Day 21 - Snap

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#21 of Hypnovember 2020

A momentary lapse in submission is easily fixed with a simple trigger.

Starring Mattswolf !

"Sheep? Sheep?" A voice droned to you.

You... recognized this voice. You had heard it before. Who was talking?

"Sheep. Sheep?"

You jolted. You were standing, wearing nothing but an apron, being given a quizical look by a handsome blue wolf.

"Wh-What?" You said.

"Oh dear. Did someone wake up again?" He asked, smiling and resting his fuzzy chin on his palm. He seemed amused by your confusion.

"Uhm. Wh-Where am I?" You asked, stepping back and wishing you were better covered than just by an apron. He couldn't see anything so long as you had your front to him at least.

"Calm down, shhh. It's fine." He said, lifting his hand up. "Just relax and listen closely. When-"

You bleated in fear and stepped back, and he blinked in surprise. "What? I'm not going to do anything to you. All I'm going to do is snap my fingers." He said.

You kept eye contact as he flexed his fingers, tensed his hand, and-

Snap. It hit you hard. Harder than made sense to you. Your felt your body tense up, your knees coming together slightly. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, and looked, fearfully, at this wolf with so much power in his fingers.

"And you might notice. Every time I snap my fingers, you'll feel a powerful wave."


You shivered and let out a half-bleat, half-gasp. It was like a wall of sound hitting you, every reverberation sending you mind reeling. It was like being physically shaken.

"B-Baa?" You bleated, getting a soft chuckle from the wolf.

"You'll feel my control reasserting itself. Over your body, over your mind. Over every part of you." He said.


You thought you were prepared for this one. You weren't even close. You slumped forward, leaning forward a dangerous amount. Thankfully, the wolf, caught you with a single finger and pushed you back to standing straight up. You swallowed thickly and struggled to focus your eyes on him.


He didn't say anything for that one. It almost felt like cheating. All the same, it made you weak at the knees, and and you couldn't even make a sound this time. The wolf chuckled again.

"And every time, it's stronger than the last. Stronger and stronger."


You opened your mouth as wide as it could go, your eyes crossing slightly as it shook more out of you. You felt lost. You couldn't even remember how this exchange started, and you were barely following what was happening.

"Sheep? How are you feeling?" Master asked you. You drooled heavily and tried to think of words to say. Nothing came.

"Good boy." He said. "Just like that. Feeling my complete and total control over you. Feeling yourself give in. Surrendering that control to me."


You barely reacted to that one. Just a little flinch, and a soft bleat-moan.


More drooling.






"Now - another drink please." The wolf, your beloved owner and Master, told you, with a smile.

"Yes, Sir!" You said, turning and hurrying off, as he smirked and admired you from behind.

Day 22 - Goo

"Good evening, Sol!" The plump goodra greeted, as the unusually large, fluffy absol came trotting in for his appointment. "Hihi, Dr. Goodra!" The Sol sang back, taking a seat and washing his paw as the goodra casually sauntered over to the couch...

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Day 20 - Possession

You were going over your checklist again. It was good for your anxiety about this date tonight. Smile. Laugh at his jokes. Smile. Don't fidget. Just keep your elbows on the table if you're nervous. Wait, is that rude? To put your elbows on the...

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Day 19 - Hacked

"Hey, 158! Got a moment?" Bhijn asked, trotting excitedly into your office and patting his hands on your desk. "For Bhijn, always!" You said, charming as ever. At least, Bhijn always seemed to act like you were charming. You appreciated that. ...

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