Interspecies Camaraderie

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#32 of Commissions

Dr. Jacob Lane arrives at Sanghelios and Vadam Keep.

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This story contains scenes of shameless debauchery and blatant depravity. Readers that find it arousing are strongly advised to relieve themselves.

Interspecies Camaraderie by RVasilCommissioned By: B3atFr3ak

The Relentless Progress traversed through the infinite darkness that was contained inside the slipstream it was traveling through. The bulbous head of the ship continued onwards, following the coordinates that were marked by the navigator. The entire trip itself would take a week at best, enough of a downtime for the majority of the occupants on the ship to kick back and relax. They had been fighting for days on end, doing mission after mission to try and stop the threat that was Jul M'dama's Covenant.

A fight that seemed like it was finally reaching its climax.

Doctor Jacob Lane felt like time flew by. It only seemed like yesterday when he had been personally called upon by Lord Hood himself to become part of Task Force 117, the first of its kind to have both Sangheili and humans working together. Sure it had its ups and downs but for the most part, the people were hand selected to the point where success was all but given. And it paid dividends. The project was so successful that the UNSC was already going ahead with its plans to further strengthen the alliance between the two species, even going so far as to create a dedicated space station where marines and Sangheili can train together. Jacob still found it hard to believe that after all the years of fighting, they were at the point they were in now: where he could walk down the hall and see Sangheili and humans interact with each other with no hint of malice whatsoever. The Relentless Progress looked like a melting pot of two vastly different cultures mixing together to create something far more special.

Even more so when those cultures mixed in far more personal matters.

Working as one of the ship's medical doctors, he had seen his fair share of gnarly and otherwise visceral looking injuries. Gunshots, plasma burns, cuts, and bruises, were the norm when you worked in the military. But there was one case that made him pause.

"So how did you get this again?"

Behind the privacy medical screens stood Jacob. His patient, a marine by the name of Nathan, was seated by the bed naked from the waist up. Nathan was showing Jacob a bruise that was visibly red and swelling on his shoulders.

"A training accident," Nathan simply answered. "I'm just concerned if it's something I should be worried about."

Jacob's brow rose but he remained quiet as he continued his examination. He gently scanned the injury, taking note of any bumps or bruises on it that could have been markers for anything more serious. It was upon a closer look did he notice something. He reached for the clipboard that contained the marine's chart. He began to flip through the various papers, making sure to keep the marine still in view of his periphery. He noted that Nathan was fidgeting more and more nervously in response to his curious hmms and hahs.

"Is it serious?" Nathan asked, his air of nonchalance replaced by that of worry.

"Well," Jacob said, putting the chart back down on the table. "If you're referring to the notion of lying to your doctor, then yes, that is a very serious offense."

Nathan gasped. Then eventually sighed, knowing that he had been caught red handed. "I had to try."

"I know."

Nathan crossed his arms across his chest. "What gave it away?"

"The bite marks," Jacob responded. Sure enough, there they were. Faintly visible and could only be seen on closer inspection, there were bite marks on Nathan's shoulder. But they were lined up in such a way that didn't follow the pattern of that of a typical human jaw. "While I'm not here to comment on your sexual escapades, Nathan, human jaws aren't lined up straight like that."

Nathan just gave him a knowing look. "You would be an expert on these things, aren't you, doc?"

"Lying and being sassy," Jacob responded, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Keep this up and I might have to talk to your commanding officer. So why are you here exactly?"

"Should I be worried?"

"Of what?"

Nathan shrugged. "Cooties or something?"

"What are you a child?"

"I'm not," Nathan answered. "I'm just...I don't know, alright? I'm just worried I might get space HIV or something."

"Finding out is what normally happens after you fuck around," Jacob answered. He then shook his head. "First of all, if you're worried about your health, you should have come to me first before deciding to exchange fluids with a species not of our own. Second, don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm still standing aren't I?"

"I'm surprised that you are. Them fuckers are big, aren't they?"

"I would appreciate it if you would keep such salacious comments about our allies in private, Nathan." He paused for a moment then added, "You're right though. I wasn't able to sit properly for days."

"How did you survive?"

"You'll be surprised at what you can achieve if your brain isn't the part of your body that is doing the thinking." Jacob then picked up the chart once more and began writing something down. He then took out the piece of paper and handed it to Nathan.

"What's this for?"

"I'm giving you a prescription," Jacob answered, taking off the gloves he was wearing. Nathan was the last patient he was scheduled to look at for the day.

"I thought you said I was fine?"

"You are. But just to be safe, I'm going to give you some meds. Exchanging bodily fluids with Sangheili for most of us is fine. But there are others who have reactions to it that can result in some complications. Take them and come back to the infirmary if you feel nauseous the next morning."

To say that the relations with the Sangheili had been going well would have been an understatement. Sure, they had their challenges but once the ball got rolling, it never stopped. Jacob was at the forefront of it. He didn't know how it started but trying to determine how gossip starts in the first place is a fool's errand. At some point, everyone on the ship became well aware that he and Shipmaster Xaro Zaram were having trysts. Thankfully though, due to regulations enacted as part of the creation of Task Force 117, the rules were more relaxed and having relations between military officers weren't as forbidden as they normally were. This notion applied to everyone else that was part of the Task Force.

It didn't take long until it wasn't just Jacob and Xaro fucking aboard.

It honestly surprised Jacob at how his fellow marines took to it so easily. Perhaps it was the boredom? Or maybe just plain curiosity? Whichever the reason it may have been, people like Nathan were becoming more and more common in the infirmary to the point where a memo had to be released in regards to what to do. Writing that up was an interesting evening Jacob never imagined in his life he would ever have to do.

But hey, everyone was content and happy. The fewer people being sent to the infirmary due to being overly enthusiastic in thinking they could take Sangheili cock (no one can in their first try) the more time Jacob had to just be by himself. The good doctor spent it mostly going through his records, meticulously checking if there was anything he had missed on the patient records they had aboard the ship. As someone whose crew was a mixed species, he had to regularly check if there were any biological issues that could be of concern. Thankfully there haven't been any problems.

That left Jacob with some spare time in his hands. Spare time that he mostly spent with Xaro. The thing about Sangheili was that they were very, very horny. To the point where Jacob wondered if there was a correlation between their desire for constant battle and their equally constant desire to fuck. Perhaps the reason that they were so eager to fight all the time was because it was the only thing keeping them sane from being consumed by the lust that kept emanating from their bodies. That was just a hypothesis though. Maybe if Jacob wasn't so lazy, he would have started writing about it as a dissertation of his. In the meantime however, he was too busy bouncing on Xaro's cock.

The two were going at it inside the shipmaster's cabin like rabid animals. Xaro's presence wasn't necessary at the helm given that everything was already accounted for. The navigation coordinates were clocked in and the onboard ship system would handle the rest. The crew would just have to monitor the responses in case there was anything that needed to be changed. That left Xaro free to do as he pleased and he mostly spent it fucking Jacob in the ass relentlessly. He had Jacob pressed against the wall, his hands supporting the human's full body weight as his hips went back and forth, smacking against Jacob's lower half. Jacob couldn't even remember how he got into this position. Or how their conversation went into sex, but he wasn't one to be against it. It wasn't like he wasn't enjoying it. On the contrary, Jacob tongue was lolled out completely, his eyes threatening to roll towards the back of his skull as each thrust of Xaro's hips meant the Sangheili's fat cock pressed up against his prostate. He could see stars in every movement. There was something to be said about having a Sangheili lover. Jacob felt like a toy to Xaro.

"Fuck...fuck me..." Jacob cried out, feeling another wave of pleasure race across his body.

Jacob preferred to present himself as someone prim and proper. But in the privacy of their own quarters, he was easily reduced to that of a slut. It was hard to resist the sexual energy that Sangheili had. He couldn't believe that there was actually a time where he was worried that the thick cock sliding in and out of his ass was something he never thought would actually fit inside of him. By this point, it was like his backside was made for the thing. Xaro's cock slid in and out of him where his rump was more like a glove for the Sangheili's big cock.

"I can never get enough of you," Xaro said, whispering in his ears. The Sangheili's hot breath wafted on his neck, and he could feel the Sangheili gently nibbling on him. Not enough to hurt but enough to leave a mark. It was apparently a Sangheili form of a kiss. The resulting hickey was something that was shown to others that they were in a relationship. Or at the very least, was having sexual relations with each other. The two lovers transitioned to the bed, with Jacob on the bottom and Xaro at the top. The Sangheili transitioned from hardcore thrusts to a more gentle loving variation of it. It was slow and steady and it allowed Jacob to feel everything Xaro could offer. All the small bumps and bruises along the ridge of that alien cock. No matter how many times he had it in him, there was something new he could feel from it.

Xaro's free hand reached over and stroked Jacob off despite the latter trying to stop him. Jacob wanted their moment together to last but Xaro was keen on getting Jacob off. Jacob didn't last long and soon cried out, releasing his cum onto the bed and making a mess of things. Xaro loved it whenever the human climaxed. His hole would tighten up in just the right way and trying to penetrate him would induce the perfect squeeze on his cock, milking him dry. He even loved it more as he would always see Jacob squeal and shudder as his entire body was wracked by the overwhelming sensations. The Sangheili continued going further, eventually going balls deep, as per usual, and emptying himself into Jacob. The sheer amount of cum streaming out of Jacob's ass would have ensured Xaro numerous younglings at this point if they were biologically compatible.

