A Twist Atop The Spire (Rolls Included)

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#1 of D&D Stories

This took a while to write, I might have been a bit too obsessive with the editing of the story. I'll try to be a bit less of a stickler for the next one. It's around 8k words and has both nice story, character development and of course some sexy times. I hope people enjoy it, it proved a nice change of pace compared to the Lothan series. I mainly intended this as a one off but I think it also has sequel potential.

I would like to make a special thanks to Just Rui who helped inspire me with some initial concepts and plot ideas.

As to the story, see the tags for minor TW content warnings though I do not think there is anything really disturbing. I hope you the reader enjoys it, have fun!


This is an experiment in writing, I've chosen two characters and set them on course for each other. I will use a simple dice system to decide who wins individual moments and the story goes in the direction of the rolls. I do reserve the right to use artistic licence though I will try not to cheat. I will put inline the dice rolled, a separate version will be published with the inline rolls removed and the story streamlined.

Any time a character takes a major action I will roll a d20. If the action isn't against another character the outcome is simple: the dice roll against the outcome table below. If one character uses an action against the other I will first roll the aggressor and then the defender, the outcome is the difference as: aggressor - defender. A more positive result is better for the aggressor, negative means the defender won.

Outcome Table

Crit Fail: 1-3

Fail: 4-10

Pass: 11-17

Crit Pass: 18-20


Rupert : A young otter Paladin standing a bit short at 4 '9, he is around 24. He is rather athletic having trained for his whole life to be a member of the order. He is devoted to the cause but disagrees with the leadership. He bears a secret close to his heart.

Xevran : A hyena wizard, standing tall at 6 '4, he is around 27. He is somewhat scrawny and his body seems underdeveloped even in spite of his stature. His right hand is badly injured, he specialises in conjuration and divination magic. Being a wizard wasn't his first choice, his injury prevented him continuing his former path as a fighter.

Content Warning

Expect fantasy violence of a D&D like setting, though I don't think it is too graphic there will be a fair amount. Definitely some yiff, though it is largely at the end. Regarding blood there isn't much and regarding tentacles, it is primarily used to assist and not in a gross way all over the place. I think it was tasteful.

If you just want the smut, Ctrl + F on the page for "2 vs 14", though I think it is less interesting without the setup.


Rupert trudged through the desert, the wind blasting sand against his face. He had made it to the village D'jembic. It was nestled between a small mountain and a huge desert bearing down on it, a very inhospitable location. The Paladin gritted his teeth, his armour chaffed from the dry conditions he'd spent days walking. His pack was heavy with supplies, he gritted his teeth and kept on moving. As the spire grew increasingly closer on the horizon he felt a sense of relief, his arduous trek was nearing its end.

A month earlier the Order had dispatched him alone based on reports of evil that had come to them from messengers. A terribly dark spire had emerged from the ground, evil seemed to fall under its shadow and the village had been on the receiving end of it. The rumours spoke of a powerful wizard summoning powerful monsters and using dark arts.

The otter paused on the outskirts of the village, it was dark and he was tired. He made a small makeshift camp at the bottom of a mountain, camp was nothing more than his pack on the ground and a meal of dried rations. His water was low, he'd hopefully find more in the village. There would be time to sort that out once he'd completed his task, few need water if they fall to a wizard's magic. He readied for rest and slipped out of his mail armour, boots and other pieces. He was left with just his underwear, a thin shirt and a cape to cover himself. His muscles bristled under his clothing, he was extremely toned from years of training. He kept his weapon near and slipped under a small blanket he'd unfurled from within his pack.


Xevran sat upon his stone chair atop his tower, he peered out the window surveying the village that had been left by his destruction. His minions had gone forth two months earlier, decimating the town, it had not taken long. The minor demons he'd summoned had descended on them in the night, the town warrior hyenas had arisen to the challenge only to be overrun after a short bout of resistance. He had summoned so many of them it was never in doubt. The screams of men being cut down had been delightful.

Even still, it had felt almost too easy, it felt unsatisfying and he knew not what to do now that there was no more to oppose him. The hyena's attention was caught by one of his magical alarms, which had triggered drawing his attention. A newcomer had ventured into the perimeter of his village, interesting. He smirked and tapped his fingers against the rest of the chair. Let them come, he thought, perhaps it will provide some sport.


Rupert awoke in the morning, nothing untoward had disturbed his light sleep. After stretching a short while, he broke his fast with the remainder of his water, some stale bread and a piece of jerky. While he consumed his meal he observed the ominous spire overlooking the village climbing hundreds of feet into the sky. It felt malevolent even at this distance. After uttering a few small prayers for favour, he donned his armour, took up his shield from his pack and set off toward his objective. He kept his pack lightly held on his shoulder, ready to drop it for combat should the need arise.

The town was eerily quiet, doors and window slats barred, the few that were still attached properly. He could smell the stench of death and decay, bodies strewn around left where they had been cut down in various states of decay. Most had fled the devastation but a few hyenas seemed to cower in the darkness of their homes, peering warily out watching his approach. Little could be done until the wizard was dealt with.

