Hangover: Cowbell Cure

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A beautiful woman is afflicted with an addiction to transformation, constantly changing her form at the detriment of her health. The cure? More cowbell. RHE has one last good transformation for her, but this one is through the use of science, not magic- so this one is permanent. Welcome to RHEI, TS10; Audumbla.

(F TF Cow Amalgam)

Astrid fell asleep on the helicopter ride to the island of RHEI, so when she was woken as they landed she was a bit confused; forgetting where she was for a moment. Astrid is a beautiful woman, which makes it all the more disappointing she is rarely in the same shape twice. Though loathe to admitting it- she is a transformation addict. That is how she ultimately ended up coming here to RHEI. A company called RHE is looking to transform people permanently as part of experimentation on improving the human body- so naturally it attracted Astrid. At first because it is yet another new transformation, but... because it is for the sake of science and it completely controlled by someone other than her- it may very well be her cure.

Sky blue eyes, natural blond hair to her upper back, C cup breasts, and very pale rosen hue flesh. What she would look like when RHE was done its test on her was unknown to her still. They distill traits from other animals using alchemy and then mix and match to create new body types and blend that into a human base to enhance various features. On paper Astrid was quick to sign on board- she is overly familiar with transformation so changes to her body were not that big of a deal. Then agents appeared at her place to get her to look over and sign a mountain of paperwork and then she gets flown to a secret island in the middle of the ocean. Once she woke up and seen the island her nerves started to settle a bit again. RHEI is a beautiful paradise island- its edges encapsulated by mountains and a huge valley in the middle is filled with forests, fields and a village of other people who became test subjects to RHE- so everyone down in the village would be transformed in some way. Her first stop is at the main complex on the north end though- which was more like what she had expected, a huge modern building filled with lab equipment and offices and such.

Astrid was taken to the medical wing by two people- an older man and a surprisingly young, pretty woman. George is supposed to be Astrid's handler from here out- he will administer the tincture that will transform her, but while he gets the mixture out of cold storage, the woman talks to Astrid. Dr. Olivia Wingael is younger than Astrid is, yet she is the one who assembled the particular tincture Astrid will be taking.

She looked over notes on her onyx slate with her seafoam blue eyes. "Okay, so... you said you are experienced in transformation sooo RHE decided to use something I have been working on- we call it the Audumbla tincture."

Astrid smiled timidly recognizing the name from her native Norse mythos. "Named after the primordial cow."

"Yup. As you can probably imagine- it is strongly bovine based. This form will lean a bit more cow than most though, which is why we needed a test subject who isn't afraid of some big changes. Your home in the valley is already prepared for you, but it may seem a bit odd when you first look around- it is made to what we estimate your final form to look like, rather than your current state."

"Right." Astrid took a full second to reply.

"You seem distant. Are you going to be okay doing this right now?"

"N-yea, I am fine. Just a lot to think about."

"Concerns about your addiction?"

Astrid blushed immediately. "H-how did you know about that?"

George chuckled from the other side of the room. "If you actually read the contracts you were signing yourself away on- one of them was consent for RHE to look up your medical history. We need to know your height, weight, blood type, if your family has any history of illness- so naturally your transformation addiction came up." George put a hand on his back getting up from one of the lower cold storage shelves. "Ugh, why do they have to put these shelves so low..?"

Olivia nodded. "You were never psychologically assessed- your family doctor however did treat you for minor mana poisoning." Olivia leaned closer, looking carefully into Astrid's eyes. "No sign of discoloration in the iris- your poisoning must have been minor because there is no trace of it now; your body fully recovered. You will be happy to know our tincture based transformation uses extremely low amounts of mana."

Astrid nodded. "I think being here, under RHE's control will help me... break the habit."

Olivia nodded. "Hopefully. It is good you at least recognize the problem- and early on too. Your psyche and mana balances are undamaged, so you've caught yourself before it became a problem... physically anyway. We have some therapists in RHE if you need as well- but that will be for after you transform. Right now just concern yourself with getting comfortable in your new home-"

George walked up with the ready tincture vial. "-and getting through your transformation as easily as possible. Those are my lines, Olivia."


He smiled at Astrid, inserting the needle in her upper arm. "She is just excited to have one of her own custom tinctures be up for testing. From now on- you are RHE's 10th test subject."

George lead Astrid down into the valley- he certainly took his time, but she did not want to say anything because it was clearly his advanced age that was causing him to move so slowly. The main complex was connected to the valley where the homes were by a giant steep slope. The main complex itself sat on a plateau. Her vision became blurry here and there- each time in a short pulse mirroring a beat of her heart. Astrid knew enough about transformation to know that was likely because of her stress levels- she is a bit uptight thinking about her addiction and also nervous about being in a completely new location. She knows nothing about this island yet, but this is her home from now on regardless. George was oblivious and continued to point out locations and name the test subjects in each house. Astrid is TS10, but there is only 5 other test subjects in the valley at the moment. Three live elsewhere and one is no longer even on the island.

On the outside, Astrid's house looked the same as anyone else's; except twice the size. The front door was giant, but the doorknob was instead a handle, and at the same elevation and position it would be on a regular sized door. George was going to slowly give her a tour of the full house, but Astrid was quick to cut him off here- she could feel the transformation coming on quickly already and would rather be alone for that. He simply informed her that there is an onyx slate on the bedside table in the bedroom she can use to contact him, since he is her handler now, and left her with that.

