Last Family Dinner Before the Apocalypse

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#63 of Apocalypse

It's the end of the world.

A psychic wave that's said to devolve every person's intelligence down to an animalistic level is not what most people would have assumed would end civilization, but that's the hand that society has been dealt. A couple days after the announcement was made, Daniel returns to his hometown to have one final dinner with his family before everyone 'goes monkey'. Daniel wasn't expecting a pleasant visit with the circumstances being what they were but strange behavior has overtaken his family, his parents speak shamelessly, and a couple old friends from town want to 'do the monkey' with Daniel!

I've wanted to make an apocalypse story with (what could be) humans for awhile now maybe to expand my influence, and this idea came to me. I might take this idea and make a whole novel out of it but I'm not sure yet. I'm glad I got to make this story though since it highlights the absurdity and looming amorality of a people on the brink of annihilation in a way that is more restrained compared to my apocalypse comics.

These people are specified to be human or anthro because I wanted that to be up in the air. Personally, I like to imagine them as squirrel people. Can you imagine squirrel people behaving like chimpanzees, ooking around and walking with their arms? Hysterical!

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With the window open a crack, the car was too cold and the slight wind that blew in his face annoyed Daniel. With it closed, it was stuffy and he felt confined in his automobile, trapped alone with his thoughts. There was no pleasing his irritability and he knew it, but what was he expecting? He wasn't the only one around who had turned into a bundle of nerves in light of the news that the world was going to end.

The countryside he was driving through was eerily quiet which was either 0% or 100% appropriate for the situation. He couldn't remember what the night looked like around town, but that night, lights seemed scarce. The occasional window shone brightly but that was it. It seemed so dark.

His anxiety was spiking and if he were to lose it, he might crash the car, so Daniel distracted himself by turning on the radio.

"-sex while eating lots of candy." said the inquisitive hostess of whatever radio show Daniel switched on.

The host cut in, "The government is dodging questions on whether anything can be done about the impending psychic wave that will engulf on our planet in six weeks."

"It's pretty much confirmed, isn't it?" said the hostess, "Every space organization says that nothing can be done. The psychic wave is so large that it will consume the entire orbit of our planet and then some, so those thinking they could get on a spaceship and dodge that bullet are out of luck." She chuckled, "Sorry guys, but you are going dumb just like the rest of us..."

"That's right," said the host, "In sixty days time, the wave will reach earth and it will reset our brains. Is that the best way to put it?"

It was not anything Daniel needed to hear but he had a bile fascination with the scientific details of everyone's impending doom. There was something relaxing about it even, so Daniel kept the radio on.

"I'm not a scientist," said the hostess, "But let's put it like this: all of our higher brain functions will cease... permanently. We'll still be alive but after it, we will be no smarter than animals. They're calling it the great monkeyifying!"

"Really makes you cherish your ability to put 2 and 2 together, huh?" said the host, "If that's the case, I want to get a head start on some monkey behavior."

There was a zipping sound, the clang of a belt, and then repetitive smacks. Silence, except for the smack.

The hostess giggled, "Think I might join you."

Another string of smacking sounds added to the radio broadcast. Daniel could see his family's house up ahead, so it was a perfect time to turn off the radio.

"I just heard the hosts of a radio program jerk off together," said Daniel, "If that isn't a sign the world's ending, I don't know what is."

Daniel didn't know if his parents were still upholding the policy of no parking on the laneway, so Daniel parked on the side of the road. A pang of nervousness rang up his body but he was still a competent enough driver to pull off a decent parallel park. He turned off the car engine.

He froze. How goddamn awkward was this family dinner going to be? It was assumed that this would be the last time the family was together before the world ended, how uncomfortable was it going to be to sit through one last occasion?

Mustering up all the willpower he had, Daniel opened the car door and stepped outside. There was a howling. Not a dog howl, but some other kind of animal. It was nearby too. Daniel locked his car and slid his keys into his pocket and approached the house, looking around to see where the howling was coming from. Was some sort of wild creature loose? With all the chaos Daniel had seen since the announcement that the world was going to end, it wouldn't have been that strange if a zoo animal had escaped.

Daniel had come from wealth and his family house was a manor, sporting an old-gothic look and three storeys. Orange light glowed from the glazed windows. The large doors at the front were kingly. It was such a beautiful house and all of its eminence was going to mean nothing once everyone had been regressed to monkey-mindedness.

Daniel took a breath, turned the bronze knobs, and opened the door.

The lobby was dimly lit, as usual. It was not a room that needed to be bright. On the other side of the room before the arch into the dining room, there were Daniel's mother, younger sister, and another older lady- it took a moment for him to recognize Sherry; a friend of his mother's but like an aunt to him.

