Inhale And Let Out Your Inner Beast
Stella and Patros come across a strange plant that has corrupting properties and they soon find themselves under its demonic, lusty influence.
Look at that, I did slow TFs! This is a story in a new world, that will lead to more stories. I've always wanted to write something in a traditional fantasy setting.
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It was an early afternoon for Stella and Patros.
Patros was needing to refill his stock of herbs so he headed out to the forests outside of town and brought Stella along with him. Patros knew the forest was abundant with important herbs but he needed Stella's herbalist knowledge to find them.
They were walking along a stream. Across it was a grove of pine trees.
Patros pointed at the grove, "Doesn't willowsear grow over there?"
Stella fingered at all the vine hanging from the trees, "Yes, but willowsear only thrives if the spring is humid. Those vines mean that it was a dry spring over here, so we won't find a lot of willowsear."
Patros smirked, "Not often have I someone educating me."
"How many herbology books have you got?" said Stella.
"A few," said Patros, kicking a rock off the path into the underbrush nearby, "but my knowledge pales in comparison to your professional learning."
Stella giggled, feeling the urge to gloat but lacking the confidence. It would have been a perfect chance to take Patros down a notch, an elder who usually was the one teaching her.
Stella was a young myuman lady with brown shoulder length hair. That day she wore a longsleeved shirt and a pair of breezy cotton trousers, with leather boots.
Patros was a satyr, maybe the only one Stella ever knew. She knew what satyrs were like though. The upper half was mostly myuman except with skin tones ranging from a rosy pink to a mystical purple. They had horns, though, unlike their myuman counterparts, and the bottom half of the satyr's body featured a whiplike tail and digitigrade cloven hooves.
Patros' skin was heavily on the rosy side. He wore a nylon jacket over top a red shirt and brown corduroys on his legs, leaving his big hooves bare, stomping around the dirt.
They passed by a hunting cabin, looking unused that afternoon. It was one Stella had seen many times having roamed those forests a lot but never entered. She's most see local hunters around there, and maybe engage in chat.
"So what took you so long to get up?" asked Patros, "Wanted to do this in the morning."
"I had a late night," said Stella.
"What were you doing?" asked Patros, "Reading?"
"I met a guy at the tavern," said Stella, "He came..."
Stella stopped herself. Patros and Stella shared a knowing uncomfortable glance. Patros knew what that meant. The young myuman woman had a feisty night with a man. It was not appropriate conversation, especially between two people of different race!
The conversation puckered out like a wagon that broke its wheel. Stella walked in quiet discomfort and being reminded of the night before was not pleasant either. She was so excited to take a charming man to her home and have a decent sexual encounter.
The end result was two medium-level orgasms and then sleep. Hardly satisfying and it left her wanting. The man she slept with left early in the morning, heading out to the road.
She sighed quietly, wondering if she would ever have good sex.
Stella and Patros turned onto a path riding the edge of the forest. Beyond that were large fields of no specific crop. Stella looked into the horizon. The horizon dipped into the field but Stella remembered that beyond the fields were a rocky plateau and a smaller farming village beyond it.
The two saw something ahead. At first it looked like a plant had just caught a peculiar bit of afternoon sunshine, but as they got closer they realized there was a bush of an unusually golden glow.
"Look at that one!" said Patros, "What's that plant called?"
"I... don't know," said Stella. She got a few feet closer expecting to recognize a few features better but nothing about the plant added up into something familiar. The ivory white stems were indicative of stromarch but stromarch never had spade leaves with such a bright glow. The plant produced flowers in the same color as its leaves and reminded Stella of a jocun lily but a jocun lily didn't have such stubby stamina like a malflower. And none of any of those plants were native to the region.
It was strange, but didn't seem harmful. Stella touched the stem, maybe expecting tiny thorns to prick her fingers but the stem was smooth. Patros reached out to brush his hand on the flowers, pollen sprinkling from its core.
"I honestly have no idea what this is," said Stella, "I should take a sample."
She pulled out her trimmers and took it to the stem beneath a flower. Carefully, she took it and placed it in her basket, letting it rest on flat bottom before closing the top.
"Might have to consult the books for this one," said Stella.
Patros picked off a flower with a snap and looked at the thing. It really did glow. It had a luminescence that shone on Patros' fingers. He twirled it and brought it close to his face to make out more details of the flower's body.
"Be careful with that," said Stella, "You don't know what it could do."
Patros brushed the center of the flower, "It seems alright."
When he brought it right into his face to get a whiff of its smell, he brushed the stamina and flicked a small dust of pollen into his face! The white sparkling substance got into his nose, and Patros froze, his gaze sharp.
"Patros?" Stella asked, concerned.
The pollen went through Patros' nasal passages like an electric current, sticking into the sides of his pipes and clouding deeper into his breathing apparatuses. The pollen dug into his flesh and let out dark waves of magic throughout his entire body.
