Girl Power

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#87 of San Furnando, Calipornia

Here's the next installment of College Days! This time we've got a delight threesome of Kevin, Kaitlyn, and Lauren! I wonder how this will go? I hope you all enjoy!

The pair of canines were going at it like feral beasts, the tough tomboy straddling the golden retriever, squatting on the balls of her feet while her hands were pressed tight to his chest. Behind them both was Kaitlyn, completely undressed save for her panties, her large tits swinging beneath her as she carefully shifted around on the floor with her phone upright and filming. The rutting pair was on Kevin's bed, Lauren doing everything she could to put on a fantastic display of female power in the bedroom. Between her, Miyu, and Kaitlyn, Lauren was the powerhouse of stamina and ability.

The Bernese has panting hard and heavy, her hips rising and falling as she fucked herself silly on Kevin's enormous cock. His rigid tool was speared up into her cunt like the two were made for each other, and Kaitlyn had to admire how easy Lauren made it look to ride dick. The skinny mare had her assets, but bedroom stamina wasn't one of them. All she had going for her was a love for anal and a pair of gigantic tits.

"Fuck!" The tomboy cussed, her legs holding together, but her knees were noticeably shaking with every motion of her body, showing that even this titan of sex was pushing herself to her limit.

"Just look at her go." Kaitlyn panted herself, crawling closer to get a better view of Lauren's taut cunt slapping and spanking against the retriever's swollen knob. She could see Kevin's balls being to draw up tight, and the dog was growling from the other side of the Bernese. He was going to let loose soon, and just as she began to think it, Kevin began to live it.

He reached out to grab Lauren by her waist and pulled her down to him, his arms wrapping tight around her back. Like a good little girl, she went limp for him, oozing like putty into his embrace as she slipped off her feet and onto her knees, offering her body up to his release.

Kaitlyn caught it all on camera, her limp body shuddering in orgasm as the retriever slammed his hips up, that fat knot squelching into her too-tight cunny, and then his vicious snarl as he began to violently unload deep into her body. Both dogs were cumming like animals, snarling and making all kinds of delicious noises for the camera. The best part was the climax, just leaning in close to film the throbbing of his nuts as he seeded her tight, fit body.

"Fuck! Oh, fucking God!" Lauren shouted, voice growing hoarse now after all the cussing and shouting she'd been doing over the past half hour of sex. The dog was a noisy firecracker of explosive expletives.

The horse reached out to keep Lauren's tail out of the way, making sure the phone caught every moment of her womb taking every drop. The pulse and throb of their favorite cock was mesmerizing, and left Kaitlyn eagerly waiting for her turn to get fucked into a coma. When their orgasms began to taper off, Kaitlyn got up from the ground, her knees aching from the hard thin carpeted floor.

Without a word spoken she crawled onto the bed with the panting pair and filmed their faces, post-sex afterglow evident on their features. Kevin noticed the camera first and looked towards the phone and reached a hand up to tap Lauren on the back of the head to direct her attention to Kaitlyn. When both dogs were fixed on the camera, Kaitlyn decided it was time to say something.

"You missed out on a hot show, Reese! They gave it their all today!" The equine cheerfully said for the camera.

"Miss you, Reese." Lauren panted and lifted a tired hand up next to her face where she made a silly peace sign like the girls did in Japanese porn.

"Tell your professor you've got a porno to film next time he wants to go out to some farm in Hicksville." Kevin then added.

"Don't encourage bad behavior, Kevin." Kaitlyn scolded the dog before turning the phone around to film herself like snapping a selfie.

"You owe me one tit massage for making me do you job, mister, and I want to cash that IOU in next time we hang, ok? Bye-Oh!" She replied, drawing her own hand up next to her face to strike a peace sign, knowing that the beagle was find it cute to see at the very end of a video filmed just for him. She tapped the red button to stop the recording.

The fact that Reese was engaging in good behavior was the whole reason Kaitlyn was here filming instead of the beagle! He had a painting class today that went outside the city limits to a rural area where there was plenty of all-natural California terrain, and they were doing landscape painting. Apparently, the professor had grown tired of having his students paint city skylines.

"And you two are a big pair of bullies, filming something like this. He's going to be so upset when he sees just how hot you two were, and that he had to miss out." Kaitlyn said, scooting to the edge of the bed and tapping on the video to check that it played. She watched enough of the beginning to feel satisfied that she'd begun the recording at a good spot, and then started dragging the tracker further along the video, stopping in random places, until she got the end. She let the big finish play out again while she watched, her phone playing back the audio for all three to hear.

"I sound like a whore." Lauren panted quietly from her spot, still slumped over Kevin's chest.

"A hot slut." Kaitlyn replied, reaching her hand out to grab the other girl by the ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.