By the end of it, the two were a mess, bodies tangled upon one another, exhausted, completely spent and drenched in sweat. It was later that the two would cuddle in bed after cleaning up. Jacob would rest his head on Xaro's broad chest, feeling content to hear the Sangheili's rhythmic heartbeats. Xaro for his part would pat Jacob's head, twirling his fingers around the human's head of hair. He found the sensation fascinating, reminding him of an animal that was local to Sanghelios. Jacob turned his head to look at Xaro. Instead of seeing the familiar calm and collected face that he had grown to love, Jacob was met with Xaro looking rather pensive, his eyes focused elsewhere.

"You alright?"

Jacob's question brought Xaro out from his deep thoughts. His mandibles relaxed. "Hm? Sorry, did you say something?"

Distracted and not paying attention were two things Jacob did not associate with Xaro. "I asked if you were alright. Are you?"

"I'm..." Xaro tried to answer but then shook his head. "No, I am not alright."

Jacob sat up, moving closer to Xaro. He briefly wondered what could be bothering the shipmaster. His mind then reminded him of the memo he had read the days prior. "Is this because of the recall?"

The whole reason they were out here fighting was because of the campaign against Jul's Covenant. But now that it was reaching its conclusion, they and a few others, were recalled back to Sanghelios by none other than Thel 'Vadam himself for one special operation. With Jul's Covenant slowly unraveling itself, the UNSC and the Sangheili wanted to hasten it by strategically taking out the Didact's Fingers to weaken Jul Mdama even further. These Fingers were Jul's generals and each of them held significant authority and control over the army. With them out of the picture, Jul's demise wouldn't be much longer.

"It is," Xaro answered. "I am concerned about the Arbiter summoning us."

"Why is that?" Jacob answered. "He seems like a decent guy from what I know of him."

Xaro smiled. "The Arbiter is a Sangheili worthy of great honor and great respect. He is a figure I trust wholeheartedly in. It just concerns me that he asks for us specifically."

That was a tidbit that was not included in the memo. Jacob was under the impression that this recall was just that, a recall that coincidentally involved them.

"Normally this would be a cause for celebration. It's not often that your presence is named specifically, especially from someone of such high stature."

"Then what are you worried about then?"

Xaro looked at Jacob. It took a moment for Jacob to realize what was causing Xaro to be worried. "Are you worried that the Arbiter would not approve of Task Force 117?"


Jacob looked at him pointedly. "You do know that the Arbiter fought alongside the Master Chief, right?"

"Well yes..."

"Then you don't have anything to be worried about. Unless..." The thought then entered Jacob's mind. The reason must have been something deeper. "You're worried that the Arbiter would not approve of the...interspecies camaraderie. Is that it?"

Xaro sighed. "You are correct."

Jacob had never met the Arbiter personally, having only seen him in news reports that featured him every now and then. Last Jacob checked, the Arbiter was someone that was strongly fighting to keep the alliance between the UNSC and the Sangheili. He was a firm believer that the two species could coexist with one another, and that the time for fighting each other was over. He couldn't really comment on the Arbiter's opinion on other matters however, like the idea of the two species intermingling. For all Jacob knew, the Arbiter could have been a champion of the alliance, but xenophobic in everything else. After all, before Jacob met Xaro, Jacob never even imagined that Sangheili would even be interested in humans that way. It made Jacob's mind wonder, now thinking what would the Arbiter say if he saw him and Xaro together. But just as the thought settled did it dissipate. What of it? The Arbiter was more or less the spokesperson for his species, but he wasn't a dictator. Xaro liked Jacob for his own innate reasons and Jacob couldn't see the Sangheili abandoning him because their figurehead told them to stop fucking. At least that was what Jacob thought.

"What if he didn't approve of it?" Jacob asked, looking at Xaro. "Would you be disappointed?"

There was a pause as Xaro visibly digested the question. "I would be," he answered. "But that is all I would be. I am not seeking validation from him or anyone else for that matter." He looked at Xaro. "My love for you is genuine, Jacob. And no one can tell me otherwise."

Jacob rolled his eyes, feeling that the sweetness of the statement gave him diabetes. "Oh you big lug," he said, pressing himself closer to him. The Sangheili's warmth radiated from his entire body. "Since we're heading to Sanghelios, are we going to see your family?"

The question made Xaro tense up. Jacob wondered if he had touched a serious subject. "No," came Xaro's answer. "I do not have any more family. They have all died in the war."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jacob said, rubbing Xaro's shoulders. "I'm the same. I suppose we have that in common."

Xaro dared to ask: "Were they casualties in a glassing of a planet?"

"Fortunately, no. So you won't have to feel bad about that." Jacob chuckled. "They were insurrectionists. They did not approve of the UNSC and opted to fight against their authority. They were shot down after trying to bomb an embassy."

"I didn't know you come from a line of terrorists."

"By then I was already out of their hair. I only know of it because I was the last of kin." Jacob shrugged. "They're just people in my past. They're not important to me anymore." He looked at Xaro. "You are."


It was a day or so later when the Relentless Progress exited slipspace, the bulbous hull of the ship piercing through the inky darkness and entering normal space once more. Everything around them normalized and the people manning the helm could see Sanghelios clearly from the viewport. The thrusters burned and the ship moved forward. It wasn't long until the Relentless Progress broke through Sanghelios's atmosphere. Like many humans, there was a time in his life when Jacob wondered what Sanghelios was like. Was it alien and foreign filled with fauna that you wouldn't understand? Was it serene and pristine like an oasis out in the middle of the vast emptiness of space, parallel to that of how Earth used to be before humanity discovered space travel? There was something novel in entering an alien planet's atmosphere and seeing it with your own eyes for the first time. To most space marines, this was dull. For Jacob, it was always something special.

The Pelican he and the rest of the marines were on disengaged from the ship and began its descent into the planet. Jacob looked through the viewports, eyeing the moons that served as natural satellites for Sanghelios: Qikost and Suban. The latter was more eye-catching, most commonly referred to as the blood moon of the Sanghelios due to its reddish color. It reminded Jacob of Mars. Or at least, from what he remembered Mars looking based on the museum pictures he saw when he was a child as it was radically different now due to it being fully colonized the way it was today. His stomach lurched slightly and the sudden shift in weight informed him that they were now in the planet's atmosphere. Sanghelios, for all of its foreign and alien glory, was much like Earth. The air was breathable. There was liquid water, and the dirt was what it should be, brown and forgettable. Sanghelios was made up of five individual continents, surrounded by vast bodies of ocean. Due to the extreme heat produced by the three suns the planet had, temperatures soared, leaving most of the land masses in the area looking something akin to that of a barren wasteland. Steep mountain ranges could be visible from the far distance, looking intimidating and ominous for those who weren't used to its grand display. Large desert regions stretched far and wide, with the only signs of civilization primarily developing near the habitable coastal regions of the island masses.

Prior to arriving at Sanghelios, Jacob had wondered why the Arbiter, Thel 'Vadam was someone that Xaro idolized. At first he figured that it was probably because of what Thel had accomplished. Jacob knew Thel first as the Arbiter, the warrior turned leader of his people when the Sangheili and the Covenant had a falling out. It was through Thel that the UNSC and the Sangheili had a working alliance that prevented any more fighting between the two species. Before he was the Arbiter however Thel was a ruthless Supreme Commander, notably leading the Fleet of Particular Justice, one of the fleets that devastated the Planet of Reach. This position alone would command respect and can easily be understood as the reason why Sangheili would idolize him. Thel was a formidable warrior, an amazing tactician, and an accomplished soldier. But it was only through more background reading did Jacob also find out that Thel was the Kaidon of the Vadam Keep.

From what Jacob understood of the political system, he was more or less the governor of their state. No wonder Xaro idolized him. He was accomplished in everything Sangheili stood for.

The Pelican's destination was the foot of the mountain called Kolaar Mountain. That was where Vadam Keep was. It was busy. Jacob and company weren't the only people arriving that day. Other dropships were coming in as well, depositing the troops that came from the other ships. However, all of them were Sangheili. For the first time, Jacob felt like he was an alien. When they were cleared for landing and the bay doors opened, it was a surreal sight to not see humans milling about. There were Sangheili everywhere, and the majority of them looked. There were even what Jacob could see were kids, eyes curious at the new offworlders that had arrived. They were probably the first humans those kids had seen.

"Jeez, how do these people live here? It's hot." one of the marines said, slightly fanning himself. The heat was intense. Not unbearable, but enough to be a nuisance. Jacob could already feel himself start sweating. The standard issue gear he was wearing clung to him like a second skin. No wonder the citizens in the area were wearing lighter clothing.

"Stow the bellyaching, marine," the commanding officer said. "We're not here on vacation. Be on your best behavior everyone. We don't want to send the wrong impression. Got it?" A resounding response from everyone was heard. "Good. Everyone, get on your designated transports."