Rupert walked up to the door of the tower after having dropped his pack a good twenty feet from the door. The mace hung at his side imbued with light, it shone against the dark shadow of the ominous building. He carefully pushed the door open with his shield only to immediately feel a pang of magic trigger, a trap had been inlaid upon the door.

Roll: 5 vs 9

The otter gritted his teeth as a minor blasting sigil exploded directly in his face behind the shield. Even though he had been ready, he'd still been launched a good four feet back and landed on his butt, grunting. No serious damage but his pride had taken a blow, he picked himself up and entered once more the now safe door. His face bore a small cut along his cheek from a splinter, he readied himself for more trouble resolving to be more cautious.

"Cowardly traps won't stop me, evil doer." The otter hurled up the exterior of the tower, sounding slightly too serious in tone. He followed that up by passing within the door.

It was dark and quiet and very suspicious as he proceeded into the main room of the tower. He looked in all directions not just for traps but also enemies. The sound of a chain swinging back and forth was all that could be heard, he remained a bit unnerved from the trap but continued on slowly. He searched the room quickly checking for any sign of the wizard but found nothing. He could see only the stairs. He began his climb.

The next floor proved to be equally quiet, there wasn't even a hint of life. It was decorated as a simple laboratory but it had gone unused for a while and had dust upon it a good inch thick. His foot had gone through a loose piece of wood but he'd quickly recovered, some parts of the spire were't well maintained.

He continued upward and the next floor he found two demons, snarling and dripping in evil. Their faces and bodies were twisted and warped, covered in spikes and their flesh twisted. They were some kind of feral dogs, they stood almost as tall as the otter. He drew his mace, readying himself for combat while whispering a simple prayer to the order to call upon divine aid.

Roll: 17

The young paladin felt a renewed vigour course through him and enhanced his strength and speed, he was readied for this trial. He would not falter before evil. One dog circled around to the left, the other approached him head on, confident in its power. He looked and saw they were both pitch black, some kind of hellhounds perhaps? Their saliva dripped to the ground and burned the wood, an acidic smell wafting up from the newly made burns permeated the room. They had a menacing aura, the evil radiated off them and grew upon approach.

It was the one circling to his left that struck first, while the confident one watched. He lept wildly at Rupert, ready to attack. The otter turned his shield to face the wild dog, widening his stance while he kept an eye on the other.

Roll: 10 vs 6

It was a strong blow, he grunted, the dog had landed flatly upon his shield but had bit wildly and managed to get a hold of his off hand as he fell. The bite seared and hurt, he cried out loudly, the acid took its toll but he quickly threw off the dog, away from his body. The paladin brought his mace arm up swinging from a low position upwards to catch the demon as he fell.

Roll: 15 vs 17

The blow was a glancing one, the cagey hound had watched him as he fell all but grinning at his first success, he deftly slipped his muzzle to the side dodging the blow entirely. The otter was stunned, he had been sure he'd hit the mongrel. He gritted his teeth, anger welling up inside him, he wasn't going to be bested by the wizard's underlings. The dog on his right decided now was the time to strike, as the otter was somewhat over extended swinging at the left hellhound, he ran in aiming for the Paladin's legs.

Roll: 13 vs 4

The dog had caught Rupert easily, he hadn't been able to reposition, he fell down, landing on his back. The snarling dog bit severely into his ankle, it grinned all but happy to chew and have a new tasty meal, its eyes menacing. Rupert cried out in pain, it was excruciating feeling the dog's sharp teeth bury into him, his boot hardly impeding it. The otter wasted no time hauling his mace with all his might right across the dog's muzzle.

Roll: 9 vs 16

The dog gnawed at his lower leg right as he was about to strike, causing tremendous pain. The otter's wing faltered and the mace glanced again off the dog's face. The effect did cause him to let go though, the paladin pushed himself back and away from the two dogs. He had somewhat underestimated them, he wouldn't let this pair end him though. Invoking a few sacred words softly upon his lips he called for his deity to help him smite the evil before him.

Roll: 10

He felt a light fall down upon him through the window giving him new strength. He stood up once more with the two dogs near him and was angry. The pain of the blow to his leg hit hard once he put weight upon it, he hobbled back a step trying to put his weight on the other. The left dog felt increasingly courageous and decided to attack, aiming for his shield arm again.

Roll: 11 vs 11

It was a step too far for the other dog, he brought his shield high and smashed it straight into the dog's face. The hellhound bounced off, landing on his feet he felt stunned and shook his head, needing a moment to recover himself. Rupert stood still though, still rooted where he had started. He turned to the other dog and swung as he saw it advance quickly to his feet again.

Roll: 20 vs 13

Rupert could feel his strength surging in this moment of need, the light of his deity and the adrenaline of the fight caused him to swing with a colossal strength. He aimed it right at the dog's mouth, it ripped through and in one blow the dog bounded ten feet away crying, the blow was fatal and it stopped moving a short while later after a few short spasms. Rupert turned to the last dog, it snarled and advanced but in its eyes he saw the fear of the light. He stepped forward once and swung down aiming for the hound.

