Cumtainment Breach

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Story Summary: A lonely maned wolf downloads a strange app, and gets more than he bargained for.

Word Count: 8489

I told myself I wasn't going to use this title because of how painfully awful it was.. anyways, here's a little self-indulgent story! I've wanted to write about MalO for quite a while, especially the version that SligarTheTiger (who made the thumbnail art) and Duase draw, which is what inspired me to actually make this story specifically. Overall I felt like it was pretty cute and sweet, and was fun to write. I think it was the least kinky thing I've made for sure, and even in part two it'd remain vanilla. I almost feel bad for people who see this before any of my other stories then look at my other work.

As much as I wanted to make it longer, it already ended up a lot longer than I expected and there was still lots left to go. There were actually about 2000 more words after what's shown here, but I couldn't really stop it in the middle of that, and I didn't feel the need to stop until then. Sadly, I'm unsure if I'll ever make a part two, but I hope this is enough to enjoy!

Tags: male on female, maned wolf, skulldog, mal0, malo, scp-1471, milf, monster, size difference, small penis, premature ejaculation, sexting, handjob, vaginal, condom, shy, virgin, first time, romance, groping, big tits, big thighs

Late one night, Tavish the maned wolf was alone in his bed, as usual, looking through his phone. He wasn't exactly in the best of moods, as during dinner his parents had once again asked him when he was going to get a girlfriend, and as always he didn't have a proper answer, giving them the usual response about him only being nineteen and waiting for the right person. It wasn't that he didn't want a girlfriend, or that he wouldn't be able to get one, but he wasn't the most confident in certain aspects of himself. He'd only made it to the bedroom with someone once, and once his underwear was down they ended up laughing too hard to continue. He was lucky they didn't tell anyone, but it was still more than enough to ward him away from trying again.

While scrolling through different websites, he stumbled upon something rather interesting: A downloadable app titled 'MalO', saying it'd provide a virtual friend to chat with. There were no photos or reviews for the app, but it was free, and he really wanted more people to talk to- not that he didn't have any friends, but most of them he couldn't talk to about some things. This would just be a bot that hopefully wouldn't judge him if he said anything about his issues. The app downloaded quickly, just barely under ten megabytes, but when he went to the home screen to open it it didn't seem to be anywhere. Even looking in different settings and histories he couldn't find it, and when he went back to the webpage it was gone entirely. "That was a bust.." He grumbled to himself.

He was about to settle in for the night and put his phone down before he received a text, making his ears perk up and checking who it was. He didn't expect an unknown number to send him a photo, and when he opened to see what the photo was, he was even more surprised and rather blown away. It was a picture of some lady, or at least a part of her. It was taken so closely that all he could see was her seemingly giant tits, a hand cupped underneath showing off the immense size. Her fur was dark grey and her large nipples were even darker, and he immediately felt his prick starting to harden under his sheets. Was this a mistake? Did they mean to send this photo to him? Was it a trap? Many questions went through his head, but he didn't try to answer any of them quite yet, solely out of the worry that the photo would be deleted if he said anything.

So with a shaky breath in, one hand held his phone and the other slipped into his covers, immediately going to his crotch and very gently stroking himself as he stared at the pair of gorgeous breasts on his screen. He had to be careful with how easy it was to set himself off, just another issue he was worried about someone potentially discovering. Though despite his best efforts, not even a whole minute passed before he gave in, whimpering and biting his lip as he came against the sheets, huffing while looking at the picture he was given. Soon the pleasure was over, his cheeks flushing hot as he realized what he did. That wasn't right, I should tell them.. He thought to himself, putting his phone down on the bedside table and quickly grabbing a tissue. A plus of his small orgasms is that they were easy to clean. By the time he was done that though, he'd completely forgotten about what he was going to do, even if the picture itself didn't leave his mind. He was already tired enough, and after cumming like that, he easily fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke up the same way he usually did: Very sluggishly, slowly tossing and turning before reaching for his phone, looking at the notifications he received. None of it was out of the ordinary, until he scrolled down, and saw another image sent from an unknown number. His heart skipped a beat, and he took a slow breath in. He knew there was a chance that it wouldn't be the same person, or that it wouldn't be the same kind of image at all, but he still found himself getting excited. As he opened up the text, he found his expectations were more than simply met. It seemed to be the same woman, and it was definitely more naughty than the first photo.

This picture was aimed a lot lower than the first, right between the mystery girl's spread legs. It didn't show her above the waist, nor did it show much below the waist, but he could tell that her thighs were especially thick and soft. The focus was on her crotch, one of her hands over her slit and showing off her shiny black nails. Around and above her cunt was her fluffy pubic fur, a few shades of darker grey than the rest of her fur, mostly hidden under her hand. Despite the amount of it, he couldn't remember seeing any crotch fluff that appeared as soft and silky as hers, even in the shameful amounts of porn he'd seen.

