Tina II- Chapter Two- My Secret Life- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina II Chapter Two- My Secret Life- A Gray Muzzle story

Tina was back at the Suspensions Unit. No, not to work, but for a party.

You see, with her new position, Tina was kind of cut off from her old friends. Office parties were a chance for her to reconnect. Today, it was a birthday. Tina got back as often as she possibly could. She was smiling and relaxed, as she laughed over coffee with her old friends.


It was K.C. K.C. now worked for Tina in her new office.

"I'm going to class, OK?"

K.C. was young and cute, and she knew it. Today, she wore a big sweater, and a tiny denim mini, so tini it hardly covered her pert little ass. She wore tights, and these huge sneakers with socks.

"OK, Have fun...." Tina replied.

It was not unusual for K.C. to take off early. Tina's new job had lots of demands. It was not a nine to five affair. K.C. was always there, nights, weekends, early morning. So, when she needed time off, Tina gave it to her. K.C. was young and fit, so it only seemed natural that she spent a lot of time in the gym, taking classes, working out. You would often see K.C. leaving at three or so, her big duffle bag over her shoulder.

Tina walked her old office, drinking her coffee. Since she had left, Nina had risen through the ranks to her old job. Felicia had put in a good word for her sister Felicity, who now worked there as well. Tina was talking to Felicity, when Rosa showed up.

"K.C. taking off?" Felicity asked

"Aerobics." Tina replied "She's always working out....."

Rosa walked to Tina's side. She motioned her away.

"K.C. es not going to class...." Rosa whispered.

Tina was taken back. She had never known K.C. as anything but honest and loyal.

"What do you mean?" Tina challenged

"K.C. is....what you call a 'streeper'"

Tina was in shock. No way in her wildest imagination could she come to terms with it.

"Why would you say that?"

Rosa smiled. She was the office gossip monger, and she knew when she had the goods. She licked her lips at the delicious scandal she had.

"I see this guy Estephan, sometimes, you know, it's not like it's some regular thing or nothing. Well, Estephan stops by to say hello. He sees K.C. and he's like "Holy SHEET! You got GOLDIE working here!"

"I say no, you got dat wrong, dats K.C. So he's says no, dats Goldie, so I ax him what he means. Estephan says he goes to this club, "The Painted Poodle" There's this dancer there, Goldie. He say that Goldie is K.C."

Rosa finished, a triumphant smile on her face.

Tina looks skeptical.

"Estephan? Rosa, aren't you married? Is this Estephan a friend with privileges.

"Si......" Rosa laughs "depending on how I feel"

Tina affects a look of shock, but Rosa is not phased.

"Eeen my country....theengs are different. As long as you come home at end of day, not so many questions....So, what you gonna do?" Rosa challenges

"I.....don't know." Tina hesitates.

"I know! We go find out what's going on......"

"She deserves privacy. It's none of our business." Tina hesitates.

"I'M going. You coming?"

Tina had to think long and hard. She didn't want to be involved, mostly because she didn't want to know. But, if Rosa was involved. God knew what might happen.

"So, what do we do?" Tina throws it back at Rosa.

"We go to the club, and we see for ourselves"

"But she KNOWS us! We'll be spotted right away"

Rosa laughs.

"You ever even BEEN to a strip club, chica? It's so dark, you can't see a damn thing. Besides, if she's dancing, she's focused on the guys with the money, not a couple girls off by the wall."

Tina was not sold on the plan, but Tina knew that she had to find out. So, she called Ray, and told him that she and Rosa were going out. Then they took the Suburban, and headed to Trenton's 'red light' district. The 'Painted Poodle' was at the end of nowhere, a faded tin building, distinguished only by the gaudy neon on it's roof, a caricature of a pink Poodle flagging, tail in the air, ready for mating. Tina parked the car blocks away, not wanting to be spotted. Walking toward the building, she could hear the sounds of the party therein. There was loud talk, the clink of glasses, and the loud hard driving beat of the music the strippers danced to. Tina inhaled deeply, and walked inside. It was smokey. Now, no one is supposed to be able to smoke in a bar in New Jersey. Tina guessed that this was but one of many laws that got broken here. There was an old bulldog collecting covers. Tina went for her purse.

