A Queens service

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#39 of 2023 Shorts

A beloved Queen whom is treated almost like a deity gets bored of her perfect life. Soon she is sneaking out of her palace, dressed as a commoner to get a taste of a normal life, until one night she discovers a house of ill repute and new sensations awaken within her, sensations she explores with the aid of her new friend.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Foreword: Similar to another idea I had a while back, just with a different spin on it.


The Arabian oryx felt her thighs being guided apart by strong but gentle hands, gripping at the line where her black stockinged fur shifted to pure white, while she made out with the rabbit's cunt before her. She'd never been this intimate with anyone before, but Allain made it seem so natural and simple, her gentle guidance helped Hypatia relax and let go far easier than if she'd tried this on her own. She trusted the young and far more experienced rabbit to guide her in this new endeavor; Allain had even promised to select only lovers that she knew would treat the oryx gently on her first time.

Allain had spent a fair bit of time alone with Hypatia before even allowing the first male into the room with them, the Arabian oryx had never imagined she could feel such pleasure as what the small rabbit had given her already. She'd never even considered two people of the same gender able to perform such acts with one another, but Allain had taught her much in their short time together. Hypatia was a quick study as well, soon she too was making her new friend gasp and groan when she imitated what Allain had done between her thighs earlier, returning the pleasure to the woman seated above and a little before her.

Hypatia could only see the male's ears over the curve of Allain's posterior as it blocked her view. From how rough the person's hands were, the oryx knew they were not of noble birth. For most of her status, it would've been a crime to let one of such lowborn stature be so intimate with her. Yet, Hypatia only found it to be even more fitting for her first time to be with someone like him, she had spent her entire life in service of her people, this was yet another way she could fulfil that role, while they filled her in turn.

There was an uncomfortable pressure between her thighs as the unknown canine, at least she assumed it was a canine judging by the pointed ears she saw, as his pointed tip wedged itself between her slick folds. Allain had already brought her to climax, so there was ample slickness to ensure his entry would be easy. Or at least easier, she had not yet known the touch of a man, so every inch would have to be earned. When his girthy length met her maidenhead, the oryx gasped and Allain quickly reached out to press a hand to the canine's belly to halt him.

"This will hurt, but only for a moment. It gets much better after, just hang in there, okay?" Allain reassured the white oryx beneath her. The fingers of her other hand gently stimulating Hypatia's still hooded clit to help her remain aroused and relaxed.

"Mhmm..." Hypatia didn't trust herself to speak, barely managing a mumbled affirmation as she buried her muzzle against Allain's inner thigh. Her friend must've given the canine the sign to continue, the pressure between her thighs increased and the oryx felt like she was about to be split into two. There was a sudden sharp pain, for a brief moment Hypatia thought she felt something inside her snap and pain flared. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt in her life, but as the canine slowly withdrew from her, before inching back in ever so slightly deeper, the pain began to fade. Mostly thanks to Allain's soothing coos and her gentle touches below.

Hypatia understood why Allain had chosen this particular male, he had excellent self-restraint as she felt her body flutter and squeeze down tight around him, yet he resisted the urge to breed her hard and fast. From what she'd seen of others downstairs, they would not have been so gentle or patient. Her lover, because that's what he felt like, took his time as he gently and patiently worked the oryx open to fully accept him. By the time she felt his knot finally kiss against her opening, she was panting and groaning with new levels of passion against Allain's inner thigh.

"See, much better now, isn't it?" Allain almost teased, her soft hands lightly rubbing and stroking along the oryx's belly and inner thighs, while the canine began to almost fully withdraw himself before sheathing himself back inside Hypatia. "Ready to get fucked?" the rabbit asked teasingly.


Her people loved and adored her, they treated her like more than just their Queen; they treated her like their Goddess. Hypatia both loved and adored the attention, she only ever wanted what was best for her people and would do nearly anything within her substantial power to achieve those ends. She'd managed to grow her kingdom two-fold without ever waging a single war, so skilled was she at negotiations. She had convinced neighboring factions to bend the knee without even needing to raise a sword, or without needing to threaten violence. Her kingdom had never known such peace and prosperity before.

