Privilege 4

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#4 of Privilege

Do I tag this as incest?

Reila didn't really know what her brother spent most of his days doing. As a son, he had no right to the throne, a fact that hadn't prevented ambitious princes in the past from trying. She probably should keep closer tabs on him, but he spent far too little time in court to have gathered any significant allies. Of course she didn't trust him, but he didn't worry her either.

It was rude to greet family wearing an illusion, so Reila chose a simple if elegant robe of sky blue. The tailor had done an excellent job fitting the soft delicate cloth to her body. It conformed to her curves where it mattered without restricting mobility as most dresses would.

A knock sounded at the door, and Reila flashed an illusory white light of admittance. The chamber doors opened, and her brother Tezet entered alone. Of a similar size and coloration, if Tezet had tits, it's likely only their mother would be able to tell them apart. He wore sleek black robes with little ornamentation, simpler than what was currently in fashion if of the same militaristic style. Confident but reserved, he was completely unremarkable. He would make an excellent spy.

Reila waited at the center of her inner bedchambers. Tezet's eyes made a discreet sweep of the room before he politely bowed his head.

"Greetings, Princess."

Reila chuckled. "We're in my own chambers. No need for formality, Brother. It's good to see you."

They didn't embrace. Tezet halted several paces before Reila. He had to know how much easier her life would be if he died, even if she had no intention of killing him. Despite their shared blood, they had never been close.

He examined the room in more detail. "Did you- Is she-?" No emotion showed on his vulpine features, and he watched her own face intently. They both knew why he was here.

"No. Aesa lives despite our mother's orders." Reila slowly paced a measured circle around Tezet. "It puts both of us in an awkward position. I want to know why you were so insistent on this issue."

"She was innocent." Tezet stood straight, paws clasped behind his back.

"Innocent people die all the time." When her comment didn't draw out a response, Reila spiraled closer. "Quite a pretty thing. A white coat like that stands out. Have you met her before?"

Tezet swallowed. "Twice. Only once really. She attended one of mother's balls but we didn't speak. The second barely passed as a formal introduction." He inhaled sharply when Reila appeared less than an arm's length behind his right shoulder. He held his composure until Reila dragged a claw along his slender muzzle.

"Nothing more? You didn't sneak her out for a little privacy after dinner?"

Tezet's eyes widened. He cleared his throat but held his gaze low. "Of course not."

Not lying, shy. How adorable. Reila chuckled to herself. "So why then? Fantasizing of a girl you spoke to once? She's almost pretty enough I'd believe it."

Tezet sighed. "I do - remember her being beautiful, but it has nothing to do with that. I spent a long time pouring over the evidence against her mother. Barely slept. The only useful thing I found was Aesa's innocence. I'm certain of it. It felt like a waste of time for nothing to come of it."

Reila quirked an eyebrow. "Pride?"

Tezet grinned, a little tension easing from his shoulders. "We share the same blood."

Reila made her way to Tezet's back then lightly placed a paw on his shoulder. He unclasped his hands and tensed but didn't try to pull away. His eyes darted to her wrist instinctively, though surely he noticed she hadn't worn a vrasa. She still caught Aesa regularly checking her for one.

"Tell me, Brother. Why were you so interested in the evidence against Lady Nirce?" The thought that Tezet had any involvement bordered on paranoia, but fully understanding a situation didn't. "And how did you get access in the first place. I'm told Mother has kept that information rather close to the heart."

Tezet very carefully extricated himself from Reila's grasp, moving slowly and keeping his hands away from anywhere he might hide a blade. She relented and allowed him to face her.

"Maybe don't mention that part to mother, but I am still a prince. I didn't see everything though." He frowned and kept his eyes on his paws in front of him. "I think it was a lot closer to working than she lets on. Like very close. She's worried, and I've never seen Mother worried. Not like this.

"I know what you think of me. I don't blame you. I know it's how it has to be, but I don't want anything to happen to you or Mother." Tezet let out a breath, and his perfect noble posture slipped. "Even if you don't believe that I care, they would have killed me too."

Outwardly, Reila regarded him, but her mind drew inward. She had suspected something similar. A typical coup plot wouldn't have driven mother into such a fury, and a strange rage at that. The lack of details, the bloody reprisal Aesa's death intended to serve, it pointed to something more. The empress was cruel but never without cause.

