Dress Up

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You're a fae creature's treasured pet, and she wants to try out a few new looks for you.


"Meek lamb." The masked rabbit said, stirring you from your daze.

"Yes, Old One?" You answered, politely. Your owner liked being referred to as such, though you'd heard others call her "Petals." You doubted that referring to her by a name she hadn't given you would end well for you, though, so to you she was "Mistress" or "Old One."

"Come." She ordered. You stood up, and clopped to the spot she was pointing to, standing just before her, completely bare and exposed to her studying.

You'd become accustomed to not seeing your Mistress' eyes. She always wore a mask made of tree bark, to the point you were certain it was a part of her face. Her kind were strange like that. You had learned long ago that thinking about things beyond your comprehension was fruitless.

"We're going to do something fun." She said, calmly. "I'm going to dress you."

"Yes, Old One." You replied.

She made a hum of approval, and then began to circle you. You stared straight ahead, gazing off into the thick, shining mist that surrounded you.

You had long since stopped worrying about where you were. Mistress didn't move as you did, but she could certainly pull you along. Most of your surroundings looked as they did now - a seemingly endless field of grass and leaves, a shroud of shimmering mist, and a dazzling night sky above you.

You idly wondered if it was her domain. A little pocket world she inhabited with her treasured possessions.

"Silence, lamb." Mistress said, and with a wave of her hand, your thoughts vanished.

You stared blankly, straight ahead into the mist, your body drooping into a relaxed slouch as your mind went completely silent.

Mistress continued to quietly circle you, and tapped her chin.

"Perhaps this one will fit you more comfortably." She said, plucking a leaf from the vines wrapped around her chest and lifting it up to examine it. "Still."

Your body stiffened, and you became motionless. Mistress stepped forward and plucked something from your head.

You were... gone. Empty. Nothing. There was simply nothing inside you. You had no defining traits, no emotions, no... anything. No identity. Every part of you was gone, plucked from your hair and pulled effortlessly away from you.

The rabbit placed the leaf into your hair, and a warmth spread over you.

"Lustful lamb." Old One addressed you.

"Yes, my Mistress?" You replied. You felt yourself stiffening up immediately, just at being directly addressed. There was a heat within you, a burning need. You were imagining yourself pushing your Mistress onto the leaves, holding her there, and just planting kisses all over her, on every inch of her beautiful body.

If only you had permission to move. If only Mistress would just give you the slightest sign. The things you'd do to her - to her beautiful, slender, perfect little body. You'd show her the highest pleasure - pleasure so unimaginably intense that she'd keep you between her legs forever, licking or thrusting or simply-

"Hmm. Perhaps not." Mistress said, plucking the leaf from your hair.

You were nothing. Empty. Nobody. Your mind was completely silent once more, and you were staring blankly ahead.

"Perhaps this." She said, placing a feather onto your wooled head. "Speak, lovey lamb."

"I love you, Old One." The words rolled from your tongue before you could think them. She hummed and began to circle you, silently, even her footfalls into the grass and leaves not making the tiniest sound.

"Go on." She instructed.

"My love for you - it defines who I am." You continued, unaware of just how correct you were. "My entire existence is devoted only to discovering and cherishing your wonders. My purpose in this life, immortal or otherwise, is and always was to devote myself to you, completely."

She continued to circle you. You made sure to stare at her beauty for as long as she was in view, though turning your head never seemed to cross your mind.

"I've fallen so completely for you, Mistress. To think that once I believed I had found love - to think that once I thought any feeling could compare to how I feel for you every moment. Yours is a divine truth, a truth so powerful and distinct that it rings in my ears as greater than any words." You continued onward, your heart soaring in your chest as your emotions grew more and more powerful.

"I love you, Old One. I would do anything to please you, anything just to bring your life even the slighest bit of-"

The feather was plucked from your hair, and you were empty once more. You stared blankly ahead, your feelings forgotten, your existence shapeless once more.

"Almost." The creature circling you said, though you couldn't understand its words. "Missing something."

It produced a large leaf and placed it delicately on your head.

"Daring lamb." She addressed you.

"Yes, Mistress?" You answered.

She tapped her chin again, and leaned back to look at you further.

"Do you remember how you are?" She asked, seemingly curious.

"I don't understand the question." You replied, bluntly.

"Hm. Perhaps it has been changed too much." She said.

"What has? Where are we?" You asked.

"Hush, daring lamb. You worry." Mistress said, and your emotions suddenly softened into something gentler.

She circled you, humming softly, her strange melody causing memories to resurface in your mind. They were blurry and distant, but you could make them out.

You were... a hero. A brave fighter. A defender of good things.

You were separated from your friends. Lost. Mistress found you, took interest in you.

Kept you. Took you away. Your friends probably never found out what happened to you. That should have bothered you, but you didn't mind.

"Worry not, daring lamb. They each found homes of their own." Mistress explained.

That was a relief. You went back to being completely at ease.

"You look good dressed this way." She remarked, and you felt a strange pride. If this really was your original self, you were proud that you attracted the eye of something so old and mysterious. You simply couldn't help it.

She looked at your face, seeming to be deep in thought. You briefly remarked that being eyed by something as ancient and powerful at the creature before you in such a way was both a great honor and something you could never truly understand completely.

"You are an excellent prize." She remarked, simply.

You smiled. That was a wonderful thing to hear, you thought, though a small part of you didn't think so. Somewhere, deep down, part of you didn't want to just be a prize. It wanted to be a hero, even now. You supposed that part of you is probably what drove you to be a hero in the first place.

Mistress sighed, softly. You felt... guilty. For that part of you.

She was quick to snuff that out.

"Feel grand, my special pet." She commanded you, and any negative feelings you had were instantly overshadowed by a wonderful warmth inside you. You smiled dumbly as she came closer and ran a gentle hand down your shoulder.

"Perhaps we'll find the perfect look for you, one day. For now, though..." She said, plucking the leaf from your head again.

You floated, briefly, until it was replaced.

"Meek lamb." Mistress said.

"Yes, Old One?" You replied.

"Follow." She instructed, and turned to walk into the mist.

Obediently, you followed behind her.

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