There he was, standing in the doorway. What could he have said? Or done? How was he supposed to express his agony at the idea that everyone was going to be functionally gone in two months?

"Hi, everyone." said Daniel.

"Welcome home, Daniel." said his mother, her tone was warm with a tinge of sorrow.

His mother approached him and that's when he realized that everyone was in a strange position. Sherry and his sister Rose were squatted down and holding their arms out front, and his mother moved along the ground, using her knuckles to walk.

"What's wrong?" asked Daniel, "Are you ok?" It was a strange question to ask considering the circumstances.

"We walk like monkeys now," his mother said looking up at him, "We will eventually become monkeys so we might as well get started on some behaviors." She motioned at Daniel, "Come on, now. Get down. You will walk like a monkey now."

Daniel wasn't about to disobey his mother. He crouched down and descended to his mother's eye level. It was uncomfortable for a moment but his spine settled and then it was... liberating. It felt good, if adding a new tension to his knees.

"Is this neccessary?" asked Daniel.

"Yes." said his mother, "Now come along."

Daniel and his mother walked to the others, Daniel having to readjust to walking while hunched over. He hadn't a grasp on how he should have used his knuckles and watched his mother to mimic her movements. Sherry and Rose gazed at him, the beloved son home and learning to move like the animal they will all become.

"How are you holding up?" asked Sherry.

"I'm doing... fine but..." Daniel trailed off. He wasn't sure how he was doing. "How about you guys?"

The howling outside remained,

Sherry sighed, "It's a lot."

It had been a little while since Daniel saw Sherry. Even pushing fifty, she had a youthful look behind those eyeglasses. Her shoulder length hair was vibrant. If he was bold enough to focus on her chest, he'd note she was firm.

"We're managing as a family." said mother. She put hands on Rose's shoulders, "Rose was so shocked by the... unfortunate news that she lost the ability to speak."

Rose looked spooked sure enough. Her gaze was ghostly and her face was pale. Her lips were sealed like a statue from ancient Greece. Other than appropriately looking like she had seen the reaper, her longer hair was straight and neat and she chose a nice shirt and a pair of pants for that evening.

"Is that why you are walking around..." Daniel jostled around on the floor, "Like this?"

"We are monkeys, Daniel." said his mother, "We must accept our monkeyness. So we walk as monkeys."

Daniel didn't know how to respond to that.

"On that note," said mother, "perhaps you should properly introduce yourself to Sherry?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Sniff her crotch," said mother.

"What!?" said Daniel.

Sherry chuckled, "It's proper etiquette, Daniel. Come on now. Don't be shy." She leaned back on her arms and fanned out her legs so her mustard skirt was out for everyone to see. She gazed at Daniel with an endearing look, peaceful.

Daniel didn't know what to do, but the three of them stared at him expecting him to get the show on the road. He gulped and slowly moved his head down to Sherry's skirt. Avoiding eye contact was necessary but even without looking at Sherry, Daniel could feel her gazing at him with a grin. He leaned down, took a sniff, then leaned back up.

"Will that do?" said Daniel.

Sherry took a hand to his knee, "Hold on." She leaned down, taking her nose to the front of his pants. His aunt's inhales sucked in his pants and passed through the fabric to tickle his crotch. All Daniel could do was blush and look away.

Sherry leaned upward, "Nice."

Mother looked out into the dining room, "Let's go ready dinner, Rose."

Rose and his mother walked into the dining room, leaving Daniel and Sherry alone. They shared a curious glance at each other, wanting to say a thousand things with their eyes but not knowing where to start.

Daniel sighed and sat down, "Can't believe she's having us walk around like monkeys."

"It's not so hard when you get used to it." said Sherry. She walked around the room, knuckles on the carpet pounding like tiny drums, "Follow after me."

Daniel got up and did his best to walk around, his knuckles already sore for the monkey walking he had been doing. He tried to follow after Sherry but wasn't getting the rhythm right.

Sherry watched him, "Hmmm, I think you are trying to hard to walk on your hands like you would your feet. The rhythm's different."

Daniel walked around some more, feeling more comfortable with letting his arms doing the movement while his legs were backup. He got into a flow, and he smiled. The soreness faded.

Sherry grinned, "Good job."

The howling outside hadn't quit. Daniel looked into the distance, "I think there's a wild animal out there!"

"No, that's your father." said Sherry, "He's out of the balcony with Timothy."

Daniel could hear it: the tone of his father's voice in the gorilla yelps that echoed across the night. Daniel blinked, "...oh."

The fireplace was lit. It was mild enough outside that the fire wasn't too much. It seemed a little weird for the season but they might as well have had their fireplace now because before long they'd no longer remember how to do it safely.