A moment or so later, Jacob was strapped to a Sangheili vehicle designated as a Shadow. The trek up to the Keep proper was short and uneventful, allowing Jacob to get a good view of everything. The Vadam Keep was like an old structure, seemingly etched out from the stone of the mountain itself. It was impressive to say the least. Walls that served as protection from the elements and would-be outsiders surrounded the entire area, manned by guards and turrets, ready to aim and take fire at those who would dare. The Shadow soon stopped at a spacious area where the majority of the UNSC forces were gathering. Amidst the group of standard issue green, a couple of Spartans clad in their custom colored armor stuck out like a sore thumb. They were coordinating with the officers in the area on where to go and what to do next. Jacob hopped off the vehicle and followed his team. They were going to head off into the makeshift barracks that would serve as their temporary place of stay while they were here for this operation.

He was stopped, however, when a Sangheili walked up to him.

"Are you the one they call Doctor Jacob Lane?"

Jacob was caught off guard by the question, surprised that a Sangheili he had never seen before knew who he was. "I-I am," he responded. "Do we know each other?"

"No, we do not. My name is Imca 'Vadam. You may refer to me as Imca."

"Nice to meet you." Imca wasn't wearing the typical outfit Jacob associated with the Sangheili, that being the combat harnesses they were commonly seen with. Imca was instead wearing a simple robe, strapped to his body by what looked like a leather belt. He must have been a local. There was a stave secured to his back that served as a weapon. "Why are you looking for me?"

"The Kaidon is requesting your presence," Imca responded. "I have been told to inform you of the changes in your sleeping accommodations." He smiled politely at him. "Your commanding officer has already been informed of the matter. Please, follow me."

Jacob was surprised at the turn of events. He knew that their presence there at Sanghelios was a special one, given the circumstances, but now this made it more apparent that Thel himself was keeping a close eye on them. He nodded and followed behind Imca, wondering what the aforementioned accommodation would look like.

Imca led him deeper into the Keep, passing by gates guarded by large and imposing Sangheili. Eventually, the two went up the steps and into the Keep proper, walking through a sturdy well decorated door that had intricate designs etched on them. They were marked with various shapes, making Jacob wonder if these were officially recognized insignia, or something tied to Sangheili history. The interior of the Keep itself was something akin to that of a palace. Curtains near the windows, marble pillars parallel to one another, supporting the high ceiling roof, and a red carpet that tied the room together. The place looked old, but well maintained, a testament to how long the Vadam Keep, and the Vadam Clan for that matter, had been around. Imca led him towards the side, the large doors shutting behind them, suffocating the busy noise from the outside. It lowered to that of a quiet hum. Jacob could actually hear himself think.

The silence between him and Imca felt out of place, so Jacob figured to make conversation. "Can I ask you a question?"

Imca turned to face him. "What is it?"

"How did you know who I was?"

"It was easy," the Sangheili answered. "I was told to look for someone that stood out."

Jacob processed the statement, then briefly looked at his reflection as they passed by a convenient mirror. He didn't look any different from the marines that he was with. He was wearing the standard UNSC gear. Armed with body armor, a helmet to protect his head, a couple of clips for extra ammunition and the gun strapped to his back as well as his sidearm secured to his leg. The only thing that stood out to him was the fact that he had a white armband on his right arm with the marking of the red cross. It informed everyone that he was a medical personnel.

Imca stopped in front of a door and opened it, inviting Jacob to step in. "This will be your sleeping quarters throughout the duration of your stay here at Vadam Keep."

The place looked expensive. There was a large bed big enough to fit multiple people in the center, with the four posts of the bedframe reaching high into the ceiling and decorated with curtains. Lush carpeting was on the floor, along with wooden looking cupboards and dressers at the side. One corner had a vase with an odd looking plant in it, and another had a very odd looking statue depicting either an abstract shape or concept that Jacob did not recognize. There was a balcony that led to the outside, overlooking the entire Keep proper. He could see the various ships flying in and out of the Keep, delivering more and more troops in. Jacob was expecting the room to be decent, but this was blowing his expectations out of the water and sending them rocketing straight out into orbit. It was like he was checking in at a very expensive and fancy hotel. This was a stark upgrade to the typical cramped barracks he normally bunked in whenever they did operations. This room was even bigger than his personal quarters at the Relentless Progress.

"I can't stay here," he said, feeling completely out of place. This room felt more appropriate to that of a Sangheili prince, if there was ever such a thing.

"The Kaidon insists." Then, as if to go off script slightly and explain to the offworlder, Imca then added, "It would be in bad taste if he treated the partner of a Shipmaster quite rudely."

"Oh, I see." Jacob then blinked. "Wait, how did you...nevermind." He realized that at this point, everyone must know he and Xaro are together in some shape or form. The Sangheili at Vadam Keep must have been informed ahead of time through their respective intelligence channels. "Thank you," Jacob said.

"You are most welcome. If you need me, do not hesitate to call for me. I shall be around. You are free to explore the Keep as you see fit. The Kaidon has given you permission."

Jacob nodded and soon Imca left, leaving Jacob by his lonesome. He sat at the foot of the bed, immediately noting how soft it felt. Hesitating for a split second, he eventually laid back down the bed and let out a tired groan. Not even his bunk on the Relentless Progress felt this good. He wondered how Xaro was doing. Xaro told him that he and a few other Sangheili officers were going to be in a meeting to discuss the plan of attack. Jacob hoped it was going well.


The meeting was not going well.

Being a Shipmaster, Xaro saw his fair share of discussions and meetings. Even before his alliance with humanity and the formation of TaskForce 117, he was subjected to the same meetings aboard the Covenant ship that he helmed. Most of the talking points were fairly forgettable in the grander scheme of things. There was a time where he needed to be present just so that the onboard Prophet could tell him that he needed a new gravity belt. Or that one time where he needed to settle an argument between a Kig-Yar and a Sangheili as the latter apparently took offense to the comments the former made when they were out in the field. He didn't like having to deal with such trivial issues, but it was customary for the higher ranking officer to be present and to preside when such matters arise. It was one of the things he liked about TaskForce 117. Humans were many things: capable, reliable, ingenious, and only did he learn it after having worked with them for so long that they were efficient.

Humans were easy to reason with. Or at least that was how Xaro saw them. Whenever there was a problem aboard the ship, it would easily be rectified by a quick talk. Even more so when that problem was pressing. They didn't bother having to wrestle with notions of religion or culture. They did things because that was the logical thing to do.

Sangheili on the other hand were a different breed entirely. Xaro felt torn. He knew where his brethren were coming from. But he couldn't help but think they were idiots for making a non issue an issue when this discussion should have been done minutes ago. Perhaps it was humanity's culture rubbing off on him in more ways than one.

Xaro and the other Shipmasters were in the Strategy Hall. He was seated near the backend of a large elongated table. Around him were the other Shipmasters, all clad in their golden colored harnesses, proudly displaying their rank and authority. At the center was Thel Vadam, the Kaidon himself. Unlike the rest of them, Thel donned the ceremonial Arbiter armor, along with a flowing cloak that emphasized his importance. Thel spent the past hour briefing them on why they were called back onto Sanghelios.

It all boiled down to this: the Swords of Sanghelios intelligence gatherers have managed to track down the last remaining 'finger' of the Didact's Hand. It was the Sangheili by the name of Ravi 'Seno. Xaro didn't know of him personally but knew the importance of finally being able to track him down. It meant that the campaign they were doing against Jul M'dama's Covenant was finally coming to a close. The kicker was that Ravi was there on Sanghelios. He was last spotted entering the base of Vorduk Mountain. The entire area had been locked down and reports showed that no other ship came in and out ever since.

"I say we storm the place!" a Sangheili by the name of Rynco Sorn. He was large and intimidating, standing up as he not so gently slammed his fist onto the table. Xaro didn't know him personally but had heard of his exploits. Rynco was ruthless in battle, tearing the Brutes apart when the Great Schism happened and took great pleasure in it. Some say he was actually waiting for something like the Great Schism to happen just so he had a good reason to slaughter the Brutes that irked him so much. His enthusiasm and bloodlust was at least pointed in the right direction. And this sentiment spoke to some of the commanders that were in that room. A few Sangheili nodded in affirmation. "We are not cowards!" Rynco cried out. "We shall fight them head on."

Then came the voice of the opposite opinion. "Are you sure that is wise?" It was a Sangheili that introduced himself as Cree Dalum. He was the one Xaro found himself agreeing with, mostly because he wasn't rash and brash like Rynco was. "Ravi and his minions have operated in secrecy up to this point. We should not waste the element of surprise." Naturally, the other remaining Sangheili who did not share Rynco's opinion sided with him.

"Have you lost your sense of honor?" Rynco said, pointing at Cree. "What is there in a fight if it's won by trickery and underhanded tactics?" Rynco was speaking to the innate desire all Sangheili had: to prove themselves in battle time and time again. There was no glory in fighting if it was achieved not through skill and prowess but through careful planning and strategy. Most Sangheili relished the fight and Rynco lived for it more than most.