Astrid would have to look around more later- her legs were tingling a bit like they were going to sleep- internal pressure was increasing to foreshadow growth, but it was squeezing the nerves in her legs and causing poor circulation. She needed to get to her bed to get off her feet. The bed was very squat with very thick legs- to hold someone of immense weight and size. It looked like two queen sized beds pushed together... just how big is she going to get? A normal test subject probably would have prodded the researchers for more information on their form, but Astrid wanted the thrill of surprise. Her pant legs were starting to fill rapidly as her thighs increased in size- almost entirely due to muscle. It made sense- if you increased the bone mass before the muscle, she would collapse from not being able to lift her own legs. What Astrid watched carefully is the shape. If her thighs start to stretch wider front-to-back, and take a triangular shape, that will mean she is getting regressed to a quadruped.

The growth felt like the muscle clenching on its own, but just when it starts to relax again a moment later it clenches again. Because it flexes again before fully releasing from the first- they overlap, and every flex causes them to swell a bit larger. They did start to get a bit more flat shaped than a normal human, but not at a rate that made it seem like she was getting full cow legs- so she doesn't have to worry about not being able to walk upright. She was immediately distracted by a wave of warmth around her crotch so sudden it almost felt like she had pissed herself without realizing. Astrid pulled her shirt up and pulled the waist of her pants down to reveal her skin color deepening to candy pink.

She grinned wide. "An udder- fuck yessss. The best part of going cow~! Ooh I hope they did induced lactation too!" She seen fat veins bulging up from the shallow but broad pink bubble that is her proto-udder, and the veins dragged the pink coloration further up, heading to her chest but sinking too deep into her torso to follow all the way up. "Milk veins- a direct feed straight to my heart. Wait... that also means my heart itself is going to change. Hmm." She felt her pants dig into herself and quickly made a move to take them off but stopped when she realized she already could not wedge her fingers under the fabric. "Oops- guess I am exploding out of these. They aren't going to fit after this anyway, so I guess it makes no difference. Poor little human pants- you can't contain meee~"

Astrid cooed as she felt a tug on her pussy because of the udder's growth pulling the skin taught so close to her privates. She flopped back on the bed while leaving her legs hanging off the end, which gave her pants a bit more room to survive a few more seconds. She felt an odd sensation of concentrated growth in four quarters of the udder, but rather than spreading the skin out it was welling up, making the skin there thicker than anywhere else- she knew right away that was the formation of teats. Her hands quickly found them and her fingers pressed in and rolled over them in a circular motion to encourage their growth. Astrid was not even watching the changes at this point though- her eyes just rolled back and she closed them entirely to just enjoy the sensations. She had transformed herself into enough different forms by now that she could tell what was happening without even looking. The touch caused the thickened flesh to fill and project out, stretching the forming folds as they ballooned into little nipples and then fat teats. Her udder inflated out from the rest of her torso several inches before the cleft even became visible so it stopped looking like a cartoon equivalent of an udder. The cleft is two walls of muscle that help keep its structure and hold it as steady as possible, while dividing the four segments. The vertical wall is the stronger of the two so that cleft is often deeper- the front two segments are also more likely to be smaller than the back two, if they are not equal. Astrid could not help but tug the udder up- which also pulled on her vulva below. Unlike a proper cow; her torso is not broad enough to space the two organ sets apart, so the udder and pussy are so close together you can't even really tell the difference- her labia blush the same pink as the udder flesh is by default.

Astrid gasps as the seams on her pants burst and her thickening thighs start to balloon out the gaps- though her skin is becoming a bit more solid as well. Not just the muscle in her legs now but her actual skin is thickening as well- cow hide. This causes the structure of the muscle to be obscured again, so her legs do not outwardly appear muscular, even though they definitely are. Her butt is growing too but not nearly as fast- which is good because it would cause her pants to dig into her skin painfully if it was. The teats on her udder grew large enough that she was now using them as handles to slosh her udder around by. Because she is laying down, her udder does not billow as far forward with growth because its weight is sitting back onto itself, so it rounds out and becomes increasingly jiggly instead. The seams on her pants pop again and spread even wider, exposing more flesh and still more flesh. Her pants start to wiggle down a bit as well- her butt has grown enough to start pushing it down in the back due to the curvature of her glutes, and her udder is fat enough now in the front that it is shoving her pants down there as well to make room to plump up even more.

Her toes curl suddenly and Astrid softly kicks her legs as the bones in her feet make rapid-fire clicks and quiet cracks as they change shape! Her central toe regresses as the others rapidly devour its biomass! Her biggest and smallest toes remain relatively the same size but the nail on their end enlarges and thickens quickly, turning to a rounded pyramid shaped block of charcoal colored keratin- tiny hoof segments. The other two toes grow tremendously, but mostly in girth causing the joints to be obscured and become less mobile- the nails on their ends also turn to hoof segments but of much greater size. The first knuckle joint of the toes becomes gigantic, and the foot behind it fuse together as they grow, eventually regressing entirely into a single bone only- the cannon bone of an ungulate. This made it tremendously long and thick, making a third segment for the leg in place of what was formerly the sole of her foot. It also means she is at the very least a full foot taller than before. She now has the cloven hoof of a cow- two dew claws and two primary hoof segments; an even-toed ungulate. Her socks barely cover over the knuckle joint now, but she also doesn't need footwear anymore anyway- her hooves act as permanent shoes. The waist of her pants start to dig in deeper, but because the entire upper leg is torn open on either side, the pant's don't have any structural integrity left and the waist quickly snaps and bursts the entire top of her pants apart, causing her meaty thighs to wobble out entirely! Astrid rolls onto her side as she feels the growth in her butt surge, filling her glutes out. Her hips build a pressure of their own and twice over her pelvis lets out a loud, hollow pop and expands! It grows much wider than it does overall, changing its shape a bit but not into a bovine one really, just an oddly proportioned human pelvis still.