Tezet would gain little aligning himself with a usurper. The crown would be weaker, and he would be the only one left with a legitimate bloodline. They'd kill him as soon as he outlived his use. Perhaps it was simple pride, or maybe Aesa had left such an impression. Reila knew how that felt. If so, then he might actually appreciate this summons.

"I won't tell mother, but you come to me if you discover anything interesting."

Tezet grimaced. "I did everything I could. Mother is beyond paranoid. No one has seen it but her that I can tell." He shuddered. "No one who's still alive."

"Fine." Reila smiled. "I have one final thing before you go."

Aesa stepped out from behind the changing screen, and Reila withdrew to give them a clear view of one another. Tezet gaped. A rich carmine cape draped Aesa's shoulders. Intricate black embroidery of desert brambles adorned the edges. Aesa held the front drawn tight, cloaking herself in dark red. The garment had been made to bring out the shades of auburn in Reila's coat, but the effect had been forgettable in comparison to how it stood out against Aesa's brilliant white.

Aesa slowly made her way to the center of the room and knelt before Tezet with her head bowed. She spoke to the floor, but her voice rang throughout the quiet bedchamber. "I owe my life to you, Prince Tezet. Thank you."

"Oh, well I uh, I mean you don't have to kneel or anything - please?" He took a step back and nearly tripped. Reila used Aesa's entrance to sneak behind Tezet. She caught him by the shoulders, and he squeaked in surprise.

"Is that not how you enjoyed remembering her?" Reila nestled her muzzle right beneath Tezet's ear. "On her knees, willing to repay a debt she can never hope to afford?"

Aesa rose but let the cape slip from her shoulders as she did so. A possessive hunger surged through Reila at the sight of Aesa's snowy fur, but she forced her claws to relax on Tezet's shoulders.

He had nowhere to retreat. "Did Reila put you up to this?"

Reila purred in his ear. "She begged me to allow this, Brother."

Aesa held her eyes down and averted, but she walked up to Tezet and placed both paws on his chest. "You remembered me from that ball we never even spoke? And you were so kind to me that first evening we met, even thought I don't think you heard of my surname before that night." The she lay her head against him. "If you do not wish me, I understand, but I am yours to command in any way."

Reila bared her fangs but said nothing.

"I-It's not that. I-" His arms hovered awkwardly before he finally embraced Aesa. "This isn't how- I mean these are my sister's rooms and I barely know-"

"The bed is yours, Brother." She nipped his ear when he tried to protest, and Tezet nearly leapt from between them.

Aesa gently licked the underside of Tezet's muzzle then began to undo the mother of pearl buttons that fastened the front of his robe. "I've thought of you many times since we met. Of all the nobles my mother introduced me to, you were one of the few that treated me like a person." She giggled. "You were so cute. Like you are now."

The more buttons Aesa unfastened, the more Tezet squirmed. A low whine played from his throat. "You don't owe me anything, especially-" He broke off, too shy to even speak of Aesa's clear intentions.

Aesa's voice dropped to a well practiced tone of honeyed passion, a coaxing tug on the edge of needy. "Tell me to stop, my lord." Aesa's fingers unlatched the final button, and Reila helped free the garment from his arms. He wore nothing beneath the robes but a pair of black silk shorts.

He panted. "Please don't call me lord."


Reila retreated so Aesa could wrap her arms properly around Tezet and press her bare breasts against his chest. She no longer needed Reila's help, her own claws firmly lodged in Tezet's heart. A shimmer cloaked Reila's body, turning her invisible to offer them the illusion of privacy.

They embraced, and Aesa swayed her body against Tezet's. She licked at his muzzle, rolled her hips against the front of his silk shorts.

"Tell me how I can thank you," Aesa whispered into his chest. "I've never taken a mate. You can be the first to claim me as theirs. I will do anything you ask of me." Tezet opened his mouth, but Aesa nipped his shoulder. "Please let me do this. I'll beg if I must."

Before Tezet could figure out how to get his tongue to create intelligible noises again, Aesa sank to her knees. A wet patch marred the fine silk where it struggled to contain his obvious excitement. She nuzzled into his crotch, then licked at the damp fabric.