"Both of you are hot." Kevin replied to them both.

Slipping off the edge of the bed, the horse stepped around to the dog's opposite side and crawled back next to them to find Kevin's face. She planted a kiss on the retriever's lips, and she felt one of his arms brush past her tits so his hand could find a plump handful. When he gave it a squeeze, she broke the kiss and threw a leg over Lauren and straddled her backside, making the girl groan, and Kevin a little louder from all the extra weight.

"Heavy." Lauren groaned again as Kaitlyn leaned herself down to press her tits to the girl's back, her mouth meeting Kevin's again.

The three of them laid there for a few minutes, the horse and retriever making out while Lauren slowly recovered her strength between them.

"Free me, tyrants." The Bernese finally said, and Kaitlyn rolled over to her right side, landing next to Kevin.

Lauren pushed herself upright and started rolling her hips, testing the strength of Kevin's tie. Kaitlyn watched the gorgeous dog gently test, waiting for her moment to yank herself off the other dog without making either of them yelp. The horse picked herself back up and grabbed the girl's hips and pushed her back down into Kevin's lap before scooting close to give the girl a kiss, but the Bernese tilted her head away like a little boy avoiding cooties.


"Please, let me kiss you." The horse pleaded with her eyes as much as her voice, and the other girl sighed and tilted her head back and offered her mouth. Lauren was... a little reluctant to give into the desire for girl-on-girl play, which got her some teasing from just about the entire group. If her boyfriend could be coerced into sucking a dick twice as big as his own, then surely the tomboy could swap a little bit of spit.

But Kaitlyn wasn't mean to Lauren, she kissed her gently, enjoying the act of giving affection to someone she felt so close to, held real affection for. Miyu might have been her official girlfriend, but Lauren was her #2 girl, and that wasn't a sign of disrespect. She pulled her hands up from Lauren's hips and wrapped them around the girl for a hug, then threw her leg over Kevin's chest so she could straddle him. As she carefully, gently, caressed and kissed the Bernese she could feel the stud beneath them grabbed her around the waist to massage and rub at her sides.

"You two are going to get me rock hard again before she has a chance to pop free." He warned them both.

Kaitlyn broke the kiss, finding the girl blushing and unable to look her in the eyes. It was cute. She dropped her head into the crook of Lauren's neck and reached her hands down for the dog's ass and grabbed a handful of both cheeks and began to tug upward. Lauren lifted her hips while he groaned under them both, the two girls gently applying the pressure needed to free the Golden Boy from Lauren ironclad grip.

After a few moments, Lauren gasped at the same time as his cock popped free with a wet slurp. The dog lifted herself all the way up until she was standing up on her knees in front of Kaitlyn. The tomboy canine's fit body was on display and Kaitlyn couldn't help but kiss her between her breasts, her hands now roaming the finely crafted muscles just barely hidden by the soft layer of feminine curve that came so naturally to the Bernese.

Miyu was a tiny little feminine doll, a petite fairy, while Kaitlyn was a skinny beanpole with tits too big for her frame. Lauren was like the perfect supermodel, could even be one if she put the soccer ball away and focused herself on just looking good for the camera.

"You're gorgeous, Lauren." She told her honestly, and Lauren went sheepish, and slid one leg off the edge of the bed, then the other so she was standing, cum drooling copiously down the insides of both legs until it hit the floor. The boy's dorm room was so abused, there were stains all over the floor from all the sex they'd had here in this one room. She didn't envy whoever moved into this room next after they all graduated.

Fortunately, they already had towels ready and draped over the back of one of the boy's desk chairs, and Lauren took one and began to clean herself up.

"You're turn." Kevin told her from behind.

She looked down at the softening cock, covered in cunt spit and dick cream. She began to crawl backwards, Kevin's hands exploring her skinny legs and narrow waist as she got herself ready to perform fellatio on her favorite boytoy. When she started sucking his cock, she tasted both Kevin and Lauren on his shaft, and she dutifully cleaned his dick until it was sparkling while Kevin kissed and licked at her cunt through the thin fabric of her panties. When she began to pick herself back up, Kevin stopped giving her pussy attention so that she could crawl back towards the edge of the bed, pulling her legs around to sit at the edge between his legs.

"Scoot closer, sit on the edge." She looked over her shoulder at him, and he started to pick himself up and slid down closer to her until his legs began to hang off the bed. She stood and let him sit up right where she had just been. Lauren was now sitting in the desk chair across from them, her cum stained towel underneath her butt to catch the cum that was still trying to leak from her pussy. She had her own phone in her hand and was snapping a selfie of herself, probably for Reese.

Kaitlyn hooked her thumbs under her sides of her panties and dropped them to the floor.