Roll: 4 vs 1

He landed his blow clumsily but the dog had barely moved, seeming almost paralyzed with indecision and fear. He had crushed it straight into the ground, it whined one last time and then never again. Rupert grunted and lifted his mace up, the fight had been tougher than expected but he'd been victorious. The wounds to his leg were a bother. He holstered his mace and laid his hand upon it, asking kindly for aid from his deity. He felt a soothing light emulate from his hand and flow into the wound.

Roll: 4

The healing provided was adequate but the bite had done serious damage. He would tend to it later, for now he could stand on it better even if he felt pain with every step. He resumed walking up the tower's steps, annoyed at how damn high this wizard had made his abode. The next half dozen floors were surprisingly quiet; he'd smashed a few animated skeletons and avoided a simple trap on a door. At last he came to a floor with a very ominous set of doors near the top of his climb. He was a bit winded, walking up the steps in armour and the injuries from earlier had taken its toll. He drank a potion of rejuvenation.

Roll: 7

He felt renewed energy course through him but didn't feel as good as when he had started. The day's adventures had no doubt drawn heavily upon his endurance. He put a paw upon the door and opened it, while he expected some trap there was none. The room was pitch black, an ominous quiet resided within and a smell of stale death hung in the air. He pushed the door open and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He was determined to end this now, while the wizard had proven competent it did not feel like he was a master of his arts. He advanced forward.

Xevran sat upon a chair, sunk quite deeply into it. He'd used divination magic to observe the paladin as he advanced. It had seemed his traps and monsters had failed him, he was cross. He was dressed in a dark red robe with black trimmings, his hyena body stood tall once he raised himself up from his chair. He towered over the otter, almost a foot and a half separating them.

"In the name of the order, I've come to put an end to you and this blight upon the land." he proclaimed confidently delivering the line as if it had been rehearsed. He was a bit unsure what to expect though as a response, his nerves faltering slightly.

"You damnable paladins, always meddling in affairs not of your own." he snarled, anger under his breath.

"You slaughtered a village, I stand for those who perished and were left behind." he spoke while stepping forward cautiously to close the distance.

"Them? I was one of them! I know their hearts, black as mine I say. Don't you dare judge me." anger continued to stir in the wizard, who was this pathetic otter to climb his tower and tell him what to do.

"I won't ..." the otter began to retort when he felt a coldness fall down his spine, was it the breeze or some spell. The wizard smiled and continued.

"No, they got what they deserved." he circled the otter around the right, exposing his damaged right arm for once. "I was a fighter in training years ago, I tried, I really did. I was never strong enough though, the other kids and the guards who trained us all beat me. One day the guard chief's son challenged me to a fight and I defended myself. He lost ever so narrowly to me for once, FOR ONCE I WON." he shouted his eyes coming to life, his face extremely animated.

Rupert kept quiet, listening but also moving carefully to position himself within the room. This was the part where the deranged bad guy monologues and while he listened he waited for an opening. He watched his movements, looked for any traps, other enemies, they seemed alone. He was suspicious, it felt too easy and simple.

"You know what he did? The moment I turned my back and left the fight circle he was upon my back. He beat me so badly, after I started crying for him to stop he broke my arm on a rock. Not just once, multiple times. It's just a useless knob now, even my blasted magic I haven't managed to fix it. He laughed, they all did. I was just a lousy runt and deserved it. The rest of the village knew what happened, they didn't care. Some even approved. So I left." the wizard grew quieter, sadder even. He held his broken paw in his left hand, rubbing it.

Rupert was moved, it was a sad story. That said it didn't matter, he was the bad guy and he'd killed innocent hyenas who maybe had hurt him or maybe not. He was a threat not just here but beyond. "A nice sob tale wizard. I still have to deal with you though." he unhooked his mace and took it up in his paw, his leg felt slightly better as he repositioned.

The wizard seemed unconcerned and continued his story. "I learned magic, a lot of it, it was hard though. You can learn a lot when you put your mind to it. How to summon demons for instance and set traps and other such nasty business. I've handed out my revenge. If we must fight then so be it Rupert, my name is Xevran by the way." he said the otter's name rather matter of factly, he had divined it rather easily at an earlier point in time during his ascent. A small parlour trick to unnerve him.

Rupert steeled himself for the fight, he advanced slowly on the wizard, annoyed he knew his name. With his shield arm he quaffed a potion of might to give him more strength in these difficult few moments. He saw the wizard grin and was suspicious, his good hand came out and from it he hurled raw fire like a dragon, it was searing hot. He took cover behind his large kite shield.

Roll: 13 vs 9

The fire was intense and he hadn't quite been prepared for the level of heat that came off it. It burned and scorched part of his lower legs and face that weren't perfectly protected, he grunted in pain as the fire lapped at his recently wounded foot. He felt himself falter and step back, he took shelter behind a column a few feet to his right as the wizard stopped his spell.