While she was content with the peace and happiness her reign had brought her people, she couldn't help but feel like their blind devotion had caused a rift between her and a normal life. When she was younger and more foolhardy, strong of will and with an arrogant ego, Hypatia lapped up the attention and respect it awarded her. But as she got older, she began to feel the void between herself and everyone else, she felt alone even in a sea of people. No one dared look her in the eye, let alone even touch her. She began to crave physical touch, but even when she purposefully "accidentally" bumped into one of her servants, they threw themselves at her feet begging for forgiveness.

Hypatia sat upon her simple throne, made more for comfort than ceremony, as she spent many hours residing over the problems of her land. Dressed in simple white silk and as little gold jewelry as her consort allowed her to get away with, she bordered on almost overheating with so much of herself covered, even in the thin material. The snow-white Arabian oryx with her obsidian spiraled black horns, black furred arms, legs and the patches about her face found herself idly staring at a handsome new young equine guard. She'd not seen him before, but he seemed to be trying exceptionally hard not to stare at her. It was almost cute, even though she knew she was more than just a few years older than he was.

"I apologize your eminence if my simple troubles bore you..." the old camel grumbled as he cast his eyes downward, sensing he was wasting the beautiful oryx's time with his menial land dispute.

"It is hardly a waste of my time, dear sir. Please, do not kneel. You spend enough time in the dirt to be kneeling before me. It seems to me the answer is simple, the land is yours, but the water running through it is not. Your neighbor would be unable to tend his fields without the water the river on your land provides his crops. To lose either of your farms and the items they produce would help no one, I shall send engineers and tradesmen to assist with constructing a tributary so he may continue to receive the water he needs and you may reclaim the land you need for your own crops" Hypatia calmly spoke out, she could see the old camel thinking it over in his mind, his lips slowly curling into a smile as he nodded eagerly.

"Thank you, your eminence!" He mumbled, while trying to get up off the floor with a wince of pain. The young stallion guard rushed over to help the old man up before realizing he'd abandoned his post, his head snapping toward Hypatia with a look of horror, but when he saw she was smiling at him, he turned almost instantly beet red.

"My sincerest apologies everyone, I must retire early. This heat and these robes are starting to roast my hide, I'm in awe of all those of you that manage to brave this weather outdoors. You truly are tough and brave souls" Hypatia announced to the dozens of people gathered in the hall, her words being met with a soft chuckle.

While she would no longer be directly overseeing the remainder of the day's disputes, she had raised and trained a couple of select close advisors she trusted intimately whom would take over for her. Meanwhile, Hypatia feigned a headache and requested to be left to her own devices in her room with her windows shuttered and curtains drawn to block out the light.

In reality, the Arabian oryx slipped out of her robes and golden jewelry, donning her more modest and pedestrian outfit before slipping out through a secret entrance she'd found behind a statue in her room. It seemed her predecessor had perhaps felt the same loneliness as she had, or perhaps they were just not as well loved and required a means to escape the palace undetected. Whatever the reason, Hypatia had found it and had been using it in weeks past to leave the palace and wander the streets of her city as just another ordinary citizen.

It was the most normal she had felt in years, she even relished the rough jostling among the dozens of people trying to make their way through the markets and slums. To not have anyone cast themselves at her feet just for touching her was a breath of fresh air. As she spent more time in her city and no one seemed to recognize her, she became bolder and more adventurous. That was when she found it, she didn't even know places like this existed in the world, let alone right under her nose in her own city.

On the outside it looked like an ordinary two-story brick and mortar house, but unlike the others around it, the windows were always closed behind heavy shutters. Not a sound escaped the house, though there was a definite scent she had never experienced anywhere else before. Well, not to this level, she thought she'd caught it once or twice on one of her servants at certain times of the month, but nothing like this. As soon as she stepped inside, she felt an odd warmth wash over her. Her nipples perked beneath her coarse cotton shirt and a slight dampness grew between her thighs. With her generous bust compressed thanks to her bandage wrappings, along with a scarf drawn about her muzzle, she was able to hide the fact she was female. At least enough to be able to enter the house behind two other large males.