"I was merely suggesting that we have this golden opportunity and we should not waste it by hastily charging in," Cree responded. "We do not know the full details. For all we know this could be a trap and we're playing right into Ravi's hand. He is cornered after all."

"Then it will be his greatest mistake," Rynco snapped back.

The discussion continued between the two, with few Elites chiming in as well to offer their perspective on the matter. Xaro got the sense that this was just leading into a stalemate and he looked to the Arbiter who was rubbing his forehead to confirm it. "Enough!" he said, getting everyone's attention. "We sit here bickering like younglings, wasting precious time that we do not yet know how much we have." He stood up and addressed the two opposing sides on the matter. "Rynco, I understand that your desire to fight and to seek glory in battle is never satiated. Know that this is not the final battle. There will be many more battles after. Even more so when we take Jul M'dama at his final stand, wherever that may be. But this battle is one that requires a subtle approach. We cannot risk letting Ravi slip away. For this, I will agree with Cree. We do not yet know the full details. The intelligence we have is too few and too sparse. It would be risky to fully head on. Which is why I ask you, commanders, to cooperate with me in scouting out Vorduk Mountain. The land structure is vast and historical documents mention that there could be underground tunnels there, winding and sprawling. We would need to be careful if we are to barge right in. We must leave nothing to chance."

Rynco looked disappointed whilst Cree felt validated. Rynco however, nodded and ultimately agreed with what the Arbiter said, as he knew that Thel spoke with sound reasoning. He backed down, the conversation shifting to what movement the troops should have to make sure that Ravi doesn't escape. A plan was soon drafted, involving the ships nearby to create a blockade, effectively trapping any unauthorized ships that dared to escape to space. A select few Elites trained in the arts of stealth would sneak in and further survey the area, making note of the ways in and out. Another group was tasked to block the known bunkers. If Ravi wanted to hide in a hole, they were to make sure it would be his grave.

The meeting soon ended and the plan was set in motion. Everyone was soon dismissed. Xaro found himself letting out a sigh of relief as he stood at the balcony of the keep. He got a good view of the surrounding area, noting the three suns of Sanghelios slowly disappearing over the horizon as night began to fall. TaskForce-117 wasn't selected to do any special tasks, which Xaro took to mean that the Arbiter had other plans for them. Perhaps they were going to be part of the group that storms Ravi's stronghold. Xaro hoped that they did. The idea of actually being in battle would be a good way to relieve the tense nerves he was having.

"They act like younglings, don't they?"

Xaro turned his head, surprised to see the Arbiter himself standing next to him. "Uh, who do you mean?"

"Your fellow shipmasters," Thel responded. "Xaro, I take it? It's nice to finally speak with you. I've heard good things."

Xaro felt his chest swell with pride. "Y-you've heard of me? How?"

"How could I not? You are the shipmaster of Relentless Progress, leading TaskForce 117. A lot was riding on your success." Thel then smiled at him. "I'm glad the alliance is going strong."

"It has been." Xaro was taken aback at the sudden amount of compliments he was getting, especially from someone as esteemed as the Arbiter himself.

"I have heard things however."

"Such as?"

"I wanted to confirm it with the Shipmaster myself: is it true that you're in a relationship with a human?"

Xaro blinked. He was not expecting the conversation to veer into this territory. Then again, it was only expected since people talk. There was no point in denying it. It wasn't like what they were doing was wrong anyway. "Yes," he answered truthfully, somehow feeling a huge weight lift itself off his shoulders.

"I see." Thel took a moment to respond. "How is it?"

"Excuse me?"

"How is it?" Thel asked again. "Your relationship with this human. How is it?"

The question threw Xaro for a loop. Thel noticed this and figured to rephrase his questioning by elaborating. "I admit, I am genuinely fascinated to hear this development. This was not what I was expecting to happen when I originally envisioned this alliance with humanity. But I suppose you could say it is a happy accident. Which is why I'm curious to hear how it happened."

"Oh!" Xaro shrugged. "Um...I suppose you could say mutual interest?" He wasn't really sure how to explain it to Thel. Jacob was just that: Jacob. "I like Jacob for who he is and I'm fortunate enough that he liked me well enough for things to have gone the way they did." Xaro felt like he was being grilled by a parent about his relationship choices. "I'm sure you can understand."

"In some ways, yes. Mutual respect and camaraderie can easily lead to interesting relationships. If you had told me that I would be trusting my life with the one we refer to as the Demon, I would have had you restrained for lunacy. But perhaps life has a sense of humor after all." He then turned to face Xaro. "I hope you do not mind. But I insist that you two join me for dinner this evening."

Being invited for dinner by the kaidon, much less the Arbiter, was something Xaro was not expecting to happen today but it seemed that today was a day full of surprises. "I'd prefer not to impede!"

"You wouldn't be. Besides, I would like to ask you more about your relationship. It fascinates me."

"What would you like to know?"

"I admit, it has me curious. What does a human have that a Sangheili does not?"

That was a very personal question. It made Xaro pause, wondering how to answer it. He looked at Thel, prompting the Sangheili to add to his question saying, "Please, Xaro, speak freely. We are but two Sangheili having a pleasant conversation. Do not let my position intimidate you. If anything, I value your opinion greatly seeing as you have spent more time with the humans that I could ever have. Even more intimately from the things I've heard."

Xaro thought about the question. He wasn't really sure how to answer it. "It's hard to say, really," he replied. "Humans are different. They're softer, smoother. They do things differently than us Sangheili and have a fascinating way of approaching matters." Xaro wasn't sure if it was right to talk about Jacob like he was just merely a sex toy for him. He opted to shift into mentioning stuff beyond physicality. "Humans are also caring, if they show it. They are compassionate lovers. Though I suppose the same could be said with Sangheili."

"You truly are smitten with this one, aren't you?" Thel asked teasingly, making Xaro blush lightly in the cheeks. Thel let out a light chuckle. "I would like to meet him. It's not often I see a shipmaster reduced to that of a youngling stumbling over his words in trying to describe his feelings for someone."

Xaro let out a defeated sigh. "If you insist, kaidon, it will be done."

Dinner didn't sound that bad. It was at least better than the rations he had been eating all this time on the ship.


"I thought you were joking," Jacob said.

"This is not something I would joke about," Xaro replied back.

The two of them were walking down the hall, making a beeline towards the dining room that they were informed was now set and waiting for them. Xaro was now dressed down. He had removed his armor and techsuit and opted to wear something more appropriate for the occasion, a regal robe that was provided for him by Imca earlier. Jacob was in the same attire, albeit having to frankenstein the alien fashion wear into something that would be more suited for him. Normally he would go with his combat fatigues, but it felt wrong to wear them when you were about to have dinner with the important political figure on the planet. Jacob tied the loose fitting robe around him to secure it firmly. It was the smallest size available and it was still a size too large for him.

"If I had known any better, I would have brought a suit," Jacob remarked, having to fiddle with his sleeves as it looked like they were getting loose again.

"You look fine," Xaro assured him. He then paused in his footsteps and assisted Jacob in securing the sleeve that was being a problem. "You look great actually."

"Thank you. It's my first time modeling alien clothing."

"Hey for what it's worth, I'd probably look terrible wearing human clothing as well. I'd have to get them specially made for me."

The two continued on, eventually arriving at a set of heavy doors that were guarded by two Elites. The two Elites looked at the two of them, one briefly eyeing Jacob curiously. The Elite pushed the door open, letting the two into the Dining Hall. It was grand, as with everything Jacob saw thus far. Large spacious room big enough to host multiple people in it. There was a long table in the center, lined with chairs on each side. Half of it was empty, clearly unused as there would only be three people eating here today. The other half was filled with modest offerings. The food both looked alien and familiar to Jacob. The smell of it wafted across the air. It reminded him of home cooked meals back when he was young. Though they didn't look like any dish he had ever eaten before. One looked like a chicken crossed with a lizard. Another looked like a fish but this one had legs and wings. It was bizarre, but the smell made his mouth shockingly water. He only told himself that it would be rude to judge the meal by its appearance. These could very well be local delicacies. Thel stood at the end of the table, greeting the both of them at their arrival.

"I'm glad you two could join us. Please, take a seat."

Jacob found himself sitting to Thel's left whilst Xaro across from him. Jacob was thankful that Sangheili ate somewhat similar to humans in the sense that they ate with dining utensils. Different the tools were, they still functionally looked similar to that of a spoon and a fork. Thel then let themselves dig in, and Xaro began to help himself to the meal Jacob recognized was the chicken-lizard thing. It was at this point Thel noted Jacob's hesitation.

"I recommend you try the Snap-Tail," Thel said, motioning to the fish that looked it had wings and a leg.

Jacob nodded, using the knife by his side to cut a piece of it and put it on its plate. The meat was purple, and looked completely and utterly raw. Did they forget to cook this? He looked across from him and saw Xaro eating the meal happily and having a smile on his face. Clearly it was edible. Jacob only hoped that the taste was bearable. Jacob gulped his worries away and put a small sizable chunk of the meat into his mouth. His taste buds fired off and he was assaulted with a barrage of flavors he wasn't expecting. It looked like fish, felt like a fish in his mouth, but it tasted nothing like it. If anything, it tasted like grilled pork. He bit down on it and chewed, finding the alien flavor growing on him. "This is good!" he remarked.