Astrid sits up and her udder flops into her lap, and she only needs to move her legs a bit to let it slide between. Her hips are now wide enough that her udder has room to slosh down between her legs. She shoves both her palms into the top of her udder, shoving it down harder as she moans loudly from the feeling. Her udder swells larger, but also her vulva grows in size and the pubic mound rounds out plumper- taking advantage of the additional space. The shape remains that of a human though- not bovine. As she leans forward now; her tail bone starts to push out into a tail, starting to grow hairs out of the tip even as the body of the tail is still growing. Astrid cries out startled as her legs suddenly shift proportion! Her shins become shorter and then the entire leg from start to finish shrink in length and grow in girth, making her bones considerably larger, but then the overall leg grows, restoring the length while keeping the added girth. More cow proportioned than she was expecting- though the thigh structure and pelvic socket still allow for bipedal motion. Her butt cheeks- while considerably bigger now- are also still very round, which is decidedly human; bovine have boxy rumps. Her tail lashed around erratically, moving in response to the feeling of growth inside rather than any conscious input. The hair on the end was already growing longer than on any normal cow- it is trying to match the pale blond hair on her head in length. Her udder became rounder and rounder, starting to look like a huge pink pumpkin! Each teat on the end thicker and a bit longer than her thumbs- even the fat veins trailing into it from around its base were as thick as her fingers! It slowed to a stop at blue-ribbon Holstein size. Very, very large, but not completely outside of bovine standards. In her currently position sitting up on the end of the bed, it felt like the udder was trying to yank her off the end from its weight. She isn't even lactating yet- imagine how heavy it could get if it were actually full of something.

Astrid watched as her tail finished growing in, and once it stopped her changes seemed to die down. Surely this isn't the entire transformation though? Given that it is changing her actual biology, the pause may be because her body ran out of spare material to help build the changes from- she needs to eat. Or sleep. It could be a few things, really. She wanted to take care of something else first- her pussy was drooling now and it just so happens that among the things she packed to bring with her into her new life; her favorite 'toy' is among them.

Astrid opened her suitcase and immediately popped out an almost comically large dildo. Not the longest dildo on the market- it is cone shaped and the base is so wide it almost resembles an odd looking traffic cone. Colored like cotton candy; blue and pink swirled silicon rubber. The body of it is soft but is covered in stiff round bumps placed randomly all around it- textured for pleasure! Usually she was doing the splits by the time she was even halfway down, but thanks to her hip expansion her vaginal passage was now a lot larger too... she might actually finally conquer the beast.

Her tail raised in a loose loop as she lowered herself on the tip. Astrid was squirmed up further onto the bed now and still on her back, but arched her hips up off the bed. This wasn't a dildo you just immediately sat down on. The dildo itself is sideways laying down with her, but as she slid the tip in she angled her hips up so the base of the dildo pressed into the soft bed, making sure that if she moved down- the dildo will catch on the bed, not moving with her. She held her udder up using her forearm and wrist- holding herself steady with the other elbow on the bed, and gently rubbing over her clit with her fingers as she eased the dildo into her. Then her hand sped up its circular motions and teased closer to the actual clitoral hood and her stiff pleasure button, while she gently scooched down the bed easing more of the phallic monster into her. Her pussy was already riled up before she even started, so it drooled natural lube over the dildo in abundance, so she was able to work up quickly. Her tail swished from side to side very slowly, but twitched with every jolt of pleasure. Astrid surprised herself when she felt the base wedge up between her big butt cheeks! Wow, she actually took it. Does RHE let her order stuff from the outside world? She might want to invest in another 'mountain' to climb. Since her pussy is used to trying to bite off more than it can chew, she now sat up onto the dildo to wedge even more into her- shoving her body weight down onto it to drive it in harder.

Now that Astrid did not need her other arm to steady herself, she used one to paw at her pussy and mash her clit down toward the shaft stretching her vaginal walls forward, and she used her other hand to dig her fingers into the soft udder flesh and knead it like baker's dough! The fat flesh billowed up between her fingers, but was too rubbery to allow her digits to sink completely out of view into it. All the flesh around her hand billowed up around her aggressive grip, pulling taught and smooth. Astrid rocked her hips back and forth, feeling the edge of a mountainous orgasm approaching. She dipped forward, placing both hands on her udder now and mashing it into the bed to balance herself on, as she folded a leg under herself; wedging an ankle under the base of the dildo, so when she rocked back into place there was now her ankle under her, shoving the dildo up while her entire body weight shoved down, cramming it into her as deep as it could possibly ever go! Her tail curled around her hip, loosely hugging her. She shoved down on the body of her udder hard, which caused the underside to grind down against the front of her pussy and Astrid cried out at such a high pitch it was more of a squeak as she climaxed and squirt, trembling around her favorite toy.