Patros let the flower fall out of his hand and he clenched his knuckles while reeling down. His breathing became forced as an overwhelming grimace took his face, rage building in his eyes. His arms tensed up and his stance became stalwart.
"P, patros?" said Stella, approaching him with a concerned gesture hoping that he was just going to let out a violent sneeze.
She ducked her hands away when Patros gave her a hateful glare and swatted at her. His form was shifting. His arms were getting bigger- his legs too. His face was reshaping itself with the mouth stretching outward.
Stella backed up, horrified to see her friend going through some sort of reaction. A piece of her mind searched for a solution, an herb cocktail that was known to prevent transformations but she was so paralyzed with fear, there was no useful thought to be had.
She could hear his growling building in his beastly maw. His claws were getting longer, and sharper. His hooves were getting big, the stomps from each step hitting with greater volume. His height, already above Stella's, was rising further. It wasn't long that Stella was looking up at a beastly face with red-hot eyes and a snout full of sharp teeth, drool hanging from his lips. His skin turned from pink to a deep orange.
"Oh gods!" said Stella, tearing up at the sight of her friend turning into a horrible monster.
Tears appeared on the seams of Patros' pants and the arms of his jacket, his muscular torso growing too big for his wears. His legs stretched out the bottom of his pants and his forearms outgrew the length of his sleeves. A tight hardy ass stretched out his pants as far as they would give!
The growing stopped and Stella was looking at her friend, formerly known as Patros, now a demonic mutant towering over seven feet!
"Patros?" Stella said, choking back whimpers and gripping her chest, "Can you hear me?"
Patros heaved back and- with a terrifying gaze- threw a loud, thunderous roar like nothing Stella had heard! It crackled through the air, shaking the bark of trees and pushing up dirt from the ground.
Stella squeaked!
Patros took a hefty step forward, raising an arm to strike Stella. That was enough to get Stella to snap out of her paralysis, and she was able to dodge the swipe and take off running in the other direction!
She didn't know where to go, so she ran down the path they came in on. She ran as fast as she could which got motivation to go a little faster when she could hear the stomps of large hooves on the dirt coming up behind her. She whimpered.
She wasn't sure how to deter the beast chasing her. The fields down the hill were wide open but with the thing faster than her, that would only allow him to catch up with her quicker. Stella might have found some sort of trap or a distraction. She turned into the trees.
When she saw it in front of her, she jumped across a puddle like maybe the monster was scared of water. She ran through the underbrush, smacking her arms on bushes and stepping into beds of grasses.
She looked back to see Patros still chasing her, running on all fours like an animal. His massive hands crushed shrubs in his way and he swerved around trees with no slowing down! The was a rumble with each step of his mighty body.
Stella darted her eyes around for any kind of salvation. Up ahead there was a cave! The entrance looked a little bit too narrow for whatever Patros had turned into- Stella hoped she could hide in there!
With the growl of Patros stirring up behind her, Stella realized this was her only chance for survival. Even if the cave was home to a wild animal like a wolf, that was an easier problem than dealing with a demon!
She practically dove into the opening, it being still pretty big but perhaps small enough to deter the demon for a moment. Stella had never been in that cave before and didn't know its layout but there was enough light coming from other entrances that she could see her way around.
But then she realized... there were other entrances. If Patros couldn't get in from one, he could get in from another. The exit that shone in the most like was wide and tall, enough for a cavalry to get through. Stella wouldn't be safe for long.
Stella raced over there anyway, smacking her foot on a rock and tripping over an uneven step. She slipped on a slimy floor too but regained her composure quickly and spared a moment to hope that Patros could suffer a far worse stumble should her race through any slime. She looked behind at the hole she came in from. She didn't see Patros nor could she hear him. Was the hole too big for the beast? Where he'd go?
There was no wolf in the cave but her scurry across the cave floor startled a few bats who flew out into the afternoon light, squeaking coarsely.
She whimpered and leaned against the cave wall, catching her breath and taking in all that just happened in the last couple minutes. Her friend had turned into some mindless monster. Was he like that permanently? Was he gone for good? Would he kill her?
Sighing, she looked down at the floor. She whimpered again.
Outside, Patros marched around the forest floor, looking for his prey. His steps were heavy but he moved slowly, getting a good whiff into the air. The monster couldn't find her scent no matter which way he aimed his leonine snout.
Something did catch his nose though. It was a shrub of small rosy flowers. Patros smelled it, then spotted it, then walked over. The fearsome beast liked the bush!
He took a moment to stare into space and relax. Her gaze dulled out and he let a tongue hang from his teeth. Dumb!
Stella, back at the cave, took the moment to see if she could sneak around. If anything was going to save her, it was stealth. She couldn't outrun the beast and she certainly couldn't take him on in a physical fight. That thought lead to another: what was she supposed to do with Patros? Get back to the village and hire a hunter? There was no easy way out of this predicament but she would cross that bridge when she came to it.