Sherry's eyes glowed in the fire and for a moment any fright in her face was gone, leaving only tenderness and an alluring gaze at Daniel.

"Ok, guys!" said Daniel's mother, "Supper is ready!"

They walked into the dining room, Sherry keeping her hips close to Daniel.

The living room had been altered. While the dazzling chandeliers still hung above illuminating the tall beige walls and the pictures and paintings that adorned them, the beautiful table below had its legs broken so that the surface was brought down to the floor. The chairs were gone, with the table surrounded with cushions pulled from couches, a wooden log, and some padded benches.

There were no plates or utensils. The center of the table was adorned with large stacks of fruit: orange, bananas and others. His mother told Daniel that the fruit was an appropriate monkey diet.

Daniel's younger brother Barry was already seated at the table, looking uncomfortable but sitting like a monkey like the rest of the family. The young spiky haired boy had squatted down on a bundle of blankets. Rose took a seat nearby, around the corner of the table.

Daniel's mother called up to his father and the howling stopped. She sat down at the table and picked up an orange. She bit into it, right through the peel and squashed down on it slurpily, juices getting everywhere. Daniel stared in confusion but for her... it wasn't the slightest bit odd or uncomfortable to her to eat the fruit in such an unrefined way.

"So what are your plans Daniel?" said mother, juices splashing on her shirt, "Not for the entire... remainder of our world but in the near future- the next couple weeks."

Daniel reaching forward to fondle an orange. He wasn't keen on the idea of eating fruit for one's supper, although the array of fruit looked very appealing and smelled good. There was an extra large peach on the top of the pile too. He took an orange in front of him.

"I don't know." said Daniel, "I was thinking of visiting some friends, traveling around."

Rose ate her pear while staring into space, still looking spooked. She sat cross legged, letting juices trail down her chin and drop on her shirt.

"Me and your father would like to travel to Europe," said mother, "but we don't think the airlines will be functional enough."

Sherry chewed on a banana, mouth half-open, "My daughter is driving up across five states to back home. The airlines are still running but airports are wild right now and everyone is skeptical of air transport."

"I'm surprised airlines are even still running," said Daniel.

"Maybe corporations are hoping that this psychic whathaveyou business will end up being fake." said Sherry, "They can't comprehend something that interferes with their profits." Sherry took a little nibble of her banana, "They'll wise up eventually though."

Barry sat quietly, listening in to the conversation but not caring. He chewed an apple, wondering when his dinner would be considered 'done' so he could go back upstairs and play video games.

Daniel's father and Timothy were heard coming down from upstairs, the two chatting indistinctly. As they got close, their voices became clear. Watching them come in through the door, it was eerie for Daniel to see his father and family friend walk like monkeys like they had been doing it all their lives.

"Hello son." said his father.

Daniel did his best to ignore the awkwardness. He gave a half-assed smile, "H, hi dad."

Timothy, a middle-aged man with prominent sideburns approached Daniel with a smirk on his mug, "Time to greet me formerly, huh?"


Timothy opened up his lap and leaned back for Daniel to see, "Sniff it kid."

"Uhhhh," said Daniel.

With a brutish grab, Timothy brought daniel's face down to his beige corduroys. The man had something of a bulge down there, something that Daniel hadn't noticed before despite knowing Timothy for years, but this was the first time his face was being shoved into a family friend's groin. Daniel closed his eyes and took a whiff.

"Smell that?" said Timothy, "That's the thing that's going to be in your mom later tonight!"

Timothy and father laughed. Daniel leaned up and before Daniel knew it, Timothy had pushed him to the ground, Daniel almost bumping his head on the table behind him. Timothy took two long powerful inhales at Daniel's crotch and grinned, "Smells like this kid's been busy!"

Timothy and Daniel's dad had a laugh and moved down the table, Timothy taking to Sherry's side and father taking his side to Daniel's mother.

It was surreal. Daniel faded out, peeling his orange and only taking small bites while the others at the dinner table were much less neat, eating only portions of the fruit before tossing it on the floor and biting into oranges, apples, and bananas with sloppy chomps.

"Uncle Garret head into the woods when he found out," said father, "Didn't have time to phone a goodbye; went right into the woods to live like a beast."

"Getting a head start?" half-joked Timothy.

"He didn't actually tell me this," said father, "His girlfriend told me that when he found out he dropped everything and went out to the trees." father let out a laugh, "He quit speaking people words, too. He's gone full gorilla-mode!"

Mother let out a sharp laugh, "All we have is six weeks and some people would want to waste it completely devolving into an ape!"

Timothy chuckled, "Better not go looking for him then. He might whip his feces at you!"

A round of laughter went across the room.