Kicking them free of her foot she leaned forward and offered her ass to the stud behind her. Kevin always knew what to do and was already grabbing her hip in one hand while he stroked his cock with the other. Her warm lips had gotten him back to a stiff erection, and when she felt his thumb tug at the cheek of her ass to spread them apart, she began to leaned back to sit down. He guided her down with his hand until the tip of his cock touched her pucker.

She was no virgin back there, but she still had to exhale and relax her muscle to take him to the hilt. Her backside swallowed him down inch by inch as she settled her weight onto his lap, and when she felt the swell of his knot press between her cheeks, she knew he was hilted in her.

When she started riding him, she knew she couldn't perform at the same level that Lauren could, but she could do it well enough. Bouncing and rolling her skinny hips into his lap, she made sure she was slipping and sliding up and down a few inches at a time, working his cock with her asshole like she would have her mouth. His drippy bitch breaker was drooling copious amounts of pre into her, lubing her up more and more by the second until she was beginning to pant from the effort.

"So good." She cooed, loving the feel of his cock inside her. She loved his veins, his girth, the perfect blend of pliable flesh around a core of wrought iron. He had a strong, masculine cock, a meaty breeding pole that left her shivering just thinking about how easy it would be for him to knock her up. It was almost frightening how virile Kevin was, she was almost tempted to put some of his cum on a petri dish just to check it under a microscope. She was afraid that if she did, she might make some startling discovery that would send her ovaries into some kind of breeder overdrive, like she'd hit 'the wall' a decade or so sooner than she was supposed to.

Being a nursing major put the world in a different light, let her see things more like a scientist, and she'd taken one course of evolutionary psychology for fun. The idea that just knowing Kevin was a legit stud, a breeder, wasn't just something the irrational female mind might fixate on, but even the logical mind of a doctor was telling her 'holy shit, don't miss this chance!'.

It gave her an idea of why men had such high libidos. Maybe being around Kevin was giving her a taste of what it was like to be constantly horny whenever a hot girl was around, especially one that was receptive to his advances.

Not to mention that Kevin was so alluring that he'd pulled three women into his little harem, had captured them for his pleasure.

"Oh, God." She gasped, reaching a hand down to touch herself.

"Lean back against me." He told her, and she obeyed.

She was on the pill, he was up her ass, and she was closing her eyes as she leaned back. As he took her by the shoulders and guided her down to lay across his chest, she did just what Lauren had done and went limp, giving in to his desire. He was going to fuck her, and she was going to let him. He couldn't get her pregnant, but it was fun to pretend that he was, cramming that filthy, thick bitch breaker into her, and dumping his huge load inside her body. He'd be a good daddy, and she began to shiver as he whispered into her ear to pull her legs up against her tits.

Kaitlyn obeyed, and his arms wrapped around her and grabbed her legs, pulling them against her breasts before wrapping them around her completely, locking her into an embrace that left her legs sticking out over both their heads, his cock wedged knot deep in her ass, and the mare totally at his mercy.

"Hold on a second." Lauren spoke up.

Kevin held still, peeking out from around Kaitlyn's head and shoulders while Lauren wheeled her chair over to aim her phone at the two of them. She snapped a photo, then moved the camera close to where his cock met her asshole, snapping another photo. After the two photos she leaned back in the chair and did something else with her phone before settling back with one hand dropping to her pussy to finger herself while the other continued to hold the phone up and aimed at them.

"Hop to it, I'm filming." She told them.

And it was like someone had fired the starting gun at a race. Kevin flexed, his entire body suddenly going tense the moment Lauren finished the word 'filming'. With strength that came easy to the dog, he lifted Kaitlyn several inches off his cock before slamming her back down, making her grunt. His hips bucked into her right before he finished dropping her, adding to the force, his knot pounding against her taut ring.

"Kevin!" She shouted, but with pleasure.

He started fucking her, bouncing her roughly in his lap, pounding away at her backside with incredible stamina. His second round was always longer than the first, and he really let Kaitlyn have it, grunting and snorting behind her as he gave it her as hard as Lauren had given it to herself, if not more so!

Kevin started alternating between fast and slow, and never for the same length of time. It was like an instinctive knowledge of just when to change pace to keep Kaitlyn on her toes, never letting her find a rhythm. Everything that happened, happened on his schedule, and she was never ready, the mare grunting and shouting in pleasure as she was claimed yet again by the golden stud beneath her.

Lauren was quickly fingering herself, enjoying the show as her hand shakily capture the footage for later consumption, her fingers sliding quickly across the reddened lips of her sex, teasing and tempting herself closer and closer to orgasm.