She moved towards the larger entrance, staying close to the walls. She sided along them, keeping an eye out that large opening and occasionally flipping her eyes around the cave to see if the beast was coming through the hole she came in from.
The forest outside looked so peaceful. No one would have ever expected a demon was roaming the woods. Stella could almost hear the birds chirping or squirrels squeaking.
She poked her head out of the cave and peeked around the forest. She couldn't see any demons. The coast was clear. She walked out of the cave and took a minute to detect where the village was, the exact direction. Her internal compass was shaken but she had a good feeling on where to go.
She moved through the trees, hoping that the fact that birds and squirrels still hanging around meant that the beast was nowhere near to scare them off. She kept her eyes forward and kept a brisk pace, avoiding stepping on twigs and bushes to make as little noise as she could.
Then there was a snap! She looked behind her and went pale with fear. There he was, the beast! The beast gazed back, then a violent snarl came over his face!
Stella took off! Heart beating fast and breathing strained, she ran through the forest, hearing that monster lumbering behind her. She whimpered, knowing that she was going to die.
"Help!" she screamed, "Heeeeeelp!"
There was no one around. Stella was at her doom. She looked around frantically for some sort of help, a salvation, but there was nothing. She could feel the beast's breath on her neck. Whether or not it was her imagination wouldn't matter quite soon.
That's when she spotted something. Yes, it was the hunting cabin! It must have been thirty feet away but with a giant beast at her tail, thirty feet seemed as big as an ocean!
Darting towards it, she saw a tree branch up ahead hanging out at her eye level. On a whim, she snagged it and pulled it off. It wasn't very big, but maybe it could distract Patros. She turned back for a split second and tossed it at Patros' head! The beast flinched and stopped in his tracks. Putting any distance between herself and the beast was a gift to Stella!
She flew up to the door of the cabin, pushed it open, and slammed it behind her in one swift motion. She looked beside the door. Nothing. The other side. There was a wooden plank. She picked it up and slammed it into the holds, sealing the door.
She looked around the room. It was a hunter's cabin, wasn't it? Where were the weapons? A crossbow or a sword? There was nothing. The cabin had nothing but a bed, some coat hangers, a trio of rickety old chairs, and an unlit fire. There was nothing in terms of protection.
The window smashed open, glass on the floor. Patros tried to grab inside, scaring a scream out of Stella, but the metal bars around the window frame limited how far he could reach. Stella backed up in the corner, far out of reach, but the bolts on the hinges were giving away and the bars were coming off the wall!
Stella whimpered. Was this how she was going to die? In all the fright, she didn't realize she still had her basket on her arm. The scuffle had popped open the top and inside Stella could see the flower that she plucked from the plant. It was a curse to see it as it caused the problem in the first place. But then Stella thought about what it did to Patros: could it do it to her? If she sniffed its pollen, would she become a fearsome demon?
She picked out the flower and dropped the basket. She stared at it like it was a guillotine waiting for her. Would it be her salvation, or condemn her to a fate worse than death?
Patros howled and roared outside. The bars around the window were pulling out of their sockets. It wouldn't be long before the beast was inside the cabin, ready to devour Stella.
Stella looked down at the flower, a tear rolled down her cheek, and she brought it up to her nose to inhale it. She gave it two big inhales although one was enough to get the pollen into her body, passing through her airways and sticking to the side of her pipes. The pollen began to do its magic.
Stella was surprised when she didn't feel anything right away, but then a feeling of confused rage erupted from her spirit and paralyzed her. Thoughts of anger boiled in her mind although they were so chaotic and primal that there was no association with them. It was anger out of nowhere, at nothing.
She clenched her fist, growling with eyes of fury. Her form began to expand, her arms gaining size with muscular tone and her legs thickening out. Her ass got larger and rounder, her cheeks forming out on her pants.
Stella looked at her body to see if she was changing but was so overwhelmed her mind could barely comprehend what a transformation meant for her. She looked down. Her chest grew, pushing out and expanding in size. The round contours of her breasts developed against her shirt.
She saw Patros outside, trying to break in. She growled at him, drool hanging from her face, her nose fusing with her mouth as it grew outward. Her nostrils stretched out on the front of a snout. Her pointy myuman ears grew longer and thicker.
She held her head in agony as her body shifted all over, long claws digging into her scalp. Her leather boots couldn't take it any more and the thread tore to let out her enlarged feet, now reptilian in shape and digitigrade in her new body.
Her mass expanded and her height grew up a foot. Her chest was heavy with pounds of muscle, arms like tree trunks. Her breasts had gotten big and round like cannonballs and her ass was two bulbous hills. Her powerful legs, as brawny as her arms, were like carved marble forming out in her cotton pants.
