the tip for a few moments.

"I'll never forget that day I come home, you silly, naughty doe..."

Lara quivered, the memory surfacing in her mind, before she opened her eye and tried to look back at him.

"I had to practice love - "

"Practice?" Nicholas snorted. "You know you could have been seriously hurt - what were you thinking, using that...that toy- and how..."

Lara's ears turned red, as the blush crept up her muzzle. "It worked, didn't it? A little practice...tonight my beloved, in that place - down by the creek - "

Nicholas twitched, feeling the exhausted Lara groan and quiver beside him.

"Oh, you think you're ready, do you? Now you're a big doe, all grown up - and how - your beautiful woodland brown socks..."

He trailed his fingers down her sweaty thigh, watching the fur and flesh ripple.

"Now, you're fully grown up - those socks are such a rich, dark chocolate, makes me want to eat you..."

"More than you already did?" Lara's weak laugh reached back to him.

"You know you love it - " Nicholas's chuff of laughter rippled her ear hairs again. "Now, you were saying?"

"I think, my love..." Lara sighed, stretching slightly beside him and sighing. "I think, tonight - we can finally, truly, consummate our mating..."

He twitched, his scent swiftly switching from sexual pleasure to confusion and even a hint of fear.

"Honey - "

"I'm not a...well, I'm not fawn-like anymore! I've finally grown my adult coat and I'm as big as I'll ever get now. I'm not _that_much smaller than my Elk mother... I think, with the help of that toy in the past year and your kindness... I want to love you, _for_you... To truly feel all of you, not have you with unfulfilled urges, because it would have caused me terrible pain. Tonight love, you and I will pack a picnic basket..."

"What's this you and I?" Nicholas snickered and licked her ear. "you don't have paws, so _I_will pack it..."

"Semantics - " Lara murmured, trying to fight off the urge to sleep.

"Rest now love, you'll want it if you think you're truly ready... once, well, once it happens - you know I can't just...urgh..."

Lara lifted her heavy head off the bed, turning it slightly to look back at him.

"I know and accept the consequences my love... I'm ready, physically and mentally... To love my beloved wolf, just as much as he does me..."

Nicholas quivered, nuzzling her dark coloured nape gently. "We'll see my beloved, we'll see - now, please, get some sleep - alright?"

"Or else..." Lara murmured, flagging her tail back and forth against his knot, making him quiver and whine. "What..."

"Or won't get what you want..." Nicholas growled at her, then nipped her nape gently.

Lara squirmed, then trembled.

"Stay with me...and..." Come her murmured reply.

"I will my love, now, sleep, please?" Nicholas smiled and nipped her ear gently.

"Slee..." Lara sighed, before her head slumped on the pillow, her muzzle hanging open and drool soaking into the pillow.

Nicholas moved ever so gently, feeling her tight vaginal walls slick with wolf-cream and her own secretions, as he gently stroked her chest, feeling through his paw pads her heart beat slowing until she was in a deep, restful sleep.

"What did I ever do to deserve you..." Nicholas murmured, resting his head against her shoulders, holding her close.


Next morning, he left the exhausted Lara in the shower, both shower roses blasting her from nose to tail with hot water as she stood, head down and let her pelt be massaged by the shower spray. He prepared a lovely picnic, packing all kinds of delicious vegetarian food for her and himself.

"You going to be in there _all_day?" Nicholas called out.

"Urgh - so good - " Lara moaned back. "Feels...wonderful..."

Nicholas rolled his eyes, then chuckled and padded down the hallway to the bathroom where he turned off both showers and held the glass screen door open. Carefully, she stepped from the shower and onto the wide bath mat. Taking a large fluffy towel, he began drying her off, using his paws like squeegees to wring the worst of the water out, before rubbing her vigorously.

"" Lara gurgled, as he dried her head, burying her head in the towel and rubbing wildly. "I fur still...attached..."

"Don't be a fawn, its not going to come off, you want to stay damp and get a cold - or worse?" Nicholas asked, peeling back the towel and gazing into her eyes.

With a insolent smirk, Lara poked her tongue out at him.

"Keep that up, I'll make you use that talented muzzle and tongue of yours..."

"Oh, you promise? Really?" Lara snickered. "Not the first time..."

He snorted at her, then resumed drying her off.


Mid afternoon, her belly full of the delicious food he'd fed her, Lara sprawled languidly on the chequered blanket, the warm afternoon sun making her feel like she wanted to sleep.

"Happy now?" Nicholas asked, stroking her neck lovingly.

"Mmm - " Lara gurgled, her eyes half closed at her beloveds caresses.

"Alright, you've been fed, and I've been fed- " Nicholas grinned, his fingers fluttering over her wet, slick labia. "Now, for the Doe's main course..."

"Urgh - " Lara grunted, then with help, staggered to her cloven hooves.

"Alright, hmm, how best to do this? Now..."

Lara's nostrils flared, before her focus turned to the large length and firm knot of her wolf lover, his snicker then gentle paw under the chin lifting her head up.

"Hmm, get comfortable love, however you think you'll be..."

Lara pondered, before she looked at him, from head to toes, then back up. Slowly, she stretched one foreleg out, leaning forwards, as the other one bent at the knee and lay with the shin and ankle flat on the ground. Her hips were raised up as she steadied herself, bracing the hind hooves equidistant from each other and lifted her tail high. Leaning forwards, she looked back over her shoulder and began flagging her tail back and forth.

"Foreplay part was _most_delicious - " Nicholas's grin spread across his wet, slick muzzle. "I'm so going to enjoy the main course..."

Carefully, he stood behind her, holding himself just behind his knot, as he teasingly rubbed the penile head against her sphincter.

A low, throaty moan come from Lara's throat, her body trembling with expectation and lustful longing. Her labial folds clenched and relaxed, slick fluids dribbling onto the blanket, as she looked back expectantly at him.

"Such a needy little doe..."

Nicholas grinned at her, then pushed himself forwards, the tip parting her folds and sliding effortlessly into her vaginal depths.

" more...teasing - " Lara moaned, her tail frizzling out.

" - I're in - season..."

Already, his testicles contracted and thick spurts of ejaculate shot inside her - further heightening Lara's sexual arousal and his own.

"Mmm, fill me with that hot, delicious puppy-batter - " Lara moaned, tilting her head back, ears flattening.

"Damn...doe..." Nicholas pressed forwards, slipping his entire not-inconsiderate length into her - the swelling knot rubbing against her winking clitoris.

"Urgh - " Lara bleated, the first of her orgasms splashing the blanket beneath them.

Biting his lip, Nicholas pushed forwards, placing one paw around her hips, the other on the back, near her front shoulders. He felt the muscular contractions, the rush of her fluids and her _incredible_heat that sent his mind reeling. Barely able to control himself, he slipped both paws around her hips and held her as she squealed and quivered.

"Alright... easy..." He panted, his breathing rapidly growing ragged. "Easy honey..."

Lara's head was tilted so far back, her muzzle open and tongue lolling, as Nicholas took a few quick, panting breaths - then pushed forwards...his knot strained against the labial folds, then with a pop, slipped inside her and instantly, Lara squealed like she'd never squealed before, her labia squeezing down behind the inflating knot - truly tying Wolf to Doe.

"Fuuuuuckkkkkkk... "Nicholas whined, as he leaned over her back, licking and nibbling at her ears.

Lara just lost her mind, drool dribbling from her muzzle as she truly felt the fullness of him inside her - ever since their first lovemaking, she'd longed and wondered - now at last...

They had truly tied the knot...