She actually passed out entirely- because the sun was just starting to set by the time Astrid opened her eyes again. She got up and cleaned up her little mess, stashing her toy under the bed for its next adventure. She finally clicked the lights on and started to look around her house. Because her hips are wider now, she has quite a bit more swagger to her walk- and her tail follows the sway even further out making it seem even more exaggerated. Her walk was unintentionally sexy. The house is simple; only one floor, but modern and quite spacious since it is twice the size of the other homes- the roof is abnormally high for a home. The bedroom is across from a bathroom, and there is a large walk-in closet at the end of the hall. On the opposite end is the foyer which is a narrow strip between kitchen and living room- there is no wall separating any of them, so it is all just one huge space; the only real division marked by the floor. The foyer had wood floor, the living room carpet, and the kitchen was tile. The far side of the living room had a PC and desk, most of the front wall was a giant window with curtains drawn over it, and a television set up in front of the last third of the window across from a low glass-top table and couch. A nice touch is that the lights in the house had manual controls as well as audio- you can just tell the lights to turn off. The stove, PC, and television also have voice controls. This is most likely because test subjects could potentially have their hands regress to paws or hooves- which would prevent them from manually using these things. All houses had a standard look and default furnishings, so they all had to be made with that in mind.

Astrid poked around the kitchen and decided to whip herself up a nice big dinner- she decided to go meat-heavy for dinner, because she is being hybridized with bovine... which could potentially prevent her from being able to digest meat normally, so she wanted to load up on it while she still can. Astrid was feeling a bit woozy and had to steady herself on something several times. Between her nervousness of being here and the strain of the changes on her body she was having a bit of a tough time with this transformation. Usually it is entirely magic based, so the resources taken from her actual body is zero, but that isn't the case with this one. Astrid ate twice as much as normal, but only felt mildly full. She considered walking around a bit outside to explore a little, but since the sun was starting to go down that would probably be a bad idea- she could easily get lost since she doesn't know where anything is even when there is light. She decided to watch television, but ended up falling in and out of sleep and not paying any real attention to what she was watching, it was just a comforting sound in the background. The couch was also almost more bed-like than a couch, which did not help her stay awake. The body and back was unusually tall, while the arms were normal height off the body of the couch. The cushions were twice as wide, so she could sit far enough back that her udder was up on the couch with her, and she could rest a bowl of snacks on it if she wanted.

Astrid had no idea what time it was when she woke up next and wandered toward her bedroom, deciding to just fully go to sleep again at this point. Her heart seemed to be pumping unusually hard- her heart rate was normal but she could hear its beats loudly in her ears and almost felt like it was softly drumming against the inside of her ribs. She put a hand on her chest and paused by the bedroom door, closing it so she could look at herself in the full-body mirror on the back of it. Her heart hammed even harder now. She shivered from the weird sensation- it was beating so hard she could almost feel the blood rippling out from it through her body. She moaned and leaned forward, pushing her forehead against her reflection in the mirror as the veins in her neck bulged and her vision seemed to turn partially blue from blood pressure behind her eyes! The cartilage in her nose let out a loud *thunk* and the bridge of her nose started to get wider, and also flatten with her forehead! She felt pressure in the base of her neck but then it spread through her entire spine below that as well! At seemingly random places down her spinal column; vertebrae popped apart, bleeding calcium jelly from the bone above and below the gap, condensing into new segments! Her spine is growing longer! But, so is her neck, from the base up! She felt suddenly winded and took a deep breath, but then another without exhaling! Her lungs quickly expanded, shoving up against her ribs- her heart swelling bigger too! Several more sets of ribs started to branch out from her spine, extending the length of her rib cage, keeping the ratio between ribs and midriff the same in spite of the added torso length. Her breath started to fog the glass on her mirror as her breaths became larger with her expanded lung size and growing nostrils! Her jaw started to push out, putting it flat with the end of her expanding nose! Her upper teeth started to regress however, being absorbed into and becoming one and the same with the upper jaw! Just how cow-like is she becoming?! Bovine don't have teeth at the top front, only the bottom front.

Astrid moaned long and hard, and unintentionally sounded almost identical to the lowing of a cow. They weren't going to turn her feral... were they? Although it is a TEST, so even RHE isn't entirely sure where she is going to end up. She startled herself when the mirror suddenly cracked at the top half and she pulled her head away, realizing she was growing horns! Her breasts felt tight and her ribs cracked in rapid-fire, expanding her upper torso to match the growth that had happened in the bottom earlier, but this was also stretching her breasts out. The fat seemed to be re-absorbed into her body, causing her breasts to regress, and even the coloration started to fade out on her nipples and areola! Her udder made a quiet gurgling sound and firmed up for a moment, swelling a bit bigger- rather than get rid of the mammary mass, it was re-allocated to her udder. A bovine's chest is even longer than it is wide, but while her ribs were expanding they are not changing their shape. Her neck felt hot, and the fat, expanded veins vanished under her skin again as it started to thicken. Her skin seemed to be expanding faster than the contents of her neck! Wrinkles formed where it started to bunch up, then plumped, then started to deepen into actual folds!