"A little fire, a classic. I didn't singe that pretty face of yours too much, did I Rupert?" he asked in a derisive tone. The otter grumbled, he wasn't going to play games today. He called upon his deity with his sacred words, the words of power booming from behind the column. He brought upon himself a mighty divine shield.

Roll: 10

It enveloped him in light and gave him renewed confidence. It was like a second skin, not as durable perhaps as his armour but hopefully enough to let him advance and defeat the wizard. He emerged from behind the column only to find the wizard had disappeared from his sight. He was annoyed. Had he become invisible or had he simply decided to hide in a corner of darkness? Carefully he paced himself around the room, paying attention to the door and any new sounds.

Out of the darkness could be heard the sound of arcane invocation, Rupert looked left sure it was coming from there. Out of the darkness came a large ball of mud, thrown at a very fast speed. He raised his shield and braced himself with his good leg, hiding his face behind the shield's large frame.

Roll: 19 vs 2

The ball of mud was a simple spell but could be brutally effective. It warped and bent around the otter's shield as his arm did his best to cover himself. As he peered a bit too soon over the top of it, mud smacked him right in the face covering his eyes. He swung his shield, smashing the rest of the mud off it to the ground. He grunted, annoyed, the mud seemed to cling strongly to his fur making it hard to see for a while. Thankfully his shield had helped to protect him somewhat.

"Cowardly wizard hiding in the dark. Fight me." he demanded, seething under his words. He tried his best to wipe away the mud.

Roll: 14

While he was mostly successful in doing so, the sting of dirt still remained in his eyes and hampered him. It was annoying at the very least. He glanced around, looking for the wizard. He channelled some of his divine power directly into his mace, amplifying the brightness of the mace five fold. The room flooded with light, the wizard stood tall in the far right corner, he was invoking again. Rupert charged in his direction, he wasn't about to let this fight go long. The wizard chuffed, amused at this, and pointed down at the ground. Rupert felt his footing become difficult, the ground was greasy!

Roll: 17 (wizard) vs 9

The grease was unexpected, stepping on it mid charge he'd fallen flat on his back and kept slipping across the room on it, feet first. He tried his best to recover. He noticed the wizard dashing out of the way of his slide, as he careened towards the wall and hit rather hard on the brick work grunting out loud, he felt a big winded and certain there'd be a large bruise from that. He braced himself with his shield arm and tried to rise as quickly as he could. Turning to the wizard he was angry, he felt toyed with. He let loose a string of his own divine words and pointed his mace at the Hyena, a powerful white light emitting from it in the shape of a divine bolt.

Roll: 12 vs 12

The bolt streaked across the room, the hyena raising his paws in fear. The bolt smashed into his body, instead of a scream though all that was emitted was a laugh. He'd raised a magic shield at the last moment nullifying the bolt entirely. It irritated the otter how easily he'd been ignored.

"Is that the best you've got Rupert? Maybe the order shouldn't have sent such a welp and taken me seriously." he said, deriding and mocking the paladin.

Rupert gripped his mace strongly, he wouldn't let words distract him. He was not done, they'd just danced about the room for a time. He had to close the distance and bring this to an end. He took a potion of speed from his belt and drank it all the while staring at the wizard as he saw him begin to cast once more. The dark energy emanating from his body increased, it was something potent. He charged at him with a powerful renewed speed closing distance fast. He brought his mace to swing at the wizard.

Roll: 16 vs 1

The blow landed with a thunderous crack against the wizard's shield, it sent him reeling a few feet back and bouncing against the wall. The thud was deafening. He'd been caught totally off guard by the speed of the otter, it had helped impart even more power into that blow. Blood trickled down the hyena's mouth as he grunted and recovered, pulling himself from the wall. His eyes turned dark black, he was enraged at this slight and clicked his heels together.

Roll: 3

He'd used a dimensional step to quickly shift his body, the otter staring as he repositioned through multiple fake images around the room. He'd intended to go further away but ended up only ten feet away, he grumbled and coughed up some blood. He wasn't able to focus as well. He began to summon a powerful dark circle before him. Rupert didn't miss a beat and charged again, his wounded leg was hurt but he gritted his teeth and ran at the wizard through the pain. Unfortunately, the wizard was just far enough away to complete his incantation and a dark aura emanated from the floor.

Roll: 6 vs 14

The black tentacles started to spawn from the ground, rather quickly. He didn't want to be caught. Using his mace he swung at the few before him, batting them aside so he could continue, his speed was still going and he dashed faster than the rest could react. He emerged from the circle of tentacles and swung directly for the wizard's mid section.

Roll: 16 vs 2

Another thunderous crack erupted from him as he channelled his divine might, he'd launched the hyena back against the nearby column and bounced off it loudly. The sound of a rib cracking could be heard, the column itself seemed to shift slightly. He fell down against the bricks, staggered from the physical damage he'd endured. He wasn't done though, he cast slowly, his voice pained as he looked up at the otter who readied another blow. A sphere of force came out of his hand landing on the otter's chest.