"What's Rose going to do?" asked Sherry.

"She's been hard at communicating..." said mother, "But I think she plans on going to the city and hitting all the clubs."

Rose, from across the table, nodded, but said nothing. Timothy thought about making a crass joke about the girl getting fucked but stopped himself.

Father muttered under his breath, "I think I'll travel around town and fuck all my neighbors."

Mother slapped father on his arm, "Oh Harold!"

"Oh please," said father, "You're going to be doing the same thing before long."

Daniel's head was spinning. Hearing his parents talk like they way they were, their behavior... it was a twisted dream. He tried staring at the wall to focus his concentration but it wasn't working. The uproarious conversation that his parents and friends were having was hard to ignore.

Daniel looked beside him and saw an empty seat made from a bench. It looked made out like it was expecting someone else to arrive.

"Are you expecting someone else?" asked Daniel.

"We invited Ritzi over." said mother.

Ritzi? Daniel's ex-girlfriend from his high school days? What ever reason could they have had?

"Ritzi?" said Daniel. "Why her?"

"She's a nice girl and I would like you to have a passionate evening with her." said mother.

Daniel dropped his orange, "Wha... what do you mean!?"

Mother lowered a gaze at her son, "Daniel, I want grandchildren."

Daniel froze. His mother's implication sent chills down his spine.

"You can't be serious!" said Daniel.

"I am serious." said mother, "I set up a bunch of mats outside for... activities." She smiled and looked over at her husband, "Me and your father had a wonderful night on them yesterday evening."

"God I did not need to hear that." said Daniel.

His father growled at him, "We are sexual beings, Daniel. You should know that." He smiled over at his wife, "Your mother gives me a boner, a boner that I once used to create you."

Daniel slammed his hands down on his seat, "You... you don't need to say this out loud! Barry doesn't need to learn this!"

Barry didn't seem like he was paying attention, quietly eating an orange. Whatever method the young boy had developed to ignore his parents' conversation, he would have to fill Daniel in.

"It's alright," father chuckled, "He'll unlearn it in a couple of months."

There was a door shutting at the front of the house, shattering the moment like a pane of glass. There were some audible steps from the lobby.

"Hello?" it was Ritzi's voice. Daniel could recognize it anywhere.

"We're in here, Ritzi!" said mother.

Who turned the corner, but Ritzi walking like a chimp. She didn't look much older than when Daniel last saw her. They stared at each other for a moment.

"Uh... hi." said Daniel.

"Hi." she looked across the room at mother. She wiggled her arms and knees, "Am I doing this right?"

Mother looked over Ritzi's form, how she moved like a monkey, and approved with a nod, "Yes, dear."

Ritzi turned back to Daniel and slid forward to put a hand on his shoulder and lean down. She could surely feel his heartbeat as she lowered her nose to his pants and gave his crotch a sensual whiff. Her nose was filled with the aroma of a potent mate. She leaned up and grinned softly, "Very nice."

There was a pause, then Daniel knew what to do. He dipped his head down and sniffed at her crotch. He didn't want her crotch to smell so good but it did. Every instinct in his mind told him that Ritzi was a great potential mate. He leaned up and cracked a nervous smile.

Ritzi took a seat beside him, keeping close to her mate. Daniel shifted his legs around so that his boner was less obvious.

Daniel's family went through a series of questions with Ritzi. Daniel kept quiet and didn't have much to say to his ex-girlfriend, especially since his mother was expecting him and her to breed.

"How has your family held up?" asked mother.

"My mom and dad have been temperamental and are binging the fridge," said Ritzi. She picked up a banana and bit right into it, taking the top into her mouth. She spit it the top and peeled it downward. She had already had her supper for the night but it would have been rude to reject their hospitality.

Timothy slapped his knee and hollared, "Stuffing themselves with cake! Guess they won't know how to bake more once we all go stupid!"

"They're handling it better than some," said Ritzi, "Me? I'm..." she sighed, "doing decently."

Mother grinned, "That may be the best anyone can ask."

"I'm not sure what I want to do with my remaining time," said Ritzi, "Nothing seems like a good idea."

"Doing something is better than doing nothing," said mother. She looked at her son, "Maybe you and Daniel should get reacquainted. In these desperate times, reconnecting with old loved ones is best!"

Daniel's heartbeat picked up when Ritzi turned to him with a romantic gaze. He lost his breath when Ritzi took his hand. Was it really going to happen?

"Well," said mother, "looks like everyone's done dinner." She gave Daniel an expecting look.

Ritzi hopped off her seat and monkey-walked down the table. She stroked Daniel's back. When he looked back at her, she grinned shyly, "Did you want to watch the stars with me, Daniel?"

Daniel breathed deep, "Sure."