Tezet let out a pleasured moan and might have stumbled back had Aesa not grasped the back of his thighs. She slipped her paws up through the legs to fondle his rump and pull his hips towards her inquisitive snout. Reila smiled when Tezet let her pull the shorts down to his ankles.

Already several inches of bright pink flesh extended from the tip of his gray sheath. Tezet panted heavily and watched Aesa with a mixture of shock and yearning in his eyes. Aesa settled her black nose against the tip of Tezet's cock. It twitched, steadily glazing her snout with precum.

His sheath bloated with his knot ready to swell, and much more teasing would make it unlikely they would tie. Aesa smiled up at him from her knees, vivid blue eyes large and round. She licked some of the fluid from her muzzle, then rose.

She walked slowly to the bed, hips swaying, her tail lazily following in a graceful arc before switching directions with a dramatic flick. Reila had watched her practicing earlier. It clearly worked. Tezet stood rooted in place, unable to take his eyes from her white butt. Droplets of precum pattered against the stone between his feet. Aesa crawled onto the bed on all fours and raised her tail high. The black lips of her spade glistened amidst a frame of perfect snowy fur.

Reila was getting ready to shove Tezet, or better yet, take Aesa for herself when he finally shook himself and scurried after. He got one knee on the bed before hesitating. Aesa's fluffy white tail swayed in invitation.

Tezet crawled onto the bed and placed a hand on her hip. They both tensed, and Tezet pulled away before trying again. He nudged her gently until Aesa lowered herself and rolled onto her back. Neither attempted the meet the other's gaze, each instead daring quick glances before looking away. Aesa smiled shyly and arched her chest, spreading her legs for Tezet.

He admired her body in stunned silence, but his knees shuffled forward, instinct driving him inexorably towards a willing mate. When he drew close enough, Aesa reached up and took him by the wrist and pulled him down atop him.

Tezet managed to catch himself on his hands, though his arms trembled. He spoke in a hoarse whisper. "You're really sure?"

Aesa smiled and placed a paw gently on the side of his snout. "I would want this even if you hadn't saved my life. I have no place in court, no future. If you can find pleasure in my body, then please, honor me with it."

Reila doubted either noticed the beauty of Tezet's precum decorating Aesa's white belly in prismatic droplets. Tezet's body quivered as he lowered himself atop Aesa. She embraced him, settled her muzzle in the crook of his neck and her paws tight around his shoulder blades.

Aesa's legs spread wider, and Tezet wriggled flush against her pelvis. Reila watched his fur ripple across the lean muscles of his hips and rump. The same streaks of rust marked the outside of his hips as her own. A string of not particularly masculine grunts accentuated his attempts to find her entrance until the two exclaimed in unison, though Tezet's moan drowned out Aesa's timid whine.

Tezet's knees slipped on the silk sheets, but his hips bucked eagerly against Aesa's slender pelvis. Tendons stood out on the back of her paws, claws biting into Tezet's hide in encouragement. Their bodies met in soft wet noises, no fur to muffle his knot meeting sodden lips.

Tezet buried his face in the sheets beside Aesa's head, growling softly as he bore his weight behind each increasingly desperate thrust. Aesa grit her teeth in silent determination and wrapped her legs around Tezet's waist to better align herself with his cock. Tezet snarled and forced himself wildly between Aesa's legs. She threw back her head and cried out, the sound silenced in a sharp peak when Tezet lifted her hips from the bed. His hind claws ripped delicate silk bed-sheets with the effort to knot her tight cunt. Tezet collapsed atop her. He clutched her body tight, gently humping, no longer able to escape her depths.

Aesa mewled, writing, her hands grasping at every inch of Tezet's body she could reach. Her legs locked tight around his waist. "I feel you cumming," she whimpered, then stuffed his shoulder between her jaws and bit. Tezet didn't appear to mind her fangs if he even noticed.

Tezet panted wildly. His hips twitched a quick rhythm against Aesa's body but weakened with each thrust unable to progress. Tension slowly drained away from his muscles. His tail, raised during the final desperate moments to tie, flopped aside to unintentionally offer Reila an enticing view of his twitching balls as they pumped their contents into Aesa's belly.