Across from him, Xaro let out a quiet sigh of relief.

The dinner continued, conversation naturally starting as they took bites out of the food. It started off simple, mainly with Thel talking with Jacob and asking him his thoughts on the planet thus far. "It's...different," Jacob said, finding it difficult to come up with a good answer on the spot. "I mean, not bad 'different'. Just different. It's definitely different from how Earth is."

"It is. From my personal experience, your planet is more lush given that you only have one sun."

That was true. The temperature itself was bearable, but he figured that heat on Sanghelios could easily overwhelm him given that he wasn't used to it. "Have you been to Earth, Xaro?" Thel asked.

"Only on business," Xaro answered. "I was there trying to defend it from the Flood. And then I was there again to talk with the UNSC in getting the TaskForce 117 initiative in order much later."

Thel took a sip from his glass of water. "I believe that was when you two first met, is it not?" He turned to look at Jacob. "My curiosity gets the better of me. Jacob, what drew you to Xaro?"

Jacob pretty much had the same reaction as Xaro had when he was asked the question. He was caught off guard by the questioning. "Um...uh..." Being put on the spot made his brain falter. "That's uh..." What was he going to say? "I suppose I just like him," he ultimately answered. "It's difficult to answer, Arbiter. It's like asking me why my favorite color is blue."

"Please, call me Thel. We are but individuals enjoying a friendly meal with each other. But I can understand where you are coming from. Xaro here didn't answer as succinctly but I understand what he was trying to get across." Their conversation moved back to the topic of Sanghelios. By this point, Jacob had his fill with the meal. He was honestly surprised he ate more than he thought of the Snap-Tail. He was drinking a glass of water when Thel asked him a question. "Jacob, what do you think of the keep?'

"It's impressive," he answered. "I admit, this is my first time being in such a place. We don't have these sorts of structures built into mountain regions back on Earth."

"Have you managed to look around?"

"I was under the impression that I shouldn't be sightseeing given that we're here for an important mission," Jacob answered.

"True, but you're a welcomed guest. And it would be rude of me not to show you around. Did you know we have hot springs down below?"

Now that caught Jacob off guard. That was not in any reading materials he read about prior to arriving here. Then again, there wasn't any tactical advantage in knowing of such a place. "I do not. You do?"

"We do," Thel answered, almost excitedly. "It's frankly one of the things I like about my keep. We have a natural one down below. Have you seen it?"

Jacob shook his head.

"Would you like to?"

First dinner? Now a dip in the hot springs? This felt more like a vacation than a military operation. Jacob looked to Xaro for advice. He wasn't sure if he should decline or accept. A part of him was naturally curious about the hot springs but the other part of him, his more mature and professional side, told him that he was here on business and there was no time for relaxing like this.

"I mean...I wouldn't be against it..."

Thel took this as a yes. "Good!" He stood up. "Come, follow me. You too, Xaro. We shall take a dip to clear our minds."

Jacob looked to Xaro but the Sangheili at this point looked like he was enjoying the ride. For the record, it was the Arbiter that invited them anyway. It's not often you can say you were invited by someone as esteemed as he was. The trio soon exited the Dining Hall, leaving behind the hearty meal as they made their way down to the bottom of the keep. They went through an old wooden door, leading down steps seemingly carved from the stone surface itself. Artificial lighting kept the place illuminated but it still gave Jacob a sense that they were heading down the dungeons of a castle.

"The Vadam Keep Hot Springs is normally reserved for the kaidon," Thel said as they walked down the stone stairs. Their footsteps echoed and reverberated around them. "But I am willing to make an exception." Jacob could feel the world disappear behind them. The hustle and bustle of Vadam sounded like a distant echo as they went further and deeper down the steps. It wasn't long until only their footsteps was the only sound that kept the silence at bay. Eventually however, he could hear it; water. It was faint, but audible. It grew louder as they reached the landing and Jacob let out an audible gasp upon seeing the sight. The steps that led down here were claustrophobic, but the walls opened up to a cavernous space, revealing the hot springs in the middle. There were more lights in the area, giving the place a calm and tranquil atmosphere. A gentle breeze wafted from somewhere, keeping the area fresh and cool. The water from the hot springs was clear, bubbling up from warmth. It reminded Jacob of a sauna he had seen from pictures he saw from magazines being advertised as tourist destinations back on Earth.

"Welcome to the Vadam Keep Hot Springs," Thel said, turning to face both Jacob and Xaro.

"I've always heard of this place but I have never seen it in person," Xaro remarked. He lightly touched one of the walls, noting the rocky texture. It was clearly natural but at the same time shaped by Sangheili builders of ages.

"This is where warriors refresh and meditate to help clear their minds in preparation for difficult tasks before them. I invited the other shipmasters to join me for a wash but they respectfully declined. They opted to plan and work their strategies for the upcoming battle," Thel said. "The last time I was here was when it was the eve of me accepting the position of the Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice." He lightly clutched at his chest. "Amusing how that would inevitably lead me to the path to where I am now."

Jacob walked forward, eyeing more of the surroundings. He noted the bubbling water in the hot springs and lightly frowned. "Well this is going to be a problem."

Thel and Xaro turned to look at him, wondering what was wrong.

"I didn't bring my swimsuit," he said jokingly.

He wasn't met with laughter but rather puzzled looks. It was Thel that responded to him however. "It is fine, Jacob," Thel said. "It is customary for us Sangheili to bathe in the nude. I figured you would be alright with the matter."

"Oh," Jacob said, processing the concept. The notion of bathing in the nude was fine for him. They were all men here. They were all mature. There wasn't anything inherently awkward at seeing each other nude. What was concerning for Jacob was that he was going to be naked next to his sexy hot alien boyfriend Xaro and Jacob wasn't sure if he was going to be able to behave himself. "I wouldn't mind," he answered. He took a breath, doing his best to think nothing more of it. But the thought already permeated his mind. He couldn't help but feel nervous as the trio went towards the side and began to strip. Jacob focused on himself, unraveling the robe he wore and eventually succeeded in taking it off him. Given that it was a size larger for him, it was easier to remove. He folded it neatly and placed it on the flat surface of the rock, next to the folded towels that they were no doubt going to use later to dry off. He then went for his underwear, throwing it into the pile. Now fully naked and nude, he turned around to see both Thel and Xaro were still undressing.

"Go right ahead, Jacob. We shall join you in the water," Thel responded.

Jacob took this as his cue and headed into the water, leaving the two Sangheili. Jacob was careful, first dipping only one foot in to test the waters. When he confirmed that it was warm enough to be comfortable and not hot enough to burn him, he fully dipped in. The water splashed slightly as he introduced his weight. It was relaxing and refreshing, making Jacob let out a light groan as his body adjusted to the warm temperature of the water. The natural pool itself was about chest high for Jacob, and the bubbling water obscured the view so he didn't have to worry so much about his modesty. He rested his back on the smooth surface and only turned his head when he heard the heavy footsteps of the two Sangheili.

Jacob was thankfully conscious enough to not let his mouth drop awkwardly at the site of the two naked Sangheili in front of him. He saw Xaro naked before; numerous times to even count. It was probably seared into his brain so much that he could paint a picture of it without even trying. But that didn't stop him from ogling the Sangheili when he walked towards him. Xaro was still looking as great as ever. Even more so with that thick cock swinging between his legs, coupled with the two plump balls. What caught Jacob's attention even more however was the Sangheili standing next to him. Thel was just as exquisitely hot, if not more so than Xaro. Thel was clearly a Sangheili who had seen his fair share of battles. His entire body was riddled with battle scars from the many fights and engagements he had been in. One thing that caught Jacob's attention was the odd looking mark that was on Thel's pectoral. It was too accurate to be that of a birthmark. He remembered seeing that symbol before. Jacob just couldn't remember at the current moment. Perhaps it was because his mind was too preoccupied at trying not to stare too much at Thel's endowment. Were all Sangheili men like this? Thel was just as hung as Xaro was!

He averted his gaze, staring forward once more and focusing on the sensations the water was giving him. He did his best to relax, but realized his body was already reacting to the situation. He could feel himself getting harder under the bubbling water. He was thankful that it was all bubbly as it kept his perversion from being seen. Thel and Xaro joined him in the hot spring, sitting at either side of him. The space was slightly cramped given all three of them were in there, but they managed to make space.

"I haven't been in a traditional bath like this in quite a long time," Xaro remarked. He was seated to Jacob's right side. He leaned back, stretching his arms and legs. His mandibles opened up slightly to let out the moan of relief that came out from him.

"I am the same," Thel answered. "It is difficult for us to find moments of peace like this. It is why I do my best to make the most of them whenever I get the chance." Thel was seated to Jacob's left. All three of them were seated close enough that Jacob's knee was touching his companion's. "If I had my way with it, I'd like to have one of these installed on my ship."

"I'm sure no one would raise objections if you did request for it," Xaro said. "You could say you need it to help relax."