She took Daniel's arm and got him to hop off his seat and follow her down the dining room to the back hallways and out into the yard.

The back doors overlooked the house's backyard, walled in with tall wooden fence. They could see a couple nearby houses and the tree line a few yards away. With his dad's howling silenced, Daniel could hear the faint murmur of other houses... other people.

Daniel and Ritzi stepped out into the warm night, stumbling a little while trying to monkey walk down a step. They bumped into each other, but didn't even emit a giggle.

Ritzi looked beautiful in the moonlight, which scared Daniel. After their rocky breakup it was alarming to feel such sudden feelings again for her. Her eyes were like sparkling gems and her lips were so succulent. He wanted to kiss her.

They were still walking like monkeys. They were out of sight from Daniel's mother so they wouldn't have gotten into any trouble for not obeying. Still, it felt like proper procedure, especially for what they were about to do. The monkey walk was a mating dance.

"You didn't have to come here," said Daniel.

"No, but what else was I going to do with myself?" said Ritzi.

"Look at what we are doing, though," said Daniel, "We're walking around like monkeys! We're eating fruit off of a damn foraging pile!"

Ritzi frowned, "No one is taking this easily, Daniel. We're all..." she teared up a little, "We all getting weird."

Daniel huffed and looked at her. There was a moment of agitated breath but the moment passed and he calmed down. Daniel remembered why he was outside with his ex-girlfriend. He took hands to her shoulders and leaned in for a kiss. Ritzi doved her face into his and chomped on it like it was a popsicle. She smacked his face and their tongues girl.

Grunting began, between both of them. Daniel grabbed his belt buckle with frantic hands and tried to free it. It was difficult to unbuckle a belt when his mind was going a thousand miles per hour but after getting the buckle undid the zipper went down easy and he dropped his pants. A big erection tented out of his boxers- his mother must have been so proud. Ritzi took a hand to the long hard shaft and moaned. She undid her own belt, a lot quicker and more elegantly than Daniel. She took down her pants.

They removed their bottom wear and left it at the edge of the square of mats that Daniel's mother set up. Ritzi sat her naked ass down on the mats and spread her legs out for Daniel to see. There was her sex. It had been awhile and Daniel had missed it while it was gone. Ritzi drooled watching Daniel take that nine inch cock to her sex and slip it in.

Ritzi laid on the mats and wrapped her legs around her lover. They bucked into each other. Daniel had his ass out in the air, moonlight shining down on his cheeks. They clenched and dropped as he fucked deep into Ritzi.

They bucked into each other like broncos, but unlike broncos they grunted and howled. Daniel didn't want to make monkey noises but he could feel Ritzi's large breasts pressing into him and he couldn't resist ooking into the air in celebration of such a firm bosom!

They were so excited, it didn't take more than few minutes for them to reach climax. They fire their essences at each other, moaned like orangutans, unhooked from one another, and slumped down on each other. A quick catch of breath, and then they stood up to get their clothes off. Out came Ritzi's large breasts and Daniel's bare chest. With all their clothes off, they were completely naked like animals should be.

They tossed their clothes on the ground and got to some animal business. They returned to their position, Ritzi on her back and Daniel drilling into her, but switch positions in the middle so that Daniel held Ritzi's legs up in front of him while he rammed her center.

When Daniel climbed over her so he could jam his cock down into her body while her legs were pushed up towards her head, she went dumb with pleasure and ooked out and orgasm! Daniel kept her in that position, still pumping into her. Ritzi bit her lip and flapped her feet. She took the arms of her lover, holding on to him like he was a ride that could fling her off!

Having his waist smack her thighs was too much! She orgasmed, braying like a donkey! Daniel didn't stop, and kept fucking her deep, jamming that massive rod into her flaming sex! Another orgasm approached and she moaned and scrunched her face. She bit her lip as it bubbled up inside of her and when it unleashed she flapped her toes and howled at the moon! Cum flew out of her sex and coated Daniel's cock!

The position was too good so the two primates kept jobbing at each other without changing styles. Ritzi grunted with every push of Daniel's press. Her eyes went vacant and she got lost in his oil drilling. Maybe being monkey-minded wasn't going to be so bad if that was the kind of thing they would do every day?

An orgasm was erupting inside of her and sustained ooks bellowed out of Ritzi's maw. She ooked with ferocity! Her ook rumbled through the sky and let everyone know that she was the queen of the land, ooking for might and rage!

Her howl ceased and she fell back into a steady rhythm. That's when Daniel felt an orgasm come over him. Down his taint and up his rod, he burst! Gripping the corners of the mat below, he howled coarsely when he came, firing into her with a powerful torrent! He groaned upward to the sky, letting everyone know his sexual triumph. Ritzi wasn't far behind, feeling another cum ride up her chute, moaning and flailing as her legs kicked everywhere, cumming all over the place like she spilled a carton of cream.