What she saw inside made her eyes go wide and her heart beat like a hummingbird in flight. There were dozens of men and women all around, in varying stages of dress. The scent was even stronger inside, no doubt due to the excitement and arousal of the house's denizens. As she sat quietly in one corner of the room, she watched as a donkey openly groped at a leopardess, who simply giggled at his attention. His rough fingers squeezing at the globe of her breast as she subtly rolled her hips like gentle waves of the Nile against the shores.

"Hello there stranger" a lithe white hare smiled as she settled herself down in Hypatia's lap, her pert behind wiggling into her potential new customers lap, but she paused with a curious frown when she didn't feel a bulge as expected. "Wait...you're not a...are you?" the rabbit asked softly, leaning in to whisper to the wide eyed oryx.

Hypatia shook her head slowly, fearing she'd been found out. "N...no...sorry" she almost squeaked out, more than a little worried the rabbit would expose her and have her secret revealed.

"Don't worry sweetness, I won't tell if you don't..." the rabbit almost purred, gently brushing her fingertips along Hypatia's cheek. "You're not the first curious lady we've had here, won't be the last."

"What is...here, exactly?" Hypatia asked with a sigh of relief, sensing she was not about to be unmasked.

"This is just a house of pleasure, where likeminded people come and share..." The rabbit, Hypatia would come to know as Allain, offered. She explained that some people shared their bodies just for pleasure, others for coin. No meant no and anyone being too rowdy would be ejected by Rhikal, the giant rhino sitting in one corner of the room. Somehow Hypatia had not seen him before, but with his thick, rough grey hide and the fact he barely moved, he looked almost like a statue.

Allain remained seated in Hypatia's lap for a while longer as they discussed the establishment, the rabbit pointing out certain aspects or even just people. The more she listened and learned, the more an idea began to form in the Arabian oryx's mind. She wanted this, to share herself with someone. She could get the intimacy she'd been lacking without any restrictions or strings attached, no one knew whom she was here.

Tonight would be the first night she participated instead of just watched, Allain had secured a room for her and would join in with her first partner to make sure everything went smoothly. With a large comfortable circular bed in the middle of the room, Hypatia lay on her back in the nude, her head propped up on a few pillows to let keep her horns from piercing and getting stuck in the bed.

"We'll go slow, let me show you a few things before I invite a couple friends in to show you a few more" Allain smiled from the side of the bed, while slipping out of her own clothing before climbing in beside Hypatia.

There was no rushing or eagerness, just tender touches and kisses. The rabbits' hands did not wander to those sacred places just yet, instead she gently caressed and explored the length of Hypatia's intricately spiraled horns, along her nervously twitching ears and all the way down along her long shapely thighs. Only once the Arabian oryx was panting and whimpering for more would the skilled rabbit move on to more intimate things. Her fingers danced between white thighs, caressing the until now, untouched slit. Even so, she did not delve in right away, explaining what each little inch of Hypatia's own body was and showing how it could bring pleasure. Hypatia had studied anatomy in the ancient texts, but none of them came close to teaching her what Allain was teaching her.

From her areola to her clitoris, even just the erogenous zones at the small of her waist when touched with feather light touches, Hypatia learned of all that she had been missing all these years. It felt like Allain was helping her catch up on everything she hadn't done in her life. By the time slender fingers finally curled inside her and found that God spot within her, Hypatia was almost crying from the sheer overwhelming pleasure of it all. When she lost control of her body and began to jerk and seize, it was frightening at first, until Allain explained she had just had her first ever orgasm. The white oryx had blushed brightly at that news, she'd read of such things existing, but she had assumed they were just flights of fancy. They sounded too good to be true, but now she knew they were as real as the setting sun. She wanted more...

Thankfully Allain was more than happy to help her find and achieve more, while assisting with teaching Hypatia how to give them as well. The rabbit's tongue and lips sealed about her clit had the oryx rolling and bucking up into her new friend's maw while she tried to imitate the rabbit's skill, mostly to great effect. Her own muzzle bearing multiple spends of Allain's pleasure, but the rabbit seemed immune to tiring out, no matter how deft and skilled Hypatia became.

