Pet lizard love story

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My first one shot story to be posted here

"Oh my sweet Kiwi, we can finally be together once more. Maybe with you in a different form, but that doesn't matter! I'll love you no matter what and I'm sure you'll love me too!"

In a small personal laboratory, a visibly mournful scientist cradles a case of a frozen lizard in their hands as they cry while muttering words of joy and reunification under their breath. The scientist was a young, spotty black, brown, and white dog named Owi. Owi was a child prodigy as he was already solving sixth grade lessons at the age of eight and had perfect grades in every subject. He was enviable by all of the students in his school but he was also quite popular with them and the teachers.

And due to his popularity, Owi managed to receive special recognition by a certain scientific group at the age of sixteen with his parents allowing their son to be hired and live in a special institute of the company. But this smart life had been taking a toll on Owi but his pet lizard Kiwi that was gifted to him by his parents when he finished third grade always kept him company. But after one year of moving into the scientific institute, Kiwi had been acting sickly with Owi quickly bringing her to the institute's medical bay where a vet luckily worked.

After a checkup with the vet, Owi was devastated to hear that Kiwi would only have a few months to live. Luckily for Owi, the institute that he had been working in was conducting research on possible means of increasing longevity with a mysterious goo that was made from the DNA of different animals and races in hopes to evolve the taker of the goo to become stronger, cure diseases, and increase their lifespan.

Owi knew about this strange and experimental goo and was one of the new researchers tasked to study it, but this goo was very dangerous as any beast who would come in contact with it would turn into a mindless goo beast that would try to turn anyone into the same creature as them.

But the goo worked and many sick test subjects who were scheduled to die from a terminal illness lived for an extended amount of time but they had lost all sense of self and reason and were only set out on infecting others. But Owi had been conducting his own research on the goo after he had secretly stolen a sample of it by hiding it inside a can of shaving cream.

He had a personal laboratory of his own where he would sometimes spend an entire day without talking to any of his friends or superiors about what he was doing. And luckily for him, nobody got suspicious of his true intentions and what he was doing in his laboratory as his fellow researchers just thought he was studying a breakthrough that could propel the company to worldwide recognition.

The company was a medicine company who had many successes before they had created the goo but they had fallen out of favor of the world and we're only making standard drugs and medicine like every other pharmaceutical company. They hoped that it would change with the help of another genius like Owi, but Owi was more set out on reviving his pet lizard Kiwi who had already died long ago but was preserved in ice, waiting for the day they could reunite once more.

But now it had been another year since Owi had stolen and researched the experimental goo in his free time and was looking to resign and leave the company. But his resignation was obviously met with suspicion but was quickly cleared up when Owi claimed that he wanted to pursue artistic endeavors instead of slaving away and researching medicine. The company obliviously allowed Owi to resign and even gave him a good sum of cash as a resignation bonus as Owi had made a great impact on the company's advertising sect.

Now with the resignation letter signed, Owi began to pack his things in his laboratory while secretly stowing away the hidden can of goo along with his preserved pet just hidden underneath his stack of research papers that he was dragging on a cart.

"Once we get back home, I'll bring you back, even if it means losing my own self just to see you alive once more. I'm sorry if I get you in trouble, mom, dad."

Owi swiftly made his way out of the institute where his parents were waiting to pick him up to go back home after two years of separation. His parents were quite happy to see their son face to face as they could only visit him on some occasions like his birthday. They were quite proud yet regretful that they allowed their son to work at such a young age which Owi resented them for but quickly let go of it once he had learned of the secret goo that the company was researching.

After eating lunch outside, Owi and his parents eventually made it back home with Owi quickly unpacking his stuff in his room that had been kept spotless even when he had been gone for two years.

Owi hid Kiwi's preserved body under a cloth when he unpacked so that his parents wouldn't find out that their son had been keeping his long deceased pet with him. Once he was finally done unpacking, Owi passed the time on his new laptop he had bought using his salary while looking up a new lizard to buy to cover up how Kiwi was suddenly back from the dead even though he personally informed his parents about her passing.

And so Owi managed to find an identical lizard to Kiwi and notified his parents that he would like to get a lizard like her which they quickly agreed to knowing how grief stricken Owi was when their son's pet passed away. After Owi set up a fake meet up with a lizard seller, he returned to his room to prepare Kiwi's resurrection at night.

"Just calm down... Mom and dad will go to the countryside to stay with my relatives for three days. They won't notice if Kiwi will look a bit glossy like a salamander."

Owi was fortunate to have luck on his side as his parents would leave after dinner to meet his relatives. So Owi passed the time further on showering, playing games, and watching videos until it was finally time for dinner with his parents leaving afterwards. After saying goodbye to his parents, Owi quickly rushed upstairs to finally put his year old plan into fruition.

"There's no telling if my modification will work, but if there is a god, please, let me see my lizard smile one more time!"

Owi had not experimented with his own modified goo and was hoping that his modification will actually both bring Kiwi back to life and allow her to retain her mind. And so Owi quickly brought out the sealed case where he had kept Kiwi along with the hollowed out can that contained his modified goo. The goo was not alive in itself, but once it came into contact with organic tissue, it would quickly spring to life to envelop the unfortunate victim no matter their size. And so Owi brought out a pair of latex gloves and carefully poured out his goo on his preserved pet. Nothing happened at first, but once the goo had settled, it quickly sprung to life and enveloped Kiwi's body.

"Please work, please, please, please!"

Past experiments with critters with the experimental goo would simply make it so the goo would break down the organism and turn them into nutrients to grow itself so that the half sentient mass could spare itself for bigger and more important prey. So Owi got excited when Kiwi did not lose her shape when the goo completely enveloped her body from snout to tail. But that's when a problem arose which immediately brought Owi to the edge of a breakdown.

"No, no, no! Don't tell me it's melting Kiwi!"

Kiwi suddenly lost her shape with the goo that had enveloped her quickly growing in mass and completely filling the case she was in. But the goo did not stop with just seemingly melting Kiwi's body as it began to flow out of the case and onto a rug where Owi had placed the container on. Seeing it overflow with the dangerous transforming liquid, Owi quickly readied a gas mask and a phosphorus compound that would quickly kill and burn his experiment.

Owi began to cry tears of sadness and failure as he readied his flammable compound to exterminate his experiment and pet until something even more peculiar happened. As all of a sudden, the goo in the case which was originally white, turned into a light yellow color and grew into a pillar.

The gooey pillar which was the same height as Owi suddenly formed into a vague shape of a lizard beast, growing a tail, stumpy limbs, and a featureless head. This weird growth immediately got Owi on his toes as he knew that the goo beasts that came from contact with the strange liquid could perfectly mimic other beasts to trick others into being assimilated by them. He lit his flammable compound and threw it at the growing mass but he embarrassingly missed.

But Owi missing his flame was probably the best or worst mistake he could have made as the mass finished growing its body with the goo beast it had formed from his pet's preserved body suddenly fell on the ground. Owi quickly put out his missed fire so as to not cause a house fire and cautiously inspected the goo beast that had formed in his bedroom.

"Is this, Kiwi?"

Owi inspected the goo lizard's body further to see that its sticky and messy body was slowly forming a soft imitation of an armored lizard's amber and brown scales along with a pointy tail and claws. The goo lizard that had formed in the bedroom was still slowly growing with it being almost taller than Owi now who stood at 5'9. Owi decided to poke at the unconscious creature with a nearby clothing hanger which immediately got it to wake up.

"Gah! It's awake!"

The goo lizard slowly awoke to reveal a set of wonderful reptilian eyes which were the same as Kiwi's when she was still alive. Owi had only one of his flammable compounds to exterminate whatever came from his experiment if something went wrong so he had to quickly hide behind his bathroom door which was connected to his bedroom.

"He... Hel... Hello..."

"It can talk?"

The goo lizard began trying to speak to Owi who was peeking his head behind the bathroom door when it also began to try and stand up from the rug it was laying on. Owi wanted to help the goo beast out but he knew it could assimilate and turn him into one of its kind so he continued hiding from it. But Owi remembered that what had formed itself in front of him could be his beloved pet lizard Kiwi and immediately built up the courage to tape his arms and legs to seal it from coming in contact with the dangerous goo.

"Ar... are you... you..."

But as if it was a newborn child, the gooey lizard had a very hard time speaking, but Owi was surprised that it could even do so and didn't try to attack him in any way. Owi cautiously approached the beast and brought a blanket to cover them with. He then somehow lifted the tall goo lizard on his thin arms as the lizard beast seemed to be lighter than he had predicted. Owi, not knowing what to do now that he had the goo beast in his arms, laid them down on his bed to recuperate their bearings.

"Can you, can you understand me?"

"Y... yes..."

The beast still had difficulty speaking, but if it had no intentions of attacking Owi, then it would be perfectly fine to keep them alive in the meantime. And as the goo lizard continued to form a real body, Owi noticed it grow female features and immediately turned his head to ignore the naked sight.

"Um... are you... my owner?"

"Huh? Do you recognize me? Kiwi? Is that you?"

"Where am I... we are in my owner's room... Do you know where he is? I miss him very much..."

And with Kiwi's soft and gentle call to his owner, Owi now knew that his modification of the transforming goo had worked and revived his beloved pet. And now the problem was how a previously mute little lizard would deal with the ability to talk with their new body. But Owi didn't care and immediately hugged the transformed Kiwi even though he knew it would be dangerous while crying tears of unparalleled joy.