Astrid lowed again, staggering back to sit on the end of her bed but ended up flopping onto the floor with her back against the bed. Her skull started to grow, and her jaws really started to push out now! With her nose getting wider and face growing out under it- the bridge of her nose lost all definition against the rest of her face and simply became the top of it. The longer her face got, the further up the former bridge of her nose and forehead pointed. Her nostrils flared huge and even her tongue swelled up, filling her mouth completely crammed against her teeth before her jaws stretched long enough to give it space! At the sides of her head, her ears took on a leaf-shape, but also grew tremendously, so her head felt like it was being stretched in every direction at once. The bones in her arms seemed to grow now, but with diminishing effect the further down her arm it went- so most of the expansion was at the top giving their overall shape a vaguely triangular form. Her shoulder blades also started to get longer... that was... odd. That is neither a property of a cow nor a human. Her extending face took up more and more of her vision, till it had expanded so massive that it started to angle her eyes out to either side of her head! That put her vision on either side far enough out that the point where her vision converges at the front is past her long face. Prey species have eyes on the sides of their head, not the front. The changes seemed to stop there for now, leaving Astrid breathing heavily a bit dazed by it all for several moments before she stood again.

Astrid looked at herself in the lower half of the mirror that was still un-cracked. Her head was entirely that of a cow! Except she has no fur, and she still has human eyebrows and hair. The skin on the end of her face turned more vibrant, becoming the candy pink that her udder is, and is textured a bit differently from the rest of her skin- this also continued onto her lips; which means they became lighter in order to reach the same tone. Her ears are leaf shaped but absolutely huge, and droop down when resting- between that and the long dew laps, at least some of her traits had to have come from a Brahman cow. Her neck is at least twice as thick at the base as before and almost three times as long- but the skin on it is absurdly long even taking that into account. She has long dewlaps! The loose skin pools at the base when she is upright, though it hangs at the same length if her neck was horizontal. The neck of her shirt is torn a bit from being much too small, though since her breasts vanished when her ribs expanded- the body of her shirt was tight but still fit. Since her body is longer, the bottom of the shirt did not even go far enough down to entirely cover her ribs, never mind her midriff. Astrid was even more tired now, and crawled her way into bed, gently kneading the soft flesh of her neck as she went to sleep.

Astrid did not remain sleeping through the entire night, and her dreams were abruptly interrupted when she felt herself changing again! Since she was woken up by it, it took her several moments to even realize what was happening. It felt like someone was trying to pull the blankets off her bed, but then she realized the blankets are not moving at all- she is. Her entire body is getting bigger; from head to toe! That is also why it was hard to detect what was changing- everything was changing equally! She could hear the springs in the mattress grinding together from her weight increasing rapidly, luckily the bed was already built to support someone of inhuman size. Even though it was like two huge beds together, it was starting to feel more like a normal sized bed to her. RHE's predictive ability is impressive, given how much of a shot in the dark this test would have been. She is TS10- that means only 9 other people total have ever been tested on, and odds are their transformations were on something else entirely. Her arms seemed to grow a slightly faster than the rest- so they better matched her already expanded torso, and modified legs. Suddenly her hands are large enough that the enchanted onyx slate was no longer the size of a tablet to her, but more like a smartphone in size comparison. Her head would actually be LARGER than any normal cow now- by a little bit. Her udder was already a blue ribbon dairy cow in size compared to her body... now that her entire body is massive, the udder is so large it is the size of an adult human curled into a fetal position and weighs twice that. She could hear the threads in her shirt groan in pain before the rips around the neck exploded across the arms, blowing out the shoulders entirely! She tried to reach down and pull the rest off, but in trying to move her arms the muscles of her upper back bulged and created another rip that exploded the body of the shirt vertically, completely rending it off of her.

Astrid was still tired, and still lying in bed, so as soon as the growth stopped forcing her to be awake, she once again returned to sleep. The udder felt very comfortable when resting- it was like a huge warm pillow between her legs, and she slept on her side, but leaned forward, so her weight was half-rested on her udder, squishing it against the bed, then bunched up the blankets with one arm against her chest to prop her upper half up in that position. It felt weird not having any tits up top now- it would take a while to get used to.

Astrid woke up refreshed the next day, but it still took some effort to get out of bed, and she ended up just lying there for at least an hour because she was comfy, and her body was feeling stiff and awkward. Was this how it is supposed to be, or was there more? It was pretty early morning when she woke up anyway, so even with her delaying an hour it was still early in the day.

Astrid just looked around her room slowly when she got up. "This place loOOoked giant yesterday... everything shrank." She paused at the sound of her voice- deeper but still very much womanly. "Muh-m-my voice is differoOont."

She rolled her shoulder joints several times- something felt off there. Every time she moved her arms, her muscles seemed to squirm for a fraction of a second longer. When she finally got going, her steps were lumbering and heavy. Her torso is much longer, which forces her to have a forward hunch, even with her enlarged vertebrae. Her tail is looking oddly thicker too- like, unnaturally thick, almost like it is swollen. When she was making breakfast, she looked at her reflection in a spoon before eating and gasped as she noticed another change! It must have happened while she was entirely asleep! Her horns are a bit larger- making them quite big for a cow, but also there was a tiny pair of horns BEHIND them! Spaced out by a few inches so the second set of horns is actually growing from her upper neck, not her head. Well that ain't normal.