He huffed, sitting up and looking at the photo again. He didn't want to make a mess in his bed again, keeping his hands away from his crotch and hesitantly texting a simple "i think you have the wrong number". He quickly got out of bed after that, trying not to think about the situation too much as he went to shower with his phone left on his bed. After he washed and dried himself off, and came in the shower while thinking about the pictures he was sent, he returned to his room just in time for his phone to buzz. He stopped for a moment, a little chill going down his back before he reached and slowly picked it up. It was a message from the unknown number, reading "Do you really want me to stop?" and another image was attached. He didn't hesitate to open it this time. It was similar to the previous one, but rather than hiding her pussy she used two fingers to spread it, showing off some of the black, glistening flesh inside, a strand of her fluid hanging from one side to the other. He gulped, moving his other hand toward his groin, but once he saw the time he immediately stopped. He had to go now if he wanted to make it to work on time, so he very quickly sent them "you dont need to sotp" and throwing his phone down on his bed, scrambling to get ready. He put his glasses on and got dressed, not checking for any messages as he grabbed his phone again and shouted a goodbye to his parents before rushing out the door.

Hours passed, and even during his lunch break he didn't check his phone at the risk of seeing something that'd turn him on at work. Only after he'd arrived home, said hello to his father, and retreated to his bedroom did he look. Most of it was things he expected, notifications from telegram chats and a video of a kitten sent by his mother, but of course he received another two images from the unknown number some time ago. His prick stiffened before he opened up his messages, and he sat right in his computer chair as the first image loaded. It was once again the dark-furred woman with her legs spread wide like the last two photos, but this time she was wearing lacy, white, nearly translucent panties that hid her crotch, pressing against the extra fur underneath with a good amount still above the waistband. The second photo was almost the same, but she had a hand under the panties with her ring finger buried deep in her snatch, the lower part of the fabric wet and clinging to her fur.

He sat back in his chair, pressing his thighs together and moving one hand to the bulge in his work pants, whining softly as he slowly rubbed himself. He was a bit less worried by the thought of speaking to whoever this was after texting them the first time, but he was still nervous as he asked them who they were. Only a few seconds passed before he received a reply that said "You downloaded my app last night," his heart immediately sinking. If that was true it'd explain some things, but it raised many more questions. Regardless he didn't stop rubbing his bulge with precum leaking into his underwear, asking them "who are you?" That was soon met with the response of "My name's Malo, sweetheart. You must be Tavish." Her supposedly having the same name as the app he downloaded (or was it the other way around?) wasn't nearly as shocking as her knowing his name, and for a moment he was genuinely worried.

Before he could say anything back, she sent him another message. "Would you like more photos?" she asked. Instead of stopping contact with her or doing anything else someone should do in such a situation, he just replied to her with a "yes" and continued to massage his stiff bulge. He was too horny to think entirely straight, and he'd never received photos like this from anyone before. Soon he received another image, and while it slowly loaded he took that time to swiftly unzip his pants and pull out his cock, slowly jerking himself off while the other hand held his phone. This picture was different from the others, taken from her perspective with her legs up high, spread just enough to keep her panties in place around her knees, the photo cut off just above that. He could see enough of her legs lower down to get a much better look at her pillowy thighs, mostly pressed together even with her legs slightly spread as they were. The background was too dark to see anything other than her legs, but that wasn't important.

He started to stroke himself faster, panting softly with his bushy tail slowly wagging under his chair, looking at the different photos that she sent him. A dozen or so seconds went by before he gasped, squeezing his prick tight as a few spurts of semen poured from his urethra, running over his fingers and onto his pants. He let out a long sigh, letting his arms hand over the sides of the chair while loosely holding his phone, leaning back with his head up. He sat like that for several seconds before realizing he had a mess to clean up, quietly cussing to himself as he stood, quickly trying to clean the cum off of his work pants..

Later that night he was getting into bed, having spent the rest of his evening chatting and playing games with his friends or hanging out with his family, along with a few chores such as laundry. He got into his pajamas consisting of absolutely nothing, climbing underneath the warm blankets of his bed, and as if on cue he received a text from Malo. He knew it was her since, after he cleaned himself up earlier, he gave her a special contact name and text tone. It was simply an image with no text attached as usual, this one being her chest again with a hand on either tit, squeezing the soft flesh with her fingers sinking right in. He was too turned on by it to ask how she managed to take that.

He got right to masturbating underneath the sheets, gathering up the courage- and lust- needed to ask her a question. If she was just a bot then he wouldn't need to worry about complete rejection, at least. After slowly typing out his message with one hand he asked if she could send a picture of her butt, and quickly enough he received just that. It was a picture taken from behind of her bent over with her ass up, fluffy tail raised high. Not too surprisingly her rump was bigger than he expected, not past the realm of plausibility but certainly one of the hugest he'd seen, just like her thighs and tits. Despite her being bent over so far, it looked like her cheeks would need to be spread quite a bit further to show her tailhole. It still didn't really show any of her beyond the focus of the photo, but as curious as he was he didn't want to push it in that direction. Not yet at least.