"Kiwi! We're finally back together again!"

But even though Kiwi was slowly learning how to talk more efficiently, she was still very confused with how her new body worked and was still accustomed to the memory of living as a lizard.

"Where is my owner? The last thing I had remembered was being taken to the vet and falling into a very deep sleep a month later. My owner was crying after our visit and seemed to really love me so I want to lay on his lap all the time!"

"Kiwi, you don't have to think about that anymore. You don't have to remember that cold past. My name is Owi and I'm your owner."

"You are my owner? Oh how I have missed my owner so much!"

Kiwi then overpowered Owi and pinned him down on his bed to lay her scaly belly on his lap with her tail wagging uncontrollably out of their heart-felt reunification.

"My owner! What happened after I slept for a very long time! And now you can understand me!"

"Kiwi... I..."

Owi hesitated to tell his Kiwi the true reason why she had turned out this way and decided that he should tell her some other time when she has developed her new body and mind into a more advanced and knowledgeable one.

"It's... it's nothing... Kiwi, are you alright?"

"I'm as healthy as when you fed me a juicy spider before I went to sleep! Speaking of juicy, I'm hungry and thirsty, where is my food?"

"Oh, um... I don't have any at the moment."

But as Owi expressed his lack of lizard food, Kiwi noticed him sniffing up his teary snot and immediately licked the inside of his moist nose as she looked for water.

"What are you doing?"

"I can taste water and salt in there!"

And so Kiwi, who was in a kneeling position on the bed, held onto Owi's head with her deceptively strong claws and began to lick Owi's nose with her serpentine tongue. Owi tried to pull her arms away but suddenly fell on the bed and opened his mouth when he sneezed from the nose licking which made Kiwi even more interested with her owner's body.

"There's so much water inside of you! Let me drink them!"

"Kiwi! That isn't water, that's my saliva!"

But when Owi tried to push Kiwi away, his arm suddenly went through her scaly body as she was still part glue after all. Owi tried to pull his hand out of her body but noticed that Kiwi's entire body began to melt on top of him. Owi had let his guard down thanks to his love for his pet lizard and now thought that he was about to be assimilated and turned into a mindless goo beast, but instead of turning into a brainless drone, the goo that had dripped on his body magnetized back into Kiwi's body and turned back into an imitation of spiky scales.

Owi was still powerless and scared of what his pet was going to do to him until Kiwi suddenly kissed him on the lips. Owi immediately flushed at Kiwi's action but the lip kiss suddenly turned into a tongue kiss as Kiwi began to explore Owi's mouth for his moist saliva. Owi tried desperately to break free out of Kiwi's loving tongue kiss but found himself unable to do so as his hands were held down while Kiwi was lying on Owi's chest. The young prodigy who had never flirted in his life was beginning to be seduced by his resurrected pet lizard until he was finally free from the deep kiss once his pet finally had enough of his saliva.

"Cough, cough, cough! Kiwi, what was that for!"

"Oh my dear owner, you really give me all of my happiness and needs! Now I need food, I think I saw a creeping fly around this room..."

Now hydrated from licking his owner's saliva, Kiwi got up from her Owi's body to chase the fly that she had seen with her keen eyes to eat. Owi was still dazed from the deep tongue kiss he had received from Kiwi and didn't even notice that Kiwi was already back with two flies in her hands.

"Owner, eat up! You are probably very hungry like me!"

"Huh? What? A fly? No, I don't want to eat that!"

"Hmm? You don't want to? Well it's all mine then!"

Owi was lucky that Kiwi did not force a disgusting fly into his mouth like her tongue with Kiwi excitedly eating her caught meal in front of Owi.

"Owner, do you know what I can do with this body? I know I can let go of my tail to distract predators but my insides feel very icky."

"Oh, please be careful with your body as it is quite dangerous when used incorrectly."

KIwi began examining her claw which suddenly turned into a gooey hand under her concentration. She concentrated even further and the gooey white hand suddenly turned into a dog's paw with the same fur pattern as Owi.

"Wow! I can change color like my chameleon friend!"

"You had a chameleon friend?"

"Yes, when I was picked up by your owners, I would talk to a chameleon through an invisible wall that kept us apart. He would show me how he could change colors while I showed him my spiky body and tail."

Kiwi continued to switch colors from a sandy color to a mesmerizing combination of a vibrant orange and blue and even replicated her chameleon friend's body for a moment before completely mimicking Owi's.

"Owner, look! I'm you now!"

Kiwi had replicated Owi's body minus the fact that she was still naked with a female physique that made Owi close his eyes to keep the perverted thoughts out. Kiwi wasn't done studying her new gooey body though as she figured out she could melt back down into a puddle and reappear into a whole beast once again.

"Owner, what would happen if my goo touched you?"

"It depends on what you want it to do. So please don't use it to melt away or transform my body."

But the thought of using her glue to transform her owner immediately popped up when Owi mentioned it. So Kiwi quickly sat back down on Owi's bed and held onto his hands with his latex gloves beginning to melt and the glue seeping into his skin.

"Gah! Kiwi, what are you doing?"

"I'd like to see how it would look if you looked like me!"

Owi immediately pulled his hands away from Kiwi but it was too late as his hands were now covered in goo which he could not shake off. Owi felt his bones and flesh change with the fur on his paws becoming a scaly imitation of his pet, but weirdly enough, he didn't feel any pain. His soft dog paws were now scaly lizard claws which somehow felt natural to Owi as if he was a lizard dog hybrid all along. But he quickly snapped out of his transforming trance and urged Kiwi to turn him back.

"Kiwi, what have you done to me!"

"Do you not like your new claws? They are very powerful and will defeat any predator that comes and tries to eat us!"

"But there are no predators here! Can you please turn me back?"

"Are you sad? Please don't be sad because if you are sad then I am sad!"

Kiwi quickly helped her owner's hands to turn back into the original soft dog paws Owi possessed while then sitting on Owi's lap while she was still lewdly naked with her tail getting all over Owi's face.

"Hmm... The goo beasts could copy clothes for their tricky disguises... Kiwi, can you make your own clothes?"

"Ah! Like the top hat you had made me wear!"

Kiwi quickly reminisced about a memorable moment she had with Owi when he had made Kiwi put on little hats one time to show to his friends. And so Kiwi quickly remembered the hat Owi had made her wear and replicated it by gathering her goo onto her hands to condense into a stylish and silky black top hat. Although Kiwi now had a hat, she was still naked with Owi covering her body with his palm.

"Owner, what do you think? I think you said I was pretty when you made me wear this!"

"Yes, you are pretty but you are still naked and we can't have that! Hold on, let me look in my drawer for something for you to wear or imitate."

So Owi got up from his bed to rummage through his wardrobe to find something for Kiwi to wear with him finding a set of loose and baggy unisex clothing he used to use when he was still in eighth grade for his dance performance. The clothes now perfectly fit Owi now that he had grown with the clothes fitting Kiwi even better.

"I love this feeling of clothes! Thank you, my owner!"

Now wearing an outlandish combination of hip hop clothes and a top hat, Kiwi quickly gave her owner a tight yet soft and loving hug for showing her the concept of clothing. But as Kiwi was hugging Owi, something rumbled within her as if she had a complete set of organs even with her gooey body that would normally not need any nutrients as its only purpose was to grow itself by taking in organic items and lifeforms.

"Was the two flies I ate not good enough? Usually I would only need to eat two until it was dinner time. Wait, when is dinner time again?"

"It's past dinner time already but we can have dinner downstairs!"

"I remember being fed this piece of giant meat that I had trouble gulping down but it was very delicious."

"I'll let you eat something tastier than a piece of uncooked morsel, so come down stairs with me!"

And so Owi reached his hand to Kiwi with Kiwi excitedly grabbing onto it as Owi guided her downstairs and into their kitchen where some portions of their dinner had been saved for breakfast. Owi had fried chicken for dinner which Kiwi immediately identified to be a delicious dead bird and smelled it with her tongue.

And with just one small whiff, Kiwi was already drooling and quickly asked Owi if she could eat as Owi had trained her to wait for her food as well as to do tricks like twirling and rolling around. Owi readily gave her the go signal to eat with Kiwi immediately taking a chicken leg and crushing it with her strong jaws.

"Haha! I finally have my delicious revenge against the predator of my family."

Kiwi greedily gobbled up the remaining pieces of chicken but not before kindly offering some to Owi to eat. After eating, Kiwi expressed her unmatchable delight of being able to taste such savory food even though the chicken was just breaded with a premade seasoning.

"It is dark out so we must sleep now! Where is my cage to sleep in? I love hiding in my little cave to surprise you when you take me out!"

"You won't need your cage anymore. You'll be sleeping with me on my bed."

"Gasp! You mean, I can sleep on your soft pillows!?"

Kiwi was excited to be able to sleep on such a soft surface like Owi's bed as her cage only had sand for comfort. But before going back to bed, Kiwi expressed her thirst and wanted to drink water once again. So to train Kiwi to not give him inappropriate deep kisses, Owi took two glasses of water to teach her how to drink.

"Now follow me as I drink this glass of water."

Owi drank his glass of water through his mouth while Kiwi simply poured it on herself and absorbed it through her skin.

"Okay then... Do you feel hydrated at least?"