"Wait...is that...who I think it is?" A deep voice suddenly spoke up somewhere in the room.

"Who do you think it is?" Allain asked curiously, barely making a motion when Hypatia stiffened as she thought she was about to be caught out so suddenly and in such an awkward position.

"She looks like...the Queen..." the voice stammered with a note of awe, possibly even a little fear.

"Ha! The Queen? You think her highness would come down to the slums, just to lay beneath a whore and spread her thighs for common folk like you?" Allain laughed and shook her head at her friend. "She sure as hell doesn't eat cunt like a Queen, I can tell you that much" the rabbit teased and gave a suggestive roll of her hips back against the Arabian oryx's snout.

"You're right, but the resemblance is uncanny. I've always wondered if nobles even fucked, this just makes it easier to pretend it is her, better than just pleasuring myself to the thought of her at any rate" the canine growled and reached out to gently caress his fingers along her flank almost lovingly.

"She may not be noble, but it is her first time still. Best you not hurt my friend or you'll be living the life of a eunuch" Allain growled back, an odd sound to hear coming from a rabbit.

"I'd never hurt my beloved Queen!" the male replied back with a laugh, clearly getting into playing out his little fantasy. If only he knew...

Thankfully Allain was content with switching back into the role of teacher once her first friend joined in. She seemed to know exactly what to expect, explaining every motion and action before it happened. By the time her virginity had been claimed and the unknown canine was rutting her deeply, Hypatia was groaning and writhing against the strong hands keeping her white thighs apart. Allain was directing her friend, making him go slower, or faster, deeper or shallower, all while she gently caressed at the oryx's clit to bring Hypatia to a couple more intense climaxes.

Sensing the canine was close to his climax, Allain quickly had him withdraw before she leaned down to take him into her mouth. Hypatia barely noticed she was no longer hilted and now felt empty, still coming down from her most recent explosion of pleasure which left her seeing stars. Her ears twitched and rang with pleasure, but soon she came down and realized she was actually hearing the canine howl as the rabbit brought him to climax and was busy swallowing every spurt of his seed. At first Hypatia was disappointed she had not gotten to feel it inside her, but as logic began to dawn anew in her mind, she understood why Allain had not permitted it. It would not do to have the oryx bred on her first time, Hypatia was eternally grateful for the intervention as well, she was not sure how she would explain such a thing to her people when they all assumed she had taken vows of chastity.

"Until next time" Allain purred and bid her friend farewell. "There is yet more, if you are willing? It is less conventional" the rabbit climbed off of the Arabian oryx to sit beside and speak directly to her, smiling when her curious friend nodded almost eagerly. "Good, then turn about and up on your hands and knees for me, if you'd be so kind?"

Hypatia knelt on her hands and knees as directed, while Allain sat beside and a little behind her. Soft hands began caressing her flanks and buttocks, until one hand gently gripped and lifted her tail. "This will feel rather odd, but it is necessary," the rabbit said softly as she dipped her fingers into the little red clay pot sitting beside the bed, before raising them up and beginning to apply the slick substance under Hypatia's tail.

"That's my...surely you can't mean to..." the oryx began to question, unable to form a coherent sentence just then. Allain was gently rubbing a slick substance slowly around the tiny puckered opening of her anus. At first it did feel weird, but the more the rabbit touched her there, a curious warmth and tingling began to grow and soon the white oryx was wiggling her behind back against the sensation. When Allain finally pressed a single finger against the very center of Hypatia's star, the little dark opening almost eagerly swallowed it, along with a lusty groan from the stunned oryx. "What...why does that feel so good? The texts say it is taboo, it should hurt even...but..." Hypatia frowned in confusion, groaning even louder when Allain slipped a second digit inside her and began to gently work her fingers in and out of the shapely oryx behind.

"Don't believe everything you read" Allain cooed softly as she gently pumped her fingers in and out of the oryx's raised rump. "Let me know when you're ready for my next friend?"

"Your next friend? Surely you can't mean for them to...to..." Hypatia baulked at the suggestion of her taking another stranger, this time under her tail!