Her arm muscles felt weird, almost cramped, but stretching them didn't seem to help. Almost immediately as soon as she finished her breakfast, she quickly shoved her chair back from the table and hunched over groaning. She heard a sound like bending wood from her bones and her arms started to stretch longer width-wise! Large bulges appeared on the underside of her wrist! Her tail started to feel an odd pressure and became tingly as well, causing her to lean even further forward in the chair and raise the tail up- it was getting thicker too! But the mass wasn't increasing in her tail- so by pulling further out horizontally it was creating a divot in the middle, causing the tissue to sink in deeper and deeper! Her arms jarred abruptly on their own and there was a loud pop! She realized a second bone had spawned and fully divided from her upper arm! Then her elbow! Then her forearm! The bulge on her wrist grew longer and longer, started to bend a bit at the end but was mostly immobile. When what looked like a charcoal toned nail started to stiffen and divide on its end, she realized what was happening. Starting from the top and going down, a divot formed and deepened to go straight through her malformed arm entirely, with a sound like someone peeling tape off of a solid surface slowly! Her arms and BRANCHING- she is growing a second pair of limbs! That is why her shoulder blades grew longer the other day- they are dividing too! What emerged from her human arms were however entirely bovine! She has the forelegs of a cow, minus the fur!

Astrid's horns started to grow again, creating an itchy feeling at their base where they rapidly expanded out from her skull. Now looking more appropriate for a bull than a cow- but the horns behind them also grew to compete! With a sharp but brief pain, another set of horns emerged another few inches behind those, at the middle of the back of her neck! Then a fourth pair behind those at the very base of her neck! Astrid grew four sets of horns! Shaped like a stretched out S; the two top sets were of equal size and quite large, but the third set was only half as big, and the fourth set was nothing more than a pair of rounded bone spikes. She would be unable to sleep on her back now without impaling her bed. Astrid's hips jarred forward from the feeling so close to her tender bits as the base of her tail also split, trailing down its length till it popped entirely into two identical cow tails! The bald side of either tail rapidly started to grow in hair to complete either tassel, but Astrid noted the hair that grew in now is dark brown, not blond.

George arrived at noon to check up on her and was astounded by her colossal figure. He examined her all over while making many notes to send to RHE immediately. Astrid's neck was predicted to get bigger, and her face to get some bovine traits, but they did not think it would go FULL bovine like it did- and the extra horns and double tail were a complete surprise. George pointed out to her though; the double arms were intentional. When walking upright she has a hunch, but she has four bovine legs- she can walk on four legs now as well as two. That is where all the doubled features emerged from- Olivia actually used samples from multiple bovine to make the single tincture. In order to walk on all fours, she needs hooves, but replacing her hands with hooves means she can no longer do regular human stuff. So to have it both ways- she now has four front limbs, but to do THAT- the feature needed to be repeated... which had the side effect of also doubling her tail, and quadrupling her horns. In spite of the unintentional mutations, her body still works fine. George confirmed that this would be her final form- she shouldn't change any more than this. At least, in shape. Astrid did note the two-tone color of her tail tassels. Her hair color is going to change- but it will change as it grows out, so the transition will be gradual, spreading up from the roots till the blond eventually bleeds away entirely. Her new hair color is dark brown.

It was not till that evening that Astrid finally decided to go out and look around the island a bit. She wanted to try walking on all fours, but it was sort of awkward to do in her house. Finding what to do with all her limbs was a bit awkward too. When standing up, her bovine legs sort of just hug her chest- because they can't comfortably hang perfectly straight down, but she also has no use for them when standing upright. When on all fours she loosely grips her bovine forelimbs with her hands to keep her hands off the ground when they aren't needed. Astrid started to walk south through the grassy valley toward a smaller mountain that was separated from all the ones that line the outside of the island, but was startled when someone else emerged from the forest to her right just a few feet ahead of her! The houses were back north, so she did not expect to run into anyone going south.

"Oh. New girl on the block. You must have just arrived yesterday?" She chuckled. "I don't think I would have missed someone of your size for long."

Astrid blushed. "Y-yea."

She isn't exactly small, either. TS08 is Ceba. Her expression always look unintentionally piercing, because her eyebrows are unusually bushy and her iris a shade of brown that looks red in most lighting, giving her an intense stare. Ceba is half Tibetan Mastiff- an extraordinarily large dog. Instead of hair on her head she instead has a massive bushy mane of fur that grows all the way around her neck and then up onto her head, following the normal hairline at the front. It is so long that in the front it fills her cleavage in spite of it not actually growing any lower than her collar bone. Adorning her chest- and completely uncovered- are not two but eight breasts! On her chest is two D cups with large, gradually faded edge areola, then below that two C cups with average sized soft edged areola. Below her rib cage is two B cups with small, hard-edged areola, and below that- flanking her belly button- are two A cups that do not appear to have areola at all, just nipples. Her arms from the elbows down are covered in fur, but it tapers off onto a triangle on the back of her hand, making it look like she is wearing some sort of fur gauntlet. Ceba's back is covered in a good bit of fur too, taking on an hourglass shape- a broad downward stripe trailing from her mane, and an upward stripe from where her butt... would be.

Her hips are extremely modified- being almost more like a gigantic, thick collar bone rather than hips at all- because from that point on she has the entire body of a dog. Ceba is a taur! What looks like a huge pubic mound actually trails downward to become the pectoral muscles of the canine half. What looks like the glutes of her human half is actually the traps of the dog's upper back. Which means her midriff is sort of like a neck. Since she is a taur- that also means she has yet another eight nipples on the underside of the dog half, though no breasts behind any of those. She only has one vulva, and it's fully canine at the very back of everything else. Her tail curls on itself and to the side, but the fur on the dog is so fluffy it almost perfectly camouflages in with the rest of her, just looking like a giant hill of fluff. The fur on her head and back is black except for a stripe of brown at the very front of her throat and her eyebrows. Her fur gauntlets are brown but fade to black at the elbows. On the dog portion the chest and underbelly are brown as well as all four of its gigantic paws, but the entire rest is all black.