"Mhmm! I think I want to take a bath tomorrow!"

"Alright then tomorrow. But let's go to sleep now."

And so after turning off the lights, Owi returned upstairs, but with Kiwi having a hard time walking up the stairs unlike earlier when she went down, so Owi had to help her with each step. Kiwi was struggling with each step even with the railings to her side and Owi guiding her so Owi lifted her light body to the second floor and placed her down to walk on her own. Owi felt a bit of pride being able to carry such a tall lizard beast once again, but quickly shut himself down after convincing himself that what he did was an easy feat.

But as Kiwi excitedly leapt onto the bed, Owi suddenly remembered that he was basically going to sleep with a girl and childhood friend who was older than him as Kiwi was gifted to him by his parents when she was already fifteen years old while Owi was still nine.

"Owner, what's wrong? I love to have company to sleep with! You know I always try to escape my cage to sleep with you at night."

"You do? Uh... Well anyways, can you call me Owi instead? I guess I've only called you by your name and never told you mine."

"Ah, then my owner's name is Owi! Hello Owi!"

Kiwi was still quite gleeful even though they were about to sleep and was still looking for something to do while Owi wanted to sleep but couldn't as he found it awkward to sleep with a girl.

"Owi? What's wrong? Is the room too cold? Do you like the warm weather like me? I somehow feel fine even with this new body."

"Oh... Um... I don't know how to say this, but I'm afraid to sleep with you..."

"My scales must be threatening you, but please know that I do not plan to eat a family member!"

"It's not that... It's because..."

Owi couldn't get himself to say that he was afraid to sleep with a girl as Kiwi would probably not understand it anyways and just picked up a pillow, covered his eyes with it, and went to sleep. Kiwi was curious to what got Owi to act so strangely so he tried to see if her gooey body could somehow help him. Kiwi then rudely took away the pillow that Owi had held over his eyes and woke him up.

"Hey! Kiwi, why did you take my pillow!"

"A family member must never be sad! Tell me why you are so sad!"

"It's nothing, now give me my pillow back!"

"Do you wish to play with the ball on a string? I'll make one for you with my body!"

Kiwi thought of another thing that made her happy which was a rubber ball on a string that Owi would let her play with. She had memorized the look of the toy as if she couldn't live without it and quickly materialized it using her own goo.

"Here you go! It's very fun to play with!"

Kiwi began to dangle the ball in front of Owi but he was not amused and only wanted to go to sleep.

"I'll find out why you're sad one way or another!"

And so Kiwi turned to her glue body once again, this time she thought about using it to take a look at Owi's thoughts. Kiwi always wondered what Owi was thinking about every time she saw him act unnaturally when he would look tired while feeding her. Owi tried to reach for his pillow which was still by Kiwi's side but was instead met with two claws to his ears.

"Kiwi, what are you doing?"

Owi suddenly felt two wet things dig into his ears and quickly tried to pull his head away from Kiwi's grasp but found himself losing control of his body as the wet feeling drilled further into his ears. The wet feelings in his ears were two gooey tendrils that emerged from Kiwi's palms that intended to probe Owi's mind to see why he had been acting nervous around her when they were about to sleep.

"Kiwi... oooohh..."

"What an amazing skill this body possesses!"

Owi's thoughts suddenly became dumb as Kiwi had successfully invaded his mind and suppressed his thinking so that she could find out what Owi was thinking of when he saw her on his bed. But Kiwi quickly got distracted after she saw how many new memories and information she received from just studying one part of Owi's brain. She quickly looked through each and every one of Owi's memories to know what it was like to live and act like a real beast but found all the smart information to be too much for her simple mind and ignored it.

Kiwi eventually found the part of Owi's brain that showed everything that made him happy, makes him happy, made him sad, and makes him sad. Along with those feelings came the reason for his embarrassment which was the thought of sleeping with a female like Kiwi. Kiwi didn't understand why Owi was so afraid of sleeping with her as she thought it was normal for multiple lizards to sleep together in a big group for comfort and safety. But she eventually found out why by looking further into his mind while also taking notes about his likes and dislikes.

"So that's why you acted so weirdly! It's because you think it's weird to sleep with the opposite gender due to not having any close relations with one. Don't worry, I'll pick you as my mate in the future!"

Now having known more about the world and Owi's awkward behavior, Kiwi finally pulls her tendrils out of his ears and returns his thinking back to normal. Owi was drooling and blank eyed when his mind was being scanned and suddenly jolted back to life once the tendrils had been removed from his ears.

"Gah! What happened? Did I fall asleep while sitting?"

"No, Owi, I looked at your mind to see why you were so hesitant to sleep with me!"

"You did what?"

The talk about reading minds immediately made Owi think about another cruel effect of the goo to the subjects it had infected. The infected subjects would initially resist the spreading of the goo on their body, but once it had reached their brain and settled for a bit, they would suddenly calm down and seemed to act content with their transformed form. One of these infected subjects were restrained and had their brain activity studied to find that they had been forced to live a perfect life within their mind which made them not want to resist the brainwash of the goo.

"Gah! Stay away from me! You want me to turn into those things!"

The goo beasts and her origin was placed at the same part of Owi's brain that housed the confusing smart memories which Kiwi did not read through so she did not know what Owi was talking about.

"Owi, what's wrong? You seem scared again!"

Owi wanted to run away after finding out Kiwi had used her goo to take a look into his mind and fears that she would even use it to force him to live out the perfect life to immobilize his brain into resisting the goo. But Owi was frozen in fear and began to panic and could only whimper with terrified eyes as Kiwi slowly inched her way towards him. But instead of forcing him to dream about happiness forever, Kiwi lightly kissed Owi on the cheek which made him blush and calm down.

"You, you won't take over my mind?"

"What do you mean? I just wanted to know why you were scared to sleep with me and it turns out you don't know how to sleep with potential mates!"

Owi blushed even more after Kiwi told him the reason which made him cover his eyes out of embarrassment.

"I'll be what they call a girlfriend for you to get you used to the process of courtship! I love you and I hope you'll love me too!"

"My girlfriend? What!"

And if Owi's thought his face couldn't turn even redder, he was proven wrong when Kiwi confessed her love to him, even though Owi had only known her as his pet lizard while Kiwi knew him as the big dog that fed her and kept her happy.

"So, do you want to sleep together!"

"Umm... sure?"

Now with Owi's approval to sleep together, Kiwi used her deceitfully strong body to pick Owi to then crash on the bed to cuddle together. Now with Owi in her scaly embrace, Kiwi lovingly coiled her tail around him so that he would not escape her sweet and loving hug. Owi's thoughts were filled with confusion on how he should act and if he should try and just sleep normally with Kiwi or sleep in her embrace like a child being comforted by a loving mother. But Owi's mind continued to race with all kinds of thoughts under Kiwi's sweet touch until he eventually passed out from thinking too much that even his smart brain couldn't handle it.

"Looks like Owi has gone to sleep now so I guess it's my turn to do so aswell."

And after rubbing on his fluffy head, Kiwi uncoils her tail around Owi to lay him on the side so that the two may finally rest in peace after a tiring and hectic day of reunification. The night passed quite peacefully with Owi dreaming about having Kiwi as his wedded wife while Kiwi dreamt about turning into a little lizard again after having transformed Owi into a lizard like her so that they may live in the wild and become free to explore together.

"My dear Kiwi... Would it be okay for us to have fun in bed..."

And after dreaming about having his grown pet become his wife, Owi started to have lewd dreams about what would happen if he had sex with Kiwi as his virgin mind that had only been obsessed with his studies had been begging to have his sexual frustration be treated. Owi knew about masturbation thanks to biology class but never thought about doing so as he saw it as a waste of time and wasn't a good source of happiness until Kiwi passed away which got him to reconsider that option.

But Owi continued to abstain from it as he was still more focused on researching and modifying the goo to bring his pet back to life. The day eventually came with Owi waking up to see that Kiwi had laid her belly on his lap once again.

"Ough... Kiwi, we have to get up for the day..."

And as soon as Owi muttered her name, Kiwi sprung to life to greet Owi with a request for breakfast while not forgetting her learned manners and gave a good morning to him.

"Yes! We must wake up and hunt for food!"

"I know I make you chase around and eat live bugs but we don't have to do that anymore. There are hotdogs in the fridge for me to cook and for us to eat."

"Ooohh... hotdogs..."

Kiwi began to drool at the thought of eating real food once again and quickly got up from the bed after fixing her top hat that she was still wearing. Wanting to be able to eat as soon as possible, Kiwi ensnared Owi's leg with her tail and quickly dragged him downstairs all the while Owi painfully bumped his body on each step of the way.

"Ow! Kiwi, that hurt!"

"Oh no! Where does it hurt?"

"All over my body..."

After ruthlessly dragging him downstairs, Kiwi was repentful to know that Owi had been injured by her and quickly free Owi's leg from her tail. After doing so, Kiwi began to grope around Owi's body all the while leaving bits of her goo on his fur.

"What are you doing!"

Owi tried to flick off the goo that had adhered and melted the tape that was still on his body but it suddenly wrapped around his limbs before digging into his skin. Owi began to panic again thinking that this was finally the time he would be transformed into a mindless goo beast but instead he felt his sore body heal from the careless dragging.

"I... I feel fine now?"

"Yes! It worked!"