For some reason he felt compelled to thank her for the photo, texting her such and already on the edge of climax, completely letting go of his prick so he wouldn't cum yet. He waited for a reply, and soon got one, saying "How adorable. You love my photos, don't you?" He huffed upon reading that, and almost immediately responded with a yes. He then got another message from her that said "Why don't you show me a photo of you?" He wouldn't admit it, but that made him a lot more nervous than her knowing his name without him telling her. But, still fueled by his arousal, he lifted his sheets up with one hand, the other hand holding his phone underneath and taking a photo of his dick. After several more attempts he finally had a photo he considered good enough, mostly because it didn't entirely show how big his cock was, sending it to her with a shaky finger. He held his breath as he waited for a response, and fortunately for him it was more than just a little reply. She said "What a lovely dick, I'm so wet just thinking about it inside me~" with an image attached, showing her in the same position as last time with her legs slightly parted, both hands squeezing and spreading her cheeks to reveal her black tailhole and sopping pussy. The fur around it was wet, her femcum dripping right from her slit or down her thighs, the white bedsheets under her darkened by her fluids.

He squirmed and huffed, not used to this kind of conversation with anyone, especially not with someone so attractive. After a response like that he couldn't hold back, grabbing his dick again and quickly bringing himself to an orgasm, toes curling under his sheets as he came hard. Once he snapped out of the afterglow he got to cleaning the sheet right away, only checking his phone after he had wiped away as much cum as he could. There was another message and image, this time saying "Looks like I made a mess, I hope you did too~" with another picture from behind, this time with her laying on her side with her thighs together, one hand keeping her ass spread to show that her fur was even wetter than before, and the sheets she was lying on were completely soaked. He replied with "i did. thank you for the pictures." Almost right after sending that, he added "i don't have work tomorrow, i'll have more time to talk." She soon replied with "I look forward to it," with no image this time. He felt a little bit disappointed but he knew it was for the best, the last image was already enough to make him consider going again but he managed to restrain himself and put his phone down- after telling her goodnight.

The next morning, he woke up a bit peppier than normal. He subconsciously knew exactly why that was, not that he could admit it. He picked up his phone, not realizing that his tail started to slowly wag underneath the blankets when he saw a text from Malo. It was a picture of her in bed showing from her waist to her upper chest, one hand resting on her belly and the other arm by her side. Her breasts were just as big and round as the other photos of them he'd seen, but this was the first time he got to see her soft-looking belly, not chubby but just squishy enough that he could see her hand making a small depression in it. "good morning" he sent to her before getting out of bed, taking a quick shower and getting dressed in casual clothes consisting of a t-shirt, underwear, and his glasses. Not only did he not have work today but both of his parents still did, meaning he'd have the house all to himself until the evening.

He ate his breakfast and did his usual morning chores, returning to his room afterward and sitting at his desk, turning on his computer and plugging his phone into it to charge. Right away there was a notification on the corner of his screen, letting him know that 'MalO.exe' was installed. His eyes widened, the notification disappearing before he could do anything about it. His telegram opened up, and he received a message from who else but Malo, a contact already made. "U-um.." He meeped, opening up the chat with her. It looked like she even had a profile photo set for herself, which was just a closeup of her tits. The message from her read "Thanks for letting me onto your computer, cutie. Your phone was starting to feel cramped." Minor panic went through him, but it was minor enough that he could still ask "what do you mean?" It only took a few seconds for her to tell him "I already told you, didn't I? You downloaded me the other day, and now I'll be with you forever.. Don't worry though, I'll make sure you enjoy it. And being here gives me a lot more space for photos~" He wasn't quite sure how to feel about such a reply, largely because it made absolutely no sense. He tried not to sound too freaked out though, asking her a simple question. "are you stuck on my computer now?" She replied with "Oh no, I'll be anywhere you've downloaded or connected me. If you put me somewhere spacious enough, maybe I'll be able to go beyond that." He gulped as he thought about what that could mean.

Before he could say anything else, she sent him another picture. This one almost looked like it was from her perspective, showing the entire front of her body from the chest down with a hand on her hip. She looked just as curvy as before, but with a few new things. For one there was the skimpy yellow bikini she wore, somehow even more revealing than if she was nude. Second was the multiple silver bangles on her wrist, some plain and some covered with different jewels. Third was the fact that he could see her three-toed paws down below, standing on a dark background as seemed to be the norm, having pointy, shiny black nails just like her hands. From this angle, he could just barely make out the tall, silvery platform heels she was wearing, only a barely visible strap over the top of each foot.