Without giving her any warning, Kevin slammed himself against her, his knot pressed tight to her pucker until it became clear he intended to sink it deep. Her eyes fluttered, nearly going cross as she forced herself to relax, and he quickly popped inside. The sudden extra fullness in her belly sent her over the edge, her body shuddered against the dog's ask a climax claimed her.

She howled, her legs twitching in the air above them, and Kevin held himself still inside her, his cock twitching with the pulse of his heart, but not yet ready to dump his load. He growled into her ear, signaling his ownership of her, and she gladly gave herself up to him. When he began to move again, there was a pressure at her asshole, he was pulling himself free.

His knot popped from her, making her grunt, and then he crammed it back inside her with one slow, firm push. Lauren was gently shivering in her chair, then stood up and carried the phone closer, holding the lens near where the mare's body was wrapped tightly around Kevin's spear. Kevin popped back in, and then a growl he yanked it back out of her. Both of them were grunting, Lauren squatting on the balls of her feet in front of them with the phone held high to catch every moment while her hand slid back between her legs to massage her clit.

"God, Kevin!" Kaitlyn panted, sounding almost like she was pleading with him, but he just kept ruining her hole, pushing and pulling his knot in and out of her, owning her inside and out until she was left hoarse with how hard she was panting.

He tightened his grip around her with one arm, then let go with the other so he could slide his hand down to find the lips of her pussy. She was soaking wet, drenching his fingers instantly, and one digit slipped insider her. When he pulled it free there was a clear string tugging taut between his fingertip and her sex. It broke, and his hand gently slapped her pussy. She gasped sharply, his hips bucking up into her, his knot sinking back inside her.

Filled with dick, and Kevin's hand delivering another gentle slap over her pussy she began to squirm in his grip. She was breathing harder now, and he popped her pussy a third time, just a little harder.

"Kevin!" She begged him, and he slapped her again before digging two fingers deep into her cunt, the mare feeling his fingers curl into a 'c' inside her, digging around until he found the treasure he sought. She knew exactly when he found it, because she gasped, the retriever starting to finger her hard and fast. His fingers were moving so fast inside her that the wetness of her cunt was splattering over her thighs and his balls below.

"God!" She came, hard, the mare's body shaking vicious within his grasp as he continued to maul her pussy with her hand until she couldn't handle it anymore. When he finally stopped, she was well and truly limp, sagging against the arm that held her, Kaitlyn's arms lying lifeless on the bed next to her lover's sides. She felt him shift under her, and before she knew it, he was letting her legs down so that he could roll her over onto her belly.

With her now limp and bent over the edge of his bed he grabbed a handful of her hair and pinned her to the mattress. She'd had her fun, and now he was going to have his. He spent the next five minutes fucking her doggystyle until he popped his cork, and the entire time she was a near weeping mess with how much she came. Between the fullness of his cock impaling her and the sensation of his heavy and virile nuts slapping against her pussy she just couldn't handle the sensory overload.

After he was finished, he pulled free, cum drooling down her thighs same as with Lauren. The golden stud had claimed two of his women today and claimed them good. Lauren had already put her phone away and fingered herself to another orgasm.

Kaitlyn couldn't move, she was a ruined woman in desperate need of rest. There was a shuffling behind her and then someone was wiping her backside and legs to wipe up the copious amount of seed the stud had filled her with. The hands touching her were soft, revealing that it was Lauren doing cleanup duty. When she was done, she jumped onto the bed and laid down on her back next to the mare.

"So, what do you two want to eat for dinner? I can run and shower up so I can grab us all something." Kevin said from elsewhere in the room.

"It's too early for dinner, dude." Lauren complained.

"We can still plan ahead, and I can still be the one to go get it." Kevin replied.

"Let's wait for Reese to come back, and then we can grab Miyu." Kaitlyn spoke up, finding her voice, but too tired to flip herself over.

"Let's just do that, but you can still go and shower if you think you're done turning us inside out, fucker." Lauren told her, her hand suddenly coming down to swap Kaitlyn on the butt cheek.

"I'm actually pretty good for today, unless you really want me to get it up again. I can maybe do one more."

Kaitlyn groaned in reply, and it was not a 'yes, please' she was signaling.

"She says no, but I say go shower then when you get back I'll suck you're dick again, ok?" The Bernese replied.

Their mutual stud was happy with that plan and wrapped a towel around himself before heading out to go down to the community showers. After a few minutes of peaceful relaxation Kaitlyn finally rolled herself back over and stared at the ceiling with Lauren.

"I think me doing all the work left him too pent up with energy, he really destroyed you." The dog finally said after a moment.

"So, you're the reason I feel like I got run over by a truck full of sextoys?"

"Yuh, chicky." She laughed and rolled over onto her side, hesitating briefly before pecking her very quickly on the cheek. Kaitlyn smiled, feeling awfully warm at that, and very happy.

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