There was another special effect that the subjects who were infected with the goo could experience under its control. Those subjects who were infected and missing body parts suddenly grew them back after the goo was done taking over their body. Owi hypothesized that Kiwi managed to manipulate the goo's healing properties without transforming him into something like her thanks to removing the aggression that the goo would instill into its target beforehand.

"Now let's eat! I'm very hungry and thirsty!"

Kiwi quickly jumped on the kitchen counter while awkwardly squatting as she watched Owi take out the frozen pack of hotdogs to cook it. Owi had to defrost the hotdogs in a tub of water first, so while waiting, Owi decided to watch some TV.

"Owi, let's do this thing called small talk. What's on your mind right now?"

"Well... I'm thinking of hiding you from my family by telling them that you're my new girlfriend. I also want to teach you how to live normally with me. Last thing is I want to get back to drawing animations."

There had been some attempts to domesticate or save the minds of the brainless goo beasts in the scientific institute before but the most successful results only came back with one beast being able to remember their original name before becoming hell bent to infecting others once again. Owi had managed to eliminate the part of the goo that made its host's thinking be suppressed so that they couldn't form complex thoughts of resistance. After knowing what Owi was thinking about, Kiwi suddenly laid her head on his shoulders and held onto one of his hands intimately. Owi began to redden from Kiwi's sudden advances but couldn't tell her to stop as he unconsciously enjoyed his transformed pet's company.

"I... I think the hotdogs are done defrosting!"

Owi quickly got up from the sofa they were sitting on to check up on the hotdogs which left Kiwi to be mesmerized by the TV's wonderful colors. The hotdogs were ready to be cooked so Owi got to doing so with the delicious smell breaking Kiwi out of her hypnotism to the TV to check out what was happening in the kitchen.

"What a nice smell! Is this what a hotdog is?"

Kiwi still needed to completely learn the memories she had seen from Owi's mind and was quite curious as to what the delicious food her owner had cooked was.

"Be careful, it's still-"

But before Owi could even warn Kiwi about the still sizzling temperature of the cooked hotdogs, she immediately swallowed one whole before spitting it out.

"Gah! Hot!"

"I was going to say that it was until you suddenly ate one whole!"

But Kiwi was unperturbed by the hotness of the hotdog and quickly picked it up from the floor and swallowed it whole without even being able to taste it.

"You forgot to chew on it. How are you gonna know what it tastes like if you just eat it whole?"

And so Owi took a hotdog with a fork and blew on it to cool it down with Kiwi joyfully helping him out as well. After a few seconds of blowing, the hotdog was finally cool enough to not burn someone's tongue so Owi held it out in front of Kiwi's hungry face for her to eat. And she immediately swallowed it, including biting down on the fork with her eating its tines as well.

"Mmm! So delicious! Can I have more?"

"Well you bit the fork in half so you'll just have to pick it up with your claws."

Thanks to the destruction of Owi's fork, he opted to instead make Kiwi feed herself so that she may learn how to eat by herself in the future. So Kiwi manifested her own fork to use with the same method as the ball on a stick she made last night and ate the hotdogs along with the fork with each bite. And before Owi ran out of food for the day, he quickly separated a portion of the breakfast to eat before Kiwi could eat it all.

"After I drink, we should take a bath together!"

"I'll teach you how to bathe yourself properly. You would always wash yourself by just dipping your body in water and then shaking and we can't let that be the case any longer."

After having breakfast, Kiwi excitedly ran into the bathroom where Owi or his father always washed her after she would make a mess by being covered in dirt or having dried insect blood all over her face. Kiwi immediately jumped on the small tub she would always be bathed in and obviously didn't fit inside as she had grown quite a big size. Luckily there was a bathtub inside the bathroom where she would sometimes swim in when Owi would use it when he was young. But there was no water which quickly disappointed her until Owi turned on the tap to let it fill.

"Don't forget to take off your clothes so they won't get wet."

"Yay! Owi, come join me!"

"Err... No, I'll just be the one to wash you."

But as Owi reached for the body scrubber while the tub filled, his declining of Kiwi's request to take a bath with her awakened another latent ability of her goo body. In certain catastrophic cases where a goo beast acquired enough mass, it could grow tentacles which is would use to catch the guards that were sent to exterminate it and assimilate them. These tentacles would also be used to pick up objects of interests by the evolved goo beasts, primarily the cameras of their cell and the flamethrowers the guards would use to terminate them. And with this ability, Kiwi grew her own light yellow tentacles from her back to forcefully bring Owi inside the bathtub while he was busy picking out which soap to use.

"Eeee! What is this!!!"

Owi was suddenly lifted into the air with his limbs and waist being wrapped around in the soft bondage of Kiwi's tentacles until he was finally brought inside the bathtub to sit with her which got him insanely wet as he was still fully clothed.

"Kiwi, what was that!?"

"I don't know! I just thought deeply about wanting you to bathe with me and it looks like these things made my wish come true!"

The bath was about to overflow with the two inside together at once so Owi tried to turn off the tap, but Kiwi's tentacles tightened which made him unable to reach for it.

"Kiwi! The tub is about to overflow! Let go of me!"

"Ah! Sorry!"

And so Owi was finally freed from his restraints to shut off the water tap just as the tub was about to overflow. After doing so, Owi quickly lessened the water by momentarily lifting the plug of the bathtub before leaving with his soaking body. But he was once again unconsciously tied up by Kiwi who wanted to bathe together with Owi.

"Kiwi, look, I'm soaking wet now! Stop bringing me back in the tub cause I need to change clothes!"

"Then let's just take a bath together! Scrub me first with the glove and I'll scrub you after!"

Owi couldn't do anything but follow his dear pet's orders as his legs and waist were bound which didn't allow him to stand up. So Owi reached for the scrubber and some soap to wash Kiwi who wasn't even dirty in the first place. Owi scrubbed around Kiwi's scaly yet soft body until he suddenly stopped when he reached her breasts.

"Mmmm... Hmm? Owi, what's wrong?"

"Please wash that area yourself... I don't think it's right for me to do so for you..."

"But you are my boyfriend now! You can do anything to me!"

And so Kiwi grabbed onto Owi's paw that wore the scrubber and placed his hand on her scaly chest and began to scrub her body herself. Owi once again reddened in embarrassment as he felt his hand touch Kiwi's delicate and feminine body. After scrubbing her chest with Owi's hand, she took his hand to wash her legs next which were under the water.

As if liking what he was doing, Owi just allowed his hand to be guided all through out Kiwi's body with one of her tentacles grabbing onto his arm so that he could scrub her tail when she turned around. After getting her legs and tail washed, Kiwi decided to then guide Owi's hand onto her slit for him to wash as well.

"Gah! Kiwi, what are you doing with my hand!"

"I'm washing this new part of my body! I don't know what it is yet but hopefully you can tell me what it does."

"No, I'm not washing that for you!"

Owi wanted to keep having clean thoughts about Kiwi even though he had just dreamed of having sex with her but he still tried to pull his hand away from her special area. But when Owi pulled his hand away, a tentacle wrapped around his wrist guided it back underwater. He tried to claw away the gooey tentacle but another bound his other hand and forced it to his back.

Owi began to get desperate with not wanting to violate Kiwi and used his mouth to bite off his controlling restraints but his snout was tied up along with his body being forced to lean forward to reach over to Kiwi's area. And so Owi had no choice but to wash Kiwi's special area so that he may be free form the controlling tentacles.

"Owi, that felt very funny. I wonder if what I feel is something called pleasure?"

Owi's washing had slightly disturbed Kiwi's clitoris but wasn't sure if it was what got her to feel the strangely so the tentacle made Owi's hand reach down again to check. But Owi clenched his fists so that he wouldn't touch Kiwi's hole any longer but that made a latent ability of her goo body activate once again. When a goo beast evolves to be more cunning, it could throw its goo at researchers to control their mind and body to infect others at a distance.

The victim's body would be taken over but there would be no visible or behavioral signs that they were infected until they managed to find themselves in a crowd of people to finally fully transform and start an outbreak. Luckily for the institute, Owi had developed a metal detector-like device that scanned scientists and researchers for any signs of infection when they left the testing chamber. And so that ability showed itself to Owi with the tentacle suddenly burrowing into his hand to control his motor skills. The tentacle turned into goo and began to flow through the insides of Owi's hand.

After it made its way inside of Owi's hand, it forced it to open his closed fist to make a pointing finger to feel around Kiwi's vagina. It only made Owi touch around Kiwi's labia and didn't force his finger to penetrate any further as Kiwi's subconscious mind was afraid at what would happen if something inserted into her new body part and stopped. After stopping, the tentacle that burrowed itself into Owi left his hand without so much as leaving a wound or scar on the entry point.

"Kiwi, what did you do with my hand!"

"I don't know! But it looks like these things on my back follow what I want to do! I think they're like the hands of an octopus. They are called tentacles, right? You brought me to an aquarium while you were wearing a silly looking cone on your head."

Owi quickly surfaced his hand from the water to free his legs and waist from the tentacles but more grew to restrain him as he began splashing around in resistance.

"Owi, the water is flowing out!"

"I don't want to take a bath with you and your tentacles! This feels so weird!"

But all of a sudden a tentacle dug straight into Owi's nape, paralyzing him to stop him from squirming around so much.

"Gah! What was that thing that burrowed in my neck? And I can't move my body!"

Owi could only move his head while everything from the neck down had become limp.

