Magician's Deal

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#1 of Nerai Pornographic Universe

My latest commission for NeraiRed on Twitter! In this story, a dragon magician named Nerai renegotiates his contract with his demon creditor... and ends up trapping her in a plush! Naughty antics ensue. Enjoy!

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The laminated cards passed deftly over Nerai's claws, pouring like water into his left hand. Flutters sounded from his scaled palm, like a dozen butterflies landing there, neatly laying on one another at his command. Nerai then skimmed the stack's surface, silently praying, and turned the card to face himself. A smile passed over his maw. Eight of hearts! Finally, he got the damn trick down. That'd taken much too long. He breathed a sigh of relief, absentmindedly reshuffling the deck as he stared around the empty dressing room. That idiot was late. Again.

Nerai frowned. Unfortunately, he was used to this by now. His creditor wasn't exactly punctual. They came and went as they pleased, appearing in his bedroom at night, or in his dressing room before a show. Pretty much anywhere he didn't want them to be. Nerai gripped the deck of cards harshly, staring at the wooden charm on his desk. Today would be the last time he'd wait.

As if on cue, the scent of smoke and patchouli invaded Nerai's nostrils. He didn't turn from his deck. "You're late," he said.

A quiet laugh from behind him. Hooves clicking on the laminate floor. "Apologies for my tardiness. You're not the only person indebted to me, you know."

Nerai turned to face the demon, staring them in the eyes. "You can't just keep blowing me off, Kazimir."

Kazimir raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Long dark hair cascaded over the goat's round cheeks, lapsing partly over one eye and obscuring their grey muzzle. Black lace adorned their large breasts and hugged their curves, accentuating their smooth furry tummy and wide hips. Their mouth curled into a smirk. They teased, "If I recall correctly, you're the debtor here. Listening to you is a formality at best."

Nerai clenched his fists. "I want to talk about my contract," he said.

Kazimir stared at their nails, allowing their grin to lapse. Their slitted eyes narrowed. "Oh. That." They then puffed their cheeks, fiddling impatiently with their horns. "Fine. I suppose we should talk about what happens afterward."

The dragon took a deep breath. He puffed out his chest, straightening his posture. "That's the thing, Kazimir. There won't be an afterward for us. I'm calling it off."

The demon chuckled and clutched the bridge of their nose. "Really? It's only

been two years, Nerai," they said. They stepped closer, swaying their hips. Their stubby tail flitted behind them. "My powers are the only reason you've done so well. I mean, let's be honest. You were hopeless before I came along."

Nerai's eyebrows narrowed. He scowled, backing himself against the dressing table. "I'm not going to be your toy anymore," he spat. "I can be a magician with or without you. And I never would've signed the contract if I knew you'd just use me all the time."

Kazimir came face-to-face with the dragon, tracing a sharp nail along his chest. "Don't pretend you dislike it," they said. They grinned and scratched along Nerai's chin, tilting his gaze to meet theirs. Kazimir's eyes burnt like embers. "I give you power and you give me sex. It's hardly a bad deal. Are you really going to deny me?"

"I-I am," Nerai sputtered. As he spoke, his claws searched the table beside him. He quietly passed his hand over papers, a dragon plushie, and mounds of makeup... damn it! Where was it?

Kazimir didn't break their gaze. "You're really going to be this stubborn? Because all it takes is a handshake, dear." They gripped Nerai's arm, curling their fingers around his bicep. "What's another two years of fame? You could even retire afterward, if you'd like."

The dragon felt himself grasp the charm's wooden surface. He breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't drop the facade. He barked, "Two more years of you using me as a sex toy? I can't do it. I-It's too much."

The demon frowned. "Yes, that's the deal. But in return, you get to use real magic." They waved dismissively, glancing away. "Not that silly sleight-of-hand. It's pathetic what you mortals will stoop to for amusement."

Nerai gulped. "I don't care about that. I feel like a prisoner, Kazimir." His voice broke.

"The sex was nice at first, but now you just use me whenever you want. I'm not a toy. I'm a person. I want to do more than perform magic and exist for your pleasure."