It took enormous self control not to intrude, to taunt Aesa with how obviously she enjoyed being bred, or her brother's less than impressive performance. She wanted to crawl forward and graze her fangs across Tezet's twitching sack, to let her tongue feel the muscles beneath his fur contracting in release. Instead she settled for tasting her own arousal off a paw pad and watching the two saccharine lovers grope and squirm in each other's embrace.

Tezet buried his face against the side of Aesa's ear, his voice muffled by soft white fur. "I'm sorry I tied so quickly. I was already close after - you know." He trailed off into a mumble.

Aesa giggled in delight and cupped Tezet's face between her paws, forcing him to witness her beaming smile. "Don't apologize. You were wonderful!" She nuzzled her snout against his. "You're really inside me. It's so big so intense." Her eyes shut reverently. "I've never felt wanted like that. Like this. You're still cumming."

"Mmm." Tezet relaxed atop her, letting her stroke his ears. "You're so beautiful, and seeing you naked-" It took him a shuddering breath to continue. "You're my first too."

Reila rolled her eyes. That much had been obvious.

Aesa gaped. "What? But you're the prince! Surely half the court has thrown themselves at you."

Tezet didn't meet her gaze and sighed. His attempted whisper carried across the quiet chambers regardless. "It's complicated. They only care for my position and my blood. Any pup I father is a threat to my family, and one of the few paths to the throne for anyone ambitious enough to kill my family."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I-I'm safe right now, if that's anything."

Tezet shook his head and Aesa pulled him to her chest, stroking the back of his neck. He cupped the back of her head in a paw in return.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad I finally got this opportunity. I couldn't imagine anyone else. Thank you."

With what a pent-up sap her brother was and Aesa's continued teasing, Reila figured she had at least another ten minutes of them stuck together. She folded and returned the cape to her wardrobe, then paced her chambers. She wanted to fight something, feel blood run hot between her fangs. Perhaps she could provoke one of the impotent wolves to fuck like one of their savage progenitors. Their bodies retained the feral ancestry even if they only remembered how to grovel.

Her thoughts only grew more vicious as the other two quietly laughed and whispered to each other like pups discovering their first crush. Several males. She would tell them to fight each other to the death with her body as the victor's right. They'd have only her command to stop them from ravaging her between them, any individual more than strong enough to overpower her if they knew how to fight.

Aesa squeaked. They separated with a loud wet pop and a burble of cum. Aesa's giggles turned into a gasp. "There's so much!"

"Oh no. Um, here, let me help-" Tezet carried Aesa off the bed far too late to save the sheets. Cum spilled from her messy lips. Thick seed matted her thighs and particularly heavy droplets spattered audibly against the stone floor.

Tezet's knot hadn't yet fully deflated. His bright dark pink cock swung heavily between his legs, dripping lazily. While pretty, it was far sleeker, his knot perhaps half the size of the wolf servant Reila took. That didn't diminish the instinctive drive to claim her brother right in front of his new mate, if she could even be called that.

Reila let her illusion fade away, and the other two jumped as if they forgot Reila existed. She bared her fangs in a grin.

"Did you enjoy her?" Reila stepped behind Aesa and drew her head back to expose her throat to him. Aesa squeaked but held still. The way she trembled dared Reila to sink her fangs into that soft white fur. "You have my invitation to take her any time you wish." She used her other paw to grope one of Aesa's modest breasts, raking her claws down Aesa's slender curves towards her pelvis. "Be discrete. I don't want anyone to think we're spending time together."

Tezet swallowed and attempted to cover his exposed cock with his paws. "U-Understood."

Reila sank her claws into Aesa's belly. She whimpered, and her abdomen tightened, pushing out a noisy dribble of cum. Reila pressed her muzzle against Aesa's ear. Her brother's scent clung heavily to Aesa's fur. "Lick it up."

Aesa whined, but only hesitated a moment where she desperately avoided looking towards Tezet. She prostrated herself at Reila's feet and slowly lapped Tezet's cum from the stone floor. The uncomfortable yet captivated look on Tezet's face brought a smirk to Reila's. What depraved thoughts lurked in a horny deprived young male's head? Aesa was right. How had he remained a virgin this long? Perhaps he lied. Reila didn't care.