It was hard to keep track of her transformation as her mind regressed along with it and made her forget many things, including what specie she was supposed to be and what her name was. Rationality and insight drained from her, the being of Stella was fading.
She roared.
Patros was outside, tugging at the bars from outside, reaching into the window and trying to pull the bars through. His massive arms bent the bars as they struggled to fit through the window frame.
The door burst open, the beam holding it just piercing the wooden form. Splinters flew everywhere. There was a deep volatile growl coming from the other side of the door as big meaty hands reached into the wood and pried it apart, the planks crushed by demonic strength. Stella, now with a leonine demon face like Patros, poked her head through the door and gave Patros a terrifying glare.
Patros was taken aback, letting go of the bars inside the window and staring back in fright, slowly walking backwards. The previously terrifying demon had become terrified.
Stella walked through the ruined door with ease, the planks and scraps falling to the floor. With her stance wall-like and her shoulders huffed up, she stepped up to Patros, her leather boots barely holding on her large, clawed feet.
Patros shivered, the breasty female demon snarling at him with hatred in her eyes. Twigs were crushed under her feet.
Stella gave a mighty roar to shake the trees and blow away the dust from the ground. Patros fell on his back, looking up at Stella in terror. He crawled back away from her.
Stella climbed down on him, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to tug his face close to his, and gave him another splintering roar- point blank! The force was like a harsh gust of wind, shaking his hair and ears.
Patros' lip quivered.
Patros and Stella were still in silence. Patros was almost embarrassed as if even in a feralized state he still recognized how pathetic it was that he was shivering in terror.
Stella got smiled. She had asserted domination on the other demon. It was the fate of a demon who was ripe for mating, who could pleasure her.
She moaned and curved her breasts into Patros' face. His terror faded as she hummed sensually at him. She rubbed his shoulders and ground her crotch into his pants rubbing up against each other with a coarse, dampened sound.
Reluctantly, Patros moved his hands up to Stella to fondle her large breasts. Stella smiled droolily and grabbed her shirt. It tore down the center revealing her large breasts capped with a bra that covered her nipples but had become too small in the transformation that they weren't covering the base of the mountains. It didn't matter much anyway, as the bra fell off once the shirt was pulled away, the strapped had snapped in the transformation.
Stella's large tits hung in front of her. Patros grabbed them and let the heavy lugs weigh in his hands. He moaned at their size and Stella moaned with him. She leaned forward and took her cat snout to his neck, rubbing it into him slowly.
Stella breathed heavily and reached below to fondle Patros' dick, feeling it harden through his pants. She rubbed her knuckles against the fabric and kneaded the meat underneath. Patros grunted at her touch and Stella repositioned herself around his thighs to look down at his crotch.
She tugged at his sash and broke it off, loosening his pants. She pulled them down and the big orange rod flopped out, semi-hard in the forest breeze. Two large balls struggled to be free of Patros' pants, and remained snug underneath the waistline.
Stella took a few fingers down the shaft and thumbed his tip, pleasing the demon. She looked down at her own pants and struggled to pull them down. After a few seconds of failing to push them down, she got impatient and gave them a hearty rip, tearing them right off her waist. She let them fall to her side, naked vagina out in the open.
She shuffled forward and propped herself up for a moment to hold herself above the cock and then lay down on it. Their loins trembled as the cock dug into her core, like it was drill chipping away at one layer after another of rock.
Stella clenched her jaw and braced herself for Patros' dick. It didn't matter how big Stella was, Patros' dick was a lot to have inside her. It cracked her like ancient rock, her ground sundering with volcanic rage.
She heaved her chest up with a great inhale and Patros couldn't fight the temptation to reach up and feel her breasts once more. The thick skin felt good in his clawed hands. He gave them light slaps, Stella not minding the bold act.
Stella rocked up and down the cock, letting it dig into the sides of her vaginal tunnels. Oh, it could have pierced her for all she cared. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up to the sky, moaning.
Patros bit his lip and dropped his hands to the floor to grip the dirt below him as the demoness' cunt grappled and massaged his demonhood. It would try to consume his cock.
Stella moaned softly and Patros pumped up her. She could feel the urge to cum build in her, but she held it at bay. She wanted the fuck to last. Patros let his tower sway and bend inside her and she let herself take every inch.
Her moans turned into soft barks, turned into small roars. She roared with each upturn from Patros' waist. Oh, deeper, could her mate get any deeper?
It was getting close to climax. His dick poked her core too many times and she couldn't hold on anymore. Trembling, she let out a squirt and then let go of her climax. It dripped from as the orgasm built and flowed out of her holes.
She leaned back and gave out a mighty roar! It shook the trees and intimidated all the animals. Patros was frightened, but the fright loosened his testicles and cum drizzled up his shaft. His queen was roaring- roaring for him to release. Her roar was so sexy, he couldn't help it!