Their legs sore with an extended session of mating press, Daniel fell off her body and onto the mats, jizz spilling everywhere. They collapsed. No words between them. They took a moment to catch their breath.

When their break time was over, first it was doggie style. Daniel drilled into her from behind and they couldn't help but yelp and grunt like werewolves. Next it was froggy style. Their knees jutted out to their sides in parallel and Daniel held Ritzi's shoulders while pumping up into her. They went through several positions over the hour so Daniel was assured that he had done his diligence to get Ritzi pregnant. For his mother.

After another gorilla-worthy orgasm brought on by a quick missionary fuck, they collapsed on the mats, eyes staring up at the stars above, only the voices of their stressed exhales.

They got their energy back and the trembling in their bodies faded. Both have had their fill of each other and now that Daniel wasn't attracted to Ritzi, he felt disgusted by her presence. What was she doing back in his life? He shifted away from Ritzi.

"What happens now?" asked Ritzi.

"You don't know what you want to do?"

"I..." said Ritzi. She trailed off, unable to say anything.

"Did you want to hook up for our final days?" said Daniel.

"No," said Ritzi, "I don't want to get sentimental. I don't have the patience for it and there's no point."

Daniel leaned up, looking down at Ritzi, "So are you going to... go wild?"

Ritzi got her breath and sat up. She looked out into the trees, in melancholy, "Yeah."

"You can take your time." said Daniel, "Give it a couple week at le-"

"No, Daniel." said Ritzi, "This will be the last time I pretend to be a person. I'm... going now."

Ritzi's look in her eyes went miles away. She quietly got up and walked out the gate in the fence, completely naked and neglecting the her bundle of clothes. Daniel watched the delightful ass of her ex-girlfriend sway into the distance, Ritzi heading for the trees. Ritzi didn't stop for a moment, and continued her brisk walk into the horizon.

Daniel wiped down the mats and put his clothes back on just as his parents came out the back door. Daniel knew what his parents were about to do so after receiving some congratulations from his parents on apparently securing their grandchildren, he monkey-walked back inside the house to leave them with their business.

The house was eerily quiet. Where his siblings and his aunt and uncle had gone, Daniel had no idea. He looked around the house. The pile of food was still on the table but it looked like the scraps had been disposed of. The smell was humid and ripe.

Daniel moved into the lobby. The fireplace still crackled. With his parents out of sight, Daniel returned to walking upright. The quiet eeriness had returned. Or maybe it just felt eerie because without any noise, Daniel was alone with his thoughts? Six weeks... that's all anyone had before they'd be reduced to primalized creatures, no smarter than animals.

Daniel made his way upstairs. On the shelves on the staircase there were books: artifacts of a civilization that was about to end and the books would take their meaning with them. Trinkets, awards, and the crafts hanging from banisters and hooks on the wall, they would all be unfathomable curiosities for dumbed down ape-people before long.

Underneath the ambient noise of Barry's video games and Rose's music, Daniel could hear his mother and father starting their throes of passion. He had never heard what they sounded like fucking before the end of the world but with the shadow of the monkey darkening the world, they sounded like two coked up gorillas that liked to ook in triplets.

His room hadn't changed locations since he moved out for college. First door on the left up the stairs. Daniel slid into his room. It looked like the way he had left it. The window by the bed gave a nice view of the quiet town. With posters on the walls, figurines on the dressers, and books stacked in the corners of the room, it was full of a collection of interests over the years.

Daniel walked to his bed and sat down. On the table beside it was a book: The Colossal War. It was one of Daniel's favorites, a long fantasy book about a young hero traveling across the land to awaken seven dragons and fight against and evil emperor. He picked up the book and smiled, rubbing a thumb down the corner of the book. Dog-eared, as it was a book that Daniel had read a few times.

Feeling nostalgic, he opened it up to a random page early in the story and read a paragraph. He recognized where he was in the tale: the early parts where the hero Varien is stuck in the port town unable to get across Lake Festeria. Daniel jumped a little further ahead in the book and read. It was the part where Varien meets the maiden Lyla who would be revealed as a sinister sorceress in disguise.

The delight of nostalgia gave way to the dread that soon this book and its words would mean nothing to Daniel. He knew it would only hurt him to continue further but he couldn't stop himself and flipped through more pages. There was the part where Varien flew on his first dragon, the part where Varien had to cure a friend of being turned into a dog, and there was the part where Varien fought off two werewolf captains.