"No ma'am, ladies free"

Before she could respond, he stamped their hands, and handed them a couple free drink tickets.

Walking through the club, Tina surveyed the scene. There was a modest crowd on hand. Mostly a working class clientell, evenly mixed between hybrids and humans. The PP was unique among 'gentleman's clubs'; it catered to hybrid fanciers, some of whom were human. On the stage, an Afghan danced with less that overwhelming enthusiasm. The most animated guests were a group of well dressed Weimeraners. Most of the tips were clearly coming from them. There were some older men on the other side, not nearly as generous. Once the Afghan left, the beagle twins took the stage. Clearly, they had their fans; some Mexican construction workers moved in when the sisters took the stage.

"Getcha ladies something?" Tina was startled when the little Husky waitress asked for their drink order.

"Uh, white wine...." She stuttered

"Grande margarita....make it a double!" Rosa ordered with enthusiasm

As she left, Tina spoke:

'I don't see her, maybe Estephan was wrong...." She offered, hopefully.

"No Estephan es NEVER wrong....BAD maybe, but never wrong........"

Their drinks arrived, and they paid with their coupons; Tina gave her a five dollar tip.

"Thanks, Babe!"

And she was off......

Tina sat their in a daize, while Rosa worked on a daize of her own. Rosa downed her giant drink, Tina stared off into space. The beagles left to hoots and applause; they were clearly a popular act. They had hardly left, when the club DJ cranked it up.....

"And here she is! That golden girl you all love.....Heeeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeee's GOLDIE!

Out comes K.C., strutting her stuff. She's wearing this little Japanese schoolgirl outfit- white blouse, buttoned up to her neck, short SHORT plaid pleated skirt that....barely....covers her bits. Just not in back. There, the tent made by her little cocker tail leaves her pretty round ass, clad in white cotton panties exposed to view. As she clears the beaded curtain, the DJ cues her first song: "Sexy naughty, bitchy me"

"I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy

Just like my thoughts, they always get a bit naughty

When I'm out with my girls. I always play a bit bitchy

Can't change the way I am, Sexy, naughty, bitchy me!"

As the beat thumped, KC. did her thing. Fully clothed, she worked the crows. Going to the edge of the stage, she runs her hands over her skirt, tugging it taught. You can see every inch of her young, pert figure. Turning, she wiggles her butt, giving the Germans a view of her panties. Then she does the pole, stroking it like a giant penis. When the song ends, her eyes are closed, seeming to masturbate the pole, looking like she orgasms right as the music ends.

As "Sexy, naughty" ends, the D.J. cues "Love Shack" "Love Shack" is a crowd favorite. Ripping open the Velcro on her white blouse, and doing the same with her little skirt, K.C. starts the song in a training bra, white panties, patent leather shoes, and ankle socks. She starts playing the pole in her bra and panties, as the B-52s hit....

"The Love Shack is a little ole place

Where we can get it together

Love Shack, bay-bee! Love Shack baby!

Love Shack that's where it's at!

Huggin' and kissin', dancin' and lovin'

Wearin' next to nothing

Cause it's hotter than an oven

The whole shack SHIMMIES!

The crowd joins in


As K.C. works the edge of the stage, wiggling her pert Cocker butt in their faces. Her cotton panties are showing lumps, from the wads of bills that the males, human and hybrid have stuffed in there.

And K.C. loves it! She seems to feed on the crowd's energy. With sweat beading on her forehead, she picks up the tempo, switching between her pole work, her dancing, and working the crowd. When the song winds down, Rosa is singing along in Spanish, while Tina wonders what comes next.

She doesn't have to wonder long. Her third tune is Aerosmith's "Rag Doll"

As the music starts, K.C. does this sensuous strip tease of her little girl bra . Every eye in the house is on her....

"Rag doll, livin' in a movie,

Hot tramp, Daddy's little cutie"

Feeding off the crowd, she slowly unrolls her cotton panties to reveal a tiny white G string, barely covering her sex, but nicely displaying it's virtues.