"where did you get the accessories?" He asked her, as if it was the first time she wasn't entirely nude in her photos. "Well I think they look nice, don't you? In fact, you don't need to answer that, I can tell from your browser history." She said, and if he hadn't already sent her a picture of his dick and seen more than a few pictures from her, that would've been a lot more worrying. "what did you mean by more spacious?" He asked. "You're quite the curious one now, hm? I think you'd have trouble understanding, but let's just say that if you plugged me into something like a television I'd be able to do more than just talk and give you photos~" She replied, without elaborating. He didn't say anything back, trying to put it out of his mind for the time being and playing some games instead.

In a few minutes she sent him another picture, through his telegram this time rather than over his phone. He almost immediately paused what he was doing, opening up the messenger and seeing what she'd sent him. To his surprise it was a video, showing her with her legs spread, one hand groping a tit and the other between her legs, two fingers slowly pushing in and out of her dripping-wet pussy. She still had the bangles on both wrists and the high heels, but the bikini was gone. There was no audio, and he still didn't get to see her above the neck, but it was still more than enough to make his cock rock hard. He took a shaky breath in, failing to not touch himself already and sliding a hand into his underwear. "what would happen if i plugged you into the tv?" He asked, more than a bit curious as to what she meant earlier. "Why don't you go do it and find out? I know you want to, and I promise you it'll be fun." She responded right away.

After closing his games and grabbing a cable for his phone, adjusting his dick in his underwear before rushing downstairs. He wasn't thinking straight at this point- she was very hot, he was very horny, and he didn't consider how bizarre the entire situation was. He fumbled with the cords before turning the television on and turning it to the appropriate input, plugging his phone in, and then.. nothing. He stood there with baited breath, waiting for something to happen, but after several seconds nothing did. He opened his phone, going to his messages with her which remained unchanged. "M-Malo-" He started to speak, but let out a yelp of surprise as the television suddenly flashed white and he fell onto his ass, dropping his phone. He slowly opened his eyes, holding an arm in front of his face and seeing the screen full of static, a hand slowly raising up from the bottom of the screen, and grabbing onto the edge as if it was coming right out. He was in disbelief, paralyzed with fear as he watched a second black hand reach right out of the screen onto the television stand, silver bangles on its wrist.

A dark figure slowly pulled itself into view on the screen, but until it started to go right out of the screen he couldn't make out any details. A white, wolfish skull started to appear, and as the entirety of it and some of the being's upper body came out of the screen, he felt a little bit less mortified- while the head was indeed a wolf skull, it had calm-looking, glowing white eyes, wavy black hair that reached to its chest, and two pointy ears that stuck straight up. It, or rather she judging by the massive tits, looked toward him, mouth curling into an endearing yet mildly creepy smile. "Oh, Tavish.. you look much cuter than I thought you would." She said in a sweet yet sultry tone, her voice like silk on his ears. Only then did the gears in his head turn, and he realized the obvious. "M-Malo?" He meeped, cheeks suddenly turning hot. "Who else? Now come help me out, dear. This is an uncomfortable position to stand in." She told him. After a long moment of hesitation he stood up, unable to take his eyes off of her- especially her chest- as he stepped forward, gently taking her hands and trying to help pull her out of the screen. Her hands were velvet soft, quite a bit larger than his, and they felt very strong as well. More of her body was pulled from the television as she brought a leg up, a foot and leg coming out onto the stand with the same platform high heel as before.

Soon enough she was entirely out of the television, which turned off after she left it, now standing in front of him with both feet on the floor. He'd let go of her hands and stepped back, his ears down as he stared up at her, and she stared back down at him with her hands on her hips. He was only a few inches below average in height, but she was objectively huge at a towering seven feet tall, and that'd be without her tall shoes. That brought his eye level to her chest, but he tried to keep his eyes up at her face. Both of them were silent, until she eventually decided to speak first. "I'm sure you have lots of questions. Go ahead and ask, I won't bite." She laughed calmly, still smiling at him with her eyes lidded. He had much bigger questions than how that was possible with no eyelids.

"Who are you? W-what are you? Why are you here? How are you here? Why are you so.. big?" He trailed off with the last of his flurry of questions, blatantly staring at her lewd bits. She chuckled, crossing her arms under her chest and further accentuating her bust. "I guess I asked for it, heh. To answer all of those.. I'm Malo, I'm an app you downloaded on your phone then put into your computer then tv, though I suppose I'm like a wolf. I'm here because, well, you downloaded me. But I did truly want to meet you, too. I can't say I entirely understand how it all works, but who needs to know? And as for why I look like this.." She crouched, bringing herself down to his height and staring into his eyes. "..That's because my body was tailored to your liking, going off of your browser history~" She told him, and he shivered at the thought of somebody knowing everything he'd looked up online. It seemed to check out though, there was indeed a considerable amount of 'content' he'd seen that featured women with bodies like hers.