Kazimir tightened their grip on his arm, snapping their head toward him. "Listen to me.

Without me, you'll be doing parlor tricks within a year. Stop denying yourself a chance at actual success." They chuckled. "And don't act so innocent. I told you outright that your body would be mine. You knew what you were getting into by making a deal with a lust demon. Many others would kill to be in your position, you know." They poked Nerai's chest. "You're too cute to be a two-bit loser."

They then stepped backward, tilting their head as they admired the dragon's body. His violet scales, his toned arms, his chiseled abs. Even through his jeans, the size of Nerai's package was obvious. Lust arose within Kazimir's chest as they suppressed shivers. Nerai was their most prized possession; but of course, they would never tell him that.

Kazimir extended their hand. Their claws were sharp and pitch black. Their heart raced. "Shake it, and you're guaranteed a lover and a career of your dreams."

Nerai stared at their hand. He shifted his feet, tapping nervously on the tabletop. "I-I can't. I love the money, but..."

The demon simply smiled. "But you can. It's hardly even a debt. Look at how wonderful our lives have been. You're booked solid through the next three months. No more money troubles. Don't let it all go."

The couple's gazes met. Nerai stared intently, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He shakily extended his hand to meet Kazimir's.

The demon's eyes widened. They sighed in relief. "Good boy! You won't regret this," they cooed.

Nerai's claws slowly intertwined with Kazimir's. The demon's smooth, warm skin pressed against his cold scales. Nerai suppressed a smile as their gazes met for the final time.

"I'm sorry, Kazimir."

The demon's face contorted in confusion and terror. A burning sensation spread from their hand along their arm, searing their central nervous system. Their voice wilted. Only one word escaped their lips.


Kazimir recoiled, pulling their hand away and stumbling backward; but it was too late. Their legs collapsed, sending them careening to the ground. Their arms extended desperately toward Nerai, melting into a pile of smoke, followed by their thighs and torso. A plume of fog then obstructed Kazimir's outstretched body. Gray dust gathered on the floor where the demon once stood, dissipating into the stale air.

Nerai was frozen as he watched the scene unfold. He then stared downward at the binding charm in his palm. He sighed, a weight lifted from his shoulders. It worked. It actually worked. He then turned to face the dragon plush doll behind him, grinning wildly.

"How's it feel to be on the other end of things?" he asked.

A disembodied voice arose from the plush. "You... I can't believe you would..." A pause. Palpable disappointment. And finally, a sigh. "I suppose this is what I get for trusting you. Well played."

Nerai licked his lips. His chest fluttered. "Finally. I'm in control," he said. He stepped toward the plush, holding it eye-level. "How does it feel to be the toy, Kazimir?"

"Hmm." Kazimir's smooth voice arose from the plush. Nerai stared at its soft green fabric as he awaited a response. Kazimir simply said, "I acknowledge that you've bested me. You've learned well. Yet, I still sense lust from you."

Nerai tilted his head. His icy eyes narrowed. "So what?"

Laughter sounded from inside the stuffed dragon's button eyes. "All I meant to say is congratulations. You've bound me to a toy. But I can still influence you, even from this vessel."

Nerai's jaw dropped. "You- you lying asshole. No, you can't. Our deal is void."

Kazimir hummed. "Don't worry. I obviously can't control you anymore. But as a lust demon, I can still awaken what already exists within you. My mere presence is all that's required."

Suddenly, Nerai's pants felt tighter. Blood rose to his cheeks, coloring his scales red-violet. "No. I... I can't believe I feel this way." He gripped the plush's fabric tighter. "I did all this so you wouldn't control me," he said.

"Then use me," Kazimir said. "You know you want to feel what it's like inside. And I'm not manipulating you - this desire is yours alone."

Nerai gulped. He rubbed his palm against the outside of his pants. "...Yeah?"

The demon laughed. "Although we are no longer bound, I can sense the desire building inside you. It's cute."