"Hot time, get it while it's easy

Don't mind, come on up and see me

Rag doll, baby won't you do me

Like you done before....."

This is where the serious action took place. Tina watched, as the men lined up to stuff bills in her panty. When she got to the Germans, the one in the center had a dollar bill in his teeth. Smiling sweetly, K.C. took it, and lowered her panty. With her panty hanging several inches below her crotch, K.C. rubbed the bill in the folds of her pussy, then took the dripping bill, and ran it under his nose, before offering it back to him. The gray hybrid accepted it gratefully, exchanging it for a twenty, placing the used one in his breast pocket. Seeing this, several other males offered her bills in the same way. Each was rewarded with a peek and a wiff of her kitty, before happily offering her yet another twenty.

Most of the girls got three song sets. With the room on it's feet, K.C. got a fourth. This one was for her public. She finished to Rob Zombie's "Foxy, Foxy". This was her signature piece. Tina was slack jawed, as K.C. did remarkable,... and sensual....pole work. She climbed. She rubbed. She finished off simulating masturbation, upside down, eyes closed, moaning and groaning for the crowd. Finished, she once more became the perky cheerleader. Gathering clothes and cash, she went into her best Texas cheerleader smile. K.C. never stopped working the crows, getting every last tip before the next girl went on. .

K.C. disappeared for a time. When she reappeared, she was wearing an oversize shirt, and sneakers, nothing else. Tina watched. It looked like K.C. was hustling drinks. She'd hang out a while, get them to but drinks, then she'd move on. But she kept returning to the Weimeranners This time, though, K.C. was seen arm in arm with them, as they disappeared behind a curtain.

"joo seee dat? Rosa exclaimed in her broken Spanglish .

"Where did they go?' asked Tina

"El room d'oro" She explained "The gold room

"What's that?"

"Eeeze where men go to get 'special' attention...."

Rosa grabbed Tina's arm, and dragged her to the curtain. Carefully, Rosa pulled it back. There was one of the Germans on a low chaise. K.C. was kneeling over him. She pulled her shirt off, showing that other than a G string, she was naked. K.C. began to dance over him. She wiggled and gyrated, rubbing her sex against the big gray dog as she did. She then began inching her way forward. The closer she got, the more K.C., who had her thumbs hook on her panties, would lower them. By the time she was up as far as she could go, K.C. was within tongue's reach of the male. Tina turned away.

"I've seen enough. Is she going to......?" her words trailed off.

"Dunno. Eez ileegal, but, you know, stuff happen, sometimes......"

Tina left the club, with Rosa in tow. Walking rapidly in the cold night air, they reached the Suburban, parked a good quarter mile away. When the got there, she could see that someone had stolen the chromed 26" wheels that Jason had put on it, and now her ruck teetered atop four old cinderblocks. Tina stood there, looking at the truck, heartsick, over K.C. her truck, and the realization that she'd have to explain this all to Ray. She turned towards Rosa.

"Uh, I theenk I know people back at the club. I catch up with you later, yes?"

And she was gone. So, cold and alone, Tina dialed the police, and the auto club, and then she waited. The cops arrived in about thirty five minutes, the wrecker, about forty five. The police were pleasant, but gave her little hope of recovery.

"Lady, those wheels are probably rolling through the Bronx as we speak...."

The tow truck dragged the poor Suburban up on it's belly and left. The cop, not too busy, offered to take Tina home. Since Tina still needed to figure out how to explain this all to Ray, she wasn't about to call him. She accepted the officers offer.

So, they drove the now silent streets of the city. The officer didn't say much, and Tina didn't feel like talking. So, she sat there in the front seat, her heel tucked under her, rocking. She thought about all she had seen. How it disgusted her. But there was this other side. Apart from disgust, the raw sexuality turned her on. Hybrids and humans giving in and gratifying their bassist desires, in a crassly commercial way. Still, it was overtly sexual. Tina could see, smell, almost taste the hormones in the air. Everyone aroused, each in a sexual mood. Unconsiously, she began to rub her heel into her crotch.