"I wished that you stopped moving and you did! These tentacles are wonderful! I'm going to wash your body now!"

"Wait, stop!!!"

And so Kiwi took the scrubber from Owi's hand and pulled down his shorts to throw to the side along with her laundry. Owi panicked once more due to being unable to move his body along with the weird thing that had burrowed at the back of neck as Kiwi slowly crawled onto his body to wash it.

She took a scoop of water and poured it on top of Owi and began to wash his furry head. Owi knew that Kiwi wouldn't do anything bad to him so he just allowed her to scrub his face which she did so with great care. After washing his face, Kiwi went to wash Owi's chest where she saw his erect beans that were aroused thanks to seeing her naked.

"Umm... Don't touch those..."

"Why? They look like they need to be cleaned as well!"


Owi tried his best to move his body that was paralyzed by the tentacle that had drilled into his neck but could only watch as Kiwi began to "wash" his chest. In reality, Kiwi was playing and twirling Owi's nipples which made something at the lower half of his body stand up. Owi closed his eyes to hide the shame he was feeling as Kiwi continued to rub his erect beans until she finally decided it was clean enough and finally stopped. After "cleaning" Owi's chest, Kiwi moved to the lower half of his body where she saw the thing that had risen up after she "washed" Owi's chest.

"What's this?"

"Don't look at that! Nooo!!!"

What Kiwi had seen was Owi's bulging underwear that was hiding his erection from being repeatedly aroused by seeing a naked female as well as having his nipples played. Kiwi curiously poked at the bulge while Owi tried his best to kill his erection by thinking of mundane stuff but he suddenly felt his bulge free up after Kiwi had cut the sides of his underwear using her claws.

"Kiwi! Don't touch that!!!"

"Ooh! It's red and needs cleaning too!"

And with scrubber in hand, Kiwi proceeded to grab onto Owi's erect canine cock that was now flowing freely in the bathtub. What was even worse was that the scrubber was not a rough scrubber, but had soft bristles that were gentle to the skin. So when Owi's erect penis was quickly stroked by Kiwi with the gentle scrubber, his eyes immediately widened as the known yet unfamiliar pleasure built up.

"Oouhh!!! Aha... ha... KIwi... stop... stop this..."

"Hmm? What was that weird noise you made?"

Kiwi stopped stroking Owi which got him to regain his slowly draining sanity until Kiwi stroked him again and made him moan.

"This must be pleasure! Owi, are you liking this?"

"Gah... I don't like it... Don't touch it anymore and let me move my body!"

"But I saw in your mind that you've been thinking of doing this when I fell asleep for a very long time. Why not let me do it for you?"

And so Kiwi returned to stroking Owi's meat stick that was actually quite big even though his body was a bit thin. Owi shook his head desperately to try and loosen the tentacle that immobilized his body but he suddenly felt the tentacle melt into goo and form a collar around his neck. Owi wanted to vent the building pleasure by trying to make it die down thinking of mundane stuff once again but the soft bristles that repeatedly tickled his penis and glans did not allow it to go away. Owi's stick got bigger and bigger until it was completely out of his body which allowed Kiwi to "wash" it more thoroughly.

"Kiwi, I'm going to cum in the tub... Stop..."

"What's cum?"

Kiwi curiously asked while still playfully stroking on Owi's cock that was having the handjob of its life. But Owi left Kiwi in the dark as he could not answer her question as his concentration was repeatedly diminished by the pleasure. And so Kiwi just kept stroking while observing Owi face who had begun to pant and even stuck his tongue out to make a coquettish expression. Owi's face turned reminiscent of a tomato along with his panting beginning to rapidly speed up under the stroking of the soft bristled scrubber on his cock.

Owi could feel his ejaculation coming and stiffened up his cock in hopes that keeping his urethra tightly shut will prevent him from ejaculating, but it instead helped his sperm travel through his vas deferens even faster. The semen was finally making its way through Owi's urinary tract and soon into his urethra when Kiwi suddenly stopped after she had seemingly finally decided that she had cleaned Owi's big meat stick long enough.

"You finally stopped... thank you..."

"Stopped? I was just going to get the other glove!"

Owi's eyes suddenly shrank in horror after finding out that Kiwi was just reaching for the second soft bristled glove to continue washing Owi's cock. And so Owi closed his eyes and braced himself as he was now about to receive a two handed handjob from his dear pet lizard that he had turned into a dangerously curious goo beast that was set on completely cleaning his already spotless cock.

And when Kiwi grasped onto Owi's stick with both gloves at once, the semen that had stopped in his urinary tract immediately shot to his urethra with Owi's using his last bits of strength keeping his glans closed so that he would not ejaculate in the tub. But that last bit of strength was ultimately useless once Kiwi stroked with both hands at once which immediately made Owi shoot his load that had been building up for several minutes now.

"Ooohhh! What's this white stuff?"

And so the turbulent white semen came out of Owi's penis after his cock finally gave up and ejaculated his virgin essence three times into the tub. Kiwi noticed the white liquid mixing into the water and quickly scooped up a handful to drink to that it may not go to waste.

"Salty! This must be a good source of nutrients!"

But the remaining semen had unfortunately dispersed into the tub and was unable to be scooped by Kiwi to continue drinking it. Owi was now absolutely wasted from the two handed handjob he had experienced and was slowly drifting to sleep until he felt his body being raised by the tentacles that wrapped around him. Owi's tired body was now levitating above the bathtub with his bare ass and stiff cock hanging lewdly in the air. Kiwi then proceeded to absorb all the water in the tub and wore the clothes she had taken off before leaving the bathroom while still carrying Owi in the air.

"Kiwi... What are you doing... Put me down..."

"You seem to be really tired after feeding me your salt. Don't worry, I'll let you rest and cook us our lunch! I saw how you could cook and I think I know how to now!"

Kiwi and Owi had been in the bathroom for about an hour and a half now which meant it was already time for lunch. And after making Owi sit down on the kitchen table with his still soaking body, Kiwi went to the kitchen to cook their lunch. Owi still had the tentacle on his neck along with the goo collar that made him unable to move and could only wait for Kiwi to finish cooking. But his body suddenly began moving on its own and walked into the kitchen where Kiwi was actually having a hard time preparing food.

"Umm... Sorry if you're still tired but I need help with cooking..."

"Kiwi, pull out the tentacle from my neck and let me move!"

And so the goo collar on Owi's neck split into two with the tentacle on his nape pulling itself out allowing him to regain control from his body again.

"Are you angry?"

"No, I'm just disappointed in you. Kiwi, please learn to be responsible with your body and to not control me, okay? And don't touch my private parts as it's very rude to do so."

"Waahh!!! I'm sorry I've made you angry! I promise I'll cook our lunch by myself!"

The tentacle that had just left Owi's body immediately jammed itself back into the back of his neck and forced him to walk to the sofa to rest and popping off after doing so. But even though Kiwi just ignored Owi's request to be responsible with her body, Owi immediately rushed back into the kitchen to help Kiwi cook properly.

"What? Owi, please rest back on the sofa and allow me to do this by myself!"

Kiwi once again got her tentacle to try and control Owi to make him leave the kitchen but he covered his neck with his hands which made the tentacle unable to do so.

"Owi, please rest! I'm sorry for taking your salt!"

"Kiwi, I'm not going to let you cook by yourself and burn the house down! And stop trying to control me with your tentacles so I can help you."

And so Kiwi finally stopped trying to control Owi and finally retracted each one of her tentacles back into her so that none would get in the way as they cooked. After retrieving a nearby apron to cover his naked body, Kiwi had decided to bring out fish filet to fry and had already been heating up the pan with oil for an unsafe amount of time which got Owi to quickly turn off the stove before putting the fish in.

"You also forgot to bread the fish so I'll show you how to."

Owi retrieved two eggs to beat and to dip the fish in as well as opening a bag of breadcrumbs to then bread it. The oil in the pan had cooled off enough so Owi reignited the stove and slowly placed the breaded filets one by one.


But the sight of chicken eggs got Kiwi distracted at the process of frying fish filet as she opened the fridge to eat them raw. Owi quickly noticed that Kiwi wasn't paying attention and was thinking of snacking on the raw eggs in the fridge but he managed to get her back to proper thinking and to resist her lizard instincts.

So Owi continued to cook and prepare the filets properly by first letting the oil drip and placing the cooked pieces on a plate with tissue paper. Kiwi once again wanted to hurriedly eat the cooked food but remembered how hot it was before and waited until they cooled off at the dinner table.

"Be careful, the outside may be warm but the inside may still be hot."

Owi cut open one of the filets to let the inside cool while Kiwi intently watched, waiting for the temperature to be just right. And when Owi was about to raise his voice to tell Kiwi that it was warm enough, she instantly grabbed the cut piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Delicious! Even better than those juicy cockroaches! Owi, can I have more?"

"Alright, just remember to not eat too fast and save some for me. I'll be upstairs to dry myself off and change into new clothes."

While Kiwi waited and ate, Owi went upstairs to dry his now cold body from being forced into the bathtub to bathe with his dear pet lizard. Once he was done drying off and changing into new clothes, Owi went downstairs to find the plate of fish filet being completely empty and having been replaced with chicken eggs.

"Umm... I ate too much... I hope you'll eat these delicious eggs though!"