Roll: 7 vs 20

The sphere bounced off his chest armour, the divine shield while waning was strong enough to overcome his small sphere of force. Rupert grinned, it was a bit underwhelming as fights had gone, he'd managed to turn it around rather easily. He picked up the wizard by the neck, holding him up.

"Is that it Xevran? I'm underwhelmed by your magic." the paladin chided, mocking the magic user.

The wizard raised a hand to put it upon the otter's chest and a powerful magic surged from a ring upon his finger.

Roll: 2 vs 14, as author and GM I'm invoking the wizard's legendary action for a reroll. 16 vs 1

The otter looked down at the wizard's hand, it seemed his action had fizzled a moment until the power erupted out wildly. It was completely unexpected and the punch of force exploded into his chest. It was so strong it hurled the otter flying through the air a good fifteen feet back, he was completely winded by the action, struggling to breathe. The wizard himself, banged against the column again grunting, he coughed out some blood, he barely looked like he could stand. Unfortunately for Rupert, he'd landed back within the circle of black tentacles and his mace had been flung clear off from his grip landing a good five feet away. Worst was he'd landed in a most undignified way with his face hitting the ground and on his knees. He watched in horror as the tentacles wasted no time and attempted to grab him.

Roll: 16 vs 4

The tentacles didn't even spare a moment, sensing their prey fall into their grasp they lunged at his body. Two went straight for his legs, another for his shield arm disarming him right away. It felt demoralising, he struggled hard against them but there were so many that it proved futile. His shield was flung against the wall and he was made to kneel by the tentacles, as they held him rigidly across his chest, arms and legs. The wizard rose tantalisingly slowly, bracing himself against the stone, he struggled to even breathe as the blood made it difficult..

"It was a great fight ... you did really well. I think though ... it's come to a ... close." the hyena exclaimed with a menacing grin. With his good hand he drank a restorative blue potion he withdrew from under his robe and wiped off the excess before throwing it to a corner, the flask shattering into pieces.

Roll: 19

He felt a huge surge in his health, his body mending right before the otter's eyes. The blood, bruises and broken bones seemed to stitch and sew back together with a small blue aura. He looked down at the paladin, standing with little effort and that menacing grin. He walked over to the tentacle's edge as they held Rupert. The otter struggled this way and that but there was no way he'd get out of that. He felt his morale falter, he was crushed to have been defeated by such a simple trick.

"You know Rupert, I think deep down you have a secret. You like boys don't you? No need to deny it, I'm a powerful diviner. I read it from your surface thoughts as you climbed the tower, when you were distracted by my hounds." he spat trying to strike at the otter while he was down as he walked around the circle wanting to provoke a reaction.

"Shut ... shut up. LET GO." The otter felt utter rage and contempt for the wizard, mocking him and rendering him so meek. His strong muscles in his arms strained and pulled against the tentacles, it was impressive the raw strength he could muster straining against the tentacles. His hopes were dashed as a few more just slithered around his biceps dashing his hopes and securing him even more firmly. The wizard scoffed, entertained by the show.

"Strip his clothes. All of them." the hyena said very coldly. The tentacles didn't even wait for him to finish talking, they had a kind of brutal strength. They slipped under his chain and clothes from all directions and simply pulled out against his skin, the otter grunted several times in response. They ripped apart the metal with ease, it seemed no different than a knife through paper.

The otter sat there on the ground naked now, his knees forced to lower so that his butt sat on his feet, it was undignified. He gritted his teeth and struggled but still felt little to no way to counter the tentacles. He felt ashamed, his brown fur was on display, so were his genitals as his cock flopped forward. A tentacle snaked around his flaccid cock, it gently rubbed it back and forth, he whined a bit meekly upset to be stimulated but also that he was on display and a bit small.

"It's fine Rupert, I didn't expect much more there given your pathetic defeat. I think you'll do fine though." he chided, licking his lips. With a flourish he shrugged off his robe and chucked off his underwear, a simple cloth covering. His body came into view, his brown fur spotted with black. The scars were many on his body, up his chest and a few on each leg. His bad arm was even worse looking now and flopped around uselessly. His cock though drew attention, it sprang to life mostly erect at six inches at present and growing.

Rupert snarled, exposing his teeth to the wizard he pulled against his shoulder. His cock had been stimulated by a small tentacle and betrayed his own arousal. "No, I'd rather use my mace to cave in your skull." he lashed out, very seriously. Part of him was concerned, he was starting to feel quite vulnerable. He did his best to maintain his composure.

"You know Rupert, I'm not mad at you. Really. I don't think I'm that bad. I dealt with those that hurt me, their bodies lie broken out there. You." he spoke softly, touching a finger to the otter's chest. "Just got sent here, like an errand boy. Did you even really want to be in the order? You know they look down on our ... preferences." he slightly drew out the word. He ran his hand across the otter's shoulder a bit seductively. He stood very close to the otter, just far enough to not be bit, he looked down smiling.

"I ... stop it. It may not have been my first choice but I am proud to stand against the evil of monsters and the wicked who summon them. If only my brother were here, he was always the stronger one." he retorted quietly, grumbling.