The dragon then wordlessly gripped the plush, inspecting its figure. He slid one finger into its mouth, feeling the moist warmth of its insides. He then turned it around and did the same to its backside, relishing in the anticipation. His finger fit snugly inside as the cavity pressed back steadily against his scales.

Nerai's mind swam. If he used Kazimir like this, would he just be falling for their tricks again? Maybe they would somehow escape the vessel. Maybe Kazimir's insistence was a last-ditch effort to manipulate him.

The dragon's chest fluttered. His mouth moved before his mind had the opportunity to stop it. "I need to use you. Now."

If Kazimir could've rolled their eyes, they would've. They replied, "Right. Well, relish in finally getting the upper hand on me, idiot. Just don't be too gentle. It'd be boring."

Nerai put the plush down and gingerly reached for the hem of his pants, undoing the buckle and sliding the fabric down past his knees. He then awkwardly removed the garment and tossed it to the side. Only a thin shirt and his underpants remained now. Lighter, thinner scales peeked from the insides of his thighs. A sizable bulge twitched within his white underpants.

The dragon then reached for the plush, cradling it in his paws before rubbing its face lightly against his package. The sensation sent a shock up his spine. He arched his back as his cock was laid into the soft, malleable fabric. Nerai needed more.

"Enjoying yourself?" Kazimir teased. "Although I cannot move very well, I can feel your cock throbbing against me."

Nerai snarled, wrapping his hands tightly around the doll's neck. "Shut up," he said, and looked around for a chair. He quickly pulled one beneath him and continued to push the plush onto himself. Small grunts escaped his mouth. A small wet spot appeared on the tip of his bulge as precum soaked into the fabric. He finally had Kazimir under his control. For once, he was the creditor.

"F-fuck it," Nerai said, and removed his underwear. His lavender cock sprang from beneath the white cotton, erect and quivering as it met the cool air. A bead of precum sat on its tip. Small rounded spines laid along its shaft, a pair of large testicles nestled between his thighs. Hot breath washed from his maw as he locked eyes with the stuffed animal, thinking of what to do next. He idly played with himself, envisioning himself fucking the toy's stuffing.

Kazimir chuckled. "Getting cold feet?" they teased. "Maybe you're just not meant to take initiative. Get me out and I can -"

The dragon glared. His eyes narrowed. His arms tensed.

"You're not the one giving orders anymore."

He then reached for the plush and opened its mouth, placing its opening against his glans. Nerai then slowly slid himself inside, gasping as the moist warmth of the plush's insides enveloped his cock. He shoved himself fully inward, the stuffed dragon's lips kissing his lavender scales. "Fuck... you feel good, Kazimir."

"You feel good inside me too, Nerai," the demon cooed. "You know, I actually like it when you're assertive like this."

Nerai shook his head, ignoring the demon's compliments. He said, "You're trying to manipulate me again. That ends here."

He slid the plush up and down along his dick, twitching with each thrust. Lust dribbled from his dick, lubricating the plush's throat. Words escaped his mouth before he could think twice. "Y-you're so cute like this," he said, still humping the toy's mouth. Just the thought of violating something so soft and adorable... it turned him on. More than that, his debtor remained completely vulnerable inside.

"Mmmph..." A muffled moan emanated from the stuffed animal. Kazimir spoke in-between desperate squeals. They were overwhelmed by the dragon's sour musk. "I wasn't lying... I can feel you inside me, even like this, idiot."

Nerai flashed a devilish grin. "Good. Then maybe you can experience a taste of your own medicine," he said, and pushed himself inside the plush's throat as hard as he could. He groaned as his cock throbbed against the back of the toy's throat, trickling love down into its tummy.

Suddenly, the stuffed animal's insides tensed. Kazimir moaned. Growls sounded from the dragon's chest. He held himself still as he quivered inside the plush, squeezing its torso. "Good plush. Just like that. More."

The demon could only whine in response. "Fuck. Ah..." More contractions wracked their fluff. "I... I want to cum on you, but I can't in this form..."