Owi, seeing that there was no more food for him, gave a sigh of disappointment to Kiwi but was lucky that she did not eat the spare hotdogs for breakfast and ate that instead.

"Are these eggs not good enough for you? They're very delicious like the rest of the foods you have given me."

"Oh, I could get sick if I ate it so I need to cook it first if I want to. It's alright though I just ate the spare hotdogs."

But now that they were done having lunch, there was nothing left to do but Owi to finally set up his resume for his dream job as he was also looking to be independent from his parents and to live in an apartment in the city. And so Owi called Kiwi upstairs to sit by his side as he typed with Kiwi slowly walking up the stairs as she still didn't know how to comfortably ascend it and even thought of just crawling to the bedroom.

"Kiwi, you said you've read my mind and learned some stuff from it, so tell me, what does this do?"

"Ah... That is your new laptop you would hold me up on to see your mother and father! Where are they? I wish to lay on their laps again!"

"They're in the countryside at the moment and they'll be back on Thursday. We'll be leaving by Friday but don't act like your old self around them or they will think you're weird."

"But they know who I am! They know it means I love them!"

"Kiwi, look at you, you've grown so much from just being a little lizard. You're a big girl now, even though I am younger than you."

This sudden realization of her new form made Kiwi question her existence up until that point. She was just a little hatchling in a desert with her own mother and father along with all of her other neighbors she lived with. She had no name and was only born to die in the middle of the food chain to eat bugs and to be eaten by predatory birds.

Her life was just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things as a desert lizard destined to go through the cycle of nature and was just about to have a mate and family of her own until she was caught by an exotic lizard trader. She suddenly found herself separated from her parents, lover, and group as she was locked in a small wooden box and shipped to a far away place. She began to feel weak through the journey and expected her short journey to end until she was kept alive by being placed in a terrarium.

She now found herself in an unknown clear box which she first felt resistant about at first but she grew to love it as it perfectly replicated her desert home as well as allowed her to study other lizards without being in immediate danger. She would have lived a content life if she had someone to accompany her, but that was until an ecstatic little cub came into the pet store to find a graduation gift for himself.

"Mom, mom, mom! I want that one!"

"This one? Alright, it looks like this lizard can live for quite a long time so I want you to be responsible with taking care of it."

"I will!"

And that cub was no other than Owi who quickly named his new pet lizard Kiwi as that was the fruit he was eating when they perused around the pet store. And from then on, Kiwi found someone better than a mate to stay with for the rest of her life as Owi and his parents gave her all the love that a normal lizard would have never experienced in the wild.

Kiwi was never aggressive to Owi which allowed them to be very intimate with each other as they would always play together. And every time that Owi seemingly felt down, Kiwi got his attention by scratching at her cage so that they could play together to lighten up his mood.

This was Kiwi's new life now but she didn't care as long as she had Owi with her at all times. Kiwi just wanted to eat, bathe, and play with Owi with no care in the world as he was the only thing she would think about all day when Owi left for school. The day that Owi was taken in at the scientific institute finally came but even though Owi was busier than before, Kiwi did not care and always waited for him so that they could eat and play again.

But as Kiwi continued to wait day by day for her owner, she noticed her body growing weak with Owi noticing it too. And so Kiwi was taken to the vet where she was said to be dying of old age but she couldn't understand and thought that she just needed to eat more.

And her hypothesis seemed to be correct as Owi began to let her eat tastier insects and raw pieces of meat but it was just him letting Kiwi have a taste of something delicious before her day of passing finally came. Death finally came to Kiwi in her sleep; she didn't even notice that she had died as she thought she was just hibernating for the season.

So she slept an eternal slumber as her bodily functions began to stop and rot away, but that was until she felt a freezing chill before she truly lost consciousness. And when Kiwi awoke once again, she found herself having grown larger than before and in front of a mysterious yet familiar dog that seemed to be observing her.

And the dog was Owi once again who had brought her back thanks to his stolen goo that he had gambled to reanimate his dear pet back to life. When Kiwi was first reborn as a goo beast, she immediately opened her mouth to squeal in joy but instead spoke half a word. And from there, the rest would be history...

"Kiwi? Are you alright? You've been staring at me for a few minutes now."

Kiwi was staring blankly at Owi as she made her entire life flash before her eyes. The once little lizard who just lived in a desert but was taken away and sold to a little boy to keep as a pet was now a mutant beast capable of ending the world in days.

"Owi, who am I?"

"Who are you? Well, you are my dear lizard Kiwi who keeps me happy all the time!"

"Oh, that's not what I meant. What am I? This body... it's not natural... And where I came from... I'm just a lizard in a small cage, not a big lizard with this freakish body..."

This doubt about her current state of being was beginning to eat away at Kiwi's conscience as she wasn't even supposed to be alive at that point. She wasn't even meant to eat real food but only did so thanks to Owi's selfish desire to bring her back to life via turning her into a goo beast. Kiwi knew at some point that she had to die as it was just the cycle of life but didn't think it'd be so soon, yet she still half heartedly accepted her fate until she woke up as a goo beast.

"Do you... wish to know?"

"Yes, tell me what has happened to me. I know to my heart that I shouldn't be able to speak or even understand you. I shouldn't have even been able to walk on two legs which is probably why I struggle with the stairs. And I shouldn't have been able to give you a bath as I'm supposed to be the one to be bathed and not you."

And so Owi set aside his laptop to talk more intimately with his confused pet as to the reason why she was still alive.

"You are the only thing that kept me happy throughout my life and I wouldn't allow it if you stopped doing so. But you did thanks to the cruel world we live in... So to keep myself happy, I've researched and modified a goo that could heal injuries, increase longevity, and even reanimate the dead. And so I chose to gamble my life into letting you come in contact with it as it would either work and you'd be alive once more or you would turn on me but we'll be able to be happy together as one."

Kiwi now understood that the reason why she had been given a chance to live as a completely different being was to keep Owi happy until the end of time. But this sudden enlightenment made something click in Kiwi's gooey side that twisted her mind to turn to a malicious way to keep Owi happy.

"Owi, you wish to be happy with me, right?"


"Then I'll keep you happy, forever."

The intense self doubt that Kiwi had experienced had let out the dangerous side of her goo body which only desired to assimilate Owi to keep him happy forever as she promised. And so Kiwi got up from the chair she was sitting on next to Owi and locked the door as her clothes melted and a growth began to emerge from her back. Owi was understandably worried at what was happening to Kiwi and got up to check up on her until the growth suddenly exploded, splashing her goo all over the bedroom.

"Kiwi! Are you alright!"

"We'll be happy... together... forever... like the goo always wanted..."

And from the goo that had splattered around the room, tendrils sprouted from each one that immediately tied themselves onto Owi which pulled him towards a nearby wall and pinned him onto it. The goo slowly quickly clung onto his body and melted his clothes while more and more of the tendrils emerged from the goo stained wall to bind his body.

"Kiwi, what's gotten into you!"

Owi tried desperately to break free from the gooey bondage, but he suddenly felt a familiar sensation dig into his back which caused him to lose all control over his body.

"The goo told me that if I do this then you will be happy, but you still aren't happy? Oh, they said I'm still missing a step."

And all of the sudden, Kiwi ripped apart the shorts and underwear that was concealing Owi's cock that had already contracted from their play in the tub earlier.

"What are you going to do with that!"

"Form a tentacle with a sucker to please Owi and take his salt or dig into his ass with an imitation of his cock. Ah, thank you, my goo friend."

The glue from the ceiling suddenly grew some tentacles which bound Owi's limbs that were freed from the wall he was stapled onto. And after binding his arms, the tendrils that wrapped around Owi's legs set it free so that he may hang from the ceiling while still unable to move as the tentacle that dug onto his nape still controlled all of his movements.

"Kiwi, stop this!"

"Shh... There's no need to shout. You only need to think of happy thoughts for me."

A bit of goo suddenly flew into Owi's mouth and gagged him so that he could not make any noise as Kiwi was about to make him the happiest dog in the world. And so she grew a tentacle with a sucker like the goo had suggested and made it latch onto Kiwi's deflated cock. The mouthed tentacle had imitated the soft bristles of the body scrubber in the bathroom which immediately stimulated Owi into becoming erect.

Owi's terror could be easily seen through his wide eyes and rapid breathing which irritated Kiwi who was no longer her kind self and became a moody and possessive goo beast. And so more goo shot onto Owi's head, this time it covered his entire head and only left his nose open to be able to breath. Losing his sense of sight increased Owi's perception of the sense of touch, primarily the sense of pleasure on the lower half of his body.

Now that he was silenced, Kiwi got to work with manipulating the tentacle to start stroking on Owi's stick that had slowly erected from just being in contact with the wet sucker that latched onto his crotch. And as soon as it became active, Owi tried to scream from the intense simulation but an extra layer of suppression in the form of a goo cock suddenly formed in his mouth which prevented him from doing so.

The glue cock began to pour its goo straight into Owi's stomach, changing his insides as well as transforming his being into a similarly goo beast that he had always feared to be turned into. And it kept pouring and pouring until it filled up Owi's stomach that there was a visible growth on the outside. This goo was also changing Owi's thinking, brainwashing him into accepting the pleasure he was feeling and to not resist his transformation.