Daniel's breathing became strained and his head was spinning. All these chapters... would mean nothing. His eyes teared up and his hand trembled and flailed while flipping around the book, bending pages and crumbled their edges. He growled with anger!

The moment passed and Daniel calmed down, the book tight within his hand. He tossed it aside and put his head into his hands.

Without a knock, the door opened. In came Sherry, disobeying the matriarch of the household by standing upright like a person.

"You could have knocked." said Daniel.

"Why?" said Sherry, stepping in and closing the door, "Were you masturbating?"

Daniel turned his head away, "No..."

She sat down beside Daniel, hands on her knees.

"Ah," said Sherry, "Spiraling, huh?"

Daniel said nothing.

Sherry put a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "Don't worry about it. We're all having trouble with that lately." She took her hand away and snerked, "When me and Timothy found out about the world ending, I couldn't breathe! It was like I was a fish out of the ocean!" She smirked.

Daniel forced a chuckle. It wasn't actually funny, but he supposed he would humor his family friend. He chuckled, but then thought for a second, "Where... is Timothy?"

They could hear some moaning and groaning coming from the backyard. They recognized the female voice being Daniel's mom but the masculine voice was not Daniel's dad.

"Timothy's out back getting it with your mom," said Sherry. She exhaled and smiled, "He always wanted to fuck your mom! Guess it took the end of the world to get his chance!"

"You're... not angry about it?" asked Daniel, "Him having sex with another woman?"

Sherry shrugged, "Marriages stopped being important as soon as we found out the world is going to end." She stared at the ground, melancholy, "Even driving to your house tonight, Timothy implied that he would follow his dick where it leads him over these next weeks and we would likely not be together when the end comes." Sherry sighed, "I'm planning on heading into the mountains and I'll likely fuck along the way."

"Sounds pretty hot." said Daniel, dumbly.

There was a quiet pause between them. Sherry put a hand on Daniel's lap.

"We don't have a lot of time left being intelligent," said Sherry, "But maybe that's a good thing. We'll eventually be too dumb to regret things."

Daniel stared at her, eyes glazing. He undid his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. It was big and only got longer and harder as Daniel let it stare at his aunt Sherry.

"[iWoooow[/i]," said Sherry, taking a few fingers on the tip, "Who would have know that little Daniel grew up to be a big boy?"

Daniel crunched his face as Sherry leaned down and took a mouth over his cock, letting the tip draw around her lips and using her tongue to dig through under the ridge of the head. Daniel curled his toes with arousal.

Sherry leaned down more and took the cock to lick it wildly. Daniel folded his legs inward a tilt and held Sherry's back while she macked on his cock.

Daniel moaned and leaned his head back. Sherry didn't flinch. She kissed, tongued, and sucked his cock like it was the thousandth time she had done it. Sometimes she licked down the bottom, sometimes she sucked a couple inches, sometimes she kissed the top.

Daniel squirt a few dropped and got on Sherry's glasses. She chuckled and leaned up to use her shirt to wipe the jizz from the glass. She took off her jacket and then pulled up her shirt to reveal her body. She was a bit chubby but still hot. Her bra came off and pretty firm tits came out.

Daniel took his own shirt and the two of them sat, both topless. Daniel reached over and thumbed Sherry's tits. She moaned like a deer.

Sherry reached down and pulled her panties down but then realized what was the point of keeping the skirt on and pulled that down to. Daniel stood up, cock bouncing, and pulled down his pants and kicked them aside.

They were naked. Naked like they were meant and destined to be before long, although Sherry still had her glasses on. Daniel sat back down and Sherry climbed onto Daniel's lap, dropping her body down on his cock. Oh god, Daniel was inside her. Her vagina felt like a bag of pleasure. Had she always had such a pleasant vagina to stick a hard cock into. Daniel had known her for years and waited until that moment to enter her. So much wasted time!

She rode him, stretched her vagina lips up and down his pole and holding her breasts in ecstasy. A huge cock inside her, piercing her soul, cracking open her core and revealing all of her innermost instinctual desires.

His shaft rubbed up against her walls like a train along the tracks, vibrating and shaking the grounds. She grunted in his iron-hard honor, her thighs smacking his sac and jiggling his balls.

Grunts and moans filled the room and they didn't care if anyone else in the house could hear them getting in touch with their inner monkeys. They could have been in Daniel's childhood bedroom or the ancient rainforest and it made no difference.

They rocked like that for awhile then Sherry turned around to let the kid have some boobs in his face. Her motherly but vibrant tits were a pleasure to have on him, their nipples rubbing on his cheeks.

He didn't have a lot of strength to push upward with a whole person laying on his lap but he found the willpower he needed when he let primal instincts take over. The roar of the monkey bellowed within and he bucked up into her like a stallion and made her feel the full-length of his cock.