"Now, since you asked me so many questions, I think it's only fair that I get to ask you one." She said, not so subtly pressing her tits together with her arms. He didn't quite notice the tease despite staring directly at her chest most of the time. "G-go ahead." He huffed, his tail slowly wagging behind him with his hands over his crotch, hiding the bulge in his underwear. "Would you take those clothes off for me~?" She asked him, her face so close to his that he could feel her warm breath on his fur and get some of her scent- it was pleasant and flowery, but not like any flower he'd ever smelled. "I-I've.. never b-been with someone before.." He whispered, looking away from her and squirming a bit. "Aww, you poor thing. Then let me ask something else." She lowered one of her hands down, gently grabbing one of his wrists and lifting his arm away from his crotch, bringing it up to her chest and placing his hand against one of her huge tits. "Do you want me to be your first?" She cooed. "U-um, I-I.. I, uh.." He stammered, eyes going wide. He didn't pull away, not that he wanted to, though he went completely stiff in shock. His hand remained still but he could still feel her warmth and softness with how lightly his hand was against her, along with the stiff nipple poking against his furry palm. Her large areola was almost as wide as his entire hand including his stretched out fingers, giving him more than enough to rub and squeeze whenever he'd decide to move.

She pressed his hand on herself a little bit harder, not forcing but certainly encouraging him to do something more. "Don't be shy, you can touch wherever you want." She told him, slowly putting both of her hands on his hips with his hand left on her breast. "A-are you sure?" He asked her quietly, still not moving his hands as he looked into her eyes. She gave him a nod, slowly rubbing his sides. He very slowly lifted his other hand up, bringing it to her other tit and giving both a hesitant squeeze while biting his lip. She let out a quiet moan, slightly exaggerated for his sake, but the sensation was nice regardless. He looked into her eyes again for approval, and the smile she gave him was enough to convince him to continue. He gave her a deeper, slower squeeze, his fingers practically disappearing with how soft her fur and flesh was. "W-woah." He huffed, continuing to gently knead her chest. She kept herself from laughing at his amazement, moving her hands further up from his hips and underneath his shirt, fingers sifting through his fluffy fur. Her own fur was much shorter and flat, excluding the fluff on her crotch, but it was still incredibly silky and smooth.

"You're very soft, you know. You take good care of your fur." She said as she rubbed the fur on the sides of his chest, the little compliment making him huff loudly. "T-thanks, um, you're soft too." He replied, his hands going underneath her breasts to gently cup them, feeling their weight- too heavy for him to fully lift one with a single hand. "Lift your arms for a second." She said, and he nodded before doing so, only a bit reluctant to take his hands off of her chest. She lifted the bottom of his shirt up, pulling it up and off of him and leaving him in nothing but his glasses and underwear. "H-haha, okay, uh.." He mumbled, suddenly becoming very aware of the obvious bulge in his underwear and quickly putting his hands over it. "S-sorry, I'm just not sure about this.." He mumbled. She gave him a calm smile, dropping his shirt on the ground as she stood up. "Just relax, and come here~" She said before lightly wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a hug before he could complain. He let out a little squeak before his face was buried between her tits, his vision going completely dark. He squirmed, putting his hands on her thighs with his body pressed against hers, but it only took a second for him to calm down and stop. He'd be lying if he said it wasn't one of the best things he'd ever felt, if not the best, not only in a sexual manner but a simple, general gratification. To be held in such a way, hugged so close to someone so big and soft and warm while being treated so gently, it had him in utter bliss. He practically melted, leaning against her and hugging what he could, her body too large for his hands to be able to touch behind her back.

She moved a hand from his back to his head, slowly stroking his hair while he kept himself mostly buried in her chest. Her breasts weren't large enough to completely hide his head without squishing them together, and even then his ears would still poke out of the top. "Such a sweet little thing. I can tell you've needed this quite badly.." She murred, tenderly petting him during the hug. He only responded with a muffled huff. He couldn't remember another time that he was so close to somebody, listening to her heart beating and feeling the gentle rising and falling of her breathing, hearing the sweet nothings whispered to him, smelling her floral perfume.. It was all too soon when she pulled away, still holding him but not right against her, freeing him from her chest. "There.. that's much better, isn't it?" She asked with a smile, straightening out his glasses and caressing his fluffy cheek. "Y-yeah. Thank you." He sniffled.