"You know Rupert, I like you. You are powerful, beautiful and your determination is rather endearing." The wizard said as he squatted down in front of the otter, his cock momentarily in plain view of the paladin. It had grown to almost eight inches in length. He let his good hand drape over the back of the smaller fur, holding onto him as he rested his butt teasingly above the otter's cock, smiling. He was careful to keep his face away from the righteous one's head, a tentacle moved carefully to wrap around his neck and pull it back as he snarled.

"I'll get free and finish you off." he responded weakly, it sounded half hearted.

"That would be impressive. I just want to free your mind from its stubbornness, that's all." he said, putting a hand to the side of the otter's face. His mouth vocalising the arcane words to cast a spell, his hand and eyes shone purple for a moment as he finished chanting and he released the spell into the otter.

Roll: 7 vs 2 (yeah that's some rough luck for paladin, I swear I'm honestly rolling on google d20)

"Listen to me Rupert." The otter's face softened as he stared into the wizard's eyes, his anger seemed to wash off him. He stared up, a bit more slack against the tentacles. The otter found his voice enchanting, it captivated his attention entirely. "I don't want to hurt you. Even after *all* the trouble you caused me. How about instead, we just have a bit of fun and then we can go our separate ways?" he whispered, leaning over the otter and speaking softly into his ear as he held himself against his neck. The otter couldn't think very clearly but he felt the intimacy of the moment and listened to the words openly while he felt his other senses open wide to sensation..

Rupert felt relaxed, open, his mind felt weird. He felt the words the wizard was saying right inside his brain, reverberating. Fun. Yeah, he liked fun, that's true. He liked guys too, it'd been months since he'd been able to sneak into the male brothel. Was it wrong to just give in? He was an attractive enough hyena. He looked down and he could feel his cock throbbing as he saw the hyena's eight inch cock bob in his view, it was nice and fat too, a good three inches across at least, maybe more.

"Yes ... yes. I'd ... like some fun. Can we?" he sounded strange, more relaxed, his body remained slack. It didn't seem though that he was too far under control. The wizard motioned for his tentacles to raise the otter up and position him with his ass facing him, as if he were on an invisible table his back faced the floor. His legs pulled apart at a forty-five degree angle, held by the tentacles.

"Of course we can. I don't want to do this against your will though. I'm going to release your mind now Rupert. I want you to be honest." he gently let his good hand glide up the otter's well defined thigh and up to his calves, firmly groping it. He turned and snapped his finger, the purple left the paladin's eyes.

Rupert came too, out of the haze but he felt different. Thoughts rushed in as he took in his precarious situation with his exposed ass and the wizard above him. He saw in his own mind the words he'd just uttered, it was so embarrassing but ... it was him wasn't it? It's not like he could overpower or stop the wizard at this moment. He felt like a failure admitting to the thoughts but increasingly he did want that hyena to slip that cock inside him and fuck him senseless.

"Well? What's on your mind Rupert?" the wizard said coyly, he licked his long dog tongue up the side of the same leg he'd been groping. His hand gently descended down the other coming to rest on his plush butt, squeezing it gently.

"I hate you. There. That's honest. Gods, the order does make life hard. They're mostly bastards. I hate their preachy attitude too. I even saw them cast out and neuter a fellow who had been found out. I just wanted to be like him, you know. My brother. Save those that couldn't do it themselves, he perished defending our home from kobolds." he said, a tear falling down his cheek. Even the wizard felt a bit touched, he brought his hand to the otter's face and felt his cheek warmly.

"I understand, taking the path perhaps you regret because you felt you had to. There's always time to change though, walk a new course. My methods, they were brutal. You should know though only those who beat me and tortured me were slain. I put on a good show. Most of the rest ran away feeling sure they'd escaped by their good fortune. Some probably ran to call your order. Really though I only wanted to settle a score. I'm not asking you to forgive or condone my actions. Just understand it." the wizard responded, his voice becoming softer as he traced his good hand along his bad arm. Rupert felt a tinge of sympathy for the wizard, it seemed very sincere what the hyena had said. He didn't feel any magic or influence. Could it be true?.

"Well, it would be hard showing back up after bungling things so much. Maybe it's time to go another way. You better give me the time of my life." he spoke demandingly, he felt a more mischievous and playful part of the otter take hold of him. The paladin's more carefree inner spirit felt like the wizard was right on one thing, he couldn't be himself while he wore the order's banner.

"Of course. I'll try my best." replied the wizard, a wickedly playful grin upon his muzzle. He licked up the side of the otter's leg suggestively, his hand playfully teased the otter rubbing just on his abs above his cock. He flopped his larger cock over the otter's, it was a good three inches longer at least. He just let it rest there, content to smile as he leaned an elbow on the buff otter's chest and dragged a claw across his shoulder blades. He ground himself once or twice upon the smaller one's member.