A smile tugged at the corner of Thel's lips. "Perhaps. Maybe I should ask the UNSC for assistance on the matter. I believe humans are more open to luxury items being on their ships. I think some of them have recreation stuff on theirs." It was at this point that the Thel noticed that Jacob was unnaturally quiet between the two of them. "Are you alright, Jacob?"

This broke Jacob's concentration in trying not to get aroused at his current situation. He was succeeding somewhat given that his hardon was slowly calming down. "Huh? Sorry," he answered. He moved his hands and accidentally brushed it up against Thel's thigh. The Sangheili looked at him, and Jacob reeled it back with such fervor that it looked like he had burned himself upon doing so.

"You should relax, Jacob," Thel said. "Then again, I understand if this is all too odd for you. Sangheili customs might feel alien for someone who isn't a Sangheili."

Jacob shook his head. "It's fine, I'm sorry. But yeah, you are right. I'm just not used to being in the bath with other people. Much less in the nude with them." Then he looked at Thel. "I was just thinking." Jacob figured talking would help keep his mind distracted long enough to not think about the two hot alien men sitting naked next to him.

"Of what?" Thel asked.

"I was thinking about your scar," he said, his mind thinking back to the scar he saw earlier. "I feel like I've seen it before. I just wasn't sure where."

"Oh you mean this?" Thel asked, motioning to the mark that was firmly on his pectoral.

"That is the Mark of Shame," Xaro answered. "It is a brand given to those who have either disgraced or turned away from the Covenant. Or at least, that was what it used to signify."

Jacob then blinked, realizing where he had seen it before. "I see it on the flags your troops carry."

"Yes," Thel answered. "It has now become a rallying symbol and a sign of deference to what I have accomplished. It used to be a brand given to those who have turned away from the Covenant and abandoned the future. But now it is a brand meant to signify fighting for that future. Funny how life can be at times." He idly rubbed it with his free hand. "Sometimes it aches. I guess the pain is there to remind me of how far I've come. Shame that it can be considered grotesque for those who may be squeamish."

"I've seen worse." Jacob was a doctor after all. "Besides, aren't you guys like a warrior race? Given that fact, I'd assume scars would be something your race would consider enticing."

Thel chuckled. "That is true in some aspects. Though, I have yet to fully test that given that I haven't had time to really fool around the same way you two have been." Jacob and Xaro looked bashful at being called out. "I've been too busy. Having to coordinate efforts in making sure this campaign against Jul ends well, then having to be a diplomat both for the UNSC and the other keeps on the planet." Thel shook his head. "It has been exhausting. I haven't had a moment for myself."

"Well hey, that's why we're here right?" Jacob responded. He could only sympathize with Thel's plight. He didn't have to imagine how difficult and stressful of a position he was in. "So let's not talk about work. How about that for starters?"

Thel smiled. "I would like that." Thinking of a new topic of conversation Thel then said, "since you've been mostly working with the Sangheili now, I assume you've managed to familiarize yourself with our weaponry?"

Jacob pondered where he was going with this. "Are you talking about the Energy Sword?"

"Yes. What do you think of it?"

"An elegant weapon for an elegant race," Jacob answered. "Or at least that's what Xaro tells me. I got the feeling that he was just trying to impress me when he didn't need to."

Xaro let out a light huff. "But it's true. I've been giving him lessons to help him get better at it. He could do with a sidearm that is more devastating than a standard issue pistol. I'm not sure if any of it is sticking though."

It was too good to pass up and Thel decided to tease him for it. "Is it because you're a bad teacher or is it because you're sticking something else in him instead?"

"Neither," Xaro responded sharply. Then he saw that Thel wasn't buying it based on what Thel could see from Jacob's reaction to his joke. "Alright, maybe a bit of the latter," Xaro said, backpedaling shamefully. "Jacob requires more of a personal touch when teaching him and it can kind of get a bit out of hand."

"Because the sword is too big for his hands?" Thel remarked.

"Yes," Xaro responded proudly, puffing his chest out subtly.

"I'm right here you guys," Jacob said, trying to hold back his smile. "He's not a bad teacher, I can tell you that much. He really cares about his students."

The topic of conversation piqued Thel's interest. A thought popped into his head. "You seem knowledgeable with the sword, Xaro. Have you ever considered becoming a Blademaster?"

Jacob's brow rose. "A Blademaster?"

"I have. I tried to be one," Xaro answered, looking melancholic. "I did not succeed in my endeavor however. I did not qualify." That was when he noticed Jacob's confused look and opted to give context to what they were talking about. "A Blademaster is a title given to someone who is considered an expert at the Energy Sword. While it is true that the majority of Sangheili are taught at a very young age to wield the sword, only some rise to the occasion and fully master how to use it effectively in battle. Those who do are awarded the title. A Blademaster is the best teacher you could ever ask for if you ever want to get good with the Energy Sword."

"Why am I learning from you then?" Jacob jokingly asked.

Thel laughed at Xaro's expense. "I can see why you two like each other very much. Look on the bright side though, at least this tells me you satisfy your partners very well."

Xaro blushed, waving a dismissive hand at Thel. "I do not deserve your compliments, Thel. I am but only modestly average."

"If you are average, then what does that make me?" Thel pointedly asked.

Jacob felt like he was missing context here. Though, he got the gist that they were talking about dick sizes. Thel and Xaro shared a laugh and it was here that Thel noticed Jacob's confusion. He decided to fill him in. "You could say that the title of Blademaster gives a particular Sangheili some benefits." His tone of choice upon saying the last word made Jacob's brow rose. "In our culture, we consider talent with the sword to be very important. So much so that we would like it to be passed down from one generation to the next. Ergo, Blademasters are given the special privilege of being able to choose partners of their own discretion to ensure that the good genes get passed down."

"Choose partners?" Jacob asked. "What do you mean by 'choose'?"

"It means exactly what it sounds like. Blademasters are at liberty to choose any female they desire to carry their children."

Jacob blinked. "That's..." He wasn't sure what to think. Was it wrong? By his own sensibilities it was. But he stopped himself. He had to remember: he wasn't a Sangheili. This was their culture. And he wasn't in any position to tell them that it was 'wrong' nor if it was 'right'. It just was. "That's interesting," he ultimately said.

"It is fine, Jacob," Thel said, seeing Jacob was choosing his words. "I understand if such a practice feels foreign to a human such as yourself. But to continue with what I was saying, there's a notion that goes around that some Sangheili men choose to become Blademasters for they feel inadequate in impressing potential partners."

"Oh. Oh!" Jacob said, finally understanding what the two were joking about earlier. He then looked at Xaro. "You? Average? I find that hard to believe."

Thel then interjected. "What if we let you decide?"

"Decide on what?" Jacob asked.

"Oh that wouldn't be necessary," Xaro responded. The last thing he wanted was to be in a competition with Thel. He respected the Sangheili well enough where he didn't want to be put in a situation where he could actually come out on top of him.

"Xaro seems to think he is average. But I beg to differ. It seems we're at an impasse unless you would be interested in being a judge," Thel said to Jacob.

Jacob blinked. Was this really happening? Was Thel asking him what he thought he was asking him? "Y-you want me to judge both of you?" Jacob asked, looking at the two Sangheili men that were beside him. His cock that had gone flaccid throughout their entire conversation on the spring sprang to life once more. "I mean..." He could hear his heart pounding in his chest. One side of Jacob wanted to say no, since the entire thing felt absurd. The three of them sounded like young hormonal teenagers. Two were filled with testosterone and wanting to assert dominance by claiming to have the biggest cock while their last guy just wanted to stare at the penises in front of him. Jacob never imagined he would get to this point when he enlisted into the UNSC.

"Sure," he said, thinking no less of it. He figured he might as well have fun given that the other two clearly were. "I can do my best to give an unbiased opinion on it since I am a doctor after all."

Thel and Xaro just glanced at one another.

It was a moment or so later that Jacob soon found himself kneeling in front of the two naked Sangheili men before him. They had toweled off prior to this so they were now good and dry. A pillow was used to save Jacob from scraping his knee, retrieved from a nearby stack that was conveniently stored at the side. He did his best to remain professional but it was hard to ignore the impressive sight before him.

"Your hands are very delicate," Thel said, looking down at Jacob.

"He has very soft hands," Xaro added.

"With my minimum knowledge of Sangheili physiology, you two look absolutely healthy," Jacob said, putting on his 'doctor' voice, if only in an attempt to distract himself from the perversion of it all. It was made difficult given that he could see both Thel and Xaro respond to his touches. The two impressive cocks twitched and he could feel their respective pulse. It didn't take long for both Thel and Xaro to start getting an erection. "I take it you two are happy to see me?" Jacob coyly asked.

"I am but a gentleman is all," Thel responded. "Though I have to admit. Such sensations are things I have not felt in a long time. I can see why you took to him, Xaro."

"He has a way with his fingers." Xaro shivered, feeling Jacob's digits lightly tap on his shaft.