Under the play of the mouthed tentacle, Owi's cock quickly erected and completely filled the tentacle to the point that it was only holding onto half of his penis. But it did not matter as the bottom of the glans which it was hanging from was where the spot that needed to be stimulated was. While the tentacle sucked on Owi's erect meat stick, Kiwi got to the second suggestion of the goo to drive an imitated penis into his back hole

And so Kiwi formed the lewd tentacle with the goo that hung Owi to the ceiling, turning him around to present his back hole to her. After turning Owi around, Kiwi could see how stiff his tail had stood up from the intense sucking from the front and had doubts if she should continue, but the goo reassured her that what she will do will make Owi even happier. Kiwi thought about it for a while but ultimately decided to follow through with shoving the penis shaped tentacle into Owi's rectum.

You wouldn't be able to see it, but when Kiwi had swiftly inserted the soft gel cock into Owi's anus, his pupils shrank at the sudden insertion as it had also disturbed his delicate prostate. Now that the soft cock was inside of Owi, Kiwi got the tentacle that it was attached onto to drive itself in and out of Owi which was violent enough to make his hips thrust back and forth while he dangled from the ceiling. Owi was now about to burst thanks to the playing of two pleasurable points in his body with Kiwi being very excited to see that Owi was now happy like the goo had promised.

The mouthed tentacle licked, stroked, and contracted on Owi's cock, teasing it repeatedly to the point of oozing precum while growing two small bristles and making it tickle the hole of his urethra into ejaculating but not enough to completely do so. The tentacle with a cock tip continued to ravage Owi's uncultivated back hole, occasionally filling it with goo that acted as a lubricant for the already slippery penis that was constantly being inserted in him.

And with one last deep insertion in his back hole, Owi's prostate was slammed into one last time which caused him to spew out his salty essence that Kiwi deeply craved. Kiwi immediately pulled out the sucker on Owi's penis and swallowed his cock whole so she could have a first hand experience to what it was like to make Owi happy. Owi ejaculated even more when he felt his erected canine cock enter Kiwi's warm mouth and continued to shoot more of his semen into her mouth until he could no longer do so.

After noticing that Owi was no longer pouring out his salty essence, Kiwi delicately kissed Owi's glans as thanks for giving her the salt that she no longer needed as her body had been changed to something akin to that of an immortal. But the goo urged Kiwi to continue pleasing Owi as if she did so, then he would keep being happy for her. Owi's cock had now deflated with his glans no longer receiving stimulation when Kiwi's mouthed tentacle sucked on it, but there was something else that didn't get tired from repeated stimulation.

Owi's prostate could last forever and didn't need to rest and can be disturbed repeatedly without break. And so Kiwi grew the size of the tentacle with the penis tip and inserted it into Owi, now stretching his asshole to the point of no return. And as the prostate continued to be violated, Owi quickly began to feel incontinent and wanted to urinate. But his bladder had been modified by the goo he had swallowed into an extension of his seminal gland and peed out white goo that acted like a substitute for semen.

Owi's cock was now like a broken dam, constantly pouring out an imitation of his semen that was drowning his mind in pleasure along with the thoughts of submission thanks to the goo he was forced to swallow. Insertion after insertion came for a long time until Owi's bladder that was turned into a sex organ finally gave up and stopped making him shoot his imitated semen. But that was when a goo puddle from the floor pierced straight into Owi's abdomen and dug into his seminal gland to force it to produce semen to shoot via substituting it with the glue from the floor.

And so Owi went straight back to his never ending ejaculations and torturous pleasure as the mouthed tentacle returned to latching onto his penis all the while his ass was raped by the big gel cock that was constantly thrusting into him. Kiwi was pretty satisfied with the pleasurable hell she had subjected Owi to and gave him a loving kiss on the forehead as his metamorphosis into a complete goo beast started to take place. Owi's limbs and tail were now completely made of goo with his torso and head still being unchanged as the goo decided that it was still not done with Owi's eternal happiness.

About half an hour had now passed and Owi's real mind had fallen unconscious, but his body was still fucked with his penis still ejaculating even though Owi was no longer aware of what was happening to his body. The tentacle that was manipulating Owi's seminal gland eventually left along with the tentacle with the sucker and gel cock. After they had left, the goo enticed Kiwi to treat herself by using Owi's body to give herself that taste of intercourse that no other living being aside from beasts and penguins were lucky enough to feel pleasure from.

And so the goo tendrils that hung Owi from the ceiling brought him down, while the tentacle on his neck manipulated his unconscious body to lay on the bed that was absolutely stained with the gooey explosion earlier. And like a weird teacher, the goo guided Kiwi to how sexual intercourse worked by first forcing Owi's retracted cock to erect again via replacing the assimilating his penis with goo to force it stiff as a totally new body part. Now that Owi's had grown again from the transformation, the goo told Kiwi to take the new organ on her crotch and drive it straight into Owi's big stick.

Kiwi did so without any hesitation with the insertion of the huge stick into her vagina immediately making her receive a female orgasm and continued to hump on Owi's unconscious yet controlled body. The goo decided to help Kiwi with her newly experienced libido by manipulating Owi's body using the tentacle driven to the back of his neck and being the one to fuck her. Kiwi immediately agreed to the idea as she quickly got addicted to having her female prostate be stimulated but didn't want to put in the effort to thrust her hip into Owi's stick. And so Kiwi lewdly laid on the bed while Owi's originally gagged mouth opened up to reveal that it was now completely white along with a panting tongue popping out.

The goo was an expert in making the wishes of beasts come true and wanted to start with a bit of foreplay first, so it used Owi's body to seductively hold Kiwi's hand to the side while licking her neck to arouse her. Owi was now just a completely blank gooey white dog at that point who only knew how to obey the orders given to him by the tentacle that dug into his neck. And so the goo continued with its slight foreplay with Kiwi by then groping her scaly chest that was slowly turning back into goo under the pleasurable arousal. It was simple yet effective and Kiwi's craving for sex intensified even more which made the goo very proud of its host.

The goo finally got started with fucking Kiwi, rapidly thrusting into her hole all the while it held onto her legs under Owi's armpits while holding onto her waist. The two goo beasts mated in a lewd position with Kiwi grasping onto the pillows of the bed all the while being penetrated with her legs raising into the air. The goo that controlled Owi didn't need to feel the pleasure that the transformed dog was feeling and simply forced Owi to ejaculate his goo into Kiwi at any time it wanted. And so the goo continued to expertly manipulate Owi, giving Kiwi the sexual intercourse that only the sluttiest of prostitutes could ever dream of receiving under the control of the goo.

But the goo was loyal to Kiwi, its host, and knew when to stop if Kiwi were to become uncomfortable with the continuous deep and thick insertions that reached into her uterus. Yet Kiwi stayed strong under the intense fucking all the while replicating the coquettish face that Owi had made when they were in the tub together. Owi's only expression while fucking Kiwi was an obedient panting dog that had completely melted Owi's brain into paste and only knew Kiwi as his new owner and the one to give him the happiness his now simple mind craved.

The goo eventually realized Kiwi was beginning to become weak and stopped Owi from thrusting into her any longer and made him obediently kneel beside her. Kiwi eventually regained her bearings from the intense insertions of the soft and slippery canine cock into her slit that she was so scared to protect before but now wanted it to be penetrated every second. But the thought of wanting to be penetrated now faded as she was content with having experienced intercourse with her only one and true love Owi.

"Owi, together we will be happy forever. We can just play all day long in your bedroom without the need to go to work. And we'll eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together!"

Kiwi quickly hugged Owi, but no loving words came back to her and Owi continued to mindlessly stick his tongue out, waiting for his next orders to follow.

"Goo? What have you done to Owi? Why won't he speak?"

Kiwi asked her goo why Owi was unresponsive with the goo telling her that Owi is now one the first of her many pets until she decides to spread her love to his parents and soon to the rest of the world. A bit of goo concentrated around Owi's neck and formed a collar from before with the tentacle that dug into Owi's nape shifting to the shape of a leash which crept itself towards Kiwi's claws. The goo excitedly presented Owi as a Kiwi's personal pet like she had recently bought Owi from a pet store with the goo as the dog breeder who sold him to her.

"But... This isn't what I wanted... I'm not happy with this... Please let Owi talk!"

The goo was a bit confused as to what Kiwi meant by letting Owi talk so it made Owi speak a cute bark at her. But she was still not content with just a simple bark from her transformed owner and asked more from the goo.

"Is Owi really happy? If he isn't actually happy then I'm not happy!"

Kiwi held her hands into Owi's ears once more to read his mind only to see that Owi was no longer thinking at all as his consciousness had been melted and integrated into the goo.

"Owi! Are you there? Please come back to me! I didn't want this to happen to you!"

But all Owi answered back with was another bark while panting with his featureless white face.

"Goo, turn Owi back!"

Kiwi wanted Owi to return back to normal but the goo prioritized the spread of itself to other hosts and ignored her. Kiwi begged profusely for the goo to bring her loving owner back but was still left with no answer.

"Please turn him back! This isn't what I wished for! How can we be happy if Owi is thinking of nothing!?"

Kiwi begged one last time to the goo to turn Owi back to normal with the goo finally listening to her pleas and turned Owi back into his former self. But there was something very off with Owi as he was still mindlessly panting with a faceless expression except with only his fur color changing back into the original.

"No! This isn't him! Where are his eyes? Where is his loving voice!"

And so the goo imitated Owi's eyes with perfect accuracy but they did not move at all and stared blankly in a straight line and did not follow Kiwi when she moved to the side.

