Ripple Brave: Heart of the Mexican

Story by sami on SoFurry

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Ripple Brave: Heart of the Mexican

The small dragon unfolded his gray wing slowly as he thumbed the red clay in a wide tribal stripe across its bony white ridges and taut blue scaleskin towards his shoulder, his practiced touch making him shiver slightly as the caress passed his third blade and touched his upper back. He couldn't help the arousal swelling and growing inside him, a wild yearning whose swell made his fluids start to drool between his legs, a thin bead rolling down the inside of his thigh nearly to the knee.

The simple touch was so stimulating, but he couldn't stop now, and he reached down and thumbed another pawful of clay onto his digits to stripe his other wingspan, flapping them a bit to try to dry them as his thin tail flopped to either side, coiling and uncoiling about the large stones that littered the small clearing in the forest mesa. Putting on his colors made him feel beautiful, and real.

A butterfly flapped and winged higher and lower past him and the beats of its wings struck his ears like as a wild drum beat pounding through his veins, his chest, the echoes of it tickling his clit and making his arousal even more apparent.

The air around the dragon stank of musk as he spread his wings and took off from the small clearing where he'd mixed his clay, and running a thumb across his wide face, then pinching the tips of his ears and their protective horns, he completed his change.

The sun beat down from above, making his thin scaleskin membranes glow a brilliant cream and a dull amber as he swiftly dove into the shade, then swept upwards into the cool mist of the silver cloud, which soothed his heat slightly.

He panted through his nose, nares flaring, his raging heat making the ground below glow red and orange in the false color he saw through the soothing cloud.

There was no one that he could see down below, in the desert. Just little birds the size of a sparrow, and crows, and no ground animals at all. At least none he could see.

As the silver dragon continued his afternoon search, the clouds began to dissipate into to a tine mist under the heat of the afternoon sun, revealing a majestic expanse that stretched to the horizon.

The desert below swayed, out of focus, heat waves slowly rising from the baked plain of dunes and dunes, cracked by the arid green cacti that grew abundantly there. The Southwestern Texan wasteland that divided north and south apart. An endless border that no one cared to patrol, under the frustrated eye of the sky chief, Ripple Brave.

But what was this?

A yellow mote on the golden sea beneath?

Was it a stalled-out jeep?

A cart of straw?

Ripple Brave flexed his wings and dived lower, and to his surprise saw that the speck far below was actually a figure. And one that he could see moved slightly in breath!

He dived down to a landing on a dune nearby, and as he crested the peak he saw a long-legged fat Fennec stretched out on the ground in the shade of a cactus with an empty six pack of Dos Equis in one paw and a half eaten burrito in the other. As Ripple came closer, the Fennec stirred and sat up, shaking his fist.

"AY CARUMBA~! Get 'way my 'rrrrrrrito!" He slurred brightly, those large ears that just begged to be nibbled on swiveling drunkenly back and forth not quite in synchronization with each other.

Ripple started laughing.

"You want me, to get away from -that-?" He said, prowling back and forth, and eyeing the Fennec. "Don't you need something? Like some help?"

"Got 'm help." The fennec hiccuped in a light, airy voice, and pulled the empty pack of beers closer, then blinked and looked at them a second time. "Whereths my beer?"

"Maybe it dried up in the hot, hot sun, little Fennec," Ripple suggested mockingly.

"Hot," the fennec nodded woozily, then started pulling at his baggy shirt.

As it slipped off, and a pair of saggy, but huge tits flopped loose, over a bit less of a stomach than the Dragon had thought, Ripple realized his mistake.

"Er, pardon me, ma'am," he backpedaled and averted his eyes, disappointed as the lust in his loins faded. "I didn't realize---"

The thump of a pair of worn-out jeans hitting the sand made Ripple wince. He quickly turned away so he would not invade her privacy.

"Ehhh, that's better." The Fennec sounded a bit more coherent. Perhaps she had been more afflicted by the heat than intoxicated by the beer.

"Ahem. Would you be needing any water, or--"

"You know, Fennecs are desert animals." She said sultrily. "And we know how to look out for ourselves."

Ripple gulped.


Suddenly those swollen breasts were pressing against Ripple's shoulderblades, the fennec's paws wrapping around his torso. He would have jumped into the air, and his heart definitely would have jumped out of his chest, but the fennec smelled spicy and the contact made his skin tingle just as if he'd dived through a thundercloud.