At this point, Jacob was privy to the sight of the two fully erect and hard cocks in front of him. He let out a gulp and could feel his mouth slightly water. His two hands were both busy with trying to get a handful of both men. On his left was Thel, and on his right was Xaro. Jacob wrapped his hands on either shaft, making a mental note of their respective girths. This was where he realized something. Xaro was thicker than Thel. Jacob struggled to get his middle finger to touch tips with his thumb. With Thel, it wasn't much of a bother. Thel definitely had some girth to him, but Xaro was the clear winner in this regard. The squeezing action he was doing on both men was inadvertently turning them on even further. To the point where it was difficult for either of them to keep themselves mum. Jacob could hear both Thel and Xaro breathing heavily. Thel's legs were shaking slightly and Xaro reeled his head back as he tried to control his breaths.

"In my assessment so far," Jacob said, pretending that he wasn't noticing how horny the two were getting. "It would seem that Xaro has you beat in terms of thickness, Thel." Xaro felt his chest swell with pride at the moment. At least he had something he could be proud of.

Jacob then continued saying, "though, Thel is packing something as well." He traced a delicate finger across Thel's hardening cock. "What he lacks in thickness makes up for in length." Thel was just an inch or so longer than Xaro. Both Sangheili had something going for them. Thel however couldn't focus on the compliment. He was too busy focusing on the sensations he was feeling instead. He had his eyes closed, savoring the way Jacob held his cock in his hands. Thel's mandibles relaxed and the Sangheili groaned. "By the Rings, this feels amazing," Thel remarked, looking down at Jacob at this point was slowly jerking both of them off.

Jacob loved feeling the distinct bumps and ridges each Sangheili had on their cock. Each one was unique. Jacob was gentle with what he was doing, watching with perverted curiosity as the leathery skin pulled back to reveal the enlarged tip. He had numerous encounters with it already with Xaro but it was a sight he knew he was never going to get tired of. The smell of sex permeated the air as all three were getting more and more turned on by their actions. Jacob was hard as a rock at this point. Harder than any point in his life if he was being honest. But his arousal paled in comparison to the two monstrous cocks in front of him. Both Xaro and Thel's respective cocks were leaking copious amounts of pre. The bead of sticky liquid was escaping from the slit and dripping down the erect shaft. It served as good lubrication and effectively made jerking off both men easier.

The sheer excess of it prompted Jacob to deal with it the best way he knew how: by using his tongue. Thel let out a light gasp upon feeling the slick sensation of the human tongue. It was definitely something he wasn't expecting, but it was something he never knew he wanted to feel. He cursed under his breath in Sangheili tongue, his mandibles clicking and splaying in response to the sensations racking his entire body. Jacob worked his magic, finding the sounds the Sangheili was making like music to his ears. Not wanting to make Xaro feel left out, he took a break from Thel to switch over to Xaro. "That was..." Thel said, sounding breathless. His cock throbbed, releasing a spurt of pre over Jacob's shoulder. "What did you do, Jacob?"

"He's also good with his tongue," Xaro commented in between heavy breaths. "Jacob is a very talented human."

Jacob never thought of himself as a good sucker. A modestly average cocksucker, yes, but a talented one? Maybe. But he wasn't one to complain about getting complimented for it. He alternated between the two Sangheili, coating their thick hard shafts with his slick saliva. Whenever one was nearing the edge, he would remove himself and move to the other. It was easy to tell when either one was about to blow. With Xaro, Jacob could feel the Sangheili's pulse quicken and his breathing pick up. He knew Xaro well enough to stop just right at the peak of his arousal. The Sangheili would be frustrated at him for this but Jacob knew it was going to be well worth it in the end. For Thel however, he was different. Thel was more loud and obvious. He would slowly thrust his hips forward, wanting more of Jacob's mouth on his cock. It would seem he couldn't get enough of it. Jacob was more than happy to accommodate. He opened his mouth and took in the Sangheili's cock. In just a short minute, Thel would hit the back of Jacob's throat and his entire length would continue going further down the human's gullet. Jacob was glad that his gag reflex was already used to this sort of treatment. Xaro was someone that helped him practice almost everyday. This would continue on for a while up until Jacob could see Thel's balls rise up and his cock throb. These were the tell tale signs of Thel reaching his limit. The human was quick to remove himself, spittle momentarily connecting his mouth from the Sangheili's hung cock. It was much to Thel's chagrin.

"Jacob!" Thel cried out, sounding impatient. "I demand you to finish what you started!"

Jacob didn't respond but instead just looked back at Thel while sucking on Xaro's cock. He rolled his tongue around the Sangheili's engorged head, frustrating Thel even further as he wanted to have that treatment. "Sorry Thel," Xaro said, looking apologetic. "This is one thing you can't demand. It has to be earned."

"Holy ones, give me strength," Thel said, doing his best to patiently wait for his turn. Jacob's mouth was unlike anything he ever had before. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was beginning to feel jealous of Xaro. It has clearly been way too long since he last had gotten laid. Jacob worked Xaro's cock, making the knob practically shine from the relentless onslaught of the human's tongue. Thel was left to just jerk himself off to the site but despite doing so, it did little to satiate his arousal. It just wasn't the same. He watched as Xaro reached outwards to playfully grab at Jacob's ass.

"That's good..." Xaro whispered to Jacob. Just like that.

Thel cursed under his breath. Clearly Jacob spoiled him already. Jacob continued working on Xaro's cock, this time however teasing the Sangheili closer than ever before to completion. He just stopped shy of the edge when Xaro's breathing picked up. It was like balancing on the tip of a needle. But Jacob figured Xaro had enough. This time he let the Sangheili climax. Without warning Jacob furiously jerked Xaro off, his hands a blur on the thick shaft. Xaro was caught off guard by the sudden shift in pace and blew his load soon after. Throbbing spurts of hot Sangheili cum jettisoned itself from Xaro's cock, landing all over Jacob's face. Some splashed across his cheeks, a few landed on his mouth as Jacob tried to catch a few of them. The volume was impressive, and the smell of masculine musk permeated the air. Xaro moaned loudly, filling the entire room. By the end, slimey, stringy strands of cum dangled from Jacob's face, dripping down to his chin and onto his bare chest. They were hot on his flesh. But if there was one thing Jacob was happy to know was that in his research, Sangheili cum was actually good for human skin. They acted like moisturizers except purer in that regard. Though that was a bit of a scientific discovery he wasn't sure if he was ready to reveal to the world yet. Jacob wiped the excessive cum dripping from his face then proceeded to lick them from his fingers, tossing a knowing glance back at Thel who at this point was flashing varied emotions that were hard to put down.

Thel looked jealous, angry, frustrated, horny, and impatient all at the same time. He had brought over some cushions from the side and laid them on the floor for him to rest on. It saved his feet from having to stand for so long. But his cock was still left unattended and that left Thel unhappy. Perhaps the kaidon was angry that he wasn't being serviced properly for the evening. "I think it'd be rude of us to keep Thel waiting any longer," Xaro said.

"Fair enough," Jacob responded, crawling towards Thel who opened up his legs further to give Jacob better access to his lower half. Thel's cock pointed straight upwards, rigid and desperately wanting attention. Jacob was more than happy to oblige. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Jacob said, placing his hands on Thel's crotch. Thel visibly stiffened, the human's hands feeling electric on his leathery skin.

"You are forgiven, Jacob." He then flashed Jacob a look. "Just make sure to finish what you've started."

"Are you threatening me with a good time?"

Thel's mandibles twitched. "Perhaps I am."

Jacob just smiled before leaning forward and sticking his tongue out. The moment it collided with Thel's shaft did the Sangheili let out a low guttural moan of pleasure. "Holy ones..." Thel said, leaning his head back on the pillow. "I'm beginning to regret not deciding to become a Blademaster now."

"You can always ask," Jacob said, pulling himself away enough from Thel's thick cock to respond. Thel was leaking like a faucet once more. It would seem Sangheili generated precum like it was no one's business. The sheer excess dripped down Thel's shaft, almost pooling at his crotch. Jacob was quick to lap it all up with his tongue, not wanting to have a drop wasted. Thel's grip on the cushions tightened and loosened in response to Jacob's action. He would hold on tight when Jacob rolled his tongue around, trailing it up the entirety of Thel's shaft and then down to the bottom. Jacob would then relax, letting Thel get a breather. Jacob used his free hand in the meantime to fondle Thel's two plump balls. Much like Xaro, Thel had a big pair on him, reminding Jacob of two large oranges. A gentle squeeze earned him a groan from the big Sangheili.

"By the Rings, Jacob, the others can learn a thing or two from you. You know how to please a kaidon well." Thel then thought back to what Jacob said prior. "Can I ask now?"

Jacob blushed. He briefly lingered on Thel's shaft, placing it next to his cheek. He could feel it pulsing vehemently. Thel was probably nearing his limit with the way his cock was throbbing. He glanced back at Xaro who simply gave him an affirmative nod. Jacob smiled. "Of course. "I'm a people pleaser. I aim to please." Thel then felt himself get pushed gently back into the cushions. Jacob crawled on top of him, before effectively positioning his backside to grind against Thel's stiff cock. "Deep breaths now," Jacob said, before he proceeded to sit his ass on the erect member.