The otter was annoyed, feeling the hotness of the cock and the hyena draped over him. He was teasing him and it was annoying. He did like it though. "You want me to ask for it?" the otter spat out, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the hyena, who seemed entirely too pleased with himself. He nodded in response, his finger running slowly down the otter's chest as he ground slightly against the otter's cock, their balls touching. "Fuck. Fine. Let me suck you and then you can use me."

"I'm glad we could come to an understanding, Rupert. While I appreciate your colourful language, I think you will find it will be me fucking ... you." he emphasized the last word with an extreme drawn out mannerism, a very small careful smile on his face. He flicked his wrist and stood up, the tentacles rapidly spun the prone otter about one hundred and eighty degrees. He now had his head horizontal staring up at the stupid hyena's cock. The hyena stepped forward, taking a nice grip on the otter's neck, he pushed him into his balls.

Rupert hated the wizard. Not because of how he'd gotten into his head or made him horny for cock. Mostly for that damn cheeky ring trick. Even so, he stared up at the dog and licked his balls gently, the scent of all the exertion was upon them, they'd both gotten worked up and slightly musky. He lapped at them with his tongue a bit greedily, the fingers at his neck holding him firmly against the furred orbs, he could taste the musk and sweat as he licked dutifully. The otter's cock throbbed a tiny bit, it was hot.

"Now, my cock please." he asked politely as he stood back and moved to lift the tentacles so he was at the right height. He let his tip touch the otter's lips, smearing a few drops of pre on them. He didn't do anything else though, smiling down at the otter.

The otter could take a hint, the cock all but brushing his teeth was hard to miss. He huffed, annoyed at the smugness of the wizard. He let his mouth open gently, holding his tongue back. He surged forward, straining at the tentacles, the cock slipping in slowly as he took a deep breath. He couldn't really move much more due to the restraints. The wizard smiled down and almost too tenderly, he caressed his cheek with his hand and gently thrust in half way.

Rupert wasn't new to cock, he was pretty good at this. Still it'd been some time since he last was at it. He appreciated the tenderness of the hyena's efforts. Letting him adjust to just half before he pushed in a bit more was kind. He withdrew completely, letting the cock escape, a trickle of saliva stuck on it fell onto the otter's snout. He huffed feeling hot, the tentacle around his cock had turned itself into a loop and would squeeze once every minute, just enough to keep him on edge and stimulated. It was infuriating and driving the otter crazy, the wizard was cruel.

The wizard smiled. "Very nice Rupert, I see you've done this a few times." he teased, sliding his hand down the otter's neck gently squeezing softly as he pushed in again. He was kind to the vanquished paladin. He kept the slow pace, pushing his cock in and holding it only to pull out almost entirely. The otter gagged only the first time he'd hilted entirely, he really was an impressive oral fiend. The wizard, seeing things went well, began to pace himself, pushing in and out as he felt the otter suck as best he could given the circumstances.

Rupert blushed at the comment, he didn't object though he was proud of his abilities. He kept throating the cock and felt the wizard hilt inside him. His snout pressing against the dog's balls, giving him another waft of his musk. He was starting to think the dog was doing it on purpose, the smell seemed to cling to his snout. He felt the wizard start to buck into his face again, gently pushing in and out. He continued for a while, he wasn't in a rush it seemed.

The wizard took his cock out, looking down at the otter. He held the otter by his scruff and gently rubbed his saliva and pre dripping cock over his snout making sure he was totally covered. He smiled very content at the mess. The otter seemed rather flushed and was moaning, the tentacle on his cock kept gently pulsing. He gently flicked his hand again, the tentacles whirled around another hundred eighty and the otter found himself on his back, his legs pried apart and his hole present. Rupert was disoriented for just a moment, annoyed at the rotation.

"I think we've waited long enough." The wizard said, smiling down at the prone otter. He traced a finger along the otter's abs, appreciating the well built male before him. He squeezed the tentacle wrapped around Rupert's member, eliciting a small moan. He began to invoke his dark arts, it was a simple spell this time. He held up his hand and grease spontaneously coated it, very handy. The wizard brought his slick hand to his own member, coating it in some of the cool lubricant, he couldn't help but wince at how cold it was.

Rupert just took in the sight, understanding that the wizard had used grease magic again, this time at least he wasn't gonna get tripped. He saw his claw fall below the horizon and a single digit slowly slip inside him, it was really cold. "That's frigid, can't you magic it warmer?" the otter said immediately. The wizard smiled and continued, he brought his head to rest on those nice abs, nuzzling the otter's front a moment. He continued to work his finger deeper inside eliciting a few cute noises from the prone paladin. He'd moaned rather loudly the moment his digit had slipped over his prostate.

The wizard rose back up, his cock ready he lined himself up. He looked down and with his hand guided himself in as best he could, the tentacles helped with fine positioning of the otter's bottom. After a few misses, he grunted as he slipped inside. It was so warm and he took his time slowly pushing in and hilting himself, Rupert's insides didn't offer much resistance. Instead the paladin moaned quite wildly for a few moments as he felt himself increasingly impaled and his prostate massaged by that thick cock passing.