He moaned and came up into her, one spurt after another. She roared and he moaned as the two mixed their fluids together. Sticky ooze came from where their genitals met, creaming all over Patros' pants, his waist, and Stella's ass.
They let out their calls of sexual triumph, then Stella slumped forward and caught her breath. They both did: loud, snarly breaths.
Stella got up on shaky legs and pulled her cunt off of Patros' dick with a loud sloppy rumble. The member, still semi-erect smacked onto his pants in front of him, oozing with cum. He laid there and let the sensation tingle his body.
Stella got up and walked around. She looked at the ribbons of her pants still clinging to her legs and snapped them off. Patros leaned up and felt uncomfortable still wearing his clothes. He tore at his jacket, having some trouble with the resilient fabric but after putting some oomph into it, tore the jacket off along with his shirt underneath. His bare chest was out in the open.
He struggled to get out of his pants sitting down so he stood up and let the slacks fall to his hooves, briefs and all. They were ruined by the strife they had taken! He stepped out of them and idly walked around.
Eventually desire returned to Stella. She got down on her hands and knees and presented to Patros. With her cooch out in the open, Patros couldn't help but the stare. The smooth, orange slit was right in sight, tantalizing the goaty demon.
As he walked forward, his dick rose from his large balls and stood attention, shooting outward, hard and long. Stella got impatient and stopped her alluring smile to scowl and grunt at him to hurry up. Patros knelt down behind her, grabbed her by the sides, and stuck it in.
Stella's impatience faded, and she drifted off to a meditation of sex. Patros poled inside her, stirring her butter. Their pace was slow and the two demons, as mighty and powerful as they were, were happy to relax with some tranquil fucking. Stella grinned contently and even Patros came down from his nervousness to enter a zone.
Patros leaned forward, bringing his head close to Stella's. The demoness didn't care for his closeness but Patros has happy to get a smell of her hair. He reached down to fondle her boobs again.
Out in the forest that afternoon were two large demons, having a paced fuck in the middle of a dirt path, the only sounds coming from them was the gentle smack of their genital tangling and the muffled grunts that both of them emitted.
A strand of drool dropped from Patros and landed on Stella's shoulder.
This broke the tranquility of the fuck. Stella felt a surge go through her and she growled at Patros to hurry it up. He picked up the pace, smacking his balls into her thighs. He flexed his tailed ass with every push.
Stella grunted to Patros' thrusts. Uhn, uhn, uhn. She grunted like a beast. They got louder and she gripped the dirt below her. She could feel another explosion coming on so she moaned to her lover to prepare himself.
Patros was getting there too. He fondled her boobs, let her ass cheeks rub against his waist, and rubbed his chest into her back and he needed to cum inside her. He needed to release himself in her honor.
Stella twisted her feet and squirmed her body and the orgasm inside her boiled. She let out a roar, a sharp and small one. Then another, louder and longer. By the third roar she could feel her cum escaping her, flowing down her tunnels. She bucked her back and roared loudly in the air. She came!
Patros' cock released itself and the demon growled and snarled with overwhelming lust. It fired into his demoness! His smacks into her ass became hard and forceful, with every bash another shot of cum came out.
Jism flowed down Stella's thighs and splashed against Patros' waist. They wriggled into each other until all of their fluids had been squeezed out and then Patros fell on Stella's back.
Patros pulled out and let his dick hang to the ground, it picking up dirt when he fell on his ass, but he stayed around because he knew his queen would want more soon.
They took a breath, wandered around a bit, but then came back to each other to continue the activity.
Stella directed Patros to the ground again and rode him like the first time, rock up and down his crotch. Sticking his bottom in the dirt and dusting it with dispassionate earth. Neither cared either way. They were mindless beasts enjoying the mating process.
Next position was against a tree. Stella smacked her boobs on a trunk and let Patros come up behind her. His head pushed into the back of her as he drilled her from behind. They exchanged angry but restrained growls at each other.
The two beasts turned that spot in the forest into a mating field and after they had a few more cums- growling and roaring with passionate fury- they took a rest.
As they rested, the magic of the plant broke and escaped their bodies. Their bodies reverted, shrinking and reshaping. Both of their faces returned to the myumanoid shape they always had and their muscle tone and height reset. Their limbs were as normal. Stella got her old feet back and both of their claws had regressed to their natural state.
Semi-awake, they were only vaguely aware of the transformation and as their faculties returned to them like coming out of a dream, they arose from the ground and leaned up on their hands. Both of them blinked, Patros scratching his stomach.
They looked at each other. Not a shred of clothing on either. Their mix of tranquility and confusion turned into embarrassment and shock when they noticed that they were both compromised.
"Ahhh!" they said in unison.
Stella scrambled behind a nearby bush not knowing where to flex her elbows and hands to hid her privates and breasts. Patros pivoting away, letting his back and buttocks towards Stella, looking over his shoulder.