"Mmmmmmmm," She whispered in his ear. "And we definitely know when we like what we see, handsome." The Fennec drew back slightly, puffing air across the Dragon's neck as she forced his knees apart and ground her body up against Ripple's.

Something hard and thick was pressing up between Ripple's legs, and the puff of breath got heavier as the Fennec rocked forwards against him with his narrow, yellow-furred hips.

Ripple's body screamed with need and he began to crouch slightly, automatically, from the contact, as he dizzily looked down just as the Mexican Fennec's cocktip brushed his slit.

There was nothing female about how the throbbing member pulsed, oozing a wet glob of sticky white lubricating pre teeming with sperm, or how the very tip slipped inside of him as he ground his hips back against the foreigner's.

"Ah, anh," the half-unwilling Drake moaned, flexing his wings reflexively outwards, trying to spread them, and seeming to struggle under the Fennec.

The Fennec bucked and squirmed on the Drake. "There, there, Cabron. Eaaasy," The husky voice hissed into Ripple's ear. "We can both F-feel," the foreign fur stammered, "how m-much you like this. How much you want it." The diminutive male slid his paws higher, and Ripple's mouth dropped open in a low drooling hiss as the Fennec's soft pads brushed across nipple after nipple on their way up to cup the dragon's pectorals. "How much you need it."

Ripple wasn't sure whether the ground was moving or not until the overbearing Mexican's hugging thrust ended with his tight tailscale against the soft fur of the Fennec's lap, the heavy canine balls of the vulpine slapping the back of the drake's knees as the sandy ground came up and gave the dragon a heavy slap to the upper chest that would have taken his breath away if he hadn't already lost it to the perfect feeling of the thick canid cock sliding between the drooling lips of his slash.

He puffed even harder as he felt that fairytale quiver inside, like a bowstring plucked to test the tension, and found ready, and Ripple grabbed clawfuls of the dry earth, bucking backwards on his knees at the retreating hips of the vulpine.


Clearly the Fennec was appreciating the impending feeling of bliss too from the way he cried and arched his back, slipping his paws loose from around the now subdued and apparently fully willing dragon and planting them on the drake's folded wings either side of his spine, the yellow fur of his paws looking like gold on the drakes silver scales.


The fennec couldn't help barking brightly as he felt the dragon's body twitch around his tip, and he quickly reversed his thrust, meeting the shifting dragon halfway as he shuffled up to get a better position for thrusting. All fours was so, so right, and he started panting, tongue hanging out of the side of his muzzle, his fur suddenly shining like gold in the sun as the clouds above moved aside.

Pedro felt like gold too, filling his blood rush downwards, a giddy, wonderful sensation, as his myserious visitor's body gripped at his shaft, making his knot swell slightly, and ripple inside the dragon's smooth-scaled body, the random twitches and squeezes even more delightful from the closer quarters. He began really thrusting and pounding the firm muscular body underneath him, panting and drooling onto the dragon's back.

Ripple felt amazing, the Indian Drake feeling every bump and throb of the foreigner's rocking shaft, the new position making its swelling bulbs squeeze and grind past his clit and hit all the perfect places inside his body. He felt his knees slipping apart more and more as he pushed his tail up even farther, to increase the amount of friction against his sensitive nub, as he felt the heat of the sun flash across his back even as it began to rain, and he heard a bright gagging squeak a moment later from above him.

Pedro blushed slightly as he felt his body pull inside, and he gasped again, voice catching in his throat as, underneath him, the dragon did -something- and the feelings he was getting from humping the drake suddenly got much more intense. He'd been riding the edge of -close-, and rocketed over the barrier of -no turning back- without any warning at all! The Fennec felt his large ears flutter backwards, only hearing the pounding of his own heat, and stared upwards at the brilliant blue sky, opening his eyes wide, and the direct heat of the desert sun made everything glare out suddenly as his pupils began to expand uncontrollably.

The Fennec tried to pull his hips back, to pull out, to stop, before it was too late, but then the Dragon under him pushed his tail up even higher, and he couldn't resist his instincts, almost watching from outside himself as he pounded his hips forwards as hard as he could, his forming knot popping back into the Dragon's body almost instantly and instantly blossoming to full size, locking him in place as his balls jumped against the other's tailfur, and he shot a thick ribbon of nearly glue-like seed up into the other male's clenching cloaca!