Xevran draped his larger body over the otter, holding him around his neck to his own chest. He whispered above his head. "Will you be a good boy if I let your arms go?", he asked quietly. He could hear the otter try his best to hold back noises. He gently nuzzled his brown head, savouring the moment.

Lust filled his mind in the moment, it was hard to really think of much else when you had a large cock up your ass. "Please," he replied, his arms had gotten mildly sore from the strain. He saw the wizard smile and look down, he simply nodded gently and the tentacles retreated, his arms fell before he let them come up and held the hyena's back. He traced the scars with his fingers, they were everywhere. He nuzzled the hyena's fur, the intimacy was nice.

Without warning the hyena withdrew half way from the plush otter's brown ass and pushed back in, getting a small grunt from the otter. He repeated again a few moments later. He felt the otter squirm, getting used to him. He stood back up, Rupert seemed disappointed he couldn't hold anything. He took hold of the otter's waist and began to pull him into his thrusts, fucking him more freely. He panted, feeling himself increasingly exerting himself. It was a bit taxing maintaining his tentacles so long while doing all this.

Rupert felt lost in the moment, the tentacle around his cock was a real bastard, never letting him come close to climax or softness. Even so, he began to leak from the stimulation of his rear getting pounded. He could feel the hyena being playful, several times he smacked his dick all the way down to his knot teasing him with it. This caused Rupert to moan in response. "Come on, I said fuck me." the otter demanded, wanting more.

The wizard pulled forcefully on his tail, using it as a grip on his body. "Alright then." the wizard casually responded as he pushed hard into the otter. The pace rose and so did the amount he'd withdraw with each stroke. His knot was mostly inflated and he ground it into the otter's rim roughly, never pushing it in completely. He widened his stance over the smaller creature and began to buck more forcefully with each thrust coming almost outside only to bottom into the otter, his knot hitting his hole repeatedly.

The sound of slapping flesh could be heard, Xevran had started more roughly using the otter's backside. Once in a while he'd spank his ass, getting a small meep from the otter. He began to quicken the pace, choosing long forceful strokes into the otter. The paladin couldn't help himself, lost in the feeling of the moment, moaning lewdly every few moments.

As the wizard felt himself getting close he began to pant harder and thrust stronger. He was getting away from his complete control and was getting rather tired of his tentacles."Almost there." he warned quietly. He thrust in hard one last time, pushing strongly against the otter's rear. He had the tentacles bring him vertically so the otter could hold on to the wizard's back, he wanted to hear the moans. He pushed further and heard a pop as the knot pushed past his ring, they were tied. The wizard couldn't help himself and felt his cum begin to flow into the otter. He moaned uncontrollably as his orgasm surged.

Gently, he lowered himself to the ground, sitting cross legged. The tentacles matched his movements. He held his good arm around the otter. The tentacles withdrew, leaving the otter free as he chose to grip around the wizard's back. He moaned himself into the taller fur's fur. Xevran held him to his chest as the cum continued to pour into his butt, slowing down after a few rounds. He licked the otter's scalp as he felt a kiss up his own chest from his friend.

"Fuck... that's a nice knot." the otter exclaimed, feeling quite pleased from the fullness. Being crushed so close against the wizard was driving him crazy and he couldn't help but feel himself explode. The otter's cum sprayed both their chests as they held onto each other. He felt so warm and cosy like this wrapped up by the hyena. The dog had easily filled his rear with so much cum he felt the warm fluids slosh inside him.

"And you have a nice tight bottom." he retorted, slapping the otter's ass, feeling the pertness of his rather toned bottom. He truly was a very impressively athletic specimen. He rubbed his back up and down as the two let time pass. "Gonna be a while now you know." the wizard said, playfully pushing on the otter's hips as he tried to sink even more into his furry friend. He let his good hand trace up from his ass up his spine.

"That's fine, nowhere to go really." The otter lay there, feeling himself totally defeated. He couldn't do it anymore, he was done with the order.

"You know, a frail wizard could use a strong strapping otter as a bodyguard. Hmmm?" he whispered into the otter's ear as he lowered his head to talk.

"You just want to fuck me again don't you?" the otter said harshly looking up at the hyena's lust filled eyes. He ran his hands along the dog's back.

"Of course." he snapped back as he slapped the otter's butt one more time, smiling as he did so.

A Neighbourly Favour

"Wait" It seemed to carry far in the open clearing, his voice had been louder than he'd expected. The lion hadn't changed direction, did he hear it? Did he just not care? He moved past the low brush and disappeared from view as he passed behind...

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A Double Trap

"Stupid mushrooms," the blue husky said while traipsing through a fairly thick part of the forest. The bluish dog carefully stepped over exposed roots carpeting the overgrown greenery. His hand came up to guard his snout and push aside some bushes, the...

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Beau and Glenn

It was morning, I could feel small cracks of light from the blinds. I gently woke up feeling very comfortable in bed, smiling while my eyes stayed closed. There was a bird chirping obnoxiously outside the window. I gently turned a bit to find a comfy...

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