"I am Ceba- test subject 8. You will usually find me at home or in the woods during the day." She motioned over herself. "Too much fur to be out in direct sunlight without spontaneously combusting."

"Yea, I can see that being an issuUue. Oh, uh, my name is Astr- ... actually, call m-mmOO-m-me Audumbla! That is what my tincture was called, and this is the start of a new moo, so."

"Alright, well, it is good to meet you Audumbla. Welcome to RHEI."

Ceba took Astrid into the woods on a foot-beaten path while talking about the various locations around the island that she could visit. Her paw prints against the soil are so large they could be mistaken for a bear paw instead of a dog. Test subjects needed to stay on RHEI to protect RHE's secrets from the outside world till the testing phase is over, but they can go anywhere on the island they want. RHE will provide food, electricity, television, internet, and shelter for the test subjects for their entire lives and this paradise island to live on. RHEI is not a small island by a long shot, with douzens of mountains tall enough to have ice caps in spite of the island being in the sub-tropics there is hundreds of paths you can take to climb them. There are forests around their bases, plateaus, plains, flower fields, hidden hot spring grottos, a beach, and even two sub-islands- one of which is so close to the shore you can walk over to it when the tide is out.

"They are installing a pool soon too between all the current houses... can't wait for that. Although I will have to learn how to swim all over again. I will have to learn the dog-paddle."

Astrid laughed. "I tried some taur foOOurms in the past myself- noOover a dog though."

"Oh? You knew transformation magic on the outside?"

"Y- ...yea. I uh... had a bit of a problem-m-moo with it."

Ceba cocked an eyebrow, slowing her walk to look back at Astrid. "How so? Even if you mess up a transformation, doesn't it automatically abort when the mana runs out?"

Astrid groaned, trying to think of an answer that did not turn into a giant rant on all she knows about transformation. "Yes but mmmaintaining a transformation takes a lot less mooona than casting it in the first place and if yoOOu move around or are in an area with a high mana flow, chances are it isn't going toOu run out. But, my problem-m-mm was I enjoy it a little too much and... became addicted tOOu it. That is how I landed here- figured I would need toOou lay off the magic a while tooo be here in the first place, and I didn't take any of mu-m-MOO..." She cleared her throat. "MY magic kit with me, so I currently have no access to it even if I wanted toou doou it."

"I... didn't know that was something someone could get addicted to in the first place."

"Well... yea. Muh-m-mine wasn't... I realized it rather early, so the damages were minimal but, some peoOple have nearly destroyed themselves doing it. They love the feeling of change, oOor the escapism, or both, and they spend so long transformmmed that they forget what they are supposed toOu look like, and they layer so muh-many transformmmations on top of each other back toOo back that they start to bleed together, and they start to forget even what normmmal humoons or animools looked like, because all they see is their distorted version." She had to catch her breath after saying that- she wasn't expecting to fight with her own voice so much, unintentionally lowing.

"But if they get to a mana deprived area they would still turn into their true selves again, no?"

Astrid shook her head sadly. "Not if it gets real bad. Mmmana poisoning. When the body is so saturated by mana that it cannot discharge it anym-m-more, and loses its ability to naturally regulate it. If you cannot get rid oOuf the mana completely, parts of the spell will also remain or re-trigger by complete accident. The body is operated on bio-electricity, signals sent by your brain. Collectively the network oOuf this energy in your body is known as the chakra. Mana is also a formmm of energy- dissipated enough to be ambient without notice, but dense enough to still be moonipulated by us on some level to form moogic out of. Mana and chakra are both states of energy, so... you can technically complete a mana circuit and create a spell roOOune using your own life force. If you have mana poisoning- it can trigger at commmplete random. And if spell effects go off at random, you could end up blowing yourself up out of the blooo, or turning toOu stone, or melting, or who knows what. If you just keep transforming than those runes linger, so those randommm runes add themselves to the transformootion spell you try to cast and distort the result, creating corrupted forms." Astrid took a breath and sighed. "I didn't get anywhere near that. But I accidentally embarrassed a friend at what was supposed toOu be a big moment for him, and it helped moo realize I had a problem. It wasn't moo... but it could have been. I wouldn't have known if that event didn't happen."

"...damn. I am glad you got here then. RHE will look after you. WE will look after you. The other test subjects who live in the valley with you... we have the run of the place, so it's a very relaxing place to be, and we are all in this together so everyone is willing to help one another, y'know? No other addicts yet but... people generally don't sign their bodies away to science if they are in a good situation already. The people who end up here came from a pretty shitty place on the outside, so this island is like a golden second chance to completely flip that around. Normal society rules don't apply here, no jobs you have to do, no appointments to make. Just do whatever you want- live life in tranquility."

Astrid smiled and nodded timidly. "I think this new body will help moo too. I transformed into so muh-m-many different bodies but... this one definitely feels different. It is permanent, but it also isn't moo old body. So it is sort of moo body and sort of not at the same time. I don't... feel the need for change. Not right now anyway. I just want toOu explore this body and see how life is in these new sho- er, hooves."

"Yea, I bet furniture in your house is probably pretty heavily modified to deal with that body."