Ripple felt the Fennec's member twitch and throb in answer to his own excitement, suddenly seeming to grow much harder, and the tight channel inside his body got even wetter as the foreigner's shaft pulsed out more and more fluid, the pre feeling different somehow as the foreign fur suddenly bucked forwards and Ripple felt something wide try to force its way into him, and suddenly popped through.

"RiiiiiiiiIIIII!" Ripple trilled wildly as the other's hips suddenly slipped forward, and his rump slapped wetly against the vulp's lap, the male's sac slapping his thighs hard and almost feeling as if it were twitching against them.

But Ripple couldn't hold it back any longer; he arched his back and his wings snapped outwards to either side as the cuntboi's vagina gripped tightly at its cock, holding, barely, the swelling bulb inside as it grew then shot something inside him that took his breath away completely. The dragon's body orgasmed hard, his whole channel twitching as the knot it fed upon at that first taste of seed, all of his muscles going taut as his body did its best to milk as much as it could as deep in as possible: it had its first taste, and knew it would never be the same without.

Pedro felt everything seem to dissolve along with his mind, something wrapping around his waist and squeezing him tightly. The dazzling sky seemed to blend and mingle with the ground, which seemed to have transformed to light as well, a plain of silver with copper rivers stretching beyond the horizon. He could see his own paws there, close together, on the dragon's spine, and glancing down his own body, chest heaving, saw the drake's long, whiplike tail wound around and around and around his yellow fur, his mind spiraling away as he felt his shaft jump again and again.

Ripple wasn't sure what was happening, and bucked backwards against the other male as hard as he could, the fireworks exploding inside his head making him blank completely as the wildly pounding Fennec rode out his orgasm as well, shooting jet after jet of thick sticky seed into the dragon below him as the sun reflected and bounced off of his fully spread wings, the heavy stripes upon them making the tribal marks which transformed the coupling pair into an abstract composition which a passing flock of sparrows wondered at as the two both froze in their paired perfection, tripping to nirvana and beyond as the birds swept back up into the heavens.

Ripple slowly returned to his own body, the rich scent of food tickling his nose.

He could feel arms around his neck, and something was just before his muzzle. Something hot, and meaty. He took a bite. The mouthful of food was a little dry, but delicious.

"There you go, Cabron." A familiar voice whispered in his ear, and he felt his still-slick innards twitch emptily as the light accent tickled his memory.

"What," he croaked. "Eerf?"

The world slowly came into focus, and found himself laying where he had fallen.

He turned his head a little bit and saw the winking face of the foreign Fennec grinning at him.

"Not a bad lay, I'd say, puta," the other fur winked, then rolled off the dragon's back to sit down in a crouch in front of him, his tip showing a bit, and Ripple embarrassed to catch himself looking.

"Name's Pedro. Welcome to my desert." The pleasently plump Fennec gestured at the wasteland behind him, the slowly darkening sky testifying to how long Ripple had been beyond reach.

"Uh, hi." Ripple blinked a few times, and slowly sat up. "I'm Ripple."

"I'm heading north to try my fortune here in your country."

"Maybe you shouldn't call yourself Pedro, then. You'll get busted in a hurry." The dragon coughed a bit. "I couldn't help but notice your lack of ... anything."

"I travel light," the Mexican joked. "But really, what should I call myself, then?"

Ripple shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe... Kevin."

"Kevin." Pedro rolled the name around on his tongue.

Ripple raised his eyebrows. "Kevin?"

"Kevin. Hmm." The fennec rocked back and forth on his heels, and idly slid a paw up his torso, over his stomach, then tracing an S up his large.... Ripple blushed and looked away.

The Fennec must have moved closer, because suddenly Ripple felt the side of the Mexican's paw lifting his chin. His large black eyes tilted in inquiry, and then he opened his muzzle.

"Cabrona... Would Ripple like Kevin as .... her boyfriend?"

Ripple's cunt twitched eagerly at this, and the dragon had to take a moment to pretend to cough, again. "His. His. But OK."

"OK. Doesn't matter to me. Let's get going."


"Yeah. Don't you know? Night's the best time to travel in the desert." Kevin laughed. "I told you I know how to live out here."

Ripple smilled, and pulled himself to his feet.

FIN (12-3-2010 to 12-4-2010)

We would like to thank Sclariqrevk for suggestions on Ripple Brave's original character design, as well as help with editing. Thanks!

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