At first Thel wasn't sure if Jacob was saying that for his own sake or for his. But Thel was quick to realize that it was for his. The resulting tightness was unlike anything Thel had felt before. It was like everything clamped down around his cock and tried to milk him dry. It was insane. No male or female had ever laid with felt like this. Xaro let out a light laugh upon seeing the Sangheili's reaction. "I think he likes it, Jacob."

"Forerunners, this ass is divine..." Thel managed to sputter out. Jacob was making him feel pleasure he never imagined he could ever feel.

By this point, Xaro had joined them amongst the cushions, positioning himself behind Jacob and watching the show. He was idly jerking himself, his own lower half coming back to life for another romp. Xaro watched as Jacob went to town, easily making short work of Thel. He bounced up and down, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing across the room. Even Thel was doing his best to thrust, humping his crotch forward to crash into Jacob. Jacob himself faltered forward, but continued to bounce his lower half into Thel. He was practically moaning into Thel's ears. Coupled with the blowjob from earlier, he couldn't hold out much longer even if his life depended on it.

Thel felt the instinctual desire to bite down on Jacob's neck as he was reaching his tipping point. But that was when he felt Xaro place a firm hand on his shoulder. "No bites," he said. "He belongs only to me." Thel nodded, doing his best to override his innate Sangheili desires.

The Sangheili climaxed, unleashing shot after shot down Jacob's ass. Jacob rode Thel like a man on a mission, clearly taking joy in seeing the larger Sangheili squirm. Thel all the while gripped the cushions so tightly the whites on his knuckles showed. He eventually came down from his high, his legs shaking slightly as he tried to collect himself. He was completely and utterly out of breath. Cum leaked from the sides of Jacob's ass, dripping down towards his legs and making a small pool on the cushions. At this point his ass was practically glistening with the stuff. If there was ever a possibility of a human ever getting impregnated by a Sangheili, this would probably be it.

He cursed in his alien tongue. Jacob reeled back, happy and content with his handiwork. He was about to raise up when he felt large hands wrap themselves behind his back and practically pull himself off Thel and down into the cushions. Jacob was wondering what was going on but quickly relaxed upon realizing it was Xaro who figured it was time to jump back into the fray. "Did you have fun?" he whispered into his ear.

"You could say that," Jacob said, easing himself into Xaro's warm embrace. The Sangheili was spooning him from behind and he could already feel the alien's large member idly grinding itself against his backside. "Though I have a feeling things are about to get more exciting."

"Watching you take down Thel...It makes me even happier that you are all mine," Xaro said, sticking his tongue out and trailing it across Jacob's neck. In that brief moment of time, the two let the world disappear around them. It was just them enjoying each other's company. Xaro playfully bit down on Jacob's neck. Not enough to harm but more than enough to assert his dominance. He was the one in control now and Jacob was just along for the ride. Xaro then eased himself forward, pushing the head of his bulbous cock into Jacob's backside. Jacob gasped, feeling the large cock threaten to split him in half once more. Thankfully the copious amount of spit, precum, and cum from their previous escapade served as a good lubrication. Xaro slid himself in like a well worn glove. They've fucked around so much at this point that Jacob had gotten used to Xaro's size. But that didn't mean the sensations were dulled. Sangheili cock was just something else entirely. Xaro pushed forward, the first few inches disappearing down Jacob's ass. He grinded his hips, rolling it around to make sure he could make the necessary space. He was thick after all. But got thicker as you went down the base.

Thel was privy to the scene in front of him. The two were fucking in a gentle and romantic sense. Just two lovers enjoying each other's company and body. It was honestly heartwarming. But it was also quite arousing as the display of affection was turning Thel on. It was like watching a very elaborate porno. He figured to make the most of it as he could feel himself rising to the occasion once more. But instead of joining in on the fray and disturbing the lovely scene, he figured to stay in the sidelines this time and just watch everything unfold.

Xaro soon found himself picking up pace with his thrust into Jacob. The human rocked back and forth, letting out low groans of pleasure as each thrust sent a shockwave throughout his body. Being as big as he was, Xaro didn't have to try to hit Jacob's prostate. If anything, it would be a miracle if he didn't hit it. This resulted with constant jolts hitting Jacob's body. His face was contorted to that of pleasure mixed in with a twinge of pain. Xaro's cock continued to ravage his backside, with more of it disappearing down his hole. The Sangheili's grip on him tightened, and Jacob found himself moaning Xaro's name out of instinct. It was beginning to get harder to think; harder even to form coherent words. His body felt like it was burning due to the sheer passion and the friction of their two bodies rubbing against one another. Xaro held onto him tightly, seemingly worried that if he were to let go, Jacob would fly off. Their soft and romantic sex seamlessly transitioned to that of two horny animals in dire need of each other. Xaro rolled the two of them onto the cushions, effectively being on top while Jacob was at the bottom. Jacob clung on for dear life as Xaro began to relentlessly hammer into him. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed across the cavern walls. Jacob was crying out loudly, only to be muffled as Xaro used one of his hands to gag Jacob silent.

Thel was enraptured at the sight in front of him. Xaro's hips were a blur, his crotch crashing into Jacob's bubbly backside. He could actually see the human's ass ripple with each thrust. What on earth was Jacob eating? Thel was amazed. He had never seen a backside be that bubbly before in his entire life. Thel made a mental note to ask about this to another human in private if all humans were like this. He licked his lips. Because if they were, he needed to do a better job at being a diplomat. He himself could already feel his own climax reaching. The scene in front of him was too much to bear. Thel didn't stop himself from going over the edge and had his second ejaculation for the evening. Ropes of cum flew across the air, some of them landing on Xaro's back. A few splattered on Jacob's thighs.

The two aforementioned lovers were in a world of their own however. The only thing that mattered were their two connected bodies. Xaro soon felt the tell tale signs of his balls rising and his cock stiffening. He was reaching his limit. He tried to hold for as long as he could but Jacob was making it harder for him. At some point Jacob reached his own climax. His cock ejaculated into the cushions, spilling his own human seed and having it mixed with all the bodily fluids. The resulting orgasm made Jacob's backside tighten even more than it normally did. A notion that Xaro both loved and hated. It made the pleasure amazing but it threatened to squeeze his cock to completion. He could never last under Jacob's mighty grip. With a loud grunt Xaro soon ejaculated. The second round of his cum exited itself violently from his cock and down deep into Jacob's backside. The Sangheili practically emptied the entirety of the contents of his balls. Ropes upon ropes of fresh Sangheili spunk deposited itself into Jacob's rear. Xaro's thrusts became erratic as he continued to ride through the current orgasm, the sensations slowly ebbing through his entire body. Jacob meanwhile could feel the warmth radiating from his backside. He could feel Xaro's cock inside of him throb and deliver the last remaining spurts of seed inside of him before stopping completely. Xaro's thrusts soon halted to a standstill and the Sangheili rested himself atop Jacob.

The two were like that for a bit, just relishing the moment as they tried to regain their composure. It was Xaro who eventually moved first. He gently removed himself from Jacob's backside, the sound of the wet schlop of Jacob's ass audible as he got off him and rolled towards the side. Xaro's cock flopped onto his chest, spent and now slowly turning flaccid. Jacob meanwhile let out a low groan, exhausted from the evening's activities. He couldn't feel his lower half. Just the warm slick cum that now began to exit itself from his ass. Xaro and Thel's cum were probably mixed together at this point. He also was probably not going to be able to walk properly in the morning. Which was going to be a problem given that they still had a military operation to attend to.

It was then that Thel decided to make his presence known once more.

"Well, I'd say that was a very good note to end things on," he said. "I have never felt more refreshed in my entire life."

It was Xaro who responded to him. "I couldn't agree more."

"I must say however," Thel began, "that I understand why you love him so much Xaro. Jacob is quite the catch."

Xaro placed a hand on Jacob. "That he is."

That was when Thel figured to shoot his shot. "Given that it would be a while for informants to come back with the necessary intel on Ravi's situation, would you two be interested in joining me in my quarters?"

Jacob glanced back and could see Thel was already nursing an erection that was stiffening with each jerk of his hand. He looked back at Xaro who responded with a knowing look. "Is fucking this much normal for Sangheili men?"

Xaro and Thel let out a light laugh. "Nah. We're just very horny Sangheili."

Jacob got the feeling he was in for a long night it seems. The cum both on his ass and inside of him hasn't even dried yet and he had a feeling those weren't going to be the last loads he was going to have in him this evening.

That was when a thought popped into Thel's mind. He turned to look at Xaro. "It seems you're the dominant one in the relationship. Have you ever thought about switching things up?"

Xaro looked at Jacob and the two shared a smile with each other. Xaro pulled Jacob close, wrapping a hand around his shoulders. "I've brought it up with him at points. But Jacob has declined." This made Thel's brow rise. Jacob answered his question. "I'm perfectly fine taking Xaro. I prefer it that way. Besides, riding that cock is more than enough for me." Jacob looked at Xaro and pulled him in for a light peck at the Sangheili's mandibles.

Despite being in a dangerous line of work, there was no place Jacob would rather be than with Xaro.

Fiery Need

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking. ...

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Quin and Duke

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking. ...

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Interspecies Tension

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **This story is a sequel to: Interspecies Relations:...

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