"What happened?" asked Patros.
Stella took a hand to her head trying to remember what had happened. It came back to her slowly, "You turned into... something. We turned into something!"
"What?" said Patros, "What do you mean?"
"We transformed into monsters!" said Stella.
Patros saw a few articles of clothing scattered around the dirt paths. He saw his pants and jacket, or the remains of them. He recognized the other clothes for being Stella's.
"I see we undressed ourselves," Patros saw his shirt in tears, "Not elegantly, mind."
"That plant we found is dangerous!" said Stella, "We have to warn everyone about it!"
"Right," said Patros, "but first we must salvage our clothes. Don't look." Patros got up, keeping his front away from Stella so that she couldn't see his dick, "I'm going to see if any of this is usable."
He walked up to his pants, and noticed they were unusable.
"My pants are out of commission," said Patros, "They've been... ruined."
"Can you use your jacket as a loincloth?" asked Stella.
Patros looked at the shreds of his topwear. They were both split in half but maybe if he tied one around his waste the right way he'd be able to hide his junk. He picked up a sleeve and tied it around the back of his body. The fabric from the coat barely covered his groin but it would do.
"This is hardly decent," he said.
"How are my clothes? Are they intact?" asked Stella.
Patros walked over to Stella's clothing. It was the same story. Torn to shreds.
"No," said Patros, "They're in tatters and it seems like the monster version of ourselves don't know how to go to the toilet correctly."
Stella chuckled, "Yeah..." realizing she was off the hook for soiling herself in terror when Patros roared at her.
"We don't have time to waste cleaning ourselves here," said Patros, brushing off some dust from his torso, "We need to get the news to the elder, fast!"
"Let's drop by my house," said Stella, "I'm sure I could get you some new pants."
Stella tried to make a makeshift bra and loincloth for her decency, but her topwear was worse off than Patros'. They found theirs tools although Stella was not able to find the basket. Patros took the lead to her house, with Stella following a few paces behind him, shyly covering her crotch with her hands while clutching the trimmers and holding her arms together to cover her boobs.
Stella's house was on the outside of town by the fields, the same fields that the forest was along. They could travel down the paths along the edge of the village and creep up behind Stella's house while staying out of sight.
Staying on the dirt path made walking barefoot somewhat comfortable, at least. It was a small comfort for Stella's travel back to her house. She looked around the forest. After being attacked, she couldn't help but feel worried about being attacked by beasts. The threat of a villager seeing like that was also worrying.
Patros' loincloth fell off. Patros grumbled and picked it up, flashing Stella his long penis for a second, and trying to fit it on his waist again. He walked while trying to rebind it before getting too frustrated and giving up. He tossed the cloth on the ground.
Walking through the forest in the buff. Neither of them had expected it, but it was relaxing. The sun shining down on Patros' member- it was peaceful! Stella quit trying to hide her body from no one and let her arms hang at her sides.
After about twenty minutes of walking, Stella's house was in sight. They scanned the neighbors to see if any were out walking around their houses but it looked clear. Patros crouched down beside the fenced-in garden with the sunflowers and walked up the path to Stella's back door. Stella got low and followed behind him.
Patros walked up to the wooden door and opened it. Wanting anything to be out of the eyesight of any possible peeping neighbors, Stella zipped up behind Patros. Diving into her own door, she nearly bumped into her friend.
"Hey!" said Patros, grabbing his crotch, "Give me some privacy."
The back door lead right into the kitchen. With no lights on, the only illumination came from the windows. There was some bread on the center counter and a faint smell of soup from last night.
The two turned away from each other, to give the other some decency.
"There are some clothes upstairs," said Stella, walking around the counter, definitely not past Patros. Patros turned away from her as she walked around the room. Stella said, "Follow me."
"I got to clean myself up first," said Patros, looking at his dusty bum behind him, "Got a wet rag I can wipe myself down with?"
"There's one in the bathroom," said Stella. She patted her own bum, "I'm covered in dirt, too." She pointed at a slightly open door to the side of the room, "There it is. I'll bring you down a pair of pants." She glanced down at his hooves, careful not to eye his long member, "They might not be fit for someone with your kind of legs you they will do."
Stella walked to the stairs and went up to the second floor while Patros slipped into the washroom. He saw a cloth on an endtable in the corner of the small bathroom so he brought it to the sink and got some lukewarm water on it. Stella came back down with a bundle of clothes and left a pair of burgundy pants outside the bathroom door. She went to a nearby cupboard to get her own cloth for wiping herself down and after Patros was done, it was her turn to clean up while Patros slipped on the pants. Patros borrowed a light rope from the living room to fasten the slacks and curled up the bottoms and they were comfortable enough. Stella came out wearing a whole new set of duds, and the two were off.