"Since you've had some time to think it over, I should ask you this again." She said, wiping a tear away from his eye. He didn't even notice that he was crying until then. "Do you want me to be the first person you have sex with?" She asked him, slightly crouching again and staring into his eyes, smiling warmly. There was an unfamiliar sensation deep in his gut, like fluttering in his stomach. He nodded, his hands on her sides. "Y-yes, I'm sure now." He said with a shy little smile of his own. "I'm glad to hear that, honey. Let's start you out with something small, okay? We have lots of time, so there's no rush." She said and he nodded to that, watching as she moved lower and got onto her knees in front of him, his hands going to her shoulders. The height difference wasn't too different from her crouch until she lowered herself just a bit further, putting her hands on his waistband. "J-just don't laugh please.." He whimpered, turning his head away and putting a hand on his cheek, peeking through his fingers. "I promise I won't laugh." She responded.

He held his breath as she slowly pulled his briefs down, freeing all two inches of his not-so-proud erection, a string of precum hanging from his foreskinned tip to his underwear's fabric. "Wow, it's.." She trailed off, staring at his junk. As small as his prick was, at least his balls were a more normal size. "It's beautiful~" She moaned, letting a little bit of her black tongue out to give his shaft a lick. He gasped from the touch, looking down at her. "I-it's not too small..?" He asked quietly. "Of course not, I think it's lovely~" She chuckled, bringing a hand up and giving his cock a little squeeze. With how small it was compared to the size of her hand, it didn't even peek out the end of her grip and was easily encircled. He couldn't hold back a moan, shaft throbbing powerfully in her hand and a small spurt of pre dripping onto her fingers.

He shuddered, his tail poofing up slightly as he tried to hold himself back from cumming already. "I-I usually don't last that long, so go slow." He warned her, and she nodded. "Don't worry about that, my sweet wolfy. Just cum whenever you're ready." She told him, starting to slowly stroke his short length while staring up at him, the two of them looking into each other's eyes. He trembled, his toes curling and his tail wagging, his heart pounding as the pleasure quickly rose. He didn't want to tell her that he was already so close, but that meant she didn't slow down either, and only twenty seconds after she first grabbed his dick he moaned loudly in bliss as he came. His thick cum dribbled from his tip, dripping from her hand as she massaged his prick, stopping her stroking and squeezing his cock in time with its throbbing.

"I knew you said you wouldn't last, but oh my~" She laughed quietly, letting go of him. "I-I'll try harder next time.." He mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed that he came so quickly. "There's no need, it makes me happy that you thought it felt good enough to cum that fast~" She said while looking up at him, making sure he was watching as she licked his cum off of her hand. "A-alright, thanks, I guess." He huffed, though he was more than relieved to hear that on the inside. Despite his excitement he didn't have particularly impressive stamina, his shaft soon going soft. He frowned, but she kept smiling. "Perhaps we should let you rest a bit before round two then. What would you like to do until then?" She asked, wiping the cum off of his tip with a finger and licking it clean before standing in front of him. He managed to suppress his reaction to the touch, other than a little shiver. "Actually, I-I was wondering if I could, uh, you know, u-use my mouth on you..?" He asked politely, poking his fingers together. "What a little sweetheart, of course you can~" She replied and gave him a pat on the head, making him huff again while his tail started to wag. "Perhaps we should take this to your room, though? We don't want to ruin the couch, after all." She chuckled, and he silently agreed, picking up his shirt and leading her upstairs to his bedroom.

"It's quite cozy in here, and smells like you. I like it." She said as the two of them stepped into his room, with him closing the door behind them. "T-thanks. How should we do this?" He asked her with clear excitement, dropping his shirt on his floor. "Mmm. I think I have an idea." She replied as she stepped over to his bed, sitting on the edge before rolling onto her back and spreading her legs wide with her feet still on the floor. It wasn't quite doing the splits, but it was far wider than he'd be able to spread his legs, and it gave him a great view of her gorgeous body and her furry crotch. "Now come here hon~" She beckoned him over, and he gulped as he stepped up to the side of the bed before dropping to his knees. "What should I-I do?" He asked, getting a small sniff of her feminine scent. "Don't worry about being perfect, just do what you think will feel good. Enjoy yourself down there~" She responded, putting her hands on her wide thighs.

He shuffled a bit further forward, bringing him right up to her as he leaned down with his muzzle just an inch from her fur. Despite the amount of thick, fluffy fur she wasn't musky, not counting the hot smell of her arousal, and he couldn't help but lightly press his nose right into the fluff and take a deep breath in. There was more of that warm, sweet, floral scent. He couldn't tell if it was perfume or shampoo, maybe both, but it was so distinctly her, and he loved it. He sniffed again, moving a bit to the side and delivering a tiny lick right to her slit. He couldn't see her reaction from where he was but he could hear her huff softly, and that was enough to encourage him to lick again and again, covering his tongue with her taste. Even if his cock was tiny his tongue was wide, making his licks feel quite nice to her despite his inexperience. His tongue repeatedly dragged against the outside of her cunt, licking up any fluids before they could drip and matting down the fur around it. He wasn't even thinking about what he was doing at this point, fully relaxed as he kept licking her with his hands gently placed over her own, his tail slowly wagging happily behind him.