"She'll do anything to tell her to, Brother. Make good use of her." Reila wasn't even sure he heard her. Tezet didn't blink as he watched Aesa, not until Reila drew close enough to take his chin in her paw. Even then she struggled to capture his attention. "It sounds like you found access to some of what Mother has restricted. Aesa needs clothing. Are you able to retrieve some of her things?"

Tezet jerked away from Reila's touch. He shook his head, breathing hard. "What? Um, yeah, probably?" His eyes darted between the two women.

"Good. Bring whatever you wish to see her in." Reila grinned. "Or I could keep her naked for you." She waited for him to string together a coherent response, but gave up before he managed. "Go."

Tezet stumbled backwards, eyes fixed on Aesa before he fled Reila's chambers. She waited to hear the large door thud shut and the clasp click into place. Aesa no longer licked at the floor, but held her face nearly touching the damp stone, panting.

Reila knelt beside Aesa and stroked the back of her head. "Did you enjoy it that much?"

Aesa shook, her voice trembling. "That was humiliating. What if- What if he no longer wants me?"

Reila laughed. "You should have seen the look in his eyes. I'd be more afraid of what he's going to demand from you." She had to help Aesa to her feet. "Did you cum?"

A stricken look haunted Aesa's pretty face. "No. It's okay. I-I don't mind." The way she squirmed said otherwise.

Reila shoved her back against a nearby wall. "Poor thing. I've kept you riled up all day only for my brother to disappoint." She roughly groped Aesa's chest, flicking her blunt claws across painfully stiff nipples.

Aesa gasped, squirming. Her knees trembled on the verge of giving out even as the wall supported most of her weight. "No, he was wonderful. That was, that was the best-" She cut off in a repressed cry when Reila squeezed harder.

"Don't worry, my precious moth." She cupped Aesa's cheek in a gentle paw. "You can even think of him if you wish. I will always take care of you - no matter what."

Aesa's body reeked of sex - a sharp metallic tang overpowered by the cloying bitter musk of Tezet's seed. It coated the insides of Aesa's thighs, matted her white fur. Viscous cloudy fluid clung as heavy droplets waiting to fall from her black lips, subtly parted to reveal the brilliant pink within.

Careless of the mess, Reila eased her snout between Aesa's thighs and savored Tezet's cum from hot flesh. Aesa flung one arm out to steady herself against the wall and gasped. A paw clutched the back of Reila's head, further smearing her snout in sexual fluids.

Reila allowed it. She doubted Aesa even realized the instinctive act. The bitter salty bite of fresh cum ensnared Reila's senses, and she plunged her tongue between Aesa's used lips. A shrill whine played from Aesa's lungs until they emptied, and she squeaked to silence between short gasping breaths.

Aesa's pussy trembled and clenched around Reila's flat tongue. She dragged it steadily across the hard sliver of Aesa's clit, her pussy squeezing even the thickest seed towards Reila's waiting maw. It dribbled down her chin. Almost as quick as Tezet came, Aesa's body trembled. Her belly tightened with growing pleasure, and Reila's tongue steadily forced her to orgasm one dragging length of her rough tongue after another.

Aesa screamed. Her body curled forward and she used both hands to hold Reila's head in place against her spasming pussy. The ragged scream faded to panting growls, and Aesa's knees finally gave out. Reila pulled free in time to watched Aesa slump to the ground, blue eyes glassy and sightless.

Reila grinned and leaned forward, guiding Aesa's lips to her own muzzle. Aesa automatically licked the mixture of fluids from Reila's face between hot gasping breaths when prompted. Reila assumed she'd recover by the time her fur was clean, but she spent several minutes whispering gentle affirmations into Aesa's ear before the glimmer of consciousness returned to her teary blue eyes.

"Good girl," Reila whispered and pat Aesa on the cheek. "Change my bedding that you made a mess of. After that you can clean yourself up. My brother will expect to breed you when he returns. It's up to you if you wish to look like a used whore when he does."

Reila left to have a bath readied. Aesa struggled to remain conscious, her eyelids drooping across dazed blue eyes. A wet print of her vulva marked the stones when she finally managed to stand.