"You go tell the elder immediately and get the word out," said Patros. He looked down at his body, "I'll head back home and get myself properly dressed."
They left Stella's house and marched through the streets of Drecker, Patros getting some eyes for walking around topless. Maybe some men had that habit but Patros wasn't the type to be underdressed and villagers took notice. The satyr didn't have time to stop and explain.
Patros and Stella parted their ways at the elder's house. Patros continued home while Stella walked inside. It was the kind of place that one could have walked in without appointment. It had been awhile since Stella had done anything inside the house.
The front lobby was a small room with wooden paneled walls and a small chair. There was a murmur. She looked into the nearby office and saw a few men standing around, not looking especially busy. One of them was the elder who immediately asked the reason for her presence.
She explained what her and Patros found in the forest. She didn't have the best directions for the elder but told him what happened to them when they inhaled the pollen. The elder didn't seem to believe her, but set out to warn the town about the dangerous plant, calling his secretary to send out a local radio message and to ask clergy members to set up bulletins. When he mentioned burning the whole plant down, Stella shot him down and said that was usually a bad idea until they did tests on it. Being an herbalist, the elder took her advice seriously and mentioned a quarantine.
It was up to Stella to find a solution. She left the elder's place and made her way to the outer edge of Drecker to Patros' house. It was a single floor house but had lots of area.
Stella walked in without knocking.
The main room of Patros' house was as long as the house itself. It had a big table in the center and some seats on the other end of the room. Bookshelves adorned many walls, taking up a lot of the house's area, and every shelf was jam packed with books- mostly research and lore of the land.
She could hear him up to some commotion in one of his back rooms. The other side of the entrance had a series of doors going down the walls, and every "cell" had some kind of utility if not more room for more bookshelves.
"Patros?" called Stella.
"Yes?" Patros walked out of one of the doors, dressed in new threads, fancy like Patros wanted.
"I told the elder," said Stella, "He's going to send word out about the plant." She blew into her hair, "Hope no one gets the idea to fuck around around with it."
"Did they say how they are going to deal with it?" said Patros.
"They're going to wall it off and make sure everyone's informed on it," said Stella. "I want to get a sample of it before then."
"Did you check your books for it?" asked Patros.
"Not yet," said Stella, "I know all about magic plants so if I don't recognize it then it's something new. I might have to bring my sample to the magic academy in Renoylph, but I'll check my books before I head off."
"Renoylph?" said Patros, "That's quite a trek."
"Yes," said Stella, "but it might be necessary." Stella grinned and clapped her hands together, "So... how are we going to transport this dangerous specimen?"
The flower that Stella picked earlier seemed benign when it was in a basket so another basket could function as a proper transporting container. The trek would be long and keeping the specimen fresh would be a challenge so Stella asked Patros if he had any sealing gelatin. It was the most common way to seal decayable items for transport. Patros had a lot of the stuff although he was not keen on parting with it without payment but understood the importance of getting information on the flower to official channels.
That was all for later. Stella had to go get a flower from the plant. She went back to her house to pick up the trimmers, gloves, a breathing mask, and a heavier duty basket. The basket wasn't thatched like the other one: it was made of a strong but light wood with felt surfaces inside. It was supposed to be water sealed but Stella hadn't tested that.
That's when she remembered her other basket. It was still back at the site where she and Patros transformed! She'd have to get it before someone touched it.
She took off to the forest again, at a brisk pace. This time she took a path through town. Notice of the strange plant was talk among the streets, but even if Stella had experience first hand on what it could do, she didn't have the time to stop and chat.
She took the path into the forest, worried she might find another demon. Gathering her thoughts wasn't going to slow her down so the quick walk to the forest turned into a moment of mulling over what had happened to her.
What a day it had been! An afternoon of herb collecting, which was on hold for the time being, had turned into a frightening event: a friend transformed, a fight for her life, and her being transformed herself, only to end up with embarrassing consequences and walking home in the nude!
"This hasn't been my week," said Stella, "Maybe I can bring this flower to the academy and be lauded for discovering a new specimen."
She returned to where the hunting cabin was. The building was still standing although its doors, windows and the frames that held them would have to be replaced. Twisted grains of wood hung off of planks like jagged rocks.
It was on to the basket... until she noticed that the clothes that she and Patros had torn off their bodies were still out in the open. To prevent an embarrassing realization about she and Patros from any passerbyers, she took the torn articles and through them into a nearby pond before taking a large branch and digging the clothes into the mud. They were unidentifiable as clothes and would likely be absorbed by the mud forever, so her work was done.
She went to the cabin and put a mask on. Yep, there it was, the basket was on the floor with the flower nearby. The flower still looked fresh but was a little wrinkled and Stella would have preferred a specimen as fresh as possible, so that one would not do. Holding it out away from her body as far as possible, she put the flower back in to the wicker basket closed it tight. Then, she made way to the main plant itself.