"What a good boy.." She huffed, resting her head back on the bed and bringing her legs a little bit closer together around him. She didn't think she'd be able to finish just from his licking, at least not until he had some experience, but she was more than happy enough to lay there all relaxed while he had his fun. This wasn't just to get off, it was so the two of them could enjoy such close, intimate time together, gently pleasing one another without any other concerns. His snout was wet with her arousal and his own saliva, enough time having passed for him to have recovered and gotten hard again without him noticing.

A few more minutes of soft licking and quiet moaning passed before Malo sat up on her elbows, looking down at the little maned wolf between her legs. "Alright sweetie, that's enough. I think it's time we step up..~" She told him, and he licked his lips as he pulled away from her slit. "What do you mean?" He asked her, though he felt he already knew what she had in mind. "I want you to lay with me, and cum deep inside me~" She said in a blunt yet sweet tone, putting a hand on his cheek and staring into his eyes. "I.. I-I'd love that." He lightly nuzzled into that hand, smiling up at her. "Uh, first let me get something." He huffed as he stood, going to his dresser and looking through the bottom shelf, pulling out an unopened box of extra small condoms. "I-I bought these a while ago, but haven't had to use them until now." He said as he pulled one out, opening the wrapper and taking the condom out of it. "Of course dear, I understand." She nodded, taking her high heels off and turning to lay in his bed normally, head on a pillow with her feet sticking out past the end of the bed while she watched him take his underwear off and awkwardly fumble with the pink condom until he managed to roll it on.

"O-okay, I'm ready." He said before he climbed onto the bed with her, going between her legs with his hands to her sides, silently staring at her body for a few seconds while biting his lip. "You look nervous, hon. Are you still sure you want to do this?" She asked him, looking up at him and placing her hands on his own. "Yeah, I-I'm sure, it's just.." He paused, struggling to find the words. "What if I can't satisfy you?" He huffed. "Oh you sweet little thing, come here~" She chuckled in response, putting a hand on his back and gently pulling him down so he was laying right on her, his head between her tits again with him looking up at her. "As long as you enjoy it, that'll be enough for me." She said, giving his forehead a little kiss. The feeling of being kissed by someone with no lips was a bit unusual, but the sentiment more than made up for it. "..Let me know i-if I'm doing something wrong." He added, lightly hugging her as he readjusted his hips, bringing his tip right up to her cunt.

He took a deep breath in, held his breath, and slowly pushed into her. It was a good thing he was already laying down, a shudder going through his body that made him weak in the knees, precum leaking into the condom. "O-oooooh..~" He moaned, taking a moment to adjust to the intensely pleasurable sensation of her tight, hot, and wet pussy squeezing around the first third of his shaft, and she giggled at his reaction. "That's it sweetie, don't be shy and let out those noises." She cooed, looking down at him and gently hugging his furry body while he sluggishly pushed his penis further in, with him already starting to recognize the familiar signs of an approaching orgasm.

Once he had both inches hilted inside her, his crotch pressed against hers, he stopped again so he wouldn't cum too soon. They moaned together from the pleasure, his length throbbing inside her with her walls clenching tight- she took care to not squeeze too hard or too often, knowing that even that would be enough to set him off. He could feel her warm pubic fur against him, like a soft cushion against his groin that added another layer of coziness. "H-how are you so warm?" He asked her, smiling shyly with bright red cheeks. "I could say the same, you're so fluffy~" She replied, lightly nuzzling against him and hugging him tighter, his bushy tail wagging. "I'm gonna start moving now." He said after a few seconds, wiggling his hips and slowly pulling out an inch, before sliding it back in, and pulling it out, and pushing it in. He could feel her squeeze and relax with his slow thrusts, but with how small his dick was he could probably move just fine even if she tightened as much as she could.

He was practically edging himself, his breath shaky and his thrusts having turned into slow grinding, his crotch staying pressed against hers. She was whispering quiet, loving words to him, one of her legs lifting to wrap around his hips, keeping him right against her while he humped and huffed. "I-I don't think I can hold it back any longer, should I pull out..?" He whimpered as he spoke to her, she responded by holding him close with both legs now, her hands going to his cheeks and lightly squeezing his face while she stared into his eyes. "Fill that condom deep inside me, stud~!" She told him before pulling him into a kiss, or at least what passed for a kiss with her. Someone who often kissed others probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much, since her face lacked the softness that others had, but of course Tavish didn't exactly get this close to many, and he loved the little kiss. He could feel the sides of her fangs against him, their sharpness very lightly grazing him with utmost care, her long tongue gently slipping past his lips into his maw, making him shiver as he finally let go and came harder than ever before. His hips involuntarily jerked and thrusted against her, his claws digging into his blankets and his legs straightening out, his ears going flat against his head while he moaned into the kiss.