Sherry couldn't help it. Her inner cavewoman was overwhelmed and she came, spilling her fluids onto Daniel's ballsack and lap. She screamed "aaa! Aaa! Aaa!" up into the ceiling. The tickle of her fluids drizzling the top of his sac was all he needed to let out the orgasm and ook excitedly into his aunt.

They rocked and came until all of his jizz was out. Sherry collapsed on him and Daniel held her up while spunk dripped on the bed and to the floor. She pulled herself off of his rod and sat on the bed.

They got their breath and Sherry got down on the floor, presenting to Daniel. Daniel climbed on her, took his hands around her waist, and thrust into her, grunting like a wolf. Their faces relaxed into dumbness, their eyes glazed over. Their was no concentration needed, just a focus on their genitals clashing.

They fell into a trance of casual mating, their sounds rather quiet and their speed moderate, but pleasurable all the same. They started with doggy style, then Sherry spread on the floor, then Daniel laid down on his back and let Sherry ride him. After that, Sherry got on his bed and let Daniel hold her legs out to give her a nice drilling. Later on, Sherry got up against the wall and let Daniel get her from behind, her breasts pressing into his Star Dogs poster.

They had a few orgasms between each other, then took a moment to rest. The sounds of Daniel's parents and Timothy echoed up from the lobby, so they raced to put their clothes back on.

They stood frozen in suspense when mother opened the door. Daniel's mother looked at them, and grew disappointed, "Why aren't you walking like monkeys?"

They looked at each other, then got down to a squat. Mother, father, and Timothy, equally squatty, came in the bedroom to see what was going on. They could tell from Daniel and Sherry's disheveled appearance that the two had just been fucking and not one of them was offended, disgusted nor betrayed by the interaction.

"Looks like your son got to my wife before you did Harold," said Timothy, checking Daniel's father on the side.

Mother sighed, "Daniel, did you mate my best friend?"

Daniel was too embarrassed to answer until Sherry put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He got the confidence to speak, "Yeah, I did."

"What, did Sherry rub it out of you?" Timothy thought his joke was good enough for big belly laugh.

"Come down stairs," said father, "We're about to take a picture."

Barry and Rose were brought out of their rooms and every monkey-walked down the stairs to the lobby where a digital camera was set up. "A piece to outlast us all" said father. They got into position, with the all squatting, and instead of saying cheese, they howled. They took a few pictures just to make sure to get a good one. They all had their heads aimed upward in the pictures but the sentiment came through.

After the picture, Daniel's parents, Sherry, and Timothy moved to the backyard again to have more sex, a quartet orgy while Rose and Barry kept to themselves upstairs. It would be the last time Daniel saw any of them.

Barry went back upstairs but Rose saw Daniel at the door. His sister was trying her best to speak words again so Daniel was patient.

"K... K... Kelly." said Rose.

"Kelly?" said Daniel. Kelly was an old friend of Daniel's, a friend from high school.

Rose nodded, "See... h-errr."

"You want me to see her?" said Daniel.

Rose nodded again, "She... w, want... you."

"Alright." said Daniel, "I'll visit her."

Rose smiled and the two hugged. Then, Daniel was out the door. He would only way until his head was past the doorframe to stand upright again. He turned back and waved at his sister, her monkey squatting and waving back with a grim.

It was back into the eerie night, but this time it was not quiet. He could hear his parents, Timothy and Sherry making a wild time and the backyard, their ooks, groans and howls echoing through the night.

His car was where he left it. He got inside and started the engine. He knew it would likely be the last time he saw his family, still intelligent or no, but he couldn't feel that sad. Maybe the situation was too surreal to comprehend. Maybe he felt like the end had already arrived. Maybe the impending end of the world had broken Daniel, but there wasn't an overwhelming sorrow in his heart like there should have been.

He pulled out of the side of the road, turned around and drove back down the road he came, the late night still eerily quiet.

The Popular Girls Become Filthy Animal Lesbians [DIRTY]

The bell rung and Irma and Ava were up from their seats. The two girls weren't going to waste any more time in that classroom. They snatched their bags and pounded to the door. They impolitely pushed through a few students, Ava bumping into Martin....

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The Popular Girls Become Filthy Animal Lesbians

The bell rung and Irma and Ava were up from their seats. The two girls weren't going to waste any more time in that classroom. They snatched their bags and pounded to the door. They impolitely pushed through a few students, Ava bumping into Martin....

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Co-Ed Dorm Rooms in Animal College (DIRTY)

Every myuman in the class had been turned into an animal, no, a _zooman_. Across the seats around the room sat over forty myumanoid animals of various sizes and various species. Even if they all had a couple hours already to get used to their new...

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