There were some guys around the golden plant. Some planks of wood were set on the ground around the perimeter, probably to mark where the fence was going to be built. There were some hammers, nails and extra wooden planks laying nearby, all away from the glowing plant.
An orc guy wearing work clothes stood on the outside of the fence, staring at the plant. He turned around and grinned at Stella.
"You here to collect the flower?" asked the orc.
Orcs were known for their bulkiness, their larger height than most myumanoids, their green skin and their impish faces with prominent underfangs. Stella had seen that orc man around town although she didn't know his name.
"Yeah," said Stella.
"I was told it was dangerous," said the orc, "What's it do?"
Stella rubbed her head, "That's a long story."
The orc chuckled, "It's funny. I heard two bears or something in this direction earlier. Must be a late spring for them because they were getting it on!!"
Stella was disgusted by the orc's upfrontedness but turned to shock when she realized the bears the orc was talking about weren't bears: they were Stella and Patros in demon mode! Did they have sex while transformed? She couldn't remember anything about being a demon, but they woke up near each other naked, so it was a possibility. No, that was exactly what had happened, and Stella knew it!
She stuffed that anxiety away and focused on her task. She approached the plant with trimmers in hand and mask on face again. The fence builders watched her, the orc guy jeering at her. She took the old flower out of the basket and stuffed it in a hole by a tree around where the full plant was. Better the stray flower be somewhere where it's kept in check. She took the trimmers to one of the flowers on the plant and clipped it off. A nice clean head. She opened her fancy basket and placed it in, closing it and locking it tight. There was a quiet cheer from the crowd.
Stella stepped over the wooden planks.
"Is that all?" the orc asked.
"That's all I need, I guess," said Stella.
She waved the workers goodbye and left the site. The situation had been resolved.
But then she thought about what she and Patros did while they were in demon mode. Did they really have sex? A myuman and a satyr, it was not proper! Even if they had no control over it, she felt shame.
But they were transformed so in a way they were the same specie. That realization made Stella's disgust at her relationship with her satyr friend turn into disgust at her own demon side. The transformation didn't just make her dangerous; it made her disgusting.
Stella cut through Drecker and made her way back to Patros' house. He had a large scoop of gelatin out on the table, ready for Stella's flower. Stella could hear a pot of boiling water from the kitchen.
Patros came out, wearing a mask, "Did you get it?"
"Yeah," said Stella, putting a mask back on.
"Did you... clean up everything else?" asked Patros.
"Yeah," she said again.
She brought the baskets to the table. She'd have to wash the wicker basket before using it again. Or she could burn it. Or bury it. She wasn't sure what disposal method was safest but nothing was too extreme.
Patros brought the boiling pot and a large wooden spoon out to the table. The method of sealing with the gelatin was to put the gelatin in while the water still boiled and stir it quickly. After putting the white shimmering powder into the pot, Patros used his satyr strength to stir it up and dilute it quickly. Then, they had to wait.
Stella slumped on a chair against the wall.
Patros sat down beside the table, keeping a close eye on the pot.
Stella shifted in her seat uncomfortably, "Patros..."
"Do you remember anything about being transformed?" asked Stella.
"No." he said, "Uhhh... no. I don't think so. How about you?"
"No." said Stella.
But as she said that, she had faint memories of being the large beast. She could retrace a few of the demon's steps and there was an echo of its emotion in her- the satisfaction she felt when she had sex.
There was less steam coming off the pot so it was time to pour. Stella unclicked her basket's lid and opened it up, the flower's glow escaping it. Patros held the pot up and by rocking the water around, he could see that the solution was thickening. Carefully, he poured the solution into the basket. The basket wet to the liquid but it slowly filled up.
Stella saw some of the liquid escaping through the creases on the basket. She groaned, "Ah fuck. It's leaking."
"Is that a problem?" said Patros.
"As it hardens," said Stella, "it should seal so maybe not."
The flower was consumed by the flood of the gelatin solution. The liquid looked clearer than the water it came from. The flower was covered by the solution and once the solution reached the top, it solidified and gave off a foggy color. No liquid escaped it.
The sealing fluid that escaped through the sides hardened and covered the shell of the basket. Stella resisted the urge to scratch at the excess material until she was sure that the whole thing had hardened all the way through.
They removed their masks and cleaned up. Their job was done.
The humiliation of having sex while demons was too much for Stella and she didn't want to pass on that unfortunate news to Patros, so- to Patros' confusion- she gave him instructions on how to find the herbs he wanted earlier, and then left quickly.
Stella walked home, unable to pay attention to how the locals were reacting to the news. She had a task ahead of her, anyway. The flower sample, in the bucket to her side, was secure. The trouble would be carrying it to Renoylph.
For that late afternoon, Stella went home to make plans. It would have been best that she left to Renoylph before nightfall.