He soon relaxed as his orgasm finished, feeling her relax too as she slowly pulled away from the kiss and took her legs off of him. "How was that, sweetie?" She asked, giving his cheeks a little brush before hugging him again. "I-it was nice." He said quietly, but it was clear enough that he was trying to hide how much he truly loved it. "Uh, thanks for letting m-me do that." He mumbled, looking into her eyes with bright red cheeks, still hilted inside her as his member went soft. "You don't need to keep thanking me, you know, I'm happy to do this." She pet his head and chuckled, still lightly squeezing his cock inside her. "I-I know, I'm just, not so used to anyone being this sweet..?" He huffed. "I'm glad you were my first though, and um.. my first kiss.." He spoke softly, once again very embarrassed about his 'secrets'. "Really? Well I'm glad I was the first to be the first for that too." She giggled. "If you want to be technical about it, you were my first too." She said, and he gave her a confused look. "I thought you had more, uh, experience." He said and she nodded. "I do, but not exactly. Let's just say I was made with it." She explained, and he decided to just accept it and not think too deeply about it.

"I'm feeling kinda tired after that, c-can we just nap together like this?" He asked quietly. "I have an even better idea, though you'll need to stand up for a moment." She replied. "R-right." He huffed, a bit reluctant to pull his shaft out of her warm cunt before he stood up. "You can take off the condom too, we won't need it now." She said while she sat up, moving around so she could get right under the blankets, which were big enough for her unlike the mattress. After taking off and throwing out the condom, hiding it underneath other garbage in the can, he turned to see her laying on her side facing away, waiting for him with the blankets lifted. "Come, dear. I take it you've never had the opportunity to spoon with someone, either?" She inquired. He shook his head. "I-I'd certainly like to." He told her, getting into his bed with her under the blankets, sliding in right behind her and just.. awkwardly lying there.

"Wrap your arms around me and hold me close, it's okay." She told him, lowering the blankets and sheets down up to their shoulders. He shuffled just a little bit closer, gently sliding an arm underneath her and another over, hugging her just under her tits and pressing his fluffy chest against her back. "Mmh, there we go. How does that feel?" She asked him, reaching a hand back to lift his glasses off of his snout and put them on the window sill. He moved around a bit, getting more comfortable with as much of his body against hers as he could manage, including his crotch against her fat ass. It made him shiver, his cock quickly erecting, but he managed to ignore it. "..Really good." He responded, resting his head on a pillow next to hers, certainly tired and relaxed enough to sleep but not shutting his eyes yet. "Good. I'm glad you're comfortable~" She sighed happily, her fluffy tail on top of him under the sheets as she put a hand over one of his, lightly squeezing it. There was no way she wouldn't feel his erection against her rump, but fortunately she didn't mention it.

"U-um, Malo, I-I want to ask you something.." He said in a whisper. "What is it, sweetie?" She said, keeping her head resting down. "I-it's just, uh, I, um.. Even though we hardly know eachother, y-you've been so nice to me.. and very forward.. and I really appreciate it. I was just thinking that, uh, gosh.. aaagh how do I say it.." He whined, clearly struggling to find the right words to say. "It's alright hon, just take your time." She said, happy to listen and wait to hear what he had to say. She felt him squeeze her tighter as he took a deep breath in, calming himself down before he continued. "I-I was hoping that you and I could, w-we could, well.. get together.." He asked in a hushed tone, unsure if she'd accept it even with everything else she'd done. She gasped quietly, and it hardly even took a second before she gave her answer. "Oh sweetie, I was hoping you'd ask! I'd love to be your girlfriend!" She told him, looking back at him and putting her hand on his cheek. He felt her fluffy tail trying to wag but he couldn't blame her, his tail was doing the same. "W-well, that's good!" He replied, almost squealing with excitement. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead it turned into a long, wide yawn. "M-maybe I'm more tired than I thought. Is it still ok if we sleep like this, uh, babe?" He huffed, and she laughed quietly. "Of course, my love. Rest well." She smiled, moving just enough to press the two of them together without really changing positions, closing her eyes- or at least what counted as her closing her eyes- and starting to fall asleep. He started to drift asleep with her, dozing off for a quick nap..

Keva and the fap-o-lanterns

It was a sunny afternoon this Halloween, not yet late enough for any trick or treaters to be out but plenty of individuals were still casually walking about before it'd get dark, enjoying the weather. One of those many people was Keva the otter, going...

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[COMM] Save some room

Late one evening, a certain appletun named Fuji arrived at an apartment building in a city he was unfamiliar with. He was there on business, and while he didn't know anybody or anything there, fortunately his boyfriend Sotono had a friend living there...

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Waiting Until Wet

It was a sunny weekend afternoon, and the city was full of all sorts of people. They were all doing different things, whether it was casual or business, enjoying the nice weather even if they were indoors. There were many different species too, but...

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