"Yes, he will sheath himself right where my fingers are and you will experience a new kind of pleasure. But only if you want it" Allain offered gently, by no means forcing her new friend to perform such an unnatural act.

"I...I want it..." Hypatia eventually replied, admitting more to herself than to Allain the pleasure she felt from such formerly taboo acts.

This time she did not see who entered the room, she only felt when their thicker fingers took over from Allain. They were softer than her first lover, perhaps someone of more noble aspirations? Whatever their social standing, their fingers were thicker and stretched her star wider again, once more drawing a curious groan from the oryx. Again, Allain had chosen well as whomever was behind her was in no rush. They gently and diligently worked her open, making sure she was comfortable and relaxed enough for the next step.

When their fingers withdrew, Hypatia nervously chewed at her bottom lip, gasping when a hot firmness nudged gently under her tail at her slick opening. Allain was right there beside her again, gently and soothingly stroking the pure white expanse of Hypatia's back, even leaning down to press a tender kiss to her lips as her last virginity was claimed. There was a pressure, similar but different to the other, but no sudden pain, only an odd fullness as her next lover gently worked himself back and forth under her tail. Each successive move, he gradually worked himself ever deeper, until his medial ring kissed her own stretched one.

As he got deeper and deeper, Allain assisted with whatever Hypatia might have felt by reaching beneath the oryx and strumming her clit to great effect. The ache under her tail in combination with the rabbits' skilled fingers at her pearl kept the white oryx moaning wantonly. Soon her lover was stroking nearly his entire length in and out of her rear, something Hypatia never would've dared even imagining was a possibility, was now bringing her so much unexpected pleasure.

"He's getting close, do you want him to seed you, or withdraw?" Allain asked softly.

"Seed me, I wish to know what it feels like" Hypatia replied honestly. She knew from the texts that this form of debauchery was incapable of impregnating her.

Allain turned to nod at the person behind the oryx, he seemed to be thankful for getting permission to finish inside the ivory beauty. Hypatia could hear his breathing becoming labored as his hips slapped against her behind, the pace of his lovemaking increasing and his fingers indented at her hip, right over her birthmark of a crescent moon as he gripped tighter. Finally, she felt it, the explosion of warmth deep inside her, warming her from the core outward. She again found herself blushing, knowing that while her lover emptied his essence within her, it was a fruitless effort and would not result in offspring. She supposed this is why it was said to be taboo, those before her viewed such acts as the sole purpose to breed. They knew nothing of pleasure, neither had she until this night.


By the time Hypatia lay her head down on her own luxurious pillow, dawn was not far off. The first rays of a new day, perhaps even a new life, were already cresting the horizon and casting her kingdom in a warm golden light. Even with the ache between her thighs and under her tail, sleep came easily and her dreams were the sweetest they'd ever been. So much so that she even failed to awake at her usual hour, when she did finally rise and slipped out of her bed, she felt a new confidence in her nudity she had never felt before. Hypatia had been too tired to dress in her usual robes after she had snuck back into her palace, the siren song of her bed had been too tempting to ignore. Her pale white coat turned golden in the warm rays of the sun outside shining in through her open windows. The warmth feeling almost therapeutic on her tired muscles, but her peace was to be short lived when she was interrupted by a gasp behind her.

"That mark...the crescent moon...I've seen it before!" it was the handsome young horse she'd seen in her council hall, when he'd abandoned his post to help the old man to his feet; also, someone who could've only seen her birthmark in one specific instance. Hypatia was oddly comforted knowing she'd lost one particular virginity to a kind and handsome young man such as him.

"If you ever wish to see it again, best you not mention last night to anyone then" She grinned and winked at the blushing guard before she moved to her wardrobe to retrieve one of her silken robes for the day. "If you'd be a dear, please ensure there is an extra pillow on my seat today...you know why" the Arabian oryx continued to tease, finding his blush to be rather endearing. Even the comical way he nodded so hard it looked as though his head might pop off, before he turned and scampered away with a grin of his own, as well as a tent in the front of his tunic.