"Yea. Hey- is your toilet shaped like a weird backwards J too?"

Ceba tilted her head. "Uh... more like a U."

"Oh, yea, mmmine has a little elevated dip on the front for my udder to rest on when I sit so moo teats don't brush the floor, I guess yours wouldn't need that."

"Yea, but the bowl is still low to the floor and U shaped, because my actual butt is so far away from where a normal human butt would be- and I cannot stand on two legs to get JUST my butt up there."

"Yea, mine has that part! I can stand and walk on two legs still, but I can also walk on four legs- so I am testing the least famooliar part first." Astrid stood up and Ceba took a step back so she could still make eye contact.

"Good Gods you are colossal."

Astrid blushed. Standing on two legs she is at the very least twice as tall as Ceba, who is already taller than most women. The roof on normal homes in the valley are about seven to eight feet tall, and hers is almost twice that- so she is well over eight feet tall but under fifteen. No one has actually measured her since her changes, but it is likely around the twelve foot mark.

Astrid got over her addiction to transformation magic- though she did still love to transform, and would eventually get her hands on several other forms. Like a pretty dress- she only dawned her alternate forms for some extra exotic fun here and there on rare occasion. Her now multi-cow / human hybrid form was her default now- her genome itself altered to that state, so even when not under a transformation spell she is technically always transformed. As she got used to her body a last few changes took place slowly- when new hair grew in to replace the old, the new was dark brown, so the blond was phased out entirely over time. Her skin also changed color, very slowly- so slowly it was at first mistaken for an odd tan. Most of her turned brown- though a powder brown to contrast still from the dark brown of her new hair. The brown skin existed as splotches like on a cow, but they are each so large that her pale rosen skin exists only as cracks between them- narrow gaps in the otherwise brown palette. It was also revealed to her that her udder had a more important fate than to simply produce milk. She was given ten silver runic rings to wear on all her human digits that channels energy into her body very, very slowly, and her udder naturally balances these specific channels of energy into fire and ice magic in perfect harmony- opposing elements that would normally be borderline impossible to merge. Once distilled, her udder will on rare occasion produce a drop of Eitr- an extremely powerful alchemical substance made of perfectly balanced ice and fire. A single drop of which is worth several hundred dollars. Leaning into her new bling- she got a huge septum ring for her bovine nose and three large ring piercings into the loose dewlaps on her neck, and a scaffold piercing on either of her large droopy ears! All silver to match the rings.

A year later her friend Monty was having another book signing at the local mall. His first signing ever was a bit of a disaster thanks to Astrid. She showed up in a custom hybrid form, not wanting to miss the big event for her friend, but also unable to attend in her true form... unfortunately the ambient mana in the area was too much, and she had minor mana poisoning, so her transformation went further than intended, and turned her mind feral too. She started acting like a beast, smelling and nuzzling the others who had shown up to get a book signed, causing most to flee the strange creature she had become, ruining the event. She was so out of it that by the time her mind faded back in she was unconscious on the bathroom floor of the mall the following morning. Yikes.

Since then Monty has had several signings that were thankfully not complete train wrecks- though Astrid had also fallen off the face of the Earth. He told her to get help and that was the last he had spoken to her, she completely fell out of contact. He tried to visit her a few times here and there, but eventually found out she had moved- someone else now lived in her old apartment. Was she so ashamed that she abandoned her entire old life and all her friends? Monty worried about her, but there was nothing he could do without even knowing where she went. At this signing though, as the crowd was thinning he glanced over and noticed Astrid leaned against a pillar at the side of the hall, like she was waiting a turn to get a book signed like any random person there. He told everyone to wait and hustled over to her, and she smiled when she seen he noticed her.

Unseen was the curse mark branded on her tongue by RHE- preventing her from being able to reveal the company or its work while she is outside of the island. They provided her a transformation spell of... herself. Restoring her original form via magic- though if she ran out of mana or encountered a warding stone this form would be broken and reveal her *new* true form. RHE agents acting as escorts loom just around the corner, acting casually and blending in with the regular crowds of the mall- making sure nothing interrupts her transformed state. There is a section of the RHE contract known as the Heart Clause that allows subjects at minimum one day every year where they can visit friends or family, no matter where in the world they are- RHE will escort them there and back to make sure no one knows their secret. If there is a medical emergency the time allowed off the island is automatically extended accordingly. Astrid was making her rounds between friend and family and making sure everyone knows she is going away, but will still be in contact. There is an internet connection on the island, so there is nothing stopping test subjects from contacting anyone on the outside world whenever they want- the curse mark prevents them from spilling the beans, even by accident.

"Astrid, by Psimance, where have you been?"

She laughed lightly. "Busy. I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me ever again, after what I did..."

He swat her shoulder. "You are my friend, you idiot. I was mad, but of course I wanted to see you again! I have been worried!"

"Well... I have a new job- far away. I won't be able to visit much at all, but-" She handed him a card with a phone number and email scribbled on it. "We can still keep in touch remotely."

"I hope the new job is keeping you out of trouble at least."

She chuckled. "Yea, it is actually. There are... a lot of cool people there, it is nice. I was nervous about seeing you again... wasn't sure how you'd react to seeing me after all this time, but I had to see you again, even if you did hate me."

And so Astrid tied her loose ends, and her life on RHEI truly began, as Audumbla! It turns out the cure for her transformation fever- was more cowbell.

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Frozen Apex

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