Nerai smiled smugly. His mind was seized by predatory frenzy. "Good," he said. "You think I liked being your toy for two years? Huh? This is - ah! - what you get!" He then thrust himself deeply into the plush's mouth, squishing its soft fabric harshly against his groin. The deeper he went, the tighter the plush became. He squealed as the plush's insides squeezed the tip of his cock.

"F-fuck!" The dragon exhaled deeply, a breathy gasp escaping him. The soft fluff of Kazimir's insides steadily massaged him, causing Nerai's abdominals to tense up. His toes curled, his humping breaking its steady rhythm. His thrusts became frantic. A grimace rose to his face as desperate moans erupted from his maw, his entire body wracked with quivers. And with one final thrust, he buried himself deeply in the plush's stuffing. He squealed as waves of cum gushed from his dick, filling the plush's insides with his seed.

"Kazimir! Kazimir! I'm - A-ah! Take it!" Nerai's humps turned into shivers as he came inside the plush, emptying every drop of lust into its tummy. He hugged the toy flush against himself, cradling it in his arms as bliss overtook him.

The dragon then groaned as his muscles slowly relaxed. He laid back in the chair, staring at the ceiling as the last of his cum dripped into Kazimir.

"Damn," he said. "I didn't know I needed that."

Kazimir drew a deep breath. "And I didn't know you had it in you," they said.

Nerai chuckled at the comment, still leaking inside the plush. "Well, I do. I kind of want to try the other side," he said.

"Oh? You're not done?" Kazimir asked. "This is usually around the time where you'd beg for a break."

"Things are different now," Nerai said. He flashed a devilish grin and removed himself from the plush, his cock thumping against his tummy and twitching against the air. Cum leaked from the plush's mouth, dribbling onto his groin. "Now, you're mine."

He swiftly slid himself inside the plush's backside, using his cum to lubricate himself. The doll's ass was tighter than its throat, albeit rougher in texture. The thought of impregnating the plush made Nerai's body quiver.

"You know, you're a lot cuter like this than you used to be," Nerai teased.

"And you're a lot cuter when you're trying to be dominant," Kazimir shot back.

The remark caused a fire to light in Nerai's belly. He was tired of being emasculated. He readjusted himself against the chair, sliding his back downward and humping further into Kazimir's ass. Their hips jackhammered quickly and forcefully into Kazimir. Breathy moans erupted from the demon's mouth.

Kazimir had long since given up on the prospect of being controlled during sex. They often fantasized about it, wanting to be taken by force, but their abilities always entailed a power imbalance which skewed in their favor. But when Nerai entrapped them like this, something was different. They felt helpless, vulnerable. They felt desired.

"P-please. Nerai. Cum in me again." Their voice cracked as their insides tensed pathetically against the dragon's hard cock. The degradation of being forced into such a vessel made Kazimir's mind melt. "I-I need to feel you inside me. Harder, please..."

Nerai grinned. He throbbed against Kazimir's stuffing, his glans making a bulge against their tummy. "Begging, now? I didn't know you'd stoop so low. But I like it," he said.

"Sh-shut up and fill me," Kazimir growled, massaging Nerai's cock. "I want you to impregnate me already..."

The thought of impregnating Kazimir made Nerai quiver. So thoroughly owning the one who made his life a living turned him on. He pumped himself rapidly in and out of Kazimir's backside, huffing the burnt scent of their lust. The smell of patchouli mixed with cum was almost overwhelming. The plush's spiked tail bounced uselessly against Nerai's thighs as his groin slapped against the plush's ass. Nerai's hot breath cascaded over his own chest and bathed the plush.

"F-fuck! Take it!" Nerai thrust himself deeply into Kazimir's moist ass and held himself there, once again unloading waves of cum inside the doll. His body was wracked with shivers as Kazimir milked every drop of seed from his cock.

Less than a minute later, Nerai's body was limp. Kazimir had exhausted him. He laid still and stared into the plush's black eyes, remaining inside its tight ass. He wiped sweat from his forehead.

"I never knew this would be so nice," Nerai said.

Kazimir sighed. "Something tells me this will be my new form for a while," they lamented.

Nerai smiled. "You're right," he said. And they sat in silence.

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