"I know you can turn him back, so do so already!"

The goo could turn Owi back and restore his consciousness but it simply did not want to let go of him as he was already part of their hivemind and could be a tool to spread their goo like Kiwi. Now left with no other choice, Kiwi thought of a crazy idea to force her uncooperative goo to bring her lover back to normal. Owi had always told Kiwi vague stories of ancient and magical dragons and how they could breathe fire to turn their enemies into dust. Owi would demonstrate the mythical story by using a lighter and an alcohol spray to make a big flame to play with while his parents were away.

Owi always hid his dangerous combination of a toy in his very bottom drawer. And so Kiwi got up from the bed and looked into the drawers where she luckily found Owi's flammable toy. And with the alcohol spray in hand, Kiwi sprayed the entire room with it while the goo was clueless as to what she was planning to do with it. To strengthen her resolve even further, she sprayed herself and Owi so that the goo would die along with her and Owi if it did not comply with Kiwi's request.

"Goo, turn Owi back to normal, now!"

But Kiwi was simply ignored once again with the mindless Owi still sitting and panting with the imitated form of the shell he once was. So Kiwi started her threat by lighting the lighter in her hand, causing the white goo to shriek in terror at the sight of their weakness while her brown and amber colored goo body remained under her control and did not flinch at all.

"Listen to me or we'll all be dust!"

Alcohol only burned itself if lit on fire but neither Kiwi or the goo knew it's complete effects so the goo began to hesitate under her threat. It wanted to ensure the spread and survival of their goo but it was having a hard time doing so when the dead lizard it had so generously reanimated had turned against them. The goo remained inanimate for a while which made Kiwi impatient, so she lit a crumpled piece of paper on fire and threw it at a puddle of goo which immediately combust into flames before dying down as a black pile of ash. The goo was scared for its survival and immediately followed Kiwi's request to return Owi back to normal.

Owi, who was still sitting patiently on the bed, suddenly stood up with the goo collar on his neck suddenly melting into his body before disappearing completely. The goo around the room suddenly fell off the walls and jumped onto Owi, covering his body into a white cocoon which enveloped the bed. And from there, the goo began to reconstruct Owi's original body under Kiwi's dangerous threat. A dog's body began to form inside; Owi's bones, blood, flesh, and fur were beginning to be reformed and sculpted into his original form. The gooey cocoon wriggled for a bit before condensing into two separate bodies, one was Owi's and one was a completely white glue beast that looked like Owi when he had been transformed.

"Owi? Are you alright? Are you back to normal?"

Kiwi quickly dropped the lighter in her hands to cradle Owi's unconscious body. His body was really back to normal with his fur having its original consistency along with the insides of his mouth having his clear white teeth and pink tongue.

"You're finally back!"

But while Kiwi was distracted with Owi's reformed body, the white boo beast that formed from the white glue quickly got up and reached for the lighter on the floor.

"No, what are you going to do with that!"

And with a sadistic smile, the goo beast was planning to cut off all possible methods of retaliating by crushing the dangerous lighter that Kiwi had oh so foolishly dropped. Kiwi tried to reach for the lighter, but it was too late and it was swiftly crushed by the traitorous glue. But the glue wasn't particularly smart when it came to anything other than the manipulation of the mind and feelings of beasts as crushing the lighter made its fluid drip onto its legs.

And after it foolishly dropped the crushed lighter, bits and pieces of it produced a spark which instantly produced a scorching inferno. The glue beast began to scream in agony and tried to take Kiwi down with her but she masterfully controlled her own gooey body to grow a tentacle and push away the flaming goo beast without it harming a single part of her body.

"Take that you damn traitorous glue! You promised me and Owi happiness but you only brought him suffering!"

The legs of the glue beast gave out one by one until it could only helplessly reach out to its original host before finally lying lifeless on the floor as its body finally turned to ash.

"Owi, are you alright? Speak to me!"

Owi was still feeling weak after having his brain and body reconstructed from the goo and could only lazily open his eyes under Kiwi's worried shouts. But he eventually awoke completely with his cute dog eyes reflecting the setting sun that was passing through the window. Kiwi immediately gave him a teary and loving embrace to see that her beloved Owi was finally back to normal.

"Kiwi, why are you crying? And what the hell happened? Last thing I remember was something burrowing into my neck after that weird growth on your back grew tendrils to restrain me. Wait, what's that black pile?"

"It's what made me turn on you. It wanted me to turn you into something like me so that we could be happy together forever. But when I saw that you were reduced to nothing but my personal pet, I didn't allow that!"

"You... you really do love me..."

"Isn't it obvious? I've waited for you every single day so that we can play together but turning you into my own mindless slave that will play with me for all eternity isn't the fun I wanted! Dangle my ball on a stick in front of me and shower me, that's the fun I want and not forcing you to do what you don't want to. Some days you never let me out to play even though I scratched on my cage profusely, but I understood that those days were your lowest and that you needed time alone."

Crystal clear tears began to flow out of Owi's eyes after Kiwi's declaration of her completely pure and true love for Owi who had never heard such a heartfelt confession in his life. And Kiwi cried too, they both cried, they cried in the arms of each other as Kiwi slowly began to wrap her tentacles onto Owi's body. But these tentacles were not for transformation or control but were just a harmless extension of her body to show her complete adoration and compassion towards him. And Owi did not resist either and allowed himself to be lovingly wrapped with Kiwi's tentacles and in their embrace as they continued to break down in each other's arms.

"Sniff... Owi, will you leave me after what I had done to you?"

"No, never! I'd never think of leaving you after all I've sacrificed to bring you back! Sneaking back and forth at the institute where one sign of betrayal through theft of research would be met with literal termination or be made a test subject for the goo beasts. Never leave me!"

And so after one last heartfelt conversation, the two finally released each other from their embrace. Owi and Kiwi were now naked but Owi didn't close his eyes anymore and just avoided eye contact with her alluring body that he'd been wanting to touch for a while now but never told Kiwi as that would be inappropriate. And so Owi got a new set of clothes for the two of them with Kiwi manifesting her favorite top hat to wear as she sat by Owi's side as he wrote his resume for his new job. The night passed playfully with Owi playing with Kiwi with her manifested rubber ball on a stick after he was done filling out his resume form and only waited for the results.

They didn't eat dinner that night as Owi felt inexplicably full and Kiwi only needed to eat to keep her gooey body from breaking apart as she idled. The two slept together in each other's arms with Kiwi getting a bit mischievous and grew her tentacles to insert themselves into Owi's clothes but only massaged his body until he eventually fell asleep. The third day eventually came with the same routine of yesterday's but Kiwi was generally more adapted to her new life and body and even began to use her new body to help Owi when he was tasked to clean the house and hold the mops and brooms for him. And so the fourth day came which was the day that Owi's parents came from with Owi having prepared Kiwi how to act naturally nonstop for the past days which thankfully paid off as Kiwi behaved like a normal person with her scaly disguise.

"Mom, dad, this is my new girlfriend Kiwi..."

"Girlfriend? Named Kiwi? Like your pet lizard?"

"Yes, she was a girl I was interested in right before you sent me away to the scientific institute."

"Treat her nicely now and don't make her sad. Even if she is of another race, you can still marry her as long as you are happy with her. Kiwi, please tell us if Owi begins to act unloyal, alright?"

Owi's parents completely bought Kiwi's facade not knowing that the Kiwi that wanted to be their son's new girlfriend was the same one that Owi owned as a pet. Owi eventually told his parents about his new job and wanted to move into the big city to work which they fortunately didn't protest to as they were excited to have Owi live with Kiwi. Owi and Kiwi eventually left the next day to move into their new apartment where Kiwi used her tentacles to help out with the unpacking once Owi's parents had left.

"So... What will I do? I obviously can't just laze around the house while you work very hard to earn money for food."

"It's alright, you can do anything you want. My bedroom is my office anyway so I'm not going anywhere to work. And I'm pretty sure I have enough money to last us two decades while still making some through my job."

Before going to his first day of work, Kiwi and Owi watched some news broadcast on a recently bought plasma TV which showed that the company that Owi had worked for had shut down. Owi could only wonder if it was because of him leaving which caused the company to fall apart or something went terribly wrong with the containment of the goo experiments which caused a breach.

But Owi no longer cared about his weird past and just wanted to live secretly with his reanimated pet turned goo girlfriend who was five years older than him yet still sometimes acted like a wild lizard. Little by little, Kiwi adapted to her new life to the point that she could now go to the mall with Owi to pick out new hats to buy yet she still forced Owi to join her in the bathtub so that they could wash each other.

Meteorite Slime Friend 15

Chapter 2 - The Tiger and the Fox's Visit It has been two days since Sola arrived at Kitt's house and by then, she has perfected the use of her abilities and how to act naturally outside. The date is now Thursday, which means Max's scheduled visit...

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Meteorite Slime Friend 14

Chapter 1 - A New Visitor Kitt and Nova had just finished celebrating the Lunar New Year at an office party and had arrived home. Kitt was actually very drunk after the party so when he left to go home, Nova had to control him to properly take a bus...

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Meteorite Slime Friend 5-13

Chapter 5 - A Quest for Gifts Nova makes his own clothes by manipulating his body into making a comfortable looking varsity jacket, jeans, and even his own shoes. "Perfect replicas of master's clothes! This should help me blend in with...

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