"Uh, lady, you OK?" he inquired

Tina was embarrassed.

"Uh, just gotta go...you know, cold, drinks...."

He offered to stop. She declined, as they were nearby. He dropped her at the gate. Tina walked to the house, then up to the bedroom. Ray was there, watching TV.

"Oh, hey, hon. Didn't hear you come in. Have a nice night?"

Tina dropped her skirt, and threw her jacket on a chair. She kicked off her shoes. Tina paused there. She was wearing a white sleeveless top, sports bra and panties, nothing else.

"Ray? I want you to fuck me hard and fast. Then hold me. We'll talk in the morning.

With that, Tina crawled onto the bed. She took the doggie position, ready to be mounted, bowed down, ass in the air, tail up. Ray got behind her, his now hard cock ready to go. Tina hooked a finger in the crotch of her stretchy panties, and pulled them aside. Ray could see the sweet honey dripping from her sex. It was wide, pink, open, and shiny with her moisture. Pulling his sex through the opening in his own underwear, he entered her. He had never felt her so hot, so wet. He placed his hands on her slender hips, and began mating her deeply. With her as open as she was, he could plunge all the way, until his penis bumped her cervix. Tina moaned like a wounded animal, but pressed into each thrust. He wondered if she was in heat; he couldn't recall the last time she was. It didn't take many more thrusts until he filled her womb with his hot cum. He pumped and pumped, until every precious drop was buried deep within her. Their mission accomplished, they fell in a crumpled pile, and fell asleep.

Tina awoke early. She went to the bathroom, and kicked off her wet panties. Then she took a much needed pee. After she urinated, she got on the scale. 89 pounds! Yes! At last she was under ninety. She withdrew some tiny running briefs from a drawer, and slipped them on. They were the little ones favored by marathoners and triatheletes. After she strapped on her running shoes, she went downstairs. Stopping in the kitchen, Tina pulled out a loaf of white bread. Standing there, she stuffed slice after slice in her mouth, then washed it down with milk from the container. Then, she left for her run.

Tina loved exercise. She had for years. Running fast and hard through the lonely streets seemed to clear her mind. For a long time, she had been doing five mile training runs. Today, she decided, she'd go for seven. So on and on she ran. In forty five minutes she was back home. The first thing she did was stop in the downstairs bathroom. Kneeling by the toilet, she stuck two fingers down her throat, until she vomited. She repeated this, until there was nothing more to come up. Then, she showered and dressed. By the time ray got up, the children were fed, and Tina was cooking breakfast. She had his toast and cereal ready, as she had done for his Dad.

"Aren't you eating?' Ray asked

"Already did" Tina replied

It was another hour before Ray and Tina were alone in the car.

"So, you want to explain what last night was about?" Ray inquired, dying to know what was going on.

"Well......." She inhaled "Yesterday, I found something out."


"Well, you know how I told you how I gave K.C. time off, 'cause she was always working out?"

"Uh huh" Ray replied, anxious to hear what was next.

"Rosa tells me that HER friend saw K.C. STRIPPING!"

"Get OUTTA here! I can't believe that."

"So, yesterday she leaves early. So, Rosa says we gotta find out. So, we follow her to the 'Painted Poodle'"

"'Painted Poodle'? That's that perve place, where humans go to hook up with hybrids"

"Careful, fella, lots of humans like hybrids...and vice versa..."

"Oh, yeah...." He admitted sheepishly

"Well, we hung out inside, and we watched her dance"

"Was she any good?"

"RAYMOND!" Tina screamed

"Well, WAS she?" asked her husband, willing to catch her wraith, needing to know"

"Yeah, she was very.....'professional' and she makes a LOT of money! But Ray?"


"I saw her take men into the back room. They did things there....and Ray? I drove us in the Suburban, and when I came out it was stripped."

Ray looked at his wife, not knowing exactly how to process all the information that he had just been give.

Tina's Story II -Chapter 1 - As if we never said goodbye

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